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I. External Ear (Figure 8-56)

Consists of the auricle and the external acoustic meatus and receives sound waves.
A. Auricle
Consists of cartilage connected to the skull b ligaments and muscles and is covered b skin.
Funnels sound waves into the external auditor meatus.
!eceives sensor nerves from the auricular branch of the vagus and facial nerves and the
auricular nerve" auriculotem#oral branch of the trigeminal nerve" and lesser occipital nerves.
!eceives blood from the su#erficial tem#oral and #osterior auricular arteries.
$as the following features%
Helix % the slightl curved rim of the auricle.
Antihelix % a broader curved eminence internal to the helix" which divides the auricle into an
outer sca#hoid fossa and the dee#er concha.
Figure 8-56 *xternal" middle" and inner ear.
Concha % the dee# cavit in front of the antihelix.
Tragus % a small #ro+ection from the anterior #ortion of the external ear anterior to the concha
Loule % a structure made u# of areolar tissue and fat but no cartilage.
!. External acoustic "au#itor$% meatus
,s about ).5 cm long" extending from the concha to the tm#anic membrane.
,ts external one third is formed b cartilage" and the internal two thirds is formed b bone. -he
cartilaginous #ortion is wider than the bon #ortion and has numerous ceruminous glan#s that
#roduce earwax.
,s innervated b the auriculotem#oral branch of the trigeminal nerve and the auricular branch of
the vagus nerve" which is +oined b a branch of the facial nerve and the glossophar$ngeal
!eceives blood from the su#erficial tem#oral" #osterior auricular" and maxillar arteries (a dee#
auricular branch).
C. T$mpanic memrane "ear#rum%
.ies obli/uel across the end of the meatus slo#ing mediall from #osterosu#eriorl to
anteroinferiorl0 thus" the anterior-inferior wall is longer than the #osterior-su#erior wall.
Consists of three la$ers % an outer (cutaneous)" an intermediate (fibrous)" and an inner (mucous)
$as a thickened fibrocartilaginous ring at the greater #art of its circumference" which is fixed in the
tm#anic sulcus at the inner end of the meatus.
$as a small triangular #ortion between the anterior and #osterior malleolar folds called the pars
flacci#a (deficient ring and lack of fibrous laer). -he remainder of the membrane is called the
pars tensa.
Contains the cone of light " which is a triangular reflection of light seen in the anterior-inferior
Contains the most de#ressed center #oint of the concavit" called the umo (.atin for
Conducts sound waves to the middle ear.
,ts external (lateral) concave surface is covered b skin and is innervated b the auriculotem#oral
branch of the trigeminal nerve and the auricular branch of the vagus nerve. -he auricular branch
is +oined b branches of the glossophar$ngeal and facial nerves. -his surface is su##lied b the
dee# auricular arter of the maxillar arter.
,ts internal (medial) surface is covered b mucous membrane" is innervated b the tm#anic
of the glossophar$ngeal nerve" and serves as an attachment for the handle of the malleus. -his
surface receives blood from the auricular branch of the occi#ital arter and the anterior tm#anic
II. Middle Ear (Figures 8-55 and 8-58)
Consists of the tm#anic cavit with its ossicles and is located within the #etrous #ortion of the
tem#oral bone.
-ransmits the sound waves from air to auditor ossicles and then to the inner ear.
A. T$mpanic "mi##le ear% cavit$
,ncludes the t$mpanic cavit$ proper (the s#ace internal to the tm#anic membrane) and the
epit$mpanic recess (the s#ace su#erior to the tm#anic membrane that contains the head of the
malleus and the bod of the incus).
Communicates anteriorl with the naso#harnx via the au#itor$ "eustachian% tue and #osteriorl
with the mastoi# air cells and the mastoi# antrum through the a#itus a# antrum.
,s traversed b the chorda tm#ani and lesser #etrosal nerve.
1. Boundaries of the tympanic cavity
&oof % tegmen tm#ani.
Floor % +ugular fossa.
Anterior % carotid canal.
Figure 8-5' 6iddle and inner ear.
Figure 8-58 7ssicles of the middle ear and tm#anic membrane.
(osterior % mastoid air cells and mastoid antrum through the aditus ad antrum.
Lateral % tm#anic membrane.
)e#ial % lateral wall of the inner ear" #resenting the promontor$ formed b the basal turn of the
cochlea" the fenestra vestibuli "oval *in#o*% " the fenestra cochlea "roun# *in#o*% " and the
#rominence of the facial canal.
2. Oval window (fenestra vestibuli
,s #ushed back and forth b the foot#late of the sta#es and transmits the sonic virations of the
ossicles into the #erilm#h of the scala vestibuli in the inner ear.
!. "ound window (fenestra cochlea or tympani
,s closed b the secondar tm#anic (mucous) membrane of the middle ear and accommodates
#ressure waves transmitted to the #erilm#h of the scala tm#ani.
cc #.#1
+tits me#ia % is a condition of mi##le ear infection that ma be s#read from the
through the auditor tube" causing tem#orar or #ermanent deafness.
!. )uscles
1. $tapedius muscle
,s the smallest of the s,eletal muscles in the human bod.
8rises from the #ramidal eminence" and its tendon emerges from the eminence.
,nserts on the neck of the sta#es.
,s innervated b a branch of the facial nerve.
&ulls the head of the sta#es #osteriorl" thereb tilting the base of the sta#es.
&revents (or reduces) excessive oscillation of the sta#es and thus #rotects the inner ear from
from a loud noise.
,ts #aralsis results in h$peracusis.
2. %ensor tympani muscle
8rises from the cartilaginous #ortion of the auditor tube.
,nserts on the handle (manubrium) of the malleus.
,s innervated b the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve.
9raws the tm#anic membrane mediall and tightens it (in res#onse to loud noises)" thereb
increasing the tension and reducing the vibration of the tm#anic membrane.
cc #.#2
H$peracusis "h$peracusia% % is excessive acuteness of hearing " because of #aralsis of
sta#edius muscle (causing uninhibited movements of the sta#es)" resulting from a lesion of
facial nerve.
C. Au#itor$ ossicles
Consist of the malleus" incus" and sta#es.
Form a bridge b snovial +oints in the middle ear cavit" transmit sonic vibrations from the
tm#anic membrane to the inner ear" and am#lif the force.
1. Malleus (hammer
Consists of a head" neck" handle (manubrium)" and anterior and lateral #rocesses.
,ts rounded head articulates with the incus in the e#itm#anic recess.
,ts handle is fused to the medial surface of the tm#anic membrane and serves as an attachment
for the tensor t$mpani muscle.
2. Incus (anvil
Consists of a bod and two #rocesses (crura).
,ts long #rocess descends verticall" #arallel to the handle of the malleus" and articulates with the
,ts short #rocess extends hori:ontall backward to the fossa of the incus and #rovides the
attachment for the #osterior ligament of the incus.
!. $tapes (stirrup
Consists of a head and neck" two #rocesses (crura)" and a base (foot#late).
,ts neck #rovides insertion of the stape#ius muscle.
$as a hole through which the sta#edial arter is transmitted in the embro0 this hole is obturated
a thin membrane in the adult.
,ts base (foot#late) is attached b the annular ligament to the margin of the oval window (fenestra
vestibuli). 8bnormal ossification between the foot#late and the oval window (otosclerosis ) limits
the movement of the sta#es" causing deafness.
cc #.#!
+tosclerosis % is a condition of anormal one formation around the sta#es and the oval
window" limiting the movement of the sta#es and thus resulting in progressive con#uction
cc #.#&
Con#uctive #eafness % is hearing im#airment caused b a #efect of a soun#-con#ucting
apparatus such as the auditor meatus" eardrum" or ossicles.
-. Au#itor$ "phar$ngot$mpanic or eustachian% tue
Connects the middle ear to the naso#harnx.
8llows air to enter or leave the middle ear cavit and thus balances the #ressure in the middle ear
with atmos#heric #ressure" allowing free movement of the tm#anic membrane.
$as cartilaginous #ortion that remains closed exce#t during swallowing or awning.
,s o#ened b the simultaneous contraction of the tensor veli #alatini and sal#ingo#harngeus
E. .ensor$ nerve an# loo# suppl$ to the mi##le ear
,s innervated b the t$mpanic branch of the glossophar$ngeal nerve" which forms the t$mpanic
plexus with caroticot$mpanic nerves from the internal carotid #lexus of sm#athetic fibers. -he
tm#anic nerve continues beond the #lexus as the lesser petrosal nerve" which transmits
#reganglionic #arasm#athetic fibers to the otic ganglion.
!eceives blood from the stlomastoid branch of the #osterior auricular arter and the anterior
tm#anic branch of the maxillar arter.
cc 8.85
/eural or sensorineural #eafness % is hearing im#airment because of a lesion of the
nerve or the central afferent neural #athwa.
III. Inner Ear (see Figure 8-55)
Consists of the acoustic apparatus " the cochlea housing the cochlear duct for auditor sense"
the vestiular apparatus " the vestibule housing the utricle and saccule" and the semicircular
canals housing the semicircular ducts for the sense of e/uilibrium.
,s the #lace where vibrations are transduced to s#ecific nerve im#ulses that are transmitted
the acoustic nerve to the central nervous sstem (C;<).
,s com#osed of the bon labrinth and the membranous labrinth.
A. !on$ la$rinth
Consists of three #arts% the vestibule" the three semicircular canals" and the cochlea" all of which
contain the peril$mph " in which the membranous labrinth is sus#ended.
-he vestiule is a cavit of the bon labrinth communicating with the cochlea anteriorl and the
semicircular canals #osteriorl.
-he on$ cochlea consists of two ad+acent ducts% (a) the u##er scala vestiuli " which begins in
the vestibule and receives the vibrations transmitted to the #erilm#h at the oval window0 and (b)
the lower scala t$mpani " which communicates with the scala vestibuli through the helicotrema at
the a#ex of the cochlea and ends at the round window" where the sound #ressure waves are
!. )emranous la$rinth
,s sus#ended in #erilm#h within the bon labrinth" is filled with en#ol$mph " and contains the
sensor organs.
$as com#arable #arts and arrangement as the bon labrinth.
,ts utricle and saccule are dilated membranous sacs in the vestibule and contain sense organs
called maculae " which detect linear acceleration of the head. -he macula of the utricle has a
hori:ontal orientation" and the macula of the saccule has a vertical orientation.
,ts semicircular #ucts consist of anterior (su#erior)" lateral" and #osterior ducts" and their dilated
ends are called ampullae " which detect rotational or angular acceleration.
,ts cochlear #uct "scala me#ia% is wedged between the scala vestibuli and scala tm#ani and
contains endolm#h and the s#iral organ of Corti " with rece#tor cells (hair cells) for auditor
stimuli (the sense of hearing).
cc 8.86
)01ni02re3s #isease "en#ol$mphatic or la$rinthine h$#rops% % is characteri:ed b a
loss of
alance "vertigo%4 tinnitus (ringing or bu::ing in the ears)" progressive hearing loss
from hdro#s of the endolm#hatic duct or edema of the labrinth (excessive amounts of
endolm#h that distort the membranous labrinth) or inflammation of the vestibular division of
vestibulocochlear nerve" and nausea and vomiting.
I. Introduction
,s the organ of voice #roduction and the #art of the res#irator tract between the lower #art of the
#harnx and the trachea.
8cts as a compoun# sphincter to #revent the #assage of food or drink into the airwa in
swallowing and to close the rima glotti#is during the =alsalva maneuver (buildu# of air #ressure
during coughing" snee:ing" micturition" defecation" or #arturition).
!egulates the flow of air to and from the lungs for vocali:ation (#honation).
Forms a framework of cartilage for the attachment of ligaments and muscles.
cc #.'&
Lar$ngitis % is an inflammation of the mucous memrane of the lar$nx. ,t is characteri:ed
drness and soreness of the throat" hoarseness" cough" and ds#hagia.
II. (artila)es (Figure 8-5))
A. Th$roi# cartilage (see 9ee# ;eck and &revertebral !egion% ,.*.)
,s a single h$aline cartilage that forms a median elevation called the lar$ngeal prominence
"A#am3s apple% " which is #articularl a##arent in males.
$as an oli5ue line on the lateral surface of its lamina that gives attachment for the inferior
#harngeal constrictor" sternothroid" and throhoid muscles.
!. Cricoi# cartilage
,s a single h$aline cartilage that is sha#ed like a signet ring.
,s at the level of C=6 and articulates with the throid cartilage. ,ts lower border marks the end of
the #harnx and larnx.
Figure 8-56 Cartilages of the larnx.
C. Epiglottis
,s a single elastic cartilage.
,s a s#oon-sha#ed #late that lies behind the root of the tongue and forms the su#erior #art of the
anterior wall of the larnx.
,ts lower end is attached to the back of the throid cartilage.
cc 8.'5
Epiglottitis % is an inflammation or acute mucosal swelling of the e#iglottis" which ma cause
life-threatening airwa obstruction" es#eciall in children.
-. Ar$tenoi# cartilages
8re paire# elastic an# h$aline cartilages.
8re sha#ed liked #ramids" with bases that articulate with and rotate on the cricoid cartilage.
$ave vocal processes " which give attachment to the vocal ligament and vocalis muscle" and
muscular processes " which give attachment to the throartenoid muscle and the lateral and
#osterior cricoartenoid muscles.
<its on the to# of the cricoid cartilage and rotates to change the o#ening of the vocal folds (the
rima glottidis).
E. Corniculate cartilages
8re paire# elastic cartilages that lie on the a#ices of the artenoid cartilages.
8re enclosed within the ar$epiglottic fol#s of mucous membrane.
F. Cuneiform cartilages
8re paire# elastic cartilages that lie in the are#iglottic folds anterior to the corniculate cartilages.
III. *i)aments of the *arynx
A. Th$roh$oi# memrane
*xtends from the throid cartilage to the medial surface of the hoid bone.
,ts middle (thicker) #art is called the mi##le th$roh$oi# ligament " and its lateral #ortion is
b the internal larngeal nerve and the su#erior larngeal vessels.
cc 8.'6
Lar$ngotom$ % is an operative opening into the lar$nx through the cricothroid membrane
(cricothrotom)" through the throid cartilage (throtom)" or through the throhoid
(su#erior larngotom). ,t is #erformed when severe edema or an im#acted foreign bod calls
ra#id admission of air into the larnx and trachea.
!. Cricoth$roi# ligament
*xtends from the arch of the cricoid cartilage to the throid cartilage and the vocal #rocesses of
artenoid cartilages.
C. 7ocal ligament
*xtends from the #osterior surface of the throid cartilage to the vocal #rocess of the artenoid
,s considered the u##er border of the conus elasticus.
-. 7estiular "ventricular% ligament
*xtends from the throid cartilage to the anterior lateral surface of the artenoid cartilage.
E. Conus elasticus "cricovocal ligament%
,s the #aired lateral #ortion of the fibroelastic membrane that extends between the su#erior border
of the entire arch of the cricoid cartilage and the vocal ligaments.
,s formed b the cricothroid" median cricothroid" and vocal ligaments.
I+. (avities and ,olds (Figure 8-54)
-he larngeal cavit is divided into three #ortions b the vestibular and vocal folds% the vestibule"
ventricle" and infraglottic cavit.
A. 7estiule
*xtends from the larngeal inlet to the vestibular (ventricular) folds.
!. 7entricles
*xtend between the vestibular fold and the vocal fold.
C. 8nfraglottic cavit$
*xtends from the rima glottidis to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage.
Figure 8-59 ,nterior view of the larnx.
-. &ima glotti#is
,s the s#ace between the vocal folds and artenoid cartilages.
,s the narrowest #art of the larngeal cavit
cc 8.''
Lar$ngeal ostruction "cho,ing% % is caused b as#irated foods" which are usuall lodged at
rima glottidis. ,t can be released b com#ression of the abdomen to ex#el air from the lungs
thus dislodge the foods (e.g." the =alsalva maneuver).
7alsalva maneuver % is forcible exhalation effort against a closed airwa (a closed glottis"
or mouth)0 the resultant increase in intrathoracic #ressure im#edes venous return to the heart.
-his maneuver causes a tra##ing of blood in the great veins" #reventing it from entering the
atrium. -hen the breath is released" the intrathoracic #ressure dro#s" and the tra##ed blood is
/uickl #ro#elled through the heart" #roducing an increase in heart rate (tachcardia) and
E. 7estiular fol#s "false vocal cor#s%
*xtend from the throid cartilage above the vocal ligament to the artenoid cartilage.
F. 7ocal fol#s "true vocal cor#s%
*xtend from the angle of the throid cartilage to the vocal #rocesses of the artenoid cartilages.
Contain the vocal ligament near their free margin and the vocalis muscle " which forms the bulk
the vocal fold.
8re im#ortant in voice pro#uction because the control the stream of air #assing through the rima
8lter the sha#e and si:e of the rima glotti#es b movement of the artenoids to facilitate
res#iration and #honation. (-he rima glottidis is wide during ins#iration and narrow and
during ex#iration and sound #roduction.)
+. Muscles (Figure 8-5' - -able 8-(()
+I. Innervation (Figure 8-55)
A. &ecurrent lar$ngeal nerve
,nnervates all of the intrinsic muscles of the larnx exce#t the cricothroid" which is innervated b
the external larngeal branch of the su#erior larngeal branch of the vagus nerve.
<u##lies sensor innervation below the vocal cord.
$as a terminal #ortion above the lower border of the cricoid cartilage called the inferior lar$ngeal
cc 8.'8
Lesion of the recurrent lar$ngeal nerve % could be #roduced during throidectom or
cricothrotom or b aortic aneursm and ma cause res#irator obstruction" hoarseness"
to s#eak" and loss of sensation below the vocal cord.
!. .uperior lar$ngeal nerve
,s a branch of the vagus nerve and divides into the internal and external larngeal branches.
C. 8nternal lar$ngeal nerve
,nnervates the mucous membrane above the vocal cord and taste buds on the e#iglottis.
,s accom#anied b the su#erior larngeal arter and #ierces the throhoid membrane.
Figure 8-55 ;erve su##l to the larnx.
cc 8.':
Lesion of the internal lar$ngeal nerve % results in loss of sensation above the vocal cord
loss of taste on the e#iglottis.
-. External lar$ngeal nerve
,nnervates the cricothroid and inferior #harngeal constrictor (crico#harngeus #art) muscles.
,s accom#anied b the su#erior throid arter.
cc 8.8;
Lesion of the external lar$ngeal nerve % ma occur during th$roi#ectom$ because the
accom#anies the su#erior throid arter. ,t causes paral$sis of the cricoth$roi# muscle "
resulting in #aralsis of the larngeal muscles and thus inabilit to lengthen the vocal cord and
loss of the tension of the vocal cord. <uch stresses to the vocal cord cause a fatigued voice
and a
weak hoarseness.
+ral Cavit$ an# (alate
I. Oral (avity (Figure 8-'))
,ts roof is formed b the palate " and its floor is formed b the tongue and the mucosa" su##orted
b the geniohoid and mlohoid muscles.
,ts lateral and anterior walls are formed b an outer flesh wall (cheeks and li#s) and an inner bon
wall (teeth and gums). (-he vestiule is between the walls" and the oral cavit$ proper is the area
inside the teeth and gums.)
II. .alate (Figure 8-'4)
Forms the roof of the mouth and the floor of the nasal cavit.
A. Har# palate
,s the anterior four fifths of the #alate and forms a on$ frame*or, covere# *ith a mucous
memrane between the nasal and oral cavities.
Figure 8-<6 7ral cavit.
Consists of the palatine processes of the maxillae and hori:ontal #lates of the #alatine bones.
Contains the incisive foramen in its median #lane anteriorl and the greater and lesser #alatine
foramina #osteriorl.
!eceives sensor innervation through the greater #alatine and naso#alatine nerves and blood
the greater #alatine arter.
!. .oft palate
,s a firomuscular fol# extending from the #osterior border of the hard #alate and makes u# one
fifth of the #alate.
6oves #osteriorl against the #harngeal wall to close the oro#harngeal (faucial) isthmus when
swallowing or s#eaking.
,s continuous with the palatoglossal and palatophar$ngeal fol#s .
!eceives blood from the greater and lesser #alatine arteries of the descending #alatine arter of
the maxillar arter" the ascending #alatine arter of the facial arter" and the #alatine branch of
the ascending #harngeal arter.
!eceives sensor innervation through the lesser #alatine nerves and receives skeletal motor
innervation from the vagus nerve. 8 lesion of the vagus nerve deviates the uvula to the o##osite
cc 8.56
Lesion of the vagus nerve % causes deviation of the uvula toward the o##osite side of the
on #honation because of #aralsis of the musclus uvulae. -his muscle is innervated b the
nerve and elevates the uvula.
C. )uscles of the palate (-able 8-8)
III. %on)ue (Figure 8-'' - see Figure 8-'4)
,s attached b muscles to the hoid bone" mandible" stloid #rocess" #alate" and #harnx.
,s divided b a =-sha#ed sulcus terminalis into two #arts12@an anterior two thirds and a #osterior
one third12@which differ develo#mentall" structurall" and in innervation.
Figure 8-<< -ongue.
-he foramen cecum is located at the a#ex of the 12oe=123 and indicates the site of origin of the
embronic th$roglossal #uct.
cc #./'
Tongue-tie "an,$loglossia% % is an anormal shortness of frenulum linguae " resulting in
limitation of its movement and thus a severe s#eech im#ediment. ,t can be corrected
surgicall b
cutting the frenulum.
A. Lingual papillae
8re small" ni##le-sha#ed #ro+ections on the anterior two thirds of the dorsum of the tongue.
8re divided into the vallate" fungiform" filiform" and foliate #a#illae.
1. +allate papillae
8re arranged in the form of a =>oe7=>? in front of the sulcus terminalis.
8re studded with numerous taste buds and are innervated b the glosso#harngeal nerve.
2. ,un)iform papillae
8re mushroom-sha#ed #ro+ections with red heads and are scattered on the sides and the a#ex of
the tongue.
!. ,iliform papillae
8re numerous" slender" conical #ro+ections that are arranged in rows #arallel to the sulcus
&. ,oliate papillae
8re found in certain animals but are rudimentar in humans.
!. Lingual tonsil
,s the collection of no#ular masses of l$mphoi# follicles on the #osterior one third of the dorsum
of the tongue.
C. Lingual innervation
-he extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated b the h$poglossal nerve exce#t
for the #alatoglossus" which is innervated b the vagus nerve. 8 lesion of the h#oglossal nerve
deviates the tongue toward the in+ured side.
-he anterior two thirds of the tongue receives general sensor innervation from the lingual nerve
and taste sensation from the chor#a t$mpani.
-he #osterior one third of the tongue and the vallate #a#illae receive both general and taste
innervation from the glossophar$ngeal nerve.
-he e#iglottic region of the tongue and the e#iglottis receive both general and taste innervation
from the internal lar$ngeal ranch of the vagus nerve.
-. Lingual arter$
8rises from the external carotid arter at the level of the ti# of the greater horn of the hoid bone in
the carotid triangle.
&asses dee# to the hoglossus and lies on the middle #harngeal constrictor muscle.
Aives rise to the su#rahoid" dorsal lingual" and sublingual arteries and terminates as the #eep
lingual arter$ " which ascends between the genioglossus and inferior longitudinal muscles.
E. )uscles of the tongue (-able 8-?)
+. $alivary 0lands (see Figure 8-'5)
A. .uman#iular glan#
,s ensheathed b the investing laer of the dee# cervical fascia and lies in the suman#iular
,ts su#erficial #ortion is situated su#erficial to the mlohoid muscle.
,ts dee# #ortion is located between the hoglossus and stloglossus muscles mediall and the
mlohoid muscle laterall and between the lingual nerve above and the h#oglossal nerve below.
@harton3s #uct arises from the dee# #ortion and runs forward between the mlohoid and the
hoglossus" where it runs medial to and then su#erior to the lingual nerve. ,t then runs between the
sublingual gland and the genioglossus and em#ties at the summit of the sublingual #a#illa
(caruncle) at the side of the frenulum of the tongue.
,s innervated b #arasm#athetic secretomotor fibers from the facial nerve" which run in the
tm#ani and in the lingual nerve and sna#se in the submandibular ganglion.
.ulingual glan#
,s located in the floor of the mouth between the mucous membrane above and the mlohoid
muscle below.
<urrounds the terminal #ortion of the submandibular duct.
*m#ties mostl into the floor of the mouth along the sublingual fold b () short ducts" some of
which enter the submandibular duct.
,s su##lied b #ostganglionic #arasm#athetic (secretomotor) fibers from the submandibular
ganglion either directl or through the lingual nerve.
cc 8.5:
Lu#*ig3s angina % is an acute infection of the submandibular s#ace with secondar
involvement of
the sublingual and submental s#aces" usuall resulting from a dental infection in the
molar area or a #enetrating in+ur of the floor of the mouth. <m#toms include #ainful swelling
the floor of the mouth" elevation of the tongue" ds#hagia (difficult in swallowing)" ds#honia
(im#airment of voice #roduction)" edema of the glottis" fever" and ra#id breathing.
(har$nx an# Tonsils
I. .harynx (Figure 8-'6 - see Figure 8-'4)
,s a funnel-shape# firomuscular tube that extends from the base of the skull to the inferior
border of the cricoid cartilage.
Conducts food to the eso#hagus and air to the larnx and lungs.
II. $ubdivisions of the .harynx
A. /asophar$nx
,s situated behind the nasal cavit above the soft #alate and communicates with the nasal cavities
through the nasal choanae.
Contains the phar$ngeal tonsils in its #osterior wall.
,s connected with the tm#anic cavit through the au#itor$ "eustachian% tue " which e/uali:es
#ressure on both sides of the tm#anic membrane.
!. +rophar$nx
*xtends between the soft #alate above and the su#erior border of the e#iglottis below and
communicates with the mouth through the oro#harngeal isthmus.
Contains the palatine tonsils " which are lodged in the tonsillar fossae and are bounded b the
#alatoglossal and #alato#harngeal folds.
Figure 8-<6 &harnx.
cc 8.6A
(har$ngeal tumors % ma irritate the glosso#harngeal and vagus nerves. &ain that occurs
swallowing is referred to the ear because these nerves contribute sensor innervation to the
external ear.
cc 8.66
Heimlich maneuver % is designed to ex#el an obstructing bolus of food from the throat of a
choking victim b wra##ing our arms around the victimBs waist from behind and #lacing a fist
one hand and gras#ing it with the other on the abdomen between the navel and the costal
and forcefull #ressing into the abdomen with a /uick inward and u#ward thrust to dislodge
C. Lar$ngophar$nx "h$pophar$nx%
*xtends from the u##er border of the e#iglottis to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage.
Contains the piriform recesses " one on each side of the o#ening of the larnx" in which
foreign bodies ma be lodged.
III. Innervation and Blood $upply of the .harynx (Figure 8-'5)
A. (har$ngeal plexus
.ies on the mi##le phar$ngeal constrictor.
,s formed b the phar$ngeal ranches of the glosso#harngeal and vagus nerves and the
sm#athetic branches from the su#erior cervical ganglion.
,ts vagal ranch innervates all of the muscles of the #harnx with the exce#tion of the
which is su##lied b the glosso#harngeal nerve.
,ts glosso#harngeal com#onent su##lies sensor fibers to the #harngeal mucosa.
!. Arteries of the phar$nx
8re the ascending #harngeal arter ascending #alatine branch of the facial arter descending
#alatine arteries" #harngeal branches of the maxillar arter" and branches of the su#erior and
inferior throid arteries.
Figure 8-<' ;erve su##l to the #harnx.
I+. Muscles of the .harynx (Figures 8-'8 and 8-'? - -able 8-(>)
+. $wallowin) (1e)lutition
,s an act of transferring a food bolus from the mouth through the #harnx and eso#hagus into the
A . -he olus of foo# is #ushed back b elevating the tongue b the stloglossus into the fauces"
is the #assage from the mouth to the oro#harnx.
! . -he palatoglossus an# palatophar$ngeus muscles contract to s/uee:e the bolus backward
into the
oro#harnx. -he tensor veli #alatini and levator veli #alatini muscles elevate the soft #alate and
uvula to
close the entrance into the naso#harnx.
C . -he *alls of the phar$nx are raised b the #alato#harngeus" stlo#harngeus" and
muscles to receive the food. -he su#rahoid muscles elevate the hoid bone and the
larnx to close the o#ening into the larnx" thus #assing the bolus over the e#iglottis and
#reventing the
food from entering the res#irator #assagewas.
- . -he serial contraction of the su#erior" middle" and inferior #harngeal constrictor muscles
moves the
food through the oro#harnx and the larngo#harnx into the eso#hagus" where it is #ro#elled b
#eristalsis into the stomach.
+I. %onsils
A. (har$ngeal tonsil
,s found in the #osterior wall and roof of the naso#harnx and is called an adenoid when enlarged.
cc 8.69
A#enoi# % is h#ertro#h or enlargement of the phar$ngeal tonsils that obstructs #assage
of air
from the nasal cavities through the choanae into the naso#harnx and thus causes difficult in
nasal breathing and #honation. ,t ma block the #harngeal orifices of the auditor tube"
hearing im#airment. -he infection ma s#read from the naso#harnx through the auditor
tube to
the middle ear cavit" causing otitis media" which ma result in deafness.
!. (alatine tonsil
.ies on each side of the oro#harnx in an interval between the #alatoglossal and #alato#harngeal
!eceives blood from the ascending #alatine and tonsillar branches of the facial arter" the
descending #alatine branch of the maxillar arter" a #alatine branch of the ascending #harngeal
arter" and the dorsal lingual branches of the lingual arter.
,s innervated b branches of the glosso#harngeal nerve and the lesser #alatine branch of the
maxillar nerve.
cc 8.6<
(alatine tonsillectom$ % is surgical removal of a #alatine tonsil. 9uring tonsillectom" the
glosso#harngeal nerve ma be in+ured" causing loss of general sensation and taste
sensation of
the #osterior one third of the tongue. ,t ma cause much bleeding because the #alatine tonsils
highl vascular. <evere hemorrhage ma occur usuall from the tonsillar branch of the facial
and #alatine branches of the ascending #harngeal and maxillar arteries or #aratonsillar
Buins$ "peritonsillar ascess% % is a #ainful #us-filled inflammation of the tonsils and
surrounding tissues. ,t is caused b a s#reading infection in the tissues surrounding the
tonsils or develo#s as a com#lication of tonsillitis" #rimaril in adolescents and oung adults.
soft #alate and uvula are edematous and dis#laced toward the unaffected side. <m#toms
sore throat" fever" ds#hasia (im#airment of s#eech)" and trismus (motor disturbance of the
trigeminal nerve" es#eciall s#asm of the muscles of mastication with difficult in o#ening the
mouth). 8lthough it can be life threatening" it can be treated with antibiotics" surgical
or tonsillectom.
C. Tual "eustachian% tonsil
,s a collection of lm#hoid nodules near the #harngeal o#ening of the auditor tube.
-. Lingual tonsil
,s a collection of lm#hoid follicles on the #osterior #ortion of the dorsum of the tongue.
E. @al#e$er3s tonsillar ring
,s a tonsillar ring of lm#hoid tissue at the oro#harngeal isthmus" formed b the lingual" #alatine
(faucial)" tubal (eustachian)" and #harngeal tonsil.
+II. ,ascia and $pace of the .harynx (see Figure 8-8)
A. &etrophar$ngeal space
,s a potential space between the bucco#harngeal fascia and the #revertebral fascia" extending
from the base of the skull to the su#erior mediastinum.
&ermits movement of the #harnx" larnx" trachea" and eso#hagus during swallowing.
!. (har$ngoasilar fascia
Forms the sumucosa of the phar$nx and blends with the #eriosteum of the base of the skull.
.ies internal to the muscular coat of the #harnx0 these muscles are covered externall b the
bucco#harngeal fascia.
/asal Cavit$ an# (aranasal .inuses
I. 2asal (avity (Figure 8-5> - see Figure 8-'4)
7#ens on the face through the anterior nasal a#ertures "nares4 or nostrils% and communicates
the naso#harnx through a #osterior o#ening" the choanae.
$as a slight dilatation inside the a#erture of each nostril" the vestiule " which is lined largel with
skin containing hair" sebaceous glands" and sweat glands.
A. &oof
,s formed b the nasal" frontal" ethmoid "cririform plate% " and s#henoid (bod) bones. -he
cribriform #late transmits the olfactor nerves.
Figure 8-5; ;asal cavit.
!. Floor
,s formed b the #alatine #rocess of the maxilla and the hori:ontal #late of the #alatine bone.
Contains the incisive foramen " which transmits the naso#alatine nerve and terminal branches of
the s#heno#alatine arter.
C. )e#ial *all "nasal septum%
,s formed #rimaril b the #er#endicular #late of the ethmoid bone" vomer" and se#tal cartilage.
,s also formed b #rocesses of the #alatine" maxillar" frontal" s#henoid" and nasal bones.
cc 8.65
-eviation of the nasal septum % ma obstruct the nasal airwa and block the o#enings of
#aranasal sinuses.
-. Lateral *all
,s formed b the su#erior and middle conchae of the ethmoid bone and the inferior concha.
,s also formed b the nasal bone" frontal #rocess and nasal surface of the maxilla" lacrimal bone"
#er#endicular #late of the #alatine bone" and medial #tergoid #late of the s#henoid bone.
Contains the following structures and their o#enings%
.phenoethmoi#al recess % o#ening of the s#henoid sinus.
.uperior meatus % o#ening of the #osterior ethmoidal air cells.
)i##le meatus % o#ening of the frontal sinus into the infundibulum" o#enings of the middle
ethmoidal air cells on the ethmoi#al ulla " and o#enings of the anterior ethmoidal air cells
and maxillar sinus in the hiatus semilunaris.
8nferior meatus % o#ening of the nasolacrimal #uct.
.phenopalatine foramen % o#ening into the #tergo#alatine fossa0 transmits the
s#heno#alatine arter and naso#alatine nerve.
cc 8.66
/asal pol$p % is an inflammator$ pol$p that develo#s from the mucosa of the #aranasal
which #ro+ects into the nasal cavit and ma fill the naso#harnx. -he most common cause of
nasal #ol#s is allergic rhinitis. Cortisone or nasal steroid s#ras slow #ol# growth or will
them down tem#oraril. ,f medical treatment fails" endosco#ic sinus surger is #erformed to
remove the #ol#s (#ol#ectom).
&unn$ nose % is caused b tears draining into the inferior nasal meatus through the
duct. ,t is also associated with the common cold" ha fever" flu" and allerg" which ma cause
drainage from the #aranasal sinus directl into the nasal cavit.
&hinoplast$ % is a t#e of #lastic surger that changes the sha#e or si:e of the nose.
II. $ubdivisions and Mucous Membranes
A. 7estiule
,s the dilated #art inside the nostril that is bound b the alar cartilages and lined b skin with hairs.
!. &espirator$ region
Consists of the lower two thirds of the nasal cavit.
Carms" moistens" and cleans incoming air with its mucous membrane.
C. +lfactor$ region
Consists of the su#erior nasal concha and the u##er one third of the nasal se#tum.
,s innervated b olfactor nerves" which conve the sense of smell from the olfactor cells and
enter the cranial cavit through the cribriform #late of the ethmoid bone to end in the olfactor bulb.
III. Blood $upply to the 2asal (avity
7ccurs via the following routes%
A . -he lateral nasal ranches of the anterior and #osterior ethmoidal arteries of the
o#hthalmic arter.
! . -he posterior lateral nasal and #osterior se#tal branches of the s#heno#alatine arter of
the maxillar arter.
C . -he greater palatine ranch (its terminal branch reaches the lower #art of the nasal
se#tum through the incisive canal) of the descending #alatine arter of the maxillar arter.
- . -he septal ranch of the su#erior labial arter of the facial arter and the lateral nasal
branch of the facial arter.
cc #.3'
C Epistaxis % is a noselee# resulting from ru#ture of the s#heno#alatine arter. ;osebleed
occurs from nose #icking" which tears the veins in the vestibule of the nose. ,t also occurs
the anterior nasal se#tum (DiesselbachBs area)" where branches of the s#heno#alatine (from
maxillar)" greater #alatine (from maxillar)" anterior ethmoidal (from o#hthalmic)" and
labial (from facial) arteries converge.
I+. 2erve $upply to the 2asal (avity
A. .7A "smell% sensation is su##lied b the olfactor nerves for the olfactor area.
!. D.A sensation is su##lied b the anterior ethmoidal branch of the o#hthalmic nerve0 the
naso#alatine" #osterior-su#erior" and #osterior-inferior lateral nasal branches of the maxillar nerve
the #tergo#alatine ganglion0 and the anterior-su#erior alveolar branch of the infraorbital nerve.
cc #.3#
.neeEe % is an involuntar$4 su##en4 violent " and au#ile expulsion of air through the
and nose. -he afferent limb of the reflex is carried b branches of the maxillar nerve" which
conve general sensation from the nasal cavit and #alate" and the efferent limb is medicated
the vagus nerve.
+. .aranasal $inuses (Figure 8-5( - see Figures 8-45 and 8-'4)
Consist of the ethmoidal" frontal" maxillar" and s#henoidal sinuses.
8re involved in a reduction of weight and resonance for voice.
A. Ethmoi#al sinus
Consists of numerous ethmoi#al air cells " which are numerous small cavities within the
la$rinth between the orbit and the nasal cavit.
,ts infection ma erode through the thin orbital #late of the ethmoid bone (lamina #a#racea) into
the orbit.
Can be subdivided into the following grou#s%
(osterior ethmoi#al air cells " which drain into the su#erior nasal meatus.
)i##le ethmoi#al air cells " which drain into the summit of the ethmoidal bulla of the middle
nasal meatus.
Anterior ethmoi#al air cells " which drain into the anterior as#ect of the hiatus semilunaris in
the middle nasal meatus.
cc 8.6:
Ethmoi#al sinusitis % is an inflammation in the ethmoidal sinuses that ma erode the medial
of the orbit" causing an orbital cellulitis that ma s#read to the cranial cavit.
Figure 8-5A 7#enings of the #aranasal sinuses.
!. Frontal sinus
.ies in the frontal one and o#ens into the hiatus semilunaris of the middle nasal meatus b wa
of the frontonasal duct (or infundibulum).
,s innervated b the su#raorbital branch of the o#hthalmic nerve.
cc 8.';
Frontal sinusitis % is an inflammation in the frontal sinus that ma erode the thin bone of the
anterior cranial fossa" #roducing meningitis or brain abscess.
C. )axillar$ sinus
,s the largest of the #aranasal air sinuses and is the onl #aranasal sinus that ma be #resent at
.ies in the maxilla on each side" lateral to the lateral wall of the nasal cavit and inferior to the
floor of the orbit" and drains into the #osterior as#ect of the hiatus semilunaris in the middle nasal
cc 8.'A
)axillar$ sinusitis % mimics the clinical signs of maxillar tooth abscess0 in most cases" it is
related to an infected tooth. ,nfection ma s#read from the maxillar sinus to the u##er teeth
irritate the nerves to these teeth" causing toothache. ,t ma be confused with toothache
onl a thin laer of bone se#arates the roots of the maxillar teeth from the sinus cavit.
-. .phenoi#al sinus
,s contained within the bod of the sphenoi# one.
7#ens into the sphenoethmoi#al recess of the nasal cavit.
,s innervated b branches from the maxillar nerve and b the #osterior ethmoidal branch of the
nasociliar nerve.
-he #ituitar gland lies above this sinus and can be reached b the transsphenoi#al approach "
which follows the nasal se#tum through the bod of the s#henoid. Care must be taken not to
damage the cavernous sinus and the internal carotid arter.
.phenoi#al si nusitis % is an infection in the s#henoidal sinus that ma s#read" ma come
the nasal cavit or from the naso#harnx" and ma erode the sinus walls to reach the
sinuses" #ituitar gland" o#tic nerve" or brainstem. Close relationshi#s of the s#henoidal sinus
other surrounding structures are clinicall im#ortant because of #otential in+ur during #ituitar
surger and the #ossible s#read of infection to other structures.
Chapter .ummar$
-he posterior cervical triangle is bounded b the tra#e:ius" sternocleidomastoid" and
clavicle and is subdivided b the #osterior bell of the omohoid into the occi#ital and
subclavian triangles. ,t contains the s#inal accessor nerve0 external +ugular vein0 cervical
#lexus0 roots and trunks of the brachial #lexus0 and subclavian" transverse cervical" and
su#rasca#ular arteries.
-he anterior cervical triangle is bounded b the sternocleidomastoid" mandible" and midline
of the neck and is subdivided b the digastric anterior and #osterior bellies and anterior bell
of the omohoid into the submandibular" carotid" muscular" and submental triangles.
-he accessor$ nerve runs on the levator sca#ulae" dee# to the tra#e:ius" and innervates the
tra#e:ius and sternocleidomastoid muscles. -he su#erficial (cutaneous) branches of the
cervical #lexus include the great auricular" transverse cervical" su#raclavicular" and lesser
occi#ital nerves. -he dee# branches of the cervical #lexus consist of the ansa cervicalis"
which su##lies the infrahoid or stra# muscles" and the #hrenic nerve" which runs on the
scalenus anterior and enters the thorax to su##l the dia#hragm.
-he #osterior bell of the #igastric an# st$loh$oi# muscles are innervated b the facial
nerve" whereas the anterior bell of the digastric and mlohoid muscles are innervated b
the trigeminal nerve. -he geniohoid and throhoid muscles are innervated b C( through
the h#oglossal nerve.
-eep .tructures of the /ec,
-he trachea begins at the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage and ends b bifurcating into
the #rimar bronchi at the level of sternal angle. ,t is ke#t o#en b a series of C-sha#ed
haline cartilages.
-he esophagus is a muscular tube extending from the #harnx to the stomach. ,t contains
smooth muscles innervated b sm#athetic nerve fibers from the sm#athetic trunk and
skeletal muscles innervated b <=* fibers from the recurrent larngeal nerves.
-he th$roi# glan# is an endocrine gland that secretes the hormones throxine and
throcalcitonin" which regulate metabolic rate. -he isthmus overlies the second to the third or
the second to the fourth tracheal rings.
-he parath$roi# glan#s are two su#erior and two inferior (four to six) small endocrine
glands" which secrete #arathroid hormone for calcium metabolism. ,f there is no secretion of
#arathroid hormone" fetal tetan is #roduced.
-he caroti# sheath contains the common and internal carotid arteries" internal +ugular vein"
and vagus nerve. ,t does not contain the sm#athetic trunk" which lies #osterior to the carotid
sheath and is embedded in the #revertebral fascia.
-he common caroti# arter$ arises from the brachioce#halic trunk on the right and from the
aortic arch on the left. ,t divides into the internal and external carotid arteries at the level of
the u##er border of the throid cartilage. -he internal carotid arter has no named branch in
the neck" and the external carotid arter has numerous branches such as the su#erior
throid" ascending #harngeal" occi#ital" lingual" facial" #osterior auricular" maxillar" and
su#erficial tem#oral arteries. -he caroti# o#$ lies at the bifurcation of the common carotid
arter and serves as a chemorece#tor. -he caroti# sinus lies at the origin of the internal
carotid arter and functions as a #ressorece#tor or barorece#tor. -he carotid bod and
carotid sinus are innervated b the carotid sinus nerve of the vagus nerve and the nerve to
the carotid bod from the glosso#harngeal nerve.
Face an# .calp
6uscles of facial expression are innervated b the facial nerve" and the cutaneous
sensation is su##lied b the trigeminal nerve. -he face receives arterial loo# from the
facial arter" which gives rise to the inferior labial" su#erior labial" and lateral nasal branches
and ends as the angular arter. -he facial vein has the corres#onding branches of the facial
arter" drains into the internal +ugular vein" and communicates with the #tergoid venous
#lexus b wa of the dee# facial vein.
-he scalp consists of the skin" connective tissue" a#oneurosis" loose connective tissue" and
#ericranium (#eriosteum)0 receives sensor innervation from branches of the o#hthalmic"
maxillar" and mandibular nerves and the lesser" greater" and third occi#ital nerves0 and
receives blood from branches of the internal and external carotid arteries. -he loose
connective tissue laer is known as a dangerous laer and communicates with cranial dural
venous sinuses b wa of the emissar veins.
8nfratemporal Fossa
-he infraorital fossa contains muscles of mastication" the mandibular nerve and its
branches" and the maxillar arter and its branches.
-he muscles of mastication are innervated b the mandibular branch of the trigeminal
nerve. -he lateral #tergoid o#ens the +aw" and other muscles close the +aw. -he mandible
can be #rotruded b the lateral and medial #tergoid muscles" whereas it can be retracted b
the tem#oralis and masseter muscles.
-he maxillar$ arter$ gives rise to the dee# auricular" anterior tm#anic" inferior alveolar"
dee# tem#oral" middle meningeal (muscles of mastication)" and buccal branches in the
infratem#oral fossa. -he middle meningeal arter #asses between two roots of the
auriculotem#oral nerve and enters the cranial cavit through the foramen ovale. -he inferior
alveolar arter enters the mandibular canal and su##lies the lower teeth and chin.
-he man#iular nerve gives off inferior alveolar" lingual" buccal" dee# tem#oral" and other
muscular branches. -he lingual nerve is +oined b the chorda tm#ani" which carries the
#reganglionic #arasm#athetic fibers to the submandibular ganglion and taste fibers to the
anterior two thirds of the tongue. -he inferior alveolar nerve gives off the mlohoid nerve"
which su##lies the anterior bell of the digastric and mlohoid muscles.
-he paroti# glan# secretes a large amount of water saliva (which contains en:mes) b
#arasm#athetic stimulation and a small amount of viscus saliva in res#onse to sm#athetic
stimulation. -he saliva enters the vestibule o##osite the site of the u##er second molar tooth
b wa of the #arotid duct.
Cranial Cavit$
-he anterior cranial cavit$ contains numerous foramina that transmit nerves0 blood vessels0
and other structures including the foramen cecum (emissar vein to su#erior sagittal sinus)"
foramina of cribriform #late (olfactor nerve)" #osterior ethmoidal foramen (#osterior
ethmoidal nerve and vessels)" and o#tic canal (o#tic nerve and o#hthalmic arter).
-he mi##le cranial fossa contains the su#erior orbital fissure (C;s ,,," ,=" =4" and =, and
o#hthalmic vein)" foramen rotundum (maxillar nerve)" foramen ovale (mandibular nerve"
accessor meningeal arter" and lesser #etrosal nerve)" foramen s#inosum (middle
meningeal vessels and meningeal branch of mandibular nerve)" foramen lacerum (u##er #art%
internal carotid arter and #lexus)" hiatus of canal of lesser #etrosal nerve" and hiatus of
canal of greater #etrosal nerve.
-he posterior cranial fossa contains the internal acoustic meatus (facial nerve"
vestibulocochlear nerve" and labrinthine arter)" mastoid foramen (emissar vein)" +ugular
foramen (C;s ,E" E" and E, and internal +ugular vein)" condlar canal (emissar vein)"
h#oglossal canal (C; E,,)" and foramen magnum (medulla oblongata" meninges" vertebral
arteries" s#inal roots of C; E,).
Cranial /erves
+lfactor$ nerve (<=8" smell).
+ptic nerve (<<8" vision).
+culomotor4 trochlear " and a#ucens nerves (A<*" muscles of ee movement" <7' " .!6 "
and !emainder4 ).
Trigeminal nerve (A<8" skin on face0 <=*" muscles of mastication and tensor veli #alatini"
tensor tm#ani" mlohoid" and digastric anterior bell muscles).
Facial nerve (<=*" muscles of facial ex#ression0 <=8" taste on anterior two thirds of tongue0
A=*" #arasm#athetic nerve to submandibular and #tergo#alatine ganglia0 A=8" mucous
membrane on #alate0 A<8" external ear).
7estiulocochlear nerve (<<8" hearing and balance).
Dlossophar$ngeal nerve (<=*" stlo#harngeus muscle0 <=8" taste on #osterior one third of
tongue0 A=*0 #arasm#athetic nerve to otic ganglion0 A=8" #osterior one third of tongue0
A<8" external ear).
7agus nerve (<=*" muscles of #alate" #harnx" and larnx0 <=8" taste on e#iglottis0 A=*"
#arasm#athetic nerve to smooth muscles" glands" heart" and muscles in the thorax and
abdomen0 A=8" mucous membrane of the #harnx" larnx" middle ear cavit" and thoracic
and abdominal viscera0 A<8" external ear).
Accessor$ nerve (<=*" tra#e:ius and sternocleidomastoid) and h$poglossal nerve (A<*"
muscles of tongue movement).
&eflex Arcs
-he o#tic nerve mediates the afferent limb of the pupillar$ light reflex " whereas
#arasm#athetic fibers in the oculomotor nerve mediate the efferent limb.
-he o#hthalmic nerve mediates the afferent limb of the corneal "lin,% reflex b wa of the
nasociliar branch" whereas the facial nerve mediates the efferent limb.
-he maxillar nerve mediates the afferent limb of the sneeEe reflex (irritation of the nasal
mucosa)" and the vagus nerve mediates the efferent limb.
-he mandibular nerve mediates the afferent and efferent limbs of the Fa* Fer, reflex.
-he glosso#harngeal nerve (#harngeal branch) mediates the afferent limb of the gag
"phar$ngeal% reflex " and the vagus nerve mediates the efferent limb.
-he vagus nerve mediates the afferent and efferent limbs of the cough reflex (irritation of
the bronchial mucosa).
8ntracranial -ural 7enous .inuses
6ost veins of the brain drain into the intracranial dural venous sinuses.
-he superior sagittal sinus lies in the midline along the convex border of the falx cerebri
between the cerebral hemis#heres.
-he inferior sagittal sinus lies in the free edge of the falx cerebri and is +oined b the great
cerebral vein of Aalen to form the straight sinus.
-he superior sagittal4 straight4 an# occipital "in the falx cereelli% sinuses +oin at the
confluence" which is drained b the transverse sinuses.
-he transverse sinus drains into the sigmoid sinus" which becomes the internal +ugular vein.
-he cavernous sinus is located on each side of the sella turcica0 communicates with the
o#hthalmic vein" #tergoid venous #lexus" and facial vein0 and contains the abducens nerve
and internal carotid arter in the middle and the oculomotor" trochlear" o#hthalmic" and
maxillar nerves in the lateral wall.
-he optic canal is formed b two roots of the lesser wing of s#henoid and transmits the o#tic
nerve and o#hthalmic arter. -he su#erior orbital fissure is formed b the lesser and greater
wings of the s#henoid bone0 transmits the oculomotor" trochlear" abducens" and o#hthalmic
nerves and o#hthalmic vein. -he inferior orbital fissure lies between the greater wing and
maxilla and transmits the infraorbital nerve and vessels.
)uscles of e$e movement are the levator #al#ebrae su#erioris" inferior obli/ue" and
su#erior" middle" and inferior rectus muscles" which are innervated b the oculomotor nerve0
the lateral rectus muscle is innervated b the abducens nerve0 and the su#erior obli/ue is
innervated b the trochlear nerve.
-he ophthalmic nerve divides into the lacrimal" frontal (which divides into the su#raorbital
and su#ratrochlear branches)" and nasociliar nerves. -he nasociliar nerve gives off a
communicating branch to the ciliar ganglion and the long ciliar nerve" which contains
sm#athetic #ostganglionic fibers" and serves as afferent limb of the corneal blink reflex arc.
&arasm#athetic nerves su##l the ciliar muscle and the s#hincter #u#illae muscle" and
sm#athetic nerves su##l the dilator #u#illae muscle.
-he ophthalmic arter$ arises from the internal carotid arter and su##lies structures in the
orbit and eeball. -he o#hthalmic veins communicate with the cavernous sinus and the
#tergoid venous #lexus.
+ral Cavit$
-he #alate consists of the hard #alate and soft #alate. 6uscles of the #alate (#alatoglossus"
#alato#harngeus" muscular uvulae" levator veli #alatine" and tensor veli #alatine) are
innervated b the vagus nerve" exce#t the tensor veli #alatini" which is innervated b the
trigeminal nerve.
-he maxillar teeth are innervated b the su#erior alveolar nerve" and the mandibular
teeth are innervated b the inferior alveolar nerve.
-he outer (buccal) surface of the maxillar gingiva is innervated b the su#erior alveolar
and infraorbital nerves" whereas the inner (lingual) surface is innervated b the greater
#alatine and naso#alatine nerves.
-he outer (buccal) surface of the mandibular gingiva is innervated b the buccal and
mental nerves" whereas the inner (lingual) surface is innervated b the lingual nerves.
)uscles of the tongue are innervated b the h#oglossal nerve exce#t the #alatoglossus"
which is innervated b the vagus nerve. -he anterior two thirds of the tongue is innervated b
the lingual nerve for general sensation and b chorda tm#ani of the facial nerve for taste
(<=8) sensation. -he #osterior one third of the tongue is su##lied b the glosso#harngeal
nerve for both general and taste sensations.
8nnervation of the tongue
A<* motor innervation to muscles of the tongue from the h#oglossal nerve.
A<8 sensation from anterior two thirds of the tongue from the lingual nerve.
<=8 taste sensation from anterior two thirds of the tongue from the chorda tm#ani.
A=8 and <=8 sensation from #osterior one third of the tongue from the
glosso#harngeal nerve.
-he vallate #a#illae are located on the anterior two thirds of the tongue in front of the
sulcus terminalis" but the are innervated b the glosso#harngeal nerve.
-he submandibular gland has a larger su#erficial #ortion" which is se#arated b the
mlohoid muscle from the smaller dee# #ortion.
-he submandibular (ChartonBs) duct #asses medial to the lingual nerve and then
su#erior to the nerve and o#ens onto the sublingual caruncle.
-he sublingual gland has numerous small ducts that o#en on the sublingual fold or into
the submandibular duct.
Foth glands receive #ostganglionic #arasm#athetic fibers from the submandibular
ganglion" which receives #reganglionic #arasm#athetic fibers through the chorda
tm#ani (which also contains taste fibers).
-he lingual arter arises from the external carotid arter near the greater horn of the
hoid bone and #asses dee# to hoglossus muscle" but the lingual and h#oglossal
nerves #ass su#erficial to the muscle. -he arter has the dorsal lingual" dee# lingual"
and sublingual branches.
/asal Cavit$
-he nasal cavit is divided into a vestiule " which is a dilated area inside the nostril lined
b skin with hairs to filter incoming air0 an olfactor$ region " which is the u##er third of the
nasal cavit lined with olfactor mucosa0 and a respirator$ region " which is the lower two
thirds of the nasal cavit lined with vascular" glandular res#irator mucosa to warm and
humidif air.
,t has a roof formed b the bod of the s#henoid and s#henoid sinus0 a floor formed b the
hard #alate0 a me#ial *all formed b the nasal se#tum of the se#tal cartilage" #er#endicular
#late of ethmoid" and vomer0 and a lateral *all formed b the su#erior and middle concha of
the ethmoid and inferior concha.
,t receives A<8 innervation to its mucosa b branches of the o#hthalmic and maxillar
nerves and receives <=8 (olfaction) b the olfactor nerves. ,t receives loo# from the
s#heno#alatine branch of the maxillar arter" anterior ethmoidal branch of the o#hthalmic
arter" and se#tal branch of the facial arter.
(ter$gopalatine Fossa
-he #tergo#alatine ganglion receives #arasm#athetic #reganglionic fibers from the
facial nerve through the greater #etrosal nerve and the nerve of the #tergoid canal.
&ostganglionic #arasm#athetic fibers su##l the lacrimal gland running through the
maxillar" :gomatic" :gomaticotem#oral" and lacrimal nerves.
-he ganglion receives branches from the maxillar nerve and then sends branches to
the #alate and nasal mucosae.
-he greater #etrosal nerve contains #reganglionic #arasm#athetic A=* fibers and A=8
and <=8 (taste) fibers to the #alate.
-he dee# #etrosal nerve contains #ostganglionic sm#athetic A=* fibers.
-he nerve of the #tergoid canal contains #reganglionic #arasm#athetic A=* fibers to
the lacrimal gland and nasal and #alatine mucosae and #ostganglionic sm#athetic A=*
fibers and A=8 and <=8 (taste) fibers to the #alate.
-he larnx has a cartilaginous frame*or, " consisting of the throid cartilage (8damBs
a##le" a larngeal #rominence)" cricoid cartilage (signet ring sha#e)" artenoid cartilages
(have vocal #rocess and muscular #rocess and rotate on the cricoid cartilage)" e#iglottic
cartilage (leaf sha#ed)" and corniculate and cuneiform cartilages.
-he lar$ngeal muscles are innervated b the recurrent larngeal nerve exce#t the
cricothroid" which is innervated b the external larngeal branch of the su#erior larngeal
nerve. -he #osterior cricoartenoid muscle abducts the vocal cord" but all other muscles
adduct the vocal cord. -he chief adductor is the lateral cricoartenoid0 the sole abductor is
the #osterior cricoartenoid0 the chief tensor is the cricothroid0 the chief relaxer is the
throartenoid. -he lateral cricoartenoid rotates the vocal #rocess of the artenoid cartilage
mediall" closing the rima glottidis" whereas the #osterior cricoartenoid rotates the vocal
#rocess laterall" o#ening the rima glottidis.
.ensation above the vocal cord is su##lied b the internal larngeal branch of the su#erior
larngeal nerve" whereas sensation below the vocal cord is su##lied b the recurrent
larngeal nerve. <=8 (taste) sensation on the e#iglottis is su##lied b the internal larngeal
-he larnx receives loo# from the su#erior larngeal arter of the su#erior throid arter
and the inferior larngeal arter of the inferior throid arter.
-he external ear consists of the auricle" which is elastic cartilage covered b skin" and is
innervated b the great auricular" auriculotem#oral" and lesser occi#ital nerves. -he external
acoustic meatus consists of a cartilaginous outer third and bon inner two thirds. ,t is
innervated b the auriculotem#oral branch of the trigeminal nerve and the auricular branches
of the facial" vagus" and glosso#harngeal nerves.
-he t$mpanic memrane is covered b the skin externall and the mucosa internall. -he
external surface is innervated b the trigeminal" facial" glosso#harngeal" and vagus nerves"
and the internal surface is innervated b the glosso#harngeal nerve.
-he au#itor$ ossicles are the malleus (hammer)" incus (anvil)" and sta#es (stirru#). -he
handle of the malleus is attached to the tm#anic membrane and receives the tendon of the
tensor tm#ani (which is innervated b the trigeminal nerve). -he foot#late of the sta#es
occu#ies the oval window" and its neck receives insertion of the sta#edius (which is
innervated b the facial nerve).
-he chor#a t$mpani arises from the facial nerve in the facial canal" #asses between the
handle of the malleus and the long #rocess of the incus" exits through the #etrotm#anic
fissure" and +oins the lingual nerve in the infratem#oral fossa" carring #reganglionic
#arasm#athetic fibers to the submandibular ganglion and taste fibers to the anterior two
thirds of the tongue.
-he cochlea contains the s#iral organ of Corti for hearing" the membranous cochlear duct
filled with endolm#h" and the scala vestibule and scala tm#ani filled with #erilm#h. -he
vestibule contains the membranous utricle and saccule filled with endolm#h and rece#tors
(maculae) for linear acceleration. -he semicircular canals contain sensor rece#tors (cristae)
for angular movements in the am#ullae at one end of each canal.
Hea# an# /ec, )uscle 8nnervation
8ll of the infrah$oi# muscles are innervated b the ansa cervicalis exce#t the throhoid
muscle" which is innervated b C( through the h#oglossal nerve.
8ll of the muscles of facial expression are innervated b the facial nerve" and all of the
muscles of mastication are innervated b the trigeminal nerve.
8ll of the tongue muscles are innervated b the h#oglossal nerve exce#t the #alatoglossus
muscle" which is innervated b the vagus nerve.
8ll of the palate muscles are innervated b the vagus nerve exce#t the tensor veli #alatini
muscle" which is innervated b the trigeminal nerve.
8ll of the phar$ngeal muscles are innervated b the vagus nerve exce#t the
stlo#harngeus muscle" which is innervated b the glosso#harngeal nerve.
8ll of the lar$ngeal muscles are innervated b the recurrent larngeal nerve exce#t the
cricothroid muscle" which is innervated b the external larngeal nerve.
,n addition" for the suprah$oi# muscles " the stlohoid and digastric #osterior bell are
innervated b the facial nerve" whereas the mlohoid and digastric anterior bell are
innervated b the trigeminal nerve" and the geniohoid is innervated b C( through the
h#oglossal nerve.
,n the nec, " the sternocleidomastoid and tra#e:ius are innervated b the accessor nerve.
,n the mi##le ear " the tensor tm#ani and sta#edius are innervated b the trigeminal and
facial nerves" res#ectivel.
9ilates #u#il
Constricts #u#il0 contracts ciliar muscle to thicken lens
.acrimal gland
<lightl reduces secretion
&romotes secretion
<alivar gland
!educes secretion and more viscid
,ncreases secretion and water
<weat gland
<timulates secretion
;o effect
Flood vessels
;o effect
.$mpathetic /erve(aras$mpathetic /erve
Functions of Autonomic /erves

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