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BioSci 99: Molecular Biology

Professor Luo/Glabe
Peer Tutor: Nathan Farrokhian
Week ! Worksheet
"# List the three $ain ste%s nee&e& for %rocessing %re'$(N)#
*nclu&e +hen an& +here each of the three occurs# )lso, list any
%roteins/en-y$es use& brie.y &escribe their function#
/# 0sing the follo+ing %re'$(N) stran&, gi1e three %ossible $ature
$(N) that coul& result after %rocessing has 2nishe&#
34'''''5e6on"7'''''''5e6on/78%oly ) site9''''''5e6on:78%oly )
:# Fill in the blanks regar&ing the ste%s of s%liceoso$e function:
)# ;;;;;; bin&s to the ;;;;;;;;; s%lice site
;;;;;; bin&s onto the branch %oint
B# ;;;;;;';;;;;;';;;;;; &is%lace ;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;; an& ;;;;;;; &isassociate &uring this stage
<# ;;;;; an& ;;;;; cataly-e attack of the branch %oint on the
;;;;;;;; site
=# The ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; attacks the ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
># =escribe the e6%eri$ent con&ucte& by )n&re+ ?# Fire an& <raig
<# Mello that +on the$ the Nobel Pri-e in /@@A# What +as their
s%eculationB Co+ &i& their s%eculation &iDer fro$ their resultsB
Why +as this 2n&ing signi2cantB
3# Eou ha1e "@ &istinct cellular colonies gro+ing on a nutrient rich
$e&ia# Fro$ %re1ious research, you kno+ that t+o of the
colonies are au6otro%hic $utants: one cannot %ro&uce histi&ine
an& one cannot %ro&uce lysine# =esign an e6%eri$ent that +ill
allo+ you to i&entify +hich of the "@ colonies ha1e these
A# Which one of the follo+ing eukaryotic %rocesses occurs in the
)# Translatation
B# Polya&enylation
<# S%licing
=# Transcri%tion
F# 34 ca% a&&ition
G# <a%%ing of eukaryotic $(N)s:
)# occurs &uring transcri%tion after s%licing has been
B# reHuires $ethylation of the /IJC of riboses %resent in the
2rst 21e nucleoti&es of the transcri%t#
<# reHuires guanylyltransferase to a&& G=P to the 3I
%hos%hate of the transcri%t#
=# reHuires $ethylation of the N'9 of guanosine #
F# %lays a critical role in bin&ing an $(N) to the riboso$e#
!# Which of the follo+ing ste%s in s%licing occurs thir&B
)# 0" bin&s to the 3I s%lice site an& 0/ bin&s to the branch
B# The lariat sha%e& intron is &egra&e&#
<# 0A an& 0/ cataly-e attack of the branch %oint on the 3I
s%lice site#
=# The 3I s%lice attacks the :I s%lice site Koining the e6ons#
F# The 0>'03'0A tri$eric sn(NP &is%laces 0" at the 3Is%lice
site an& then 0> &issociates#
9# Which of the follo+ing is a&&e& to the 3I en& of eukaryotic
)# GTP
B# G'$ethly'guanosine
<# S'a&enosyl$ethionine
=# )TP
F# None of the abo1e
"@# Which of the follo+ing $ust occur before %olya&enylation
)# Polya&enylate %oly$erase 8P)P9 $ust synthesi-e the
%oly8)9 a&&ition site#
B# Poly8)9 bin&ing %rotein 8P)BP9 $ust be recruite& to the
<# )n en&onuclease $ust clea1e u%strea$ of the
%olya&enylation site#
=# <lea1age bet+een the %olya&enylation site an& a
&o+nstrea$ G0'rich seHuence#
F# The <)P'bin&ing co$%le6 8<B<9 $ust secure the :I en& of
the transcri%t to the <T= tail#

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