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Electron affinity of chlorine is

(a) 6.3 eV
(b) 3.6 eV
(c) 6.3 J
(d) 3.6 J

2. An ionic bond is
(a) an unidirectional bond
(b) formed by sharing of electrons by two atoms
(c) a homopolar bond
(d) a heteropolar bond

3. At equilibrium condition a diatomic molecule possesses

(a) Minimum potential energy
(b) Maximum energy
(c) Maximum potential energy
(d) zero potential energy

4. An array of points in space such that the environment about each point is same, is called as

(a) Super lattice

(b) Space lattice
(c) Lattice
(d) Basis vector

5. The lattice parameters in a Cubic System are

(a) a = b= c, α = β = γ = 900
6 b 6= c, α = β = γ = 900
(b) a =
(c) a = b 6= c , α = β = γ = 900
(d) a=b=c, α = β = γ 6= 90o
6. The total number of Bravais lattices possible in all seven crystal systems, is

(a) 4
(b) 7
(c) 14
(d) 3
7. Highest packing factor occurs in

(a) Simple cubic crystals

(b) Diamond
(c) Body centre cubic crystal
(d) Face centre cubic crystal
8. Among the following the only element crystallizes into SC structure is
(a) Aluminium
(b) Polonium
(c) Sodium
(d) Germanium
9. If ‘a’ is the side of a BCC cell, then the nearest neighbour distance is
(a) a
(b) a 3 2

(c) a 2
(d) a 2
10. The radius of the atoms is 1.0 nm. If an FCC structure is obtained with such atoms, the lattice parameter is
(a) 1.42 nm
(b) 2.13 nm
(c) 0.71 nm
(d) 2.83 nm

11. The structure of Germanium is

(a) bcc
(b) fcc
(c) diamond cube
(d) hcp

12. The number of zinc atoms in the unit cell of zinc sulphide crystal is

(a) 8
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 4

13. The number of Cl ions surrounding each Na ion in NaCl crystal is

(a) 6
(b) 12
(c) 8
(d) 5

14. The number of Cl ions in the unit cell of CsCl crystal is

(a) 3
(b) 1
(c) 4
(d) 2

15. The Miller indices of the plane parallel to X-axis and Y-axis are

(a) (0 0 1)
(b) (1 1 1)
(c) (0 1 0)
(d) (1 0 0)

16. The direction opposite to [102] is

(a) [2 0 1]
(b) [2 0 1]
(c) [1 0 2]
(d) [2 0 4]

17. If (h k l) are the Miller indices of a plane in a cubic crystal of lattice constant “a”. The separation between the
parallel planes relating to (h k l) is
(a) a/ (h2 + k 2 + 12 )
(b) a/(h2 + k2 + 12 )
(c) a/(h + k + 1)
(d) a / h. k. l

18. If the phase difference between the X-rays reflected by successive crystal planes is 2Π n where n = 1,2,3........ then
the intensity of each diffracted ray is

(a) Minimum
(b) Zero
(c) Maximum
(d) Variable

19. X-rays of wavelength 0.12 nm undergo second order reflection at Bragg’s angle of 28o then the interplanar spacing
of the reflecting planes is
(sin 280 = 0.4695).

(a) 2.56 A.U.

(b) 0.256 nm
(c) 0.256 meter
(d) 2.56 cm

20. Laue X-ray diffraction needs crystal in the form of

(a) a thin film

(b) Powder
(c) a single crystal
(d) a Polycrystalline solid

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