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!""#$%&'%( *+',+#'-. /012#34(#5% 56 4 74""4$'

Your lask in lhis assignmenl is lo !"#$%&'(! a assage from a rimary lexl. This
invoIves demonslraling lhal you have comrehension of lhe assage and can
communicale lhal comrehension lo anolher reader. You are nol being asked,
here, lo evaIuale lhe argumenls offered by lhe hiIosoher, nor are you being
asked lo offer an argumenl of your ovn, ralher, you are being asked lo
demonslrale your abiIily lo read, undersland, and discuss difficuIl originaI lexls.

89:&#""#5% ;'(4#2".

Your aer musl be 1000-1200 vords, i.e., roughly 4 pages, in length (dont go
over or under by more lhan 50 vords). Il musl be vord-rocessed in a 12-oinl
serif fonl (Times or IaIalino, e.g.), doubIe saced, vilh 1-inch margins.

DO NOT incIude a cover age, al lhe lo Iefl-hand corner of your firsl age
incIude your NAMI, STUDINT NUMIR, YOUR T.A."s NAMI, and lhe course
code. (This shouId nol lake very much sace, i.e. your exIicalion shouId nol
begin haIfvay dovn lhe firsl age.)

Make sure lo NUMIR lhe ages and STAILI your assignmenl.

Il is your resonsibiIily lo kee a coy of your aer.

Your aer is due IN LICTURI on 8/7</=>/? @A(B. There are NO

Lale assignmenls are sub|ecl lo enaIly unIess accomanied by roer
documentation (i.e. a doctors note): 10% the first day, 5% the second, 3% per day
lhereafler. The veekend counls as one day. Any assignmenls lhal are more lhan
one veek Iale viII NOT be acceled.

!""#$%&'%( /01'3(4(#5%".

The urose of an exIicalion is lo resenl a shorlened and cIearIy exIained
version of lhe maleriaI incIuded in lhe assage, i.e., vhal is mosl imorlanl and
vhal il means. You are execled lo do so in an unbiased and charilabIe manner.
An exIicalion is meanl lo shov your underslanding of lhe assage using your
ovn vords.

Ior lhis, you are execled lo:
Iirsl, go lhrough lhe maleriaI (readings, noles, elc.) concerning lhe issue
lhal lhe assage addresses vilh a viev of exlracling lhe osilions invoIved, lhe
argumenls given, secific concels used, and any ob|eclions or reIies, elc. In
shorl, famiIiarize yourseIf vilh lhe loic and make sure you undersland il.
Second, begin lo sorl oul lhe secific informalion lhal is reIevanl lo
accomIishing lhe lasks sel oul above. The mosl difficuIl arl of vriling an
exIicalion is delermining vhal conlenl needs lo be incIuded lo make your
exIicalion cIear and comIele, and vhal conlenl can be Iefl oul so as lo ensure
concision and lhal lhe Ienglh requiremenl is mel.
Third, vrile oul your exIicalion in cIear and unfussy Ianguage, using
comIele senlences, and making sure lo define or cIarify any lerms and concels
secific lo lhe debale or issue in queslion.

!""#$%&'%( <#1" 4%C ?'"59,3'".

1. Do nol yourseIf lake a osilion or exress your lhoughls regarding lhe issue.
Your ovn vievs on lhe loic shouId nol be aarenl in an exIicalion.

2. e sure lo kee your exIicalion veII organized (arl of lhis means NOT
having lvo soIid ages of rose, break il u inlo roer aragrahs).

2. Do nol go over or under lhe vord Iimil. If your firsl ass al lhe exIicalion Iies
significanlIy beIov lhe minimum vord counl indicaled above, lhen you are nol
exIaining lhings in enough delaiI. AIlernaliveIy, if your firsl ass al lhe
summary Iies significanlIy above lhe vord Iimil, lhen you have nol successfuIIy
sorled oul lhe more reIevanl informalion from lhe Iess reIevanl informalion.
(You viII nol be abIe lo exIain every asecl of lhe issue, you viII have lo decide
vhal lo kee and vhal lo sel aside).

4. Use your ovn vords. An exIicalion (eseciaIIy of lhis Ienglh) does nol need
lo invoIve a Iol of quolalions. If you have more lhan 4 quolalions in your
summary, go back and reIace lhem vilh an exIanalion of lhe idea in your ovn

5. When vriling your firsl drafl, lry nol lo Iook al lhe assage. CIose aII books,
sel aII noles/readings/elc. aside, and lhen exIain lhe osilions as you
undersland lhem. This viII ensure you are rocessing your underslanding, nol
simIy reIicaling lhe Ianguage of lhe assage.

6. Do nol lake yourseIf lo be vriling an exIicalion for lhe TA or inslruclor, i.e.
do nol assume your reader knovs vhal secific concels or lerms mean. e sure
lo exIain any concels or lerms lhal are reIevanl lo lhe loic, hov lhey fil inlo
the authors meaning, and why they matter to the author.

7. No secondary sources are necessary for lhis assignmenl. Indeed, lhey oughl lo
be avoided. The ansvers lo vhal lhe assage means Iie in lhe assage ilseIf. If
lhe assage is uncIear or erhas even seIf-conlradiclory, you shouId address
lhal and exIain vhy il mighl be so. You are ermilled lo refer lo olher assages
or in lhe same vork, or by lhe same aulhor, bul be carefuI nol lo Iose cIose
conlacl vilh lhe largel assage.

!""#$%&'%( 74""4$' *1(#5%".


The firsl commonIace of lasle is conlained in lhe roosilion, vilh vhich every
lasleIess erson rooses lo avoid bIame: !-!./0*! 1'2 1%2 03* ('2(!4 Thal is as
much as lo say lhal lhe delermining ground of lhis |udgemenl is mereIy
sub|eclive (gralificalion or grief), and lhal lhe |udgemenl has no righl lo lhe
necessary assenl of olhers. The second commonIace invoked even by lhose vho
admil for |udgemenls of lasle lhe righl lo seak vilh vaIidily for everyone is:
(1!.! %2 *0 5%2#6(%*7 '806( ('2(!4 Thal is as much as lo say lhal lhe delermining
ground of a |udgemenl of lasle may indeed be ob|eclive, bul lhal il cannol be
reduced lo definile concels, and lhal consequenlIy aboul lhe |udgemenl ilseIf
nolhing can be 5!&%5!5 by roofs, aIlhough much may righlIy be &0*(!2(!54 Ior
&0*(!2(%*7 |quarreIIingj and 5%2#6(%*7 |conlroversyj are doublIess lhe same in lhis,
lhal by means of lhe muluaI oosilion of |udgemenls lhey seek lo roduce lheir
accordance, bul differenl in lhal lhe Ialler hoes lo bring lhis aboul according lo
definile concels as delermining grounds, and consequenlIy assumes 089!&(%-!
&0*&!#(2 as grounds of lhe |udgemenl. ul vhere lhis is regarded as
imraclicabIe, conlroversy is regarded as aIike imraclicabIe.


No doubl lhe arlisl is lhe chiId of his lime, bul unhay for him if he is ils
disciIe or even ils favourile. Lel a beneficenl deily carry off in good lime lhe
suckIing from lhe breasl of ils molher, Iel il nourish him on lhe miIk of a beller
age, and suffer him lo grov u and arrive al viriIily under lhe dislanl sky of
Greece. When he has allained manhood, Iel him come back, resenling a face
slrange lo his ovn age, Iel him come, nol lo deIighl il vilh his aarilion, bul
ralher lo urify il, lerribIe as lhe son of Agamemnon. He viII, indeed, receive his
maller from lhe resenl lime, bul he viII borrov lhe form from a nobIer lime and
even beyond aII lime, from lhe essenliaI, absoIule, immulabIe unily. There,
issuing from lhe ure elher of ils heavenIy nalure, fIovs lhe source of aII beauly,
vhich vas never lainled by lhe corrulion of generalions or of ages, vhich roII
aIong far benealh il in dark eddies. Ils maller may be dishonoured as veII as
ennobIed by fancy, bul lhe ever chasle form escaes from lhe carices of
imaginalion. The Roman had aIready benl his knee for Iong years lo lhe divinily
of lhe emerors, and yel lhe slalues of lhe gods slood erecl, lhe lemIes relained
lheir sanclily for lhe eye Iong afler lhe gods had become a lheme for mockery,
and lhe nobIe archileclure of lhe aIaces lhal shieIded lhe infamies of Nero and
of Commodus vere a rolesl againsl lhem. Humanily has Iosl ils dignily, bul arl
has saved il, and reserves il in marbIes fuII of meaning, lrulh conlinues lo Iive
in iIIusion, and lhe coy viII serve lo re-eslabIish lhe modeI. If lhe nobiIily of arl
has 26.-%-!5 lhe nobiIily of nalure, il aIso goes before il Iike an insiring genius,
forming and avakening minds. efore lrulh causes her lriumhanl Iighl lo
enelrale inlo lhe delh of lhe hearl, oelry inlercels her rays, and lhe summils
of humanily shine in a brighl Iighl, vhiIe a dark and humid nighl sliII hangs over
lhe vaIIeys.

The queslion of lhe <!'*2 vhereby Ireedom deveIos ilseIf inlo a vorId Ieads us
direclIy lo lhe henomenon of hislory. AIlhough Ireedom as such is rimariIy an
inlernaI idea, lhe means il uses are lhe exlernaI henomena vhich in hislory
resenl lhemseIves direclIy before our eyes. The firsl gIance al hislory convinces
us lhal lhe aclions of men sring from lheir needs, lheir assions, lheir inleresls,
lheir characlers, and lheir laIenls. Indeed, il aears as if in lhis drama of
aclivilies lhese needs, assions, and inleresls are lhe soIe srings of aclion and
lhe main efficienl cause. Il is lrue lhal lhis drama invoIves aIso universaI
uroses, benevoIence, or nobIe alriolism. ul such virlues and aims are
insignificanl on lhe broad canvas of hislory. We may, erhas, see lhe ideaI of
Reason acluaIized in lhose vho adol such aims and in lhe sheres of lheir
infIuence, bul lheir number is smaII in roorlion lo lhe mass of lhe human race
and lheir infIuence accordingIy Iimiled. Iassions, rivale aims, and lhe
salisfaclion of seIfish desires are, on lhe conlrary, lremendous srings of aclion.
Their over Iies in lhe facl lhal lhey resecl none of lhe Iimilalions vhich Iav
and moraIily vouId imose on lhem, and lhal lhese naluraI imuIses are cIoser
lo lhe core of human nalure lhan lhe arlificiaI and lroubIesome disciIine lhal
lends lovard order, seIf-reslrainl, Iav, and moraIily. |. . .j ul in conlemIaling
hislory as lhe sIaughler-bench al vhich lhe hainess of eoIes, lhe visdom of
slales, and lhe virlue of individuaIs have been sacrificed, a queslion necessariIy
arises: To vhal rinciIe, lo vhal finaI urose, have lhese monslrous sacrifices
been offered`

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