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Grade Curriculum Map

9 Weeks
Length of Study
5 weeks
4 weeks
Tentative Dates
October?? November??
nit Topic
Solar System
Colonial America
Standards !
Common Core Standards:
RF.2.3 a
a. Distinguish long and short vowels
when reading regularly spelled one-
syllable words.
a. Read with sufficient accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension.
b. Read on level text orally with
accuracy, appropriate rate, and
expression on successive readings.
c. se context to confirm or self-
correct word recognition and
understanding, rereading as
!s" and answer such #uestions as
who, what, where, when, why and
how to demonstrate understanding of
"ey details in a text.
Recount stories, including fables and
fol"tales from diverse cultures, and
determine their central message,
lesson, or moral.
Describe the overall structure of a
story, including describing how the
beginning introduces the story and
the ending concludes the action.
se information gained from the
illustrations and words in print or
digital text to demonstrate
understanding of its characters,
RF.2.3 a,b,c,d
a. Distinguish long and short
vowels when reading
regularly spelled one-syllable
b. $now spelling-sound
correspondences for
additional vowel teams.
c. Decode regularly spelled
two-syllable words with long
d. Decode words with
common prefixes and suffixes
a. Read with sufficient
accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
b. Read on level text orally
with accuracy, appropriate
rate, and expression on
successive readings.
c. se context to confirm or
self-correct word recognition
and understanding, rereading
as necessary.
RL.2. 6
!c"nowledge differences in
the points of view of
characters, including by
spea"ing in a different voice
for each character when
reading dialogue aloud.
se information gained from
the illustrations and words in
setting, or plot.
RI. 2.1
!s" and answer such #uestions as
who, what, where, when, why, and
how to demonstrate understanding of
"ey details in a text.
RI. 2.6
%dentify the main purpose of a text,
including what the author wants to
answer, explain, or describe.
e. se ad&ectives and adverbs, and
choose between them depending on
what is to be modified.
f. 'roduce, expand, and rearrange
complete simple and compound
b. se commas in greetings and
closings of letters.
a. *ollow agreed-upon rules for
b. +uild on others, tal" in
conversations by lin"ing their
comments to the remar"s of others.
c. !s" for clarification and further
explanation as needed about the
topics and texts under discussion.
Recount or describe "ey ideas or
details from a text read aloud or
information presented orally or
through other media.
'articipate in shared research and
writing pro&ects.
Recall information from experiences
or gather information from provided
sources to answer a #uestion.
Additional Standards:
4 a, b, d,e, f
Develop an understanding of
the properties of Earth
materials, obects in the sk!,
print or digital text to
demonstrate understanding of
its characters, setting, or plot.
RI. 2.1
!s" and answer such
#uestions as who, what,
where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of
"ey details in a text.
RI. 2.2
%dentify the main topic of a
multi-paragraph text as well
as the focus of specific
paragraphs within the text.
RI. 2.3
Describe the connection
between a series of historical
events, scientific ideas or
concepts, or steps in technical
procedures in a text.
RI. 2.9
Compare and contrast the
most important points
presented by two texts on the
same topic.
d. *orm and use the past
tense of fre#uently occurring
irregular verbs.
f. 'roduce, expand, and
rearrange complete simple and
compound sentences.
a. *ollow agreed-upon rules
for discussions
b. +uild on others, tal" in
conversations by lin"ing their
comments to the remar"s of
c. !s" for clarification and
further explanation as needed
about the topics and texts
under discussion.
Recount or describe "ey ideas
or details from a text read
aloud or information
presented orally or through
other media.
!s" and answer #uestions
and changes in the Earth and
a" Categori#e di$erent t!pes
of Earth materials"
b" Describe the three la!ers
of the Earth"
d" Distinguish how actions
or events related to the
Earth%s environment ma!
be harmful or helpful"
e" &odel and e'plain the
concept of Earth%s
rotation as it relates to
da! and night and infer
wh! is usuall! cooler at
night than in the da!"
f" Describe characteristics
and e$ects of obects in
the universe"
about what a spea"er says in
order to clarify
comprehension, gather
additional information, or
deepen understanding of a
topic or issue.
-ell a story or recount an
experience with appropriate
facts and relevant, descriptive
details, spea"ing audibly in
coherent sentences.
.rite narratives in which they
recount a well elaborated
event or short se#uence of
events, including details to
describe actions, thoughts, and
feelings, use temporal words
to signal event order, and
provide a sense of closure.
'articipate in shared research
and writing pro&ects.
(ecall information from
e'periences or gather
information from provided
sources to answer a
!dditional Standards:
Social Studies
*dentif! the main purpose of a
+now and use various te't
,nderstand what the author is
tr!ing to teach"
,se diagrams and pictures to
Tell about points of view of
Define the terms government
and voting.
dentify positions and persons of
people who hold local! state! and
national governments.
"#plain the voting process and
how results are used.
$ompare and contrast how
weather affects how people live.
Describe production and
consumption of human%made
goods and services.
help me understand non-ction"
Compare and contrast the main
ideas of two non-ction te't"
.rite to teach or inform"
,se commas in greetings and
closings of letters"
,se and choose between
adectives to describe nouns
and adverbs to describe verbs"
(etell a stor!"
/roduce and e'pand simple and
compound sentences"
(ecord what is found when
.rite a research proect"
(ecall information from
(ecord science observations"
Describe and identif! the three
la!ers of the Earth"
"#plain how limits on resources
affect choices about production
and consumption.
"#plain the roles of producers
and consumers.
&orm and use past tense
irregular verbs.
$ompare and contrast
neighborhoods to earlier
'rite to tell a story.
(articipate in a research pro)ect.
*ecall information from
e#periences and gather
information provided from
Tell about key ideas and details
after reading.
+sk and answer a ,uestion about
what a speaker says.
Tell a story aloud.
*ecord what am reading out
'rite narratives.
Categori#e Earth materials"
0alk and discuss what is
helpful1harmful to the Earth"
&odel and e'plain Earth%s
Describe obects in the universe"
%test( research
paper( or
.ee"ly Spelling -est- !verage /
0 *luency 1rade -est per nine
wee"s- 1oal 23 wpm
Reading Comprehension -est ) per
unit with cold reading passage
Create the four types of sentences.
Correct Sentences with Capital
(etters and 'unctuation.
Rubric used Research 'ro&ect
2ocabular! 0est
.ee"ly Spelling -est-
!verage /
0 *luency 1rade -est per nine
wee"s- 1oal 23 wpm
Reading Comprehension -est
) per unit with cold reading
Create compound sentences
Rubric used for
Speech4Research 'ro&ect
2ocabular! 0est
)*tended Te*t
-agic Tree .ouse book -agic Tree .ouse book
Special +otes
*& standards will be addressed through
Sa#on (honics that is ongoing.

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