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2 Writing Assignment forum

Grupo nmero: 90030_900




El fin de este trabajo es aprender nuevo vocabulario palabras y nuevas formas
de comunicarse con el idioma extranjero ingles adems dando a conocer parte
de nuestra forma de vida y quehaceres.

1. Compose a short article for a fitness magazine to express your health
habits and how often you practice your favorite sport.
Being healthy does not just mean taking care of Food and mental aspects, but
is equally important well-being and physical health. If you have a physical, you
can develop your potential and can positively respond to situations that arise in
your life,. In turn, spend and share your time with your family, friends and the
community around him mostly occupying his body to keep active
You must make your exercise routine ie do that go to your work, home school,
but do not walk jog or perhaps use a bike instead of using your expensive bike
etc. and you will help the environment and your health can also spend their free
time doing exercises that technology contributes well

Which you can do when cold or sunny day or whenever you want.
Football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, rugby, gymnastics ... Whatever your
favorite sport, the reasons for sports apply to everyone. The first and foremost is
that they are an excellent choice of physical exercise to stay healthy, but there is
i are already bored with the gym, but also want to find an activity to distract and
keep fit, sports await you.The best thing is there are so many sports that will
always be one that you like more! Which is very favorable for your physical and
mental health which you exercise and burn calories when you're having fun.

2. Write a letter to a friend describing your daily routine and activities

hello friend camilo
drafted this letter to tell you that I'm living in in Huila garzon banks of the
neighborhood, I am studying at the Open University and National Distance
(UNAD) studying electronic engineering in pitalito cead of which have my virtual
studies enrolled.

I like jogging and playing ultimate (frisbee) I get up at 6:00 to do my daily routine
which I love to do after making ejercisio in the morning, help you do the
activities in the home as on the farm, in the afternoon I dedicate myself to do do
the work of the university, in the evening I head to the village to practice
ultimate the which keeps me very happy because the ejercisio's health and life.

3. Invite to your best friend to practice a sport and tell him/her how often
you can practice it and where.

hello friend
friend would like to invite sport as it helps us to improve our quality of life, your
in look that keep stuck on the cell chatting or on the computer doing things that
are useless, man my heart I invite you to see of doing things that do not work I
ask that you get to exercise like jogging and playing things that catch your
attention to haci keep your mind occupied on other things and not doing things
that do not serve us all.

you can practice your favorite sport or recreational sports centers where you are
living as this improves your quality of life.


Con la realizacin de este trabajo pudimos aprender vocabulario nuevo nuevas
palabras nuevos formas de hablar en el idioma extranjero ingles
La cual la hicimos mediante la redaccin y traduccin de pequeos textos
donde incluso se dio a conocer un poco de nuestra vida personal.

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