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Business School
Principles of Business

Module Introduction
Welcome to Principles of Business. The aim of this module is to give you an integrated
understanding of business in the context of a real organisation. We will work to inspire
you with an interest in the discipline, and to imbue you with an understanding of the
impact business has on peoples lives and the important role it plays in modern
society. This module provides a holistic overview of business, achieved in part by
immersing you in the study of real and contrasting organisations. We will recognise
that there are many interconnected core areas of business (such as strategy, finance,
organisational behaviour, people management, and marketing) that need to be
considered in successfully running an organisation. In addition, other areas such as
communications, legal matters, and information technology impact these areas.

Principles of Business will introduce you to key concepts, techniques, and ideas. You
will then apply these ideas to a real organisation through a series of simulated
placements. This approach will also enable you to compare and contrast academic
theory with real life practices, and to identify influences and interests of both internal
and external stakeholders.

By the end of the module, you will have an understanding of the basic concepts of
business as well as an appreciation of how these apply to the operation of an
organisation such as a FTSE 100 company.

Contact Details:
Will Holt Module Lead/Programme Manager
Direct phone (02) 070102489

Ritchie Mehta Tutor

Required Textbook
To complete this module you will need the following textbook:
Daniels, John D. International Business, Global Edition, 15/e . 15th Edition. Pearson
Higher Education (UK), 2014. VitalBook file. Bookshelf.
Bovee, Courtland. Business in Action: Pearson New International Edition. 6th Edition.
Pearson (Intl), 2013. VitalBook file. Bookshelf.
Hughes, Ben. Aspects of Contract Law & Negligence. Pearson Higher Education (UK),
2014. VitalBook file. Bookshelf.

Assessment Strategy
Under Construction We will make this availabel to students as soon as possible.

Module Outline
This module consists of four different stages. The first stage will build your knowledge
of the core business principles and concepts. This will enable you to have a broad
understanding of the function and role of business in society. In this part of the course
we will critically evaluate the evolving nature of the enterprise and how it navigates a
complex global operating environment.
The second stage will take an in-depth look at the specific areas and functions within a
business. We will start by evaluating the current business environment and how
companies are managed. In the latter parts of this stage we will take an in-depth look
at marketing, law and finance. By the end of this stage you should have a good
understanding of how each area of business functions.
In the third stage you will have three simulated placements that range from marketing
to finance and general business. You will need to apply all your learning to
successfully complete the tasks.
Finally, in the fourth state we will start to combine the concepts you have learnt about
and discuss key aspects of strategy development, leadership, innovation and
1. SLage Cne
a. 1he purpose of buslness
b. Macro-economlcs and regulaLlon
c. Lconomlc sysLems, CS8, and susLalnablllLy
d. Clobal buslness models
2. SLage 1wo
a. lnLroducLlon Lo buslness envlronmenL
b. lnLroducLlon Lo managemenL
c. lnLroducLlon Lo markeLlng
d. lnLroducLlon Lo flnanace
e. lnLroducLlon Lo law
3. SLage 1hree
a. SlmulaLed placemenL 1
b. SlmulaLed placemenL 2
c. SlmulaLed placemenL 3
4. SLage lour
a. LsLabllshlng a sLraLegy
b. Leadershlp, collaboraLlon and lnfluenclng organlsaLlonal behavlor
c. lnLroducLlon Lo lnnovaLlon
d. CorporaLe governance and brlnglng lL all LogeLher
Module Specification

Department School of 8uslness
Degree stem 8uslness ManagemenL
Va||dat|ng partner (|f app||cab|e) Ashrldge 8uslness School
Modu|e t|t|e rlnclples of 8uslness
Modu|e un|t code

Core ] opt|ona| Core
Des|gnat|on 8uslness ManagemenL
Cred|t va|ue 60
Leve| on InL 4
Modu|e Des|gner Lrlc Llnln, uavld ALklnson, nlgel 8rennan
Date of subm|ss|on 01 Aprll 2014

1. Modu|e a|ms
1he alm of Lhls module ls Lo glve sLudenLs an lnLegraLed undersLandlng of buslness
ln Lhe conLexL of a real organlsaLlon, Lo lnsplre Lhem wlLh a real lnLeresL ln Lhe
dlsclpllne, and Lo lmbue Lhem wlLh an undersLandlng of Lhe lmpacL buslness has on
people's llves and Lhe lmporLanL role lL plays ln modern socleLy.

1he alm ls Lo creaLe a hollsLlc overvlew of buslness, and Lhls ls achleved ln parL by
lmmerslng sLudenLs ln Lhe sLudy of some real and conLrasLlng organlsaLlons. 1he
module wlll recognlse LhaL Lhere are many lnLerconnecLed core areas of buslness
(such as sLraLegy, flnance, organlsaLlonal behavlour, people managemenL, and
markeLlng) LhaL need Lo be consldered ln successfully runnlng an organlsaLlon, and
LhaL Lhese areas are lmpacLed by oLher areas such as communlcaLlons, legal maLLers,
and lnformaLlon Lechnology. Any buslness ls an ecosysLem ln lLself, and also parL of
Lhe wlder ecosysLem of socleLy. 1hls module Lherefore provldes sLudenLs wlLh
conLexL and an undersLandlng of why Lhey are sLudylng varlous modules as Lhey
move on Lo Lhe more Lechnlcal requlremenLs of Lhe core modules aL level 3.

1he module wlll lnLroduce key concepLs, Lechnlques, and ldeas Lo learners and Lhen
apply Lhese Lo a real organlsaLlon Lhrough a serles of slmulaLed placemenLs. 1hls
approach wlll also enable learners Lo compare and conLrasL academlc Lheory wlLh
real llfe pracLlses, and Lo ldenLlfy lnfluences and lnLeresLs of boLh lnLernal and
exLernal sLakeholders.

1he module ls also deslgned Lo allow sLudenLs Lo experlence a range of Leachlng,
learnlng and assessmenL approaches, and Lo encourage Lhem Lo recognlse LhaL
learnlng opporLunlLles arlse ln a varleLy of forms and locaLlons, ln order Lo enable
Lhem Lo develop as learners.

8y Lhe end of Lhe module, sLudenLs wlll have an undersLandlng of Lhe baslc concepLs
of buslness as well as an appreclaLlon of how Lhese apply Lo Lhe operaLlon of an
organlsaLlon, such as a l1SL 100 company.

2. Modu|e |earn|ng outcomes
Cn comp|et|on of th|s modu|e students shou|d be ab|e to:
1. uemonsLraLe a sound undersLandlng of Lhe naLure of buslness and lLs role ln
socleLy and Lhe economy.
2. uemonsLraLe knowledge of Lhe baslc concepLs and Lheorles assoclaLed wlLh
some of Lhe core areas of buslness.
3. LvaluaLe and compare how Lhese concepLs and Lheorles are applled ln Lhe
conLexL real organlsaLlons.
4. ldenLlfy Lhe ob[ecLlves and purpose of a glven commerclal organlsaLlon, and
evaluaLe Lhe poLenLlal lmpacL Lhe organlsaLlon has (or could have) on Lhe wlder
3. Lxplaln and evaluaLe Lhe value LhaL dlfferenL areas of buslness have ln Lhe
overall operaLlon of an organlsaLlon, and Lhe lmpacL each area has on oLhers
and on Lhe overall goals and lmpacL of Lhe organlsaLlon.
6. uemonsLraLe a baslc undersLandlng of Lhe modern, dynamlc lnLernaLlonal
buslness envlronmenL, lncludlng Lhe evolvlng naLure of organlsaLlons and Lhe
exLernal, cross border envlronmenL ln whlch many musL operaLe.
7. ldenLlfy key sLakeholders ln a buslness and Lhe lnfluence and lnLeresL Lhey may
have ln Lhe sLraLegy formulaLlon process
8. uemonsLraLe a baslc knowledge and undersLandlng ln an lnLernaLlonal conLexL
of Lhe effecLlve managemenL of organlsaLlons, wlLh llmlLed reference Lo
Lheorles, models and frameworks whlch lnform currenL pracLlce.
9. Lxplaln and evaluaLe Lhe lmpacL of eLhlcs, susLalnablllLy, and lnLegrlLy across
varlous funcLlons of an organlsaLlon, and be able Lo ldenLlfy examples relevanL
Lo any glven buslness.

Learn|ng ob[ect|ves spec|f|c to the s|mu|ated p|acements:
10. uemonsLraLe Lhe ablllLy Lo work ln a Leam envlronmenL and conLrlbuLe ldeas,
lnformed by an awareness of eLhlcal lssues.
11. uemonsLraLe lnLerpersonal skllls, lncludlng llsLenlng and oral communlcaLlon
skllls, as well as Lhe assoclaLed ablllLy Lo persuade, presenL and negoLlaLe.
12. CollaboraLe effecLlvely, boLh on a personal and poLenLlally also organlsaLlonal
level, as parL of a buslness enLlLy worklng wlLh oLhers (lncludlng 'compeLlLors')
Lo achleve lLs goals.

3. Cverv|ew of sy||abus
1hls module proceeds ln four sLages. 1he flrsL ls a largely academlc overvlew,
deslgned Lo encourage readlng, Lhlnklng and debaLe. 1he second provldes a brlef
lnLroducLlon Lo some of Lhe Lechnlcal areas of experLlse needed Lo manage a
buslness. 1he Lhlrd sLage of slmulaLed placemenLs allows sLudenLs Lo see how
buslnesses operaLe ln pracLlse when respondlng Lo real and dlverse challenges.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo draw on Lhelr learnlng so far Lo parLlclpaLe and reflecL on
how LhaL learnlng ls applled (or noL) ln a genulne buslness conLexL. 1hls parL ls llke a
mlnlaLure lnLernshlp, wlLh sLudenLs movlng Lhrough a number of deparLmenLs or
dlvlslons. 8y Lhe fourLh sLage sLudenLs wlll have made lL Lo Lhe execuLlve board, and
wlll need Lo conslder key lssues around sLraLegy, leadershlp and Lhe ablllLy Lo
funcLlon as a Leam, as well as Lhe lmpacL LhaL wlll have on Lhe success of a buslness.

Stage 1 - 1he Nature of 8us|ness
An lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe blg plcLure of Lhe role buslness plays ln socleLy coverlng lssues such
1he noLlon of a free markeL: an lnLroducLlon Lo economlcs and why we have a free
markeL economy, Adam SmlLh's lnvlslble hand" and Lhe soclal uLlllLy supposed Lo
be derlved from LhaL, Lhe baslc requlremenLs for markeLs, and Lhe lmporLance of
compeLlLlve forces operaLlng on a level playlng fleld LogeLher wlLh assoclaLed legal
CrlLlclsm of Lhe free markeL, lncludlng alLernaLlve economlc Lheorles and case
sLudles of problems (eg manlpulaLlon of lnLeresL raLes).
1he role of regulaLlon, lncludlng: Lhe need for regulaLlon, Lheorles of markeL fallure,
who regulaLes and why, who regulaLes Lhe regulaLors, crlLlclsms of regulaLlon,
problems wlLh bureaucracy, and barrlers Lo commerclal acLlvlLy.
LsLabllshlng a purpose, lncludlng: Lhe purpose of buslness as a whole, Lhe purpose of
lndlvldual organlsaLlons, medla dlscourse analysls and Lhe publlc face of buslness,
noLlons of prlvaLe and publlc good, and Lhe lmpacL of buslness on socleLy.
Whose money ls lL anyway, lncludlng: wealLh generaLlon, LaxaLlon, Lrlckle down
Lheorles, compeLlng economles, and envlronmenLal susLalnablllLy.

An exploraLlon of buslness as lndlvldual enLlLles coverlng lssues such as:
erspecLlves and sLakeholders, lncludlng: Lhe lnvesLor, Lhe consumer, Lhe
employees, lndusLry, Lhe supply chaln, Lhe wlder socleLy, Lhe counLry, and Lhe enLlre
1he noLlon of 'duLy' lncludlng Lhe quesLlons of whaL duLles are owed Lo whom and
whaL obllgaLlons a buslness may owe Lo Lhe wlder socleLy.
1he purpose of lndlvldual buslnesses, looklng speclflcally aL mlsslon sLaLemenLs, core
buslness acLlvlLy, annual reporLs and CS8.
8uslness sLrucLures and organlsaLlon.

Stage 2 - 1he bu||d|ng b|ocks for a bus|ness
ln Lhls secLlon sLudenLs are lnLroduced Lo some of Lhe key areas of buslness LhaL Lhey wlll go
on Lo sLudy ln greaLer depLh laLer ln Lhe programme, speclflcally:
lnLroducLlon Lo buslness organlsaLlon, sLrucLure and purpose
lnLroducLlon Lo markeLlng
lnLroducLlon Lo flnance
lnLroducLlon Lo law
lnLroducLlon Lo managemenL

Stage 3 - S|mu|ated p|acements w|th|n a bus|ness
Pavlng been glven an overvlew of Lhe funcLlon of buslness ln socleLy, and lnLroduced Lo key
concepLs ln relaLlon Lo some of Lhe maln aspecLs of runnlng a buslness, sLudenLs wlll now
have an opporLunlLy Lo see for Lhemselves how dlfferenL dlvlslons wlLhln a buslness operaLe.

SLudenLs wlll experlence Lhree slmulaLed placemenLs ln dlfferenL areas wlLhln a buslness.
1he speclflcs wlll vary buL wlll cover such dlvlslons as: Lhe people Leam, Lhe flnance Leam,
Lhe legal Leam, operaLlons, CS8, Lhe markeLlng Leam, and so on. SLudenLs wlll explore real
lssues and processes from a buslness persepecLlve.

Stage 4 - Manag|ng a bus|ness - pu|||ng |t a|| together, pu|||ng together
ln Lhe flnal sLage sLudenLs wlll explore Lhe challenges of execuLlve managemenL of a
buslness, lncludlng:
LsLabllshlng a mlsslon, values and purpose
ldenLlfylng and lnfluenclng organlsaLlonal behavlour
Leadershlp, collaboraLlon, auLonomy and corporaLe governance

4. Learn|ng and teach|ng strategy
1he learnlng sLraLegy for Lhls module ls Lo Lake sLudenLs on a [ourney LhaL sLarLs wlLh blg
quesLlons abouL whaL buslness ls - lLs naLure, purpose and lmpacL on socleLy, drllllng down
Lo looklng aL lndlvldual buslnesses and Lhelr sLrucLure and purpose, developlng some
Lechnlcal undersLandlng of Lhe key componenLs of buslness managemenL, golng Lhough a
mlnl lnLernshlp programme wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo experlence ln pracLlce several dlfferenL
areas of a buslness Lhrough slmulaLed placemenLs, and flnally Lo belng promoLed Lo Lhe
execuLlve board where once agaln Lhey musL conslder Lhe blg quesLlons, buL Lhls Llme from
Lhe polnL of vlew of belng a key manager wlLhln a buslness.

SLudenLs wlll experlence Lwo lecLures and four semlnars per week ln a Lyplcal Leachlng week
LhroughouL Lhe module, aparL from Lhe slmulaLed placemenL weeks, whlch wlll vary
accordlng Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe placemenL buL wlll Lyplcally lnvolve Lwo full days of acLlvlLy
each week.

ln Lhe flrsL sLage, classes wlll be focused on conLroverslal lssues and wlll Lherefore feaLure
academlc debaLe and dlscusslon around challenglng and LhoughL-provoklng concepLs. 1he
second sLage ls abouL acqulrlng baslc knowledge and skllls ln relaLlon Lo some of Lhe key
professlonal areas of buslness (also enabllng sLudenLs Lo make declslons laLer on abouL
whlch areas Lo speclallse ln).

1he purpose of Lhe slmulaLed placemenLs ln Lhe Lhlrd sLage ls Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo
apply Lhelr knowledge Lo real organlsaLlons, and Lo develop Lhe ablllLy Lo crlLlcally analyse
lnformaLlon and argumenLs ln order Lo draw approprlaLe concluslons. 1he slmulaLed
placemenLs wlll also glve sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo reflecL self-crlLlcally on Lhelr
performance, and how Lhey come across Lo oLhers, whlch wlll faclllLaLe Lhelr ongolng
learnlng, developmenL and lmprovemenL.

1he fourLh sLage ln whlch sLudenLs are poslLloned as parL of an execuLlve board pulls
LogeLher all Lhe prevlous sLages and sLudenLs bulld on Lhelr learnlng up Lo Lhls polnL Lo look
aL key leadershlp lssues.

ln addlLlon Lo Laklng sLudenLs on a [ourney Lhrough Lhe dlsclpllne of buslness, Lhey wlll also
experlence a range of approaches Lo learnlng and Lhls ls reflecLed ln Lhe porLfollo of

S. Modu|e assessment

1hls module wlll be assessed by a porLfollo of acLlvlLy comprlslng a group
presenLaLlon, a compuLer based LesL of 1.3 hrs, a wrlLLen coursework of a maxlmum
of 1800 words and a reflecLlve [ournal of a maxlmum of 1800 words - each worLh
23 of Lhe overall grade.

6. Ind|cat|ve modu|e read|ng

1|t|e, author, pub||sher

Core sLudy LexL 18C
Core LexLs from Lhe level 3 core modules

SupplemenLary LexLs

7. Add|t|ona| resourc|ng requ|rements
1he module deslgn Leam for Lhls module wlll work closely wlLh earson and lndusLry
parLners Lo deslgn slmulaLed Lasks LhaL llnk back Lo Lhe learnlng conLenL and reflecL
genulne worklng pracLlces and scenarlos. As a benchmark of Lhe sLandard
performance expecLed, Lhere wlll be a porLfollo of reallsLlc documenLs, lnLervlews
wlLh sLaff, and dlrecL lnpuL from lndusLry parLners so LhaL Lhe learner can beLLer
gauge professlonal sLandard work. earson's MySLraLegyLab sLraLegy slmulaLlon wlll
also be used.

Access Lo a comprehenslve onllne daLabase of [ournal arLlcles and oLher relevanL
publlcaLlons wlll also be provlded Lhrough Lhe Cnllne Learnlng LnvlronmenL.

Accred|tat|on ] L|nks w|th other qua||f|cat|ons
Award|ng body ua||f|cat|on Un|ts Nature of ||nkage

S|gnature Date
Modu|e des|gner Wlll PolL, nlgel 8rennan, Lrlc
Llnln, uavld ALklnson, Andy
Ware, 8oxanne SLockwell
rogramme Leader Wlll PolL

Va||dat|ng partner (|f

B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Wed 8 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 10: 30 B415 Lect ure 1, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
10: 30 - 11: 30 B415 Lect ure 2, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
Wed 15 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 10: 30 B415 Lect ure 3, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
10: 30 - 11: 30 B415 Lect ure 4, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
Wed 22 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 10: 30 B415 Lect ure 5, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
Thu 23 Oct 2014
16: 30 - 17: 30 B415 Lect ure 6, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Wed 29 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 10: 30 B415 Lect ure 7, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 204
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
Thu 30 Oct 2014
18: 00 - 19: 00 B415 Lect ure 8, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
Thu 6 Nov 2014
17: 30 - 18: 30 B415 Stage 2 Lecture 1 , Eri c Li ni n
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
18: 30 - 19: 30 B415 Stage 2 Lecture 1, Eri c Li ni n
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 Lecture 2, Eric Linin
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - LECTURES
Creat ed by: ti metabl e@pearsoncol l
B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Mon 6 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 11: 00 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 1, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
11: 00 - 12: 30 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 2, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Wed 8 Oct 2014
13: 00 - 14: 30 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 3, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) GO3
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
14: 30 - 16: 00 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 4, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) GO3
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Mon 13 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 11: 00 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 5, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
11: 00 - 12: 30 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 6, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Wed 15 Oct 2014
14: 00 - 15: 30 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 7, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Thu 16 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 11: 00 B415 Group1 Semi nar 8, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Mon 20 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 11: 00 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 9, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
11: 00 - 12: 30 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 10, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Wed 22 Oct 2014
13: 30 - 15: 00 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 11, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
15: 00 - 16: 30 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 12, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Mon 27 Oct 2014
09: 30 - 11: 00 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 13, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
11: 00 - 12: 30 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 14, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Wed 29 Oct 2014
11: 00 - 12: 30 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 15, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 204
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Thu 30 Oct 2014
12: 30 - 14: 00 B415 Group 1 Semi nar 16, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Mon 3 Nov 2014
09: 30 - 11: 00 B415 Group 1 St age 2 Semi nar 1, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
11: 00 - 12: 30 B415 Group 1 St age 2 Semi nar 2, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Wed 5 Nov 2014
09: 30 - 11: 00 B415 Group 1 St age 2 Semi nar 3, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) G03
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
17: 00 - 18: 30 B415 Group 1 St age 2 Semi nar 4, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: B8 & B12 190 High Holborn
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 1
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Mon 13 Oct 2014
13: 00 - 14: 30 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 5, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
14: 30 - 16: 00 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 6, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
16: 30 - 18: 00 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 7, RI t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: 80 Strand Classroom
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
18: 00 - 19: 30 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 8, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: 80 Strand Classroom
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Mon 20 Oct 2014
13: 00 - 14: 30 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 9, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
14: 30 - 16: 00 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 10, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
16: 30 - 18: 00 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 11, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: 80 Strand Classroom
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
18: 00 - 19: 30 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 12, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: 80 Strand Classroom
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Mon 27 Oct 2014
15: 30 - 17: 00 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 13, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
17: 00 - 18: 30 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 14, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Wed 29 Oct 2014
14: 00 - 15: 30 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 15, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 204
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Thu 30 Oct 2014
11: 00 - 12: 30 B415 Group 2 Semi nar 16, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
Mon 3 Nov 2014
14: 00 - 15: 30 B415 Group 2 St age 2 Semi nar 1, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 204
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Wed 5 Nov 2014
11: 00 - 12: 30 B415 Group 2 St age 2 Semi nar 2, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
13: 00 - 14: 30 B415 Group 2 St age 2 Semi nar 3, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Wher e: Russell Square (28) 102
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable
14: 30 - 16: 00 B415 Group 2 St age 2 Semi nar 4, Ri t chi e Meht a
Vi deo cal l :
Cal endar: B415 Principles of Business - SEMINARS GROUP 2
Creat ed by: Pearson College Timetable

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