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POST OFFICE BOX 941, EAGLE PASS, TEXAS 78852 PHONE: (512) 773-6467
..pril, 1978
Greetinc'p in the Ilrme of our IJonderfuX S,?.viour, Jeeue ChrietiJ
Cnce ?;rin, re ue enter your home throu^a the r.ierne of thi? letter, it
ie our preyer thrt the Lord mry "be richly 'blerFinc; j'ou end your life re
you live it in ^rriee of Ilim,
. ... . ' f
During- the pret tuo monthr, the Lord Tire "Seen lileFrin^; the vjork of
eetrhliehinc: p. puhliehinc minietry for Lrtin Americ?.. He rre confident
tha.t the 'blepeingF have been bc-cpuFe of the e::treme need for euch ?
minietry in all of the countries ''south of .the border".
ministry Tjill continue to be an extreh^c
mahin^- pro^Tess in the building- of the
publishing' ministry uill evolve.
During' Larch, I had the vo^eome extensive traveling in
Lexico. Six different major ceni ors ucne-visited in Ilexico and contacts
vjere made v.'ith missionaries-and .national n'orl-.ers represent in/-' areas of
uork from the entire country. Everyone-is gettin;: excited that plans are
beinc' made to have a publisbin^s'ministry amonc our brotherhood for the
express needs of Spanishspeaking* people, -
Office space has been offered in three different locations, tuo in Lexico
and one in the US. 1lease i^ray that the Lord'may' lead in this concern.
This ministry may be operated from almost anyjhere among the Latin Americm
people, but ue need to find the best possible location, l.'e are beginning
opera-t4.^a^^-our- home in Eagle lass and will continue here untiT the Lord
leads into other directions.
Cur needs are being rnetj Just last ueek, ue learned that the loan for mu-
house uas fully apiroved. Type-setting equipment is being ptu'cha^-^wd:;
for some time,
originally valued
at o20,000 for only I3j300. This is a major brea]:-through for our ministry,.
The equipxient is nou 6 years old and in excellent condition. The current
neu price for the system is approximately 03O,OOO, i:e pa-aise God for this
excellent proof of the pouer of prayer. Over half of the funds needed
have already been received for this project. Anyone uith a deep Concerr
for this great opportunity nay help in our raising of the final Cl,6p'!^
designating any special gift to "typesetting equipment".
The month of Larch also saw the Baker family in Salina., Kansas during th
v/eek prior to Easter for a revival meeting. It vjas ood to reneu old
friends.hii,,s during that time and to establish nev/ ones. Both Billy and
Barbara, were excited to be able to see grandma as she just happened to
drop in for a feu days during the meeting.
Plans are nou being made for being in the ITebrasl-'.p panhandle during the
month, of Jm-ie. Currently, ue are scheduled for VBS work with the churches
in Gering and Lyr,ian, The lest three weeks of the~inonth"'cTe"stil"k open;
Rosa bad the opportunity to act as a mid-wife for
recently. That was quite an experience for herJJ
Continue to tak.e our needs to the throne of Grace
foundation for this challenging ministry.
Yours for a Christian Spanish-speaking world,
Bill BaSier "
F.S. Remeinber, we are only able to continue here for Ilim through your
concern and love for the on going of the Gospel of Christ. Thanlc-you
with our joint minist;
hard trrk, V.
Becinninc this
i.e ere, houever,
fouiiOrtion ui on v/hich r le.rge
uviAt-c ucf' lu.iij c'pi^oveu. Type-sex-T. in^' equi.pment is bein.
Both of these needs have been foremost on our prayer-list
;/e have been able to purchase used type-settins ecruipment
!a+ <'.om r\r\r\ r- .
- o u J,
for your continued interest in what God is doin-'
one of her sisters
as we work in laj'-ing the
61^091^ 'M *xio?jEira3
uoTq-etoossY eeoxAjeg uofSBTU
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.. . . .. - . Finencipl atfvteme^ C- -s.vvi.v .v-vO'
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January I, I977 ^December 3I, I977
Balance on band, December 3I, X977
Income Received, January throUi^b. Dece."' ?r, 1977
Hay !!!!!!
Ju': y , . .
Au^^ue fc

v-r*. . , . ..
Cc V a',-.'
Total L^couie
Clerical error concerning a returned donor check
Total Available Funda
t 015.90
32^.. 00
' y07768-
634. 00
c 714.67
20. 00
89,263- 74
Salary for Bill and Roea Baker .
Evpnccliptic Supplirnent raid to J
A.:.? , .
State T-'e-r^ . , , , .
Po?l.;-:.e :?eer . .
I.tieaye LCrpeni^eiH""-'' ,
l-rinvirp Frueraea ,
Iliac. b;.psr;;.iee . , .
Total Djahurc*enp
Balance n Hand. December 3I, I977

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2;.. 96
S8,654. 40 0.6'>4.40
& 6C
^:-7hjp F...p;:i o-rpipted of C-75 . 00 per month ?nd h?d to he dipc--^
becaur-e jneuffxclent income.
amo-.;,..t r-i-^leot- a total of 4,192 milea at ,100 per mile, lie
trayei-.:>d ? conc-iii-j/rbie Vitunber of mile? more that thin in connection
I'jitn our 7Cjrk, but thie vjae only the amount for uhioh ne v/ere


POST OFFICE BOX 941, EAGLE PASS, TEXAS 78852 PHONE: (512) 773-6467
^TT^e Ctj^llenge of a
^panisli ^uMMjing Ministry"
chal-lenge: The quality of requiring
full use of one's abilities, energy or
resources: a career that offers a chal
Latin America isripe for the gospel
of Christ. The unstable condition of
It's governmental bodies Indicates the
rediness for many to respond to the
call of Christ. If oneweretostudythe
history of all of the great religious
movements of times past, It would ^
easy to determine that coupled with"^
each major advance of the message of
Christ wasa period of extreme turmoil
either socially, politicallyor econom
One of the most recent examples of
thiswas the phenominal growth which
was seen among churches in Chile.
During the time that a marksist was
elected to the presidency of that
country, the economy sufferedsevere
inflation and unrest was visible at
everyhand. Yet, at this periodof time,
the growth of the church was among
the fastest and most phenominal ever
experienced amongour people.
The reason was simple! CHRIST
Basically, the situation in the United
States is one of stability. Yes, we
have scares of inflation, of war, of
diseases and of economic and social
unrest; but these factors are not
driven home in the United States as
they are daily In many of the
countries of Latin America.
Latin America is ready for the Gos
pel and we as a people peedto make
ourselves more ready to be able to
provide the Gospel to those who are in
.need. There arej2.c.Quntries in Latin
^/America which are being heJd. together
by a common bond-r/7e Spanish
Language. 11 isthat bond which makes
the existence of a publishing ministry
capable of reaching into the lives of
300.rnillion people a great possibility
I have a dream for Latin America
and for the promotion of the gospel of
/ see a young preacher who no
longer has to search out through a
wide variety ofmaterials for that little
bit which is ''true to the Bible".
/ see a Sunday school teacher who
no longer would have to explainaway
an item of doctrine which may not be
consistent with what the Bible teaches
simply because her only available ma
terial included that doctrine in it.
/ see whole countries changed be
cause of the love of Christ andbecause
of a deeper understanding of His
teachings through programs of accel
erated Biblestudy.
/ see the history of an entire civili
zation changed because the forces of
darknesshave beenchallengedand de
feated through the power of the print
/ see a Latin America united not
only because of language, but because
of the savingpower of Christ.
/ see a publishing ministry estab
lished to servenot only our workers in
Mexico, but also all of the 22 coun
tries of Latin America and her 300
This is my dream and vision for
Latin America. It reflects the deep
need for the Gospeland thegreat pow
er evidencedin the printed page. This
challenge is within our reach. It will
involve the work and dedication of
manyscoresofpeople, but, itis within
bur reach. "
Without such a concentrated minis
try of Christian literature, our mission
dollars will continue to reap a harvest
in Latin America, but with a concen
trated ministry of literature, our mis
sionary money will reap an abundant
You as friends and supporters of
thisministry areenvolved in thebegin
ning of a movement which will grow
to be a blessing to countlessthousands
and millions of Latin American peo
ple. Thank you for your encourage
ment through your prayers andfinan
cial support which will help see this
dream realized.
Bill Baker
Because of a recent decision of the
board of trustees of Latin American
Wheels for Evangelism, Inc., three^new
JtafL.lllfiCnbers will be added toThe
work very shortly. The answer to the
great need for quality Christian litera
ture begins with quality manuscripts
from which the materialswill be pro
duced. Because of a limited budget,
our original plansoutlinedasystemof
royalties which would be paid to the
writers and translators who are produ
cing the manuscripts which we need
for our ministry. This system looked
extremely good on paper as the trus
tees reviewed it during their meeting
in June. Because of the promise of a
payment somelime in the future, the
incentive produced was not sufficient
enough to merit more than a part-time
effort. Because of this situation, the
trustees have agreed that we whould
financially support a portion of the
men working on manuscripts.
Beginning on J^ua^UL three
Iqualified Christian writers and transla
tors will receive S100 per month in
exchange for their literary services.
This is a big move for Latin American
Wheels for Evangelism, Inc. We are
entering this phase of the ministry in
faith knowing that God will continue
to supply our needs. Our biggest need
at the present time is to step up the
schedule of the manuscripts which we
have programmed. This move in faith
is an effort to meet that need.
be injirayer with us as we enter into
this program of expanding our base
from which we are operating this min
Wenot -provide sketches on
ese men at the present time, but we
will be informing you In^xjiext,
newsletter concerning their names
and qualificationsfor joiningus in
this vital ministry to Latin Amer
ica. Pictures will also be avail-,
able at that time.
6t09P NI
LLX xoa
ti0Tq.BT00asY s90TAccas uoTsaiM
On Saturday, June 3rd, ]_9.78.a meeting
of the board ottrustees orlsf/W/^meA/ca/?
Wheels for Evangelism was held in Gering,
Nebraska. At that time, BijLBa.kGr pre
sented agiaiJ4jgae^^oj.,t;concerning the
plsir'fFie prSent arid the future plans for
LatinAmerican Wheels for Evangelism. At
that time, five new members of the board
were being considered. Following the re
port, all of the five men present expressed
their desire to work in a directive capacity
with our mission work. They were ac
cepted into the organization.
The five new board membersare asfol-
lows: Peary Rader, Alliance, Nebraska;
Dewey Edwards, Solomon, Kansas;
Clarence Maupin, Gering, Nebraska; Larry
Provance, Scottsbluff, Nebraska and Don
Smith, Salina, Kansas.
Also at the meeting, Bill Baker resigned
as the chairman of the board and Pearv
. j-lwas-elected to that position. Biiry'\
Baker is continuing aQjgid.director of the
mission work. Prevt6"us boaPd' members
also include Rosa Baker and Evelyn Arm
Please be in prayer for this group of
Christian leaders that they may direct the
operation of this ministry in the manner in
which God would want us to goforth with
the Gospel of Christ
During the past five years of our minis
try to Latin America, funds have been sent
through our forwarding agent, M/.S4Eyfifyo
Behm. Three years ago, Evelyn lost her
husband to cancer. She has recently remar
ried and relocated with her new husband.
We were thrilled that Evelynand her hus-
. band. Butch, were able to visit us in Eagle
Passon their honeymoon trip.
All funds sent^^
,^ddress effective immediately. Checks
'should still Latin American
Wheels for Evangelism, Inc. A few of our
loyal supporters are making their checks
out to Bill Baker. This is not necessary and
your gifts are not tax deductable unless
they are made out as directed above.
The new address for all contributions is:
' Latin American Wheels
s^ for Evangelism, Inc.
%Evelyn Behm Armstrong
4518 Apple Avenue
RR No.3, Box 55c
Scottsbluff, NE69361
Thankyou for helping inthis way.
As we have previously announced,
Spanish New Testaments have been provid
ed free of charge to us in order that we
might be able to distribute them to Spanish
speaking areas of South Texas and also
Mexico. Presently, Christian GospelDistri
butors of Monroe, Oregon are planning to
send us 2,000 Spanish New Testaments a
month. Our only requirement is that we
print up the Plan of Salvation and include
it inside the front flyleaf and also distri
bute them to people in needfree ofcharge.
We praise God for such an opportunity.
Since we are involved in the distribution of
Christian literature, what better book
could be used than the New Testament?.
We shouldn't Jet a newsletter pass with
out some information concerning our
family. This is going to be an exceptional
winter for both Billy and Barbara. Gtand-
ma,Maroe is visiting for the entire wiirt^
After many winters in the cold of Nebras
ka, Bill's mother has decided to become a
sp.OW,bJ[jd. That's the term we in south
'Hexas use for our winter visitors.
^^psa is busy with her new job. It is
because of her added income that we are
able to continue with the ministry which is
before us. She is teaching nursery at a local
private school. It is run by the Episcopal
church and Rosa feels priviledged to be
able to help direct those young lives. In
years past, the Episcopal rector gave a de
votional period and directed the children
in basic moral values and instruction in
crossing streets and etc. This year, Rosa is
in charge of the devotional period and has
been using the time for Bible study. In
addition, she is planning the religious in
struction for all of the teachers to use in
their classes. What an opportunity that has
proven to be! The school has given her no
idoctrinal guidelines to follow! Please be in
\prayer for her and the ministry in which
God has placed her.
It is always good to have the priviledge
to travel in Mexico. It is especially reward
ing when that travel is coupled with the
work of the lord. Such was the case during
a recent weekend.
I was invited to travel along with anoth
er church worker on a trip to San Luis
Potosi, Mexico. The trip began on friday
evening at approximately 6:00. Our first
Mop was inSal.tiLLQc.where we met with pxjg
of the-men who will be doing translating
work for our ministry in the future. We just
happened to wake him up at midnight. It
was a good meeting, even though it lasted
uiqsg uA|aA3 o/o MVl
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J9>iea Bsoy ^2 ma
'3"l 'lAISn30NVA3
less than an hour. This talented Christian
writer and translator will be a strong mem
ber of our team.
Upon leaving Saltillo later that same
night (or should I say early the following
morning?) we continued further south to
the city of our destination, arriving about
an hour after sunrise..S^.Luls.Potosi is a
stronghold for the Churches of Christ/
Christian Churches in Mexico. Among the
works included there are three orphanage
works and two Bible colleges. Both of the
colleges are run entirely by native Christian
workers. I wanted to talk with the presi
dents of both schools during my visit there.
Both schools reported to have increased
enrollment for this school year. They are
both operating on a minimum budget and
their combined enrollment is nearly sixty
students. A major problem for both ihsti-
tijtions is the lack of printed textbooks for
use in their classrooms. It was this problem
whictLl wanted to discuss with_the leaders,
of each school.
The contacts were made and the results
favorable. In the scope of the discussion, I
received the initial manuscript of a 6 part
correspondence course. Typesetting is be
ginning immediately on this project. In
addition to that, I reviewed the near-
complete manuscript for a course on
Christian doctrine. This manuscript should
be in my hands in the near future. This
textbook will provide a basis for a college
course in Christian doctrine in at least four
different Bible colleges which are working
among Spanish-speaking people.
Our business was completed late Satur
day evening and the decision was made to
spend the night in San Luis Potosi rather
than try to make it back to Eagle Pass by
morning. Following a short service on Sun
day morning, we made our way back to
Eagle Pass, arriving there in the late eve
A quick weekend indeed. Yet, we were
able to distribute some of the Spanish New
Testaments which we have received in ad
dition to some other Bible study guides.
We had traveled over.J.,O.QP.m^iles and initi-
ated'several items in regards to the Lord's
work. All of this in about 48 hours time.
Several of our friends have mentioned
that they would like to visit us and also
Mexico. If so, please feel free to let us
know ahead of time and we might be able
to arrange our schedule in such a way that
you might be able to enter Mexico on such
a business trip for the Lord. We would not
strive to meet as fast a schedule as the one
just described.
Until our next newsletter, may God
continue to bless each of you as you live
daily for Him. Remember us in your
Bill, Rosa, Billy& Barbara

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