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Fields of Fire [Vietnam Walkthrough Alpha Draft]

Fields of Fire is a game published by GMT they o!n all the rights to the images "ards
"ounters rules et"# $%m only !riting this !alkthrough for edu"ational purposes# This is a
first draft $ kno! that $%&e made a fe! mistakes and a fe! strategy errors as !ell#
Vietnam missions ha&e al!ays interested !ith the use of heli"opters getting into an out of
battle# $ ha&en%t seen anyone do try a Vietnam mission so $ !anted to sho! one#
Company Structure:
$ ha&e "hosen the '
(lt for the )ompany and distributed my *+ ,ine and - Vet
e.perien"e as follo!s /all atta"hments0heli"opters are ,ine a""ording to 1#2#2 3
)o 45 Green
)o 67 ,ine
)o *sgt Veteran
(lt 45 ,ine
89d ,ine
89d ,ine
89d ,ine
* Wpns Veteran
1 Wpns Veteran
(lt 45 Green
89d ,ine
89d ,ine
89d Green
* Wpns Veteran
1 Wpns ,ine
(lt 45 Green
* 89d Green
1 89d Green
2 89d Green
* Wpns Green
1 Wpns Green
(lt 45 ,ine
* 89d Vet
1 89d Vet
Mortar Tm ,ine
Company Structure (cont):
The )7 45 "an issue a "ommand to any other "ounter but normally his a"tions !ill be
better spend on going through the "hain of "ommand [:ed ,ines] to his subordinates# $n
step 2#2#*#; the )7 45 !ill re"ei&e "ommands and A)T$VAT< any of the 45s F,T
,D:s or staff# When a"ti&ated those units re"ei&e a"ti&ation "ommands in phase 2#2#*)
and "an issue "ommands to themsel&es of any units under them /G:<<= for
(,Ts0,D:8 and ;,>< for )7 8taff#3# $f not a"ti&ated you !ill re"ei&e initiati&e
"ommands in 2#2#1;0)# ?ou !ill al!ays re"ei&e more a"ti&ation than initiati&e
"ommands for a gi&en "ard#
=ote in this e.ample the MT: F7 and @Amm F7 !ere atta"hed to '
platoon instead of
being "ompany resour"es# This allo!s the '
plt 45 to issue them "ommands# 8in"e '

platoon has less units it !ill potentially ha&e e.tra "ommands to spends on "alls for
mortar fire#
Mission #1 Operation Ala Moana
This is an B7ffensi&eC mission !here you use heli"opters to air assault into the Vietnam
Dungle and "lear an area# $ normally find that on"e you land you are really fighting Dust to
hold the ,E so the first fe! turns are "riti"al and "an turn &ery badly# $ think $ lost my
first !a&e on the first 2 mission tries#
Map Setup:
The mission takes pla"e on a F.F grid due to poor re"on only a small "ross at the "enter
is &isible the remaining "ards are fa"e do!n# 8in"e its daylight/GA3 a""ording to rule
/F#1#*3 ma.imum &isibility is 2 "ards /VH&ery long range3# When your units mo&e they
!ill ha&e ,78 into ne! "ards and the "ards !ill be flipped o&er re&ealing the terrain#
:emember to pla"e 1 "ards of to the side to indi"ate the staging area and onHroute
markers for heli"opters# :einfor"ements !ill tri"kle in slo!ly and "an only land on an
'2 Village FF 8!amp *+ :i"e (addy
** <lephant Grass '1 7pen 2+ ;amboo
+ (lantation F* Gully 2- ;amboo
Objectives: )lear *1 "ards# There are 1' "ards !ith "onta"t markersI you need to "lear at
least half of them#
Unit Selection: ;efore the first mission you "an "hoose bet!een a mortar se"tion or a '

platoon# The mortar se"tion is "apable of indire"t lay and is your only sour"e of 4 V7F
on the board# $ "hose the smaller '
(lt and !ill really more hea&ily on the FA)0arty for
hea&y firepo!er#
Arty F70 FA) are atta"hed to the )7 45
Mortar F7 is atta"hed to '
(,T 45
*1 8li"ks in 2 Flights /Flt ,D: *12 are atta"hed to )7 453
1 )4H'- in * flight /F,T ,D: ' atta"hed to )7 453
4eli"opters "an not be atta"hed to platoons so they must be atta"hed to the )7 45
/-#*#*3# 7nly )7 45 or F,T ,D:s or General $nitiati&e "an issue orders to 4eli"opters#
$f your )7 45 dies the ability to a"ti&ate F,T ,D:8 and heli"opters is limited# 8o the
ability to mo&e units in and out is limited#
(urple 8mokeJ Mark )ard as (rimary ,E
?ello! 8moke Mark )ard as Medi&a" ,E
:ed 8moke Mark )ard as Medi&a" ,E
:ed 8tar (ara"hute 8eek )o&er
4eli"opters "an only land in ,Es# $f your primary ,E is o&er run or !ant units dropped
of at a for!ard position you must use smoke to mark an ne! ,E /-#2#13# Medi&a" ,Es
ha&e their o!n "hoppers but needs a )7 or )7 staff to guide them getting a "asualty to a
medi&a" ,E "ounts as e&a"uated !hile a regular ,E needs to ha&e a "asualty loaded onto
a "hopper and sent ba"k to the staging area#/F#*#'3
Comman !isplay Setup:
)7 45 ;= Ta" =et /(:) 1F3 )o Ta" =et /(:) 1F3 1. :unners
)7 67 )o Ta" =et /(:) 1F3 :ed 8moke/Medi&a"3
)7 *
8GT )o Ta" =et /(:) 1F3 :ed 8moke /Medi&a"3
(lt )o Ta" =et /(:) 1F3 W( 1. 4) smoke (urple /(rimary ,E3 :8( /8eek
(lt )o Ta" =et /(:) 1F3 W( 4) 8moke ?ello! 8moke /Medi&a"3
(lt )o Ta" =et /(:) 1F3 W( ?ello! / Medi&a"3
(lt )o Ta" =et /(:) 1F3 W( 4) smoke (urple 8moke /,E3
(:) 1F radios "an "ommuni"ate !ith anyone on the map on the same net!ork /'#2#F3#
The Vietnam heli"opters are on the )o Ta" =et as !ell /-#*#*3# 4o!e&er there are 1 off
map staging areas/-#'#F3 for heli"opter assaults. The way I will play is that only
communication between a helicopter and PLT/HQ is allowed between the map and off
map staging area, this is my best guess.
When Dumping out of heli"opters your units !ill be e.posed and unable to seek "o&er#
,aying do!n smoke !ill help pro&ide a defensi&e benefit to "ro!ded ,Es and !hen
pushing out into the initial "onta"ts#
Counter Setup
1F random BKC ()# Take *@ A *@ ; *@ ) markers and mi. them up pla"e 1' of
them one on ea"h "ard e."ept for the "entral ,E# L=ote depending on the mi. the
mission !ill be easier or harder
(rimary ,E marker on [22]
"elicopter Assault:
?ou "an start !ith loaded heli"opters on the enHroute "ard a""ording to /-#'#F3 at the
beginning of the mission# This allo!s you to land units the &ery first turn# ?ou "an only
land on the ,E -/-#2#13 and ea"h "ard "an only hold ' &eh"iles and *@ steps /*#1#*#$3# 8o
the first flight on heli"opters "an land and unload but units need to mo&e off the ,E to
allo! the ne.t flight to land unfortunately this means running into () markers#
<a"h heli"opter "an bring 2 steps of units the first !a&e is *1 steps /'.2M *13# $n the first
!a&e it doesn%t matter !hi"h units are in !hi"h "hoppers sin"e no one is shooting at you
yetN in subse9uent !a&es "hoppers "an get shot do!n so you ha&e to break up the units
into different "hoppers#
Wa&e /*st (lt3 ;a"k at ;ase
** *st (lt 45 *0* Wpns 10* Wpns
*1# *0*
(lt [2]
*2 10*
(lt [2]
*' 20*
(lt [2]
(latoon )7 45 MT:s 1
(latoon3 :einfor"e ,E bring in indire"t fire
1* )7 45 *0'
(lt [1]
11 '
(lt 45 10'
(lt [1]
12 Mtr F7 *01
(lt [1]
1' 1
(lt 45 *01
Fire Team [*] @Amm mtr team
Wa&e /1
(lt )7 67 FA) A:T?3 :einfor"e and re"onstitue
2* )7 67 101
(lt [1]
21 A:T? F7 201
(lt [1]
22 FA) F7 101
Fire Team [*] *01
2' )7 *
8GT 101
W(=s 201
Fire Team [*]
Wa&e /2rd (latoon3 8e"ure ,E
** 2
(lt 45 *02 Wpns 102 Wpns
*1# *02
(lt [2]
*2 102
(lt [2]
*' 202
(lt [2]
Pre combat Plannin#$ Analysis:
(,T 45 is line along !ith '
(,T 45# $ need as many "ommands a&ailable initially
as possible# Green 45s suffer hea&y "ommand penalties !hen the shooting starts !ith
the loss of the G* no "onta"t bonus#
The ,E looks like a death trap $%ll ha&e to thank the )ol# if $ get ba"k to base# 4a&ing a
)o&er of &alue of A along !ith &ulnerable southern and northeastern flank >nloading
heli"opters !ill be e.posed and &ery &ery &ulnerable to AT fire if troops sur&i&e that they
!ill be e.posed to ground fire# :(Gs they "an fire at landing heli"opters during
rea"tion AT Fire /-#F#< -#2#13
=ormally $ !ould lea&e units in the ,E but its simply too dangerous# The mangro&e to
and bamboo forest to east and south east ha&e a high "o&er of 2 along !ith a dra! of '#
The gully to south has de"ent "o&er not as good as the first t!o but !ould help prote"t
my ,E# The Village to the =orthWest is a prime target to mo&e my ,E !ith building
"o&er /G13 and a ,E "apable#
Wa&e goal is to land at the ,E and "lear se"ure both the mangro&e to the =orth and
the ;amboo forest to the east# The :i"e (addy and 7pen terrain allo!s those to pro&ide
mutual support hopefully setting up a "rossfire !ith automati" fire# A (ush to the &illage
to the =W is possible but there probably !ill not be enough "ommands for it# ,aying
do!n smoke in the ,E is option# To mo&e the entire platoon $ !ill need @ "ommands /F
if !e lea&e the (,T 45 in the ,E3#
The :8( "an be used early on to make all my units seek "o&er sin"e they !ill be
e.posed # This !ill make them harder to "ommand in the future as "ommand does not
e.tend into "o&er# $ don%t"t my ,T to do mu"h besides spotting attempts and "alling
in Fire missions initially#
%ame Start
&urn 1:
;asi"ally get "ommands for the 45# A"ti&ate *
(,T and *
F,T leader# 7nly possible
a"tion is to a"ti&ate heli"opters so e&eryone sa&es "ommands e."ept for *
F,T ,D:#
During the &ehi"le mo&ement phase land the heli"opters in ro! /223 designated ,E#
2#* Do not "he"k for 45 e&ents on Turn O*
2#2#*#A =o ;= 45 auto a"ti&ate )7 G5
2#2#*#; Dra! "ard O'@ 10*# The )7 45 gets 1 "ommands /H* for green and G* for no
"onta"t3# 8pend 1 to a"ti&ate *
F,T ,D: and *
(,T 45 dra!s "ard O*F for '02 "ommands# Gets F /' G* for no "onta"t3# )an%t
do anything in the heli"opter so it sa&es F "ommands#
F,T ,D: dra!s "ard O2' for 201 "ommands# Gets ' "ommands / 2 G* for no
"onta"t3 [:emember all atta"hments are line e.perien"e]# 8pends ' "ommands to
a"ti&ate heli"opters ***1*2*' &ia "ommand '#1#*#i # <a"h heli"opter re"ei&es a
a"ti&ation marker
2#2#1#; A"ti&ate all remaining (latoons##
O'P *0A for A "ommands /green3
O2' 201 for 1 "ommands /green3
O2- 10* for 1 "ommands /line3
F,T O1+ for 201 for 2 "ommands
F,T O*1 for '02 for ' "ommands
F,T O2A for 201 for 2 "ommands
t2#2#1#) )ompany 8taff
)7 67 O*+ for '01 for 2 /line3
)7 *
8GT O2F for 20* for 2 /&eteran3
2#2#1D General $nitiati&e for 1 "ommands "an%t issue anyN
2#' =o enemy units and no 45 e&ents on turn O*N
2#F =o "asualties or enemies skip
2#@ A"ti&ate 4eli"opters ***1*2*' mo&e them to the ,E /-#2#13# Disembark *
and mark them e.posed /-#'#13# Flip the "ounter on the heli"opters to the
BM7V<D0F$:<DC side#
2#- A3 no fire missions ;3 no () markers )3 no V7Fs
2#+ )lean up remo&e the blue a"ti&ation marker from the heli"opters and the Be.posedC
marker from *
&urn ':
2#* )ard OFA no 45 e&ents
2#2#*#A =o ;= 45 auto a"ti&ate )7 G5
2#2#*#; Dra! "ard O'' 10*# The )7 45 gets 1 "ommands /H* for green and G* for no
"onta"t3# 8pend 1 to a"ti&ate *
F,T ,D: and '
(,T 45 dra!s "ard O2+ for 10* "ommands# Gets 1 /1 G* for no "onta"t3#
)an%t do anything in the heli"opter so it sa&es 1 "ommands#
F,T ,D: dra!s "ard O1@ for 201 "ommands# Gets ' "ommands / 2 G* for no
"onta"t3 [:emember all atta"hments are line e.perien"e]# 8pends ' "ommands to
a"ti&ate heli"opters ***1*2*' &ia "ommand '#1#*#i # <a"h heli"opter re"ei&es a
a"ti&ation marker#
2#2#1#; A"ti&ate all remaining (latoons##
O*F '02 for ' "ommands /line3
o 'GF/sa&ed from turn O*3# )an issue a ma. of @ /line3# Mo&e *0*
=W to &illage 10* = to Mangro&e 20* < to ;amboo *0* !pns =
to Mangro&e 10* !pns < to bamboo mo&e self /*
(,T 453 =W
to &illage# 8a&e 2 "ommands# /All units are e.posed3 LLLL After
mo&es update ,ine of sight and re&eal terrainLLLL
O@ F02 for 2 "ommands /green3 "an only sa&e ma. 2
O1* '01 for 1 "ommands /green3 "an only sa&e ma. 2
F,T OF for F02 for 1 "ommands
F,T O2- for 10* for 2 "ommandssa&e
F,T O1F for 201 for 2 "ommandssa&e
2#2#1#) )ompany 8taff
)7 67 O1+ for 201 for 2 /line3 sa&e
)7 *
8GT O*F for '02 for F /&eteran3 8a&e
2#2#1D General $nitiati&e for 1 "ommands *
(,T 45 deploy :8(# )auses e&ery unit to
seek "o&er# *
(,T 45 seeks "o&er 2 "ards su""ess# Finds light building# *0*
2 "ards
su""ess light building# 10*
' "ards su""ess# Gains "o&er# *0* Wpns F "ards /&eteran3
su""ess "o&er# 20*
' "ards fail# 10*
F "ards su""ess "o&er# General initiati&e 20*
seek "o&er ' "ards su""ess gains "o&er#

2#' =o enemy units O@ no 45 e&ent
2#F =o "asualties or enemies skip
2#@ A"ti&ate 4eli"opters ***1*2*' mo&e them to the inroute area and off the ,E# $%ll
!ait to resole the () markers before $ land my se"ond !a&e as the ,E !ill likely be hot
due to the "onta"ts#
;rush Mangro&e <lephant Grass Qungle ;amboo
:i"e (addy Village Mangro&e :i"e (addy )anal
4ill0 ;rush <lephant Grass 7pen ;amboo )anal
KKKKKKK (lantation Gully ;amboo Village
2#- A3 no fire missions
;3 flip o&er BKC () markers resol&e in alphabeti"al order /P#*#F3# 4a&ing good lu"k $
re&eal a B;C and 1 B)C "onta"ts unfortunately the B;C marker is in the &illage
signifi"antly redu"ing *
(,T 45 B,t# Dan%sC "han"e of sur&i&al#
; marker has to be resol&ed first# ,ooking at the "hart =o "onta"t0; is an auto so no
dra! is re9uired# $ Dra! "ard O2- and get a rndO of + under the *A "olumn !hi"h is
ridi"ulously lu"ky sin"e this pla"es a Bmaneu&erC team O*1 a s9uadL G an e.posed
marker the default "o&er for this mission is fo.holes but sin"e they are e.posed they do
not get any default "o&er /P#1#1 bullet **3# $ randomly pi"k from one of the P V) teams
marks *0V) through P0V) by pi"king them out of a bag# The 20V) drops first !ith a
V7F rating of 8 in the ammo se"tion it notes all 8 or A08 s9uads get a :(G laun"her as
!ell so get a :(G0;'A marker as !ell#
=o! to determine dire"tion and distan"e# $ dra! "ard O FA !hi"h is a *A !hi"h
"omes out to Bper pa"kage pla"ementC# $n the for"e table this is ma. ,78# ,78 is
normally 2 "ards but sin"e the unit has a range of , ma. ,78 !ould be 1 "ards# $ dra!
another "ard to determine dire"tion $ get O'1 for P !hi"h under unit pla"ement table is
B,eft FrontC or =orth!est# This puts them in the brush north!est of the &illage#
8in"e the >nit !as spotted and there is line of sight from the >8 units in the &illage#
The >8 for"es pla"es a small arms fire V7F on the brush# =o! in the pa"kage listings it
says not to pla"e a (DF for the Bmaneu&erC s9uad# The rules are not clear on this, and
there are 2 interpretations the !/"# they don$t get to place a "%& mar'er, and will ha(e
to wait for !.).2 to *+nemy acti(ity chec', to start shooting, or the !/"# will not open
fire on the card that generated the contact but instead follow, nearest/biggest/random
targeting rules -..) and /.0.01#I will assume the maneu(er team is shooting since it has
L%2 to the (illage. This is wrong, units that say do not place "%&, cannot place a "%&
this turn and must wait until the !.) phase# =ote sin"e !e ha&e one "ard !ith a V7F on
it this mo&es us to B"onta"tC from Bno "onta"tC#
=o! $ ha&e t!o B)C "onta"ts to resol&e# $ assign * to the Mangro&e and 1 to the
;amboo# $ dra! "ard O'- !ith R1% and no! resol&e the ;amboo marker# $n "onta"t !e
ha&e a dra! of 2 "ards for a ) "onta"ts $ get * "o&er and 1 rallies so there is no "onta"t
and ) marker is remo&ed# Mangro&e $ dra! 1 "onta"ts and a "o&er so !e no! ha&e to
resol&e the "onta"t#
$ dra! O1- for @ this sho!s a booby trap and a sniper# ,ets pla"e the sniper first
then the booby trap# The booby trap is a H' grenade atta"k on one random unit on the
"ard# The 10* s9uad is assigned a R*% and the 10* W(=s is assigned a R1%# $ dra! "ard OF
for a R*% and pla"e a grenade on the 10*
s9uad# =o! to pla"e the sniper# $ dra! "ard O*1
!hi"h gi&es me a R2% !hi"h is R :ight at ma. ,78% and under a fo.hole# This pla"es the
entire "ard under a small arms V7F then sele"t randomly and pla"e a sniper V7F# Again
$ assign *1 to the s9uad and ma"hine gun# 10*
s9uad is unlu"ky and gets hit by sniper
fire as !ell#
The sniper is unspotted so no >8 V7Fs may be pla"ed# 8in"e the sniper is firing
though the ri"e paddy remo&e the "onta"t marker in the ri"e paddy /P#1#13# Also !ith 1
V7Fs !e are no! engaged up from "onta"t#
%(er all this was a (ery luc'y draw. 3e only ha(e one card under fire, with most of
that fire focused on one unit. %ur 0
PLT HQ will hopefully sur(i(e one more turn, and is
under hea(y co(er. %ur L4 is clear and can accommodate another wa(e ne5t turn. In a
pre(ious play through I pulled a single 67$ contact spawning a 8un'er #omple5 in the
L4, and cutting off reinforcements.
2#-#1 =o !e determine the net "ombat modifiers and resol&e the "ards in se9uen"e#
Generally $ like seeing !hat units $ loose before "he"king !hat "asualties $ infli"t# 8o $
assign a R*% to the &illage and R1% to the mangro&e $ get a 1 so $ !ill reso&le the mangro&e
first# 8o the 10* !pns has a =)M of G1 /e.posed H1 G2 terrain G* "o&er A 8mallr arms3
s9uad has a =)M of H1 /e.posed H1 G2 terrain G* "o&er H' booby trap3 the sniper
fire 8S is !eaker than the booby trap so its not used# $ then dra! another "ard to see
!hi"h $ resol&e first R*% for the s9uad and a R1% for the ma"hine gun# $ get R1% for the
ma"hine gun ne.t "ard is used to determine hit0pin0missN $ dra! O+ and G1 is a miss#
Then $ dra! O*P and someho! the s9uad gets Rpin% on a H1 =)M -(ery luc'y1.
=o! for the &illage# ;oth units are at a G1 =)M /1 terrain H1 e.posed G1 light
buildings A small arms3# $ assign R*% to the (,T 45 and R1% to the s9uad and get a R*%# $
then dra! to see if it hits then O* for a miss and then O*- for a Rmiss%#
=o! it%s the V)%s turn# The brush is under /G1 terrain H1 e.posed GAsmall arms fire3#
9ow I belie(e that the :P;/8)< mar'ers should not ha(e a dot underneath them to
indicate a crew, the rules mention that they beha(e similarly to pan=erfausts, in that they
are ammunition on regular units and not units themsel(es -/.2 :>t ammo1. 2o the only to
hit chec' will be done on the !/"# s?uads. $ dra! a "ard and get O 12 pinned#
&urn (:
2o far I ha(e been (ery luc'y, not suffering any casualties, and only meeting light
resistance. 0
PLT has some commands sa(ed and will try to, infiltrate to the building
with the 0/0
s?uad, it can then try to send it on an infiltration mission to the brush to the
93 and attempt a grenade attac', or simply launch a grenade attac' from its current
position using its )<mm launchers and concentrate fire. The (eteran machine gunners,
will most li'ely attempt to spot the sniper using general initiati(e, since its so close to
map borders, once its spotted it will flee. The 2
wa(e will land this turn, I could should
the L4 to (illage, if I charge with 0
Platoon, its also closer to the hills, where I can setup
the @T: obser(ers and mortar teams. .
2#* )ard O2A no 45 e&ents
2#2#*#A =o ;= 45 auto a"ti&ate )7 G5
2#2#*#; Dra! "ard O*A F02# The )7 45 gets ' "ommands /H* for green3# 8pend 1 to
a"ti&ate 1
F,T ,D: and *
(,T 45 dra!s "ard OFA for *0A "ommands# /G* for "o&er H* for 8 Vof3 G2
sa&ed for ' "ommands# Attempts to infiltrate to other "o&er marker on "ard dra!s
1 and failI mo&es to "o&er and is marked e.posed# )ommand *0*
to attempt a
grenade atta"kI 8a&e 1 "ommands
F,T ,D: dra!s "ard O+ F02 for "ommands# Gets F "ommands 8pends '
"ommands to a"ti&ate heli"opters 1*11121' &ia "ommand '#1#*#i # <a"h
heli"opter re"ei&es a a"ti&ation marker#
2#2#1#; A"ti&ate all remaining (latoons##
O'A 10* for A "ommands /green3 "an only sa&e ma. 2
O12 '01 for * "ommands /green3 "an only sa&e ma. 2
O @ F02 for 2 "ommads total @ sa&ed
F,T O'P for *0A for A "ommands
F,T OF for F02 for 2 "ommandssa&e
F,T O*P for '01 for 2 "ommandssa&e
2#2#1#) )ompany 8taff
)7 67 O2@ for 20* for * /line3 sa&eI @ total
)7 *
8GT O1' for '01 for 2 /&eteran3 8a&eI P total
2#2#1D General $nitiati&e for O2 for ' "ommands# The sniper is &etran under"o&er so
it%s a H2 modifer to spotting !ith a minimum of * "ard <a"h unit should attempt to spot
the sniper# *0* W(ns dra!s one "ard and it spots the sniper /(ery luc'y3# ;oth ma"hine
guns and s9uads immediately open fire "ausing an automati" fire V7F along !ith a
"rossfire sadly the sniper !ill retreat !ill $ burn t!o MG ammo# 8pend one "ommand to
rally the 10*
s9uad rally su""eeds and the pinned marker is remo&ed# 10* attempts
infiltration to the =W !ith t!o "ards fails and mo&es to the mangro&e as e.posed# =o!
here $ "an either to a grenade atta"k or seek "o&er# $ !ill attempt a grenade atta"k 1 "ards
miss# $ pla"e a grenade miss "ounter#
2#' O2+ Trigger enemy 45 e&ent O'2 e&ent P tunnels ne! () markers on all "leared
"ards take "leared markes and shuffle in !ith ne! ones and pla"eK Aoes the L4 get a
mar'er, according to the Potential contact placement no, so I will not put a mar'er there,
plus that would shorten the mission significantly. Things Dust !ent from 7T to &ery bad#
* marker is immediately remo&ed as the sniper is generating a V7F0(DF in to a ri"e
A"ti&ity "he"k assign the sniper a R*% and the 20V) s9uad a R1%# Get a R1% look up the
,AT0(inned a"ti&ity "he"k do B(inned under "o&erC get a R*% out of R'% no a"tion so
the s9uad remains pinned# =e.t is the sniper it follo!s rules in P#@ no! spotted it !ill
retreat and if lea&es the map it is remo&ed from the game# The >8 units are no! firing
into an empty "ard and !asting ammo#
2#F =o (arlayed and no prisoners
2#@ Vehi"le Mo&ementN $ ha&e ' "hoppers ready to land they "ould abort and !ait till
ne.t turn to land /-#'#F3 this is the most prudent "ourse of a"tion possibly unloading *1
steps into a =)M of H1 is ugly# ;ut *
platoon "an be stranded !ithout additional support#
$ !ill land only "hoppers 1112 !hile ha&ing 1*1' ho&er# Till ne.t turn# This !ill
balan"e both priorities#
2#-#* With the sniper running of the board !e are ba"k to "onta"t a"ti&ity le&el#
2#-#*#b =o! !e flip o&er the () markers in"luding the 2 that appeared in the areas
!here Dust "leared !e dis"o&er t!o A markers one ; and one )# We !ill resol&e the A
markers first they are in the &illage and mangro&e to the north and !ill resol&e the
mangro&e first# With a * !e get 8pider holes O@ 1 s9auds under fo.holesN$ get the
F0V) and @0V) /A08 range ,3 e9uipped !ith rpgs# First s9uad gets right read !hi"h puts
it on top of the 10* W(=s 89uad unfortunately the s9uad is not spotted so it "an%t be
fired on the by the 10* W(=s but the F0V) "an fire ba"k# The @0V) spa!ns to south at
the &illage !ith the *
(,T 45 "utting of the "rossfire of the unit in the brush and
pla"ing the 45 under automati" !eapons fire# We are no! 4<AV$,? <ngaged !ith 1
"ards and units fighting at ( range
>nfortunately the ne.t A () sees "onta"t in the ne.t 2 "ards# Another set of spider holes
O@# -0V) and +0V) spa!n !ith :(Gs and fo.holes# To the =orth and 8outh!est# 7ur
lines are infiltrated !ith V) and it !ill be diffi"ult dislodging the ' s9uads and they ha&e
mo&ed into the hea&ily fortified position and ha&e :(G fire "apability on the ,E#
Furthermore none of the ne!ly pla"ed units are spotted pre&enting return fire#
7s you can see Impending doom, most of 0
platoon is toast once, the "# is done with
them they will open fire on the L4. I$m about to ta'e casualties and its Bust the start of
turn C) , I only ha(e / turns left to win. 8y clearing cards. I will try to spot as many
enemy units as I can and march )
platoon down to the (illage at -row 2 col D1 and
hopefully set up a L4 for e(acuation. I$m also sending the #hinoo's for an e(ac Bust in
case, since they are the only helicopters currently at the base.
!.E.2 3e decide to resol(e the only "# unit that is getting shot at, before mo(ing to the
butchers bill. 9#@ of F0 is a hit, and creates a single liter team. :esol(ing randomly I
getG2/0 3P9s C)E HIT H 9#@ I!, all other J2 units are pinned. 3ith the death of 2/0
the D/"# ha(e opened up on the L4, with small arms fire. It will ta'e 2 more turns to set
up a new L4 which is turn C/, best course of action is try to regroup and e(acuate, so the
mission is a huge failure.
End of Walkthrough
4ope you enDoyed the !alkthrough $ definitely think $ misunderstood some rules# 8ome
$%m going ba"k to refine my heli"opter assault and () pla"ement rules#
After se&eral plays here are my thoughts# The first !a&e should really in"lude the 67
45 and an arty obser&er# <&en if you ha&e to "ut do!n s9uads to 1 steps from 2 and
"reate fire teams# The 45 has barely enough "ommands to a"ti&ate the right heli"opters
and keep the platoons going# 4e needs to seek "o&er 9ui"kly for the G* "ommand bonus#
The 67 is useful !hen splitting the first platoon on the ground# The plt 45 and 67 ea"h
get * s9uadG * MG team# This let them "ommand from 1 "ards and set up a "rossfire#
?ou really need the reinfor"ements on turn t!o !ith 1
and the *
8GT on the
ground# 4a&ing enough people to gi&e "ommands is "lut"h#
The arty obser&er needs to get to high ground and needs a )7 TA) =<T phone this
allo!s any one to "all for arty !hi"h !ill be your main atta"k sin"e you la"k 4 V7F
8potting seems diffi"ult but try any!ay a lot of times you !ill ha&e a H2 modifies to
spotting /&eteran "o&er G2 terrain3 !ith a minimum of * "ard# 8o make sure to ha&e
someone higher up gi&e the spot "ommand so you "an e.hort for G* "ard if you ha&e the
"ards to burn#
;unkers in hea&y terrain are hard to take out additionally the units are &eteran they tend
to take fe! "asualties# Try to get out of the ,78 of the bunker sin"e it "an only shoot in
one dire"tion# >se the 'Amm grenade laun"hers to attempt platoon grenade atta"ks to get
a lo! enough =)M#
,E landing is a balan"e bet!een getting enough !eapons on the ground and e.posing
too many units to ground fire# ?ou need to push of the ,E but "arefull !hen generating
Air assault should be 1 flights of >4H* !ith * flight of )hinooks "arrying the rest of the
"ompany# Teep the third flight of >4H* in reser&e# $f the ,E gets too hot you !ill !ant
to shift the ,E and ha&e a fighting !ithdra!al#

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