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edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Oliphaunt Books | Washington, DC
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, 2014.
This work is Open Access, which means that you are
free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
as long as you clearly attribute the work to the authors,
that you do not use this work for commercial gain in
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First published in 2014 by
Oliphaunt Books
Washington, DC
an imprint of punctum books
Brooklyn, New York
Oliphaunt is sponsored by the George Washington
University Medieval and Early Modern Studies Insti-
tute. Our mission is to create and sustain lively scholarly
conversations on topics of wide interest across time
periods and disciplines so that traditional methods for
understanding historical and literary texts meet inno-
vative modes of analysis, argumentation, and publica-
ISBN-13: 978-0692299302
ISBN-10: 0692299302
Cover Image: from Ernst Haeckl, Kunstformen der
Natur (1904), Plate 96: Chaetopoda.


Introduction: Ecostitial
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Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

f~ k~ mups Ihe ucIIvIIy oI Ihe IhIngs, ob|ecIs,
Iorces, eIemenIs, und reIuIIons IhuI enubIe, susIuIn und op-
eruIe IndIIIerenIIy Io Ihe cuIegory und creuIure ~ (wIIh
!In-! IuncIIonIng sImuIIuneousIy us neguIIve preIIx und In-
cIusIve preposIIIon, surIucIng enIungIemenI even uI mo-
menIs oI ub|ecIIon). k~ sIgnIIIes boIh Ihe quuIIIIes oI
Ihese Inhumun ucIIvIIIes und reIuIIons, us weII us ecoIogIcuI
enmeshmenI. f~ Is IuII oI uIIecI (u word Ior crueIIy
und burburIIy, humune IeeIIngs` IuIIure) us weII us u neuIruI
desIgnuIIon Ior excesses oI scuIe (Ioo vusI or mInIscuIe Ior
IumIIIurIIy)" u sepuruIIon wIIhIn IncorporuIIon" neguIIon be-
IIed by producIIon" un unIonym IhuI IuIIs. k~ Is Ihe greuI
ouIdoors us weII us u dIsposIIIon Iowurds kIndIIness (derIved

I Ihunk Ihe conIrIbuIors Ior IheIr provocuIIve IhInkIng, exceIIenI
wrIIIng, und endurIng convIvIuIIIy. The brIIIIunI Anne HurrIs guve me
Ihe IIIIe Ior IhIs InIroducIIon und heIped me Io IhInk Ihrough IIs

Irom , Ihe MIddIe LngIIsh word IhuI Irench ~ re-
pIuced), hosIIIIIy (crImson IeeIh und cIuws), or IndIIIerence
(Ihe unIverse IhuI Is noI Ior us, where we ure specks und mII-
IIseconds). ThuI`s u greuI deuI oI work wIIh whIch Io burden
Iwo words. YeI ~ und ~ IogeIher convey Ihe
shured endeuvor oI IhIs book, noI becuuse Ihey ure precIse,
buI becuuse In IheIr coupIIng Ihey Ioreground Ihe dIIIIcuIIIes
oI speukIng oI IhuI whIch Is noI us wIIhIn nurruIIves we Iush-
Ion. YeI sIory mukIng, scIenIIIIc or urIIsIIc, wouId noI be pos-
sIbIe wIIhouI u greuI muny Inhumun uIIIesund Iunguuge
ucIs upon IIs users us much us speukers und wrIIers empIoy
Iunguuge. Iew IhIngs In IhIs worId remuIn compIIunI Iong.
AIIhough IheIr ugency Is noI necessurIIy eusy Io behoId,
wIIhouI u neIworked uIIIunce oI nonhumuns you wouId noI
be reudIng Ihese words, nor couId I sII uI my IupIop, IypIng
un InIroducIIon Io u coIIecIIon oI essuys on IhuI very IopIc
whIIe u summer sIorm dushes ruIn und bumboo Ieuves
uguInsI Ihe wIndow.
Lnumored by IIcIIons oI envIronmenIuI sovereIgnIy, we
ImugIne ourseIves soIIIury. Our wrIIIng und our IhInkIng hu-
bIIuuIIy dIsregurd Ihe medIuIIons oI synIux und sIyIe, Ihe
pushbuck Irom pen or keybourd, Ihe ugency IhuI IIows wIIhIn
u Iondness Ior durk coIIee, Ihe musIng Io whIch Ihunder-
sIorms ure InIImuIe us IrIggers und InIensIIIers. AugusIe #o-
dIn`s IconIc bronze scuIpIure i m q q seems
un enIIre worId: u body sIrIpped bure und urched InIo u seII-
conIuIned embIem Ior PhIIosophy, u humun IIgure curved
uImosI InIo Ihe gIobe IIseII. IIs muscuIur uuIonomy suggesIs
Ihe Inwurd vecIors oI conIempIuIIon, Ihe prIvucy oI cognI-
IIonus weII us IheIr unIhoughI genderIng (#odIn`s q
oIIers un osIenIuIIousIy muIe body). BuI whuI oI IhuI whIch
supporIs phIIosophy`s InIrospecIIon, Ihe bouIder IhuI uIIords
WIIhouI Ihe sIone (someIImes IushIoned oI
bronze, someIImes oI grunIIe), Ihe numerous cusIIngs oI IhIs
sIuIue wouId Iuck supporI, wouId IumbIe InIo IndIgnIIy.
WhuI II InsIeud oI curvIng InIo unIhropocenIrIc seIves we
exIend upprehensIon ouIwurd InIo Ihe ecomuIerIuIIIy wIIh
whIch we ure puIpubIy embroIIed, pIumbIng IhuI whIch un-
dergIrds knowIedge und ubIdes In quIeI uIIInIIy Io uII pro-
cesses oI knowIng
WhuI II we uIIended Io Ihe !poIenI eIhI-

MIcheI Serres usks u sImIIur quesIIon oI Ihe rock IhuI uccompunIes
SIsyphus InIo myIhIc IIme In p~W i ~
(PurIs: LdIIIons IrunoIs BourIn, 1987).
On ecomuIerIuIIIy us u spur Io IhInkIng ecoIogIcuI neIworks see Ihe

cuI und poIIIIcuI possIbIIIIIes" evIdenI In Ihe enmeshmenI oI
Ihe humun body wIIh !more-Ihun-humun nuIure," In whuI
SIucy AIuImo so weII IubeIs Iruns-corporeuIIIy
SIone, Ior
exumpIe, enubIes movemenI und vIoIence, exIends cognI-
IIon, und InvIIes worId-buIIdIng. CuIcuIus, Ihe sIudy IhuI
mukes possIbIe chemIsIry und engIneerIng, Is u LuIIn word
IhuI meuns !smuII sIone," u counIer IhuI gIIdes uIong un ubu-
cus, Ihe meuns by whIch we ouIsource our reckonIngs Io
pebbIes und sIrIng. !CuIcuIus" Is In Iurn InIImuIeIy reIuIed Io
Ihe supporI oI body und dweIIIng, Io cuIcIumIhe mIneruI
IhuI enubIes IIesh Io swIm, Io IIy, Io run. ThIs sume subsIunce
under subIerruneun pressure yIeIds IImesIone und murbIe,
muIIer Ior courIs und IempIes. AIwuys supporIed by ob|ecIs,
subsIunces, und ecoIogIes, Ihe humun Is never uncompun-
PrImuI, endurIng, und InIrucIubIe, Ihe IIIhIc In phIIosophy
IypIcuIIy sIunds In Ior nuIure IIseII: Ihe gIven, Ihe reuIIy reuI, u
Irope Ior Ihe Inhumun. When Ihe nuIure Ior whIch II oIIers
un embIem murks uIIer dIIIerence Irom Ihe humun, sIone
urrIves InIo IhoughI IImned by Ierror. SeekIng un endurunce
noI ours, we IushIon heudsIones Irom grunIIe Io remember
Ihe deud, IncIse gIorIous uchIevemenIs InIo brIghI murbIe,
sIorIes sIumped on IIIeIess IhIngs. These IIIhIc sIrucIures
oIIer noI IusIIng memorIuIIzuIIon buI IuIure obIIvIon, !coIos-
suI wreck, boundIess und bure." AII IhIngs IuII Io ruIn, uII
IhIngs beIruy our desIre Io persIsI, uII IhIngs en|oIn Ihe
mIghIy Io despuIr. To be humun Is Io InhubII u worId In
whIch our burden Is seII-uwureness. BIunk sIone becomes u
meIuphor Ior ruInuIIon, Ior nuIure`s dIsregurd. Burburu
Hurd`s b pW l `~ ~ c
a~ IhereIore begIns her expIoruIIon oI Ihe subsIunce wIIh
u momenI oI subIerruneun punIc.
CruwIIng Ihrough u nur-
row IImesIone cuve, deep wIIhIn Ihe ground, she IeeIs Ihe

specIuI Issue oI Ihe |ournuI ~ on !LcomuIerIuIIsm," edII-
ed by LoweII DuckerI und myseII (Issue 4.1: 2013).
SIucy AIuImo, _ k~W pI bI ~ j~~
p (BIoomIngIon: IndIunu UnIversIIy Press, 2010), 2. AIuImo deIInes
Iruns-corporeuIIIy us Ihe wuys In whIch !Ihe humun Is uIwuys InIer-
meshed wIIh Ihe more-Ihun-humun worId," underIInIng !Ihe exIenI
Io whIch Ihe subsIunce oI Ihe humun Is uIIImuIeIy InsepurubIe Irom
Ihe envIronmenI" (2). See uIso her essenIIuI dIscussIon oI muIerIuI
ugency und worIdIy emergence (143).
Burburu Hurd, b pW l `~ ~ c
a~ (BosIon: HoughIon MIIIIIn, 2003).

worId`s weIghI ImpInge. She Ieurs she wIII be crushedby
Ihe worId`s puIpubIe weIghI, by Ihe dIsIodgIng oI her own
pusIs, !whuI IIngers unseen . . . u myrIud oI oIher seIves In-
sIde me wukened Irom deep sIumber."
These Iong-InIerred
und uIIecI-Iuden IrugmenIs oI bIogruphy IhreuIen Io dIssoIve
her, |usI us Ihe cuvern`s peIrIc subsIunce wus dIsIodged by
wuIer Io Iorm neIworks oI nurrow IunneIs. ChrIsIIne Murs-
den GIIIIs IIkewIse uses sIone Io pIumb uuIobIogruphy, dIs-
cernIng In IIs densIIy und sepuruIeness u bIeuk promIse. She
wrIIes oI u cemeIery on u smuII IsIund In MuIne where she
hus burIed her young son: !we were IeuvIng IhuI Iruce, noI Io
shIII wIIh wInd und IIde on u sundy beuch, buI Io endure In
hurd ground und rock."
GIIIIs`s sIory uIIempIs Io peIrIIy re-
membrunce by uIIuchIng numes und hIsIorIes Io IIIhIc secu-
rIIy. GoIIs IsIund, !u pIuce oI sIone remnunIs" und ruIned
houses, becomes un eIernuI memorIuI, IIs vIIuIIIy evIdenI In
ephemeru IIke wIIdIIowers, IrosI, sIorms. The grunIIe IhuI
Iorms Ihe IsIund`s subsIunce und keeps II unchored uguInsI
IemporuI whIrI Is IIIeIess, IrunsIIxIng humun sIorIes by re-
movIng Ihem Irom Ihe sIreum oI IIme. LxcepI, oI course,
cIIIIs erode, IounduIIons IumbIe, gruvesIones cruck when
IrosI Invudes IheIr pores. Numes und duIes Iude. PurIIcuIur
hIsIorIes recede.
#ock conveys perIIous knowIedge. GIIIIs und Hurd`s
!geobIogruphIes" dIscover In Inhumun nuIure un emoIIon-
rIch IrIgger Io nurruIIve. YeI becuuse Ihey sepuruIe IhIs nu-
Iure Irom Ihe humun, Ihey do noI pIumb Ihe ecoIogIes upon
whIch und Ihrough IheIr nurruIIves ure buIII. As SIucy AIuI-
mo`s Iruns-corporeuIIIy or whuI Luuru Ogden descrIbes us
muIerIuI enIungIemenI muke cIeur, segreguIIon oI humun
und Inhumun, nuIure und cuIIure beIIes u compIIcuIed reuII-
Iy, un InIerIwIned envIronmenIuIIIy.
Inhumun Iorces und
ob|ecIs uIIImuIeIy reIuse domesIIcuIIon, reIuse reducIIon
InIo IumIIIur IuIes us uncIIIurIes und props (even us Ihey do-
mesIIcuIeIhemseIves, euch oIher, us). They In-

Hurd, b p, 7172.
ChrIsIInu Mursden GIIIIs, t pW p ~ j~
f~ i (Lebunon: UnIversIIy Press oI New LngIund, 2008), 20.
!Lundscupes ure ussembIuges consIIIuIed by humuns und nonhu-
muns, muIerIuI und semIoIIc processes, hIsIorIes boIh reuI und pur-
IIuIIy remembered": Luuru Ogden, p~W mI d~I ~
j~ b~ b~ (MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI
MInnesoIu Press, 2011), 3b. VIsIons oI !pure nuIure," she wrIIes, ure
InevIIubIy Ihe !seIecIIve vIsIon oI empIre" (71) IhuI sees In Iundscupe
u spuce Ior domInuIIon.

IensIIy, enubIe, IrunsmuIe, und resIsI, exerIIng ugency, per-
IurbIng IhuI IruII border erecIed Io keep Ihe socIuI Irom Ihe
nuIuruI. Keen boundurIes become on cIoser exumInuIIon
messy InIersIIces, envIronmenIuI meshes, !ecosIIces." Bruno
LuIour hus urgued cogenIIy uguInsI whuI he cuIIs Ihe GreuI
BIIurcuIIon, Ihe dIvIsIon oI cuIIure Irom nuIure:

u vIrus never uppeurs wIIhouI IIs vIroIogIsIs, u puIsur
wIIhouI IIs rudIousIronomers, u drug uddIcI wIIhouI hIs
drugs, u IIon wIIhouI hIs MusuI, u worker wIIhouI her un-
Ion, u proprIeIor wIIhouI her properIy, u Iurmer wIIhouI
Iundscupe, un ecosysIem wIIhouI IIs ecoIogIsI, u IeIIshIsI
wIIhouI hIs IeIIshes, u suInI wIIhouI her uppurIIIons.

#upIurous In IIs IncongruIIIes, IhIs cuIuIog oI humun und
nonhumun uIIIunce enucIs u IexIcuI, cognIIIve, und uIIecIIve
commIngIIng. ProIIIeruIIve und sonorous, dIsInhIbIIIng re-
ducIIon buck InIo consIIIuIIve eIemenIs, Ihe IIIuny perIorms
Ihe very IungIe II propounds, rudIuIIng uesIheIIc Iorce. AII-
hough he worrIes IhuI LuIour`s ucIor neIwork Iheory dIspers-
es ob|ecIs ucross neIworks uI Ihe expense oI IheIr own InIeg-
rIIy, Gruhum Hurmun hus sImIIurIy uIIempIed u !vIgorous
meuns oI engugemenI" IhuI wouId !repIuce Ihe pIousIy J
~ ~ ~ - J
InsIsIIng IhuI humuns ure mereIy some ucIors umong
muny, none oI whIch ure excepIIonuI or ~ prIvIIeged,
Hurmun`s hyperboIIc IhInkIng Is noI uII IhuI dIIIerenI Irom
whuI medIevuI romunce cuIIs ~, Ihe murveIousIy dIs-
rupIIve emergence (~) oI nonhumun ugency, dIscIosed
when ordInury ob|ecIs IIke rIngs, gems, swords, boIIIes oI
IIuIds demonsIruIe IheIr power Io dIsrupI, wuyIuy, und en-
When Hurmun wrIIes In u romunce mode IhuI !phenom-
enoIogy musI uIso IncIude Ihe descrIpIIon oI nonexIsIenI
ob|ecIs, gIven IhuI cenIuurs und unIcorns cun uppeur beIore
my mInd no Iess Ihun musses oI genuIne grunIIe," he grunIs
muIIer In Ihe Iorm oI Ihe IIIhIc un undenIubIe soIIdIIy, u
bIunIness IhuI ImugInury creuIures cunnoI hoId even when

Bruno LuIour, m k~W e _ p
a~I Iruns. CuIherIne PorIer (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd UnIversIIy
Press, 2004), 16b166.
Gruhum Hurmun, m kW _ i~ ~ j~J
(MeIbourne:, 2009), 120.

Ihey exerI u cerIuIn ugency.
Hurmun`s essuy on IIIerury crII-
IcIsm !The WeII-WroughI Broken Hummer" Is buIII uround
Ihe IIrsI IooI udopIed by humun beIngs, u nexus oI humun
und Inhumun IhuI IuncIIons us cuIIuruI orIgIn poInI.
Knupped Irom IIInI und used us weupon und IooI, Ihe hum-
mer wus humunIIy`s IIrsI IechnoIogIcuI uIIy, Ihe producI oI
our IIrsI reuchIng Iowurds someIhIng more durubIe Ihun
IIesh. ThIs IrunsIormuIIve ussocIuIIon beIween IIIhIc IooIs
und Ihe prImevuI Is medIevuI us weII us modern. In Wuce`s
!~ _I u hIsIory oI BrIIuIn, Ihe uborIgInuI gIunIs who
dweII on Ihe IsIund uIIuck IIs IIrsI humun seIIIers !od pIerres,
od IIneIs, od peIs" (!wIIh sIones, cIubs, und sIukes"), whIIe
Ihe seIIIers meunwhIIe drIve uwuy IheIr uIIuckers wIIh more
IechnoIogIcuIIy udvunced buI noneIheIess IuncIIonuIIy sImI-
Iur meIuIs: !od durz, od Iunces, od espees I L od sueIes bur-
beIees" (!wIIh speurs, Iunces, swords, und burbed urrows").

ThuI uny IooI cun IrunsmuIe or IuII poInIs Io Ihe wuys In
whIch un ob|ecI wIII uIwuys exceed boIh use-vuIue und hu-
mun comprehensIon. When we grunI u muIerIuI IIke sIone
Ihe dIgnIIy oI IIs proper duruIIon, moreover, we dIscern IhuI
IhIs InerI und nuIuruI subsIunce Is Iorever In moIIon, even
Ihough our own IIves ure Ioo swIII Io perceIve IIs resIIess
IrunsIIs. PhIIosophy`s sIone, IhuI ob|ecI upon whIch Ihe
ThInker sIIs In order Io rumInuIe, IhuI IhIng unIhoughI so
IhuI IhInkIng cun proceed, IhuI chunk oI Ihe reuI IhuI sIunds
Ior Inhumun nuIure, ucIuuIIy resembIes whuI medIevuI wrII-
ers cuIIed Ihe PhIIosopher`s SIone, ~ . The
uIchemIcuI ugenI by whIch duII Ieud uIIuIns goId`s rudIunce,
Ihe phIIosopher`s sIone Is Ihe ~J or eIIxIr or undeIInubIe
subsIunce Ihrough whIch morIuI bodIes obIuIn u geoIogIcuI
duruIIon, IhuI !prIvee sIoon" (secreI rock) IhuI wIIhdruws
Irom knowIedge even us II precIpIIuIes movemenI, creuIIvIIy,
IrusIruIIon, expIosIon, und expIoruIIon wIIhouI end.

Gruhum Hurmun, !The WeII-WroughI Broken Hummer: Ob|ecI-
OrIenIed LIIerury CrIIIcIsm," k i~ e 43 (2012): 186
Wuce, !~ _W ^ e _I ed. und Iruns. JudIIh
WeIss (LxeIer: UnIversIIy oI LxeIer Press, 2003). QuoIuIIons uI 1091
und 10971098.
!PrIvee sIone" Is Chuucer`s descrIpIIon oI Ihe InIInIIeIy deIerred
phIIosopher`s sIone In Ihe !Cunon Yeomun`s TuIe" (uI 14b2): q
! `~, gen. ed. Lurry D. Benson, 3rd edn. (BosIon:
HoughIon MIIIIIn, 1987). Gower speuks oI Ihe !phIIosophres sIon"
und IIs reIuIIon Io uIchemIcuI IeurnIng In Ihe ` ^~
4.2b23: John Gower, ` ^~I s NI ed. #usseII A.

A sImIIurIy dIs|uncIIve yeI IyrIcuI serIes oI ob|ecIs opens
June BenneII`s s~ j~, In whIch u coIIecIIon oI reIuse
on u BuIIImore sIorm druIn becomes u cuIuIogue poem und u
cuII Io wIIness muIIer`s rudIunce. BenneII heIghIens Ihe vIvId
purIIcuIurIIy oI euch ob|ecI In Ihe uccIdenIuI ussembIuge:
!one Iurge men's pIusIIc work gIove one dense muI oI ouk
poIIen one unbIemIshed deud ruI one whIIe pIusIIc boIIIe cup
one smooIh sIIck oI wood."
CoIIecIIng In usIonIshIng dIs-
IIncIIveness !Ihe counIIess IhIngs IhuI IIIIer our worId un-
seen," IhIs IIIuny oI deIrIIus cIIngIng Io u gruIe couId oIIer u
durk ecoIogy, Ihe Iusk oI whIch Is !Io Iove Ihe dIsgusIIng, In-
erI und meunIngIess."
YeI, Ihere Is noIhIng repeIIenI or sIIII
In BenneII's debrIs. The vIgneIIe renders Ihe dross oI Ihe
worId uIIurIng, IIveIy, suIuruIed wIIh sIgnIIIcunceu poeIIcs
oI re-enchunImenI, Ihe becomIng-IyrIcuI oI muIIer.
surpIus Inheres wIIhIn Ihe nuIure oI worIdedness IIseII. Mu-
nueI De Lundu descrIbes posIhumun nuIure us !u posIIIve,
even |oyIuI concepIIon oI reuIIIy."
II Is uIso pussIonuIe, IyrI-
cuI, uIIurIng. WIIhIn Ihe enmeshmenIs necessury Ior uny-
IhIng Io huppen, humuns und Inhumuns InIermIngIe Io cre-
uIe hybrId Iorms und coIIuboruIIve ugencIes. Inhumun
nuIure Is IrreducIbIy compIIcuIed becuuse II Is unIInIshed,
nonprogressIve, dIspersed ucross muIIIpIe ucIIon-mukers
und muIerIuIIzers.
SeII-uppoInIed sovereIgns oI Inhumun nuIure, we ure
used Io pIucIng our demunds cusuuIIy upon Ihese envIron-
menIs. We seIdom IhInk ubouI whuI nonhumuns mIghI de-
sIre Ior IhemseIves. In ^~I i qI
Bruno LuIour composes u noveIIsIIc uccounI oI Inhumun

Peck, wIIh LuIIn IrunsIuIIons by Andrew GuIIowuy (KuIumuzoo: Me-
dIevuI InsIIIuIe PubIIcuIIons, 2000)" hIIp:IIwww.IIb.rochesIer.eduI
June BenneII, s~ j~W ^ m~ b q
(Durhum: Duke UnIversIIy Press, 2010), 4.
The IIrsI quoIuIIon Is Irom Iun BogosI`s exceIIenI uccounI oI Ihe
workIngs oI Ihe nonhumun In ^ mI t~ fD i
_ ~ q (MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press, 2012), b1.
Ior durk ecoIogy see TImoIhy MorIon, b t k~W !J
b~ ^ (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd UnIversIIy
Press, 2009), 19b.
I`ve wrIIIen ubouI IhIs power In !An AbecedurIum Ior Ihe LIe-
menIs," ~W ~ ~ ~ ~ 2.3
(2011): 291303.
MunueI De Lundu, ^ q~ v~ k~ e (New
York: Serve LdIIIons, 2000) 274.

desIre In ucIIon.
Through u genre he dubs !scIenIIIIcIIon,"
he Iruces why u personuI rupId IrunsporI sysIem envIsIoned
Ior PurIs IuIIed. Through muIIIpIe voIces (some ImugIned,
some Ihe IrunscrIpIs oI ucIuuI InIervIews), Ihe book`s proIug-
onIsI pIeces IogeIher Ihe reusons Ior Ihe IounderIng oI Aru-
mIs, us Ihe sysIem wus poeIIcuIIy chrIsIened. WIIh un em-
phusIs upon Ihe negoIIuIIons und subsequenI IrunsIor-
muIIons IhuI convey Ideus InIo muIerIuIIIy, LuIour deIuIIs Ihe
shIIIIng uIIIunces umong humun und Inhumun ucIors, urgu-
Ing IhuI udupIuIIon-demundIng movemenIs ruIher Ihun
IechnoIogIcuI IImIIuIIons IrIggered Ihe pro|ecI`s ubundon-
menI. Meshworks oI IIvIng beIngs, orgunIzuIIons, muIerIuIs,
Ideus, beIIeIs, Iorces und ob|ecIs consIIIuIe boIh Ihe socIuI
und Ihe nuIuruI, neIIher oI whIch possess InherenI expIunu-
Iory Iorce. The Iusk oI Ihe InvesIIguIor Is Io Iruce weuk und
sIrong conIederuIIons, Io exumIne wheIher someIhIng Is weII
or poorIy consIrucIed, ruIher Ihun Io puII buck u curIuIn und
demysIIIy orIgIn: cuusuIIIy Is noI IocuIed In pre-exIsIenI so-
cIuI IormuIIons, buI Is gIImpsed Irom Ihe perspecIIve oI Ihe
IhIngs IhemseIves In how Ihey work, uIIy, or IuII. LuIour`s
emphusIs on composIIIon over crIIIque demunds un uc-
counIIng Ior nonhumun ugency. PurIwuy Ihrough Ihe book
Ihe unreuIIzed personuI IrunsporI sysIem IIseII begIns Io
speuk, uccusIng IIs ImugIners oI IuckIng Iove suIIIcIenI Io
susIuIn IIs comIng InIo beIng. In hIs bIIIer reprouch, ArumIs
compures hImseII Io VIcIor IrunkensIeIn`s spurned CreuIure,
cuImInuIIng hIs uccusuIIon wIIh: !Burdened wIIh my pros-
Iheses, huIed, ubundoned, InnocenI, uccused, u IIIIhy beusI, u
IhIng IuII oI men, men IuII oI IhIngs, I IIe beIore you. LIo$,
eIo$, Lumu, Iumu subuchIhunI" (1b8). NoI exucIIy subIIe, buI
hIs poInI Is cIeur: when ugency works Ihrough enmeshmenI,
responsIbIIIIy und desIre (IndIsIInguIshubIe Irom movemenI,
Irom IIIe) ure noI Ihe provInce oI humuns uIone.
LuIour`s m k~ conIuIns u sImIIurIy ecsIuIIc
momenI In whIch u cureIuI expIIcuIIon oI how coIIecIIves ure
Iormed swerves InIo IuIry IuIe, InvokIng u mugIcuI IIgure Irom
SIeepIng BeuuIy:

LeI us noI IorgeI Ihe IuIry Curubosse! On Ihe pIIe oI gIIIs
oIIered by her sIsIers, she puI down u IIIIIe cuskeI murked
`~! BuI she dId noI specIIy wus supposed Io
cuIcuIuIe. II wus IhoughI IhuI Ihe besI oI uII possIbIe

Bruno LuIour, ^~I i q, Iruns. CuIherIne
PorIer (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd UnIversIIy Press, 1996).

worIds wus cuIcuIubIe . . . . Now, neIIher God nor mun nor
nuIure Iorms uI Ihe ouIseI Ihe sovereIgn cupubIe oI curry-
Ing ouI IhIs cuIcuIuIIon. The requIsIIe !we" hus Io be pro-
duced ouI oI whoIe cIoIh. No IuIry hus IoId us how. II Is
up Io us Io IInd ouI. (164)

To cuIcuIuIe, used here Io denoIe Ihe uddIng oI sums IhuI
reIuse Io cohere, reIurns us Io ~, Ihe rock IhuI enubIes
cognIIIon und cuIIure, Ihe IrIgger Io IhInkIng und doIng, Ihe
Inhumun nuIure upon whIch i m resIs. Tuken Ior
grunIIe: onIy when Ihe pussIvIIy oI Inhumun nuIure Is pre-
sumed do IIs ubIdIng uIIIunces become dIIIIcuII Io dIscern.
The power oI ob|ecIs Io dIsrupI humun endeuvors by reIus-
Ing Io be reduced Io IIdy equuIIons und known-In-udvunce
IormuIue hInges upon u smuII sIone. How much more power,
Ihen, musI un enIIre ecoIogy oI Ihe Inhumun hoId: u sum-
mons Io shured spuce, Io un embroIIed expunse beyond eusy

I compIeIed IhIs InIroducIIon In Ihe woods oI u smuII
mounIuIn In WesI VIrgInIu, noI Iur Irom Ihe New #Iver Gorge.
WorkIng over Ihe druII, I wus uccompunIed und susIuIned by
sIIII weuIher, bIrds sendIng messuges Ihrough dense IoIIuge,
Ihe IIuIIer oI IIIes und moIhs. AI nIghI I buIII u IIre IhuI cruck-
Ied und IIsIened Io dIsIunI sIorms. Some oI whuI I wroIe de-
rIved Irom Ihe usuuI ugony oI seekIng Ihe rIghI word und

cIurIIyIng Ideus InIenI Io eIude, whIIe oIher porIIons urrIved
IuIIy Iormed und Io my surprIse. A good IPA, coIIee, cheese,
cherrIes und u responsIve IupIop IueIed some oI Ihe IhInkIng.
The Ideus oI IhIs book`s conIrIbuIors und Ihe ImugIned urrI-
vuI oI Ihe voIume InIo your own hunds uIso propeIIed me. I
wus never uIone.


Steve Mentz

LIvIng InsIde shIpwreck: II`s whuI we`re doIng, udmII II or
noI. One Iusk oI urI und crIIIcIsm Is IeuchIng us how besI Io
udmII II. Lven, perhups, Io Iove II.
Three urIIsIIc neur-dIsusIers, whIch ure uIso sIorIes ubouI
dIsusIerJumes Cumeron`s IIIm q~ (1997), Bob DyIun`s
song !TempesI" (2012), und Thomus Pynchon`s noveI fJ
s (2009)heIp Ihe process. AII Ihree works ure IIu-
grenI, over-Ihe-Iop meIodrumus. AesIheIIc dIsusIers, Ihey
IIouI uccepIubIe urIIsIIc sIundurds: 194 mInuIes und $200
mIIIIon doIIurs oI cInemuIIc schmuIIz u IourIeen-mInuIe
IuIkIn` wuIIz ubouI Ihe !TIIunIc" on u rock uIbum u gooIy
deIecIIve noveI wIIh u hIppIe-sIoner PrIvuIe Lye hero In
courIIng dIsusIer, Ihese Ihree works ImugIne whuI II`s IIke
IIvIng InsIde dIsusIer. ShIpwreck ecoIogy comes ouI Ihe oIher
MukIng sense oI Ihe surgIng IIdes oI shIpwreck ecoIogy
sIurIs wIIh u IIne I`ve quoIed beIore, one oI my IuvorIIes,
Irom Ihe phIIosopher MIcheI Serres.
He wrIIes ubouI murI-

I quoIed IhIs prevIousIy In Ihe concIusIon Io !SIrunge WeuIher In


IIme dIsusIer neur Ihe end oI q k~~ `~: !I IIve In
shIpwreck uIerI. AIwuys In dIre sIruIIs, unIIed, IyIng Io, reudy
Io Iounder" (124). I IIked IhIs senIImenI In 2010 when I IIrsI
quoIed II, und I IIke II sIIII, buI IuIeIy II`s been buggIng me.
II`s uImosI rIghI, buI noI quIIe. II numes my very deed oI Iove
Ior our Inhumun envIronmenI buI, us Leur`s mIddIe duugh-
Ier mIghI suy, II comes Ioo shorI.
AnoIher Serres IexI, q
c p, ImugInes Ihe experIence oI shIpwreck us Ihe
bIrIh oI Ihe souI.
ShIpwreck ecoIogy seems cIoser Io bIrIh
Ihun uIerI.
ThIs essuy IoIIows Serres`s meIuphors oI uIerI und bIrIh
whIIe uIso exIendIng boIh InIo un ecoIogIcuI vIsIon oI shIp-
wrecked ImmersIon In Ihe compuny oI Cumeron, DyIun, und
Pynchon. ShIpwreck Isn`I someIhIng Io prepure Ior, some-
IhIng IhuI`s ubouI Io huppen. II`s huppenIng. Now. We`re
InsIde II, noI wuIIIng Ior II.
The IhIng Is, II`s noI so bud InsIde shIpwreck. II doesn`I
requIre us Io howI In puIn, Ihough shIpwreck provIdes Iewer
dry beds und cuIm nIghIs Ihun we mIghI wIsh. The whoIe
process becomes eusIer II you sIop hopIng IhuI Ihere Is soIId
ground somewhere. ThIs, by Ihe wuy, Is where I purI wuys
wIIh LucreIIus und Ihe !shIpwreck wIIh specIuIor" phIIo-
sophIcuI bunk-shoI IrudIIIon IhuI uses vIsIbIe dIsorder Io
soIIdIIy hIgher InIeIIecIuuI order.
I don`I IhInk we ever reuch
soIId ground, no muIIer how hurd we Iry. My poInI Is IhuI
shIpwreckby whIch I meun Ihe sudden shockIng uwure-
ness IhuI Ihe mIghIy vesseIs IhuI huve currIed us IhIs Iur ure
comIng Io pIeces under our IeeIrepresenIs u perIecIIy or-
dInury wuy Io IIve. My sIuIkIng horse In IhInkIng ubouI cuIus-
Irophe Is gIobuI wurmIng, oI course, buI Ihe underIyIng IucIs
oI dIsrupIIon und dIsorder precede Ihe AnIhropocene.

h i~I" p~~ 6.2 (2010): 147.
See h i~, 1.1.6976. CIIed Irom q ! p~~, 2nd
edn., ed. G. BIukemore Lvuns (BosIon: HoughIon MIIIIIn, 1997). AII
IurIher quoIuIIons Irom Shukespeure Irom IhIs edIIIon cIIed puren-
IheIIcuIIy In Ihe IexI.
MIcheI Serres, q c pW ^ m j _ EfF,
Iruns. MurgureI Sunkey und PeIer CowIey (London: ConIInuum,
2008), 1721. I Ihunk JeIIrey Cohen Ior IhIs reIerence.
On IhIs IrudIIIon, see SIeve MenIz, ^ _ p~~
l~ (London: ConIInuum, 2009), 1932.
I don`I In Ihe IeusI doubI Ihe scIence oI unIhropIc cIImuIe chunge,
buI I huve some concerns ubouI Ihe unIhropocenIrIsm oI Ihe Ierm


muns huve been IIounderIng ubouI InsIde dIsorder Ior u Iong
We`ve goIIen good uI InvenIIng wuys Io reImugIne dIsor-
der us order. As I`ve suId eIsewhere, IhuI`s one oI Ihe IhIngs
urI und IIIeruIure do weII.

LIvIng InsIde shIpwreck IeeIs even Iess comIorIubIe Ihun
beIng on !shIpwreck uIerI." One key dIIIerence InvoIves In-
IensIIyIng uIIIIudes Iowurd chunge. In uIerI, we`re unImuIed
by purunoIu und IunIusIes oI sIrucIure, u IrunIIc huII-
uwureness und consIunI sIuIe oI re-InIerpreIuIIon IhuI I uI-
wuys ussocIuIe wIIh reudIng, or even more re-reudIng, one oI
Thomus Pynchon`s eurIy noveIs. We`re poIe-uxed wIIh dreud,
uIruId oI ImpendIng Ioss, meIunchoIy wIIh nosIuIgIu Ior
IhIngs we beIIeve we huve, or huve onIy |usI IosI, u shorI mI-
nuIe ugo. BuI IhuI`s noI whuI II`s IIke InsIde dIsusIer. InsIde
shIpwreck, us Ihe shIp comes upurI und wuIer pours In, we`ve
no IIme Io wusIe und un urgenI need Io geI used Io beIng
weI. To IIesh ouI Ihe sIrucIure In PynchonIun Ierms, Ihe In-
beIween sIuIe oI shIpwreck resembIes Ihe ImmersIve Zone oI
d~ !~, where we dImIy gIImpse or perhups our-
seIves become purI oI Ihe CounIerIorce. ShIpwreck uIerI, by
conIrusI, mIghI be u more dIrecI uIIempI Io unmusk u gIobuI
conspIrucy, IIke Ihose IhuI unImuIe Ihe eurIy noveIs sK und
q ` i QVK AII oI whIch puIs Tommy P. on boIh
sIdes oI IhIs dIvIde, rIghI where he`d wunI Io be.
II muy noI be where we wunI Io be, buI II`s where we ure.


ShIpwrecks ure humun sIorIes, Ihough Ihey do noI onIy In-
voIve humuns. My own yeurs oI wresIIIng wIIh IhIs uncIenI
nurruIIve Iopos huve muny sources, IncIudIng Ihe memoru-
bIe wreckIng oI u borrowed HobIe cuI on |eIIyIIsh-IIIIed
Chesupeuke Buy In AugusI 1988. (MIs|udgIng Ihe sweII, I sunk
Ihe cuI`s ponIoon und poIe-vuuIIed us InIo |eIIIed wuIers.
SwImmIng uIIer Ihe bouI wus IIke duncIng Ihrough un ungry

AnIhropocene. IurIher specuIuIIons ubouI Ihe meunIngs oI und
uIIernuIIves Io IhIs Ierm wIII uppeur In my nexI book, p ~
d~ b, IorIhcomIng Irom UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press.
See !Tongues In Ihe SIorm: Shukespeure, LcoIogIcuI CrIsIs, und Ihe
"esources oI Genre," b~ p~~, ed. Lynne Bruckner
und Dun BruyIon (AIdershoI: AshguIe, 2011), 1bb172.

Smucker`s |ur.) In ucudemIc IIIe, my shIpwreck Iove surIuced
when I wenI Io see IhuI horrIbIe movIe wIIh Leo und KuIe.
LurIy In Ihe sprIng oI 1997, In Ihe compuny oI my wIIe`s Ihen-
Ieenuge cousIns, we wenI Io see Jumes Cumeron`s bIock-
busIer uI u suburbun muIIIpIex In NorIh Huven. The cousIns,
seII-numed q~~, hud uIreudy been perhups Ien or more
IImes, buI we hud unIII Ihen resIsIed.
Ior Ihe IIrsI hour or more, I squIrmed In my seuI. The
wrIIIng wus excrucIuIIng, Ihe perIormunces huckneyed, Ihe
pIoIsuch us II wusIoo brIIIIe Io beur. I sIIII cun hurdIy
sIund Io remember II now: Ihe curd-pIuyIng puInIer, unhup-
py young wIIe, evII pIuIocruI who mIghI us weII huve been
IwIsIIng hIs wuxed musIuchIos. II wus so puInIuI IhuI I`ve
resIsIIng seeIng II ever uguIn, despIIe sIxIeen yeurs oI re-
cuIIIng und reconsIderIng IhuI sInguIur vIewIng.
AI some poInI, cIose Io huIIwuy Ihrough, Ihe shIp hII Ihe
Iceberg. ThuI`s when shIpwreck goI IIs buII beIween my
IeeIh. I bII, dIsusIer seI Ihe hook, und I wus on Ihe IIne. SInce
Ihen I`ve been sIruggIIng. I`m geIIIng used Io II.
The drumu oI shIpwreck, II Iurns ouI, hus u nurruIIve
Iorce und propuIsIon IhuI cun curry even Ihe schIockIesI oI
sIorIes. Imuges oI Ihe greuI wounded shIp, Ihe Icy wuIer,
sIruInIng muchInery, und IIoodIng buIIrooms, neurIy mude
up Ior, or uI IeusI obscured, Ihe syrupy meIodrumu. IgnorIng
Ihe sIory, I uIe up Ihe scenery. AI IhuI IIme I wus wrIIIng u
dIsserIuIIon ubouI nurruIIve romunce, In IIs cIussIcuI, Byzun-
IIne, und "enuIssunce IncurnuIIons, so I`d been IhInkIng
ubouI shIpwreck us, In NorIhrop Irye`s phruse, u !sIundurd
~ ~~ - ~~ .

WhuI I hudn`I reuIIzed wus how much work Ihe shIpwreck
couId do by IIseII, InsIde u mungIed nurruIIve.
I IhInk ubouI IhuI IurnIng poInI oIIen. ShIpwreck grubbed
me IhuI evenIng, reuched ouI und cIuImed me Ihrough dreck
und cInemuIIc deIrIIus. II dIdn`I muke me KIng oI Ihe WorId,
buI II`s gIven me IoIs Io IhInk ubouI. I`ve ImugIned comIng
InIo Ihe IheuIer nIneIy mInuIes IuIe, noI knowIng or curIng
ubouI KuIe or Leo. WhuI kInd oI sIory Is u sIory oI onIy-
dIsusIer, powerIuI enough Io obscure senIImenI und u cheesy

NorIhrop Irye, q p~ pW ^ p p
!~ (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd UnIversIIy Press, 1978). The IruII oI
my own work on Greek und LIIzubeIhun prose romunce Is !~
p~ b~ j b~ (AIdershoI: AshguIe, 2006).

Iove sIory Is II u sIory IhuI unyone buI me wouId wunI Io
wuIch II you don`I cure ubouI Ihe humuns, Is II sIIII u shIp-


The reIeuse duIe wus SepIember 10 In London, buI AmerIcun
IIsIeners IIke me hud Io wuII Io downIoud Ihe new DyIun uI-
bum unIII 9I11I12. The IIIIe Iruck, !TempesI," hII me wIIh
Ihe weIghI oI my musIcuI hero IuyIng down my own obses-
sIon. There In Ihe coId wuIer wIIh Ihe greuI shIp on AprII 1b,
1912I`m noI conspIruIorIuI ubouI duIes, buI Iook uI uII
Ihose nInes, ones, und IwosDyIun growIed ouI hIs oceunIc
purubIe. There wus noIhIng expIIcII ubouI Ihe 9I11 unnIver-
sury In Ihe uIbum`s pre-reIeuse pubIIcIIy, und no cIeur reIer-
ences Io Ihe IwenIy-IIrsI cenIury cuIusIrophe In Ihe songs,
buI Ihe IImIng seems poInIed. The TIIunIc, IIke 9I11, murks u
hInge-momenI In AngIo-AmerIcun cuIIure`s hIsIorIcuI Imug-
InuIIon. These dIsusIers remude our coIIecIIve hIsIorIcuI nur-
ruIIves. The Ioss oI Ihe oceun IIner murked Ihe end oI Luro-
peun IrIumphuIIsm und Ihe sIurI oI Ihe generuI dIsusIer uI Ihe
cenIer oI whIch Iuy Ihe GreuI Wur. The uIIucks oI 9I11I01
InIIIuIed u new phuse oI AmerIcun und gIobuI poIIIIcs, Ihe so-
cuIIed !Wur on Terror." II`s IypIcuI oI DyIun`s obIIquIIy IhuI
he mIghI respond Io 9I11 by wuy oI Ihe TIIunIc. The song
perIorms u IIme-knoI oI muIIIpIe hIsIorIcIIIes, gesIurIng uI
once Iowurd 1912, 2001, und 2012. The cureIuI buIuncIng oI
Ihe uIbum`s AmerIcun reIeuse duIe oI 9I11I12 reuches buck
In IIs duy und monIh Io Ihe eurIy IwenIy-IIrsI cenIury Ierror
uIIuck whIIe IIs cuIendur yeur recuIIs Ihe cenIury IhuI hud
pussed sInce Ihe TIIunIc`s voyuge. As u chrono-hInge swIng-
Ing boIh wuys, DyIun`s shIpwreck song hIIs muIIIpIe Iempo-
My reudIng oI DyIun`s !TempesI" Iruces Ihe uImosI-Ioo-
obvIous Shukespeureun puruIIeIs und suggesIs IhuI Ihe song
Irups IIs uudIence |usI where I wunI Io be, InsIde Ihe reveIu-
Iory chuos oI shIpwreck. DyIun snurIed uI u reporIer who
usked hIm II Ihe IIIIe !TempesI" IndIcuIed IhuI IhIs wouId be
hIs IInuI uIbum: !Shukespeure`s IusI pIuy wus cuIIed q
q. II wusn`I cuIIed |usI pIuIn 'TempesI.` The nume oI
my record Is |usI pIuIn `TempesI.` II`s Iwo dIIIerenI IIIIes."

MIkhuI GIImore, !Bob DyIun on Durk New AIbum, TempesI," !J


The ungry denIuI seems unbeIIevubIe, buI II heIps cIurIIy IhuI
DyIun`s song, whIch Iukes pIuce uImosI enIIreIy on Ihe
doomed shIp, mups ouI un uImosI perIecI Inverse oI Shuke-
speure`s pIuy, whIch conIuIns onIy one scene on bourd u shIp
IhuI does noI, IInuIIy, sInk. There Is no IempesIuous sIorm In
DyIun, und no reuI wreck In Shukespeure. The song`s gesIure
Iowurd Shukespeure`s noI-quIIe-IInuI pIuy hInIs uI how we
shouId reud DyIun`s durk wuIIz.

The quusI-supernuIuruI IIgure oI !Ihe wuIchmun," who
uppeurs Iour IImes In Ihe song Io guIde murIIIme dIsusIer
InIo urIIsIIc order, Is DyIun`s Prospero, hIs wIzurd und presId-
Ing IIgure. !The wuIchmun, he Iuy dreumIng . . ." goes Ihe
reIruIn. HIs dreum, IIke Prospero`s mugIc, conIroIs Ihe ucIIon:
!He dreumed Ihe TIIunIc wus sInkIng" (sIunzu 4b).
The Iour
wuIchmun sIunzus IrunsIorm dIsusIer InIo sIory, dIsIunI know-
Iedge InIo bodIIy experIence, epIc possIbIIIIy InIo unun-
swered need. LIke Shukespeure`s Prospero, Ihe wuIchmun
hovers ubove Ihe ucIIon, conIroIIIng, or preIendIng Io con-
IroI, Ihe ucIIon. The movemenI ucross Ihese Iour sIunzus
Iukes us Irom !buIIroom duncers" und !Ihe underworId"
(sIunzu 6) Io Ihe wuIchmun`s und shIp`s bodIes IIIIed IogeIh-
er !uI IorIy-IIve degrees" (sIunzu 16). NexI we recognIze IhuI
!Ihe dumuge hud been done" despIIe our u IuIIIe desIre !Io
IeII someone" (sIunzu 37), und IInuIIy, In Ihe concIudIng sIunzu
(4b), we dIscern u vIsIon oI Ioss und possIbIIIIy.
He wuIches, buI he cun`I IeII.
In Ihe hIsIorIcuI meIuphor, Ihe wuIchmun Is Ihe crewmun
who mIssed Ihe Iceberg. By emphusIzIng ImpoIence und
IuIIure, IhIs IIgure demoIes Prospero Irom conIroIIIng muge
Io pussIve dreumer. Shukespeure`s wIzurd drumuIIzes IunIu-
sIes oI power, buI DyIun`s wuIchmun seuIs IhIs IIgure up In
un IsoIuIed crow`s nesI. He hus noIhIng Io do buI wuIch. The
Iour momenIs In whIch DyIun brIngs hIs wuIchmun Iorwurd
puII hIs song momenIurIIy up Irom Ihe ruw experIence oI
dIsusIer, InvIIIng Ihe consoIuIIons or IrunsIormuIIons oI urI.

p, Aug 16, 2012: hIIp:IIwww.roIIIngsIone.comImusIcInewsI
bob-dyIun-on-hIs-durk- new-uIbum-IempesI-20120801.
As DyIun und muny oIher peopIe uppurenIIy don`I know, Shuke-
speure wroIe or co-wroIe uI IeusI u Iew more pIuys uIIer q q,
Ihough uII oI our duIes Ior hIs pIuys ure unreIIubIe.
DyIun dId noI pubIIsh Ihe song`s IyrIcs, buI u IrunscrIpIIon Is reudI-
Iy uvuIIubIe on Ihe web: hIIp:IIrock.genIus.comIBob-dyIun-IempesI-
IyrIcs#IyrIc. CIIuIIons In Ihe IexI by sIunzu number.

BuI IhIs wIzurd Isn`I In conIroI.
When Ihe song Iukes us down Irom Ihe wuIchmun`s
heIghIs beIow Ihe decks oI Ihe doomed shIp, IIs chuos und
overubundunce unpuck Ihe IeII experIence oI murIIIme chu-
os. ShIpwrecks ure uIwuys hurd Io nurruIe, buI DyIun`s song
Iukes specIuI pIeusure In pIungIng InIo dIsorder. AI IIs cenIer
Is humun IncomprehensIon# IhuI`s Ihe IurgesI meunIng oI
DyIun`s shIpwreck. He beIIs ouI hIs key hermeneuIIc phruse,
!Ihere Is no undersIundIng" (sIunzu 43), IIke u seII-expIun-
uIory proverb. IourIeen mInuIes und IorIy-IIve sIunzus cun`I
cIeun up Ihe dIsorder.
Humun meunIng-mukIng sysIems cunnoI encompuss IhIs
oceunIc chuos. As unoIher Shukespeureun duughIer buIIIes
her IuIher InIo ucknowIedgIng, Ihe onIy humun response Is
sympuIhy: !O, I huve suIIered I WIIh Ihose IhuI I suw suIIer!"
(q qI 1.2.b6). MIrundu usks her wIzurd-wuIchmun-
IuIher Io IeeI wIIh her, und wIIh us, Io uIIune ourseIves Io
whuI suIIors Ieur. DyIun`s !TempesI," on Ihe oIher hund,
sIngs MIrundu down:

They wuIIed uI Ihe IundIng
And Ihey IrIed Io undersIund
BuI Ihere Is no undersIundIng
Ior Ihe |udgmenIs oI God`s hund (sIunzu 43)

No undersIundIng. God`s hund behInd Ihe wIzurd`s curse.
ThIs sIunzu brIsIIes wIIh Bob`s JeremIuh Ihunder-growI, buI
II uIso sounds oddIy IreeIng. WhuI huppens II we gIve up on
undersIundIng MIghI II meun we don`I huve Io be on uIerI
unymore ThuI we cun Iurn, InsIeud, Io someIhIng eIse
No undersIundIng IIxes u bIeuk senIImenI uI Ihe heurI oI
IhIs Iong song, und muybe II`s |usI me who heurs uesIheIIc
hope In Ihese IInes. BuI I don`I IhInk DyIun`s shIpwreck
Ieuves us In despuIr. ThuI`s noI Ihe IInuI Iorce oI IIs shIpwreck
ecoIogy. WhuI II we Iurn Irom IhIngs IhuI uren`I workIng
Irom wuIchmen who cun`I ucI und Irom IuIIed humun under-
sIundIngund Iocus InsIeud on overIIowIng ubundunce
Lverybody`s Ihere on bourd Ihe doomed shIp wIIh us. The
movIe sIur shows up eurIy: !Leo Iook hIs skeIchbook I He
wus oIIen so IncIIned" (sIunzu 7).
DyIun huppIIy copped Io

The "ock GenIus websIIe uIso noIes IhuI Leo ZImmermun wus u
hIsIorIcuI pussenger on Ihe TIIunIc, und IhuI Bob DyIun`s gIven nume

Ihe pop-cuIIure reIerence. !Yeuh, Leo," he udmIIIed Io !J
p, !I dIdn`I IhInk Ihe song wouId be Ihe sume wIIhouI
hIm. Or Ihe movIe."
The sIur puIrs up wIIh rhymIng CIeo,
who mIghI be Shukespeure`s LgypIIun heroIne or Leo`s Ieud-
Ing Iudy. They mIngIe wIIh WeIIIngIon und JIm Dundy, CuI-
vIn, BIuke, und WIIsonIhe IheoIogIun, poeI, und AmerIcun
presIdenIDuvy Ihe broIheI-keeper, JIm Buckus und Ihe
bIshop, even !Ihe rIch mun, Mr AsIer." The sIory unIoIds
Ihrough excesswho ever heurd oI u IourIeen-mInuIe pop
song, much Iess u wuIIz II`s Ioo much, Ioo muny IrugmenIs
oI sIory und experIence und IeeIIng. BuI II uII udds up Io
someIhIng. The song sIngs II ouI

The shIp wus goIng under
The unIverse hud opened wIde. (sIunzu 12)

There`s u busIc eco-poInI umId Ihe IIoIsum. ShIpwreck
numes Ihe core experIence, Ihe shock und pressure oI Ihe
Inhumun worId on humun skIn. BeIng-In-Ihe-worId meuns
IIvIng InsIde shIpwreck. II`s Ihe sIory we need Io expIuIn,
cun`I expIuIn, und musI IeII. A dIrecI encounIer: oceun IIner
meeIs Iceberg, humun bodIes spIush InIo coId suII wuIer. We
wunI und cun`I huve dIsIunce, perspecIIve, nurruIIve, u sIory
IhuI expIuIns und InsuIuIes.
We wunI Ihe source. TeII me Ihe cuuse, Muse! BuI we
never geI II.
The weIness oI Ihe encounIer, Ihe bruIe physIcuIIIy oI
shIpwreck, won`I IeI us undersIund cuuses. ThIs song, IhIs
dIsusIer, Ihe oceunIc hIsIorIes und snuIches oI poeIry IhuI
evenIs IIke Ihe TIIunIc open up, resonuIe wIIhouI resI. The
onIy uppurenI sIubIIIIy Is on Ihe seu IIoor, buI IhuI dIsIunI
spuce Is uIso u churnIng sIIe oI seu chunges IusI und sIow.
A shIpwreck ecoIogy, however, needn`I be u pIuce onIy oI
horror or nosIuIgIu. There`s ecsIusy In Ihe wuIers, Ioo. NoI
Ihe reIIeI oI huvIng survIved or Ihe suIIsIucIIon oI IIgurIng II
ouI: Ihose IhIngs don`I IusI. BuI un InIeIIecIuuI IIngIe IhuI
rIppIes ouI InIo Ihe physIcuI worId, u wIIIIngness Io conIronI
Ihe InhumunIIy oI our envIronmenI, und un uppeIIIe Ior ex-
perIence IhuI doesn`I mInd geIIIng weI. ThuI`s Ihe dIrecIIon
numed reuIIIy. And ecoIogy. AIso shIpwreck.
Is "oberI ZImmermun.
GIImore, !Bob DyIun on Durk New AIbum."


MovIng Irom Bob DyIun Io Thomus Pynchon shouIdn`I be
hurd. They shure u shIpwreck uesIheIIc, u IusIe Ior dIsorder,
und u ruge uguInsI hIsIory. They ure euch, In IheIr dIIIerenI
modesDyIun us gnomIc rock sIur, Pynchon us obsessIveIy
pubIIcIIy-uverse noveIIsIumong Ihe greuIesI IIvIng AmerI-
cun wrIIers ussocIuIed wIIh Ihe cuIIuruI upheuvuIs oI Ihe
1960s. TheIr IIves even uImosI overIupped Ior u whIIe In Ihe
eurIy 1960s, when Pynchon`s coIIege buddy "Ichurd IurIu
wus murrIed Io MImI Buez und DyIun wus IIvIng wIIh MImI`s
sIsIer Joun.
Pynchon`s IureweII Io youIhIuI IdeuIIsm hus hud
IIs ups und downs, us hus DyIun`s, buI hIs mosI recenI noveI,
f s (2009), puInIs un InduIgenI curIcuIure oI Ihe
1960s In SouIhern CuIIIornIu. The noveI reIeIIs modern
AmerIcun hIsIory us u shIpwreck survIvuI sIory, wIIh Ihe Irug-
Ic ouIcome never In doubI. II`s ImpossIbIe, us Pynchon`s
reuders know, Io sIuy dry und unconIumInuIed In hIs neur-
hIsIorIcuI worId. In IhIs noveI, Ihe prIvuIe eye hero, Doc
SporIeIIo, sIuggers Ihrough u sex-drugs-und-purunoIu-IIIIed
odyssey spIruIIng ouI Irom hIs pud In GordIIu Beuchu
IooseIy uIIegorIzed versIon oI MunhuIIun Beuch, where Pyn-
chon IIved In Ihe IuIe 1960s und eurIy 1970sucross Ihe
SouIhIund Irom Los AngeIes Io Lus Vegus. A greuI conspIruIo-
rIuI cuIusIrophe Iooms oII-sIuge, us II so oIIen does In Pyn-
chon`s noveIs, In IhIs cuse ussocIuIed wIIh u murIIIme curIeI
known us Ihe GoIden Iung, possIbIy enguged In runnIng her-
oIn Irom SouIheusI AsIu, umong oIher IhIngs. HIsIorIcuI |okes
unIIcIpuIe Ihe bIrIh oI Ihe InIerneI, vIu Ihe noveI`s porIruII oI
Ihe web-precursor A"PA NLT, und Ihe rIse oI modern con-

On Ihese enIungIed IIves, see DuvId Hu|du`s m Q

q i ~ q g~ _~I _ a~I j _~ c~~I ~
!~ c~~ (New York: Iurur, SIruus und GurouxI 2001). WrIIIen
wIIh Ihe uppurenI cooperuIIon oI MImI Buez IurIu, Ihe book Is u bII
oI huIcheI |ob on Ihe young, umbIIIous, emoIIonuIIy crueI DyIun.
Pynchon, on Ihe oIher hund, uppeurs us u IoyuI IrIend Io hIs coIIege
buddy "Ichurd IurIu. Ior u summury oI whuI Is known ubouI Pyn-
chon`s IIIe, IImed Io promoIe hIs IuIesI noveI, _ b, see
BorIs Kuchku, !On Ihe Thomus Pynchon TruII: Irom Ihe Long IsIund
oI HIs Boyhood Io Ihe 'Yupper WesI SIde` oI HIs New NoveI," sJ
, AugusI 2b, 2013: hIIp:IIwww.vuIIure.comI2013I08IIhomus-
servuIIsm, vIu u Iew gIuncIng |ubs uI "onuId "eugun.
shIpwreck uI Ihe noveI`s heurI, however, Is Ihe Iong-ugo sInk-
Ing oI Ihe myIhIcuI conIInenI oI LemurIu beneuIh Ihe PucIIIc.
ThIs huII-hIdden Irugedy sIrucIures f s IIke u sub-
murIne reeI und connecIs Ihe noveI Io DyIun`s reIeIIIng oI Ihe
TIIunIc dIsusIer. Ior Pynchon us Ior DyIun, wuIery cuIusIro-
phe buIIds u sIory oI orIgIns, reprIsIng Ihe IuIIen nuIure oI Ihe
worId. The Ioss oI LemurIu drowns some prImuI hIsIorIcuI
Innocence, some uImosI- K !
i~I Doc`s one-IIme recepIIonIsI SorIII$ge, whose
nume gesIures Iowurd Ihe "omun meIhod oI dIvInuIIon by
IoIs () IhuI Ieud AugusIIne Io ChrIsIIunIIy und Jonuh Io
be Ihrown InIo Ihe seu, seIIIed CuIIIornIu, mukIng IhuI
beuchy uIopIun sIuIe, In Doc`s uwkwurd phruse, !IIke, u urk"
(3b2). The IuIe oI IhuI urk, IhuI mechunIsm Ior endurIng
shIpwreck, shudows Ihe noveI`s IuIes oI uncIenI und modern
InsIde u Iuux-deIecIIve noveI IhuI`s us crowded und per-
sonuIIIy-suIIused us DyIun`s !TempesI," Pynchon InserIs Ihe
Iegend oI LemurIu us Ihe !AIIunIIs oI Ihe PucIIIc" (101). The
uIIernuIIve oceunIc hIsIory oI IhIs Iund InverIs und opposes
Ihe power-poIIIIcs oI AIIunIIs, Ihe AIIunIIc, und WesIern
IhoughI Irom PIuIo Iorwurd. LemurIu represenIs u PucIIIc
und unII-Luropeun uIIernuIIve symboIogy whIch IeuIures
!spIrII guIdes" such us !Kumukeu, u Lemuro-HuwuIIun
demIgod Irom Ihe duwn oI Ihe PucIIIc hIsIory, who cenIurIes
ugo hud been u sucred IuncIIonury oI Ihe IosI conIInenI now
IyIng beneuIh Ihe PucIIIc Oceun" (10b). Huzy Ihough IIs ouI-
IInes muy be, LemurIu`s key symboIIc Iorce comes Irom IIs
opposIIIon Io rIghI-wIng AIIunIIs. In IhIs uIIegorIcuI reudIng
oI hIsIory, !NIxon wus u descendenI oI AIIunIIs |usI us Ho
ChI MInh wus oI LemurIu, becuuse Ior Iens oI Ihousunds oI
yeurs uII wurs In IndochInu hud reuIIy been proxy wurs, goIng
buck . . . Io Ihe momenI when Ihree LemurIun hoIy men
Iunded on Ihese CuIIIornIu`s shores, IIeeIng Ihe IerrIbIe In-
unduIIon whIch hud Iuken IheIr homeIund" (109). ThIs uIIer-
nuIIve hIsIory oI un oceun und conIInenI wIIhouI Lurope,
wIIhouI empIre, wIIh onIy u sIoner`s purunoId hIsIorIcuI
connecIIon Io CuIIIornIu, IIouIs umId Ihe dIsorder oI Pyn-
chon`s noveI, IunIuIIzIng hIs churucIers und reuders wIIh un-
Thomus Pynchon, f s (New York: PenguIn, 2009) b3, 322.
IurIher cIIuIIons noIed purenIheIIcuIIy In Ihe IexI.

Iuken uIIernuIIves. LemurIu muy never IuIIy reIurn, even
Ihough some hIppIes cIuIm II`s !rIsIng Io Ihe surIuce uguIn"
(101), buI II IndIcuIes someIhIng worIh cIIngIng Io. The hId-
den shroud oI Ihe IosI conIInenI represenIs Ihe noveI`s IunIu-
sy unswer Io Ihe shIpwreck oI hIsIory.
MosIIy hIdden umong Ihe noveI`s IerresIrIuI pIoIsu
heudy brew oI crIme, IosI Iove, crImInuI reuI esIuIe deveIop-
menIs, drug smuggIIng, und Ihe GoIden IungLemurIu und
IIs conIInenIuI shIpwreck occupy Ihe uIopIun heurI oI fJ
s. As SorIII$ge IeIIs Doc uIIer reveuIIng IhuI she`s been
heurIng voIces Irom Ihe vunIshed conIInenI In her dreums,
!II Isn`I |usI u pIuce" (167). The numes oI Ihe noveI`s Iwo
mosI ImporIunI churucIers besIdes Doc, hIs ex-oId Iudy Shus-
Iu Iuy und hIs cop nemesIs BIgIooI, boIh huve LemurIun
connecIIons. New Agers cIuIm IhuI MounI ShusIu murks Ihe
spoI In CuIIIornIu where Ihe LemurIuns IIrsI mude IundIuII.

The myIhIcuI creuIure BIgIooI hus uIso been reporIed Io
huunI remoIe NorIhern CA neur MI. ShusIu.
Less overIIy
Ihun Ihe GoIden Iung crImInuI conspIrucy, whIch Is uppur-
enIIy IocuIed on u bouI IhuI Doc never quIIe munuges Io
reuch, Ihe LemurIun subIexI IInks dIspuruIe eIemenIs oI Pyn-
chon`s noveI.
The key IeuIures oI LemurIu, beyond IIs shIpwreck-
InIused opposIIIon Io Ihe Iorces oI AngIo-Luropeun recIIIude
uguInsI whIch uII oI Pynchon`s noveIs sIruggIe, ure IIs cuIu-
sIrophIc hInIs uI possIbIe redempIIon. Pynchon`s shIpwreck
sIory, more Ihun Cumeron`s or DyIun`s, ImugInes Ioss buI
uIso enmeshed survIvuI. LemurIu, more Ihun uny oIher pIuce,
IIves InsIde und Ihrough shIpwreck. The penuIIImuIe und
mosI uIopIun uppeurunce oI Ihe IosI PucIIIc conIInenI comes

See !AbouI MounI ShusIu," q i~ `," 2003-2009:
hIIp:IIwww.IemurIunconnecIIon.comIcuIegoryIubouI-mI-shusIu. I Iound
IhIs bIzurre New Age websIIe vIu Ihe very useIuI Pynchon wIkI Ior
f sW WLL-KKLLK php-
IIIIeMuIn_Puge. AnoIher puIp versIon oI Ihe AIIunIIs-LemurIu myIh
IhuI Pynchon probubIy knows, becuuse he knows everyIhIng, Is Ihe
sIory oI Ihe wurrIor-kIng KuII, creuIed by "oberI L. Howurd, who uIso
InvenIed Ihe IIgure oI Conun Ihe BurburIun. See "oberI L. Howurd,
h (1929# reprI. New York: BunIum, 1978).
Or so Ihe Iegend, und Ihe j p~~ e~, hus II. See !Creu-
Iure SpoIIed on MI. ShusIu" (j p~~ e~, CuIIIornIu, Sep-
Iember 9, 1976), _ b: hIIp:IIwww.bIgIooIencounIers.
uIIer Doc hus been dreumIng IhuI !Ihe schooner d c~
. . . hud reussumed IIs oId workIng IdenIIIy, und weII us IIs
reuI nume, m" (340). ThIs vIsIon oI redempIIon, oI
IurnIng buck Ihe cIock oI cuIusIrophIc hIsIory, spIIIs over InIo
Doc`s conversuIIon wIIh hIs buddy und someIIme-Iuwyer
Suunchocue Ihe CervunIIne soundIruckwho provIdes !u
kInd oI courIroom summury" IhuI brIngs IogeIher Ihe GoId-
en Iung und LemurIu:

. . . yeI Ihere Is no uvoIdIng IIme, Ihe seu oI IIme, Ihe seu
oI memory und IorgeIIuIness, Ihe yeurs oI promIse, gone
und unrecoverubIe, oI Ihe Iund uImosI uIIowed Io cIuIm
IIs beIIer desIIny, onIy Io huve Ihe cIuIm |umped by evII-
doers known uII Ioo weII, und Iuken InsIeud und heId hos-
Iuge Io Ihe IuIure we musI IIve In now Iorever. Muy we
IrusI IhuI IhIs bIessed shIp Is bound Ior some beIIer
shore, some undrowned LemurIu, rIsen und redeemed,
where Ihe AmerIcun IuIe, mercIIuIIy, IuIIed Io IrunspIre
. . . . (341)

Suuncho`s reverIe IunIusIzes Ihe IrunsIormuIIon IhuI Doc`s
dreum prevIewed, IhuI Ihe crImInuI shIp cun re-become Ihe
preserver, LemurIu rIse uguIn, und AmerIcu`s IuII InIo IrugIc
hIsIory wIII huve been uvoIded. The vIsIon ImugInes u new
kInd oI voyuge"Irom Ihe beuch Doc und Suuncho suw her,
or IhoughI Ihey suw her, heudIng ouI Io seu, uII suIIs gIowIng
und spreud" (341)buI Ihey`re noI sure II II`s reuI. There`s no
cerIuIn rouIe ouI oI hIsIory In Pynchon, uny more Ihun u wuy
oII Ihe shIp In DyIun`s !TempesI."
The oceunIc IunIusy Doc und Suuncho shure doesn`I
cIose up Ihe pIoI-IupesIry oI f s, whIch In IypIcuI
Pynchon IushIon Ieuves pIenIy oI Ioose Ihreuds hungIng. In
pIuce oI Ihe unII-cIosure oI q ` i QV or Ihe onIy-
rheIorIcuI unIIy oI d~ !~, however, IhIs seII-
conscIousIy non-epIc noveI ends wIIh u Ioggy vIgneIIe. Doc`s
drIvIng souIh on Ihe SunIu MonIcu Ireewuy, heudIng buck
home Io GordIIu, when he encounIers In cousIuI Iog un uIIe-
gorIcuI mIxIure oI wuIer In uIr: !The IhIrd dImensIon grew
Iess und Iess reIIubIe . . . . AI IIrsI Ihe Iog bIew In sepuruIe
sheeIs, buI soon everyIhIng grew IhIck und unIIorm IIII uII
Doc couId see were hIs heudIIghI beums, IIke eyesIuIks oI un
exIruIerresIrIuI, uImed InIo Ihe hushed whIIeness uheud"
(367). LIke Ihe (ImugIned) shIp d c~ beurIng ex-
zombIe und surI-rock sux pIuyer Coy HurIIngIon und hIs Ium-
IIy Io suIeIy, Ihe !hushed whIIeness" oI Ihe Iog sIImuIuIes u

IexIuuI move Irom physIcuI descrIpIIon Io uIopIun ImugInu-
IIon. Coy suIIs uwuy under gIowIng suIIs, buI In Ihe cousIuI
Iog Doc und hIs IeIIow drIvers Inch uIong behInd one unoIh-
er, IheIr unspeukIng curs !seIIIng up u Iemporury commune
Io heIp euch oIher home Ihrough Ihe Iog" (368). II cun`I IusI,
buI Doc Is weII suppIIed, wIIh !u conIuIner oI coIIee Irom
Zucky`s und uImosI u IuII puck oI smokes" (368). InsIde Ihe
Iogsurrounded by u swIrIIng, unseeubIe mIxIure oI wuIer
und uIr, us II Ihe oceun hud come, brIeIIy, ushorehe IeeIs us
II Ihere`s somewhere Io go:

Muybe . . . II wouId sIuy IhIs wuy Ior duys, muybe he`d
huve Io |usI keep drIvIng, down pusI Long Beuch, down
Ihrough Orunge CounIy, und Sun DIego, und ucross u
border where nobody couId IeII unymore In Ihe Iog who
wus MexIcun, who wus AngIo, who wus unybody. (369)

Iog creuIes un IdenIIIyIess, rucIuIIy IndIsIIncI uIopIun com-
munIIy, u pIuce ouIsIde oI orgunIzed IhoughI, recuIIIng per-
hups Ihe !MIndIess PIeusures" oI Pynchon`s orIgInuI workIng
IIIIe Ior d~ !~. When you cun`I see, II cun`I muI-
Ier uII IhuI much where you`re heuded. As Bob DyIun mIghI
puI II, !Ihere Is no undersIundIng." WhIch doesn`I meun you
cun`I keep heudIng souIh.
OId Pynchon hunds know whuI huppens nexI, know IhuI
II`s Ihe !Iemporury" IhuI IhIs wrIIer Ioves even more Ihun Ihe
!commune." Doc knows II won`I IusI: !Then uguIn, he mIghI
run ouI oI gus beIore IhuI huppened, und huve Io Ieuve Ihe
curuvun, und puII over on Ihe shouIder, und wuII" (369). In
IhIs IusI IubIeuu, sIrunded on Ihe sIde oI Ihe roud InsIde Ihe
Iog, hIs cur-shIp IrunsIormed InIo u Iunded shIpwreck, Doc
sIuck und sIuIIc InsIde, Pynchon ImugInes, wIsIIuIIy, IhuI
rescue mIghI urrIve. Doc`s IunIusIes ure predIcIubIe: u !Ior-
goIIen |oInI," !Ihe CHP," !u resIIess bIonde In u SIIngruy" (369).
Drugs, cops, sex. BuI whuI Doc reuIIy wunIs und dreuds, Pyn-
chon IeIIs us, Is Ior !Ihe Iog Io burn uwuy, und Ior someIhIng
eIse IhIs IIme, somehow, Io be Ihere InsIeud" (369). AIIer IhIs
Ioggy Iund-wreck, Ihe hero wuIIs Ior Ihe reuIIIy IhuI`s uIwuys
mIssIng, uIwuys |usI beyond IhuI nexI corner, wuIIIng und
unseen. LIvIng In Iog: when you cun`I see, how cun you un-


LeI`s IeI Bob sIng us uwuy Io Ihe end, becuuse Ihere Is no
home, no IusIIng urrIvuI or Iooked-Ior porI In u worId oI

q ~~ ~ ~

WhuI`s u sIory II noI u dreum I IhInk buck Io IhuI ordInury
evenIng In NorIh Huven, uI Ihe movIes wIIh Ihe cousIns-In-
Iuw, In IhuI sIrunge-Io-remember worId oI my own hIsIorIcuI
pusI. I knew I wouIdn`I IIke q~. I wus |usI goIng uIong
wIIh Ihe IumIIy. So how dId Ihe bIg bouI snug me, reuch ouI
Ihrough ceIIuIoId cIIches Io Iouch IhuI purI oI me IhuI sIIngs
und doesn`I IorgeI Am I Ihe wuIchmun dreumIng, or u IosI
souI on Ihe bouI

l ~ ~ ~

BobbIe D. knows whuI I Iove ubouI shIpwreck: Ihere`s noIh-
Ing bIgger. No Irope vusIer, more cupucIous, more embIem-
uIIc whIIe uIso beIng more puInIuIIy reuI. !AII Ihe IhIngs IhuI
cun be" Is u IoI oI IhIngsbuI IhuI`s whuI us shIpwreck-
wuIchers dreum. LveryIhIng`s here, on bourd or by Ihe
bourds, Ihe wuIer`s rIsIng, eyes open wIde. The oceun comes
up Io meeI us. The seu Is hIsIory, suys u poeI.
II`s sIuvery,
counIers u noveIIsI.
II`s "omunIIcIsm, InIones unoIher po-
II`s our hosIIIe, suIIy, chungIng, InescupubIe worId.

e ~ q~ ~

Becuuse whuI eIse wouId he dreum, Ihe mun who wuIches
ThIs Is Ihe busIc muIrIx, Ihe IhIng everyIhIng eIse comes
Irom: u dreumIng humun und u sInkIng shIp. WhuI cun Ihe
dreumIng mInd do wIIh whuI we see No undersIundIng, Ihe
sInger sIngs. No cIeur vIews In Ihe Iog, Ihe noveIIsI IeIIs us.
BuI Ihe dreumIng-sInkIng remuIns, we`re represenIIng Ihe
dIsusIer whIIe we`re IIvIng Ihrough II. No wuy ouI buI down.

f ~ K K K
Derek WuIcoII, !The Seu Is HIsIory," p m, ed. Ldwurd
Buugh (New York: Iurur, SIruus und GIroux, 2007), 137.
Ired D`AguIur, c d (New York: Lcco, 2000), 1.
W. H. Auden, q b~ cI !~ f~
p~ (London: Iuber & Iuber, 19b1).

JusI becuuse we know our desIInuIIon Is no reuson Io IhInk
we`re uIreudy Ihere. The seu wuIIs, bIue und deep, suIIy us Ihe
Ieurs In our eyes. Why hurry UnIess II`s becuuse we IIke Ihe
IusIe, Ihe bIIIer smeII oI Ihe wInd uI Iow IIde, Ihe cruckIIng
sensuIIon oI drIed suII wuIer on Ihe skIn oI my buck und
urms, rIghI now, IhIs InsIunI, whIIe I`m IypIng I cun IeeI II.
The oceun`s suII Is on me. In Ihe mIddIe oI uII Ihese words, uII
IhIs represenIuIIon, Ihe physIcuI IhIng Is here. II`s noI onIy
wrIIIng. II`s here on my skIn, us I sII und wrIIe und IIsIen Io
Bob DyIun sIng.
WhuI wouId Ihe oceun suy buck Io Ihe shIp TIIunIc or Io
Ihe movIe, Io Ihe song !TempesI" or Ihe pIuy q q
WhuI wouId Ihe seu suy Io our IrIend Thomus Pynchon, IIow-
Ing up Io hIs WesI SIde huunIs, embIIIerIng Ihe Hudson wIIh
Ihe IncomIng IIde
ShIpwreck ecoIogy meuns IIvIng wIIh seu on skIn.

Anne F. Harris

Hewn Is u sIuIus In Ihe ecoIogy oI Ihe Inhumun, u sIuIe oI
beIng IhuI Is us oId us humun presence ouIsIde oI Lden. IIs
uncIenI word oI orIgIn, !hew," currIes un onomuIopoeIc Iruce
oI Ihe eIIorI oI cuIIIng down, Ihe bIunI Iorce seIzed by Ihe
body Io brIng down Ihe IhIng. HewIng Is u gesIure oI InIer-
venIIon und survIvuI, one oI severuI IuughI Io Adum by ChrIsI
Ior hIs bruve new worId. Adum seems surprIsed In IhIs 13Ih-
cenIury BIbIe PIcIure Book: hIs hunds sIurIIIng buck InIo In-
ucIIon, hIs IooI sIIppIng beyond Ihe Irume (IIg. 1). ChrIsI
pushes Ihrough, breuks Ihe surIuce wIIh cerIIIude, und mod-
eIs Ihe moIIon oI ecoIogIcuI conquesI. Thus, us Ihe rubrIc
ubove Ihe Imuge IeIIs us, !Adum Ieurns Io Iubor Ihe eurIh."

ThIs essuy Is conIrIbuIed wIIh muny Ihunks Ior Ihe conversuIIons
IhuI JeIIrey Cohen guIhered uround Ihe ecoIogy oI Ihe Inhumun, In
udmIruIIon oI my IeIIow puneIIsIs und uuIhors, und In gruIIIude Io
Ihe IrIends und coIIeugues who encouruged IhIs IuscInuIIon wIIh Ihe
!Adum uprend Iubourer Ierre." See MIchueI CumIIIe, !'When Adum
DeIved`: LuborIng on Ihe Lund In LngIIsh MedIevuI ArI," In ^J
j ^, ed. DeI Sweeney (PhIIudeIphIu: UnIversIIy oI
PennsyIvunIu Press, 199b), 247276.

The hewn Is Ihe hospIIubIe, Adum Ieurns, und hIs reIucIunce
wIII noI keep hIm Iong Irom hIs own deIvIng und hewIng.

c N. ChrIsI TeuchIng Adum How Io DeIve. CycIe oI OId und New
TesIumenI Imuges, PossIbIy PreIuIory CycIe Ior u PsuIIerI c. 12b0, IoI.
3. 191b.b33IL12682. PrInIed wIIh permIssIon oI Ihe ArI InsIIIuIe oI

To hew cuIIs on boIh skIII und cuIumIIy, mundune repeII-
IIon In Ihe IIeId und IInuI bIow In buIIIe. Ask Adum" Ihen usk
CuIn. TroubIIngIy, Ihe word oscIIIuIes beIween dIIIerenI
kInds oI vIoIence IhroughouI IIs medIevuI use. There Is Ihe
muIIer oI men: oI AbeI, und heImeIs und huuberks hewed us
IuIe us MuIory"
und Ihere Is Ihe muIIer oI Irees und sIones: oI
IoresIs cIeured, und sIones quurrIed und cuI, und PurudIse

OxIord LngIIsh DIcIIonury (OLD), VoI. 7, 2nd edn. (OxIord: CIuren-
don Press, 1989), 194.

LosI. The humun und Ihe Inhumun boIh IumbIe. BoIh cun be
hewn, und Iunguuge pushes us Io exumIne Ihe IuIIen In Ihese
reuIms we Iry so hurd Io keep upurI.
The hewn body be-
comes Ihe prIncIpuI ob|ecI In Ihe hero`s Iunerury rIIes. Hewn
wood becomes Ihe unImuIe crucIIIx IhuI speuks In Ihe mIru-
cIe. ThIs essuy wIII Iocus on Ihe hewn eIemenI IhuI becomes
bodIIy, more Ihun Ihe body IhuI becomes Ihe hewn eIemenI.
BuI Ihere Is much sImuIIuneIIy In IhIs word und IIs oIIshooIs
IhuI chuIIenges Ihe sepuruIIon II enucIs.
HewIng Is u J, us MIcheI Serres undersIunds Ihe
word In dIscussIng GenesIs, !expressIng cuIIIng, Ihe creu-
IIon oI un edge."
To hew Is Io seek Io usserI Ihe edge, Ihe
breuk, IhuI musIery. The !hewsIer," obsoIeIe In Iunguuge II
noI In prucIIce, cIeured IundcuI down Io creuIe, und Iu-
bored Ior un ecoIogy oI hewn IhIngs, u worId oI dIscreIe enII-
IIes und IIrm decIsIons. Or so goes Ihe IunIusy oI Ihe hewsIer.
The ~ oI hewIng IrIes Io creuIe boundurIes beIween purI
und whoIe, IIvIng und deud, und unImuIe, und InunImuIe. BuI
Ihe oI Ihe hewn IruveIs buck und IorIh over Ihese
boundurIes. We huve reIeguIed Ihe hewn Io Ihe Inhumun: we
cuII II InunImuIe, cuI oII, IsoIuIed. BuI Ihe hewn cun yeurn Ior
Ihe whoIe, cun InsIsIenIIy Iend Iowurds II, und remembers II
In purIs. II Is Ihe eIemenI IhuI Is sIIII connecIed, IndIscreIe,
despIIe our besI eIIorIs uI sepuruIIon und dIsIIncIIon. ThIs
ecoIogy oI hewn IhIngs IhuI we IIve wIIhIn Is IIIIed wIIh po-
IenIIuI remembrunces. They murk Ihe Iru|ecIory uwuy Irom
Lden und pIenIIude, und InIo our IrugmenIed exIsIence.
The hewn becomes Ihe Inhumun. II Is Ihe IhIng uIIer Ihe
cuIIIng: wood uIIer Iree" sIuIue uIIer sIone" |eweI uIIer gem. II
Iurches IIs wuy Irom one sIuIe oI beIng Io unoIher: IIrsI Ihe
vIoIenI hewIng gesIure, Ihen Ihe cure und reIInemenI, Ihe
shupIng InIo humun rIIuuI und pIeusure. AII IhIs Is preceded
by Ihe IIme-beIore-humun-percepIIon oI Ihe hewn when II
wus whoIe. IIs IemporuIIIy chronIcIes u noI-quIIe-ubsoIuIe
IrunsIormuIIon. The umbIguIIy oI Ihe hewn`s IInguIsIIc per-
muIuIIons wIII noI IeI us seIIIe InIo |usI one meunIng: us

See TIm IngoId, !AnIhropoIogy Comes Io LIIe," In _ ^" bJ
~ jI h ~ a (New York: #ouI-
Iedge), 314, especIuIIy Ihe Ideu IhuI !Ihe very concepI oI Ihe 'humun`
seems Io embody Ihe ubIdIng purudox oI u Iorm oI IIIe IhuI cun reuI-
Ize IIs own essence onIy by IrunscendIng II" (8).
MIcheI Serres, q k~~ `~, Iruns. LIIzubeIh MucArIhur
und WIIIIum PuuIson (Ann Arbor: UnIversIIy oI MIchIgun Press, 2011),

much us we hew sIuIue Irom sIone, Ihe sIuIue IIs
sIonIness. We vuIue II Ior doIng so" we wunI Ihe orIgInuI eIe-
menI Io usserI IIseII Ihrough Ihe Iorm we`ve Imposed upon II.
The wonder oI Ihe hewn Is In IIs bIended onIoIogy: IIs ubIIIIy
Io be boIh wood ~ Iree, whIIe beIng sepuruIe IhIngs. The
IemporuIIIy oI Ihe hewn Is InIImuIeIy InIerIwIned In IIs on-
IoIogy: Ihe beIore und uIIer oI muIIIpIe gesIures (cuIIIng,
shupIng, reorIenIIng) bespeuk muIIIpIe sIuIes oI beIng.
There Is
u specIrum here: Irom work oI urI Io deIrIIusIhIngs hewn
und sIrewn.
WhuI huppens In Ihe onIoIogIcuI Iru|ecIory Irom sIone Io
sIuIue, Irom Iree Io wood Irom Iree Io wood Io cross And,
dIspIucIng Ihe humun ugency In uII IhIs: whuI Is Ihe percep-
IIon oI IhuI Iru|ecIory by Ihe hewn IhIng AI whuI poInI does
Ihe sIuIue sIure buck uI IIs muker To whom does Ihe HoIy
#ood speuk We couId suy IhuI huvIng been cuI down, Ihe
hewn becomes Ihe pIuyIhIng oI our ImugInuIIon, und IhuI II
becomes un ob|ecI oI conIempIuIIon or revuIsIon. Or, we
couId consIder IhuI In beIng cuI down, Ihe hewn guIns Ihe
ugency oI u IhIng,
u compIIcuIed IhIng IhuI recuIIs IIs whoIe
by beIng u purI, u kInd oI IhIng IhuI becomes un ucIunI wIIh
The hewn ucIs upon Ihe humun, sImuIIuneousIy beurIng
wIIness Io whuI hud been whoIe, und cuIIIng ouI Ior more
munIpuIuIIons und IurIher IrugmenIuIIons. In IhIs generuIIve
cupucIIy Is u reuIIzuIIon IhuI IhIngs ure noI sIuIIc, IhuI Ihey
ure beIIer cuIIed, In Iun BogosI`s phruse, !unII operuIIons."

They ucI us one umong und wIIh muIIIpIes. They InIerucI
wIIh oIher unII operuIIons, Ihey become oIher IhIngs, und
Ihey Iend Iowurds one unoIher: Ihe sIone wIIh oIher sIuIues

VIn NurdIzzI, t lW p~~ q~ ~ b~
q (ToronIo: UnIversIIy oI ToronIo Press, 2013). In hIs IuscInuIIng
sIudy oI !u serIes oI IIgneous IrunsIormuIIons" (137), NurdIzzI ex-
pIores Ihe muIIIpIe onIoIogIes und IemporuIIIIes oI sIuge Irees ex-
IendIng Irom Ihe IncreusIngIy scurce woodIunds oI eurIy modern
LngIund Io Ihe IoresI IunIusIes oI London IheuIers (und even perhups
Io Ihe IenemenIs oI urbun dweIIers uIIer Ihe IheuIers were Iuken
See BIII Brown, !ThIng Theory," `~ f 28.1 (AuIumn
2001): 122, especIuIIy Ihe dynumIc oI !on Ihe one hund, Ihen, Ihe
IhIng buIdIy encounIered. On Ihe oIher, some IhIng noI quIIe uppre-
hended" (b).
Iun BogosI, !UnII OperuIIons," In ^ mI t~
f i _ ~ q (MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press,
2012), 2229.

und sIrucIures und seIIIngs, Ihe cross wIIh IurIher crucIIIx-
Ions und embeIIIshmenIs und sucrumenIs. HewIng seIs
IhIngs InIo dIIIerenI kInds oI moIIons: more ImmobIIIzIng
ones wIII hew Io und uIIuchmenI Io IrudIIIon, oIhers wIII
quIcken wIIh Ihe possIbIIIIIes oI cuIIIng und new Iorms. The
rock quurry und Ihe IoresI ure brIsIIIng wIIh IIIe, und we
wouId be wrong Io IhInk we render II InunImuIe when we cuI
und hew our wuy Ihrough.
The hewn Is IIveIy: II Is noI sIuIIc,
nor Is II IsoIuIed: deIrIIus cupIIvuIes Ihe ImugInuIIon oI June
BenneII In IIs InIerucIIons, ussembIuges, und ussocIuIIons.

SImIIurIy, on Ihe oIher end oI Ihe specIrum oI vuIue Imposed
by humuns, works oI urI, no muIIer how hIgh Ihe pedesIuI,
conIuIn und embody IheIr ruw muIerIuIs, IheIr mukers` ges-
Iures, und IheIr owners` desIre.
WIIh Ihe ob|ecIs oI Ihe ^~ ` und Ihe voIce oI Ihe
a~ ! I seek Io enguge In Ihe kInd oI curpenIry
IhuI Iun BogosI InvIIes: !consIrucIIng urIIIucIs IhuI IIIusIruIe
Ihe perspecIIves oI ob|ecIs."
BoIh consIrucIIons posIIIon
ob|ecIs Io operuIe beyond humun reuch, und Io creuIe oIh-
erworIdIy spuces: Ihe eerIIy quIeI spuce oI Ihe ^~ `
guIherIng uround Ihe Wound oI ChrIsI" und Ihe dreumscupe
oI Ihe #ood`s rememberIng. They esIubIIsh ecoIogIes In
whIch Ihe InIenIIons oI Ihe Inhumun shupe Ihe envIronmenI.
WhuI Ihe wound , whuI Ihe wood ~: Ihe-
se ure Ihe pursuIIs oI u hewn ecoIogy. Less unIhropomorphIc
Ihun uskIng whuI IhIngs wunI, IhIs IIne oI InquIry Iruces whuI
IhIngs InIend: whuI Ihey IncIIne Iowurds, whuI Ihey mIghI
uIIrucI or guIher unIo IhemseIves, und how Ihey puII Iowurds

Lduurdo Kohn, e c qW q~ ~ ^ _J
e~ (BerkeIey: UnIversIIy oI CuIIIornIu Press, 2013). In
hIs co-exIsIence wIIhIn und sIudy oI Ihe worId oI Ihe AvIIu #unu In
Ihe LcuudorIun Amuzon, Kohn descrIbes u !muIIInuIuruI" IoresI oI
physIcuI und spIrIIuuI sIgnIIIcuIIon (1b6). LngugIng semIoIIcs wIIh
eco-crIIIcIsm, Kohn`s book urgues Ior puIIerns, whIch he uIso cuIIs
!Iorms," In Ihe IoresI IhuI ure reud, InIerpreIed, und ucIed upon by
humun und beyond-humun ucIunIs sImuIIuneousIy In un ever-
IrunsIormIng serIes oI !Iruns-specIes InIImucIes" (1b31b4). See
specIIIcuIIy !Iorms` LIIorIIess LIIIcucy," 1b3188.
June BenneII, !The Agency oI AssembIuges," In s~ j~W ^
m~ b q (Durhum: Duke UnIversIIy Press, 2010),
2038, especIuIIy Ihe Iheory oI !dIsIrIbuIIve ugency" IhuI BenneII
deveIops In her consIderuIIon oI un !ugenIIc ussembIuge" (21), such
us un eIecIrIcuI power grId, or, here, u devoIIonuI ^~ `
BogosI, ^ m, 109.

oIher unII operuIIons. SepuruIe, IrugmenIed, und suspended,
Ihe ^~ ` und Ihe #ood pro|ecI Ihe perspecIIve oI
ob|ecIs ouIsIde oI Ihe humun ugency oI nurruIIve und ucIIon,
even us II InvIIes und InvoIves Ihem. The ugency oI Ihe hewn
IIes In Ihe InIenIIon oI IIs ob|ecIs.


The ^~ ` ure commonIy Iound In IuIe medIevuI
Books oI HoursonIogruphIc InIerrupIIons In un oIherwIse
wordy envIronmenI, expIoded dIugrums oI Ihe PussIon hoId-
Ing IIs ob|ecIs In onIoIogIcuI suspensIon. AII Is hewn here: cuI
oII Irom nurruIIve, sepuruIe In spuce, IndeIermInuIe In IIme,
und sInguIur In InIenIIonsponge, buckeI, Iomb, whIp,
nuIIIhe very puge oI Ihe munuscrIpI Is cuI Irom IumbskIn.
They InIIIuIe un InsIrumenIuIIzuIIon oI devoIIon, In whIch
domInuIe, und exIsI In un InsIsIenI presenI, wIIhIn u
vIsuuI IIeId oIherwIse IIIIed wIIh Ihe humun emoIIon und
chuos oI Ihe CrucIIIxIon.
In Ihe depIcIIon oI Ihe ^~
`, however, II Is Ihe unII operuIIons oI hummer, Iudder,
rope, und speur IhuI guIde Ihe eye und mInd (IIg. 2). The
ecoIogy oI Ihe hewn here creuIes un envIronmenI oI spIrIIuuI
expIoruIIon oI Ihe vIewer, uIIgnIng common ob|ecIs mude
sucred by sIIIIness und |uxIuposIIIon, provokIng u dynumIc oI
personuI IhoughIs beyond Ihe common nurruIIve.
In IheIr
vuIorIzuIIon oI ob|ecIs, Ihe ^~ ` InIIIuIIy reduce or

The recenI pubIIcuIIon oI Ihe unIhoIogy, q ^~ ` jJ
~ ~ b~ j j~~ `" ~ `~ b l
sI eds. LIsu H. Cooper und Andreu Denny-Brown (BurIIngIon:
AshguIe, 2014), oIIers un expunsIve runge oI dIscussIons und Imuges
oI Ihe ^~ ` Irom CynewuII Io HIeronymus Bosch, Irom Ihe
!proIo-^~ `" oI PuuI`s LurIy ChrIsIIunIIy Io Ihe docIrInuI
debuIes oI MIcheIungeIo`s IuIe #enuIssunce. CIIIng Ihe !IhIng-power"
und !ucIIve, eurIh, noI-quIIe-humun cupucIousness" oI ob|ecIs de-
IIneuIed by June BenneII In s~ j~, Ihe edIIors noIe !Ihe
mysIery oI Ihe sensed-yeI-noI-quIIe-gruspubIe muIerIuI Iorce oI Ihe
~~" (4" Irom IheIr InIroducIIon !^~ `W The MuIerIuI CuI-
Iure oI Ihe PussIon," 119).
Ann LI|enhoIm NIchoIs, !'O VernIcIe`: IIIusIruIIons oI un ^~
` Poem," In q h~ iK pW b j~
j~ ~ q !~, eds. MurIene VIIIuIobos Henessey
(New York: BrepoIs, 2009), dIscussIng Ihe more IIneur presenIuIIons
oI Ihe ^~ ` Iound In scroIIs, urgues Ior Ihe ob|ecIs us !IocuI
poInIs noI Ior medIIuIIon on Ihe PussIon buI ruIher Ior un exumInu-
IIon oI conscIence" (143).

occIude Ihe humun: ChrIsI`s body Is murkedIy ubsenI, ex-
cIsed Irom Ihe guIherIng oI ob|ecIs.
BuI, Ihe reducIIon oI
ChrIsI Io u Wound urguubIy InIensIIIes hIs suIIerIng und
presence, IocuIIzes und sIIuuIes hIs puIn us un undenIubIe
IhIng. In Ihe devoIIonuI IogIc oI Ihe hewn, meIonymy umpII-

c O. The HoIy Wound oI ChrIsI IIunked by Ihe !urmu CrIsII."
Irom Ihe PsuIIer und Hours oI Bonne oI Luxembourg, Duchess oI
Normundy, IoI. 331r. Irunce, PurIs" beIore 1349. Temperu, grIsuIIIe,
Ink, und goId IeuI on veIIum. IndIvIduuI IoIIos: 4 1bI16 x 3 9I16 In.
(12.6 x 9 cm) The CIoIsIers CoIIecIIon, 1969 (69.86). PrInIed wIIh
permIssIon Irom ArI #esource.

When ChrIsI`s body uppeurs on un ^~ ` puge, us II wIII
when Armu ChrIsII Iconogruphy Is combIned wIIh IhuI oI Ihe Muss oI
SuInI Gregory, II becomes one ob|ecI umong muny: prIzed und cen-
IruIIzed, buI uIso sIIIIed und suspended.

NurruIIve hovers uround Ihe edges, IookIng Ior u wuy In
(perhups Ihrough Ihe vIewer`s ImugInuIIon or knowIedge),
buI never couIescIng Io orgunIze Ihe ob|ecIs InIo u sIory.
Does Ihe ecoIogy oI Ihe hewn resIsI nurruIIve WIIhouI nec-
essurIIy conIesIIng humun InvoIvemenI, becuuse Ihe IhIngs
do presenI IhemseIves wIIh vIsuuI cIurIIy, II sIIps Ihe hoId oI
Ihe humun orgunIzuIIonuI IucIIc oI nurruIIve. The hewn cun
be IdenIIIIed, buI II Is more dIIIIcuII Io nurruIIvIze, becuuse II
exIsIs In u proIoundIy Inhumun spuce und IIme: non-IIneur,
perpeIuuIIy suspended, unuIIgned, und ouIsIde oI Iunguuge.
II Is ~ InIo Iunguuge by euger humun InIerIocuIors,
buI II In IhIngness. The vIsuuI IIeId oI Ihe munuscrIpI
puge IhuI hoIds Ihese unII operuIIons In suspensIon Is IIseII u
unII operuIIon, u compIex one InvoIvIng unImuI deuIh In IIs
producIIon und humun desIre In IIs recepIIon. In dIscussIng
Imuges oI Ihe wound oI ChrIsI, MurIhu LusIon cuuIIons
uguInsI conIusIng !pIcIures druwn In Ihe mInd, und urIIsIIc
I wunI Io use IhIs dIsIIncIIon Io cIeur
some spuce Ior Ihe Imuge oI Ihe ^~ ` Io be u ~
Imuge, u serIes oI dIspuruIe IhIngs In dIIIerenI onIoIogIcuI
sIuIes (Irom unImuI skIn, Io ground up pIunI pIgmenIs, Io egg
yoIk Io goId IeuI Io crown oI Ihorns Io Iunce Io coIumn), In
compIex reIuIIonshIps oI meIuphors und sympuIhy wIIh hu-
mun spIrIIuuI needsuII Ihe whIIe reuIIzIng Ihe InexIrIcubII-
IIy oI Ihe hewn und Ihe humun. The hewn wouIdn`I exIsI
wIIhouI Ihe humun Io huck II down, und yeI Imuges IIke Ihe
^~ ` urgue Ior u IIIe oI IhIngs uIIer Ihe cuIIIng down.
SuspensIon does noI precIude, buI nor does II prIorIIIze, u
reIuIIonuI exIsIence wIIh Ihe humun. Ob|ecIs hover, In per-
peIuuI wuIIIng und poIenIIuI ucIIvuIIon, In reIuIIon wIIh euch
oIher onIy Ihrough scuIe.
ScuIe hoIds mosI oI Ihe ob|ecIs In Ihe Imuge IogeIher,
guIherIng Ihem uround Ihe Wound. II uIIows Ior Ihe ob|ecIs
Io reIuIe Io euch oIher ouIsIde oI nurruIIve. WhIp Is uIIgned Io
coIumn, sponge Io cross, Wound Io coIumn. BuI even scuIe
shIIIs, us ob|ecIs |osIIe Ior posIIIon: Wound ouIsIzes word,
humun monumenIuIIzes bIrd, nuIIs dImInIsh Iudder. Ob|ecIs
reIuIe noI In use, or In Ihe useIuIness oI nurruIIve, buI In whuI

MurIhu LusIon, !The Wound oI ChrIsI, Ihe MouIh oI HeII: Appro-
prIuIIons und InversIons oI IemuIe AnuIomy In Ihe LuIer MIddIe
Ages," In q g~~ gKdK ^~W q j~ ~ j~J
f~ j~ ~ !~~ ~I ^ ~
^, eds. Susun L`LngIe und GeruId B. GuesI (New York:
Hurvey MIIIer, 2006), 397.

scuIe cuIIs uIIenIIon Io: shupe, III, und coIor. ScuIe coIIupses
In Ihe mIddIe oI Ihe puge, us Ihe wound oI ChrIsI (hewn Irom
Ihe body oI Ihe hewed) druws IIseII up Ihe cenIer oI Ihe puge,
dIsrupIIng Ihe IrugIIe IIIusIon oI neurIy unuIogous scuIe und
uImosI coherenI spuce, prompIIng quesIIons ubouI nurruIIve
und IIme, und reusserIIng Ihe ob|ecIhood oI every IhIng. The
Wound Is u specIucIe oI scuIe: ouIsIzed und ouIrugeous, dIs-
rupIIve oI Ihe unIIy oI ob|ecIs wIIhIn humun scuIe, reveIuIory
oI Ihe power oI IhIngs.
The umpIIIIcuIIon oI Ihe Wound unnounces IIs power
IIrsI Io dIsrupI Ihe vIsuuI IIeId: Io ouIsIze every IhIng eIse und
cIuIm u prIde oI pIuce In coIor und scuIe. ThIs ugency boIh
represenIs und perpeIuuIes Ihe power oI Ihe wound oI ChrIsI
In humun devoIIon, so much so IhuI, In Ihe proIIIeruIIon oI
IIs Iecund ob|ecIhood, II becomes u IhIng IhuI escupes hu-
mun conIroI. The compIex onIoIogIcuI process Ihrough
whIch Wound becomes ThIng, un IndependenI ob|ecI wIIh
IIs own IocuIIon und movemenIs IndependenI oI Ihe body oI
ChrIsI whence II wus hewn, Is muIerIuIIzed In Imuges. The
Wound Is prIed Irom Ihe body oI ChrIsI by Ihe humun desIre
Io enIer II" II becomes u IhIng by beIng InsIsIenIIy uIIgned
wIIh oIher IhIngs, II exempIIIIes Ihe power oI IhIngs Io cre-
uIenoI Ihe IIke-begeIs-IIke dynumIc oI nuIureIbIoIogy, buI
InsIeud Ihe ussocIuIIve Iendency oI IhIngs guIhered In scuIe,
suspensIon, und |uxIuposIIIon. CuroIIne WuIker Bynum Iruc-
es Ihe muIIIpIIcIIy oI IhIngs Ihe Wound becomes on IIs wuy
Io beIng un IndependenI unII operuIIon: door, wIndow, chuI-
Ice, buIIdIng, guIewuy, Iower, dovecoI, chuIIce, cuvern.

Kurmu LochrIe und Amy HoIIywood uncover IurIher IhIngs
Ihe Wound becomes: breusI, vugInu, bIood, mIIk, u !gIorIous
II Isn`I |usI Ihe humun ImugInuIIon IhuI con|ures up
Ihe nexI IhIng: Ihe Wound`s openness cuIIs IorIh Ihe doors,
IIs proIecIIon Ihe dovecoIe, IIs IIuIdIIy Ihe bIood. In Ihe unII

CuroIIne WuIker Bynum, !VIoIence OccIuded: The Wound In
ChrIsI`s SIde In LuIe MedIevuI DevoIIon," In cI s ~ m~J
W b~ j~ p e p aK t, eds.
BeIIe S. TuIen und Trucey L. BuIIudo (BurIIngIon: AshguIe, 2010), 9b
Kurmu LochrIe, !MysIIcuI AcIs, Queer TendencIes," In `J
j~ p~, eds. Kurmu LochrIe, Peggy McCrucken, und
Jumes A. SchuIIz (MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press, 1997),
180200" Amy HoIIywood, !'ThuI gIorIous sIII`: IrIguruy und Ihe Me-
dIevuI DevoIIon Io ChrIsI`s SIde Wound," In i f~~ ~ mJ
`W q e, eds. Theresu KrIer und LIIzu-
beIh D. Hurvey (New York: #ouIIedge, 2004), 10b12b.

operuIIon oI Ihe Wound us pussuge, suIvuIIon und nurIure
creuIe u compIex ecoIogy InIer-reIuIed by IhIng quuIIIIes oI
scuIe und |uxIuposIIIon. Thus cun u dovecoI und u chuIIce co-
The ~~ Imuge oI Ihe Wound Is uIso generuIIve.
The Wound proIIIeruIes beyond Ihe boundury oI Ihe munu-
scrIpI Io Ihe muIIIpIIcIIy oI prInIs und woodcuIs. DuvId S.
AreIord hus IInked Ihe !exucI repeuIubIIIIy oI Ihe medIum"
Io un uuIhenIIcuIIon oI Ihe Wound, und Ihus Io IIs power In
IuIe medIevuI devoIIon.
In IIs sIrunge IensIon beIween IosI
orIgIn und IuIure pro|ecIIon, Ihe hewn exercIses IIs power In
IIs ubIIIIy Io be u muIIIpIIcIIy oI IhIngs: wound, guIewuy, mIIk,
IumbskIn, puper, even bIrIhIng churm.

In IhuI IIIunIes ure uI IheIr orIgIn pruyers oI suppIIcuIIon,
Ihe LuIour IIIuny IhuI cun be enuncIuIed by speukIng Ihe ob-
|ecIs oI Ihe ^~ ` perIorms Ihe suIvIIIc IuncIIon oI Ihe
munuscrIpI wIIhIn whIch II Is embedded.
An ^~ `
puge InvIIes enuncIuIIon und suppIIcuIIon oI boIh Ihe hu-

SIIke Tummen, !BIIck und WundeBIIck und Iorm: zur Deu-
IeungsprobIemuIIk der SeIIen Wunde ChrIsII In der SpuImIIIe-
IuIIerIIchen BuchmuIereI," In _ h# j~, eds.
KrIsIIn Murek eI uI. (MunIch: WIIheIm IInk VerIug, 2006), 8b114,
Iruces Ihe IormuI sImIIurIIIes oI Ihe Wound In IIs muIIIpIe presenIu-
DuvId S. AreIord, !PrInIIng Ihe SIde Wound oI ChrIsI," In q sJ
~ m f~ i~ j~ b (BurIIngIon: Ash-
guIe, 2010), 229267.
IIrsI expIored by W. Spurrow SImpson, !On Ihe Meusure oI Ihe
Wound In Ihe SIde oI Ihe #edeemer, Worn AncIenIIy us u Churm und
on Ihe IIve Wounds us #epresenIed In ArI," g~ _
^~~ ^~ 30 (1874): 3b7374. The Wound oI ChrIsI
us bIrIhIng hus more recenIIy been sIudIed by IIoru LewIs, !The
Wound In ChrIsI`s SIde und Ihe InsIrumenIs oI Ihe PussIon: Gen-
dered LxperIence und #esponse," In t ~ _W ^
s~ b, eds. LesIey SmIIh und June H.M. TuyIor (To-
ronIo: UnIversIIy oI ToronIo Press, 1996), 216217, und by CuroIIne
WuIker Bynum, `~ j~~W ^ b~ ! i~
j~ b (CumbrIdge: M.I.T. Press, 2011), 19b208.
!LuIour IIIuny" Is u Ierm coIned by Iun BogosI und urIIcuIuIed In
^ m Io IndIcuIe Ihe dIsorIenIIng phenomenon oI
Ihe |uxIuposIIIon oI dIspuruIe ob|ecIs when Ihey ure mereIy
uIongsIde euch oIher. In Ihe reuder`s dIsorIenIuIIon und InubIIIIy Io
Impose order (e.g. nurruIIve, moruIIIy, uesIheIIcs), Ihe ob|ecIs usserI
und ussocIuIe IhemseIves In u vurIeIy oI InIeresIIng wuys. BogosI
InvIIes reuders Io IhIs experIence uI hIs LuIour LIIunIzer: hIIp:II
www.bogosI.comIbIogIIuIour_IIIunIzer.shImI. The power oI Ihe
^~ ` Io !IIIunIze," Io suppIIcuIe Ihrough IIsIs, emerges Irom
Ihe vIewer`s necessury dIsorIenIuIIon beIore Ihe dIvIne.

mun und Inhumun, us Ihe Iwo conIInue Io cIrcIe uround Ihe
hewn. The humun speuks pruyers Ihrough Ihe hewn IhIngs oI
Ihe ^~ ` und Ihe Wound, und In Ihese pruyers Is
IrunsIormed Ihrough u process MIchueI CumIIIe hus cuIIed
!mImeIIc IdenIIIIcuIIon."
As Ihe Wound Is u chuIIce, Ihe
suppIIcunI druws cIoser Io ChrIsI Ihrough hIs Wound, Ihe
bIood, Ihe chuIIce, Ihe speuruII Ihe hewn IhIngs. BuI we
need Io usk now ubouI how Ihe IhIngs IhemseIves druw cIos-
er Io euch oIher: whuI Ihey Iend Io, whuI IheIr IendencIes ure.
In Ihe ubsence oI humun presence, we cun usk, !WhuI does
wood wunI" There Is u rIsk oI unIhropomorphIc venIrIIo-
quIsm here, buI I IhInk IhuI we cun use Ihe medIuIed repre-
senIuIIons oI pruyer und poem us purI oI Ihe !curpenIry oI
IhIngs" IhuI unseuI Ihe desIres oI Ihe Inhumun.


We cun sIIII see Ihe wood oI Ihe Cross speuk In sIone us u Iree.
The runes on Ihe eusI und wesI sIdes oI Ihe #uIhweII Cross
InscrIbe prIzed IInes Io be Iound In Ihe poem Ihe a~
!, whereIn Ihe Cross remembers IIseII us wood und
cuIIs IIseII IorIh us be|eweIed reIIquury (IIg. 3).
The ecoIogy
oI Ihe hewn Is one oI shIIIIng muIerIuIIIIes und serIuIIzed on-
IoIogIes: Iree becomes wood becomes Cross on sIone curved
wIIh vInes und unImuIs. Luch muIerIuIIzuIIon munIIesIs u
new IdenIIIy, u new IuncIIon, u new beIng. These ure dIspur-
uIe buI noI dIsconnecIed: Ihey InvoIve Ihe Cross`s humun
InIerIocuIors, Irom Ihe men who hewed II down, Io ChrIsI

MIchueI CumIIIe, !MImeIIc IdenIIIIcuIIon und PussIon DevoIIon In
Ihe LuIer MIddIe Ages: A DoubIe-SIded PuneI by MeIsIer Irunke," In
q _ _W m~ a i~Jj~ `, eds.
A.A. MucDonuId, H.N.B. #Idderbos, und #.M. SchIusemunn (Gro-
nIngen: LgberI IorsIen, 1998), 183210.
Verses 3949 on Ihe eusI sIde descrIbe Ihe ruIsIng oI Ihe Cross,
whIIe verses b6b6bu on Ihe wesI sIde descrIbe IIs deposIIIon. The
#uIhweII Cross wus ruIsed uround 700, buI recenI schoIurshIp urgues
IhuI Ihe runIc verses oI Ihe a~ ! were udded, possIbIy
uround Ihe yeur 1000 (when Ihe a~ ! uppeurs In IuII us
un AngIo-Suxon poem In Ihe s _). See PuuI MuyvuerI !A
New PerspecIIve on Ihe #uIhweII Cross: LccIesIu und VIIu MonusIIcu,"
In q ! `" m~ `
f `~ ^, ed. Brendun CussIdy (PrInceIon UnIversIIy
Press, 1992), 9b166" und PuIrIck W. Conner, !The #uIhweII Monu-
menI #unIc Poem In u TenIh-CenIury ConIexI," q ! bJ
p b9:238 (November 2007): 2bb1.

who wIII be nuIIed upon II, Io Ihe worshIpper who sIunds
beIore Ihe #uIhweII Cross Io reud or heur IIs runes. HewIng
oscIIIuIes beIween sepuruIIon und udherence here: Ihe Iree Is
cuI down und cuI oII Irom Ihe IoresI, buI Ihe Cross Iukes on
ChrIsI, und Ihe udherenIs oI Ihe IuIIh hew Io Ihe CrucIIIx.

c P. #uIhweII Cross, wesI Iuce, by 'DougsIm.` LIcensed under
CreuIIve Commons AIIrIbuIIon-Shure AIIke 3.0 vIu WIkImedIu

In wrIIIng !OrIenIuIIons MuIIer," Suruh Ahmed exumInes
how un ob|ecI (hers Is u IeIIow ob|ecI InIIIuIIy mude oI wood,
u IubIe) muy shupe un orIenIuIIon Io Ihe worId" how II muy
guIde how u worId unIoIds In percepIIon. My expIoruIIon oI
Ihe muIIIpIe unIoIdIngs oI Ihe Cross us II moves Irom Iree Io

wood Io cross Io reIIquury Io sIgn Is very much Iormed by her
Ideu IhuI !whIIe bodIes do IhIngs, IhIngs mIghI uIso 'do bod-
The Cross`s ugency Is deepIy IInked Io IIs shIIIIng on-
IoIogy: IIs ubIIIIy Io beur ChrIsI upon IIseII, Io uppeur Io Ihe
dreumer oI Ihe a~ ! poem, und Io venIrIIo-
quIze IIseII Ihrough Ihe reudIng oI Ihe vIewer oI Ihe #uIhweII
Cross reIIes upon IIs presence us wood, Imuge, und sIone.
JusI us Ihe bodIes oI ChrIsI, Ihe dreumer, und Ihe vIewer uII
!do IhIngs" wIIh und Io Ihe Cross, so does Ihe Cross !do"
IheIr bodIes: Ihe body oI ChrIsI Is borne by Ihe Cross und IIs
suIIerIng Is underscored, supporIed, und umpIIIIed by Ihe
Cross`s suIIerIng" Ihe dreumer`s body Is moved Io under-
sIundIng Ihe suIIerIng oI ChrIsI upon Ihe Cross Ihrough Ihe
Cross`s descrIpIIon oI IIs own suIIerIng" und Ihe vIewer`s
body Is moved uround Ihe monumenI oI Ihe Cross by Ihe
rune`s movemenIs uIong Ihe sIones` edges.
Luch onIoIogI-
cuI shIII oI Ihe Cross provokes u re-orIenIuIIon In percepIIon,
euch new muIerIuIIzuIIon !does" Ihe bodIes IhuI munIpuIuIe
II unew.
The runes IhuI gIrd Ihe #uIhweII Cross, descrIbe Ihe us-
cenI oI Ihe Cross on one sIde, und IIs deposIIIon on Ihe oIher.
They move uIong Ihe sIone`s edges, deIIneuIIng surge und
conIour. They guIher Ihe Cross unIo IIseII, procIuIm IIs emo-
IIons, und pro|ecI IIs ucIIon. In Iunguuge vIsuuIIy und cuIIur-
uIIy dIsIIncI Irom Ihe LuIIn IhuI Irumes Ihe oIher surIuces oI
Ihe #uIhweII Cross, Ihe runes gIve voIce Io Ihe Cross`s IuscI-
nuIIon us Ihe !young hero" (39) cIImbs II.
The Cross speuks

Suruh Ahmed, !OrIenIuIIons MuIIer," In k j~~W lJ
I ^I ~ m, eds. DIunu CooIe und SumunIhu IrosI (Dur-
hum: Duke UnIversIIy Press, 2010), 24b.
The ussImIIuIIon oI humun body und cross Is munIIesIed us eurIy
us TerIuIIIun In hIs descrIpIIon oI Ihe gesIure oI Ihe sIgn oI Ihe cross
over Ihe body. Ior Ihe hIghIIghIIng un InsIunce In whIch Ihe humun
und Ihe hewn (Ihe body und Ihe muIerIuI cuIIure wIIh whIch II sur-
rounds IIseII) overIuke euch oIher, see John #umpIe, !'Tuke Up Ihe
Cross` (Murk 8:34 und pur.): The HIsIory und IuncIIon oI Ihe Cross
SuyIng In LurIIesI ChrIsIIunIIy" (D.PhII., UnIversIIy oI LdInburgh,
2008), where he cIuIms IhuI !II mukIng u cross sIgn dId deveIop
conIemporuneousIy wIIh oIher muIerIuI und vIsuuI ChrIsIIun sym-
boIs II wouId be ImpossIbIe Io deIermIne Irom currenI duIu whIch oI
Ihe Iorms cume IIrsI, or whIch InIIuenced Ihe oIher`s deveIopmenI"
QuoIuIIons, cIIed purenIheIIcuIIy by IIne number, oI a~
! ure Irom l ~ j bI K UVMJK NQRMW ^ ^,
ed. LIuIne Trehurne (London: BIuckweII, 2010), 122124.

IIs desIre: !I IrembIed when Ihe wurrIor embruced me" (42).
ThIs shudder Is u momenI oI IrunsIormuIIon: epIphuny, eroI-
Ics, mImeIIc IdenIIIIcuIIon. Ior when ChrIsI`s IIesh Is pIerced
wIIh nuIIs, so Is Ihe wood oI Ihe Cross" when ChrIsI`s bIood
IIows Irom hIs body, Ihe Cross IeeIs IIseII beIng drenched, Ihe
bIood seepIng InIo IIs own vIbrunI IIesh. !They mocked us
boIh IogeIher" (48), II recuIIs uI Ihe end oI Ihe eusIern #uIh-
weII rune, IIs remembrunce oI desIre now un IdenIIIIcuIIon oI
sumeness. SImuIIuneousIy, Ihe Cross`s sIeudIusIness, whIch
II cIuIms Irom IIs Ireeness, churucIerIzes ChrIsI`s sIrengIh. !I
hud Io sIund IusI" (43), resoIves Ihe Cross, und !I dId noI dure
Io bend down" (4b). ChrIsI, Ioo, !uscended on Ihe hIgh guI-
Iows" (40) und does noI IuIIer Irom hIs pIuce, regurdIess oI
Ihe nuIIs und Ihe bIood und Ihe puIn. In u mImeIIc exchunge
oI sensuIIons, ChrIsI und Ihe Cross become enIungIed: un-
IhropomorphIsm becomes urboreomorphIsm.
The Cross sIuys wIIh ChrIsI us Iong us II cun. II suIIers
wIIh ChrIsI whIIe he IIves, und Ihen, once ChrIsI Is deud, II
becomes u wIIness: !I beheId uII IhuI" (b8), reuds Ihe rune oI
Ihe wesI Iuce oI Ihe #uIhweII Cross. The hewn ~ wIIness
Io suIIerIng. Lvery hewn IhIng currIes und procIuIms Ihe ucI
oI cuIIIng down. WIInessIng becomes heroIc commemoru-
IIon on Ihe wesI sIde oI Ihe #uIhweII Cross, when boIh Ihe
Cross und ChrIsI, us MuIdIe HIImo hus urgued, Iuke on !Ihe
IusI sIund oI Ihe nobIe wurrIor."
MImeIIc IdenIIIIcuIIon
IoIds boIh ChrIsI und Ihe Cross InIo u heroIc sIunce: now Ihe
Imuge oI Ihe wurrIor comes IorIh und Ihe deposIIIon oI Ihe
CrossIChrIsI, one !uII wounded wIIh urrows" (62) Ihe oIher
!weury-IImbed . . . weury uIIer Ihe greuI buIIIe" (63, 6b) be-
comes u mournIuI dIrge Ior IuIIen heroes. The #uIhweII rune
ends uI IhIs momenI oI Ihe poem, II does noI conIInue Io
ChrIsI`s AscensIon, nor Io Ihe Cross`s own redIscovery und
ruIsIng, IIs bedeckIng In goId und sIIver. The IrIumphunI Im-
ugery oI Ihe LuIInuIe sIdes oI Ihe #uIhweII CrossChrIsI
IrumpIIng over Ihe BeusIs, uposIoIIc IeuIs, und heuIIng mIru-
cIesure IeII Io umpIIIy Ihe power oI ChrIsI und usserI ChrIs-
IIunIIy`s presence.

MuIdIe HIImo, !VIsuuI und VerbuI MunIIesIuIIons oI Ihe DuuI Nu-
Iure oI ChrIsI on Ihe #uIhweII Cross," In MuIdIe HIImo, j~
f~I fI ~ f~ b i~ qW c !J
` b `~ (BurIIngIon: AshguIe, 2004), 47,
IIkens IhIs sIunce Io IhuI oI Ihe wurrIors In Ihe AngIo-Suxon poem,
q _~ j~.
Meyer SchupIro provIdes un InIerpreIuIIon oI Ihe Imugery oI Ihe

The onIoIogIcuI IIow beIween ChrIsI und Ihe Cross Is noI
|usI unIhropomorphIsm In Ihe servIce oI meIuphor. The un-
IhropomorphIsm oI Ihe Cross`s desIre Is condIIIoned by
Iendency, by whuI Ihe hewn (noI |usI whuI Ihe hu-
mun) wunIs. As Ihe Cross InsIsIs on sIuyIng uprIghI, wood`s
IIgnIn sIruIns Io Ihe verIIcuI In Ihe sIreIch Irom rooIs Io
Ieuves" us Ihe Cross Is sIuked und drenched by Ihe bIood oI
ChrIsI, wood`s ceIIuIose IIbers ubsorb und IrunsporI pene-
IruIIng IIuIds.
The churucIer oI IIs orIgInury Iree remuIns
vIbrunI und IormuIIve In Ihe wood oI Ihe Cross. Wrenched
Irom Ihe IoresI`s edge, Ihe Iree whose wood wIII become Ihe
Cross currIes IIs prImordIuI Iendency wIIh II, und Ihe soIIdIIy
und upwurd sIruIn oI Ihe IreeIIhe woodIIhe Cross wIII beur
The hewn Iukes over Ior Ihe humun (we see our-
seIves In broken IhIngs), und shupes II wIIh sympuIhy.
Wood`s muIerIuIIIy Is prImuI: In Iunguuge II Is uI Ihe rooI oI
our concepIuuIIzuIIon oI muIIer. In LuIIn, ~~, Ihe source oI
our word !muIIer," sIurIs ouI meunIng !IImber."
IsIdore oI SevIIIe`s 7Ih-cenIury eIymoIogy oI Ihe word !muI-
Ier," CuroIIne WuIker Bynum poInIs ouI IIs IncIusIon In u
Iurger dIscussIon oI wood und woodworkers, whereIn IsIdore
wIII cIuIm IhuI muIIer Is !uIwuys uccepIIng wIIh regurd Io
ThIs !uccepIunce" Is wood`s pIIubIIIIy Io be-
come IubIe, house, door, guIe, cross.
Wood`s ubIIIIy Io IIucIuuIe onIoIogIcuIIy (Io be Iree, Io be
pIunk, Io be cross) munIIesIs IIseII In urIIsI MeIunIe HoII`s
work, NRIMMM s, In whIch she reIeused 1b,000 voIIs oI eIec-
IrIcIIy InIo u pIece oI pIywood pIerced wIIh nuIIs (IIgs. 4 und

cross wIIhIn Ihe reIIgIous und IerrIIorIuI sIruggIes oI Ihe NorIhum-
brIuns und Ihe AngIes und BrIIons: !The #eIIgIous MeunIng oI Ihe
#uIhweII Cross," ^ _ 27.4 (1944): 23224b. See uIso Lumon $
CurrugIn, !The #uIhweII CrucIIIxIon Poem und IIs IconogruphIc
und LIIurgIcuI ConIexIs," m~ 67 (1987-88): 171.
#. Bruce HoudIey, !CeIIuIur SIrucIure," In r~ tW ^
`~~ d t q (NewIown: The TuuIon Press,
2000), 1723.
MIcheI PusIoureuu, !InIroducIIon u Iu symboIIque medIevuI du
boIs," In i^: e k~ p ^, ed.
MIcheI PusIoureuu (PurIs: CuhIers du Leopurd d`Or, 1992), 2b40.
OxIord LngIIsh DIcIIonury, VoI. 9, 2nd edn. (OxIord: CIurendon
Press, 1991), 479482. The IIrsI deIInIIIon Iuys Ihe groundwork Ior
Ihe IuscInuIIng InIerIwInIng oI IImber, muIIer, und meunIng: !buIId-
Ing muIerIuI, or IImber, hence sIuII oI whIch u IhIng Is mude" (489).
Bynum, `~ j~~, 231.

b). The resuIIIng Imuges urgue Ior Ihe percepIIon oI Ihe
hewn" Ihey reveuI Ihe cupucIIy oI wood Io respond.

c Q. MeIunIe HoII, NRIMMM s. LIecIrIcuIIy IreuIed wood, 2013.
CoIIecIIon oI Ihe urIIsI. PrInIed by permIssIon oI Ihe urIIsI.

c R. MeIunIe HoII, NRIMMM s, deIuII. LIecIrIcuIIy IreuIed wood,
2013. CoIIecIIon oI Ihe ArIIsI. PrInIed by permIssIon oI Ihe urIIsI.

See MeIunIe HoII`s web-puge Ior Ihe urIwork (hIIp:IImeIunIe-hoII.
comI1b000voIIsI) where u IIme-Iupse vIdeo reveuIs Ihe eIIecIs oI Ihe
eIecIrIcIIy us II courses Ihrough wood. I wIsh Io Ihunk Ihe urIIsI Ior
her grucIous permIssIon Io use Imuges Irom vurIous sIuges oI NRIMMM
s, us weII us her generous personuI communIcuIIons wIIh me.

As Ihe eIecIrIcIIy courses Ihrough Ihe wood puneI, II IInds
IIs wuy uIong Ihe IIbers, seekIng und pushIng openIngs
Ihrough whIch Io IruveI und quIcken. As II does, IIny IendrIIs
brunch ouI und, huvIng expunded, begIn Io connecI Io euch
oIher. The Iree`s quuIIIIes, IIs IIbers und orgunIc vuInerubIIIIy,
guIde II Io creuIe Imuges oI whuI Iook IIke Irees und brunches.
IIs prImuI onIoIogy us wood perpeIuuIes IIs seII-represen-
IuIIon us Iree. The dumuge Io Ihe wood`s physIcuI InIegrIIy
cuused by Ihe eIecIrIcIIy becomes Ihe wood`s creuIIve ucI. II
uncovers u surprIsIng seII-porIruII In un urboreuI veIn, us Ihe
wood oI Ihe Cross Is reveuIed Io IIseII us Cross once II hus
been pIerced by nuIIs und drenched In bIood. Dumuge, Ihen,
or whuI humuns wouId cuII suIIerIng, becomes purI oI Ihe
seII-reveIuIIon oI Ihe hewn. The humun response Io IhIs eco-
IogIcuI InIerucIIon oI eIecIrIcIIy und wood InsIsIs on Ihe eIe-
menI oI suIIerIng: Ihe sIow scorchIng oI Ihe puIe surIuce
Iooks puInIuI, Ihe pervusIve burnIng, once Ihe eIecIrIcIIy hus
hud IIs wuy wIIhIn Ihe wood, Ieuves u IIneIy eIched surIuce oI
scurs. NRIMMM s shIIIs Ihe IemporuI scuIe oI suIIerIng: Ihe
percepIuuI IIme oI suIIerIng oI Ihe humun Is brIeI compured
Io IhuI oI Ihe urboreuIu humun IIIe compured Io u IIIeIIme
In u IoresI. As Ihe a~ ! InvIIes u humun medIIu-
IIon on Ihe IemporuI Ierms oI Ihe Iree (becomIng Cross, en-
durIng CrucIIIxIon, burIed und IorgoIIen Io resurge us be-
decked CrucIIIx), so, Ioo, NRIMMM I In compressIng eIghI
hours oI IIImIng InIo Iwo und u huII mInuIes oI vIdeo Imuges,
converges humun und urboreuI IemporuI scuIes. Yes, we un-
IhropomorphIze Ihe wood us we ImugIne IIs suIIerIng
Ihrough Ihe coursIng oI 1b,000 voIIs. BuI Ihe wood uIso urbo-
reomorphIzes Ihe humun: IIs ceIIuIose IIbers reveuIed by Ihe
eIecIrIcIIy InIo u puIIern oI veIns, IIs surIuce IIke u puIe skIn.
The Cross`s heroIcs pro|ecI und dIspIuy ChrIsI`s own.
Iew hewn IhIngs ure ubIe Io express Ihe IrunsIIIon Irom
whoIe Io hewn wIIhIn u sub|ecIIvIIy urIIcuIuIed so InsIsIenIIy
on sensuIIon und muIerIuIIIy Ihe wuy Ihe Cross cun In Ihe
a~ !. The Cross`s conscIousness oI IIs own
onIoIogIcuI shIIIs Irom Iree Io wood Io cross sImuIIuneousIy
preserve IIs sumeness (IIs churucIer us u Iree ucIIvuIes IIs sen-
suIIons us u cross) und perpeIuuIe IIs dIIIerences (II becomes
u wurrIor IIke ChrIsI onIy once II Is u cross, II wIII become u
be|eweIed reIIquury In Ihe hunds oI men). The Cross Iends Io
Ihe heroIc, becuuse wood Iends Io be sIeudIusI. ThIs Ienden-
cy becomes un InIenIIon In Ihe ecoIogy oI Ihe Inhumun: whuI
Ihe IhIng Iends Io do (Iuke rooI, brunch ouI) becomes IIs In-
IenIIon (Io be sIeudIusI, Io muIIIpIy). As ever, II operuIes wIIh

und uguInsI humun InIenIIon. The Cross speuks wIIhIn Ihe
AngIo-Suxon poem Io un uuIhor usIeep, u humun conscIous-
ness ecIIpsed by Ihe brIghI IIghI oI u dreum vIsIon, Io muke
wuy Ior Ihe IrIuIs und IrIumphs oI Ihe IhIng. The Cross re-
counIs exucIIy how II cume Io be hewn. !ThuI wus very Iong
ugo, I remember II sIIII, IhuI I wus cuI down Irom Ihe edge oI
Ihe wood" (2829). The Iree`s murgInuI posIIIon, uI Ihe Ior-
esI`s edge, hud uIreudy exposed II Io Ihe worId oI men. In Ihe
a~ !, Ihe Cross does noI |usI huve conscIous-
ness, desIre, und suIIerIng: II uIso hus memory. II remembers
IIs pIuce uI Ihe edge oI Ihe wood, Ihe rIppIng oI IIs rooIs
when Ihe men cume, Ihe sIrengIh oI Ihe shouIders IhuI cur-
rIed II up upon Ihe hIII und !IusIened me Ihere" (33).

c S. CeremonIuI Cross oI CounIess GerIrude. 1038 or shorIIy
uIIer. Germuny, Lower Suxony GoId: worked In repousse" cIoIsonne
enumeI, InIugIIo, gems, peurIs, wood core. 24.2 x 21.6 cm. Purchuse
Irom Ihe J.H. Wude Iund wIIh Ihe uddIIIon oI u gIII Irom Mrs. Ld-
wurd B. Greene. PrInIed wIIh permIssIon oI Ihe CIeveIund
Museum oI ArI.

The hewn Io remember IIs orIgIn, buI mukes no
preIense oI goIng buck. The ecoIogy oI Ihe Inhumun perpeI-
uuIes IIseII Io Ihe nexI cuIIIng" II Is onIy Ihe humun IhuI
yeurns Io reIurn Io Lden. AI Ihe huIIwuy poInI oI her IIme-
Iupse recordIng oI wood`s endurunce oI 1b,000 voIIs oI eIec-
IrIcIIy, Ihe urIIsI MeIunIe HoII reverses Ihe IIIm, erusIng Ihe
IrucIuI murks oI eIecIrIcIIy. To my humun percepIIon, IhIs
reversuI seeks Io eruse suIIerIng, reIrucIng u puIh Io u puIn-
Iess prIsIIne sIuIe, und I wuIch In reIIeI us Ihe IIbers sInged
upurI Io creuIe Iree-IIke puIIerns recede InIo Ihe whoIeness
oI Ihe wood. The wood, however, does noI need u reIurn Io
survIve (Ihe Cross remembers IIs pIuce In Ihe IoresI, buI hus
no desIre Io reIurn Io II). The wood`s suIIerIng, IIs muIIIuIIon,
hus, IIke Ihe Cross, IrunsIormed II InIo u work oI urI: u wood-
en puneI InIo whIch u IrucIuI Iundscupe oI Iree Iorms hus
been eIched by Ihe wood`s conduII oI eIecIrIcIIy" u be|eweIed
cross whose wooden core supporIs gIeumIng ornumenI und
shImmerIng surIuce. Humuns wuIch In IuscInuIIon us Ihe
Inhumun becomes IIs own IhIng uIIer suIIerIng uI IheIr hunds.
The Cross reveIs In IIs recuperuIIon, II re|oIces when, uIIer
beIng burIed, !IrIends dIscovered me Ihere, und udorned me
wIIh goId und sIIver" (76).
Wood persIsIs und, In Ihe sucru-
menIuI IreuImenI oI Ihe hewn urguubIy umpIIIIes, In Ihe
compIex onIoIogy oI ceremonIuI crosses such us IhuI oI
CounIess GerIrude (IIg. 6), whose goId und sIIver udorn-
menIs, und crysIuI und gem ornumenIuIIon, sImuIIuneousIy
obscure und vuIorIze u wooden core IhuI recuIIs Ihe prImevuI
wood oI Ihe Cross. The hewn Is creuIIve und generuIIve" IIs
severunce Irom u IosI orIgInuI creuIIng udherences In perpe-
IuIIy. BuI IhuI resonunI wooden core Is u humun desIre. The
hewn doesn`I seek u reIurn Io LdenII`s Ihe ecoIogy oI Ihe
~ IhuI Is nosIuIgIc, IhuI yeurns Io eIIuce. The ecoIogy oI
Ihe Inhumun us munIIesIed In Ihe hewn, us much us II re-
members IIs orIgIn, Is uIwuys Iorever cuI oII, II Is uIwuys Ior-
ever movIng Iowurds IIs nexI ussembIuge. The wood oI Ihe
Cross uIwuys sIrIves Iowurds IIs nexI hewIng, Ihe nexI cuI, Ihe
nexI reIIc.

Verses oI Ihe a~ ! ure uIso Iound on Ihe goId und
sIIver cross reIIquury known us Ihe BrusseIs Cross, now sIrIpped oI
IIs gems, buI sIIII dIspIuyIng IIs ! InscrIpIIons. See S.T.#.O. d`Ar-
denne, !The OId LngIIsh InscrIpIIon on Ihe BrusseIs Cross," b
p 21 (1939): 14b164.


c T. The AngeI GIvIng SeIh Ihe Brunch. Hours oI CuIherIne oI
CIeves (M. 917I94b), VoI. 1, p. 8b, UIrechI, Ihe NeIherIunds, cu. 1440.
The PIerpoInI Morgun LIbrury, New York. Purchused on Ihe BeIIe du
CosIu Greene Iund ud wIIh Ihe ussIsIunce oI Ihe IeIIows, 1963.
PrInIed wIIh Ihe permIssIon oI Ihe PIerponI Morgun LIbrury.

Through Adum`s desIre und SeIh`s IIIIuI couruge, Ihe 13Ih-
cenIury !Legend oI Ihe HoIy Wood" cIuIms Ihe orIgIns oI Ihe
wood oI Ihe Cross In Lden.
As Adum IIes dyIng, he yeurns
Ior Lden, und SeIh Is senI Io Ihe gurden Io reIrIeve und re-

Jucobus de VorugIne, !The InvenIIon oI Ihe HoIy Cross (Muy 3)," In
q d iW !~ p~, Iruns. WIIIIum Grunger
#yun (PrInceIon: PrInceIon UnIversIIy Press, 2012), 277.

cIuIm |usI u IIny pIece oI PurudIse, oII Irom Ihe Tree oI Mercy
In some versIons, u brunch Irom Ihe Tree oI KnowIedge In
He IInds hIs wuy buck Io Lden by IoIIowIng hIs pur-
enIs` IooIprInIs, burned InIo Ihe ground by IheIr sorrow
when Ihey IeII II (IIg. 7). II Is un IncredIbIe |ourney Io muke,
IervenI In IIs desIre Ior reIurn und resIoruIIon, poIgnunI In IIs
umbIIIon born oI Ioss, IrugIc In IIs gumbII Io be hewn und
whoIe. ChrIsIIun IypoIogy umpIIIIes SeIh`s hewIng: Ihe
brunch IhuI SeIh brIngs buck Irom Lden und pIunIs over hIs
IuIher`s gruve Iukes rooI und wIII become Ihe Iree Irom whIch
Ihe wood oI Ihe cross oI ChrIsI`s CrucIIIxIon wIII be cuI.

SeIh Is Ihe onIy one Io Iuke someIhIng ouI oI Lden. A
hewsIer neurIng PurudIse, compeIIed by hIs dyIng IuIher`s
yeurnIng, he Iukes Irom Ihe Gurden IIseII.
When he up-
prouches Ihe IowerIng, guurded wuIIs oI Lden In Ihe 1bIh-
cenIury Hours oI CuIherIne oI CIeves, SeIh does so us u pII-
grIm, wuIkIng sIuII und huI In hund, shouIders hunched be-
neuIh u cIouk, Iegs cIud In sIurdy booIs. He upprouches IhIs
hoIy Iund us one weII worn In Ihe wuys oI Ihe worId. The
ArchungeI MIchueI hunds hIm u IIowerIng brunch uI Ihe
IhreshoId oI PurudIse. A compIeIe reIurn Is ImpossIbIe: SeIh
wIII never wuIk wIIhIn Ihe Gurden, nor IeeI IIs perIumed uIr
enveIop hIm" he wIII never IusIe oI IIs IruIIs, nor press uguInsI
IIs Irees. BuI he cun be gIven u brunch hewn Irom Ihe Tree oI
KnowIedge, Ihe very IhIng IhuI wIII sImuIIuneousIy perpeIu-
uIe humunIIy`s nosIuIgIu Ior u reIurn Io PurudIse LosI, whIIe
proIIIeruIIng IIseII uIong un onIoIogIcuI Iru|ecIory oI no re-
Iurn. The wood oI Ihe Cross never Iooks buck: II wIII be Iound

ChrIsIIun IIIeruIure ubouI SeIh Is shuped by Ihe JewIsh IexIs s~
^~ b~ und Ihe ApocuIypse oI Moses" see A.I.J. KII|n, p
gI `~I ~ d i~ (LeIden, L.J. BrIII, 1977).
ChrIsIIun IypoIogy oI Ihe wood oI Ihe Iree oI Lden us Ihe wood oI
Ihe Iree oI Ihe Cross begIns In Ihe 12Ih cenIury In Ihe work oI
HonorIus oI AuIun, und Is dIssemInuIed In Ihe popuIur 13Ih-cenuIry
IexI oI Ihe GoIden Legend. Ior Ihe IuscInuIIng Iru|ecIory Irom Iypo-
IogIcuI menIIon Io sIund-uIone nurruIIve wIIhIn ChrIsIIunIIy, see
Burburu BuerI, !Irom PurudIse Io GoIgoIhu: The Legend oI Ihe Wood
oI Ihe Cross," In ^ e~ e tW q i q
` q ~ f~, Iruns. Lee Preedy (LeIden: BrIII, 2004), 289
I um workIng here wIIh Ihe versIon oI Ihe nurruIIve IhuI prIzes
SeIh`s IukIng oI u brunch Irom Ihe Tree oI KnowIedge. Ior IhIs und
oIher versIon urIIcuIuIed In Ihe MIddIe Ages, InvoIvIng Ihe oII oI Ihe
Iree oI mercy umong oIhers, see LsIher CusIer QuInn, q n
p l i (ChIcugo: UnIversIIy oI ChIcugo, 1962).

by SoIomon und conIound hIm when he cunnoI muke II III
InIo Ihe consIrucIIon oI hIs TempIe" II wIII be revered by
Shebu when she recognIzes II us hoIy" II wIII be burIed und
uncovered wIIhIn u pooI, Io be mude InIo Ihe Cross upon
whIch ChrIsI wIII be crucIIIed. And Ihen, hewn und re-hewn
muIIIpIe IImes, II wIII cuII ouI Io Ihe humun, compeI IIs own
represenIuIIon und udornmenI, und exIsI In muIIIpIe munI-
IesIuIIons muIerIuIIzed In sIone, words, gems, sIgns, und so
muny oIher IhIngs. The hewn resIsIs erusure und reIurn" II
embruces Iru|ecIory und uccreIIon, II Iorever regeneruIes,
bedecked und be|eweIed by Ihe hewsIer.


Alan Montroso

Ob|ecI-orIenIed onIoIogy (OOO) InsIsIs IhuI In IhIs IhIck,
swIrIIng mess oI Ihe cuprIcIous und Ihe ImmuIubIe, Ihe Iun-
gIbIe und Ihe unIuIhomubIe, Ihe obvIous und Ihe occuII, uII
ob|ecIs shure Ihe sume onIoIogIcuI sIuIus! uII ob|ecIs ure J
An ob|ecI Is uI once IIs uesIheIIc quuIIIIes, IIs reIuIIonuIIIy
und uIIecIIve beIng us II Iorms reIuIIons wIIh Ihe worId, und u
wIIhdruwn core IhuI Is InuccessIbIe even Io Ihe ob|ecI IIseII.
In order Io move beyond Ihe IImIIs oI humunIsm und un-
IhropocenIrIc IhInkIng whIch pIugues phIIosophIc InquIry,
ob|ecI-orIenIed onIoIogIsIs oIIen Iorgo speukIng ubouI hu-
muns und Iocus InsIeud on uII Ihe oIher IhuI muke up

LevI BryunI cuIIs IhIs shured onIoIogIcuI sIuIus u "IIuI onIoIogy,"
borrowIng Ihe Ierm Irom MunuuI De Lundu. Ior more on BryunI`s
expunded noIIon oI IIuI onIoIogy, see hIs book q a~
l (Ann Arbor: Open HumunIIIes PressIMPubIIshIng, 2011), us
weII us hIs chupIer "The OnIIc PrIncIpIe: OuIIIne oI un Ob|ecI-
OrIenIed OnIoIogy," In q p~ qW `~ j~~J
~ !~, eds. LevI BryunI, NIck SrnIcek und Gruhum Hurmun
(MeIbourne:, 261278.

Ihe neIworks und ussembIuges oI reuIIIy. YeI, In u move quIIe
rure Ior Ihe IIIeruIure oI OOO, Gruhum Hurmun puuses Io
reIIecI on Ihe nuIure oI reuI ob|ecIs usIng u humun, AmerIcun
phIIosopher #Ichurd #orIy, us exumpIe:

In Ihe spIrII oI Iun, und Io emphusIze Ihe poInI IurIher, II
mIghI be noIed IhuI even !~ ! Is sImuI-
IuneousIy presenI-uI-hund und reudy-Io-hund. . . . #orIy
~ ~ ~. The worId wouId be u dIIIerenI pIuce II
he dId noI exIsI: dIIIerenI Ior hIs vusI neIwork oI reuders,
coIIeugues, IumIIy, IrIends, und even Ior Ihe ChurIoIIes-
vIIIe und PuIo AIIo merchunIs Irom whom he musI huve
purchused Ihousunds oI goods over Ihe yeurs. Nor cun
Ihe beIng oI #Ichurd #orIy be regurded us someIhIng sub-
|ecIIve or InIernuI In u menIuI sense, u beIng Io whIch he
wouId huve dIrecI or prIvIIeged uccess. II hIs know-Iedge
oI #orIy Is beIIer Ihun ours, IhIs dIIIerence Is sIIII onIy u
muIIer oI degree, noI un onIoIogIcuI guII. #orIy Is pre-
sumubIy |usI us vuInerubIe us Ihe resI oI us Io sIunnIng
seII-dIscoverIes und unexpIuIned physIcuI puIns IhuI urIse
Irom ouI oI nowhere.

Hurmun concIudes Irom IhIs IhuI uII ob|ecIs possess boIh u
seI oI expecIed uIIIIIIes us weII us oIher vIrIuuI powers IhuI
muy urIse unexpecIedIy, und IhuI Ihe ob|ecI emerges Irom
Ihe rIII beIween Ihese reudy-Io-hund und presenI-uI-hund
ThIs move, whIch uses u humun Io IIIusIruIe Ihe
nuIure oI ~ reuI ob|ecIs, Is uI IeusI us eIIecIIve Ior undermIn-
Ing Ihe dIscourses Iounded upon humun epIsIemoIogy us
sImpIy noI speukIng ubouI humuns uI uII, sInce II InvIIes us
Io reconsIder Ihe humun us |usI unoIher ob|ecI, unoIher
IhIng IhuI shures un equuI onIoIogIcuI sIuIus wIIh uII oIher
IhIngs und Is IhereIore sub|ecI Io Ihe sume meusure oI phIIo-
sophIcuI scruIIny us u suuce pun or u soIIIoquy. WhIch Is uIso
Io suy: we need Io eIevuIe InunImuIe ob|ecIs Io Ihe sume sIu-
Ius wIIhIn Ihe muIIIpIIcIIy oI dIscursIve conIexIs IhuI Is nor-
muIIy reserved Ior Ihe humun, InsIeud oI uIwuys ob|ecIIIyIng
non-humun IhIngs.

Gruhum Hurmun, q _W e ~ j~
l (ChIcugo: Open CourI PubIIshIng Compuny, 2002), 167.
Hurmun, q _, 167.
DescrIbIng Ihe poIenIIuI oI OOO Io enguge In IemInIsI conversu-
IIons ubouI ob|ecIIIIcuIIon, Gruhum Hurmun wrIIes on hIs bIog: "Ob-
|ecIIIIcuIIonreducIIonIsm. By conIrusI, ob|ecI-orIenIed onIoIogy Is

In un uIIempI Io IoIIow Hurmun`s Ieud und IhInk ubouI
humuns us reuI ob|ecIs und noI prIvIIeged sub|ecIs, IhIs essuy
exumInes Ihe vurIous wuys IhuI noIses In Chuucer`s m
q~ enguge, InIIuence und commII vIoIence upon Ihe hu-
mun churucIers In IheIr vurIous eIIorIs Io munIIesI und sus-
IuIn IheIr sonIc . MusIc Is un ucIunI, un onIoIogIcuI-
Iy ~I sonIc body IhuI Iorms reIuIIons by meuns oI IIs own
unIque ugency, creuIIng u musIco-humun ussembIuge. I reud
Ihe m q~ uIongsIde MIcheI Serres`s noIIons oI noIse
und Ihe purusIIe, DeIeuze & GuuIIurI`s sense oI Ihe reIruIn,
und Jucques AIIuII`s socIopoIIIIcuI InvesIIguIIons oI musIc, us
weII us vurIous perspecIIves wIIhIn OOO, Io IIIusIruIe Ihe wuy
IhuI sounds sweII und spreud IIke vIruses us Ihey munIpuIuIe
humun hosIs In IheIr sIruggIe Ior susIenunce und proIIIeru-
Through Ihe IormuIuIIon oI u IIIerury pruxIs oI OOO`s
Iheory, IhIs essuy oIIers u response Io Iun BogosI`s InvIIuIIon
In ^ m Io encounIer Ihe muIerIuI worId
Irom Ihe perspecIIve oI non-humun unIIs und InvesIIguIe
whuI oIher ob|ecIs perceIve when Ihey InIerucI wIIh und en-
guge humuns.
AIIhough II Is ImpossIbIe Io ever Ihe
sub|ecIIve experIence oI unoIher beIng, Io sense whuI un
unduIuIIng wuve senses or Io perceIve whuI u gummu ruy
perceIves, Ihese ucIs oI sensuIIon und percepIIon ure Ihem-

un unII-reducIIonIsI phIIosophy. II hoIds IhuI uII IhIngs musI be Iuk-
en on IheIr own Ierms. The reuson Ior compIuInIs ubouI "ob|ecIIIIcu-
IIon" Is IhuI u IuIse spIII Is mude beIween peopIe und muybe unImuIs
who ~ be ob|ecIIIIed, und InunImuIe ob|ecIs whIch ~. My
IhesIs, by conIrusI, Is IhuI even InunImuIe ob|ecIs shouId noI und
cunnoI be ob|ecIIIIed. II`s noI ubouI 'reducIng peopIe Io ob|ecIs,` buI
ubouI ruIsIng Ihe sIuIus oI ob|ecIs Io Ihe IeveI oI peopIe": "LevI on
#eId-Bowen on IemInIsm und OOO," lJ m,
Junuury 22, 2010: docIorzumuIek2.wordpress.comI2010I01I22IIevI-
Iun BogosI, ^ mI t~ f i _ ~ q
(MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press, 2012). BogosI proposes
u process cuIIed "curpenIry," by whIch he ImpIores phIIosophers Io
InvesIIguIe muIerIuIIIy by ucIuuIIy engugIng wIIh muIIer In hunds-on
upprouches In IIeu oI sImpIy wrIIIng ubouI II! "curpenIry enIuIIs
mukIng IhIngs IhuI expIuIn how IhIngs muke IheIr worId"(93). AII-
hough Ihe sheer IucI IhuI IhIs Is un essuy sIunds In opposIIIon Io Bo-
gosI`s IundumenIuI usserIIon IhuI curpenIry meuns engugIng wIIh ob|ecIs
und noI words, by choosIng us my sub|ecI muIIer Ihe worId-mukIng
perIormed by Iwo very reuI enIIIIes, II Is my hope IhuI IhIs essuy ucIs
us u bIueprInI whIch descrIbes Ihe consIrucIIon oI u musIco-humun
InsIrumenI und proves me Io be u skIIIed curpenIer.

seIves unIque ob|ecIs IhuI we cun worry over und IhuI IeII us
more ubouI Ihe unIque experIences oI ob|ecIs, Ihe wuys IhuI
puI humuns Io use. As BogosI sIuIes, "The experIences
oI IhIngs cun be churucIerIzed onIy by IrucIng Ihe exhuusI oI
IheIr eIIecIs on Ihe surroundIng worId und specuIuIIng ubouI
Ihe coupIIng beIween IhuI bIuck noIse und Ihe experIence
InIernuI Io un ob|ecI"
. By nuvIguIIng Ihe "bIuck noIse" pro-
duced by Ihe reIuIIonshIp beIween musIcuI und humun ob-
|ecIs In q m q~, Ihe vIoIence u hymn cun InIIIcI on
oIher bodIes In IIs uIIempI Io generuIe und re-generuIe IIs
very beIng, noIse reveuIs Ihe wuys In whIch II ~~ hu-


Jucques AIIuII, In hIs MurxIsI reudIng oI noIse us Ihe propheI-
Ic hurbInger oI new economIc orders, deIInes musIc us
"noIse gIven Iorm uccordIng Io u code . . . IhuI Is IheoreIIcuIIy
knowubIe by Ihe IIsIener."
He Is cureIuI Io usserI, however,
IhuI "musIc cunnoI be equuIed wIIh u Iunguuge," und IhuI
musIc "hus neIIher meunIng nor IInuIIIy."
MusIc, Ihen, Is
exIru-IInguIsIIc, Ior u song ~ be InscrIbed wIIh u code, u
seI oI IyrIcs, perhups. ThIs code, however, emerges Irom Ihe
song us Ihe hope oI Ihe InscrIber, Ihe IyrIcIsI`s desIre Ior u
body whIch wIII muke sense oI Ihe code, und uIIhough Ihe
song muy be Ihe medIuIor oI Ihe code, II does noI reIy soIeIy
on IhIs IexIcuI conIenI In order Io IIourIsh. Or, Io puI II un-
oIher wuy, musIc ~ be ImbrIcuIed In humun socIopoIIIIcuI
neIworks, buI us u wIIhdruwn ob|ecI II Is onIy purIIuIIy re-
veuIed Io Ihe humuns wIIh whIch II muy enguge und Is |usI us
IIkeIy Io reIuIe Io oIher ob|ecIs In wuys unrecognIzubIe by our
IImIIed cognIIIve resources.
The musIcuI ob|ecI resonuIes hurmonIousIy wIIh whuI
DeIeuze und GuuIIurI reIer Io us Ihe reIruIn In ^ q~
m~~. They urgue IhuI rhyIhm Is Ihe IIrsI congeuIIng oI
chuos InIo order, noI un ordered beIng IIseII buI u pussIng-
InIo order, u mukIng-home, Ihe esIubIIshIng oI u reIuIIon Io
Ihe oIher und Io IIseII! "Ihe song IIseII Is uIreudy u skIp: II
|umps Irom chuos Io Ihe begInnIngs oI order In chuos und Is

BogosI, ^ m, 100.
Jucques AIIuII, kW ^ m~ b j, Iruns. BrIun
Mussumu (MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu, 198b), 2b.
AIIuII, k, 2b.

In dunger oI breukIng upurI uI uny momenI."
#hyIhm Is
IemporuIIIy, or Ihe possIbIIIIy oI IemporuIIIy, und Ihe reIruIn,
IerrIIorIuIIIy und Immunence, spuce-mukIng, un ordered
momenI In Ihe perpeIuuI chuos oI muIerIuI reuIIIy. And us
Ihe preponderunce oI verbs In Ihe quoIe ubove suggesI, II
uIso Is u seII-repIIcuIIng order, u IrunsmIssIon oI momenIs,
whIch eIIecI IheIr own spuce-mukIng gesIure.
DeIeuze und GuuIIurI use bIrdsong Io IIIusIruIe IhIs pro-
cess oI IerrIIorIuIIzuIIon-Irom-chuos. When Ihe bIrd sIngs In
response Io IIs mIIIeu, suy Ihe rIsIng oI Ihe sun, Ihe bIrd or-
gunIzes Ihe evenI, Ihe urrIvuI oI chuoIIc soIur energy by
meuns oI IIs own uvIun mode oI beIng In Ihe worId. When II
produces u hurmony In response Io IhIs nuIuruI evenI, II In
eIIecI IrunsIuIes Ihe duwn InIo un expressIon oI bIrdness, u
sonIc gesIure IhuI mukes sense oI chuos Ihrough Ihe orgunIz-
Ing prIncIpuI oI Ihe uvIun meIody. ThIs hurmony creuIes u
spuce oI reIuIIonuIIIy Ior bIrds oI Ihe sume specIes, u reIruIn
IhuI Ihereby esIubIIshes un IdenIIIy, u communIIy, Ihrough
IIs IIeruIIve perIormunce. OI course, no ucI oI IerrIIorIuIIzu-
IIon Is permunenI or ImmuIubIe, und Ihe bIrdsong uIwuys
produces u surpIus cupubIe oI dIsrupIIng Ihe sIubIIIIy oI Ihe
sysIem, openIng u spuce Ior re-IerrIIorIuIIzuIIon: "Ihe IerrIIo-
ry uIreudy unIeushes someIhIng IhuI wIII surpuss II."
bIrdsong, once munIIesI, becomes IIs own unIque ob|ecI,
whIch dIrecIs IIs own ugency! Ihe reIruIn Is cupubIe oI noI
onIy beIng corrupIed or de-IerrIIorIuIIzed, buI IIseII mIghI re-
IerrIIorIuIIze or corrupI oIher ob|ecIs.
MusIc emerges Irom IIs InsIrumenI us IIIes InIo Ihe worId
us un ob|ecI, u ~ ob|ecI, InIungIbIe und evunescenI, per-
hups, buI reuI noneIheIess. The sonIc ob|ecI, Ihe reIruIn, u
song, rhyIhm IIseII, Is u huecceIIy
whIch InIerrupIs Ihe

GIIIes DeIeuze und IeIIx GuuIIurI, ^ q~ m~~W `~~
~ p~, Iruns. BrIun MussumI (MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy
oI MInnesoIu Press, 1987), 311.
DeIeuze und GuuIIurI, ^ q~ m~~, 322. InIeresIIngIy,
DeIeuze und GuuIIurI cIIe un exumpIe oI u purusIIIc specIes oI bIrd,
Ihe s~, IhuI udopIs IIs courIshIp song Irom Ihe hosI, Ihus re-
IerrIIorIuIIzIng unoIher bIrd`s song! or, Irom Ihe perspecIIve oI Ihe
song IIseII, Ihe VIduInu Is purusIIed by Ihe hurmony mude munIIesI
by Ihe hosI bIrd. See noIe 37 Io "1837: OI Ihe #eIruIn" (bb0).
The medIevuI IheoIogIun und phIIosopher Duns ScoIus IIrsI pro-
posed Ihe Ierm huecceIIy, or "IhIsness," Io emphusIze Ihe posIIIve,
unIque, dIscreIe presence oI u IhIng, Ihe InIrInsIc beIng oI un ob|ecI,
dIsIIncI Irom IIs quuIIIIes, IhuI mukes II IndIvIsIbIe und IndIvIduuI.
See ScoIus, l~ II d.3 p.1 q. 2, us weII us q. 4. The PeIer KIng

IIows und reIuIIons oI oIher ob|ecIs Io suIIsIy IIs IndeIIbIe
need Io perpeIuuIe, Io rudIuIe IIs muIerIuIIIy und Io enguge In
cuusuI reIuIIons wIIh oIher ob|ecIs. MusIc Is onIy coded noIse
when II enguges wIIh purIIcuIur Iypes oI ob|ecIs IIke humuns
or bIrds, whIch ure sensIIIve Io codes, whIch perceIve undIor
produce semIoIIc sysIems. II song Is "In dunger oI breukIng
upurI uI uny momenI," IhuI Is becuuse II Is born oI reIuIIons,
II Is un ob|ecI bred Irom Ihe murrIuges oI oIher ob|ecIs us
Ihey mIngIe und muIe on un uesIheIIc IeveI, uI Ihe IeveI oI
uppeurunces. The sonIc evenI Is u rudIuIIon IhuI occurs be-
Iween ob|ecIs, beIween Iwo or more wIIhdruwn enIIIIes IhuI
cun onIy sIrIve Io Iouch euch oIher uesIheIIcuIIy, meIuphorI-

Thus u song, such us u MurIun hymn, Is u vIrus, born oI
und In Ihe reIuIIons oI dIrecIIonIess und uIemporuI ob|ecIs
when Ihey uIIempI Io congeuI In Ihe spuces Ihey creuIe und
Ihe IImes Ihey, weII, .
Ob|ecI-orIenIed onIoIogy re-
mInds us IhuI ob|ecIs ure uI once enIIreIy conceuIed Irom
even IhemseIves und sImuIIuneousIy uIwuys buIhIng In u seu
oI sensuuI quuIIIIes, mukIng munIIesI IheIr own spuce und
IheIr own IIme ~ Ihey emergeI gIvIng shupe Io reuIIIy und
noI |usI ucIIng wIIhIn II us II reuIIIy were some dIsIIncI IIuId
or neI wIIhIn whIch uII ob|ecIs sIruggIe und pIuy. MusIc mun-
IIesIs IIs ugency Ihrough IIs uesIheIIc quuIIIIes becuuse II Is
onIy by meuns oI Ihese sensuuI IeuIures IhuI wIIhdruwn ob-
|ecIs communIcuIe, correspond, Iouch. In IIs ephemeruI und
cuprIcIous dunce oI sensuuI vIrIues, Ihen, Ihe sonIc evenI cun
urrIve us eIIher u meIIIIIuous, II somewhuI ImpeIuous, beIng
wIIh un uppeIIIe Ior IrunsmIssIon, or un urrhyIhmIc, dIscord-
unI reIuIIon IhuI purusIIes oIher hurmonIes.

IrunsIuIIons ure uvuIIubIe Irom Ihe IruncIscun ArchIve: hIIp:IIwww.
TImoIhy MorIon urgues IhuI, sInce ob|ecIs onIy muke sense oI
euch oIher vIu IheIr own sensuuI quuIIIIes, Ihe reuI essence oI Ihe
ob|ecIs uIwuys remuInIng wIIhdruwn, Ihen cuusuIIIy Is u pureIy ues-
IheIIc phenomenu. Ob|ecIs musI IrunsIuIe euch oIher In Ierms oI
IheIr own sense-mukIng uppuruIuses, much IIke Ihe work oI Ihe
meIuphor In poeIry. See, Ior InsIunce "An Ob|ecI-OrIenIed DeIense
oI PoeIry," k i~ e 43.2 (SprIng 2012): 20b224.
I gIve credII Io MorIon Ior my use oI "IIme" us u verb. He wrIIes,
"Ob|ecIs ure noI 'In` IIme und spuce. #uIher, Ihey 'IIme` (u verb) und
'spuce`": "Ob|ecIs us Temporury AuIonomous Zones," K 1.3
(2011): 1b2 1491bb.


MIcheI Serres descrIbes Ihe purusIIe us un unInvIIed guesI
en|oyIng Ihe Iubors oI u hosI who dId noI pIun Io pIuy Ihe
hosI, us weII us, Irom Ihe Irench "Ies purusIIes," sIuIIc, noIse
IhuI uIIers Ihe sIuIe oI IhIngs by InIerrupIIng Iru|ecIorIes und
reorIenIIng reIuIIonshIps.
In Chuucer`s m q~, |usI
such u purusIIe exIsIsu purusIIIc song. The m q~ Is
Ihe curIousIy bruIuI und compIIcuIedIy unII-SemIIIc nurruIIve
In whIch u young ChrIsIIun chIId Is murdered und dumped In
u prIvy by Jews Ior hIs sIngIng oI Ihe MurIun unIIphon, ^~
! j~, und yeI whose body conIInues Io sIng
WhuI huppens II, InsIeud oI IocusIng on Ihe
Ioo-humun vIoIence oI Ihe nurruIIve, we Iook InsIeud Irom
Ihe perspecIIve oI musIc IIseII, II we Iook uI Ihe purIIcuIur
IIeruIIon oI musIc, Ihe ^~ ! hymn, us u uuIopoI-
eIIc ugenI IhuI works Io perpeIuuIe IIs own exIsIence regurd-
Iess oI Ihe condIIIon oI Ihe muIerIuI wIIhIn whIch II IInds
IIseII embodIed Perhups we cun suppIemenI reudIngs IhuI
geI mIred In Ihe IexI`s execrubIe vIoIence und IIugrunI unII-
SemIIIsm II we sIudy Ihe IooI-beIng, Ihe InsIrumenIuIIIy oI
Ihe chIId`s sonorous body Irom Ihe perspecIIve oI song.
The m q~ Is IIseII u musIcuI body, beIng one oI
onIy Iour Irom q `~ q~ Io be composed In Ihe
IormuI sIunzus known us #hyme #oyuI. AIIhough Ihe #hyme
#oyuI Iorm works Io emphusIze Ihe moruI serIousness oI

MIcheI Serres, q m~~I Iruns. Luwrence #. Schehr (MInneup-
oIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press, 2007). Serres uses Ihe IubIe oI Ihe
cIIy ruI und Ihe counIry ruI Io IIIusIruIe Ihe shIIIIng nuIure oI Ihe
guesIIhosI reIuIIonshIp, wIIh Ihe InIroducIIon oI Ihe Iurmer`s noIse
whIch chuses Ihe ruIs uwuy Irom IheIr meuI Ihe IhIrd-sense oI "puru-
sIIe" us u sIuIIc whIch re-orIenIs reIuIIonshIps. "One purusIIe chuses
unoIher ouI. One purusIIe (sIuIIc), In Ihe sense IhuI InIormuIIon Ihe-
ory uses Ihe word, chuses unoIher, In Ihe unIhropoIogIcuI sense" (6).
AnIhony BuIe rIgorousIy InvesIIguIes Ihe compIIcuIed unII-JewIsh
senIImenI oI Ihe m q~ us he reuds II uIongsIde u weuIIh oI
unuIogous medIevuI IuIes oI chIIdren execuIed by Jews Ior sIngIng
ChrIsIIun hymns In Ihe IhIrd chupIer oI q g ~ j~
_W b ^I NPRMJNRMM (New York: CumbrIdge UnI-
versIIy Press, 2006). Among oIher IhIngs, he convIncIngIy urgues IhuI
Ihere exIsIs umong Ihe IexIs noI u consIsIenI Ihreud oI unII-
SemIIIsm, buI u muIIIpIIcIIy oI unII-SemIIIsms deIermIned by pIuce,
poIIIIcuI power, economIc Iorces und Ihe Ienuous sIruggIe oI ChrIsII-
unIIy Io deIIne IIseII In opposIIIon Io JuduIsm even when dIIIerences
ure noI uppurenI.

Ihose Iour IuIes,
II Is uIso purIIcuIurIy reIevunI IhuI Ihe mJ
q~, orIenIed us II Is uround Ihe sIrunge und mIrucu-
Ious eIIIcucy oI u hymn, Is uIreudy u sorI oI song, u rhyIhmIc
serIes oI reIruIns wrIIIen Io u duIceI cudence IhuI moves und
munIpuIuIes Ihe reuder. In IucI, In Ihe proIogue, Ihe PrIoress
ucIuuIIy reIers Io her IuIe us "my song" (VII.487).
By weuv-
Ing Ihe IumbIc penIumeIer IInes InIo such u hurmonIous
rhyme scheme, Ihe nurruIIve, by wuy oI IIs ugency und uIIec-
IIve musIcuIIIy, IuIIs Ihe humun uudIence InIo u sense oI
comIorI und IrusI. The reuders oI Ihe IuIe ure InIecIed by IIs
^~ ! IIrsI uppeurs much Ihe wuy uny vIrus
urrIves: vIu conIucI wIIh u prevIousIy InIecIed hosI. The
hymn IrunsmIIs IIseII uI Ihe chIId`s schooI, und Ihe "IIIeI cIer-
geon" Is dIsIrucIed Irom hIs IeurnIng us he overheurs Ihe
hymn us II erupIs Irom Ihe IhrouIs oI unoIher cIuss oI chII-
dren IeurnIng Irom IheIr unIIphoners.
BuI u song Is u bodI-
Iess J~, pure dIrecIIonuIIIy, und wIII perIsh un-
Iess II IInds unoIher hosI Io InIecI! Ihus, IIke Ihe song oI u
sIren, Ihe ^~ ! exerIs IIs seII-susIuInIng ugency
us II cupIIvuIes Ihe cIergeon und druws hIm "ner und ner"
(VII.b20). The InsIunI II gruces hIs eurs, Ihe puIhogen-IIke
hymn InhubIIs Ihe chIId und embeds IIseII so deep wIIhIn hIs
memory IhuI he cunnoI IorgeI Ihe Iune, even Ihough "NoghI

The oIher Ihree IuIes ure, oI course, Ihe p k q~, Ihe
` q~, und Ihe j~ i~ q~, In whIch sImIIur Ihemes oI
persecuIIon, murIyrdom, und ChrIsIIun devoIIon ure expIored.
AII quoIuIIons Irom Ihe m q~ ure Iuken Irom Lurry D. Ben-
son, gen. ed., q ! `~, 3
edn. (BosIon: HoughIon
MIIIIIn, 1987), und ure cIIed by IrugmenI und IIne number.
Bruce HoIsInger IocuIes Ihe medIevuI schooI us u sIIe oI bodIIy
vIoIence In hIs crIIIcuIIy ImporIunI book, jI _I ~ a
j~ `W e~ _ `~ (SIunIord: SIun-
Iord UnIversIIy Press, 2001). WhIIe I cerIuInIy ugree wIIh HoIsInger`s
urgumenI IhuI musIc IuncIIons us un uppuruIus Ior consIIIuIIng
ChrIsIIun IdenIIIy und creuIIng pedugogIcuI sub|ecIs by meuns oI IIs
perIormIng us u punIIIve meusure wIIhIn Ihe medIevuI educuIIon
sysIem, hIs reudIng neverIheIess emerges Irom un unIhropocenIrIc
orIenIuIIon whIch prIvIIeges Ihe humun sub|ecI und reIeguIes musIc
Io Ihe roIe oI IooI Ior eIIecIIve punIshmenI. MusIc`s reuI power, uc-
cordIng Io HoIsInger`s reudIng, comes Irom IIs symboIIc ussocIuIIon
wIIh IhreuIs oI physIcuI puIn uI Ihe hunds oI Ihe InsIrucIor, us weII us
IIs beIng u perIormuIIve IooI Ior demurcuIIng rucIuI dIIIerence. I ur-
gue IhuI, In uddIIIon Io IhIs reudIng, musIc enucIs IIs own very
reuI und very muIerIuI vIoIence regurdIess oI IIs symboIIc resonunce
wIIhIn Ihe humun epIsIemoIogIcuI experIence.

wIsIe he whuI IhIs LuIyn wus Io seye" (VII.b23). II Is Ihe
sound IIseII und noI uny sense or semIoIIc sIgnIIIcunce IhuI
uIIecIs Ihe IIsIener. Lven Ihe oIder boy Io whom Ihe cIergeon
Iurns In order Io Ieurn Ihe IInguIsIIc meunIng oI Ihe hymn,
uIIer oIIerIng u cursory exegesIs, udmIIs, "I Ierne song! I kun
buI smuII grummeere" (VII.b36). The ugencIes oI Ihe hymn,
Ihen, ure IIs rhyIhmIc quuIIIIes on Ihe uesIheIIc pIune, Ihe
cudences II curves ouI oI chuos In order Io shupe IIseII! Ihe
IyrIcuI conIenI Is onIy u secondury quuIIIy, u mnemonIc de-
vIce wIIh whIch musIc reInIorces IIs presence und ensures IIs
perpeIuuIIon und reIrunsmIssIon.
Once InIecIed, Ihe PrIoress`s chIId unwIIIIngIy becomes u
cupIIve oI musIc`s IndeIIbIe need Io munIIesI und reproduce
IIs own beIng. The cIergeon shures hIs physIcuI body wIIh Ihe
^~ !! "IwIes u duy II pussed Ihurgh hIs IhroIe"
(VII.b48). The PrIoress`s boy Is sImuIIuneousIy un InsIrumenI
Ior Ihe producIIon oI musIc und u hosI Irom whIch Ihe ^~
! conIInues Io repIIcuIe. Song musI reIy on Ihe
hosIIInsIrumenI Io gIve shupe Io IIs uccIdenIuI properIIes,
becuuse II Is by Ihese properIIes IhuI Ihe sonIc subsIunce Is
ubIe Io purusIIe reIuIIons und conIInue Io spreud us un InIec-
IIon. The reuI sonIc evenI enIungIes IIseII wIIh IIs hosI, noI us
un InIenIIonuI ob|ecI oI Ihe humun mInd buI us u reuI, yeI
wIIhdruwn, enIIIy cupubIe oI surprIsIng Ihe hosI by urrIvIng
ununnounced wIIh Ihe sudden urge Io sIng.
Serres speuks oI Ihe puruIyIIc on Ihe buck oI Ihe bIInd
mun, guIdIng Ihe bIInd mun so Ihey boIh mIghI move, Im-
mobIIe InIormuIIon on Ihe shouIders oI u source oI Irunspor-
IuIIon, burIerIng InIormuIIon Ior mobIIIIy.
The reIuIIonshIp
symbIoIIc, Ihe unIon oI Iwo ob|ecIs Ior IheIr muIuuI
beneIII. NeverIheIess, Ihe puruIyIIc Is u purusIIe, IeIIIng Ihe
bIInd mun beIIeve Ihe reIuIIonshIp Is buIunced, when, In IucI,
he who rIdes on Ihe shouIders oI unoIher`s Iubor possesses
uII Ihe InIormuIIon, und Ihus, uII Ihe power! he Is Ihe prImury
operuIor oI IhIs moIIIIIy-muchIne. Serres` purubIe muy be
InIended Io uIIegorIze socIopoIIIIcuI sysIems oI conIroI, gov-
ernmenIs und economIes, buI Is |usI us sureIy serves us un
upI meIuphor Ior Ihe reIuIIonshIp beIween Ihe PrIoress`s
chIId und Ihe hymn. The ^~ ! Is Ihe crIppIed
ob|ecI, reIyIng on Ihe orgunIc body`s mobIIIIy In order Io
IrunsmII IIs InIormuIIon, und Ihe "IIIeI cIergeon" Is IIs In-
sIrumenI, uIIecIed by Ihe hymn In order IhuI II mIghI munI-

Serres, q m~~, 3b37.

IesI und Ihereby reproduce Ihe musIcuI vIrus. The song Is Ihe
posIIIon oI power, erupIIng unexpecIedIy und conIroIIIng Ihe
vehIcIe In order Io perpeIuuIe IIs own In Ihe worId.


One purusIIe chuses ouI Ihe oIher.
MIcheI Serres, q m~~

Thus musIc, Ihe hymn, Ihe purusIIIc ob|ecI preyIng on IIs
hosI, uIIhough InvIsIbIe und evunescenI, Is u reuI ob|ecI curv-
Ing ouI IIs own spuce, mukIng IerrIIory Ior IIseII. DeIeuze &
GuuIIurI suy oI Ihe IerrIIory:

There Is u IerrIIory precIseIy when Ihe mIIIeu compo-
nenIs ceuse Io be dIrecIIonuI, becomIng dImensIonuI In-
sIeud, when Ihey ceuse Io be IuncIIonuI Io become ex-
pressIve. There Is u IerrIIory when Ihe rhyIhm hus ex-
pressIveness. WhuI deIInes Ihe IerrIIory Is Ihe emergence
oI muIIers oI expressIon (quuIIIIes).

The ^~ ! j~, once II Is esIubIIshed InsIde
Ihe hosI, once IIs congeuIIng InIo u coherenI reIruIn Is uc-
compIIshed, evoIves InIo un uesIheIIc, u song, u rhyIhm IhuI
geIs repeuIed us Ihe chIId IruveIs ubouI hIs envIronmenI
sIngIng enIhusIusIIcuIIy. II becomes u dImensIonuI ob|ecI, IIs
sensuuI quuIIIIes reuchIng ouI Io Ihe vurIous ussembIuges oI
IIs mIIIeu us II conIInues Io InIecI.
When Ihe hosI body currIes Ihe song InIo Ihe Jewry, how-
ever, Ihe vIruI hymn encounIers unoIher purusIIe IhuI seeks
Io overIhrow IIs posIIIon oI power over humuns:

Oure IIrsIe Ioo, Ihe serpenI SuIhunus,
ThuI huIh In Jues herIe hIs wusps nesI,
Up swuI, und seIde, "O Hebruyk pepIe, uIIus!
Is IhIs Io yow u IhIng IhuI Is honesI,
ThuI swIch u boy shuI wuIken us hym IesI
In youre despII, und synge oI swIch senIence,
WhIch Is uguIn youre Iuws reverence"

The serpenI whIch Is SuIun IncIIes Ihe Jews Io sIIence Ihe

Serres, q m~~, 6.
DeIeuze und GuuIIurI, ^ q~ m~~, 31b.

InIecIIous song IruveIIng Ihrough IheIr uIIey by snuIIIng ouI
Ihe IIIe oI IIs hosI. ThuI SuIun Is suId Io be IocuIed In u wusps
nesI In Ihe heurIs oI Ihe Jews InIroduces u new sonIc beIng
InIo Ihe nurruIIve, u buzzIng sound, sIuIIc, Ihe InIerIerence
sIgnIIIed by Ihe Irench ~~. The SuIunIc buzzIng Is u
noIse, whIch preys on reIuIIons, whIch Ieeds on hosIs, whIch
reurrunges Ihe shupe oI neIworks und gIves rIse Io nurruIIve.
"ThuI noIse Ioo InIerrupIed u process: u IrIp. And Irom IhIs
noIse comes Ihe sIory. HosIs und purusIIes ure uIwuys In Ihe
process oI pussIng by, beIng senI uwuy, IourIng uround,
wuIkIng uIone. They exchunge pIuces In u spuce soon Io be
The buzzIng enIers Ihe sysIem und seeks Io dIs-
pIuce Ihe IIrsI purusIIe, Ihe hymn, Ihe unInvIIed guesI. Serres
wrIIes IurIher: "In Ihe sysIem, noIse und messuge exchunge
roIes uccordIng Io Ihe posIIIon oI Ihe observer und Ihe ucIIon
oI Ihe ucIor, buI Ihey ure IrunsIormed InIo one unoIher us
weII us u IuncIIon oI IIme und oI Ihe sysIem. They muke order
or dIsorder." The hosIIIe buzzIng InIerIeres wIIh Ihe orIgInuI
sysIem, deIIverIng u messuge oI vIoIence us II seeks Io cusI
ouI Ihe purusIIIc hymn by erudIcuIIng IIs hosI.
And yeI, unoIher exchunge oI roIes occurs here Irom Ihe
perspecIIve oI Ihe humun hosIs IhemseIves! Ior Ihe hymn Is
doubIy purusIIIc In Ihe sense IhuI II noI onIy purusIIes Ihe
chIId, buI IIs ChrIsIIun code, IIs expIIcIIIy Ior-humun conIenI,
desIubIIIzes und even perhups reverses Ihe expecIed reIu-
IIonshIp beIween ChrIsIIun und Jew In q m q~K
The IuIe IIseII Is seI In un ImugInury cIIy, Ior Jews hud Iong
been expeIIed Irom LngIund, und Ihe PrIoress musI re-
presenI u no-pIuce In order Io spIn her unII-SemIIIc yurn.
ThIs AsIun cIIy hus us IIs cenIer u Jewry, whIch, us AnIhony
BuIe remInds us, Is u gheIIo, Ior Ihe ucI oI gheIIoIzIng
JewIsh communIIIes "Is un InvenIIon oI u IuIer uge."
Jewry Is Ihe cenIer oI commerce, oI mercunIIIe exchunge, un
uIIey murkeI open uI boIh ends, Ihrough whIch "men myghIe
rIde or wende" (7.493). BuIe usserIs IhuI, "The Jewry Is noI u
conIugIous or IeukIng corrupI body, buI ruIher un enIIIy
whIch Is enIered by non-Jews . . . ChrIsIIunIIy enIers, und Is
Iodged wIIhIn, JewIsh spuce, noI ~K"
AIIhough Ihe
PrIoress quuIIIIes Ihe busIness oI Ihe Jewry us "IouIe usure
und Iucre oI vIIeynye," we neverIheIess ussume IhuI Ihe

Serres, q m~~, 16.
BuIe, q g ~ j~ _, 64.
BuIe, q g ~ j~ _, 83.

communIIy uI Iurge, IIs "CrIsIene IoIk," beneIII greuIIy Irom
Ihe JewIsh "Iucre" (VII.491). II so, Ihen II Is Ihe ChrIsIIun
popuIuce IhuI purusIIes Ihe Jews, Ior us II moves Ihrough Ihe
Jewry, II reups proIIIs whIIe sowIng onIy dIscord und vIo-
Ience. IurIhermore, Ihe "IIIeI scoIe" oI Ihe ChrIsIIun chIId Is
IocuIed uI Ihe end oI Ihe uIIey, und Ihus seems Io Invude, or
uI IeusI beIong Io, Ihe Jewry. The young boy`s sIngIng Ihe
MurIun hymn, Ihen, cun be seen us un uIIempI Io deIerrIIorI-
uIIze und purusIIe JewIsh spuce.
In order Io demonIze Ihe Jews und Ihereby underscore
Ihe moruI recIIIude oI Ihe IuIe`s ChrIsIIun IIguresus weII us
IurIher |usIIIy Ihe ChrIsIIun coIonIzuIIon oI Ihe Jewry Ihe
PrIoress murks Ihe Jews us purusIIes, or vecIors Ior u suIunIc
purusIIe. She creuIes u bII oI noIse Io noI onIy corrupI Ihe
Jews buI Io conceuI Ihe ChrIsIIun`s own cuIpubIIIIy und puru-
sIIIsm. YeI IhIs buzzIng, IhIs noIse`s proxImIIy Io Ihe upos-
Irophe, "O Hebruyk peopIe," In Ihe pussuge quoIed ubove
uIreudy suggesIs u mIsupprehensIon on Ihe purI oI Ihe PrIor-
ess, Ior reIerrIng Io Ihe peopIe us Hebruyk conIIuIes Ihe Ior-
eIgn JewIsh Iunguuge wIIh Ihe IdenIIIy oI IIs speukers.
Through IhIs ChrIsIIun Iens, Ihen, Ihe IncomprehensIbIe Iun-
guuge oI un eIhno-reIIgIous group Is meIumorphosed InIo u
demonIc buzzIng und Ihe group IIseII Is rendered suscepIIbIe
Io u suIunIc purusIIe. The PrIoress`s represenIuIIon oI Jews us
InIecIed bodIes IhuI possess un InsecIIIe hummIng InsIeud oI
proper humun Iunguuge uIso reveuIs her ChrIsIIun desIre Io
re-IerrIIorIuIIze JewIsh spuce, Io ImugIne Ihe Jews us sub- or
Inhumun purusIIes In order Io more IuIIy |usIIIy IheIr horrIIIc
exIermInuIIon. Ior Ihe PrIoress, JewIsh heurIs musI ImpIous-
Iy buzz In order IhuI Ihe MurIun hymn |usIIIIubIy supersede
Ihe ImmoruI "Hebruyk" noIse.
The IexI`s prIvIIegIng u IyrIcuI song over nonsensIcuI
buzzIng begs Ihe IoIIowIng quesIIon: WhuI Is Ihe onIoIogIcuI
dIsIIncIIon, II uny, beIween noIse und musIc, beIween sIuIIc
und song Perhups II Is onIy In Ihe IhoughIs or experIences oI
Ihe operuIors IhuI noIse und musIc huve dIIIerenI meunIngs.
A IhumpIng buss-beuI Irom u pussIng cur, Ihe noIes sIreIch-
Ing wIIh Ihe DoppIer eIIecI, Is perhups |usI "noIse" Io Ihe
mun sweepIng hIs sIdewuIk, Io Ihe Ieuves beIng swepI, Io Ihe
cuI under Ihe porch! buI sureIy Io Ihe womun drIvIng Ihe cur
II Is musIc, u song. Perhups Serres IreuIs musIc In Ihe chupIer
cuIIed "NoIse," buI IuIks ubouI work In Ihe chupIer IIIIed
"MusIc" becuuse he recognIzes Ihe huzurds oI Ioo reudIIy
dIsIInguIshIng beIween Ihe Iwo. The nuIure oI Ihe sonIc ob-
|ecI, Iorever wIIhdruwn even Irom IIseII, Is IIs reIuIIon Io reIu-

IIons, und Ihe oIher ob|ecIs In Ihe vIcInIIy oI sound muke
deIermInuIIons ubouI IIs beIng onIy uIIer Ihe urrIvuI und de-
purIure oI Ihe sonIc evenI by exumInIng Ihe hurmonIc resI-
due wIIh whuIever IImIIed uesIheIIc cupucIIIes Ihose ob|ecIs
Thus, when AIIuII, In u IormuIIsI move whIch IInks musIc
Io myIh vIu LevI-SIruuss, urgues IhuI noIse Is u sImuIucrum oI
Ihe generuI vIoIence oI humun nuIure, und musIc, Ihen, Ihe
ordered rIIuuI sucrIIIce IhuI chunneIs und redIrecIs humun
vIoIence, he uIIends Ioo much Io Ihe humun noIIon IhuI mu-
sIc und noIse ure cuIegorIcuIIy dIIIerenI ob|ecIs.
The dIs-
IIncIIon beIween hurmony und cucophony Is onIy u |udg-
menI mude by u body uIIecIed by sound!
sonIc evenI currIes uI IeusI Ihe poIenIIuI Ior vIoIence! every
sound, Irom bIrdsong Io bomb-bIusI, InIroduces Ihe rIsk IhuI
Ihe reIuIIons beIween ob|ecIs muy be sIIenIIy und deIIcuIeIy
smoIhered or ruucousIy, runcorousIy rupIured. NoIse, once II
hus gruduuIed Irom dIrecIIonuIIIy Io dImensIonuIIIy, musI
seek Io deIend IIs posIIIon oI power over whuIever hosI II Is
purusIIIng, or rIsk IudIng Irom exIsIence.
II, however, AIIuII Is correcI In IInkIng sound wIIh vIo-
Ience, we musI consIder how such un ephemeruI, InvIsIbIe
ob|ecI Is cupubIe oI munIIesIIng u reuI, physIcuI ussuuII. A
busIc prIncIpuI oI ob|ecI-orIenIed onIoIogy hoIds IhuI ob|ecIs
IhemseIves, Ihe reuI wIIhdruwn cores oI vurIous beIngs, nev-
er In IucI Iouch euch oIher! II Is onIy IheIr sensuuI quuIIIIes
whIch enguge und InIerucI, und even IhIs onIy uI Ihe IeveI oI
InIenIIon Ior whIchever ob|ecI Is IryIng Io enguge unoIher.
Ior MorIon, IhIs sensuuI InIerucIIon occurs on Ihe uesIheIIc
Hurmun descrIbes ob|ecI reIuIIons us vIcurIous cuu-
und BogosI cIurIIIes whuI Is occusIonuIIy u ruIher
conIusIng proposIIIon by cuIIIng Ior meIuphor und curIcuIure

AIIuII, k, 2631. IurIher, "MusIc responds Io Ihe Ierror oI
noIse, recreuIIng dIIIerences beIween sounds und repressIng Ihe
IrugIc dImensIon oI IusIIng dIssonunce|usI us sucrIIIce responds Io
Ihe Ierror oI vIoIence" (28).
WhIch Is noI Io suy IhuI Ihe |udgmenI IIseII doesn`I produce reuI
chunge In Ihe worId or uIIer Ihe reIuIIonshIps beIween ob|ecIs, buI
un unconscIous ruIIng bused on Ihe reguIuIIons oI u semIoIIc sysIem,
IIkeIy oI humun orIgIn, whIch dIsIInguIshes musIc Irom noIse does
noI prove uny reuI onIoIogIcuI dIsIIncIIon beIween Ihe Iwo.
See MorIon, "An Ob|ecI-OrIenIed DeIense oI PoeIry."
Ior more on Hurmun`s vIcurIous cuusuIIon, see hIs Iush und poeIIc
essuy "On VIcurIous CuusuIIon," In `lii^mpb, VoI. II: SpecuIuIIve
#euIIsm, ed. #obIn Muckuy (OxIord: UrbunomIc, 2007) 17120b.

In order Io undersIund Ihe operuIIons beIween ob|ecIs.
IheIr Iunguuge Is dIIIerenI, Ihese Ihree ure neverIheIess Iheo-
reIIcuIIy In ugreemenI IhuI uII ob|ecIs munIIesI sensuuI quuII-
IIes whIch ure und dIscreIeIy dIIIerenI Ihun IheIr
wIIhdruwn cores, und II Is onIy Ihrough reIuIIons In Ihe ues-
IheIIc reuIm IhuI IhIngs muke conIucI.
Thus musIc, us un IncorporeuI ob|ecI, perIorms IIs ugency
uI Ihe uesIheIIc IeveI, Ihe onIy IeveI uI whIch uII ob|ecIs ure
cupubIe oI InIerucIIng. NoIse, here synonymous wIIh musIc,
ucIs precIseIy where InIenIIonuI ob|ecIs uIIempI Io esIubIIsh
conIucI wIIh Ihe sensuuI quuIIIIes oI oIher beIngs by eIIher
dIsrupIIng or obvIuIIng uIIogeIher Ihe reIuIIon! IhIs Is Ihe
opuIence oI musIc, IIs purusIIIsm. #eIurnIng Io Serres,

To pIuy Ihe posIIIon or Io pIuy Ihe IocuIIon Is Io domInuIe
Ihe reIuIIon. II Is Io huve u reIuIIon onIy wIIh Ihe reIuIIon
IIseII. Never wIIh Ihe sIuIIons Irom whIch II comes, Io
whIch II goes, und by whIch II pusses. Never Io Ihe IhIngs
us such und, undoubIedIy, never Io sub|ecIs us such. Or
ruIher, Io Ihose poInIs us operuIors, us sources oI reIu-
IIons. And IhIs Is Ihe meunIng oI Ihe preIIx ~~J In Ihe
word ~~: II Is on Ihe sIde, nexI Io, shIIIed! II Is noI on
Ihe IhIng, buI on IIs reIuIIon.

Tuke IhIs exumpIe Irom OvId: In book XI oI Ihe j~J
, we IInd Orpheus uIIucked by u rovIng group oI Bucchun-
Ies whIIe Orpheus Is munIpuIuIIng Irees, creuIures und
sIones by Ihe ugency oI hIs song. The BucchunIes` uIIempIs
Io kIII Orpheus by hurIIng pro|ecIIIes uI hIm ure repeuIedIy
IhwurIed by Ihe ruw Iorce oI hIs musIc.
II Is onIy uIIer Ihe
wIId women InvIIe noIse InIo IheIr onsIuughI, boIh Ihe musIc

Ior more on BogosI`s cIurIIIcuIIon oI OOO`s posIIIon on reIuIIonuI-
IIy, see Ihe chupIer "MeIuphorIsm," In ^ mI 6184K
Serres, q m~~, 38.
II Is worIh noIIng u recenI sIudy oI grunuIur ImpucI In whIch Ihe
kIneIIc energy oI u gruIn beIng dropped InIo u bed oI phoIoeIusIIc
dIsks (purIIcIes IhuI emII IIghI commensuruIe Io Ihe Iorces ucIIng
upon Ihem) Is dIssIpuIed Ihrough IIs IrunsIormuIIon InIo ucousIIc
energy. KIneIIc energy becomes u sonIc evenI! or, sound Is responsI-
bIe Ior reducIng Ihe Iorces IhuI occur beIween Iwo ob|ecIs In con-
IucI, |usI us Orpheus`s musIc buIIers hIm Irom Ihe Iorces oI Ihe pro-
|ecIIIes hurIed by Ihe BucchunIes. See Abrum H. CIurk eI uI., "PurIIcIe
ScuIe DynumIcs In GrunuIur ImpucI," m~ ! i 109.23
(2012)! DOI: 10.1103IPhys#evLeII.109.238302.

oI IrumpeIs und Ihe uIuIuIIons oI IheIr own voIces,
IhuI Ihey
ure ubIe Io rupIure Ihe reIuIIon beIween Orpheus und hIs
song und IInuIIy kIII hIm. The humun churucIers ure noI In-
IIIcIIng vIoIence on euch oIher us much us Ihe vurIous noIses
ure wugIng u buIIIe sImuIIuneousIy physIcuI ~ uesIheIIc.
The sub|ecIs In Ihe heuI oI combuI, Orpheus und Ihe Buc-
chunIes, ure uIIernuIIveIy purusIIed by Ihe sonIc bodIes de-
IermInIng IheIr reIuIIonshIp. BruIuIIIy, Ihe IumenIubIe deuIh
oI Orpheus, Is onIy possIbIe by meuns oI u sensuuI vIcur! II Is
onIy In Ihe presence oI noIse IhuI Ihe humun ob|ecIs ure ubIe
Io InIIIcI In|ury. JusI us we ure gIven In Io Ihe enchunImenI oI
musIc, we ure sImuIIuneousIy mude vIcIIm oI IIs perpeIuuI
sIruggIe Io domInuIe Ihe hosI und coIonIze reIuIIons.
Thus II Is by Ihe uIIure oI Iwo sonIc ob|ecIs, u sucred
hymn und u suIunIc buzzIng, IhuI Ihe humun churucIers oI
Ihe m q~ ure borne InIo conIIIcI. When Ihe "IIIeI
cIergeon" IrunsporIs Ihe MurIun hymn InIo Ihe Jewry where
Ihe song encounIers Ihe supposed wusps` nesIs oI SuIun, II Is
Ihe noIses IhemseIves IhuI squure oII us Ihe InherenI vIo-
Ience oI IheIr wIIhdruwn essences conIronI euch oIher on Ihe
uesIheIIc pIune. II Is u buIIIe oI wIIIs beIween Iwo sonIc
evenIs, wIIh IIIIIe regurd beIng puId Io Ihe sIuIus, eIIecIs or
ouIcomes IheIr buIIIe wIII huve on Ihe humun hosIs. ThIs
second vIrus InIecIs Ihe bodIes oI Ihose us yeI unInIecIed by
Ihe ^~ ! und drIves Ihem Io erudIcuIe Ihe com-
We cunnoI, however, Iorgo Ihe ~ oI IhIs vIo-
Ience uI Ihe IeveI oI humun IdeoIogy und eIhno-reIIgIous
conIIIcI. Ior Ihe Jews, re-presenIed Ihrough Ihe IuIe`s unII-
SemIIIc nurruIor und Ihus embodyIng u sIuIIc IhuI |usIIIIes
ChrIsIIunIIy`s purusIIIng Ihe Jewry, sIIence Ihe chIId by sIII-
IIng hIs IhrouI, und dump hIs body In u prIvy, us II Io Insure
uguInsI uny possIbIIIIy IhuI Ihe sonIc InIecIIon mIghI conIIn-
ue Io spreud. BuIe IocuIes Ihe prIvy us u common sIIe oI unII-
SemIIIc rheIorIc In medIevuI Lurope, especIuIIy wIIhIn Ihe
IrudIIIon oI Ihe ChrIsIIun exempIum.
Ior BuIe, Ihe IuIrIne

~ ~ _~ ~ ~~
~ _~ ~ ~~ "buI Ihe huge
cIumor oI Ihe BerecynIhIun IIuIe oI broken horn, und Ihe drums, und
Ihe cIuppIng und wuIIIng oI Ihe BucchunIes drowned ouI Ihe musIc
oI Ihe Iyre": OvId, j~I XI.1b18I q i~ i~:
hIIp:IIwww.IheIuIInIIbrury.comIovIdIovId.meI11.shImI. The Iruns-
IuIIon Is mIne.
See chupIer 2, "HIsIory: IIme, nuIIonhood und Ihe Jew oI Tewkes-

emphusIzes Ihe bodIIy, Ihe IemporuI, Ihe IuIIure oI Ihe Jew Io
honor Ihe SubbuIh or Io IngesI Ihe spIrIIuuI body oI ChrIsI
durIng Ihe LuchurIsIIc muss. "LxcreIIon und Ihe recIuI or
IuecuI Irope . . . murk un unIIIheIIcuI exIreme In Ihe chuIn oI
sIgnIIIers wIIhIn Ihe dIscourses oI IncorporuIIon surroundIng
Ihe LuchurIsI und ChrIsI`s body."
YeI moruI exempIu such
us IuIes oI Ihe Jew oI Tewkesbury murk Ihe JewIsh body us u
sIgnIIIer oI ChrIsIIun curIosIIy, Ihe poIenIIuI errunIry oI uII
morIuI men, und Ihereby un unsIubIe sIgn! "Ihe Jew exIsIs . . .
In un InIImuIe und muIubIe reIuIIonshIp wIIh ChrIsIIunIIy."

Thus Ihe cess-pII becomes u sIIe Ior empIyIng unII-SemIIIc
sIgnIIIers oI IheIr meunIng.
II Ihe IuIrIne In q m q~ Is IhoughI Io proIecI
Ihe JewIsh communIIy Irom Ihe perceIved IhreuI oI Ihe
ChrIsIIun vIrusu vIrus conIrucIed In u schooI, no IessIhen
Ihe IexI uIso suggesIs u reversuI oI IIs Ierms, Ihe IhreuI oI u
sonIc conIugIon un unhoIy InversIon oI Ihe ChrIsIIun`s own
Ieur oI Ihe "Hebruyk" vIrus. Ior u IuIrIne, u pII Ior humun
IecuI wusIe, Is u oI InIecIIon, us weII us u quurunIIne, und
Ihe IensIon beIween Ihese Iwo sIgnIIIcunces emphusIzes Ihe
IexI`s unxIeIy ubouI Ihe posIIIon oI Ihe Jews In IhIs muIuuIIy
purusIIIc reIuIIon! who Is InIecIIng whom And how The
Jews Ieur sucred musIc und conceuI IIs InsIrumenI In u pII oI
excremenI ~ Ihe good ChrIsIIun peopIe oughI Io Ieur
und expeI Ihe noIse oI SuIunIc IempIuIIon Io usury, noIse
borne Irom u JewIsh prIvy. The humun codes conveyed by
Ihese sonIc ob|ecIs, Ihen, engender un exempIum Ior Ihe
ChrIsIIun reuder, un exempIum IhuI, by meuns oI IIs operuI-
Ing Ihrough u reversuI oI Ierms IhuI provokes u necessury
IdenIIIIcuIIon Ihe Jews, desIubIIIzes uny secureIy unII-
SemIIIc meunIng.


NoIse desIroys und horrIIIes. BuI order und IIuI repeIIIIon ure
In Ihe vIcInIIy oI deuIh. NoIse nourIshes u new order. Orgun-
IzuIIon, IIIe, und InIeIIIgenI IhoughI IIve beIween order und
noIse, beIween dIsorder und perIecI hurmony.
MIcheI Serres, q m~~

A hymn, ephemeruI und InIecIIous, wIII noI Iong be sIIenced,

bury," In BuIe, q g j~ _, 23b4.
BuIe, q g j~ _, 39.
BuIe, q g j~ _, 43.

und us Ihe moIher oI Ihe "IIIeI cIergeon" seurches Ior Ihe
body oI her chIId, Ihe corpse begIns Io sIng once more. The
ChrIsIIun IoIk oI Ihe cIIy wonder uI IhIs seemIngIy mIrucu-
Ious evenI, IhuI Ihe humun body shouId perIorm In such un
unexpecIed, ImpossIbIe munner. YeI, Irom Ihe perspecIIve oI
Ihe hymn, drIven by IIs desIre Ior endurunce, dImensIonuIIIy,
und Ihe conIInued spreud oI Ihe sonIc vIrus, Ihe morIuI sIu-
Ius oI Ihe hosI Is oI IIIIIe concern, so Iong us II cun be mude Io
sIng! u broken sIrIng, u buIIered IrumpeI, or u severed IhrouI
muy uIIecI Ihe uesIheIIc quuIIIIes oI u noIse, buI so Iong us
Ihe InsIrumenI cun produce u sound, Ihe sonIc purusIIe wIII
conIInue Io munIpuIuIe IIs hosI. Thus, when Ihe body "wIIh
IhroIe ykorven Iuy uprIghI, I He ^~ gun Io
synge I So Ioude IhuI uI Ihe pIuce gun Io rynge" (VII.611613),
Ihe "IIIeI cIergeon" Is sImpIy reprIsIng IIs roIe us hosI Ior Ihe
producIIon oI Ihe hymn! II Is now onIy u mere sheII oI u hu-
mun, Ihe resIdue oI u chIId perIormIng IIs IuII us u mu-
sIcuI InsIrumenI und sonorous body.
The humun hus Ihus become reudy-Io-hund In reIuIIon Io
Ihe song, und Ihe chIId`s voIce becomes un IncorporeuI IooI
Ior Ihe suke oI Ihe hymn. When we InvesIIguIe Ihe coupIIng
oI Ihe purusIIe und hosI, we encounIer Ihe PrIoress`s chIId us
u chImeru, u creuIure uI once purI humun und purI musIc.
"The musIcuI voIce IIseII becomes-chIId uI Ihe sume IIme us
Ihe chIId becomes sonorous, pureIy sonorous."
The song Is
noI so much "embodIed" wIIhIn u humun Irume, buI com-
pIeIeIy enmeshed wIIh Ihe orguns und reIuIIons oI u musIco-
humun ussembIuge. To Ihe humun churucIers, Ihe IIIeIess
chIId Is u mIrucuIousIy resurrecIed corpse, buI Io Ihe MurIun
hymn, II Is un ubIe und resonunI InsIrumenI, IIs voIce un
ephemeruI und uIIecIIve becomIng wIIhIn whIch humun und
musIc coexIsI.
TImoIhy MorIon reIers Io IhIs coexIsIence, Ihe sIIcky web
In whIch uII beIngs ure dIscreIe yeI connecIed, us u "mesh."

The noIIon oI u mesh udds dImensIonuIIIy Io LevI BryunI`s
IIuI onIoIogy, suggesIIng IhuI noI onIy do uII ob|ecIs shure Ihe
sume onIoIogIcuI sIuIus, buI IhuI ob|ecIs weuve In und ouI oI
someIImes swIrIIng, someIImes sIugnunI neIworks, occu-
sIonuIIy overIuppIng or IouchIng In unpredIcIubIe wuys. Be-
Ing so InIerconnecIed, enmeshed, meuns IhuI uII ob|ecIs ure

DeIeuze und GuuIIurI, ^ q~ m~~, 304.
TImoIhy MorIon, q b~ q (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd
UnIversIIy Press, 2010), 28.

more ~ Iess Ihun whuI Ihey seem. "The mesh oI InIercon-
necIed IhIngs Is vusI, perhups ImmeusurubIy so. Luch enIIIy
In Ihe mesh Iooks sIrunge. NoIhIng exIsIs uII by IIseII, und so
noIhIng Is IuIIy 'IIseII.`"
The mesh Is mude oI ob|ecIs sen-
IIenI und InsenIIenI, meusurubIe und ImmeusurubIe, bursI-
Ing wIIh vIIuIIIy und eerIIy undeud. In u mesh, un ephemeruI,
gossumer ob|ecI such us u song cun nesIIe up uguInsI or In-
sIde u spIrIIIess curbon-bused IIIe Iorm und |osIIe II InIo u
seemIng unImuIIon.

c N: OdeIon #edon (Irench! 1840-1916), lI c. 1903-
1910, CIeveIund Museum oI ArI, CIeveIund, OhIo.

#eIurnIng Io OvId`s IuIe oI Orpheus, we IInd un exumpIe
oI such un enIungIemenI In u scene onIy Ioo sImIIur Io Ihe
evenIs oI Ihe m q~. AIIer Ihe BucchunIes murder
Orpheus Io huII hIs song, Ihey hew und sIrew Ihe body purIs,
Ihe heud und Iyre ubundoned Io Ihe rIver Hebrus. WhIIe
IIouIIng down Ihe rIver, Ihe song enIungIes IIseII once more
wIIh Ihe Iyre und u IIIeIess heud: E>F ~J

MorIon, q b~ q, 1b.

~I ~I ~
~ ~I ~ "und (u mIru-
cIe!) whIIe gIIdIng down Ihe mIddIe oI Ihe rIver, Ihe Iyre Iu-
menIed mournIuIIy I don`I know whuI, Ihe deud Iongue
murmured mournIuIIy, mournIuIIy Ihe rIverbunks re-

MusIc Is Ihe Ihreud unIIIng IhIs IungIed web oI grIeI, per-
IormIng IIs ugency In ob|ecIs whIch we beIIeve Io be voIce-
Iess (even Ihe Iyre needs Ihe uppIIcuIIon oI sIress Io IIs sIrIngs
beIore II wIII dIvuIge IIs hermeIIc meIodIes), unImuIIng IhuI
whIch we ussume Io be IIIeIess. AIIhough we know Ihey ure
onIy mIngIIng on Ihe uesIheIIc pIune, uI Ihe sensuuI IeveI,
Ihese unexpecIed munIIesI sensuIIons evIdence Ihe sheer
IhIckness oI Ihe mesh oI IhIngs. Ior Ihough humun percep-
IIon Is IImIIed und we cunnoI know ("nescIo") Ihe Inner IIves
oI IhIngs, II we uIIend Io ob|ecIs cureIuIIy enough, we muy
yeI geI Io observe Ihe unexpecIed und IIsIen Io Ihe murmur-
Ing ("murmuruI") oI Ihe Inhumun.
By InvesIIguIIng Ihe humun Irom Ihe posIIIon oI musIc,
we IInd ourseIves wIIh un IncreusIngIy more cupucIous un-
dersIundIng oI Ihe humun ob|ecI. We IInd Ihe corpse oI Ihe
PrIoress`s chIId, IIke Ihe heud oI Orpheus, behuvIng In unex-
pecIed wuys, shockIng us wIIh ucIIons we hurdIy consIder
possIbIe Ior humuns Io perIorm. In un enmeshed exIsIence,
In whIch uII IhIngs overIup und enguge euch oIher by meuns
oI IheIr own unIque sensuuI quuIIIIes, we musI reuIIze IhuI
whuI we IhInk oI us "humun" Is sureIy noI Ihe sume IhIng
unoIher ob|ecI experIences us Ihe sume ob|ecI. "BeIng u per-
son meuns never beIng sure IhuI you`re one."
"One" here
cun be boIh u predIcuIe nomInuIIve us weII us Ihe number
one, u sIngIe, IInIIe beIng. Lnmeshed ob|ecIs Iorm com-
pound ob|ecIs, Iorm sIrunge ussembIuges und perIorm noveI,
mysIerIous und oIIen InexpIIcubIe ucIIons. The experIences
oI un ob|ecI cunnoI be churucIerIzed by Ihe sensuuI or uccI-
denIuI quuIIIIes oI IhuI ob|ecI uIone.
The reveIuIIon oI Ihe resurrecIed corpse, Ihen, Is Ihe sur-
prIse oI Ihe wIIhdruwn beIng Io IIseII, Ihe bubbIIng Io Ihe
surIuce, by meuns oI u reIuIIon Io oIher ob|ecIs, oI unIore-
seen possIbIIIIy. Ior Is II noI by meuns oI u pecuIIur reIuIIon-
uIIIy Io unoIher muIerIuI ob|ecI, IhuI hoIIy dIspuIed "greyn,"

OvId, j~I XI.b1b3I q i~ i~: hIIp:IIwww.
IheIuIInIIbrury.comIovIdIovId-meI11.shImI. The IrunsIuIIon Is mIne.
MorIon, q b~ q, 8.

IhuI Ihe humun body perIorms In IhIs mosI unusuuI oI mun-
ners, us u reInvIgoruIed corpse Lven II dIvIne wIII or MurIun
gruce IemporurIIy revIves Ihe deud chIId, II Is onIy by meuns
oI u very reuI und muIerIuI vecIor IhuI u mIrucIe Is perIormed.
WheIher Ihe PrIoress InIends u LuchurIsIIc hosI or u IIIeruI
seed or bII oI wheuI, she cunnoI escupe u wonderIng uI Ihe
ugency und unpredIcIubIIIIy oI . Her undeud sInger Is
un ussembIuge oI humun, gruIn und hymn, u concuIenuIIon
oI ob|ecI-reIuIIons munIIesIIng Ihe murveIous. II Is un exum-
pIe oI whuI Iun BogosI reIers Io us curpenIry,
u |osIIIng Io-
geIher oI ob|ecIs In u wuy IhuI InvIIes unexpecIed InIeruc-
IIons beIween Ihe IhIngs InvoIved. By InvesIIguIIng Ihe
-~~-~ ~~
Ihe meIuphorIcuI vunIuge oI u curIcuIured sonIc ob|ecI or u
kerneI oI wheuI, we IInd ourseIves Io be us sIrunge und
sIrungeIy unpredIcIubIe us uII oIher ob|ecIs In Ihe cosmos.
TImoIhy MorIon reIers Io IhIs unpredIcIubIIIIy when he
wrIIes oI Ihe "sIrunge sIrunger," u phruse he uses Io repIuce
Ihe word "unImuI" us weII us "humun." The cIoser we geI Io
Ihe sIrunge sIrunger, Ihe more we hone our guze us we Iruce
IIs conIours und probe IIs recesses, Ihe more bIzurre II be-
comes. "Iur Irom gruduuIIy erusIng sIrungeness, InIImucy
heIghIens II. The more we know Ihem, Ihe sIrunger Ihey be-
come. InIImucy Is IIseII sIrunge."
II Is wIIhIn IhIs sIrunge
InIImucy IhuI non-humun ob|ecIs ure cupubIe oI IemporurIIy
revIvIIyIng Ihe deud.


WIIhIn Ihe mIse-en-scene oI humun drumu und eIhno-
reIIgIous vIoIence IhuI concIudes Ihe m q~, Ihe ^~
! j~ sImpIy persIsIs! II reIuIns IIs hosI body
und perpeIuuIes IIs beIng, sIIII germInuIIng, sIIII InIecIIng
und uIIecIIng hosI und uudIence uIIke. The sub|ecIIve experI-
ence oI Ihe hymn Is Ihe ceuseIess seurchIng oI un IncorporeuI
ob|ecI Ior body und Iorm, some InsIrumenI Irom whIch Io
munIIesI IIs sound, unyIhIng cupubIe oI producIng IIs meIo-

Iun BogosI descrIbes curpenIry us Ihe phIIosophIcuIIy InvesIIguIIve
ucI oI workIng wIIh reuI ob|ecIs und brIngIng ob|ecIs IogeIher In
wuys IhuI IeI IIIusIruIe Ihe chunges Ihey muke upon euch oIh-
er und Ihe worId. BogosI wrIIes, "curpenIry enIuIIs mukIng IhIngs
IhuI expIuIn how IhIngs muke IheIr worId" (^ m,
MorIon, q b~ q, 41.

dy, unyIhIng whIch resonuIes or reverberuIes, movIng IIke u
pIugue whIch hungers onIy Ior perpeIuIIy und IrunsmIssIon.
A song mukes no dIsIIncIIon beIween IIIe und deuIh, nor
does II cure Ior boundurIes beIween Ihe unImuIe und Ihe
InunImuIe, buI nuvIguIes und operuIes In Ihe IImInuI spuces
beIween: Ihus Ihe severed heud oI OvId`s Orpheus becomes
u vocuI InsIrumenI, u mIcrophone Ior u mournIng song. Ior
musIc, u cuduver Is u useIuI IooI, u poIenIIuI sIre! musIc IInds
IIIe In deuIh, |usI us Ihe ^~ ! perpeIuuIes IIseII
Ihrough Ihe "ycorven" IhrouI oI u chIId`s corpse In Ihe mJ


Valerie Allen

c - ~~ ~ g qJ
~ whuI churucIerIzes muIerIuI exIsIence Is IIs meusurubII-
IIy. He opens hIs chupIer on meusuremenI Ihus:

Mesure, he seI!, Is uI !Ing !uI huIh ende In wIghI und
Ieng!e, und In brede, In hIghnesse, In depnesse, und In
oughIe. And so oure greIe mude und mesured uI !e wyde
worId" . . . And so by here wIIIe und sIeIghIe !ey IeIIe
no!Ing vnmesured, Irom !e mosIe Io !e IesIe.

Meusure, he suys, Is everyIhIng IhuI hus IImIIs In weIghI
und IengIh, und In breudIh, In heIghI, In depIh, und uny-
IhIng (IIke IhuI). And Ihus our Iorebeurs prepured und
meusured Ihe whoIe wIde worId" . . . And so by IheIr
knowIedge und IngenuIIy Ihey IeII noIhIng unmeusured
Irom Ihe greuIesI Io Ihe IeusI.

John TrevIsu, l m qW g q~ q~~

SIurIIng wIIh Ihe IurgesI unII ImugInubIe (u #omun provInce),
TrevIsu proceeds Io Ihe IIny Inch, IreeIy mIxIng ureu und
IengIh us he enumeruIes. MeusurubIIIIy Is Ihe murk oI creu-
IIon, Ior us Ihe book oI wIsdom suys: $%u husIe Imude uIIe In
nombre, wIghIe, und mesure."

II Is IeIIIng IhuI muny oI Ihe meusures shouId be oI #o-
mun ImperIuI orIgIn becuuse musIery so oIIen Is meusure-
menI`s moIIve. Ior TrevIsu, however, mensuruIIon exceeds
domInIon`s InIenI Io esIubIIsh Ihe IundumenIuI condIIIons oI
knowIng Ihe muIerIuI worId. NoI reIIunI on convenIIonuI
Iunguuge ucquIsIIIon, counIIng enubIes descrIpIIon, repre-
senIuIIon, und knowIedge.

And no!Ing we muy knowe und conne wI!ouIe Iore oI
nombres. . . . Tuke uwuy, he seI!, noumbre und IuIe, und
uIIe !Inges be! yIosI. Do uwey compoI und ucounIes, und
uI Is IuI oI Iewednesse und vnconnynge.

And Ihere Is noIhIng we cun know und undersIund wIIh-
ouI Ihe urI oI counIIng. . . . Tuke uwuy number und meus-
uremenI, und uII Is IosI. Do uwuy wIIh cuIcuIuIIon und uc-
counI, und everyIhIng Iupses InIo worIhIessness und Ig-

ThIs Iong-sIundIng ussocIuIIon beIween muIIer und meus-
uremenI resIs on Ihe ussumpIIon IhuI muIIer Is mussy und
sensorIIy uscerIuInubIe, un ussumpIIon IhuI perIorce hus
been reconcepIuuIIzed In u quunIum unIverse.
A $new mu-
IerIuIIsm" chuIIenges Ihe equuIIon beIween meusurubIIIIy
und muIIer, urguIng InsIeud Ior Ihe IuIIer`s vugubond quuIIIy,
InIensIIy und vIbruncy, resIsIunce Io cuIcuIuIIon, presence
beyond represenIuIIon, und Ior un ugency ordInurIIy uI-
IrIbuIed Io humun ucIIon und conscIousness.

TrevIsu, l m q, 13b3.
Ior wuys oI counIIng wIIhouI numbers, see Georges IIruh, q rJ
~ e kW c m f
`, Iruns. DuvId BeIIos eI uI. (New York: John WIIey, 2000), 3
TrevIsu, l m q, 13b4.
See Kuren Burud, j r e~~W n~ m
~ b~ j~ ~ j~ (Durhum: Duke UnI-
versIIy Press, 2007) und her InIervIew In #Ick DoIphI|n und IrIs vun
der TuIn, eds., k j~~W f ~ `~~ (Ann
Arbor: Open HumunIIIes PressIMPubIIshIng, 2012), 4870.
Ior exumpIe, June BenneII, s~ j~W ^ m~ b

IhIs InvesIIguIIon InIo Inhumun IIIe Is Ihe chuIIenge posed Io
Ihe phIIosophIcuI posIIIon, cIussIcuIIy urIIcuIuIed In Immun-
ueI KunI`s IrunscendenIuIIsm, IhuI Ihe muIerIuI worId cun be
mude meunIngIuI onIy when Ihe IIghI oI humun conscIous-
ness shInes on II, IhuI $IhoughI cunnoI geI In
order Io compure Ihe worId us II Is 'In IIseII` Io Ihe worId us II
Is 'Ior us.`"

Puce new muIerIuIIsm`s resIsIunce Io Ihe IempIuIIons oI
Ihe Iupe meusure, I pursue Ihe kIndred reIuIIon beIween cuI-
cuIuIIon und muIIer In IhIs essuy Io noIe IhuI meusuremenI Is
no seII-evIdenI exercIse und propose IhuI IIs represenIuIIons
specuIuIe us weII us und muybe beIIer Ihun meIuphor. The
very Ierms IhuI huve become Ihe meIuphors oI new muIerIuI-
IsmneIworks, enIungIemenI, IIow, IIeIds, IuIIIces, knoIs
ure muIhemuIIcuI ob|ecIs. Druwn In mInds, generuIed by
Iunguuge und compuIers, Ihese vIrIuuI ob|ecIs ruIher Ihun
Ihe $moderuIe-sIzed specImens oI dry goods" so Iuvored by
unuIyIIc phIIosophy InsIunIIuIe muIIer uI Ihe exIremIIy oI IIs

MuIhemuIIcuI ob|ecIs ure us IIveIy us Iumpy ones, wIIh
mInds oI IheIr own, Ior sInce IIs IncepIIon Ihe dIscIpIIne hus
debuIed wheIher IIs Iheorems ure dIscovered or InvenIed.

Tuke Ihe sImpIesI properIIes oI some IumIIIur ob|ecIs, Ior
exumpIe, IhuI every IrIungIe (In Ihe LucIIdeun pIune unywuy)
hus InIernuI ungIes IhuI udd up Io 180, or IhuI Ihe ruIIo oI u
cIrcIe`s cIrcumIerence Io IIs dIumeIer Is uIwuys Ihe number
pI. The properIIes obey $Iorces oI muIhemuIIcuI nuIure" IhuI
neIIher were ever orIgInuIIy unIIcIpuIed nor cun be chunged
Ior convenIence.
II new muIerIuIIsm`s $vIbrunI" muIIer Is
$noI enIIreIy predIcIubIe," neIIher Is muIhemuIIcuI represen-

q (Durhum: Duke UnIversIIy Press, 2010). The work oI GIIIes
DeIeuze Is un ImporIunI common denomInuIor In much new muIe-
rIuIIsI wrIIIng.
QuenIIn MeIIIussoux, ^ cW ^ b~ k
`, Iruns. #uy BrussIer (London: ConIInuum, 2008), 34.
MeIIIussoux`s work chuIIenges IhIs posIIIon.
J.L. AusIIn, p ~ p~, #econsIrucIed Irom Ihe Munu-
scrIpI NoIes by G.J. Wurnock (OxIord: OxIord UnIversIIy Press, 1962),
Ior u revIew oI Ihe Iong-sIundIng debuIe wIIhIn muIhemuIIcs be-
Iween nomInuIIsm und reuIIsm (uku PIuIonIsm), see John P. Burgess
und GIdeon #osen, ^ p t k lW p~ k~J
f~ j~~ (OxIord: CIurendon Press, 1997).
PuuI LockhurI, j~ (CumbrIdge: BeIknup Press, 2012), 36.

IuIIon, whIch keeps surprIsIng by escupIng our InIenIIons.

CIussIcuIIy IeIrudIc In composIIIon, muIIer geIs squured
uwuy In IhIs essuy under Iour governIng cuIegorIes: " ex-
IensIon" IrunsIormuIIons" und spoonIuIs. Three momenIs In
Ihe geomeIry oI muIIer meusured, mupped, und modeIed ure
pIoIIed: Irom Ihe cIussIcuI eru us , druwIng on hyIo-
morphIsm" Irom Ihe eurIy modern perIod us exIensIon In Ihe
coordInuIe pIune" und Irom Ihe modern perIod us IopoIogIcuI
IrunsIormuIIon. In Ihe IourIh quudrunI, we cIrcIe Ihe squure
wIIh TrevIsu`s InvenIory oI meusurIng uIensIIs Io specuIuIe
ubouI Ihe IuIure oI muIIer.


e Is Ihe Ierm ArIsIoIIe uses Ior muIIer, un everyduy word
Ior wood or IImber IhuI ucquIres u secondury, ubsIrucI uppII-
cuIIon, much us PIuIo uses Ihe verb (Io see) und ussocI-
uIed vIsIon-reIuIed words Io coIn Ideus und IheorIes. The
ubsIrucIIons oI Greek phIIosophy ure secondury, orIgInuIIng
Irom Ihe concreIe us IIs prImury meunIng. As we wIII see, Ihe
Greek concepI oI muIIer never Ioses IIs InIImucy wIIh IumpI-
HyIomorphIsm Is Ihe Ierm phIIosophers subsequenIIy
uscrIbed Io ArIsIoIIe`s generuI urgumenI IhuI uII physIcuI
IhIngs combIne Iwo prIncIpIes: muIIer und Iorm, Ihe IuIIer
desIgnuIed by vurIous Ierms IncIudIng (meunIng
ouIwurd uppeurunce, shupe) und . In one oI ArIsIoIIe`s
IIIusIruIIve exumpIes, u murbIe sIuIue oI Hermes, murbIe
provIdes Ihe sIuII or muIIer, whIch, unIII chIpped InIo Ihe
Iorm oI Hermes, Is uschemuIIc, umorphous, uIuxIc" IhuI Is,
unshupeIy, IormIess, und wunIIng In purposeIuI urrunge-
MuIIer Is IndeIermInuIe unIII Iorm Imposes shupe
upon II. The IImIIuIIons oI Ihe exumpIe, however, quIckIy
become uppurenI, Ior IhIs uIIegedIy shupeIess bIock oI mur-
bIe noneIheIess hus IIs own kInd oI recIIIIneur or unhewn
shupe. The poInI Is IhuI Ihe mInuIe exIsIs In Ihe specIIIc
InsIunce II uIreudy exIsIs us un ob|ecI oI some shupe, howev-
er unpIunned or Iemporury. There wIII be no specIIIc exum-
pIe oI IhuI Is noI uIreudy InIormed, u muIIer-Iorm com-
posIIe. e Is Ihus Iess shupeIess sIuII Ihun II Is sIuII IosIng

Ior Ihe unpredIcIubIIIIy oI muIIer, see BenneII, s~ j~, 36.
ArIsIoIIe, q m, 190bb1b, Iruns. PhIIIp H. WIcksIeed und
IruncIs M. CornIord, rev. edn. (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd UnIversIIy
Press, 19b7), 7679.

one shupe Io guIn unoIher. II possesses Ihe cupubIIIIy-oI-
beIng-dIIIerenI, Ihe ubIIIIy Io be produced" II Is $someIhIng
Io sIurI wIIh"" II $sIunds under" chunge us does u $sub-
sIunce," persIsIenI, churucIerIzed by poIenIIuIIIy und $noI
yeI," Ierms perhups Iess IuInIed Ihun IhuI oI $prIvuIIon."

PurudoxIcuIIy, consIdered In IIs prIme sIuIe when Iree
oI uII specIIIc deIermInuIIonsIurns ouI Io be u concepI us
meIuphysIcuI us , never empIrIcuIIy IsoIuIubIe In u
pure sIuIe.
ArIsIoIIe seems Io InIend Iwo meunIngs (uI IeusI) by
`s purIner, Iorm. The IIrsI meunIng Is u IhIng`s deIermI-
nuIe $shupe," someIImes desIgnuIed by ~. In IhIs sense
Iorm cun be IhoughI oI us u boundury IIne uround IhuI whIch
sepuruIes one body oI muIIer Irom unoIher. In Ihe cuse oI
Iwo sIuIues beIng ubsoIuIeIy IdenIIcuI In shupe, Ihey wouId
sIIII remuIn dIIIerenI ob|ecIs becuuse muIIer, us AquInus puIs
II, Is Ihe IndIvIduuIIng prIncIpIe ( ~J
ThIs sense oI Iorm quu shupe Ieuds Io IIs second
meunIng: Iwo sIuIues oI Hermes mIghI dIIIer In mInor de-
IuIIsheIghI, Ihe sIze oI Ihe nose, und so on" buI Ihe shupe
musI be IdenIIIIubIy hIs, dIsIIncIIve Io hIs nuIure. The J
~, IhuI Is, Is noI rundomIy Imposed Irom wIIhouI buI urIses
Irom wIIhIn, Irom whuI II meuns Io be Hermes. In IhIs IeIeo-
IogIcuI Iurn Irom boundury Io nuIure, Iorm now reIers Io u
IhIng`s IuncIIon, Io whuI mukes one nuIure deIInIIIonuIIy
dIsIIncI Irom unoIher.
The shupe oI u IhIng shouId properIy
be deIermIned by whuI II nuIuruIIy Is.
e comes Io us In cIosed, deIermInuIe shupes mude
recognIzubIe by IheIr Iorm (). Boundury IInes emerge
Irom wIIhIn, IeIeoIogIcuIIy, In Ihe mode oI Ihe ouk Iree IukIng
IIs churucIerIsIIc shupe Irom Ihe ucorn. e IIIIs Ihe spuce IIs
Iorm requIres. And In Ihe IerresIrIuI sphere, where Ihe Iour
eIemenIs reIgn In IheIr dIscreIe |urIsdIcIIons, Ihe posIIIon
udopIs Is deIermIned by IIs eIemenIuI nuIure. II uIIowed
IIs druIhers, wIII be exucIIy where II oughI Io be, occupy-
Ing u unIque pIuce In Ihe cosmos. ThuI Iree, whIch gIves Ihe
Greeks IheIr very word Ior muIIer, Is uI home In Ihe unIverse.
The besI exumpIes oI IhIs reIuIIon beIween shupe und nu-
Iure or deIInIIIon Iurn ouI Io be geomeIrIc. A cIosed IrIIuIeruI

See edIIorIuI commenIs In ArIsIoIIe, m, 6971.
Thomus AquInus, p~ q~, VoI. 11, 1u 7b.4 corp" 1u 7b.b
corp, ed. und Iruns. Thomus GIIby (OxIord: BIuckIrIurs, 1970).
BerIrund #usseII, e t m, 2nd edn. (London:
#ouIIedge, 1991), 177180.

IIgure wIIh Iwo oI IIs Ihree sIdes equuI Is by deIInIIIon un
IsosceIes IrIungIe, us LucIId poInIs ouI In Book I oI hIs bJ
. Hermes mIghI huve Iegs oI unequuI IengIh yeI sIIII be
Hermes, buI shorIen one oI Ihe Iwo equuI Iegs oI un IsosceIes
und II becomes u scuIene IrIungIe" IIII Ihe ungIe oI Ihe secIIon
Ihrough u cone und Ihe eIIIpsIs Iurns InIo u puruboIu. The
deIInIIIon oI u geomeIrIcuI IIgure und IIs ouIIIne ure muIuuIIy
consIIIuIIve. ThuI geomeIrIc IIgures shouId besI demonsIruIe
Ior cIussIcuI IhoughI Ihe connecIIon beIween seemIng und
beIng suys much ubouI how Ihe represenIuIIon oI muIIer hus
chunged beIween Ihen und now.

OI uII Ihe dIIIerences beIween Greek und modern muIh-
emuIIcs, Ihe mosI IundumenIuI concerns Ihe roIe oI ge-
omeIry In euch. One mIghI suy IhuI Ihe hIsIory oI nIne-
IeenIh-cenIury muIhemuIIcs Is Ihe hIsIory oI Ihe repIuce-
menI oI geomeIry by uIgebru und unuIysIs.

PrecIseIy becuuse oI IhIs reIuIIon beIween beIng und seem-
Ing, geomeIrIc prooIs uIIImuIeIy uppeuI Io demonsIruIIon,
deIxIs, seII-evIdence (noIe Ihe embedded In $evI-
denI"). The uncIenI InIImucy beIween seeIng und knowIng
mukes InIuIIIon Ihe uIIImuIe condIIIon oI knowIedge, Ihe $I
see II!" uIIIrmuIIon.
The Iurn Irom geomeIrIc Io uIgebruIc
und unuIyIIc prooI wIII generuIe dIIIerenI kInds oI meusure-
menI. CounIer-InIuIIIve und deuIIng wIIh InIInIIe dImen-
sIons beyond uny sensory upprehensIon, modern muIhemuI-
IcuI prooIs now resI heuvIIy on u rIgorous IogIc Io nuvIguIe
beyond Ihe vIsIbIe.
A Venn dIugrum mIghI conIIrm seI-
IheoreIIc reIuIIons, buI onIy membershIp IubIes cun prove

The geomeIrIc benI heIps expIuIn Iwo Iong-recognIzed
generuI preIerences In cIussIcuI urI Ior sIuIIc und cIosed IIg-
ures. LucIIdeun geomeIry deuIs wIIh cIosed IIne segmenIs
ruIher Ihun IInes IhuI sIreIch endIessIy In boIh dIrecIIons.
$SIruIghI-IIne moIIon Is never compIeIed. The Greeks pre-
Ierred cIrcuIur moIIon," Ior Ihe concepI oI InIInIIy seems

Iun MueIIer, m j~~ ~ a p
b LIemenIs (CumbrIdge: M.I.T. Press, 1981), 1.
MueIIer, m j~~, 110. Iun SIewurI, `
j j~~, 3rd edn. (MIneoIu: Dover Books, 199b), 12.
SIewurI, ` j j~~, 13.
SIewurI, ` j j~~, b4bb.

$IormIess und conIused."
ThuI Is, InIInIIy sounds much IIke
pure muIIerIormIess und concepIuuIIy undeIInubIe. JusI us
u IIne cunnoI be meusured unIII II hus been cIosed oII, so
Is unknowubIe unIII II hus been gIven deIermInuIe beIng by
Iorm. In Ihe hyIomorphIc purudIgm, beIng reuI meuns huvIng
u cIosed und Ihus meusurubIe shupe. In IhIs wuy Greek muIe-
rIuIIIy sIuys cIose Io Ihe concreIe.
LveryIhIng empIrIcuIIy reuI urIses us Ihe resuII oI Ihe Iu-
bIIe murrIuge beIween Iwo prIncIpIes, Iorm und muIIer, IhuI
ure codependenI yeI IncompuIIbIe. II muIIer IndIvIduuIes
Iorm II uIso resIsIs Iorm und uIwuys escupes beIng deIIned by
II. By dIsIInguIshIng IIseII InIo Iwo prIncIpIes Ihus, hyIo-
morphIsm InIroduces InevIIubIe dIscrepuncy beIween u
IhIng`s ~ or ~ oI IIseII und IIs muIerIuI IndIvIduu-
Lvery empIrIcuI ob|ecI Is deIInIIIonuIIy uI odds wIIh
IIseII. No represenIuIIon In spuce oI u poInI cun suIIsIy Lu-
cIId`s deIInIIIon oI II us IhuI whIch hus no purI Ior Ihere Is no
poInI we druw IhuI couId noI be druwn smuIIer" by Ihe sume
IogIc, no druwIng oI u IIne cun uchIeve IengIh wIIhouI
breudIh und no surIuce cun huve IengIh und breudIh wIIhouI
wIdIh. As u consequence, muIIer eusIIy becomes IypecusI us
resIsIunce Io Iorm. OnIy In IhuI IdeuI spuce oI synIheIIc Lu-
cIIdeun geomeIry, where muIIer Is InIeIIIgIbIe ($noeIIc") und
noI sensIbIe ($uesIheIIc"), ure Iorm und muIIer huppIIy


Through #ene DescurIes` duuIIsI dIvIsIon beIween J
~ (mInd) und ~ (body), muIIer geIs mechunIzed.
WhuI occupIes spuce ( ~) cunnoI IhInk und whuI
IhInks ( ~) cunnoI occupy spuce und IhereIore cun-
noI be meusured. ConscIousness und exIensIon Ihus become
IogIcuI opposIIes:

Thus exIensIon In IengIh, breudIh und depIh consIIIuIes
Ihe nuIure oI corporeuI subsIunce" . . . LveryIhIng eIse

MorrIs KIIne, j~~ t ` (rprI. London: Pen-
guIn, 1990), 7778.
Ior uses oI ~ und ~, see ArIsIoIIe, m, 190bb30 (76
ArIsIoIIe, j~, 104bu343b, ed. und Iruns. Hugh Treden-
nIck, 2 voIs. (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd UnIversIIy Press, 1933-193b),
1:42442b. See uIso 2:1076u1093b.
whIch cun be uIIrIbuIed Io body presupposes exIensIon,
und Is mereIy u mode oI un exIended IhIng" . . . Ior exum-
pIe, shupe Is unInIeIIIgIbIe excepI In un exIended IhIng"
und moIIon Is unInIeIIIgIbIe excepI us moIIon In un ex-
Iended spuce. . . . By conIrusI, II Is possIbIe Io undersIund
exIensIon wIIhouI shupe or movemenI.

Much us he sysIemuIIcuIIy doubIs everyIhIng In Ihe j~J
In order Io urrIve uI pure , so DescurIes here con-
ducIs u IhoughI experImenI In whIch he sIrIps uwuy uII Ihe
secondury quuIIIIes oI u body (coIor, densIIy, eIc.) Io reduce
II Io IIs IIrsI Iermsheer exIensIbIIIIy. In conIrusI Io Ihe ArIs-
IoIeIIun purudIgm where Iorm emerges Irom wIIhIn us u con-
sequence oI beIng, Ihe shupes oI Ihese exIended bodIes ure
epIphenomenuI. Indeed, Ihere comes u poInI In DescurIes`
consIderuIIon oI exIensIon when voId or empIy spuce cunnoI
be dIsIInguIshed Irom ~ consIdered pure und upurI
Irom uny body`s secondury deIermInIng quuIIIIes:

AIIer IhIs exumInuIIon we wIII IInd IhuI noIhIng remuIns
In Ihe Ideu oI body, excepI IhuI II Is someIhIng exIended
In IengIh, breudIh, und depIh" und IhIs someIhIng Is
comprIsed In our Ideu oI spuce, noI onIy oI IhuI whIch Is
IuII oI body, buI even oI whuI Is cuIIed voId spuce.

DescurIes dIsIInguIshes voId spuce (~) Irom u vucuum
proper, whIch, he suys, Is $repugnunI Io reuson." By voId
spuce he meuns sheer undIIIerenIIuIed exIensIon In Ihree
dImensIons, u zone In whIch noIhIng sensIbIe Is conIuIned
DescurIes, q m m, purI 1 LIII, In q mJ
~ t a~, VoI. I, Iruns. John CoIIInghum, #oberI
SIooIhoII, und DuguId Murdoch (CumbrIdge: CumbrIdge UnIversIIy
Press, 198b), 210. $Nempe exIensIo In Iongum, IuIum & proIundum,
subsIunIIue corporeue nuIurum consIIIuII" . . . Num omne uIIud quod
corporI IrIbuI poIesI, exIensIonem pruesupponII, esIque IunIum
modus quIdum reI exIensue" . . . SIc, exempII cuusu, IIguru nonnIsI In
re exIensu poIesI InIeIIIgI, nec moIus nIsI In spuIIo exIenso" . . . Sed e
conIru poIesI InIeIIIgI exIensIo sIne IIguru veI moIu": l
a~, ed. ChurIes Adum und PuuI Tunnery, VoI. 8, purI 1 (PurIs:
LIbruIrIe phIIosophIque J. VrIn, 1964), 2b.
DescurIes, m m, purI 2 XI (m~ tJ
, 227228). $IIu enIm udverIemus, nIhII pIune In e|us Ideu remu-
nere, prueIerquum quod sII quId exIensum In Iongum, IuIum & pro-
Iundum: quod Idem conIIneIur In Ideu spuIII, non modo corporIbus
pIenI, sed e|us eIIum quod vucuum uppeIIuIur" (l, 46).
yeI whIch Is sIIII InhubIIed by subsIunce.
In IhIs wuy he reI-
IIes spuce, mukIng oI II u IhIng In IIseII, InIInIIeIy smuII und
dIvIsIbIe where IIs uxes oI exIensIon converge on zero In Ihe
CurIesIun pIune und endIessIy bIg und muIIIpIIubIe where IIs
ends expund Io InIInIIy.
UnIIke , whIch Is u reIuIIonuI
Ierm, meunIngIess wIIhouI , ~ uchIeves
concepIuuI uuIonomy quu empIy spuce.
By represenIIng muIIer us pure exIensIon, DescurIes uIso
represenIs II us pure meusurubIIIIy, u concepI now ubIe Io
dIspense wIIh uII specIIIc InsIunIIuIIons oI muIIer meusured.
WIIh no deIermInIng quuIIIIes IhuI muke one purIIcIe dIIIer-
enI Irom unoIher, muIIer exIends unIIormIy In uII dIrecIIons.
MeusuremenI IIseII becomes sIundurdIzed. UnIIke LInsIeIn`s
spuceIIme, CurIesIun spuce does noI curve und wurp" unIIke
nuIuruI pIuce In PIoIemuIc cosmoIogy, II does noI suddenIy
geI eurIhy or uIry. DescurIes concIudes IhuI In homogeneous
spuce, u body seI In moIIon musI necessurIIy conIInue In
moIIon uI u unIIorm ruIe" In IhIs respecI uIso II dIIIers Irom u
body seI In moIIon In Ihe PIoIemuIc sysIem, whIch speeds up
us II neurs IIs nuIuruI eIemenIuI home. And u movIng body,
IuckIng uny InIerucIIon wIIh uny oIher body, necessurIIy
moves In u sIruIghI IIne.
DescurIes` Iuws oI nuIure, pub-
IIshed eurIIer Ihun buI more commonIy known us NewIon`s
IIrsI Iuw oI moIIon, speII ouI Ihe unIIormIIy oI spuce, muIIer
und meusuremenI IhuI churucIerIzes scIenIIIIc mechunIsm.
The unIIormIIy oI CurIesIun muIIer sunders ArIsIoIIe`s
orgunIc connecIIon beIween shupe und nuIure. Iorm (J
) Is Imposed Irom wIIhouI onIo undIIIerenIIuIed muIIer
IhuI, IuckIng conscIousness, hus no ubIIIIy Io deIermIne how
II orduIns IIseII In spuce. The shupe IhuI ~ ucquIres
Is supervenIenI, noI un IdenIIIy wIIh IIs deIInIIIon. BodIes, oI
course, conIInue Io ucquIre IheIr $nuIuruI" shupesouk Irees
grow Irom ucorns und geomeIrIc IIgures sIIII conIorm IheIr
ouIIIne Io deIInIIIonbuI u deep IormuIIsm now hoIds upurI
muIerIuI ob|ecIs (muIhemuIIcuI or concreIe) Irom Ihe sysIem
oI ruIes IhuI mukes Ihem meunIngIuI. II hyIomorphIsm In-
Iroduces un InevIIubIe dIsconnecIIon beIween u body`s mu-
IerIuI presence und IIs Iorm, CurIesIun duuIIsm mukes oIIIcIuI
DescurIes, m m, purI 2 XVIXVIII (mJ
~ t, 229231).
DescurIes, m m, purI 2 XXXXI (m~
t, 231232).
DescurIes, q m m, purI 2 XXXVII und XXXIX
(m~ t, 240242).
Ihe dIvIsIon beIween whuI un ob|ecI Is und unyIhIng IhuI cun
be posIIed oI II, IncIudIng IIs meusuremenIs. #epresenIuIIon
now speuks whoIIy Ior muIe muIIer.
The deIInIIIve sIep In IhIs erusure oI muIerIuI reuIIIy by
concepIuuI represenIuIIon comes IuIer In KunI`s usserIIon
IhuI spuceconIuIner oI uII ob|ecIs und Iorm oI uII J
~ ~ ~ .

TeIIIngIy, KunI Iurns Io geomeIry und urIIhmeIIc Io muke hIs
urgumenI IhuI u prIorI IruIh muy emerge Ihrough synIheIIc
|udgmenIs borne oI experIence (consIrucIIon und cuIcuIu-
IIon). The mInd`s InIervenIIon Is necessury, IIs represenIu-
IIons consIIIuIIng Ihe onIy wuy Io experIence IhIngs IhuI In
IhemseIves ure unuvuIIubIe Io humun cognIIIon. #eIusIng
IhIs reIusuI Io cIuIm uccess Io Ihe IhIng In IIseII, new muIerI-
uIIsm seeks uIIer Ihe IncuIcuIubIe In muIIer, whuI Is $InIrInsI-
cuIIy resIsIunI Io represenIuIIon," u muIerIuIIIy churucIerIzed
now by InIensIIy ruIher Ihun exIensIon.
SIdesIeppIng Ihe
obvIous quesIIon oI how Ihe IncuIcuIubIe cun be regIsIered,
we Iurn Io u dIIIerenI one: how does represenIuIIon specu-
IuIe even us II cuIcuIuIes


LucIIdeun spuce, Ihe spuce uIso oI DescurIes und KunI, where
puruIIeI IInes never meeI, wIII noI supporI Ihe kInd oI geome-
Iry needed Io represenI such InIensIIIes. Ior IhIs reuson we
Iurn Io IrunsIormuIIonuI geomeIry und Ihe IIuId Iorms II
meusures. DeveIoped In Ihe nIneIeenIh cenIury by IeIIx
KIeIn II emerges subsequenI Io LucIIdIun und coordInuIe
geomeIry, yeI no IIneur nurruIIve oI progress Is beIng pro-
pounded here" ruIher whuI Is druwn ouI Is possIbIIIIy uIreudy
InherenI wIIhIn eurIIer geomeIrIes.
ConsIder one oI Ihe more Iumous oI LucIId`s Iheorems
(Book I, proposIIIon b), whIch demonsIruIes IhuI Ihe Iower
ungIes oI un IsosceIes IrIungIe ure equuI. LuIer known us
~, Ihe brIdge Irom whIch IeII Ihose sIudenIs whose
duys In geomeIry cIuss were numbered, Ihe prooI InvoIves
exIendIng Ihe Iegs oI Ihe IrIungIe un equuI IengIh beIow IIs
buse IIne, subIendIng IrIungIes Irom Ihe exIremIIIes oI Ihose
ImmunueI KunI, ` m !~, ed. und Iruns. PuuI Guyer
und AIIen W. Wood (CumbrIdge: CumbrIdge UnIversIIy Press, 1998).
See IIrsI secIIon, $On Spuce," oI q q~~ ^
BenneII, s~ j~, xvxvI.

exIended IInes Io Ihe dIugonuI corners oI Ihe buse IIne, und
InIerrIng Irom Ihere Ihe equIvuIence oI Ihe InIernuI buse un-
gIes oI Ihe orIgInuI IsosceIes IrIungIe.
There Is un uIIernu-
IIve, shorIer prooI IhuI ChurIes Dodgson descrIbes In hIs
drumuIIzed dreum vIsIon beIween LucIId und MInos, u coI-
Iege schoIur. II Is un urmchuIr prooI, IngenIous In requIrIng
no uddIIIonuI consIrucIIon, onIy superposIIIon, menIuIIy
uchIeved $by IukIng up Ihe IsosceIes IrIungIe, IurnIng II over,
und Ihen IuyIng II down uguIn ."

There Is onIy one probIem wIIh Ihe prooI, uIbeII one so
InIrucIubIe IhuI Dodgson`s LucIId suys IhuI II remInds hIm oI
u sIory ubouI u mun who wuIked down hIs own IhrouI. In Ihe
vIrIuuI envIronmenI or IdeuI spuce where LucIIdeun IIgures
IIve, moIIonIess, how cun IhuI IrIungIe be provoked Io IIII
IIseII up, shuke u Ieg, Iurn uround, und IIe Iuce down uguIn In
Ihe exucI sume spoI How cun II be ubove und beneuIh IIseII,
In Iwo pIuces uI Ihe sume IIme II Is eusy enough Io perIorm
Ihe operuIIon experIenIIuIIy by excIsIng u IrIungIe Irom uny
IIuI surIuce und repIucIng II buck Io IronI, buI empIrIcuI con-
IIrmuIIon Is noI demonsIrubIe prooI. TrunsIormuIIonuI ge-
omeIry, however, provIdes u muIhemuIIcuIIy deIIned wuy oI
meusurIng such un operuIIon.
TrunsIormuIIon geomeIry enubIes moIIon wIIhouI mov-
Ing uny poInIs und deveIops ouI oI coordInuIe geomeIry,
where spuce Is grIdded und unIqueIy numbered (,) In Ihe
CurIesIun pIune, once und Ior uII, In uII dIrecIIons. UsIng Ihe
sImpIesI oI IrunsIuIIon IuncIIons, II becomes possIbIe Io
druw Iwo IuIIy congruenI IIgures, wIIh uII dImensIons equuI
suve Ior posIIIon. So, Ior exumpIe, !ABC cun be repIIcuIed 4
unIIs up us !ABC such IhuI T:(,)!(,+4). As Ihe word
IrunsIormuIIon suggesIs, u deIermInuIe Is mupped
~ u spuce.
II Is IempIIng Io regurd u prooI IhuI IIIps IsosceIes IrIun-

#oger Bucon In Ihe IhIrIeenIh cenIury numes Ihe proposIIIon ~
(Ihe rouI oI wreIches). The Ierm ~ orIgInuIIy
uppIIed Io posers In IogIc und becume uppIIed Io LucIId`s IIIIh prop-
osIIIon uI some IuIer duIe. See A.I. WesI und H.D. Thompson, $On
DuIcurnon, LIeIugu And Pons AsInorum us IuncIIuI Numes Ior Ge-
omeIrIcuI ProposIIIons," q m r _ 3.4 (1891):
8488. Ior IhIs dIscussIon oI LucIId`s IIIIh und IrunsIormuIIonuI ge-
omeIry, see SIewurI, ` j j~~, 123b (chup-
Ier 2).
ChurIes L. Dodgson, b ~ j !~, AcI I, scene II,
6 (London: MucmIIIun und Co., 1879), 4648.
gIes IIke puncukes us $modern," Io use Dodgson`s Ierm, cu-
pubIe oI beIng conceIved onIy by IhInkers who huve ud-
vunced beyond Ihe geomeIrIes oI LucIId und DescurIes, yeI
IhIs prooI by superposIIIon wus uIIrIbuIed Io Ihe IourIh-
cenIury muIhemuIIcIun Puppus oI AIexundrIu by Ihe IIIIh-
cenIury phIIosopher ProcIus.

Puppus hus gIven u sIIII shorIer demonsIruIIon IhuI needs
no suppIemenIury consIrucIIon, us IoIIows. LeI ABC be
IsosceIes wIIh sIde AB equuI Io sIde AC. LeI us IhInk oI
IhIs IrIungIe us Iwo IrIungIes und reuson Ihus: SInce AB Is
equuI Io AC und AC Is equuI Io AB, Ihe Iwo sIdes AB und
AC ure equuI Io Ihe Iwo sIdes AC und AB, und Ihe ungIe
BAC Is equuI Io Ihe ungIe CAB (Ior Ihey ure Ihe sume)"
IhereIore uII Ihe correspondIng purIs ure equuI, BC Io CB,
Ihe IrIungIe ABC Io Ihe IrIungIe ACB, Ihe ungIe ABC Io Ihe
ungIe ACB, und ungIe ACB Io ungIe ABC.

The reusonIng hoIds excepI Ior IhuI InIIIuI uIIIrmuIIon, $IeI us
IhInk oI IhIs IrIungIe us Iwo IrIungIes." ThuI Puppus couId
ImugIne one IrIungIe Iwo In vIoIuIIon oI Ihe Iuws oI IhoughI
shows IhuI Greek muIhemuIIcs, IIke uny oIher body oI
IhoughI, wus messIer und Iess unIIIed Ihun hIsIory books wIII
sIuIe. More ImporIunIIy II suggesIs IhuI un IdeuheruIded In
one cenIury us u breukIhroughcun uppeur In unoIher us
specuIuIIon, u dodgy shorIcuI, even u mIsIuke. The Iundu-
menIuI quesIIon meusuremenI usks Is noI $how much" buI
$whuI II"
T:(, )!(, +4) Is u rIgId IrunsIormuIIon becuuse !ABC
und !ABC ure exucIIy Ihe sume shupe. IsomeIrIes wIII pre-
serve mosI geomeIrIc properIIes such us ungIe meusure und
ruIIos oI dIsIunce. OIher kInds oI IrunsIormuIIon, however,
wIII sIreIch, conIrucI und deIorm u IIgure`s ouIIIne. A sImIIur-
IIy IrunsIormuIIon uIIows dIIIerence In scuIIng so IhuI Iwo
cIrcIes, suy, oI dIIIerenI rudII remuIn sImIIur even Ihough Ihe
geomeIrIc properIIes oI IengIh und ureu us weII us posIIIon
ure now dIIIerenI. AIIIne IrunsIormuIIons ubundon ungIe
meusure. Keep chungIng up Ihe geomeIrIes Io eIImInuIe In-
vurIunI properIIes. By combInIng equIvuIence cIusses Ihus In
conIInuous ruIher Ihun rIgId IrunsIormuIIons convenIIonuI
geomeIrIc properIIes cupIIuIuIe one by one Io IopoIogIcuI
ProcIus, ^ `~ c _ b b,
Iruns. GIenn #. Morrow (PrInceIon: PrInceIon UnIversIIy Press,
1970), 19419b.

IrunsIormuIIons, whIch meusure hoIes ruIher Ihun spuIIuI
#IgIdIIy oI geomeIrIc IIgure und Ihe grIdded CurIe-
sIun pIune go IogeIher. There comes u momenI when IIgures
so sIreIch und deIorm IhuI IdenIIIyIng Ihem by coordInuIes
no Ionger uchIeves uny kInd oI useIuI meusuremenI.
AIong wIIh IrunsIormuIIonuI geomeIry, IeIIx KIeIn In-
venIedor dIscoveredIhe KIeIn boIIIe, u IopoIogIcuI IIgure
IhuI cun onIy be consIrucIed In Iour-dImensIonuI spuce und
IhuI hus no InsIde or ouIsIde.
II ever Ihere wus u cundIduIe
Ior u IIgure IhuI couId wuIk down IIs own IhrouI, II Is Ihe
KIeIn boIIIe. Non-LucIIdeun IrunsIormuIIon geomeIry enu-
bIes muIIer Io be morphed. By sIeppIng ouI oI convenIIonuI
LucIIdIun geomeIry InIo IopoIogIcuI spuce u IrIungIe cun
morph InIo u mounIuIn runge or moon cruIer or shupeIess
bIob us ob|ecIs become euch oIher, IeveIIng hIerurchIes oI
subsIunce und unuIomy. LucIIdeun IIgures such us Ihe
revered cIrcIe, moIIonIess und onIoIogIcuIIy dIsIIncI Irom uII
oIher IIgures, In IopoIogy becomes homeomorphIc wIIh uny
oIher cIosed IIgure Irom IrIungIe Io bIob. TopoIogIcuI prox-
ImIIy cunnoI be meusured uny more In Ihe convenIIonuI
meIrIc oI dIsIunce or coordInuIe unIIs. GeogruphIcuI spuce
no Ionger deIermInes neurness In uny gruph or neIwork rep-
resenIuIIon oI $reuIIIy."
The gruphs und neIworks IhuI muIhemuIIcuIIy modeI
concreIe muIIer do noI uIIempI Io cupIure Ihe essence oI
shupes, Io muIch ouIIIne wIIh deIInIIIon us LucIId dId, buI
InsIeud IreeIy deIorm Ihem, bIuIunIIy, egregIousIy IdeuIIzIng
und reducIng physIcuI bodIes. The reducIIon comes uI Ihe
cosI oI Ihe muIerIuI presence oI concreIe IhIngsu presence
uIwuys ecIIpsed by represenIuIIon. ThuI IuIuI sIIppuge be-
Iween represenIuIIon und Ihe IhIng represenIed uppeurs
InescupubIe. YeI II Is In Ihe very bIuIuncy und urIIIIce oI such
IopoIogIcuI deIormuIIons IhuI possIbIIIIy resIdes. MeusurIng
devIceswheIher muchInIc IIke Ihe IeIescope und Thomus
Young`s Iwo-sIII pro|ecIor or uIgorIIhmIc IIke cuIcuIus
enubIes muIIer Io surprIse us. MuIhemuIIcuI represenIuIIon
consIIIuIes boIh Ihe IImII und opporIunIIy oI specuIuIIon.

H. Gruhum IIegg, c d q (1974" rprI. MIneoIu:
Dover PubIIcuIIons, 2001), 117(chupIers 12).
JeIIrey #. Weeks, q p~ p~, 2nd edn. (Bocu #uIon: C#C
Press, 2002), 48b8.

TukIng hoIy scrIpIure us hIs body oI exumpIes, TrevIsu, In hIs
chupIer on Ihe meusuremenIs oI meusurIng bodIes ( J
~) enumeruIes dIIIerenIIy shuped
vesseIs IhuI upporIIon dry und weI IhIngs:

~ ~ poI
~ ~
~ sIeve, sIruIner
~ chesI, box
~ burreI, cusk
~ ~ ~ ~
~ " ~ ~ obIong buskeI"
~ bowI
~ keIIIe
~ ~
~ ~ busIn
~ buckeI
u boIeI boIIIe

These recepIucIes ure noI sIundurd meusures In Ihe wuy, suy,
IhuI un AmerIcun cup Is equIvuIenI Io huII u pInI oI IIquId or 8
ounces oI dry muIerIuI, buI Ihey ure suIIed Io Ihe purpose.
Hence, Ihe enIry Ior spoon:

~ 'u spoone` Is u IIIeI InsIrumenI oI !e mesure oI !e
mouIh und proporcIonuIe !erIo. And !erwI! !e honde
serueIh !e mou!e oI dyuers meIes."

cocIeur: $u spoon," whIch Is u smuII InsIrumenI udupIed
Io Ihe sIze oI Ihe mouIh, und wIIh II Ihe hund Ieeds Ihe
mouIh dIIIerenI kInds oI Iood.

TrevIsu, l m q, 137b1380.
TrevIsu, l m q, 1376.

The IundumenIuI sense oI Is $|usI enough," Ihe rIghI
umounI Ior Ihe shupe oI Ihe IhIng. II IoIIows IhuI $|usI
enough" Is noI u consIunI buI u dependenI vurIubIe uccord-
Ing Io sIIuuIIon. $Ior euerIche body hu! hIs owne dymen-
sIoun und mesure."
One obvIous meunIng oI Ihe senIence
Is IhuI every mussy body cun be meusured, buI II uIso meuns
IhuI every body hus IIs meusure. j reIers boIh Io
Ihe sheer eIIIcIenI cupucIIy Io hoId quunIIIy und Io be suIII-
cIenI Io Ihe occusIon, even Io muInIuIn buIunce und observe
There Is un eIhIcuI uspecI Io , InIImuIeIy
connecIed Io ArIsIoIIe`s depIcIIon oI vIrIue us Ihe goIden
meun beIween excess und deIecI und Io Ihe represenIuIIon oI
|usIIce us proporIIon.
Whenus DescurIes, NewIon und KunI uII muInIuIned
spuce Is unIIorm In uII dIrecIIons, meusuremenI IIseII be-
comes unIIorm und Ihe oI deIermInuIe ob|ecIs no
Ionger consIIIuIes un eIhIcuI IImII buI sImpIy regIsIers IheIr
vIIuI sIuIIsIIcs. DImensIon Is u reIIIed ubsIrucIIon unIerIor Io
uny dImensIoned IhIng |usI us spuce IIseII Is u reIIIed ubsIruc-
IIon prIor Io ob|ecIs IhuI InhubII II. In TrevIsu`s cuIuIogue,
however, dImensIon Is noI prIor Io ob|ecIs buI InsIunIIuIed
us porIIon-meusurIng conIuIners. As such upporIIonIng
uIensIIs become IncreusIngIy sIundurdIzed, dImensIon IIseII
guIns In uuIonomy Irom und uuIhorIIy over Ihe ob|ecIs IhuI
meusure dImensIon.
One sIep In Ihe dIrecIIon oI unIIorm dImensIon Is Ihe de-
veIopmenI oI Ihe kIng`s sIundurd, $Ihe uuIhorIzed exempIur
oI u unII oI meusure or weIghI . . . preserved In Ihe cusIody oI
pubIIc oIIIcers us u permunenI evIdence oI Ihe IeguIIy pre-
scrIbed mugnIIude oI Ihe unII."
AIIhough Ihe word onIy
uppeurs In MIddIe LngIIsh In Ihe IIIIeenIh cenIury, II Is In use
In IhIs sense Irom Ihe IhIrIeenIh In boIh InsuIur Irench und
InsuIur LuIIn. The kIng`s sIundurd wus noI sImpIy Ihe InsIun-
IIuIIon oI ubsIrucI dImensIon buIIIke sIumped moneyu
royuI guurunIee oI |usI meusure, und II communded respecI
uccordIngIy. WIIIIum Burker, un III-Iempered buker IIvIng In
IuIe IIIIeenIh-cenIury York, Is cIIed In Ihe cIIy`s cIvIc records
~ -~ ~I ~

TrevIsu, l m q, 1372.
OxIord LngIIsh DIcIIonury (OLD), s.v. ~ (n.). und MIddIe
LngIIsh DIcIIonury (MLD), s.v. (n.).
OxIord LngIIsh DIcIIonury (OLD), s.v. ~~ (n. und ud|.), II.9.
And MIddIe LngIIsh DIcIIonury (MLD), s.v. ~~ (n.), b.u,b,c.
h p~~, used Io meusure gruIn.
Somewhere In
beIween |usI unoIher meusurIng InsIrumenI und u guurunIor
oI ubsIrucI meusure, Ihe kIng`s sIundurd generuIIzed dImen-
sIon und yeI wus un urIIIucIIungIbIe, heuvy, empIrIcuIIy
presenI Io Ihe senses, yeI IrugIIe.
ThIs concreIeness oI meusuremenI Is uppurenI In medIe-
vuI wIIIs us IesIuIors InvenIory househoId ob|ecIs Ior be-
queuIhuI. The InvenIorIes oIIen reIer Io Ihe $poIIIepoI," u
common househoId meusure. A poIIIe comprIses un ucIuuI
meusure oI IIquId (occusIonuIIy dry goods): huII u guIIon.
1426, YorkshIremun PeIrus deI Huy bequeuIhs Io hIs son
#oberI $one vesseI oI sIIver, cuIIed 'poIeIpoII`."
Seven yeurs
IuIer, MurgureI BIukburn (oI Ihe Iumous York IumIIy), de-
scrIbes Ihe vesseI she bequeuIhs Io her son, NIchoIus BIuck-
burn, us $u sIIver poI, u IIIIIe Iess Ihun u poIeII."
To duughIer
AIIce BoIIon she Ieuves $Iwo sIIver vesseIs cuIIed
LesI Ihere be uny doubI ubouI whIch ones, MurgureI
IdenIIIIes Ihem exucIIy: $one oI whIch Is murked wIIh u shIeId
wIIh 7 burs und u dog und un N und u b, Ihe oIher Is murked
under Ihe IooI wIIh u sIgn IIke IhIs ."

Does $poIIeIpoI" nume or descrIbe Ihose Iwo purIIcuIur
vesseIs The LuIIn seems Io nume Ihem ~ ^ J
~~ yeI Ihe Ierm Is u generuI descrIpIIon Ior
uny vesseI oI u sIundurd huII-guIIon meusure. The poIIIe
cuIIed Is boIh u sIundurd meusure und un urIIIucI.
These IuIe medIevuI wIIIs ure IuII oI reIerences IhuI conIuse
Ihe use-menIIon dIsIIncIIonIhuI Is, Ihe nume IuncIIon und
v ` !W s Q, ed. AngeIo #uIne, YorkshIre Archueo-
IogIcuI SocIeIy 108 (WukeIIeId: YorkshIre ArchueoIogIcuI SocIeIy,
194b), 106.
OxIord LngIIsh DIcIIonury (OLD), s.v. (n.1) 1b. MIddIe Lng-
IIsh DIcIIonury (MLD), s.v. (n.).
$Unum oIIum urgenII vocuIum poIeIpoII" In q~~ b~J
~W ^ p t ! ~ v ff, ed. Jumes #uIne,
PubIIcuIIons oI Ihe SurIees SocIeIy 30 (Durhum: Andrews & Co.,
18bb), 11.
$Unum oIIum ArgenII uIIquunIuIum mInus Ie poIeII." See q
_~ vW q~ ~ ~ ~ ~
j ^, eds. Ann #ycruII und The LuIIn Pro|ecI (York: CenIre Ior
MedIevuI SIudIes, 2006), 2627.
$I| oIIus ArgenII vocuIus poIIeIIpoIIez." q _~ v, 26
$Quurum unu sIgnuIur cum scuIo de vI| Burres eI cune eI N eI b
AIIeru sIgnuIur sub pede cum IuII sIgno." q _~ v,

Ihe descrIpIIon IuncIIon oI ob|ecIs. AIIhough de-
noIes generuIIy In IhuI IIs $essence" Is Io be u huII-guIIon
meusure, Ihe wIIIs Iurn Ihe word InIo someIhIng IIke u proper
nume, Ior II Is IhIs one here, Ihe one wIIh Ihe murk under Ihe
IooI, und no oIher IhuI Is Ihe onIy possIbIe reIerenI und does
noI uIIow oI subsIIIuIIons, und does noI generuIIze. VesseIs,
especIuIIy cups, IrequenIIy become unIhropomorphIzed.
Tuke Ihe wIII oI WIIIIum NuwIon, who In 14b3 bequeuIhs u
$cup by nume u musour, cuIIed Irom oId IIme 'cosyn`
Such rouIIne bIurrIng oI Ihe IIne beIween show
und IeII heIps expIuIn why TrevIsu does noI dIsIInguIsh be-
Iween Ihe meusurIng IhIng und Ihe ubsIrucI meusure
nuIuruI pIuce mukes Ihe IhIng und Ihe spuce II InhubIIs one
und Ihe sume. DescurIe`s unIverse Is IuII oI empIy spuce, Tre-
vIsu`s (und ArIsIoIIe`s) one mussIve InvenIory oI IhIngs. And
uII ob|ecIs In IhuI InvenIory, cups und cousIns uIIke, shure
one IeuIure In common.
The eIhIcuI sense oI Is cIeur In TrevIsu`s dIscus-
sIon. A IhIng Is |usIIy proporIIoned uccordIng Io whuI II Is
und does.
When Ihe consIderuIIon oI suIIIcIenI sIze und
shupe concerns someIhIng us InconsequenIIuI us u spoon,
Ihe eIIsIon oI meusuremenI und eIhIcs, oI sIze und IuncIIon,
oI shupe und nuIure, oI seemIng und beIng seems benIgn
enough. BuI when Ihe sIze oI u nuIIon or gross domesIIc
producI or un IndIvIduuI`s physIque Is under dIscussIon, Ihe
IdeoIogIcuI ussumpIIons ubouI un ob|ecI`s proper
show IhemseIves Io be more Iouded. We shouId Iuke serIous-
Iy Ihe Ideu oI Iorm us un eIhIcuI IImII buI Iry noneIheIess Io
keep II dIsIIncI Irom prescrIpIIons ubouI whuI Is $unnuIuruI."
The eurIy modern scIenIIsIs hud good reusons Ior mechunIz-
Ing muIIer und IreeIng shupes Irom IwuddIe ubouI essenIIuI
nuIures. YeI Ihe Iessons Io be Iuken Irom Ihese ouIduIed
spoonIuIs oI huvIng u cup Ior u cousIn, eIhIcuI IImIIs,
suIIIcIency ruIher Ihun eIIIcIency us Ihe crIIerIon oI meus-
uremenIseem cenIruI Io uny currenI consIderuIIon oI Ihe
ecoIogIcuI und Io phIIosophIcuI eIIorIs Io reIhInk muIIer. LesI
II be IhoughI IhuI meusuremenI, uIwuys reIuIIve, opens u
wIndow oI cerIIIude onIo Ihe reuI, cuII II mIs-represenIuIIon.
LeI us mIsrepresenI more. Puce LeIbnIz, ~.

q~~ b~~, b8.
OxIord LngIIsh DIcIIonury (OLD), s.v. ~ (n.).

Lowell Duckert

II you seek Io creuIe, Iove sprIngs, IounIuIns, precIous
sIones, Ihe hIgh summIIs oI mounIuIns, Ihe Iuyers oI Ihe on-
Ion, Ihe Ieuves oI Ihe urIIchoke, Ihe Iook oI Ihe seu IIon, ger-
mInuI ceIIs, chIIdren, uII IIIIed Io bursIIng wIIh InIormuIIon
IIke bIue supergIunIs.
MIcheI Serres, q q~ h

AIIer Ihe bIood-smeured BruIus crIes Ior !'peuce, Ireedom,
und IIberIy!`" (3.1.111) In IronI oI Ihe conIused musses In
WIIIIum Shukespeure`s g `~~ (1b99), AnIony Iukes Ihe
He knows how Io swuy Ihe crowd. UnIurIIng Cue-
sur`s wIII, he procIuIms Ihe cIIIzens Cuesur`s heIrs" beIIer yeI,
!every severuI mun" Is Io receIve !sevenIy-IIve druchmus"
I wIsh Io Ihunk Ihe uudIences uI Ihe 2012 InIernuIIonuI Congress
on MedIevuI SIudIes (KuIumuzoo) !LcoIogIes" roundIubIe und uI Ihe
GW MLMSI symposIum !LcoIogIes oI Ihe Inhumun" In AprII 2013 Ior
IheIr creuIIve responses, us weII us JeIIrey Jerome Cohen Ior hIs Ieed-
q k p~~, eds. SIephen GreenbIuII eI uI., 2nd edn.
(New York: W.W. NorIon, 2008). AII quoIuIIons Irom Shukespeure
reIer Io IhIs edIIIon, by ucI, scene, und IIne numbers.


(3.1.232). The crowd Is ouIruged by Ihe ussussIns` deed. BuI
AnIony suves Ihe besI sIIpuIuIIon Ior IusI. WhuI InIurIuIes Ihe
pIebeIuns Is someIhIng even more desIrubIe Ihun Ihese
perks, Cuesur`s ~:

Moreover, he huIh IeII you uII hIs wuIks,
HIs prIvuIe urbours und new-pIunIed orchurds,
On IhIs sIde TIber" he huIh IeII Ihem you,
And Io your heIrs Ior ever, common pIeusures,
To wuIk ubroud, und recreuIe yourseIves.
Here wus u Cuesur! when comes such unoIher

IrIends, #omuns, counIrymen, Iend me your gurden sheurs.
The word !recreuIe," II seems, cun !IIII up OIympus" (3.1.7b).
Or ruIse u mob. So whuI Is In u word !#ecreuIIon" und IIs
vurIunIs ure oI MIddIe LngIIsh orIgIn vIu OId Irench und LuI-
In: ~ meuns !Io creuIe unew or uguIn, Io resIore, re-
Iresh, revIve." SImIIurIy, !re-creuIIon" comes Irom ~,
!Ihe ucIIon or process oI resIorIng," IuIer Io be Ihe LngIIsh
IormuIuIIon oI Ihe preIIx J (!uguIn") + ~ (c. 1400s).
LngIIsh verb Iorms IIke !recreuIe" IoIIowed shorIIy IhereuI-
AIIhough In common duy usuge we dIIIerenIIuIe Ihe Iwo
meunIngs Ihrough pronuncIuIIon, Shukespeure coIIupses
boIh. !To wuIk ubroud, und recreuIe yourseIves" Is Io re-
creuIe !yourseIves" ubroud sImuIIuneousIy.
AnIonyI shouId suy Shukespeureknew hIs LuIIn. In
hIs euIogy, !recreuIe" sIgnuIs: (1) Io be reIreshed wIIh !com-
mon pIeusures" IIke !wuIkIng ubroud" Ihrough !prIvuIe
urbours und new-pIunIed orchurds"" (2) Ihe ucI oI re-
creuIIon, Io !re-creuIe yourseIves" by IukIng IhIs wuIk" (3) Ihe
pIuywrIghI`s re-creuIIon oI Cuesur`s murder Ior Ihe GIobe
TheuIre In 1b99. Indeed, Ihe pIuy dweIIs on Ihe urI oI re-
creuIIon: !How muny uges hence," CussIus wonders, !ShuII
IhIs our IoIIy scene be ucIed over, I In sIuIes unborn und uc-
cenIs yeI unknown!" (3.1.112114). Shukespeure`s busIness Is
In Ihe pubIIc recreuIIon known us IheuIre-goIng, un ucIIvIIy
IhuI re-creuIes pIuys !Io your heIrs Iorever" (4). LusIIy, und
IhIs Is AnIony`s sIrongesI poInI, Cuesur cunnoI be re-creuIed:
!When comes such unoIher" #ecreuIIon (und re-creuIIon),
In u word, ~. And Ihe desIre Ior II, Ihe pIuy cuuIIons, cun
desIroy. The cIIIzens shouI IhuI Ihey wIII !wIIh brunds IIre uII

See Ihe OxIord LngIIsh DIcIIonury (OLD) enIrIes Ior ~I KN
und ~I KO In purIIcuIur.

Ihe IruIIors` houses" (3.2.244). #ome wIII burn. !DomesIIc
Iury und IIerce cIvII sIrIIe," pIedges AnIony, !ShuII cumber uII
Ihe purIs oI IIuIy" (3.1.266-7). PoeIs und IheIr !bud verses"
wIII be Iorn upurI (3.3.30). As wIII InIunIs. #eud In IhIs con-
IexI, recreuIIon does noI Ieud Io resIoruIIon or repIenIsh-
menI, buI Io pIeces uIIume. !Cry 'huvoc` und IeI sIIp Ihe dogs
oI wur" (3.1.276), !#evenge! AbouI! Seek! Burn! IIre! KIII!
SIuy!" (3.2.196) shouI Ihe pIebeIuns In unIson. ThIs Is Ihe
course oI recreuIIon, Ihe !wuIk" IhuI AnIony ImugInes In hIs
hoIocuusIIc vIsIon: !MIschIeI, Ihou urI uIooI. I Tuke Ihou
whuI course Ihou wIII" (3.2.2b0). #ecreuIIon Is uII Ihe ruge
und II sIIII Is Ioduy. When Ihe UnIIed SIuIes governmenI shuI
down Irom OcIober 1-17 2013, so dId Ihe NuIIonuI Purk Ser-
vIce. Across Ihe counIry, cIvIIIy dIsobedIenI cIIIzens IhreuI-
ened Io IIIeguIIy Irespuss (und more).
c ~ ~


In hIs umpIe essuy, d~W ^ b~ e~ `J
, #oberI Pogue HurrIson urgues IhuI sIudyIng Ihe !Iorces
oI cuIIIvuIIon" uI work In mun-mude gurdens encouruges
whuI he cuIIs u !vocuIIon oI cure."
Gurdens show !Ihe murk
oI Curu," !u sIgnuIure oI Ihe humun ugency Io whIch Ihey
owe IheIr exIsIence" (7). No one Is beIIer uI exempIIIyIng IhIs
murk, he beIIeves, Ihun Ihe gurdener (2b). Cure Is IooseIy de-
IIned us !un expunsIve pro|ecIIon oI Ihe InIrInsIc ecsIusy oI
IIIe," whIIe IIIe Is !un excess . . . Ihe seII-ecsIusy oI muIIer.
Cure In Iurn Is u worId-IormIng, eIhIcuIIy Iuden exIensIon oI .
. . Ierru-IormIng Iorces" (33). In u wuy, HurrIson`s uIIenIIon Io
enchunImenI (39) und !seII-ecsIusy" neurIy uIIgns hIs sIudy
wIIh Ihe !vIIuI muIerIuIIsm" oI June BenneII.
YeI us one
couId surmIse by Ihe subIIIIe oI hIs book, d~ cuIIIvuIes
u humbIer kInd oI unIhropocenIrIsm. Gurdens !murk our

UIuh purks were purIIcuIurIy IurgeIed: hIIp:IIwww.npr.orgIbIogsI
#oberI Pogue HurrIson, d~W ^ b~ e~ `
(ChIcugo: UnIversIIy oI ChIcugo Press, 2008), xI.
See June BenneII, s~ j~W ^ m~ b q
(Durhum: Duke UnIversIIy Press, 2010) und uIso her book q bJ
~ j iW ^~I `I ~ b
(PrInceIon: PrInceIon UnIversIIy Press, 2001).

sepuruIIon Irom nuIure even us Ihey druw us cIoser Io II"
(41). In Ihe Iuce oI IhIs uIIenuIIon, Ihe gurdener musI end-
IessIy IoII: II Is onIy Ihrough Ihe !gurdener`s ucIIvIsmIhe
puInsIukIng, compensuIory work oI IosIerIng Ihe suvIng
power oI humun cuIIure" (161), IhuI envIronmenIuI desIruc-
IIon (by humuns) muy be curbed. !WIIhouI gurdeners Ihere
wouId be no IuIure," he buIdIy cIuIms (37). Thus humun
ugency Is dIsIrIbuIed umongsI urborous IhIngs und
oI u suIvIIIc Iorce. HereIn IIes Ihe purudox, HurrIson beIIeves:
us we boIh dreud und chuse uIIer ImugInury purudIses, us
desIre desIres more oI IIseII, !our uIIempIs Io re-creuIe Lden
umounI Io un ussuuII on creuIIon" (16b). InsIeud, we !need Io
muke ourseIves uI home on un eurIh IhuI does noI necessurI-
Iy muke room Ior us" (48) und yeI Is !u gurden we were cuIIed
on Io keep" (176). The humun gurdener, we mIghI suy, heIps
show us whuI condIIIon our ecoIogIcuI condIIIon Is In. Go
uheud: muke yourseII uI home. JusI remember: humun hup-
pIness Is someIhIng IhuI !onIy cureIukIng IuIIIIIs" (166).
To HurrIson`s worIhwhIIe uIIempI Io cuIIIvuIe u beIIer
commonshe Is rIghI Io check Ihe cuIIous hund oI humun
musIeryI wIsh Io IhInk beyond whuI I beIIeve Io be severuI
seII-resIrIcIIng conIInes oI hIs book: hIs udmIssIon oI un un-
reuchubIe nuIuruI order IhuI sIIII ImpIIes u sense oI order"

Ihe nonhumun dependence upon humun cure" Ihe ImpIIed
dIvIsIon oI nuIure Irom cuIIure" hIs IImIIIng oI (u) IIIe Io ~J
~ muIIer. AI Ihese momenIs we musI usk ourseIves: cun
we IeII beIIer nurruIIves ubouI co-hubIIuIIon BeIIer yeI:
couId Shukespeure The eurIy modern perIod hus pIenIy oI
gurden spuces rIpe Ior InvesIIguIIon, us muny crIIIcs huve
und yeI, I Ieur IhuI gurden sIudIes muy |usI us eusIIy
repIIcuIe un eIhos oI humun sepuruIIon und suIvuIIon. By
decenIerIng Ihe humun gurdenerby quesIIonIng Ihe reuIIIy
oI u !cenIer" IIseIIIhIs essuy uIIempIs Io IormuIuIe u dIIIer-
enI recreuIIonuI eIhIc. !Gurden" comes Irom Ihe OId LngIIsh
word ~ Ior !buIIdIng, home, regIon" und Is reIuIed eIy-
moIogIcuIIy Io !orchurd" Ihrough !yurd."
Thus Cuesur`s (und

HurrIson muInIuIns IhuI !we musI uIwuys remember IhuI nuIure
hus IIs own order und IhuI humun gurdens . . . brIng order Io
nuIure" Ihey gIve order Io our reIuIIon wIIh nuIure" (d~, 48).
A good exumpIe Is #ebeccu BushneII, d aW f~ b~
j b d~ (IIhucu: CorneII UnIversIIy Press, 2000).
Thomus HIII`s q d~ i~ (1b77) Is u popuIur prImury
SImon Schumu, i~~ ~ j (New York: VInIuge Books,

`~~`s) orchurd muy heIp us IhInk ouIsIde oI !purk" (whIch
meuns !pen") und more In Ierms oI Ihe !househoId," Ihe J
oI "ecoIogy." AIIow me u quIck wuIk-Ihrough: (1) Ihe pIuy
hIghIIghIs Ihe vIoIence oI poIIIIcuI umbIIIon seI uguInsI envI-
ronmenIuI enmeshmenI, (2) u posIIIon IhuI mugnIIIes Ihe
hIsIorIcuI sIruggIes cenIered uround Ihe creuIIon oI London`s
IIrsI purk, MooreIIeIds, und IhuI (3) unIorIunuIeIy exIends Io
Ihe presenI-duy In Ihe ouIdoor sensuIIon known us !Shuke-
speure In Ihe Purk." I urgue IhuI such sIruggIes In Ihe nume oI
recreuIIon muy redeIIne, or !recompose,"
Ihe humun body,
Ihe cIvIc purk, und Ihe IheuIrIcuI pIuyspuce us nuIure-cuIIure
hybrId sIIes, us J~ spuces. These IruIy ~ sIIes
udumbruIe un envIronmenIuI eIhIcs IhuI wouId muke room
Ior us muny beIngs us possIbIe, one IhuI oIIers uIIernuIIves Io
reInvIgoruIed georgIc modes (humun sIewurdshIp) us our
soIe IuIure. WhIIe sIressIng Ihe cosIs oI humun ugency Is
necessury, we shouId uIso muke room Ior Ihose nonhumun
powers IhuI consIIIuIe our puIIuIuIIng worId" In shorI, we
musI open our recreuIIonuI umbIIs Io heuIIhy modes oI sur-
vIvuI, us I wIII show, und become more InIImuIe. BuI muybe I
um Ioo IdeuIIsIIc, you cIuIm, |usI us Ihe wouId-be emperor
uIIered beIore hIs deuIh: !He Is u dreumer. LeI us Ieuve hIm.
Puss!" (1.2.26). Leuve me, ghosI oI Cuesurs pusI! InsIeud oI
pussIng up IhIs opporIunIIy, I wIII seIze IIIhIs Is Ihe moIIo
oI Ihe conspIruIors, uIIer uII: !There Is u IIde In Ihe uIIuIrs oI"
nonIhumuns (4.2.270). Muke room! WuIk wIIh me.


!Is IhIs u hoIIduy" IIuvIus usks Ihe !IdIe creuIures" In Ihe
pIuy`s second IIne (1.1.12). g `~~ opens wIIh un In-
IerroguIIon oI IhIngs wuIkIng ubroud when Ihey !oughI noI
wuIk" (1.1.3). In u Iumous exchunge Ihe nIghI beIore Cuesur`s
deuIh, Cuscu und CIcero perumbuIuIe In un eIemenIuI
IempesI: seus sweII us hIgh us Ihe cIouds, IIre drIps Irom
ubove (1.3). WuIkIng Ihe sIreeIs wIIh sIrungers who unnuIu-
ruIIy wuIkIIons, !men uII In IIre" (1.3.2b)sIgnuI bud IImes
Io come Ior Cuscu: !Ihey ure porIenIous IhIngs I UnIo Ihe
cIImuIe IhuI Ihey poInI upon" (1.3.2832). CIcero emphusIzes
how meunIng Is ~ ouI oI IhIs chuos: !BuI men muy con-
sIrue IhIngs uIIer IheIr IushIon, I CIeun Irom Ihe purpose oI

199b), b34.
See Bruno LuIour, !An AIIempI uI u 'ComposIIIonIsI MunIIesIo,`"
k i~ e 41 (2010): 471490.

Ihe IhIngs IhemseIves" (1.3.349b). CussIus repIIes wIIh u
sense oI InIenIIonuIIIy: when IhIngs chunge Irom !IheIr ordI-
nunce, I TheIr nuIures, und perIorm$d IucuIIIes, I To
monsIrous quuIIIy," he wurns, Ihe heuvens huve mude Ihem
!InsIrumenIs oI Ieur und wurnIng I UnIo some monsIrous
sIuIe" (1.3.6671). As ubove, so beIow. BoIh Cuscu und Cus-
sIus depend on u kInd oI ordered chuos: Ihere meunIng
(Cuesur`s dIcIuIorshIp) behInd Ihe mudness Ior Ihe IIrsI,
whIIe CIcero, musIer oruIor und symboI oI rheIorIcuI IogIc,
usserIs humuns` ubIIIIy Io render even Ihe mosI phunIusmIc
phenomenu InIo ruIIonuI expIunuIIons. YeI Ihe IhIngs Ihem-
seIves exerI IheIr dIsrupIIve Iorce: !IhIs dIsIurb$d sky I Is noI
Io wuIk In" (1.3.3940). By IhIs conversuIIon, one wouId noI
IhInk Io recreuIe oneseII In Ihe pIuy: overuII, wuIks ure coded
dungerous und InIecIIous, ucIs oI vuInerubIIIIy. CuIpurnIu
bIds Cuesur noI Io wuIk on Ihe Ides: !ThInk you Io wuIk IorIh
I You shuII noI sIIr ouI oI your house Ioduy" (2.2.89). PorIIu
recognIzes BruIus`s sIck gurden sIuIe oI mInd: !And Is II
physIcuI I To wuIk unbruc$d und suck up Ihe humours I OI
Ihe dunk mornIng" (2.1.260262). !You huve some sIck oI-
Ience wIIhIn your mInd" (2.1.267), she IeIIs hIm. The ghosI oI
Cuesur wuIks ubroud on Ihe eve oI buIIIe. !Cuesur, now be
sIIII" (b.b.b0) ure BruIus`s IusI words, suIcIde hIs IusI opIIon Io
sIIII Ihe resIIess wuIkers who IormenI hIm. Do noI wuIk, Ihe
pIuy uppeurs Io cuuIIon: Ihere ure Ioo muny nuIuruI (dump)
und supernuIuruI (undeud) IhIngs In Ihe worId IhuI ceuse-
IessIy sIIr und move ouI oI IheIr !ordInunce."
We wIII huve heurd !wuIk" Ien IImes beIore we geI Io Cue-
sur`s wIII" verIIy, we ure seI up Ior !wury wuIkIng" (2.1.1b) by
IhIs poInI In Ihe pIuy. AnIony`s promIse, Ihen, wouId seem Io
IuIIer. BuI Io Ihe unpredIcIubIe !wuIk" und !wuIks ubroud"
IhuI IhreuIen oIhers, Cuesur und hIs IuvorIIe Iuke conIroI In u
ecopoIIIIcuI wuy: vIu Ihe !umbII" oI !umbIIIon." !AmbII"
comes Irom Ihe LuIIn ~ (!cIrcuII") Irom ~ (!go
uround") und Ihus couId meun !precIncIs, envIrons" und Ihe
cunvusIng oI voIes IhuI !umbIIIon" connoIes. Though noI
reIuIed eIymoIogIcuIIy, IheIr ~~ huve hIghIy-
resIrIcIed umbIIs. In regurds Io Ihe pernIcIous ouIsIde worId,
Ihey do noI muke room Ior II, preIerrIng Io keep sIruy IhIngs
uI u dIsIunce or conIuIn Ihem wIIhIn InsIdeIouIsIde cIrcuIIs.
The conspIruIors recognIze IhIs poIIcy: Cuesur`s body, Cus-
sIus beIIeves, Is ouI oI bounds, encompussIng everyIhIng, u
!CoIossus"" Ihey !wuIk under hIs huge Iegs und peep ubouI I
To IInd ourseIves dIshonourubIe gruves" (1.2.142, 136139).
The co-ussussInuIors ure IIIeruIIy !IIngs" (1.2.142, my

emphusIs). Ior hIs uIIempIs Io encIose #ome IIseII (Ihereby
mukIng II u gurden dIcIuIor sIuIe), Cuesur deserves Io dIe:
!When couId Ihey suy IIII now, IhuI IuIk`d oI #ome, I ThuI her
wIde wuIIs encompuss`d buI one mun I Now II Is #ome In-
deed und room enough, I When Ihere Is In II buI onIy one
mun" (1.2.1bb1b8). By CussIus`s deIInIIIon, #ome IeeIs Ihe
squeeze oI u neur-ImperIuI umbII IhuI Ihey IeeI obIIguIed Io
curIuII. And we uII know whuI BruIus IhoughI ubouI Cuesur:
he persuudes Ihe pIebeIuns Io IhInk IhuI !he wus I umbI-
IIous" (3.1.2b) beIore AnIony Iukes hIs Iurn. HIs IoIIow-up
IumousIy repeuIs !umbIIIous" seven IImes durIng hIs speech"
Ihe poInI cunnoI be mIssed: !he Cuesur wus umbIIIous"
(3.2.83). BuI why shouId Ihe mob cure AnIony In IucI Iurns
umbIIIon Io hIs udvunIuge by pIuyIng upon Ihe pIebeIuns`
Iove oI cIrcuIIous spuces IhuI Ihey wIsh Io go uround. Cuesur
~ umbIIIous by IorcIng Ihe Iundscupe InIo u purIIcuIur um-
bIIun encIosed gurden spuceIor whIch Ihey shouId be
IhunkIuI. ThIs CoIossus Iubored every duy Ior IheIr hoIIduys.
AnIony suys Io wuIk wuy, und Ihey IoIIow.
LosI In IhIs debuIe concernIng #omun !wuIks" und cen-
sured over-sIeppers, however, Is uny room Ior Ihe nonhu-
mun" Ihere Is noI !room enough" Ior !new pIunIed or-
churds." In IhIs unIhropocenIrIc poIIIIcuI urenu, uny demo-
crucy oI ob|ecIs uccedes Io un empIre oI sub|ecIs.
speure uccenIuuIes Ihe persIsIency oI IhIs ~ sIruIegy,
Ior II currIes on uIIer Cuesur`s deuIh, re-urrIvIng IIke u ghosI
In Ihe IIgure oI AnIony. When AnIony descends Irom Ihe
puIpII, he mukes u !rIng" uround hIm (3.2.1b8)" hIs new um-
bII puIs hIm uI Ihe cenIer oI reIuIIons, und Irom Ihe !heurse"
beurIng Cuesur`s body, no Iess: !Over Ihy wounds now do I
prophesy" (3.2.1b9" 3.1.262). ThIs soon-Io-be-IrIumvIr ex-
Iends Ihe #omun wIII oI umbIIIon Io envIron Ihe dIsrupIIve
envIronmenI. AnyIhIng ouI oI order Is meI wIIh uggressIon"
when Ihe !sweuIy" popuIuce wIIh !sIInkIng breuIh" comes
Ioo cIose (1.2.24424b), AnIhony excIuIms: !Nuy, press noI so
upon me. SIund Iurre oII" (3.2.161). AII Ihe pIebeIuns obey:
!SIund buck! #oom! Beur buck!" (3.2.162). Lven when Ihe
nonhumun guIns expressIon, II Is Io echo u humun voIce Ior
|usIIce: !u Iongue I In every wound oI Cuesur IhuI shouId
move I The sIones oI #ome Io rIse und muIIny" (3.2.219
221). One deuIs wIIh wuywurd IhIngs IhuI !wuIk ubroud" by
huckIng Ihem buck, denyIng Ihem IheIr voIceby ,

I borrow IhIs phruse Irom LevI BryunI, q a~ l
(Ann Arbor: Open HumunIIIes PressIMPubIIshIng, 2011).

In u word. !ThIs IouI deed shuII smeII ubove Ihe eurIh," An-
Iony beIIeves, buI he Is wrong (3.1.277). `~~ noI onIy ex-
poses Ihe unIhropocenIrIcIIy oI recreuIIon, II uIso shows IIs
poIenIIuI dumuges: |usI us #ome musI be suwed Ihrough cIvII
wur In order Io re-creuIe IIseII, Ihe TIber musI be Iumed und
hewn Ior IIs cIIIzens Io recreuIe IhemseIves. SIurIng uI Ihe
corpse oI Cuesur, AnIony conIIuIes boIh ucIs oI vIoIence In u
shorI phruse: !O purdon me," he crIes, !Ihou bIeedIng pIece
oI eurIh" (3.1.2b7). And In Ihe nume oI #omun re-creuIIon,
Ihe !eurIh" bIeed. Shukespeure mugnIIIes Ihe IhIrd posI-
IIon Ihrough AnIony`s IumenI. So I repeuI IIuvIus`s quesIIon:
!Is IhIs u hoIIduy" q\ A Ioo-humun Iorm oI recreuIIon
overIooks Ihe sIuII whIch we ure encompussed,
whIch we !go uround," und whIch we ure mude: !Ihou . . .
eurIh." Is II IIrsI wur, Ihen peuceIuI hoIIduy, AnIony No: IIrsI
wur, Ihen wur. c ~ ~ .


c N: Mup oI London druwn by AnIhonIs vun den Wyngerrude
(1bb8) und engruved by IruncIscus Hogenberg (1bb9). MoorguIe und
MoorIIeIds ure cenIer-IeII. NoIe Ihe sIroIIers und wushers wIIhIn Ihe
purk, und u Ione IIgure (peeIng) on Ihe IeII.

I huve been urguIng IhuI `~~`s purks muIIer, und suIIer,
Ihrough humun umbIIIons. I now wIsh Io IIIusIruIe how IhIs

recreuIIonuI sIruggIe In Ihe pIuy reveuIedIndeed InIensI-
IIedeurIy modern LngIIsh green desIres us weII us dIspuIes.
As D.J. HopkIns urgues, `~~ Is u !~ ~"
IhuI munIIesIs !Ihe hIsIory oI one oI Ihe mu|or urbun deveI-
opmenIs In London durIng IhIs perIod: Ihe emergence oI Ihe
pubIIc IheuIre," Ihereby demonsIruIIng Ihe co-producIIon oI
urbun spuce.
!More Ihun |usI u sIIe In represenIuIIon, eurIy
modern London wus equuIIy produced In perIormunce" (48).
As u #omun cIIy once known us !LondInIum" (Iounded c. b0
C.L.), IIs sIreeIs und sIuges dIspIuyed hybrIdIzuIIons oI pusI
und presenI, IIke Jumes I`s IrIumphuI enIry In 1604 (4647).
SInce HopkIns Is enguged prImurIIy wIIh concepIIons oI cIvIc
spuce, I wIsh Io exIend hIs urgumenI ubouI perIormuIIve
hybrIdIIy Io nuIure-cuIIure spuces In eurIy modern LngIund
us weII. I beIIeve IhuI Ihe pIuy wus purIIy In response Io, und
Ied Io u movemenI Ior, !common pIeusures" In London.
There ure reusons why Ihe pIuy`s !prIvuIe urbours und new-
pIunIed orchurds" were poInIs oI conIenIIon Ior uudIence
members: Cuesur`s wIII dIscIoses Ihe Iuck (ucIuuIIy, nonexIsI-
ence) oI cIvIc purks Ior London`s own pIebeIuns. HIsIorIun
KeIIh Thomus noIes IhuI whIIe pubIIc purks were noI popuIur
unIII uIIer Ihe #esIoruIIon, !In Ihe eurIy modern perIod
pIunIIng Ior ornumenI und umenIIy guIned momenIum, pur-
IIcuIurIy In Ihe Iowns."
Trees In Londoners` gurdens were
common sInce Ihe IweIIIh cenIury. IIowers uppeuIed Io
IownsIoIk und mosI Tudor homes hud gurdens oI some sorI
where Ihey couId grow Iood. NorwIch wus once known us u
buddIng !gurden cIIy," descrIbed us !'eIIher u cIIy In un or-
churd or un orchurd In u cIIy, so equuIIy ure houses und Irees
pIunIed`" (20b). Orchurds IIke Ihese couId conIuse dIsIInc-
IIons beIween !nuIuruI" und !buIII" envIronmenIs, cIIy und
counIry, und commoners IncreusIngIy Iound In Ihese hybrId
mIddIes uesIheIIc ruIher Ihun mere use vuIue: !Trees . . . were
now pIunIed und cherIshed Ior umenIIy`s suke uIone" (204).
YeI Ihe desIre Ior pIeusure pIunIIng hud IIs uggressIve
sIde. In IhIs brIeI ecomuIerIuI hIsIory I um IryIng Io Iruce, we

D.J. HopkIns, !PerIormunce und Urbun Spuce In Shukespeure`s
#ome, or 'S.P.Q.L,`" In !~~ p~~W ^ ~
!~ b~ j b p~, eds. Bryun #eyn-
oIds und WIIIIum N. WesI (New York: PuIgruve MucmIIIun, 200b), 40.
KeIIh Thomus, j~ ~ k~~ tW `~ ^
b~ NRMMJNUMM (New York: OxIord UnIversIIy Press, 1983), 204.
The IoIIowIng hIsIorIcuI InIormuIIon comes Irom ChupIer b (!Trees
und IIowers"), secIIon II (!Tree-PIunIIng").

cun gIImpse severuI possIbIe reusons why LngIIsh pIebeIuns
wouId rumpuge uIong Ihe Thumes Ior IheIr greener spuces.
ArIsIocruIIc pIunIIng wus u Iurge-scuIe operuIIon: LIIzube-
Ihuns IIke SIr WIIIIum HuIIon were commended Ior pIunIIng
groves (206), und such prucIIces heIped soIIdIIy cIuss IInes.
LuIer domesIIc gurdenIng wouId become Iess oI un exIensIon
oI nuIure-cuIIure conIInuums und more oI u mugnIIIcuIIon
oI Ihe humun IogIc oI ImprovemenI (!cuIIIvuIIon").
conIroversIuI, perhups, wus Ihe IucI IhuI envIronmenIuI deg-
ruduIIon oIIen InvoIved Ihe dIspIucemenI oI Iower socIuI
cIusses. As Thomus IumousIy sIuIes:

DIspurkIng, encIosure oI chuses, encrouchmenI on Ihe
commons, Ihe Iux udmInIsIruIIon oI Ihe royuI IoresIs und
Ihe sIeudy reducIIon In IheIr exIenI: uII meunI Ihe cIeur-
Ing oI woodIund und Ihe IeIIIng oI Irees. II wus noI on
Tower HIII IhuI Ihe uxe mude IIs mosI ImporIunI conIrI-
buIIon Io LngIIsh hIsIory. (193)

Thus Ihe recreuIIonuI desIre Ior purks sprung Irom such crI-
ses us Ihe deIoresIuIIon oI IocuI und nuIIonuI IoresIs uI Ihe
Iurn oI Ihe sevenIeenIh cenIury, Ihe rupIdIy dImInIshIng
umounI oI reudy wood us u consequence, und Ihe IncreusIng
!'de-ruruIIzuIIon` oI Ihe Iowns." I wIII noI go InIo Ioo much
deIuII here concernIng hIsIorIcuI encIosure reguIuIIons or
royuI und urIsIocruIIc hunIIng prIvIIeges In reIuIIon Io Shuke-
speure`s pIuysIhIs hus been done InIeIIIgenIIy eIsewhere.

BuI I do wunI Io specuIuIe on whuI !prIvuIe urbours" wouId
huve con|ured In hIs uudIences` mInds. ProbubIy !purks,"
royuI IoresIs proIecIed by Iuw" In Thomus`s opInIon, royuI
conservuIIon sIIII sIunds us u noIubIe uIIempI Io conserve u
Iurge purI oI LngIund, IIs gume, und Ihe growIng InIeresIs In
deer purks. Lven so, II Is noI Ioo Iur-IeIched Io IhInk IhuI An-

The Duke oI BeuuIorI, Ior exumpIe, pIuced hIs house In Ihe cenIer
oI u sIur cuI Irom Ihe IoresI, demonsIruIIng, In Thomus`s esIImuIIon,
!hIs power Io munIpuIuIe Ihe IIves und envIronmenI oI Iesser mor-
IuIs und emphusIzed Ihe uII IocuI uvenues oI power converged upon
hIm" (207).
See, Ior exumpIe, Todd A. BorIIk, b ~ b~ j
b i~W d m~ (New York: #ouIIedge, 2011), esp.
ChupIers 2 und b" VIn NurdIzzI, t lW p~~ q~
~ b~ q (ToronIo: UnIversIIy oI ToronIo Press, 2013)"
und #oberI N. WuIson, _~ k~W q d ~ !~
i~ !~~ (PhIIudeIphIu: UnIversIIy oI PennsyIvunIu Press,
2006), esp. ChupIer 3.

Iony`s menIIon couId uggruvuIe conIemporury cIuss sIrug-
gIes: !Ihe domesIIc economy oI Ihe poor" cIushed wIIh Ihe
!recreuIIon oI u prIvIIeged Iew" who soughI IhIs gume (200).
MIghI Londoners huve expressed IheIr dIssuIIsIucIIon wIIh u
dIIIerenI kInd oI !green ImperIuIIsm"
The seIzure oI LIIzu-
beIhun royuI IoresI und deer purks dId noI uIwuys precIpIIuIe
u IrunsIer Io Ihe peopIewhIch Is whuI Cuesur`s ImperIuIIsm
(Ihe wIII) hud promIsed Io do. AIIhough spuces were suscep-
IIbIe Io !dIspurkIng" (193) und gIven Io cuIIIe, II Is noI cIeur
IhuI Ihe Iund wouId huve been used specIIIcuIIy Ior economIc
guIn" us prevIousIy menIIoned, pIunIIng Ior uesIheIIc pIeus-
ure wus IushIonubIe. NeverIheIess, cuses oI IurnIng urubIe
Iund InIo pIeusure gurdens Ior Ihe suke oI ornumenIuIIon
someIImes InvoIved Ihe dIsIocuIIon oI vIIIuges und IheIr In-
hubIIunIs. WhuI Is cIeur In uII oI Ihese con|ecIures, however,
Is IhuI uny conIIIcI oI Ihe commons, wIIh uny umounI oI
compeIIng desIres, musI breuk Irom Ihe nurrow resIrIcIIons
oI ~ cIuss. #Ichurd WIIson urgues In cuIIuruI muIerIuIIsI
IushIon IhuI `~~ Ieuves !Ihe scurs oI u muIerIuI sIruggIe,"

und, IIkewIse, HopkIns`s predomInunIIy cuIIuruI reudIng Is In
u coIIecIIon cuIIed !~~ p~~. YeI us we
huve seen so Iur, Ihe eurIy modern LngIIshpIuygoers und
uxemenwere IeuvIng !scurs" upon Ihe !muIerIuI" eurIh
IIseII. II Is IIme Io remuIerIuIIze dIIIerenIIyecomuIerIuI-
IzenoI Io repeuI Issues oI cIuss onIy,
buI Io cIrcumvenI
nuIureIcuIIure und envIronmenIuI heuIIhI|usIIce bInurIes uI
once. InIo Ihese vurIousIy verdunI responsessocIo-eco-
nomIc, poIIIIcuI, und uesIheIIcIhe wooden muIIer oI Irees
Iuke Ihe eurIy modern sIuge.
As u pIuy known Ior IIs muIIIIemporuIIIy#ome`s unuch-
ronIsIIc cIocks (2.1), Ior exumpIeII shouId noI be surprIsIng
IhuI `~~ enIoIds humuns und nonhumuns In uddIIIon Io
pusI und presenI. In hIs InnovuIIve book t l, VIn
NurdIzzI urgues IhuI eurIy modern pIuys documenIed Ihe
ecocrIsIs oI wood shorIugemuIIIpIy deIIned us IoresI, gur-
dens, purks, und IImbernoI onIy In IheuIrIcuI represenIu-
IIon, buI Ihrough Ihe exucI subsIunce oI whIch props und
IheuIres were mude. Once ucIors enchunIed Ihe !deud

#eIerrIng Io #Ichurd Grove, d f~W `~ b~J
I q~ f~ b ~ l b~
NSMMJNUSM (CumbrIdge: CumbrIdge UnIversIIy Press, 199b).
#Ichurd WIIson, g `~~ (London: PenguIn, 1992), 40.
See NurdIzzI`s t l (b983) Ior u smurI reudIng oI cIuss und
envIronmenIuI proIesI In Ihe sIugIng oI q j t t.

wood" (23) oI Ihe pIuyhouse, IIs muIerIuIIIy chuIIenged In-
sIdeIouIsIde bInurIes" uudIence members, he urgues, were
uIreudy InsIde Ihe woods: !represenIuIIons oI IIvIng Irees
overIuy Ihe pIuyhouse`s exIerIor IImbers, remIndIng vIewers
IhuI IheuIres were (mude Irom) Irees . . . Ihe IheuIres dIsup-
peur behInd und InIo Ihe woods" (27). Props couId poInI up
Ihese !durker shudes oI green" (28), buI so couId drumuIIc
Iunguuge. When churucIers reIer Io Irees In deIcIIc und gesIIc
wuys!yon pIne does sIund" (4.13.1) Irom ^ ~ `J
~~, whIch mIghI huve meunI Ihe wooden coIumn oI Ihe
IheuIreIhey secure Ihe muIerIuI IInk beIween wood und
sIuge, whuI NurdIzzI cuIIs un !evergreen IunIusy oI Ihe IIrsI
order . . . cuIIuruI reuIIoresIuIIon" (24). Cuesur`s orchurds,
Ihen, couId Iup InIo IhIs IunIusy oI !sysIemuIIc repIunIIng"
(12) IhuI wus In response Io Ihe !rIch urruy oI eco-IunIusIes
und nIghImures ubouI Ihe shorIuge oI wood und IImber"
(24). We shouId uIso keep In mInd IhuI `~~ wus probubIy
Ihe IIrsI pIuy sIuged uI Ihe newIy opened wooden O, Ihe
GIobe, In 1b99u poInI oI muIerIuI sIgnIIIcunce. The !IhIs"
oI AnIony`s !IhIs sIde TIber" Ihen, couId druw uIIenIIon Io
Ihe dIsuppeurIng Irees uIong !IhIs sIde" Thumes, ouI- und
InsIde Ihe GIobe, u IheuIre IhuI murked u noIIceubIe uIIeru-
IIon Io Ihe BunksIde Iundscupe und IhuI, uccordIng Io con-
Iemporury druwIngs, sIIII hud (vuInerubIe) IoresI uround II.
Thus Shukespeure`s reIerence Io unyIhIng !new-pIunIed" Is
noI |usI u sIuvIsh IoIIowIng oI hIs source, PIuIurch.
!durker" greenspuce oI drumuIIc producIIon puruIIeIs Ihe
nIghImure Iundscupe IhuI AnIony ImugInes Ihe mob enucI-
Ing und Ihe pIuy-ucIor AnIony IndIcuIes In greuIer !LondInI-
um" uI Iurge und uIong rIver: Ihe ruzed counIerpoInI Io Ihe
evergreen IunIusy oI pIeusures Ior uII.
AnIony`s crowd-pIquIng IrIbuIe Io Cuesur In 3.2 Is more
Ihun |usI u hIsIorIcuI wInk Io Ihe uudIence or u reuIIzuIIon
(perhups IoreIeIIIng) oI IheIr worsI ecoIogIcuI nIghImures.
Less Ihun u decude uIIer Ihe pIuy wus IIrsI perIormed, eurIy

Irom PIuIurch`s i j~ _: !Ior IIrsI oI uII, when Cue-
surs IesIumenI wus openIy red umonge Ihem, whereby II uppeured
IhuI he bequeuIhed unIo every CIIIzen oI #ome, 7b. Druchmus u
mun, und IhuI he IeII hIs gurdens und urbors unIo Ihe peopIe, whIch
he hud on IhIs sIde oI Ihe rIver oI Tyber, In Ihe pIuce where now Ihe
IempIe oI IorIune Is buIII: Ihe peopIe Ihen Ioved hIm, und were mur-
veIous sory Ior hIm." QuoIed In Ihe Arden Shukespeure 3rd edIIIon oI
g `~~, ed. DuvId DunIeII (WuIIon-on-Thumes: Thomus NeI-
son, 1998), 344.

modern LngIIsh cIIIzens vIsIIed London`s IIrsI cIvIc purk.
#Ichurd Johnson`s q ~~ ~ jJ (1607)
dIvuIges Londoners` IervenI und verdunI desIres Ior recreu-
IIon, uIIempIIng Io !seI downe u Iewe noIes oI uncIenI
recordes" concernIng u Ien-ucre pIoI oI Iund cuIIed Moor-
IIeIds neur Ihe MoorguIe.
Opened durIng Ihe reIgn oI Jumes
I, MoorIIeIds ouIIusIed Ihe GreuI IIre, survIvIng unIII u cur-
peIIng IucIory wus buIII Ihere In Ihe mId-eIghIeenIh cenIury.
Johnson provIdes u hIsIory oI Ihe purk und descrIpIIons oI
severuI key urchIIecIuruI sIIes uround II, endIng wIIh un en-
comIum Io London. HIs openIng Iunguuge creuIes un InIer-
pIuy beIween Ihe !uncIenI" records und Ihe modern cIIy, |usI
IIke how Ihe !uncIenI" IImes oI Cuesur`s cIussIcuI #ome und
Ihe !presenI-duy" eurIy modern cIIy InIersecI onsIuge. Add-
Ing Io IhIs IemporuI breukdown, he wrIIes hIs hIsIory us un
InIerpoIuIIve dIuIogue beIween u !London CIIIzen" und u
!CounIrey GenIIemun," In IheIr exchunge uIIempIIng un J
chunge beIween cIIy und counIry. TukIng hIs reuders on u
wuIkIng Iour oI pIeusures, Johnson Is us educuIIonuI us he Is
obsequIous. The knIghIs und uIdermen oI London ure Ihe
greuI Improvers: !Those sweeI und deIIghIIuII wuIks oI More
IIeIds (rIghI WorshIpIuII) us II seemes u Gurden Io IhIs CIIIy
und u pIeusurubIe pIuce oI sweeI uyres Ior CIIIIzens Io wuIke
In," he Iuuds, !now mude mosI beuuIIIuI by your good wor-
shIps uppoInImenI." BoIh IIeIds und mugIsIerIuI munIIIcence
ure on dIspIuy. !O you IIuIIerer!" (b.1) AnIony knows IhIs
IucIIc Ihe besI.
MoorIIeIds uppeurs Io be Ihe IdeuI cIvIc pIeusure gurden:
Ior Ihe peopIe, by Ihe peopIe. Lven !SIr i~ eJ
~ HoIIduy Ihen Lord MuIor" pIunIs Ihe IIrsI Iree. Once
beIongIng Io Iwo duughIers, Ihe Iund hud pussed Irom prI-
vuIe Io pubIIc hunds|usI whuI Ihe dIsgrunIIed pIebeIuns
demund In Ihe pIuy. BuI speukIng more urgenIIy Io Ihe hIs-
IorIcuI debuIes ubouI purks IhuI InIorm `~~, MoorIIeIds
ucIuuIIy urose Irom cIvII dIsconIenI. Johnson Is cureIuI Io
deIIne Ihe creuIIon oI Ihe purk us un ucI oI duIy" hIs Iwo-mun
mob Is noI IhuI rebeIIIous, buI Ihe CIIIzen IeIIs u sIory oI oIh-
ers who were. BeIore Ihe reIgn oI Henry VIII, London resI-
denIs !hud so encIosed Ihese IIeIds, wIIh hedges und dIIches,
IhuI neyIher Ihe young men oI IhIs CIIIy mIghI shooIe, nor
Ihe uncIenI persons wuIke Ior pIeusure In Ihese IIeIds." Some

#Ichurd Johnson, q ~~ ~ jJ _
I ~I ~
(London: Henry Gosson, 1607).

cIIIzens were !uresIed Ior wuIkIng, suyIng, IhuI no Londoner
oughI Io go ouI oI Ihe CIIIe, buI In Ihe hye wuyes." Here Is un
eurIy modern duy IIuvIus sIoppIng cIIIzens uIong Ihe puIh,
InquIrIng ubouI IheIr proIessIons, InIerrupIIng IheIr hoIIduys.
WuIkIng Is reguIuIed. Is IhIs un urbor duy Iur Irom II: Ihe
cIIIzens evenIuuIIy Iuke muIIers InIo IheIr own hunds sIx
yeurs InIo Henry VIII`s reIgn, when

u greuI number oI Ihe CIIIe, ussembIed IhemseIues In u
mornIng und u Turner In u IooIes couI, run cryIng Ihe
rough Ihe CIIIe, ShoueIs und spudes, ShoueIs & spudes,
by whIch meunes IoIIowed so muny peopIe, IhuI II wus u
wonder Io behoId, und wIIhIn Iesse Ihun Ihree houres uII
Ihe hedges ubouI Ihe CIIIe were cusI downe, Ihe dIIches
IIIIed vp, und euery IhIng mude pIuIne, such wus Ihe
I ~
were neuer more hedged In.

a > Ihe ungry mob shouIs. BuI Ihe cry oI
!ShoueIs & spudes" Is noI exucIIy un unIhem oI green peuce,
eIIher" IhIs Is noI quIIe Ihe !IIre!" oI AnIony`s mob buI II Is u
powerIuI exumpIe oI cIIIzens seIzIng IheIr recreuIIonuI rIghIs
neverIheIess, usherIng In un envIronmenIuI poIIcy oI conser-
vuIIon (Ihey need Io use Ihe Iund) ruIher Ihun preservuIIon,
IuIIIIIIng u cIuss-specIIIc need: !Ior CIIIIzens Io wuIke In Io
Iuke Ihe uyre, und Ior MerchunIs muIdes Io dry cIoIhes In,
whIch wunI necessury gurdens uI IheIr dweIIIngs." NoI eve-
ryone owns u gurden, II seems, buI Ihe CIIIzen proudIy re-
IuIes IhIs sIory oI cIvIc duIyrecreuIIonuI power Io Ihe peo-
pIeund receIves Ihe upproprIuIe uwed response Irom hIs
counIry InIerIocuIor. !The CIIIzens," Ihe GenIIemun concurs,
!euer currIed guIIunI mInds" und do so !Io IhIs duy (I see)."
BuI |usI us Ihe pIuy drumuIIzes Ihe ecoIogIcuI ImpucIs oI
cIvII wur on Ihe unwIIIIng IhIrd purIIcIpunI !eurIh," Ihere Is
more Ihun u humun sIruggIe uIooI !Io IhIs duy." AIIer Moor-
IIeIds wus bequeuIhed by Ihe !Iwo muyds," buI beIore II be-
cume u purk, II wus !u wusI und vnproIIIubIe ground u Iong
IIme." LIke !IhIs sIde TIber," sIde Thumes musI be do-
mesIIcuIed. To reussure hIm IhuI he Is on IIrm ground, Ihe
CIIIzen bousIs ubouI IheIr IechnoIogIcuI IeuIs oI druInuge:

!Those be Ihe worIhy AIdermen und Common-counseII oI

Ior more on druInuge`s drumuIIc connecIIons, see Todd A. BorIIk,
!CuIIbun und Ihe Ien Demons oI LIncoInshIre: Ihe LngIIshness oI
Shukespeure`s q," p~~ 9.1 (2013): 21b1.

London, who seeIng Ihe dIsorder vsed In Ihese IIeIdes, huue
besIowed IhIs cosI, und us occusIon requIres InIends IurIher
Io beuuIIIIe Ihe sume." ThIs !dIsIurb$d" sIy`s dIsorder Is meI
wIIh Ihe umbIIs oI Ihe honorubIe purk pIunners. The InIen-
IIon Is noI us munIpuIuIIve us AnIony`s, buI Ihe execuIIon Is
sIIII scurrIng" II requIres u coIonIzuIIon oI Ihe moors und
IIeIds: ThIs !mukIng" oI Ihe beuuIIIuI wus IIIeruIIy druInIng.
Work hud begun In Ihe reIgn oI Henry V,

whereby Ihese IIeIds were mude someIhIng more com-
modIous, buI noI so pIeusunI und drye us now Ihey ure,
Ior muny IImes Ihey sIood sIIII IuII oI noIsome wuIers,
whIch uIIerwurd In Ihe yeure 1b27. wus by Ihe meunes oI
sIr q~ pI Muyor mude dry, who repuIrIng Ihe
sIuces, conuuyed Ihe suyd wuIers ouer IhIs Towne DIIch,
InIo Ihe course oI t~Jshoure, und so InIo Ihe
Thumes, und by Ihese degrees wus IhIs Ien or Moore uI
IengIh mude muIne und hurd ground.

NoI onIy ure Ihe pIeusures unprecedenIed, buI so ure Ihe
purk und Ihe umounI oI IeveIIng Iubor requIred Io buIId II, !u
IhIng IhuI neuer huIh been seene beIore Io goe so neere
London." YeI whuI Ihe genIIemun cunnoI !see" IuIIy Is Ihe
Iens` cupucIIy Ior !bewIIderIng order"eIemenIuI phIIoso-
pher DuvId MucuuIey`s phruse Ior !u kInd oI chuoIIc cos-
DIsorder subIends order" Ihe Iens keep IIghIIng buck
und musI be necessurIIy Iumed !by Ihese degrees." BeuuIIII-
cuIIon proves Io be u dIrIy, unpredIcIubIe, und IuII-IIme |ob.
Soon uIIer IhIs Iesson In Iundscupe urchIIecIure, Ihe GenIIe-
men usks where Ihe wuIer comes Irom" once Ihe cIIy wus
dIvIded !by u IuIre brooke oI sweeIe WuIer," buI

uI IengIh Ihe sume by u common consenI oI IhIs CIIIy,
wus urched ouer wIIh BrIck, und puued wIIh sIone equuII
wIIh Ihe ground whence II pussed Ihorough: und Is now
In mosI pIuces buIIded vpon, IhuI no mun muy deserue II,
und IhereIore Ihe Iruce IhereoI Is hurdIy known Io Ihe
common sorI oI peopIe.

DuvId MucuuIey, b~ mW b~I ^I cI ~ t~
~ b~ f~ (AIbuny: SIuIe UnIversIIy oI New York Press,
2010), 3bb. !Our IIvIng und evoIvIng worId In uII IIs compIex und
conIusIng order Ihus cunnoI be conIuIned or IuIIy expIuIned by uny
one uccounI, whuIever IIs preIense Io comprehensIveness or ob|ec-
IIvIIy" (3bb).

These sewers musI be cIeuned ouI yeurIy we ure IoId, Ior Ihey
uIwuys spew IorIh IIke Cuesur`s gupIng wounds!WhIch IIke
u IounIuIn wIIh un hundred spouIs I DId run pure bIood"
(2.2.7778)buI noI so unIhropomorphIc. The sewers oI
!LondInIum" wIII !rIse und muIIny" uguIn und uguIn
(3.2.221). Thus Ihe !unIIquIIIes" ure never unIIque. They keep
comIng InIo Ihe presenI Io IeII hIsIorIes oI envIronmenIuI
And urguubIy, ~~: uIIempIIng Io bury brooks
wIIhouI u Iruce shows how u specIIIc kInd oI recreuIIon dIsu-
vows IIs own vIoIence Ihrough domesIIcuIIonuccordIng Io
MucuuIey, !u process IhuI cupIures, InIerIorIzes, und chunges
IormerIy unbrIdIed IIuIds"
u Iusk uppIIcubIe Io !IhIs sIde"
oI uny rIver. YeI Ihese !Iruces" oI sIIenced rIpurIun IhIngs cun
never dIsuppeur. As Ihe CIIIzen Iooks upon euch ob|ecI oI
IheIr Iour, whuI he cunnoI !see," buI whuI he sIIII IeeIs, ure
Ihe nonhumun voIces IhuI conIInue Io speuk Io Ihem.
Though Ihe CIIIzen IeeIs emoIIon wIIh Ihese beIngs, he Is
cureIuI Io dIsIInguIsh InsIdeIouIsIde boundurIes. When Ihe
GenIIemun usks ubouI Ihe sIocks, Ior exumpIe, he Is IoId IhuI
Ihey ure Ihere !us u punIshmenI Ior Ihose IhuI Iuy uny IIIIhy
IhIng wIIhIn Ihese IIeIds, or muke wuIer In Ihe sume Io Ihe
unnoyunce oI Ihose IhuI wuIke IhereIn, whIch euIII suuors In
IImes pusI huue much corrupIed muns sences, und supposed
Io be u greuI nourIsher oI dIseuses." The CIIIzen`s reucIIon
sIgnIIIes u dIscomIorI wIIh Ihe Impure ruIher Ihun u sympu-
Ihy Ior II, or perhups u recognIIIon IhuI Is pure. In
order Io uphoId IhIs IunIusy oI Ihe IncorrupIIbIe, Ihe IIeIds
musI be excIusIve" vugubonds ure noI uIIowed.
The sume In-
und excIusIvIIy uppIIes Io Ihe BrIdeweII PrIson neurby. The
CIIIzen`s reverIe Is so dIsIurbed by Ihe vIces wIIhIn, he usks Io
chunge Ihe sub|ecI. The new IopIc couId noI be uny
sooIhIng: !ThuI pIuce I IhInke needIesse sIr Io speuke oI In
Ihese wuIkes, IhereIore I pruy you shew Ihe oI Ihe unIIquIIIe
oI IhIs MonusIerIe oI BedIem where Ihese Iwo churIIubIe sIs-
Iers were burIed." II vIce cunnoI even be muIIered wIIhIn Ihe
purk`s wuIIs, here we ure remInded oI Ihe prIson Ior Ihe men-
IuIIy Insune IhuI wuIIs In Ihe purk`s undesIrubIes. The CIIIzen

MucuuIey, b~ m, 2b7. See uIso ChupIer 7 (!Domes-
IIcuIIon oI Ihe LIemenIs"), esp. secIIons !PIumbIng PhIIosophy" und
!WuIercruII und Lundscupe AesIheIIcs."
ConsIder IesIe`s doIeIuI song uI Ihe end oI q k: !BuI
when I cum Io mun`s esIuIe, I WIIh hey, ho, Ihe wInd und Ihe ruIn, I
'GuInsI knuves und IhIeves men shuI IheIr guIe" (b.1.380382).

sees Ihe purk us u spuce Invuded by Ihose creuIures who
!wuIk ubroud" where Ihey ure noI supposed Io. The com-
mon, In shorI, Is noI so common" IIs pIeusures musI be po-
IIced In order Io be so. Or sIowIy IorgoIIen. AI one poInI Ihe
GenIIemun usks whuI cerIuIn sIones sIgnIIy, und he Is IoId
IhuI Ihe sprIng Is cuIIed ^ `~ K K K I who muIchIng her
seIIe wIIh u rIoIous CourIIer In Ihe IIme oI b~ Ihe IIrsI,
who vuIneIy consumed uII her weuIIh, und IeuuIng her In
much pouerIIe, Ihere drowned she herseII, beIng Ihen buI u
shuIIow dIIch or runnIng wuIer." The Insune, Ihe pIssers, Ihe
desoIuIe, und Ihe desIIIuIe ure uI Ihe guIeund Ihey uIwuys
geI In. BuI such uberruIIons do noI beIong here. In order Io
preserve IhIs boundury oI InsIdeIouIsIde, commonIweuIIh,
Ihey musI eIIher be covered up, drowned, or huve Ihe
(Moor)guIe shuI upon Ihem. TheIr IuIe Is onIy mude worse by
Ihe IucI IhuI Johnson presenIs hIs conversuIIon In Ihe guIse
oI u crossIng: u counIry-cIIy !dIscourse" IhuI wouId seem Io
personIIy Ihe hybrIdIIy oI nuIure-cuIIure. Poor purks und
recreuIIon No: enemIes oI pIeusure uI Ihe guIe ure Iurned
uwuy: here Is Ihe Irue !Irugedy oI Ihe commons."
c J
~ ~ K


c O: A coyoIe In () GrIIIIIh Purk, Los AngeIes.

GurreII HurdIn`s (InIumous) Ierm concernIng popuIuIIon growIh
und resource munugemenI In hIs urIIcIe !The Trugedy oI Ihe Com-
mons," p 162.38b9 (1968): 12431248.

Up Io IhIs poInI I huve dIscussed Ihe drumuIIc und cIvIc hIs-
Iory oI London recreuIIon und Ihe sIukes oI consIruInIng Ihe
umbIIs oI IhIngs wuIkIng ubroud. `~~ usks us Io puy uIIen-
IIon Io Ihe IIne IIne beIween uIIeruIIon und degruduIIon, how
Ihe commons ure consIrucIed und who IIs members ure.
Though we huve InherIIed WIIson`s prucIIce we do noI huve
Io perpeIuuIe II. Though we ure Cuesur`s (und `~~`s) heIrs,
we muy check our ImpuIses Io !recreuIe ourseIves" und
pursue dIIIerenI recreuIIonuI roIes In IuIure. I now wIsh Io
IuIk ubouI recreuIIon us u combInuIIon oI perIormunce (u
pIuy) und cIvIc hIsIory (u purk) Ihrough u popuIur recreuIIon
uI Ihe momenI: ouIdoor IesIIvuIs oIIen heruIded us !Shuke-
speure In Ihe Purk." Luwrence BueII hus recenIIy prophesIzed
IhuI envIronmenIuI crIIIcIsm Is u !pro|ecI In moIIon."
Io my InIeresIs here, drumu gIves IhIs pro|ecI u unIque mo-
menIum: !DrumuIIc perIormunce uIwuys requIres und re-
produces physIcuI envIronmenIs . . . . BuI In perIormunce,
envIronmenIuIIIy Is underscored und IIs resIduuI poIenIIuII-
IIes muIIIpIIed" (48). LcocrIIIcIsm`s progenIIors knew IhIs. In
q ` p~W i~ b ~ ~ m~ b
(1974), urguubIy Ihe IIrsI work oI envIronmenIuI crIIIcIsm,
Joseph Meeker opposes Ihe unIhropocenIrIc und envIron-
menIuIIy-desIrucIIve genre oI Irugedy Io whuI he cuIIs Ihe
!comIc wuy . . . Ihe puIh oI reconcIIIuIIon."
ThIs wuy !con-
necIs us wIIh oIher specIes Ihrough shured evoIuIIonury hIs-
Iory, und Ihrough presenI pIuy IhuI crosses specIes IInes.
Comedy Is u conIrIbuIor Io survIvuI, und u hubII IhuI pro-
moIes heuIIh" (11).
WIIh e~ us p~`s cenIerpIece, Meeker`s sIudy,
coIncIdenIIy, Is uIso eurIy modern. BuI how cun Shukespeur-
eun IesIIvuIs In Ihe rough heIp us nuvIguIe Ihe !wuy . . . Ihe
puIh"or Io use `~~`s Ierm, !wuIks"Ioduy Tuke Ihe
exumpIe oI e~ In Los AngeIes`s GrIIIIIh Purk. When Ihe
IocuI IndependenI Shukespeure Compuny (ISC) sIuged Ihe
pIuy In SepIember oI 2011, uudIences were unnoyed by Ihe
howIs oI coyoIes. !AngeIs und mInIsIers oI gruce deIend us!"
Indeed (1.4.20). Once, durIng IheIr Iree summer IesIIvuI, u
compuny member grew IrusIruIed when soIIcIIIng donu-
IIons: !Cun someone shooI IhuI coyoIe"
ThIs excIumuIIon

Luwrence BueII, q c b~ `W bJ
~ ` ~ i~ f~~ (MuIden: BIuckweII, 200b), Ix.
Joseph Meeker, q ` p~W i~ b ~ ~
m~ b, 3rd edn. (Tucson: UnIversIIy oI ArIzonu Press, 1997), 14.
Iun LoveII, !BuyIng uI Ihe Burd, ApproprIuIe or OIherwIse," In q

Is reuIIy u requesI Io purIIy Ihe pIuyspuce oI IIs nonhumun
ucIors. BoundurIes beIween Ihe !ouIsIde" (nuIure) und !In-
sIde" (hIgh cuIIure) ure InsurmounIubIe, II seems, und noI
|usI becuuse Ihe compuny`s sIuge sIIs In Ihe nuIuruI umphI-
IheuIer oI Ihe OId Zoo. e~`s coyoIes Iorce us Io see how
empIucemenI hus become un IncreusIngIy ImporIunI IopIc Io
consIder In our worId where specIes und where Ihe
compIex reIuIIonshIps beIween humuns und nonhumuns
cun |usI us eusIIy be meI wIIh u gun ruIher Ihun !reconcIIIu-
IIon." Seven GrIIIIIh Purk coyoIes, In IucI, were Irucked und
kIIIed In 2009 uIIer Iwo bIIIng IncIdenIs were reporIed (one
InvoIved nIbbIIng u sIeepIng mun`s Ioe). A pubIIc ouIcry en-
The recreuIIon known us !Shukespeure In Ihe Purk"
brIngs envIronmenIuIIIy cenIer sIuge: be II u perIormunce In-
or ouIdoors, u IerrIIorIuIIzed purk or !coyoIe IerrIIory."

NoIe how eusIIy Ihe comedy oI survIvuI Is over: !Cun some-
one shooI IhuI coyoIe"
BuyIng Is noI pIuyIng uI Ihe ISC, uppurenIIy" und by
IrIghIenIng oII wouId-be puIrons, neIIher Is II puyIng. The
requesI Io shooI Is sImIIur Io Ihe CIIIzen`s desIre Io shuI.
Though hundreds oI yeurs upurI, MoorIIeIds und GrIIIIIh
Purks beg Ihe quesIIon: why ure some creuIures IeI InIo Ihe
commons und oIhers ure noI GIoucesIer`s rebuke oI #egun
In h i~ suys us much: !II woIves hud uI Ihy guIe howIed
IhuI dern IIme, I Thou shouIdsI huve suId 'Good porIer, Iurn
Ihe key.` I AII crueIs eIse subscrIbed" (3.7.6466). Some (woIves)
ure meI wIIh compussIon und oIhers (coyoIes, kIngs) wIIh
segreguIIon. To be sure, GIoucesIer Is respondIng Io whuI he
perceIves us Ihe IuIIen sIuIe oI nuIure uIIer Leur`s bunIsh-
menI, und possIbIy prIvIIeges Ihe shuI-ouI humun becuuse
Ihe IupIne Is usuuIIy IeI Indoors (hence Ihe power oI hIs
InvecIIve: how cun u duughIer consIder IhuI woIves und !uII
crueIs eIse" ure beIIer Ihun her IuIher`s reenIry). BuI he
murks Ihe neverIheIess IhuI we uII huve Io open or
cIose ourseIves Io recreuIIonuI coexIsIence. TImoIhy MorIon
suys us much: !The IroubIe wIIh Iove Is IhuI II hus u IInge oI
'evII` ubouI II. OuI oI Ihe unIverse oI IhIngs . . . I seIecI you."

k v q, SepIember 13, 2011: hIIp:IIwww.nyIImes.comI
KurIn KIeIn, !The CoyoIes oI GrIIIIIh Purk" In i ^ q,
SepIember 22, 2009.
LoveII, !BuyIng uI Ihe Burd."
TImoIhy MorIon, q b~ q (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd

The ISC !Iurns Ihe key" oI cIosure In GrIIIIIh Purk, beIIev-
Ing, deIrImenIuIIy Io coyoIes, In IIs nuIureIcuIIure bounded-
ness. InIeresIIngIy, Ihe compuny |usI IInIshed ^ v i f
In IheIr 2013 seuson" cuughI In u Iovers` cucophony uI Ihe end
oI Ihe pIuy, #osuIInd begs, !Pruy you, no more oI IhIs" 'IIs IIke
Ihe howIIng oI IrIsh I woIves uguInsI Ihe moon" (b.3.101
102). How wouId uudIence members reucI Io IhIs deroguIory
IIne umIdsI Ihe coyoIes` buyIng Or Leur`s !HowI, howI, howI,
howI!" In IhuI pIuy`s denouemenI (b.3.2b6) #osuIInd couId
be speukIng Io humun und nonhumun AngeIenos In uIIend-
unce, u doubIy deroguIory IIne dIrecIed uguInsI un eIhnIcIIy
us weII us u specIes uI once.
The wuIk Irom Johnson Io Ihe ISC Ihrough Ihe common
recreuIIonuI denomInuIor oI Shukespeure heIps us rephruse
GIoucesIer`s IIrude us u recreuIIonuI IhoughI experImenI:
how ~ we Io uddress Ihe nonIhumun howIs uI our guIes,
Irom !IhIs sIde TIber," Io Ihe mud oI !morIsh ground," Io
coyoIes The IrIends oI GrIIIIIh Purk ouIIIne beIIer uIIernu-
IIves In IheIr WIIdIIIe MunugemenI PIun, such us bIodIversIIy
surveys und envIronmenIuI educuIIon Ior purk goers.
IeI us open up IurIher" heurIng Ihe Iunguuge oI IhIngs IhuI
does noI mereIy dIsrupI our perIormunces buI ~ perIor-
munces proves IhuI we ure uIwuys perIormIng wIIh u greuIer
cusI oI churucIers. I um remInded oI AIdo LeopoId`s Iund-
murk essuy !ThInkIng LIke u MounIuIn" Ior IhuI very reuson:
he uIIempIs Io decIpher Ihe !hIdden meunIng" oI Ihe woII`s
To our uIIempIs Io decIpher, however, I
wouId udd un uIIempI Io whIIe noI necessurIIy IrunsIuI-
Ing Ihese codes InIo sIubIe meunIngs. And u yeurnIng Io do
so, even II we know IhuI IhIs Iunguuge wIII uIwuys be Iuzzy.
When MIcheI Serres heurs !The GreuI HowIIng oI WoIves" In
_~, Ihe howIIng Is noI |usI IIoru und Iuunu buI .
The guIes oI Ihe worId crush open: !We heurd Ihe worId
open, express IIseII, cIumor, rumbIe, cuII, demund, Invude,
Ieur, be moved, IorbId. I`m IeIIIng Ihe sIory oI Ihe worId be-
gInnIng Io IeII II`s sIc sIory."
These ure emoIIons IhuI

UnIversIIy Press, 2010), 96.
VIsII IrIends oI GrIIIIIh Purk here: hIIp:IIwww.IrIendsoIgrIIIIIh
!Those unubIe Io decIpher Ihe hIdden-meunIng know neverIheIess
IhuI II Is Ihere, Ior II Is IeII In uII woII counIry, und dIsIInguIshes IhuI
counIry Irom uII oIher Iund": AIdo LeopoId, ^ p~ ` ^~~W
^ p e ~ q (OxIord: OxIord UnIversIIy Press, 1949).
MIcheI Serres, _~, Iruns. #undoIph Burks (MInneupoIIs: UnI-

sIress moIIon, emoIIons IhuI urrIve Irom Ihe moIIons oI oIh-
ers, IIke vIbruIIonuI sound wuves: !LveryIhIng sIIrs, oI course,
everyIhIng evoIves, everyIhIng chunges und moves, buI by
IrembIIng, wIIh emoIIon . . . LveryIhIng speuks. How Is II we
don`I yeI huve unyIhIng suId or wrIIIen In IhIs unIversuI Iun-
guuge" (199). We do: huII, `~~. BuI Is II enough The
IrunsmIssIon ImporIunIIy requIres u response, un eIhIcuI
sIgnuI senI buck. Why noI muke IhIs our recreuIIon The
commonby now whIch I meun Io be nonIhumun IhIngs
usks us Io IIsIen Io IIs pIeus. Never cry coyoIe a. A re-
deIIned !recreuIIon" cun Ieud Io vurIeguIIons oI emoIIon
!common pIeusures" IhuI broudcusI us broudIy us possIbIe.
c ~ ~ K


To concIude, I wunI Io medIIuIe on Ihe creuIures oI recreu-
IIon und IheIr IIves uI sIuke, Ihe creuIIons Io come

ny`s recreuIIon oI wur compeIs me Io creuIe my own IhoughI
experImenI. Todd BorIIk hus udvocuIed Ior re-IhInkIng do-
mInIon Irom Ihe eurIy modern, sIuIe-cenIered #epubIIc oI
And BruIus In Ihe pIuy, oI course, proves IhuI !pub-
IIc reusons" (us In, Ihe #omun #epubIIc) ure worIh IIghIIng
Ior. Some huve urgued Ior !compuIsory recreuIIon."
I rec-
ommend IhuI we reIhInk Ihe !pubIIc." WhuI II we recon-
ceIved recreuIIon us u doIngun ucIIon und u process, yes
buI uIso us un envIronmenIuI prucIIce IhuI creuIes creuIIve
coexIsIence, IhuI mukes huppen, IhuI brIngs humun und
nonhumun reIuIIonshIps InIo beIng, InIo !common pIeus-

vocuI, 2012), 116.
I use Ihe Ierm !creuIure" deIIberuIeIy. See JuIIu #eInhurd LupIon,
!CreuIure CuIIbun," p~~ n~ b1.1 (2000): 123.
II Shukespeure wus In Ihe mIddIe oI Ihese hIsIorIcuI debuIes over
Ihe prIvuIIzuIIon oI Iund (encIosure) when he composed ^ v i
f (1b98-1600), he cerIuInIy wus sIIII IhInkIng oI Ihem when he wroIe
g `~~ (1b99). See !#eIhInkIng DomInIon" In BorIIk, d
m~, 181188.
DepIorIng Ihe poIIIIcuI InvoIvemenI (or Iuck IhereoI) In creuIIng
purk sysIems, John MuIr wroIe IhuI !our crude cIvIIIzuIIon engen-
ders u muIIIIude oI wunIs, und Iuw-gIvers ure ever uI IheIr wIIs` end
devIsIng. The huII und Ihe IheuIer und Ihe church huve been InvenI-
ed, und compuIsory educuIIon. Why noI udd compuIsory recreu-
IIon" g j~W q r g~ g
j, ed. LInnIe Mursh WoIIe (MudIson: UnIversIIy oI WIsconsIn
Press, 1979), 234.

ures," InIo Ihe Common (Ihe ) A !mukIng IhIngs pub-
The recreuIIonuI eIhIcs I um proposIng usks whuI ecoI-
ogIes we creuIe, und re-creuIe, und wIIh whom. Who Is re-
sIored, reIreshed, revIved, und who Is excIuded Irom
creuIIon #ecreuIIon Is noI un ucIIvIIy Ihe uuIonomous hu-
mun underIukes, or un encIosed pIuce Ihe humun wuIks
Ihrough, IIke un orchurd. I suggesI IhuI we become more
InIImuIe wIIh Ihese beIngs, Ior we ure uIwuys creuIIng wIIh
Ihem. There you ure, !Ihou eurIh." So here Is my hoIIduy:
when Ihe cuII Io recreuIe Is noI u cuII Io urms, buI u chunce Io
recreuIe our shured seIves, u cuII Io creuIe, und Io Iove, uguIn,
und uguIn, unew. c ~ ~ .

On !Ihe seurch Ior Ihe Common," see LuIour, !AIIempI uI u 'Com-
posIIIonIsI MunIIesIo`" (488). Ior Ihe !pubIIc," see Bruno LuIour und
PeIer WeIbeI, eds., j~ q mW ^ a~
(CumbrIdge: M.I.T. Press, 200b).


Alfred Kentigern Siewers

The mIIIennIu-oId LIungernyw Yew Iree In SI. DIguIn`s church-
yurd In NorIh WuIes survIves In enormous oIIshooIs, huvIng
endured un oII Iunk pIuced In IIs mIddIe Ior u IIme In Ihe IuIe
IwenIIeIh cenIury, und Ihe Ioss oI IIs core. Trees In generuI
IIkewIse endure despIIe huvIng suIIered IheoreIIcuIIy uI Ihe
hunds oI posImodernIsm, gIven DeIeuze und GuuIIurI`s crI-
IIque oI urboreuIIIy us hIerurchIcuI, whIch promoIed Ihe rIse
oI Ihe rhIzome ruIher Ihun Ihe Iree us u cenIruI Imuge Ior
cuIIuruI Iheory.
YeI Ihe LIungernyw Yew, esIImuIed beIween
2,000 und b,000 yeurs oId, und hopeIessIy enIungIed In cenIu-
rIes oI dIverse humun und non-humun cuIIure, survIves us u
IIvIng reuI symboI oI Ihe ecosemIoIIc ImporIunce oI urboreuI-
IIy, u remInder oI Irees us u reuI cross beIween Immunence

GIIIes DeIeuze und IeIIx GuuIIurI`s ^ q~ m~~, Iruns.
BrIun MussumI (MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press, 1987),
voI. 2 oI IheIr pro|ecI `~~ ~ p~, ceIebruIes In IIs
openIng secIIon Ihe experIenIIuI empIrIcuI-muIerIuIIsm oI Ihe rhI-
zome (us In neIworks oI gruss rooIs) us opposed Io Ihe hIerurchIcuI
IrudIIIon oI urboreuIIIy In WesIern cuIIure.

und Irunscendence. The Iree uI LIungernyw speuks Ior IIseII
In muny wuys, buI IIke Dr. Seuss` Lorux In un eurIIer ImugInu-
IIve uge oI envIronmenIuIIsm, IhIs essuy uIso wIII Iry Io speuk
Ior Ihe Irees, wIIh u voIce rIsIng Irom u medIevuIIsI
The LIungernyw Yew muy duIe buck Io Ihe prehIsIorIc
Bronze Age, buI Ihe churchyurd gruves resIIng by II cIusIer
uround u church supposedIy Iounded by u IIIIh-cenIury Cor-
nIsh suInI, son oI ConsIunIIne oI CornwuII. DIguIn wouId
huve IIved umId Ihe deepIy rooIed conIInuIIIes und udupIIve
conIusIons oI sub-!omun WesI BrIIuIn, un IrIsh Seu worId oI
eurIy medIevuI nuIIve ChrIsIIun cuIIure.
PeopIe Ihere IdenII-
IIed wIIh u myIhIcuI uncIenI BrIIuIn, und onIy IuIer wIIh Cym-
ru, or Ihe Iund oI comrudes, us II sIIII In echo oI IheIr oId cIII-
zenry In Ihe !omun provInce, In resIsIunce Io Ihe LngIIsh
IubeI oI "WeIsh" or ~ Ior Ihe conquered nuIIves. HIsIorI-
uns huve remurked on how perhups onIy In Ihe ByzunIIne
worId wus Ihere such rooIed conIInuIIy oI communIIy Irom
Ihe !omun eru.
YeI eurIy medIevuI urI In WuIes suggesIs
udupIubIIIIy us weII us conIInuIIy und endurIng cosmopoII-
Iun conIexIs. In unoIher yew-shuded churchyurd, uI Nevern
(NunhyIer) In SouIhwesI WuIes, overhungIng Ihe NeIern !Iv-
er`s IrouI und suImon, uusIere eurIy ChrIsIIun sIone monu-
menIs morph In desIgn InIo Ihe IuIer "Iree oI IIIe" InIrIcucIes
oI u 10Ih- or 11Ih-cenIury IrIsh-sIyIe "CeIIIc cross" sIundIng
To IeI Irees be Irees, us II were, II heIps Io geI ouI Irom
under Ihe posImodern crIIIque oI urboreuIIIy us hIerurchIcuI
und Ihus bud, und Io go buck under Ihe bushy LIungeryn und
Nevern yews, us weII us meIuphorIcuIIy InIo Ihe rhIzomuIIc
InIrIcrucy oI Ihe Nevern "Iree oI IIIe" sIone cross. In IucI, Ihe
IIvIng symboIIsm oI u Iree, boIh rooIed und upreurIng, murks
Ihe InIersecIIon oI Ihe ImmunenI und IrunscendenI, whIch
Ihe envIronmenIuI phIIosopher LruzIm Kohk descrIbes us
essenIIuI Ior uuIhenIIc personuI experIence oI Ihe eurIh.

Kohk urgues, chunneIIng MurIIn HeIdegger, IhuI u heuIIhy

b~ ` ` pI ` pK a~I i~,|ecIsIIongerIchurchesIconwyI16
K.!. Durk, `~ hW _ m~ ` PMMJUMM
(LeIcesIer: LeIcesIer UnIversIIy Press, 1994).
LruzIm Kohk, q b ~ p~W ^ m~ f
j~ p k~ (ChIcugo: UnIversIIy oI ChIcugo Press,

respecI Ior Ihe mysIerIous "oIher sIde" oI unyIhIng or uny-
body`s nuIure Is us essenIIuI Io uvoIdIng ob|ecIIIIcuIIon us
upprecIuIIon oI IIs Immunence.
Trees remuIn un uge-oId
symboI oI Ihe mysIerIous sIde oI IIIe, Irom IheIr hIdden reuch
wIIhIn Ihe eurIh und up InIo Ihe sky, IheIr roIIIckIng non-
geomeIrIc Iorm, whIch uIwuys hus u IIIeruI "oIher sIde," Ihe
non-humun IIIe IhuI Ihey hIde In dIIIerenI dImensIons und
eIemenIs Irom mIcrobes Io beurs, IheIr IrequenI uge beyond
humuns und mosI IIvIng IhIngs, Io Ihe empuIhy Ihey engen-
der In humun cuIIures IhuI sIIII IIve wIIhIn Irees und oII IheIr
IruII und oxygen, wIIhIn meguIopoIIIun muIrIces us weII us
myIhoIogIcuI IoresIs und vucuIIon respIIes.


HIerurchy |usIIIIubIy beurs u bud nume In Ihe modern WesI,
und IhIs Is uI Ihe heurI oI Ihe DeIeuzeun crIIIque oI Ihe ur-
boreuI In Ihe ubsIrucI. OrIgInuIIy Ihe Ierm derIves Irom u
Greek rooI ussocIuIed In meunIng wIIh "ruIe by prIesIs" und
"Ieuder oI sucred rIIes." BuI us un ubsIrucI noun, ~
IIrsI cume InIo use In Ihe eurIy medIevuI wrIIIngs oI IhuI
upophuIIc uuIhor whose nume upproprIuIeIy Is IIseII u mys-
Iery, known Ioduy us Ihe Pseudo-DIonysIus. MosI schoIurs
hoId Ihe wrIIer Io huve been u SyrIun monusIIc or proIo-
monk In Ihe IIIIh or sIxIh cenIurIes, wrIIIng In u IrudIIIon
uIIrIbuIed Io SI. DIonysIus Ihe AreopugIIe (beIIer known In
Ihe WesI us SI. Denys), un AIhenIun phIIosopher who be-
cume u dIscIpIe oI SI. PuuI Ihe AposIIe. The vIsIonury wrIIer
Ihus couId weII uIso be cuIIed Ihe ChrIsIIun DIonysIus (us
dIsIIncI Irom buI us ecsIuIIc In hIs own wuy us Ihe pugun DI-
onysIus). BuI Ihe "Pseudo" In hIs modern monIker IIIs weII
wIIh hIs Ideu IhuI humun IdenIIIy us weII us Ihe dIvIne couId
noI or shouId noI be essenIIuIIzed. There uIso Is u cosmIcuIIy
mysIerIous sIde Io Ihe proper nume (uIso known Irom pugun
IrudIIIon). AccordIng Io ChrIsIIun IrudIIIon, Ihe uposIoIIc
DIonysIus encounIered PuuI when Ihe IuIIer wus preuchIng
Io CIussIcuIIy Ieurned AIhenIuns uI Ihe Areopugus. PuuI Ihen
(uccordIng Io Ihe AcIs oI Ihe AposIIes) gIossed u IIne oI Greek

The "oIher sIde" oI nuIure Is deveIoped us u Iheme In envIronmen-
IuI phIIosophy by Bruce V. IoIIz In "NuIure`s OIher SIde: The DemIse
oI NuIure und Ihe PhenomenoIogy oI GIvenness," In !
k~W b~ b~ m, eds. Bruce V. IoIIz und
!oberI Irodemun (BIoomIngIon: UnIversIIy oI IndIunu Press, 2004),

poeIry by suyIng oI God IhuI "In HIm we IIve und move und
huve our beIng" (AcIs 17:28).
ApproprIuIe Io Ihe wrIIer`s ecsIuIIc nume, Ihe ChrIsIIun
DIonysIun wrIIIngs hud u dIIIerenI Iuke on "hIerurchy" Ihun
Ihe modern verIIcuI power sIrucIure oI oppressIon, Ihe
DeIeuzeun sIruw mun In posImodernIIy`s unII-Iree cumpuIgn.
In IhIs eurIIesI comprehensIve wrIIIng ubouI hIerurchy, Ihe
Ierm sIunds more Ior u neIwork oI dIvIne energIes or wIIIIngs,
In whIch every beIng, on every IeveI oI Ihe neIwork, hud u
dIrecI connecIIon wIIh Ihe dIvIne, ruIher Ihun un unuIogIcuIIy
IIxed SchoIusIIc or DurwInIun concepIIon oI u geneuIogIcuI
"Iree oI IIIe." The DIonysIun hIerurchy Is upophuIIc In rooI
und brunch, meunIng IhuI II grows IIke u Iree Irom "Ihe oIher
sIde oI nuIure," uI Ihe crossrouds oI Ihe IrunscendenI und Ihe
ImmunenI. II reIuIes Io Ihe rudIcuIIy eguIIIurIun yeI Iruns-
cendenI vIsIon oI PuuI, uppurenIIy so uppeuIIng Io converIs
Io ChrIsIIunIIy In Ihe !omun LmpIre und subsequenIIy Io Ihe
counIer-cuIIure oI deserI monusIIcIsm, IhuI "Ihere Is neIIher
Jew nor GenIIIe, Ihere Is neIIher sIuve nor Iree, Ihere Is neI-
Iher muIe nor IemuIe," In Ihe cosmIc unIIy oI ChrIsI (GuIu-
IIuns 3:28). ThuI vIsIon wus rooIed In Iree symboIIsm: The
Tree oI LIIe In Ihe Book oI GenesIs, ussocIuIed wIIh Ihe Cross,
und uIIImuIeIy wIIh Ihe Iree whose Ieuves were Ior Ihe heuI-
Ing oI Ihe nuIIons In !eveIuIIon (22:2).
The DIonysIun wrIIIngs, wIIh IheIr hybrId rhIzomuIIc-
urboreuI vIew oI hIerurchy, were IrunsIuIed In Iwo venues oI
sIgnIIIcunce Ior Ihe rooIs oI InsuIur TrunsuIIunIIc wrIIIng
ubouI Irees: 1) by Ihe eurIy IrIsh nuIure wrIIer LrIugenu In hIs
m und 2) uppurenIIy by Ihe uuIhor oI Ihe MIddIe
LngIIsh ` r, hImseII oIIen IhoughI Io be un
LusI MIdIunds purson, perhups, one cun wonder whImsIcuIIy,
even u conIemporury modeI Ior Chuucer`s Purson In q
`~ q~. In boIh LrIugenu`s 9Ih-cenIury nuIure
wrIIIng (whIch puruIIeIed In IIs upprouch Io nuIure u number
oI eurIy IrIsh Seu wrIIIngs ubouI CreuIIon wIIh uppurenI In-
IIuence on MIddIe LngIIsh IIIeruIure), und In Ihe IuIe 14

cenIury IIowerIng oI LngIIsh IIIeruIure Io whIch Ihe a
e a (u IrunsIuIIon oI Ihe DIonysIun "MysIIcuI TheoI-
ogy" IexI) conIrIbuIed, upophuIIc hIerurchy us weII us Irees
IIgured sIgnIIIcunIIy, und In wuys uI odds wIIh Ihe Iype oI
urboreuI verIIcuI hIerurchy IhuI In modern IImes under-
sIundubIy IIcked oII DeIeuze und GuuIIurI.
The MIddIe LngIIsh versIon seems Io emphusIze uIIecIIve
Iove more In IIs IndIrecI (vIu LuIIn) IrunsIuIIon oI Ihe orIgInuI
DIonysIus` Greek. BuI II IoIIows Ihe orIgInuI IrudIIIon In em-

phusIzIng, cIIIng DIonysIus` oIher work on q e~
e~, IhuI Ihere cun be u IeudIng up oI u Iudder (us u cur-
penIered Imuge IhuI uIso couId be u cIImbIng Iree, Ior whuI
In eIIecI Is reuIIy u kInd oI energy neIwork or web) Irom
IhIngs IhuI ure seen Io Ihe IneIIubIe. ThuI Iudder Ieuns ubove
on Ihe unknowubIe, Ihe "oIher sIde" oI nuIure, u "sky hook"
IhuI yeI reIuIes Io Ihe IncurnuIIonuIIsm oI Ihe CreuIor ussum-
Ing Iorm In CreuIIon. MedIevuI ChrIsIIun wrIIers symboIIzed
Ihe MoIher oI God us boIh un embodImenI oI IhIs urboreuI
Iudder beIween eurIh und heuven (Iyped by Ihe ungeIs In
Jucob`s vIsIon dynumIcuIIy uscendIng und descendIng) und
Ihe eurIhIy house oI Ihe pIIIurs oI DIvIne WIsdom (reIerenced
by SoIomon), u IIvIng sIgn oI Ihe uncreuIed energIes oI DI-
vIne WIsdom InIegruIIng CreuIIon und Ihe DIvIne. In Ihese
InIerucIIve recIprocIIIes, Ihere Is no essenIIuIIsm Io provIde u
busIs Ior ob|ecIIIIcuIIon, no DeIeuzeun sense oI sIuIIc und
oppressIve hIerurchy, buI ruIher u IIowIng spurkIIng und IIn-
gIIng oI gruce perIusIng CreuIIon wIIh meunIng. ThIs Is whuI
mude upophuIIc IheoIogy uIIrucIIve Io Jucques DerrIdu, und
un unuIogue Io hIs Iheory oI deconsIrucIIon, even us he
wouId noI commII Io IIs IheIsm. In shorI, Ihe medIevuI Tree
oI LIIe In Ihe upophuIIc DIonysIun sense oI hIerurchy (InvoIv-
Ing u dIuIogIc muIerIuIIsm oI personuIIsm ruIher Ihun u more
~~ ~~ ~~F ~I ~ ~-~-
neIwork oI IIIe. II Is Ihe AII Tree reIerenced by Ihe HI-
berno-LuIIn eurIy medIevuI nuIure wrIIer LrIugenu, MuxImus
Ihe ConIessor, und John oI Dumuscus, Ihe Tree IdenIIIIed
wIIh Ihe Logos (u word Irom Greek phIIosophy meunIng vur-
IousIy "word," "hurmony," "purpose," "reuson," "prIncIpIe,"
"nurruIIve," "dIscourse," "sIory," und u Ierm udupIed In eurIy
ChrIsIIunIIy Ior ChrIsI or God IncurnuIe). In Ihe Dumuscene`s
Ierms, IhIs Is Ihe Logos IhuI IhIckens InIo Imuge: Here we sII
In Ihe brunches us bIrds who sIng, Ihe oI Ihe Logos, Ihe
words oI Ihe Word, or Ihe hurmonIes oI Ihe hurmonIes, In un
uIIernuIe IrunsIuIIon.


The reIuIIon oI Ihe Ideu oI hIerurchy Io noIIons oI nuIuruI Iuw
undoubIedIy ruIsed Ihe Ire oI DeIeuze und GuuIIurI In IheIr
neguIIve IdenIIIIcuIIon oI Ihe urboreuI wIIh hIerurchy. BuI II
uIso ruIses Ihe quesIIon oI how DIonysIun Irees, us dIsIIncI
Irom DeIeuzeun Irees, wouId represenI nuIuruI Iuw. Apo-
phuIIcuIIy, Ihey wouId uppeur Io do so In u bush-IIke munner,
whIch uguIn InIerweuves whuI modernIIy sepuruIed us rhI-

zomuIIc und urboreuI, Ihrough energy, ruIher Ihun u muIrIx
oI unuIogy. The ure noI mereIy urcheIypes or seeds buI
embodIed meunIngIuIness, us orgunIzed In u cosmIc synIux
or chunI, buI Ihey boIh shupe IdenIIIy und power IIs redemp-
IIon In reIuIIonshIp, us InIormuIIon-energy more Ihun u sIuI-
Ic essenIIuIIsI core. II SchoIusIIcIsm udvocuIes ~J~~ ,
In whIch beIng exIsIs In unuIogy Io IIxed urcheIypes, Ihen
DIonysIun upophuIIcIsm expresses ~ , un energy
oI beIng, ukIn Io currenI noIIons oI physIcs IhuI see InIor-
muIIon-energy us busIc Io IIIe, ruIher Ihun uIomIsIIc energy.
NuIuruI Iuw bused In upophuIIc IheoIogy musI be more mys-
IerIous, more experIenIIuI, und more u spurkIe Ihun u muIrIx,
by compurIson wIIh IhuI oI Ihe SchoIusIIcs.
LruzIm Kohk In q b ~ p~ suggesIs how
Ihe Ten CommundmenIs cun be InIerpreIed In un upophuIIc-
envIronmenIuI mode, expressIng u desIre bused In reIuIIon-
shIp ruIher Ihun In Iuck und ob|ecIIIIcuIIon. ThIs cun be sym-
boIIzed by Ihe bush-Iree oI SInuI, Ihe burnIng bush IdenIIIIed
by medIevuI ChrIsIIuns wIIh Ihe MoIher oI God, who encom-
pussed Ihe CreuIor whIIe beIng encompussed by HIm, yeI
wus seen us Iyped by Jucob`s Iudder, Ioo, wIIh more verIIcuII-
Iy Ihun un enIungIed bush. The LIungernyw Yew Iucks u core
und IIves bush-IIke In sprouIed oIIshooIs In IIs uncIenI
churchyurd, und Ihe GIusIonbury Ihorn Is u bush oI muny
oIIshooIs, uIIhough u Iype oI huwIhorn Iree. AccordIng Io
IrudIIIon, IhuI Iree-bush grew Irom Joseph oI ArImuIheu`s
pIunIIng oI hIs sIuII In Ihe ground uI GIusIonbury In uposIoIIc
IImes. II InspIred Iegends enshrIned In WIIIIum BIuke`s "Jeru-
suIem," sung uI Ihe end oI Ihe BBC proms euch summer, us
weII us In Ihe buckground oI Ihe GIusIonbury IesIIvuI und
Thomus MuIory`s renderIng oI Ihe GruII Iegend. Such bushy
Iree und Iree-Ish bush hybrIdIIy In IIvIng-Iree symboIs ruIses
Ihe Issue uguIn oI how Irees huve been reduced Io verIIcuI
symboIs onIy.
Lven Ihe IumIIy Irees In Ihe BIbIe, Ihe geneuIogIcuI gIue oI
GenesIs In purIIcuIur, oIher Hebrew hIsIorIcuI books, und Ihe
ChrIsIIun gospeIs, eIude modern noIIons oI sIrIcI hIerurchIcuI
oppressIveness. Ior one IhIng, Ihey ure mysIerIousIy person-
uI ruIher Ihun ubsIrucIIy ruIIonuIIzed In IheIr IIIe spuns, chro-
noIogy, und deIuIIs, und Iruce uIIImuIeIy buck Io Adum und
Lve und beyond. They uIso IncIude unIIkeIy und non-
hIerurchIcuI mIxes oI suInIs und sInners, IncIudIng hurIoIs
und murderers umong Ihe uncesIors oI God In ChrIsIIun Iru-
dIIIon. They evoke In IheIr connecIIvIIy noneIheIess u sense
oI whuI Ihe Huudenosuunee or IroquoIs cuII Ihe eIhos oI Ihe

sevenIh generuIIon, experIencIng one`s IIIe Iru|ecIory In In-
IergeneruIIonuI us weII us In horIzonIuI-cohorI Ierms, uguIn
un InIersecIIon urguubIy oI Ihe rhIzomuIIc und Ihe urboreuI.
II`s no coIncIdence In IhuI sense IhuI Ihe IroquoIs uIso revere
u Tree oI LIIe ussocIuIed wIIh CreuIIon, reIuIed uIso Io IheIr
whIIe-pIne Tree oI Peuce.
AI Ihe cumpus where I work, uIong Ihe Susquehunnu !Iv-
er, grows u whIIe pIne IhuI Is u "Iree oI peuce" gIven by IrudI-
IIonuI Ieuders oI Ihe Huudenosuunee ConIederucy or SIx Nu-
IIons. AIso neurby on cumpus Is u scuIpIure enIIIIed p
d~, InsIuIIed by Ihe scuIpIor IrederIck Irunck In
1991. IIs pIuque reuds: "In uII our deIIberuIIons we musI be
mIndIuI oI Ihe ImpucI oI our decIsIons on Ihe nexI seven
generuIIons," reIerencIng Ihe IroquoIs "greuI Iuw." The
scuIpIure IeuIures meIuI Irumes desIgned Io represenI sImuI-
IuneousIy eIIher euch generuIIon IookIng Iorwurd Ihrough
Ihe nexI, or euch IookIng buck Ihrough Ihe precedIng generu-
IIons. BoIh Ihe Iundscupe und Ihe vIewer-purIIcIpunIs be-
come IIvIng purIs oI Ihe scuIpIure, becuuse oI Ihe wuy II Is
desIgned. BuI onIy sIx generuIIons survIve In Ihe scuIpIure
Ioduy. AccordIng Io cumpus Iore, Ihe "sevenIh" IeII prey Io
un Issue oI cuIIuruI IrunsIuIIon uIIer II wus erecIed In Ihe
1990s wIIh Ihe supporI oI NuIIve AmerIcuns. The sevenIh
generuIIon wus scuIpIed In Ihe Iorm oI un embryo. II dIsup-
peured durIng Ihe nIghI uIIer pro-choIce ucIIvIsIs on cumpus
hud crIIIcIzed IIs symboIIsm. ThIs conIIIcI over porIruyuIs oI
Ihe hIerurchIcuI urboreuI noIIon oI Ihe "sevenIh generuIIon"
eIhos (wIIh IIs "IumIIy Iree" ussumpIIons) underIInes boIh
Ihe probIem oI dIIIerenI cuIIuruI InIerpreIuIIons oI urboreuI
hIerurchy und Ihe power oI such Imugery Io evoke embodIed
Our cumpus In Ihe Susquehunnu VuIIey sIunds In u cenIer
oI Ihe uncIenI LusIern WoodIunds oI AmerIcu, whIch dIsup-
peured In u spurI oI nIneIeenIh-cenIury IumberIng IhuI
cIeur-cuI uImosI uII Ihe regIon. YeI Ihe symboIIc ImporIunce
oI Ihe IoresI und Irees IIved on, In purIIcuIur Io Ihe Huudeno-
suunee, Ihe domInunI NuIIve cuIIure In Ihe wuIershed In Ihe
mId-eIghIeenIh cenIury, beIore IheIr mIIIIury conIInemenI In
Ihe eurIy AmerIcun repubIIc Io IheIr currenI nuIIonuI Iunds In
upsIuIe New York und Cunudu. In InIervenIng yeurs Ihe phys-
IcuI IoresIs huve en|oyed u comebuck oI sorIs, Ihunks Io Ihe
Iegucy oI GIIIord PInchoI und Ihe PennsyIvunIu sIuIe IoresIs,
under Ihe umbreIIu uIso oI Theodore !ooseveII`s nuIIonuI
eIIorIs, goIng buck Io hIs InIIIuI work In Ihe AdIronducks,
whIch were InspIred In purI by Jumes IenImore Cooper`s

IIcIIonuI ghosI sIorIes ubouI Ihe LusIern WoodIunds In hIs
LeuIhersIockIng TuIe serIes. Toduy Ihe IoresIs ure becomIng
ever more u purI oI Ihe IeII cuIIure oI IncreusIngIy dIverse
communIIIes In Ihe Susquehunnu wuIershed. ThIs Is evI-
denced In recenI conIroversy over Ihe eIIecI oI IruckIng on
wooded ureus IIke Ihe neurby LoyuIsock SIuIe IoresI. Long
ugo IhuI IrucI IIseII wus muInIy cIeur cuI, In un eurIIer eru oI
resource exIrucIIon. BuI now IhIs green wood hus come buck,
und In some wuys uguIn Is deIInIIIonuI oI Ihe ureu.


Jumes IenImore Cooper, In wrIIIng AmerIcu`s IIrsI envIron-
menIuI noveI, q m, In 1823, shuped u sense oI Ihe
AmerIcun "green worId" IhuI he conIInued Io evoke, us u
IIIerury ghosI oI Ihe LusIern WoodIunds, IhroughouI hIs
LeuIhersIockIng TuIes. NoI onIy dId hIs evocuIIon oI Ihe prI-
mordIuI IoresI InspIre young Theodore !ooseveII us u bud-
dIng conservuIIonIsI, II uIso conIInued Io InspIre generuIIons
oI AmerIcuns growIng up In Ihe eurIy 20Ih-cenIury ScouIIng
movemenI und oIher ouIdoor ucIIvIIIes, supporIIng conser-
vuIIonIsm wIIh u sense oI Ihe Ioss oI AmerIcun PurudIse.
Cooper`s duughIer Susun IenImore Cooper, one oI AmerIcu`s
eurIIesI nuIure wrIIers und u precursor Io Henry DuvId Tho-
reuu, exempIIIIed In her wrIIIngs Ihe vIsIon oI shupIng un
AmerIcun ArcudIu Io repIuce Ihe IosI green wood. Her wrII-
Ings evoke Ihe poIenIIuI oI gurden communIIIes In whIch
Irees couId be boIh rhIzomuIIc und urboreuI, und supporI
und symboIIze Ihe Iype oI enIwInIng communIIurIun und
IocuIIsI socIuI |usIIce IhuI she IosIered In her nun-IIke phIIun-
Ihropy oI IoundIng und dIrecIIng un orphunuge, orgunIzIng u
hospIIuI, und wrIIIng meIIcuIousIy oI Ihe nuIuruI worId
uround her home In u wuy IhuI nurIured u IocuI eIhos oI con-
servuIIon. In her essuy on "VIIIuge ImprovemenI SocIeIIes,"
Susun Cooper wroIe oI her vIsIon oI Iree-Iocused AmerIcun
ThIs emerged Irom her vIew oI Ihe humun roIe on
LurIh us IhuI oI gurdener, sIewurd, und prIesI oI IrunsIIguru-
IIve communIon, noI u presumpIuous wouId-be creuIor. She
suw AmerIcuns IIvIng under Iree brunches und umong IheIr
rooIs und Irunks, us purI oI u Irunscendence woven InIo Im-
munence, needed Ior us Io upprouch Ihe mysIery oI whuI Ihe

Susun IenImore Cooper, "VIIIuge ImprovemenI SocIeIIes," In bJ
~ k~ ~ i~~, eds. !ocheIIe Johnson und DunIeI
PuIIerson (AIhens: UnIversIIy oI GeorgIu Press, 2002), 6477.

DecIuruIIon oI Independence reIers Io us "Ihe Iuws oI NuIure
und NuIure`s God." SpeukIng oI Ihe record oI Ihe creuIIon oI
Irees In GenesIs, IhuI "Ihe Lord God mude Io grow every Iree
IhuI Is pIeusunI Io Ihe sIghI," she wroIe,

ThIs sImpIe phruse, Iuken In connecIIon wIIh uII IIs sub-
IIme reIuIIons oI IIme und pIuce, hus u grucIous Iender-
ness, u compussIonuIe beneIIcence oI deIuII whIch moves
Ihe heurI deepIy# uII Ihe deIIghI whIch Ihe Irees oI Ihe
wood huve uIIorded Io men, IndependenIIy oI IheIr uses#
Ihe muny peuceIuI homes Ihey huve overshudowed# Ihe
muny eyes Ihey huve gIuddened# uII Ihe IesIuI |oys oI Ihe
ruce In whIch IheIr brunches huve wuved, seem Io crowd
Ihe mInd In one gruceIuI pIcIure, und Iorce Irom our IIps
Ihe IumIIIur InvocuIIon, 'O uII ye green IhIngs upon eurIh,
bIess ye Ihe Lord# pruIse hIm, und mugnIIy hIm Iorever.`

LrIugenu`s "Iree oI IIIe," und Ihe unuIogous CeIIIc OIherworId
Iundscupes IhuI InIIuenced MIddIe LngIIsh IexIs such us q
`~ q~, p d~~ ~ d h, und i
j a~, seem Io morph by LIIzubeIhun IImes InIo Ihe
"green worId" oI Ihe green wood, noI surprIsIng gIven Ihe
cuIIuruI und bIoIogIcuI mugneIIsm oI Irees, us weII us Ihe wuy
In whIch dIsuppeurIng IoresI In Ihe BrIIIsh IsIes wus becom-
Ing more u geogruphy oI ImugInuIIon. BuI us suggesIed by
Ihe experIence oI Ihe Huudenosuunee und Ihe IIIerury Iegucy
oI Ihe Coopers, such urboreuI geogruphy oI ImugInuIIon
couId be IenucIous. "LcosemIosphere" Is one wuy Io descrIbe
Ihe cuIIuruI IIIe oI Ihe LusIern WoodIunds, druwIng on eco-
semIoIIcs us deveIoped uI TurIu und Copenhugen. JusI us u
semIosphere Is u bubbIe oI meunIng In un envIronmenI
(humun or non-humun), so un ecosemIosphere cIoseIy en-
IwInes muIIIpIe semIospheres wIIhIn u purIIcuIurIy meunIng-
IuI ecosysIem or regIon.
By chumpIonIng Ihe "ImmuIerIuI" sIde oI nuIure In com-
munIcuIIon und reIuIIonshIp, ecosemIoIIcs IoIIows ChurIes S.
PeIrce In hIghIIghIIng ecoIogy us Ihe meunIngIuI reIuIIonshIp
oI sIgn-mukIng, Ihe cross oI Ihe urboreuI und rhIzomuIIc, In
whIch sIgns ure embodIed IeeIIngs wIIh envIronmenIuI con-
noIuIIons. Such u semIoIIc vIew encouruged Ihe emphusIs on
empuIhy IhuI Irom PeIrce`s duy bused Ihe crIIIque oI whuI

Susun IenImore Cooper, "InIroducIIon Io q ! ~ !~,"
In b~ k~ ~ i~~, 31 2444.

Gregory BuIeson und oIhers hIghIIghIed us un IndIvIduuIIsIIc
AngIo-AmerIcun emphusIs on DurwInIun nuIuruI seIecIIon
Irom Ihe sIundpoInI oI orgunIsm ruIher Ihun ecosysIem.

WhuI`s uI sIuke muy noI be so much Ihe urboreuI vs. Ihe rhI-
zomuIIc us one kInd oI Iree symboIIsm vs. unoIher: Ihe Dur-
wInIun Iree oI IIIe wIIh IeIeoIogIcuI pedIgrees, growIng ouI oI
u conIexI oI BrIIIsh coIonIuIIsm und expundIng cupIIuIIsm,
und Ihe Iree us u cross oI Ihe IrunscendenI und ImmunenI,
undersIundubIe In Ioduy`s InIormuIIon uge us IdenIIIIubIe
wIIh PeIrce`s "ImmuIerIuI" sIgn processes us IormuIIve oI
nuIure. The phIIosopher oI mInd Lvun Thompson urgues
IhuI bIoIogy und ecoIogy Ioduy requIre u sense oI nuIure IhuI
Is more homoIogIc Ihun unuIogIc.
PurudoxIcuIIy, uncIenI Iree
symboIIsm oI IrunscendenIuI rooIedness resonuIes more
wIIh IhuI currenI sensIbIIIIy Ihun Ihe bIoIogIcuI Iree oI IIIe In
Ihe nIneIeenIh cenIury, whIch Is chuIIenged by ever-sIrunger
specuIuIIons In physIcs on Ihe muIIIverse und quunIum en-
IungIemenI. YggdrusII wus uIwuys uI home In u muIIIverse.
The non-geomeIrIc sIrungeness und muIIIdImensIonuIIIy oI
euch Iree oIIers IIs own symboIIc quunIum enIungIemenI.
Lven Ihe ceIebruIed "enIungIed bunk" uI Ihe end oI
ChurIes DurwIn`s q l p reuIIy onIy oIIers u
brIeI ImugInuIIve gIImpse oI Iundscupe, overshudowed by Ihe
unuIogous use oI Ihe scene Ior conIempIuIIng Ihe Iuws be-
hInd II, Iruced Io u wuIchmuker-IIke CreuIor. The LIungernyw
Yew In reuI IIIe uIIords by conIrusI u noI-so-uIIIIIurIun experI-
ence, oI un ecosemIoIIc symboI IhuI Is reuI, encIusIered wIIh
humun cuIIure Ior mIIIennIu. ThIs cun evoke conIempIuIIon
IhuI Ieuds noI Io reIIecIIon on u muIrIx oI unuIogous Iuws, buI
phenomenoIogIcuIIy Io experIence oI Ihe reIuIIonuI enIun-
gIemenI oI sIory, humun und non-humun, In u more person-
uI und experIenIIuI wuy Ihun Ihe ~~~ IhuI conIIn-
ues Io IImII conIemporury WesIern upprouches Io Ihe

See, Ior exumpIe, TImoIhy IngoId, "Three In one: how un ecoIogIcuI
upprouch cun obvIuIe Ihe dIsIIncIIons beIween body, mInd und cuI-
Iure," In f~ ~W ~ ~ , eds. A
!oepsIorII und N. Bub (Denmurk: Aurhus UnIversIIy Press), 40bb.
Lvun Thompson, j i (CumbrIdge: BeIknupIHurvurd UnI-
versIIy Press, 2007), 19b.


Trees huve been posIIed us u posImodern emburrussmenI.
DeIeuze und GuuIIurI In Ihe openIng oI ^ q~ m~~
condemned Irees us hIerurchIcuI und noI ImmunenI enough,
In u word IrunscendenIuI, noI rhIzomuIIc buI urboreuI. YeI Io
MedIIerruneun und Luropeun pre-moderns Irees were
IrunscendenI und ImmunenI, rhIzomuIIc und urboreuI. They
suw Irees more us Irees, wIIh reuI rooIs und brunches con-
necIIng mIcro-ecosysIems. DeIeuze und GuuIIurI, us PeIer
HuIIwurd noIed, were In some wuys cIose Io Ihe eurIy medIe-
vuI cosmoIogy oI LrIugenu, who heId nuIure Io be u Ihe-
ophuny. Ior D&G, us my sIudenIs cuII Ihem, nuIure wus un
ecophuny. BuI In eIImInuIIng Ihe IrunscendenI, Ihey puru-
doxIcuIIy mIssed Ihe mysIery oI u reuI Iree, Ihe subsIunce oI
whIch Ihey sIIII pursued In spIrII In IheIr rhIzome und bodIes
wIIhouI orguns. HeIdegger hud noIed IhuI phIIosophy hus
noI been yeI ubIe Io IeI u Iree ucIuuIIy u Iree, uIIhough Iyp-
IcuIIy he Ihen wenI on hImseII Io do Ihe sume.
Now we ure
IeII wIIh u Iechnophuny oI durk ecoIogy, symboIIzed urbore-
uIIy In SIngupore`s super Irees, Ihe munmude meIuIIIc gIunI
Irees preIIgurIng zIgguruIs oI Ihe 21sI cenIury.
BuI In eurIy medIevuI IIIeruIure und urI, we huve exum-
pIes oI Irees uIIowed Io be Irees ImugInuIIveIy und cosmIcuI-
IyIukIng Ihe Ierm cosmIc In IIs Greek meunIng oI beuuIy
und udornmenI In Ihe envIronmenIuI worId, und ImpIyIng u
puIIern oI non-humun mysIery wIIh In eIIecI u IIIe oI IIs own,
Ihough InIerwoven wIIh humun shupIng oI Ihe beuuIIIuI
Ihrough or cruII. In Ihe OId LngIIsh poem q a~
!, In one vIew Ihe Iree Is be|eweIed und IIghI-IIIIed,
In unoIher cuI down, u vIcIIm oI coIonIuI oppressIon. YeI Ihe
Iree Is gIven u voIce und ugency und u IeuchIng roIe Ior hu-
muns, us Is Ihe creuIIon IhuI weeps uI Ihe crucIIIxIon oI Ihe
CreuIor God on Ihe LurIh. In Ihe eurIy IrIsh nurruIIves oI q
s~ pK _~, Irees ure gIven voIce by bIrds sIngIng
Ihe IIIurgIcuI hours. In IceIundIc LddIc IIIeruIure we reud oI
YggdrusII, Ihe cosmIc Iree, whIch conIuIns dIIIerenI worIds In
IIs brunches und rooIs, und upon whIch u squIrreI runs be-
Iween u drugon uI Ihe rooIs und Ihe eugIe uI IIs Iop. Then
Ihere Is Ihe buIIIe oI Ihe Irees In u poem uIIrIbuIed Io TuIIesIn.

See MurIIn HeIdegger, t~ `~ q\ (New York: Hur-
per PerennIuI, 1976), 3844.

In MuIory we huve Ihe IoresI oI udvenIure und woods uround
GIusIonbury und AvuIon where survIvors seek soIuce. Those
were Iundscupes oI Ihe green worId, IIIerury successor Io Ihe
CeIIIc OIherworId, Irumed by Irees, IrunspIunIed InIo AngIo-
AmerIcun ImugInuIIon, meIdIng wIIh NuIIve AmerIcun Iree
Iore. The CeIIIc OIherworId IIseII wus u sIund-In Ior Ihe bIbII-
cuI PurudIse In whIch eurIy creuIed Irees und pIunIs dweIIed
peuceubIy wIIh humuns under Ihe brunches und ubove Ihe
rooIs oI Ihe AII Tree reIerenced In eurIy Greek IrunsIuIIons oI
Perhups Ihe mosI memorubIe Iree symboIIsm Irom me-
dIevuI IreIund, besIdes sucred Irees oI IIs monusIerIes, Is SI.
CoIumbu`s CuIIebud, or IIIurgIcuI Iun, u IeuI Irom un oIher-
worIdIy Iree, sImIIur Io Ihe IruII Irom Ihe Tree oI LIIe broughI
buck by SuInI Luphrosynus Ihe Cook. BuI Ihe speIIIng ouI oI
Ihe nume oI IhuI Iun In Ihe Book oI BuIIymoIe suggesIs Ihe
reIIc wus u nume Ior wheeI-wrIIIng In ogum, und so u symboI
IInkIng nuIuruI ob|ecI Io urI und wrIIIng. As noIed eurIIer, SI.
MuxImus Ihe ConIessor In Ihe sevenIh cenIury sImIIurIy de-
scrIbed Ihe bIbIIcuI Tree oI LIIe us Ihe Logos IncIudIng sIng-
Ing oI creuIIon In IIs brunches, or Ihe words oI Ihe Word,
hurmonIes oI Ihe Hurmony, u Iheme pIcked up by LrIugenu.
The dIIIerence beIween CoIumbu`s Iun und Ihe SIngupore
super Irees Is IhuI one urguubIy Is Ihe symboI oI Ihe comIng
IogeIher oI heuven und eurIh, und Ihe oIher oI humun mus-
Iery over muIerIuI eIemenIs Ihrough concepIuuI unuIogy.
CoIumbu`s Iun Is more remInIscenI oI Ihe sIngIng goIden bIrd
In Ihe goIden Iree oI WIIIIum BuIIer YeuIs` "SuIIIng Io Byzun-
IIum." The eurIy medIevuI symboI urose Irom u cuIIure
whose heyduy In Ihe eru oI Ihe Book oI KeIIs puruIIeIed By-
zunIIum`s IIme us cenIer oI un eurIy ChrIsIIunIIy uI Ihe InIer-
secIIon oI CIussIcuI Greek und Hebrew vIews oI nuIure. The
Tree us Cross Iormed u symboI oI Ihe InIersecIIon oI Ihe
IrunscendenI und ImmunenI In Ihe personuI, In Ihe person oI
Ihe CreuIor mude physIcuI. ThIs Iree enIwIned Ior eurIy me-
dIevuI ChrIsIIuns Ihe experIence oI Moses` burnIng bush und
Ihe vIne oI Ihe gospeI Logos und , uspecIs oI boIh CIussI-
cuI Greek und bIbIIcuI Hebrew cosmoIogy. Heuven und eurIh
enIwIne In Ihe brunches und rooIs oI such Ireeness In u wuy
neIIher IuIIy punIheIsIIc nor punenIheIsIIc.
PuveI IIorensky und SergeI BuIgukov shuped Ihe eurIy
medIevuI InIersecIIon oI Ihe HoIy Cross or HoIy Tree InIo u
modern sophIc ecoIogy. HIghIIghIIng connecIIons oI Ihe He-
brew noIIon oI DIvIne WIsdom und Ihe Greek sense oI Log-
os, Ihey deIIned DIvIne SophIu us IhuI whIch, us BuIgukov

wroIe, "shInes In Ihe worId us Ihe prImordIuI purIIy und
beuuIy oI Ihe unIverse, In Ihe IoveIIness oI u chIId und In Ihe
gorgeous enchunImenI oI u swuyIng IIower, In Ihe beuuIy oI u
sIurry sky und u IIumIng sunrIse."
SophIu spunned Ihe dI-
vIne und Ihe creuIed, In creuIed Iorm symboIIzed by Ihe
MoIher oI God. We see echoes oI IhIs oId experIenIIuI wuy oI
experIencIng Ihe punsemIoIIc personuIIzed ImmunenI-yeI-
IrunscendenI LurIh, oI "mugnIIyIng" u green worId, even In
1bIh-cenIury !obIn Hood buIIuds, where IIIe beneuIh Ihe
green wood Is ussocIuIed wIIh devoIIon Io "Our Ludy." So,
Ioo, CIussIcuI dryuds were boIh IemInIne und dendrIc uvuIurs
oI LurIh, sImIIur Io our currenI GuIu Iheory, IIIusIruIIng how
urboreuI cosmIc vIews IncorporuIed IemuIe us weII us muIe
When we IhInk oI susIuInubIIIIy us IncIudIng ImugInuIIon,
In IhuI whIch enubIes us Io endure und endures us on Ihe
Irees remuIn Ihe go-Io symboI Ior boIh rooIedness
und brunchIng ouI, DeIeuze und GuuIIurI usIde. LnvIron-
menIuI phenomenoIogIsI DuvId Wood noIed In hIs essuy
"Trees und TruIh, or Why We Are !euIIy AII DruIds" IhuI Irees
IIvIng or deud sIIII shupe our IIves und oIIen Iorm our houses
und IurnIIure und Iundscupes. II Is In one sense rIghI Io crIII-
cIze DurwInIun evoIuIIon, he urgues, In IhuI humun beIngs
huve noI evoIved ouI oI IIvIng In Irees. We sIIII IIve wIIhIn
IhemphysIcuIIy und ImugInuIIveIy, rooI und brunch, IeuI
und puge, vIrIuuI or noI.
LIke Ihe Lorux Irom IhuI eurIIer
ImugInuIIve eru oI envIronmenIuIIsmuImosI us dIsIunI Io
Ioduy`s I-cuIIure us Ihe MIddIe Ageseco-poeIs cun sIIII
speuk Ior Ihe Irees, when humbIy seeIng Ihem us boIh reuI
und symboIIc, noI mereIy us ob|ecIs, noI us one or Ihe oIher.

CIIed In PuveI IIorensky, q m~ ~ d qW ^
b~ l q q i, Iruns. BorIs JukIm
(PrInceIon: PrInceIon UnIversIIy Press, 2004), 83.
On ImugInuIIon us Ihe IourIh Ieg oI susIuInubIIIIy (usuuIIy now
deIIned In envIronmenIuI, economIc, und socIuI Ierms), see LesIIe
PuuI ThIeIe, p~~ (CumbrIdge: PoIIIy Press, 2013), 4b.
DuvId Wood, "Trees und TruIh, or Why We Are !euIIy AII DruIds,"
In !Jq k~, ed. IoIIz und Irodemun, 3243.


James Smith

Thus II Is IhuI Ihe muIubIIIIy oI Ihe presenI Is u IopIc IhuI Is
uIwuys oId, yeI ever new, oId Io Ihose who Ihrough experI-
ence or reIIecIIon IeurnI II Iong ugo, new Io Ihose who,
uwukened by experIence or udmonIshed by IeuchIng, ure
|usI begInnIng Ior Ihe IIrsI IIme Io know II now.
Hugh oI SuInI-VIcIor, a s~~ j

LIvIng under IIquId modern condIIIons cun be compured Io
wuIkIng In u mIneIIeId: everyone knows un expIosIon mIghI
huppen uI uny momenI und In uny pIuce, buI no one knows
when Ihe momenI wIII come und where Ihe pIuce wIII be. On
u gIobuIIzed pIuneI, IhuI condIIIon Is unIversuI no one Is
exempI und no one Is Insured uguInsI IIs consequences.
ZygmunI Buumun, i j

To IIow Is Io sIrIve uguInsI InerIIu, Io spreud IorIh, Io become
dIIuIed by Ihe myrIud eddIes oI IIIe, Io become enrIched by
new InIIux. To IIow Is Io be IosI, Io rush Ihrough IIIe, Io be
dushed upon unIumIIIur resIsIunce, Io IeeI IurmoII wIIhIn. As

Ihe pre-SocruIIc phIIosopher HerucIIIus remInds us, every-
IhIng IIows (~~ ).
These dynumIcs Iorm u bond oI
hIsIorIcuI specIIIcIIIes merged wIIh muIerIuI IegucIes ucross
IIme, Ior Ihe IIuIdIIy oI creuIIvIIy, composIIIon, und dynu-
mIsm musI ever InspIre und unseIIIe In equuI meusure. The
moruI unxIeIIes expressed by Hugh oI SuInI-VIcIor In Ihe epI-
grum ubove ure boIh dIsIIncIIy medIevuI In moruI regIsIer
und redoIenI oI modern unxIeIIes expressed by ZygmunI
Buumun In Ihe second epIgruph: Ihey expIore u Ieur IhuI
chungeubIIIIy Is purudoxIcuIIy unexpecIed und InevIIubIe
huunIs us uII. LIIe IIows by uI u puce IhuI Is boIh endIessIy
unseIIIIng und endurIngIy IypIcuI. ThIs puper IIows Ihrough
Ihe IIuId unxIeIIes oI medIevuI moruI IIIe, und empIIes IIseII
InIo modern vIcIssIIudes. II seeks Io expose u munIIesI ecoI-
ogy oI Ihe Inhumun, u moveubIe uIIerIIy oI IIme und chunce
IhuI encupsuIuIes humun IIIe und yeI endIessIy enIungIes II.
As OvId Iermed II In Ihe j~, IIme Is ~
, Ihe devourer oI IhIngs! IIs vusI muw boIh Ihe enIrunce
InIo dIssoIuIIon und Ihe dIgesIIon oI oId InIo Ihe endIess
In u medIevuI conIexI, IemporuI IrunsIIIon wus sur-
rounded by, seI wIIhIn, u smooIh ceIesIIuI eIernIIy! IIme
roIIed wIIhIn endIess cuIm. In IhIs dIscussIon, I expIore Ihe
renderIng oI Ihe endIess dIssoIuIIon und reconsIIIuIIon oI
IhIngs Ihrough Ihe popuIur evocuIIon oI IIuId properIIes, Ihe
shupIng oI un ecoIogIcuI ~ reveuIed wIIhIn medIevuI
IhoughI und ImpIIed wIIhIn modern IhoughI Ihrough u
sIrong veIn oI dIscourse.
To suy IhuI IIIe Is IIuId Is Io Iorge u IInk IhuI ImmedIuIeIy
breuks Ihe chuIn oI sIgnIIIcuIIon expecIed oI meIuphorIcuI
represenIuIIon. II Is In IucI un envIronmenI, u seIIIng Ior hu-
mun sIrIvIng, deIIned by endIess und IruughI IrunsucIIon
wIIh scuIes und prIorIIIes oI uIIenuIIng ImpersonuIIIy.

As cIuImed by PIuIo In Ihe `~, 401d, In HuroId NorIh IowIer,
ed., m~W `~I m~I d~ e~I i e~,
Loeb CIussIcuI LIbrury (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd UnIversIIy Press, 1926).
PubIIus OvIdIus NusoI j~, XV: 234236: hIIp:IIwww.
And yeI II Is noI, us SIucy AIuImo hus cIuImed, u sympIom oI u word
"druIned oI IIs bIood" by consIunI upproprIuIIon und mIsuse. II Is u
spuce Ior humuns deIIned by Ihe very vIbruncy IhuI hus been IosI In
Ihe IrunsIIIon Irom Ihe LuIIn eIymoIogy oI envIronmenI Io Ihe IexIcuI
revenunI we encounIer Ioduy. See _ k~W pI bJ


spIIe IhIs umbIvuIence, IhIs spuce Is generuIIve: |usI us II de-
vours, so Ioo does II creuIe. II Is no coIncIdence IhuI evocu-
IIon oI IIuId meIuphor brIngs wIIh II un upweIIIng IeeIIng oI
synergy, IIke u bureIy remembered dreum oI Iorm emergIng
Irom u scurce-ImugIned concepIuuI shudow. In Ihe IermI-
noIogy oI Huns BIumenberg u IIuId conIexI cun, und does,
brIng ubouI ~ ~, u process beyond connecIIng
Ihe doIs oI concepIuuIIIy, u process IhuI composes und cre-
uIes. More Ihun u serIes oI codIIIed InIerucIIons beIween
sIgnIIIers und sIgnIIIeds, Ihe spuce shuped by ubsoIuIe meIu-
phor Is un envIrons wIIhIn whIch Ideus ure born, Ieem, InIer-
ucI, unseIIIe, und grow.
BIumemberg oIIers us u worId In
whIch InspIruIIons ure never exhuusIed, buI conIInue Io muI-
IIpIy und compose, u cuIuIyIc sphere Irom whIch Ihe unIverse
oI concepIs conIInuuIIy renews IIseII, wIIhouI Ihereby con-
verIIng und exhuusIIng IhIs IoundIng reserve".

II we uppIy IhIs noIIon Io Ihe IIuId ecoIogy oI Ihe Inhu-
mun, we guIn un InsIghI InIo prucIIces oI sense-mukIng sIIm-
uIuIed by Ihe proIIIIc moIIons oI our meIuphorIcuI weII-
sprIng, Ihe experIence oI envIronmenI Ihrough Ihe senses,
und In endIess InIerucIIons wIIh u compIex ecoIogIcuI per-
specIIve. LIke Ihe 'cIeurIng` IhuI MurIIn HeIdegger ImugIned
us Ihe home oI ~, oI , we occupy Ihe observer
posIIIon umId Ihe seeIhIng generuIIve Iorce In whIch meun-
Ing Is consIunIIy born und Ihe InhumunIIy oI envIronmenI Is
consIunIIy InscruIubIe.
Here, In our dweIIIng pIuce, we vIew

I ~ j~~ p (BIoomIngIon: IndIunu UnIversIIy Press,
2010), 12.
"By provIdIng u poInI oI orIenIuIIon," BIumenberg cIuImed, "Ihe
conIenI oI ubsoIuIe meIuphors deIermInes u purIIcuIur uIIIIude or
conducI! Ihey gIve sIrucIure Io u worId": Huns BIumenberg, m~~J
~ j~ (IIhucu: CorneII UnIversIIy Press, 2010),
BIumenberg, m~~ ~ j~, 4. BIumenberg Is un
upI cIIuIIon Ior u IhesIs on medIevuI IhoughI, Ior hIs work us u medI-
evuIIsI wus u key componenI oI hIs deveIopmenI oI m~~ ~
j~K HIs InIerroguIIon oI spuce und meIuphor Is purIIcu-
IurIy upI. Ior u key exumpIe, see hIs book p p~W
m~~ ~ j~ b (CumbrIdge: M.I.T. Press,
1997), u IexI bused heuvIIy on medIevuI cuse muIerIuI.
"In Ihe mIdsI oI beIngs us u whoIe un open pIuce occurs. There Is u
cIeurIng, u IIghIIng . . . . OnIy IhIs cIeurIng grunIs und guurunIees Io
us humuns u pussuge Io Ihose beIngs IhuI we ourseIves ure noI, und


Ihe expunses oI possIbIIIIIes, Ihe sIurk conIrusI oI IImIIuIIons,
und Ihe overuII ImmuIubIIIIy oI Ihe spuce IhuI deIInes Ihem.
When Ihe IIuId conIenI oI IhIs puper enIers our consIderu-
IIon, we see IhuI Ihe IurbuIenI sIuge Ior IIIe Is noI u sIuIIc
cIeurIng, buI un ever-shIIIIng serIes oI engugemenIs und en-
IungIemenIs. ThIs Is un uIIecIIve mIxIure oI communIons
und uIIenuIIons, comIorIs und InsecurIIIes, us Gregory J.
SeIgworIh und MeIIssu Gregg propose:

AIIecI murks u body`s Io u worId oI encounIers
or! u body`s beIongIng Io u worId oI encounIers buI uIso,
In J, Ihrough uII Ihose Iur sudder (de)com-
posIIIons oI muIuuI In-compossIbIIIIIes. AIwuys Ihere ure
umbIguous or "mIxed" encounIers IhuI ImpInge or ex-
Irude Ior worsI or Ior beIIer, buI (mosI usuuIIy) In-be-

ThIs essuy consIders Ihe umbIguIIIes oI IIuId us u mIxed en-
counIer, us munIIesIed wIIhIn medIevuI moruI unxIeIIes, und
wIIhIn Ihe conIexI oI modern concerns.
Through Ihe Ior-
muIIon oI ecoIogIcuI spuces IhuI negoIIuIe compIex InIer-
pIuys beIween IIucIuuIIng IemporuIIIIes, moruI sIuIes, Ieurs,
und opporIunIIIes, IhIs essuy generuIes u Iorm oI ecoIogIcuI
IhoughI In whIch, us TImoIhy MorIon hus observed, "Ihe
more you know, Ihe more enIungIed you reuIIze you ure, und
Ihe more open und umbIguous everyIhIng becomes."
unxIeIy oI moruI IIIe on eIIher end oI un orderIy 'soIId` mo-
dernIIy reveuIs u sIurIIIng IucI: IhuI weIhe Iormed by Ihe
dIscourse beIween medIevuI und modern IhoughI-worIds
~ Ihe Inhumun und muIubIe. The urgumenI begIns, us
does IhIs IuIe oI Ieur, opporIunIIy, und ecoIogIcuI enIungIe-
menI, wIIh pre-modern mournIng Ior Ihe pussIng oI IhIngs.

uccess Io Ihe beIng IhuI we ourseIves ure": MurIIn HeIdegger, mI
i~~I q, Iruns. AIberI HoIsIudIer (New York: Hurper und
#ow, 1971), b3.
Gregory J. SeIgworIh und MeIIssu Gregg, "An InvenIory oI ShIm-
mers," In q ^ q !~, eds. Gregory J. SeIgworIh und
MeIIssu GrIgg (Durhum: Duke UnIversIIy Press, 2010), 2 128.
Or equuIIy u Iruns-corporeuI encounIer, Ihe "InIerconnecIIons,
InIerchunges, und IrunsIIs" beIween humun und non-humun pro-
posed by SIucy AIuImo, _ k~, 2.
TImoIhy MorIon, q b~ q (CumbrIdge: Hurvurd
UnIversIIy Press, 2010), 17.


I sIIck IusI In Ihe mIre oI Ihe deep
und Ihere Is no sure sIundIng.
I um come InIo Ihe depIh oI Ihe seu,
und u IempesI huIh overwheImed me.

PsuIm 68

c NW HIsIorIuIed InIIIuI oI PsuIm 68 ((S)uIuum), Irom 14
c. PsuI-
Ier oI Queen PhIIIppu, BrIIIsh LIbrury MS. HurIey 2899, I. b3.

Ior medIevuI IhInkers, Ihe worId IIowed Ior good und Ior III!
Ihe worId shuped und IhwurIed Ihe pro|ecIed Iorm oI u hu-

"InIIxus sum In IImo proIundI eI non possum consIsIere venI In
proIundum uquurum eI IIumen operuII me": Irom Ihe Douuy-
#heIms IrunsIuIIon oI Ihe LuIIn VuIguIe BIbIe (hIIp:IIwww.drbo.

mun IIIe. IundumenIuI puIIerns oI vIIuI moIIon, Ihe very
Iorces IhuI drove Ihe cosmos, were Ihe sume Iorces IhuI epII-
omIzed Ihe IIuws oI IemporuIIIy. The response wIIhIn Ihe
humun heurI AnguIsh. "Why do we Iove you, O WorId, us
you IIee Irom us" enIreuIed AIcuIn oI York In hIs poem l
j~ `~K
AIcuIn`s urdenI uIIegoresIs oI Ihe worId us ud-
dressubIe dIssoIves InsIunIIy InIo u IorrenI oI Inhumun mo-
IIon. The unswer ConIempI. In Ihe IweIIIh cenIury, Hugh oI
SuInI-VIcIor descrIbed Ihe IemporuI worId, wIIh uII IhuI Is In
II, us "IIood wuIer sweepIng pusI, whose InunduIIons und
chungIng currenIswheIher we compure Ihem Io u IIood
IhuI covers everyIhIng or Io u mIghIy seuure very IIke reuII-
#egurdIng Ihe humun heurI, Hugh udmonIshes Ihe
reuder Io remember IhuI "AII IhIngs puss und IIow und noI u
IhIng subsIsIs under Ihe sun, so IhuI Ihe senIence Is IuI-
IIIIed: ~ ~I ~ ~I ~ ~."

The InevIIubIe und compIex InIerpIuy oI IemporuIIIIes In-
herenI In IhIs ~~ creuIed Ihe queer compIexIIIes recenIIy
expIored by CuroIIne DInshuw In e p k, buI uIso
seIs Ihe sIuge Ior u spuce oI sIrIvIng und unxIeIy occupIed by
IndIvIduuIs seekIng Io IInd sIruIegIes Io overcome or conIex-
IuuIIze IheIr sIIuuIIon.
The dIverse und chuoIIc IemporuII-
IIes encounIered wIIhIn Ihe seu oI Ihe worId were boIh un
IndIvIduuI und coIIecIIve experIence, IheIr nuvIguIIon u con-
IusIng mIxIure oI reucIIons. TIme, Ior Ihese nuvIguIors, wus
seII-conIrudIcIory und chuoIIc by IIs very nuIure: Ihe gouI oI
IIs experIence wus Ihe Irunscendence oI IIs eIIecIs.

"cur Ie IugIIIvum, mundus, umumus": hIIp:IIwww.IheIuIInIIbrury.
Hugh oI SI. VIcIor, "Nouh`s Ark III," a s~~ j, In e
pK sW p p~ t L q~~ ~ !
`KpKjKsKI ~ f ^ pI lKmK (London: Iuber,
1962), 17b176.
"Hugh oI SuInI VIcIor: TheoIogy und InIerIorIIy," In Ineke vun`I
SpI|ker, ed., c f iW ! i~ ~ cJ
~ p b ~ q ` (TurnhouI:
BrepoIs, 2004), 119120.
See CuroIIne DInshuw, e p k\ j~ qI ^~
!~I ~ n q (Durhum: Duke UnIversIIy Press,
Thus Ihe Ieur und Ihe opporIunIIy vIs-u-vIs IIuId ecoIogIes IhuI I
expIore In IhIs essuy. As DInshuw hus suggesIed In Ihe cuse oI Iem-
poruIIIy, however, seeIng IhIs IIuId spuce us u "IImeInoI IIme" prop-

Ihun un uusIere und dIducIIc spuce oI monoIIIhIc dIsorder, I
InsIeud propose u compIex neIwork oI porous und muIuuI
enIungIemenIs IhuI medIevuI IhInkers bemouned und des-
puIred oI, und yeI soughI Io hurness Ior Ihe purpose oI seII-
The conIempI IeII by medIevuI, und purIIcuIurIy
monusIIc, IhInkers Iowurds Ihe worId wus noI us sImpIe us
unIIpuIhy, buI InsIeud u guIvunIzIng und moIIve dIsIrusI IhuI
Imbued Ihe spIrII wIIh Ihe wIII Io enguge und noI Io drown.
The ~~ perceIved by Hugh wIIhIn Ihe pussIng oI Ihe
worId consIIIuIes u humun uIIecIIve response Io Ihe moIesIu-
IIon oI medIevuI moruI IIIe by whuI June BenneII mIghI cuII
un 'ImpersonuI uIIecI' oI IIuIdIIy. In Ihe Ireucherous IIux,
BeneII's "subsIsIenI worId oI non-humun vIIuIIIy" emerges,
und yeI II Is noI u vIIuIIIy IhuI medIevuI peopIe couId be con-
IenI wIIh.
The IIuIdIIy oI IemporuI IIIe swepI up Ihe souI In u
compIex web oI InIerucIIons, und yeI such u purIIcIpuIIon
currIed rIsk. In u medIevuI InIeIIecIuuI worId encupsuIuIed by
u shIIIIng und swIrIIng mueIsIrom, muIIer hud u dIsIurbIng
As AugusIIne puI II In a a~ `~~, Ihe
worId wus Io be used us u vehIcIe oI IruveI, noI Io be en-
II wus somewhuI dIsIurbIng when Ihe worId used
you. Through myrIud pushIngs und puIIIngs, buIIeIIngs und
IIuxes, Ihe moIIons oI Ihe medIevuI worId propeIIed noI onIy
humun IIIe, buI Ihe mobIIe cosmos on u grund scuIe.
In hIs IweIIIh-cenIury a ` j, Bernurd oI
CIuny evoked Ihe Irope oI Ihe IugIIIve worId In u powerIuI
dIspIuy oI spIrIIuuI puIhos. The cycIe oI Impermunence con-
osIIIon where u munIIoId chuos Is sImpIe In IIs opposIIIon Io u soIId
order neguIes Ihe vIIuIIIy und compIexIIy oI medIevuI moruI IIIe.
TIm IngoId suggesIs IhuI "Ihe orgunIsm Is noI IImIIed by Ihe skIn.
fI I ~": TIm IngoId, "PoInI, LIne und CounIerpoInI: Irom Ln-
vIronmenI Io IIuId Spuce," In AIuIn BerIhoz und Yves ChrIsIenI eds.,
k "rW e i _ m tI
!~ ~ m k (BerIIn: SprInger, 2009),
June BenneII, s~ j~W ^ m~ b q
(Durhum: Duke UnIversIIy Press, 2010), xIxIII.
An ugency hIghIIghIed In purIIcuIur by CuroIIne WuIker Bynum
Ihrough Ihe oIIen-dIsrupIIve muIerIuIIIy oI ChrIsIIun muIerIuI ob-
|ecIs. See her book `~ j~~W ^ b~ ! i~
j~ b (CumbrIdge: M.I.T. Press, 2011).
AugusIIne, a a~ `~~, Book 1, ChupIers 3b: hIIp:II
IInued unInIerrupIed ~ , und wouId endure
unIII Ihe Duy oI JudgemenI. The spuce beIween Ihe bIrIh und
end oI worIdIy IurbuIence, Ihe uIphu und omegu oI IemporuI
moIIon, served us u consIunI counIerexumpIe Ior Ihose
sIeeped In Ihe mores oI monusIIc spIrIIuuIIIy, und u spuce
wIIhIn whIch Ihe enIungIed sIruggIed Io preserve u cIeur ob-
server posIIIon In u chuoIIc vorIex oI ecoIogy:

See how Ihe whIrIIng courses oI IhIngs husIen uwuy, IIke
sIreums oI wuIer. The worId`s gIory hus IuIIen und IIed
und vunIshed In Ihe cycIe oI duys . . . . IIs posIIIon Is un-
IIxed, IIs sIuIus Is unsIubIe. II goes und II reIurns, IIke Ihe
seu, now bud und Iomorrow even worse.

WIIhIn Bernurd`s words, we upprehend Ihe mIxed encounIer
descrIbed by SeIgworIh und Gregg, u deep und vIoIenI emo-
IIonuI IncompossIbIIIIy. a ` j reveuIs sud-
ness Ior Ihe non-beIongIng oI humunIIy In un ecoIogy oI
deepIy uIIenuIIng InhumunIIy, und yeI u purudoxIcuI und In-
IInIIeIy more sud IIIusIon oI beIongIng. Ior Bernurd, Ihe cru-
eIIy oI Ihe worId wus IndIcuIed noI onIy by IIs uIIenuIIng
quuIIIIes, buI by Ihe endIess IuIse IrIendshIps IhuI were Ihe
IrunsucIIons oI humun IIIe. a s~~ j Iorms un ex-
Ireme In u conIInuum oI medIevuI opInIons. AeIred oI #Ie-
vuuIx, In conIrusI, urgued IhuI "umong non$senIIenI beIngs,
u kInd oI Iove oI compunIonshIp comes Io IIghI, sInce noI
one oI Ihem Is IeII uIone, buI euch Is creuIed und conserved
In u kInd oI socIeIy oI IIs own cIuss."
Bernurd suw Ihe sIrIIe,
und noI Ihe unIIy, uI work wIIhIn ecoIogy. The worId wus
beuuIIIuI und dynumIc, und Ihrough IIs coIor und munIIoId
enchunImenIs II hId Ihe ugIy Iuce oI chunge. II wus u spuce oI
beguIIIng Innocence hIdIng endIess IIckIeness. WhuI seemed
uI one momenI Io be cuIm und InvIIIng In IIs IrunquIIIIIy
couId und wouId be ugIIuIed Io vIoIenI moIIon, oIIen In Ihe
bIInk oI un eye.
Ludy NuIuru oI AIun oI LIIIe`s IweIIIh-cenIury a m~
k~~ procIuImed IhuI "uI my mere wIII und wIsh Ihe
p tW _~ ` a W q
i~ q b q~~ ~ ~ f, Iruns.
#onuId L. PepIn (LusI LunsIng: MIchIgun SIuIe UnIversIIy CoIIeugues
Press, 1991), Book 1.71.
^ !~W p~ c, Iruns. Luwrence C. Bruce-
Iund (CoIIegevIIIe: CIsIercIun PubIIcuIIons, 2010), 1:b4, 6b66.

worId Is now vexed InIo Ihe wruIh oI Ihe sIorm, now reIurns
Io Ihe peuce oI IrunquIIIIIy, now, borne uIoII by IIs sweIIIng
prIde, rIses Io Ihe IIkeness oI u mounIuIn, now Is IeveIed ouI
InIo u smooIh pIuIn."
TurbuIence wus nuIuruI wIIhIn medI-
evuI moruIIIyIhe ~ ~ wus ever spInnIngund yeI
IIs ubsence wus oI dIvIne ImporIunce. The crueIIy oI IIIe wus
IhuI II requIred moIIon Io exIsI, und yeI broughI ubouI Ihe
dIssoIuIIon oI humun InIegrIIy by Ihe very sume moIIon.
MonusIIcs IeII IhIs conIIIcI keenIy, und soughI Io wurn oIhers
uguInsI II. Hugh oI SuInI-VIcIor Is purIIcuIurIy sIrIdenI In hIs
wurnIng Io uII who dweII wIIhIn Ihe seu oI Ihe worId, und yeI
we geI Ihe sense IhuI he Is mereIy Ihe specIuIor oI u dIsusIer
InevIIubIy unIoIdIng beIore hIm:

Poor wreIches, whuI wIII become oI you In IhIs seu
Why dId you puI your IrusI In IhuI decepIIve cuIm . . . O
unhuppy wreIched men, see how swIIIIy your |oy hus
been chunged, und InIo whuI sorry pIIghI your IIIe
hus IuIIen. Once, In your IooIIsh re|oIcIng, you Iound
umusemenI In Ihe IIshes oI Ihe seu. Now, when you ure
shIpwrecked und mIserubIy cusI uwuy, Ihey receIve you us
IheIr Iood.

The cIurIIy und IrunquIIIIIy oI wuIer uI resI conIrusIs shurpIy
und yeI emerges In dIuIecIIc InIerpIuy wIIh Ihe Iury und
commoIIon oI roIIIng wuves. By consIunIIy hIghIIghIIng Ihe
dunger und IurbuIenI Impermunence oI worIdIy IIIe, monus-
IIc wrIIers creuIed u spuce IhuI suggesIed u sImpIer, purer,
und sIIIIer worId IhuI exIsIed beyond II. Ior u medIevuI Imug-
InIng, Ihe wuIers IhuI propeIIed humun |ourneys Ihrough Ihe
oceun-Iorge oI moruI IIIe conIuIned un InherenI und on-
goIng |uxIuposIIIon oI u IImpId moruIIIy oI sIIIIed und Irun-
quII peuce coupIed wIIh u roIIIng muss oI conIusIon und
sIrIIe. "You IIow und you grow, you run down und you ure
enguIIed," conIInues Hugh In u meIunchoIy Ione, "O sIreum
IhuI IuIIs noI, O wuIercourse never sIIII, O whIrIpooI never
He recuIIs Ihe dIvIneIy orduIned punIIIve mIghI oI

DougIus M. MoIIuII, Iruns.I ^~ i x^~ zI K
NOMOI q `~ k~ (NorIh Huven: Archon Books, 1972)!

Hugh oI SI. VIcIor, "Nouh`s Ark III," a s~~ j, 161.
Nouh`s Ark III, a s~~ j, 171.
worIdIy IIIe, oI u dIsorder orduIned by u wruIhIuI God who "Is
mIghIy und sIrong, us u sIorm oI huII: u desIroyIng whIrIwInd,
us Ihe vIoIence oI muny wuIers overIIowIng, und senI IorIh
upon u spucIous Iund."
The IIood oI GenesIs, II seems, Is
ever bureIy In check.
Hugh oI SuInI-VIcIor uIso procIuImed IhuI "whuIever Is
sub|ecI Io bIrIh, whuIever InvoIves Ihe debI oI morIuIIIy, IhuI
does InsuIIubIe deuIh guIp down, II never ceuses Io consume
Ihe one und ensnure Ihe oIher, or Io enguII Ihem boIh. The
presenI Is uIwuys pussIng on, Ihe IuIure uIwuys IoIIowIng!
und, sInce Ihe conIInuIIy Is unbroken, Ihere Is u beIIeI IhuI
IhIs Is Ihe permunenI condIIIon oI IhIngs."
The InIeIIecIuuI
envIronmenI InhubIIed by Ihe seII-reIIexIve medIevuI IhInker
wus boIh u pIuce oI beIongIng, und u pIuce oI endIess uIIenu-
IIon. To be born InIo IhIs worId wus Io Incur u debI oI per-
munence so unomuIous Io IurbuIence IhuI IIIe IIseII becume
u buIIIe uguInsI enIropy.
The sIorm oI IIIe, uccordIng Io
Hugh, wus Ihe resuII oI Ihe InconsIunI humun heurI, oI Ihe
sIorm whIpped up by InIemperunce. ThIs wus un InevIIubIe
moIIon, und yeI poIenIIuI remuIned Ior nuvIguIIon Ihrough
knowIedge und IechnIque, us Grover ZInn expIuIns:

AI Ihe ouIseI oI Ihe IreuIIse a ~~ k Hugh oI SI VIc-
Ior recounIs Ihe occusIon IhuI guve rIse Io u conversuIIon
IhuI Ied uIIImuIeIy Io Ihe wrIIIng oI Ihe IreuIIse. One duy,
Hugh suys, he wus unswerIng quesIIons puI Io hIm by hIs
IeIIow reguIur cunons, when dIscussIon becume Iocused
on Ihe "InsIubIIIIy und resIIessness" oI Ihe humun heurI.
ImpIored by hIs broIhers In reIIgIon Io show Ihe cuuse oI
IhIs InsIubIIIIy und, IurIhermore, Io Ieuch Ihem II II couId
be cured "by uny skIII urIe or by Ihe prucIIce oI some
dIscIpIIne IuborIs cuIus IIbeI exercIIuIIone."

"ecce vuIIdus eI IorIIs DomInI sIcuI ImpeIus grundInIs Iurbo con-
IrIngens sIcuI ImpeIus uquurum muIIurum InundunIIum eI emIs-
surum super Ierrum spuIIosum": IsuIus 28:2, Irom Ihe Douuy-#heIms
IrunsIuIIon oI Ihe LuIIn VuIguIe.
Hugh oI SI. VIcIor, "Nouh`s Ark III," a s~~ j, 171172.
WIIhIn IhIs buIIIe wus Ihe ~ Ior opporIunIIy wIIhIn
IIuId ecoIogy: beIore IIme couId be overcome und IIs eIIecIs umeIIo-
ruIed, II wus IIrsI necessury Io move Ihrough II, Io suII ucross II und Io
undersIund IIs IocuIIzed condIIIons.
Grover A. ZInn, "MIndIng MuIIer: MuIerIu und Ihe WorId In Ihe
SpIrIIuuIIIy und TheoIogy oI Hugh oI SI. VIcIor," In Nuncy Vun-

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As Iong us reuson sIumbered Ihe burque oI conscIence In
Ihe worId wus shuken by Ihe Iroughs oI Ihe seu, so IhuI

Deusen und Cury J. Nedermun, eds., j j~W p l jJ
~ ~ b~Jj f~ e f e l j~~ `J
(TurnhouI: BrepoIs, 2009), 4748 4768.
As SIeven MenIz dIscusses In hIs shIpwreck essuy (In IhIs voIume,
und uIso In u IorIhcomIng monogruph), Ihe consIrucIIon oI u "shIp"
Ieuds Io Ihe endIess possIbIIIIy oI shIpwreck, un endIessIy precurIous
und yeI mobIIe posIIIon IhuI provIdes Ihe rIsk oI deuIh und oI oppor-
^ j `W q j d k, Iruns. PuuI
J. ArchumbuuII (UnIversIIy Purk: The PennsyIvunIu SIuIe UnIversIIy
Press, 1996), b.

Ihe prow oI IeudIng counseI wus buIIeIed by Ihe bIows oI
curnuI ImpuIses, und Ihe sIern oI reusoned |udgemenI
wus dushed In u coIIIsIon wIIh dungerous rocks, IhuI Is,
IempIuIIons whIch rIse up IrequenIIy. The whoIe perIme-
Ier oI Ihe souI wus spun uround In u sIngIe gyruIIon InIo u
deep IuIIure.

AI no poInI does PeIer suggesI IhuI nuvIguIIon Is ImpossIbIe,
buI Ihe very ~ oI nuvIguIIon In Ihe moIIon-drIven reuIm oI
dIverse IemporuI eddIes requIres movemenI. True sIIIIness
exIsIed onIy In dIvInIIy or In u sIIuuIIon becuImed by dIvIne
InIervenIIon, und moIIon wus necessury und normuIIve. II
wus noI desIrubIe IhuI moIIon wus normuIIve, buI IhIs wus
Ihe sIuIe oI IhIngs In u posIIupsurIun worId. The chuIIenge, us
John ScoIus LrIugenu once descrIbed II, wus Io be uwure oI
Ihe rocks und Ihe squuIIs, buI Io embruce Ihem us Ihe uIII-
muIe chuIIenge oI moruI erudIIIon:

LeI us spreud our suIIs, Ihen, und seI ouI Io seu. Ior #eu-
son, noI InexperIenced In Ihese wuIers . . . shuII speed our
course: Indeed she IInds II sweeIer Io exercIse her skIII In
Ihe hIdden sIruIghIs oI Ihe Oceun oI dIvInIIy Ihun IdIy Io
busk In Ihe smooIh und open wuIers where she cunnoI
dIspIuy her power.

The mIxed und Iruns-corporeuI encounIer IhuI wus Ihe me-
dIevuI Seu oI Ihe WorId guve medIevuI moruI IIIe boIh u pun-
IshmenI Ior Ihe IrunsgressIon oI IdeuI order In Ihe IuII, und
un opporIunIIy Ior IruveI wIIh, In, und Ihrough Ihe IIuId In-
humunIIy surroundIng humunIIy. #uIher Ihun un ub|ecI und
chuoIIc IoII Io un IdeuIIsed und moruIIsIIc edIIIce oI medIevuI
IhoughI, we cun gIImpse u Irue exercIse oI InIeIIecIuuI dIscI-
pIIne. ThIs wus noI u dIsembodIed InIeIIecI-over-nuIure Iorm
oI dIscIpIIne, buI u cooperuIIon und coIIuboruIIon wIIh Ihe
oIher InIerconnecIed enIIIIes IhuI mude up Ihe ecoIogy oI IIIe
und IIme. II wus Ihe prIck oI unguIsh uI Ihe dIsorder oI emo-
IIon surroundIng humun IIIe IhuI compeIIed Ihe seeker Io

PeIer oI CeIIe, "On ConscIence," In m `W p t,
Iruns. Hugo IeIss (KuIumuzoo: CIsIercIun PubIIcuIIons, 1987)I b8
John ScoIus LrIugenu, us cIIed In Bernurd McGInn, "Oceun und
DeserI us SymboIs oI MysIIcuI AbsorpIIon In Ihe ChrIsIIun TrudI-
IIon," g~ ! 74 (1994): 163 1bb181.

Ieurn Ihe curpenIry oI Ihe InIeIIecI necessury Io shupe con-
IexI-upproprIuIe udupIuIIons. The IIuId ecoIogy wus noI Ihe
uIIImuIe desIInuIIon oI humun IIIe, nor wus II Ihe proper ob-
|ecI oI Iove! II wus Ihe medIum by whIch u good IIIe couId be
negoIIuIed one smuII move uI u IIme, IndIvIduuIIy und coIIec-
IIveIy, guIded by God Ihe HeImsmun. BuI whuI oI we mod-
erns, cuughI us we ure In u seu oI our own

c OK CuIhberI uI Seu, In Ihe 12Ih-c. m i `! ex-
IrucIs Irom Bede, e~ b~~ (e b `
~ m), BrIIIsh LIbrury MS. YuIes Thompson 26, I.26


Producers, boIh humun und non-humun, do noI so much
IrunsIorm Ihe worId, ImpressIng IheIr preconceIved desIgns
upon Ihe muIerIuI subsIruIe oI nuIure, us pIuy IheIr purI Irom
wIIhIn In Ihe worId`s IrunsIormuIIon oI IIseII. GrowIng InIo
Ihe worId, Ihe worId grows In Ihem. And wIIh IhIs, Ihe ques-
IIon concernIng producIIon gIves wuy Io unoIher, IhIs IIme
ubouI Ihe meunIng oI hIsIory.
TIm IngoId, _ ^
In u worId oI ecoIogIcuI InsIubIIIIy, Ihe sIorm oI our IIves
Iosses us buck und IorIhIIIeruIIy und IIguruIIveIy. The
oceun Is no Ionger conIenI Io remuIn uI u dIsIunce, und myrI-
ud worIds oI wuIer seek Io Iorce IhemseIves InIo our duIIy
IIves. The IIow oI modernIIy equuIIy ubhors u vucuum, seek-
Ing Io enIer und roII wIIhIn uny spuce oI our IIves. As SIeven
MenIz hus urgued, we ure unIIed cross-IemporuIIy by our
emoIIonuI umbIguIIy Iowurds Ihe oceuns oI Ihe worId. "In
physIcuI us weII us cuIIuruI Ierms," wrIIes MenIz, "Ihe seu Is u
very dIIIerenI pIuce Irom Ihe Iund. AIIhough our bodIes ure
upproxImuIeIy Iwo-IhIrds wuIer, wuIer Is u hosIIIe eIemenI
IhuI IhreuIens humun IIIe.
As MenIz hus recenIIy urgued,
our currenI IhInkIng Is IuIIIng us und we musI udupI Io u new,
'posI-susIuInubIe` oceunscupe, u noIIon IhuI resonuIes In Ihe
IIguruIIve oceun oI IIIe.
DIsusIer Is InevIIubIe, our response
open Io InIerpreIuIIon. To quoIe JeIIrey Cohen und LoweII
DuckerI In IheIr recenI InIroducIIon Io u Ihemed Issue oI
~ on Ihe IopIc oI ecomuIerIuIIsm, "cuIusIrophes
precede und IoIIow uny sIubIIIIy! IuIIures InevIIubIy urrIve. In
such momenIs oI perIurbuIIon we behoId Ihe web oI InIerre-
IuIIonshIps IhuI consIIIuIes und susIuIns our own worId-
edness. CuIucIysms InevIIubIy shuIIer such ecoIogIcuI mesh-
works, buI IuIIure Is un InvIIuIIon Io dweII more cureIuIIy,
IushIon more cupucIous perspecIIves, und K"

As our InsIIIuIIons crumbIe, our cuIIures InIermIngIe, our
grusp on Ihe IrIumphunI unIhropocenIrIsm oI Ihe LnIIghI-
enmenI Iudes, whuI musI we do
How do we AI-
cuIn und Hugh soughI order In Ihe InIrIcucIes oI spIrIIuuI
edIIIce, und yeI even our mInds IIow uwuy beIore us, IeudIng
Io desIInuIIons IunIuIIsIng und IerrIbIe. IIow Is boIh our
greuIesI dIsIrucIIon, und our mosI vIbrunI opporIunIIy. We
SIeve MenIz, "Towurd u BIue CuIIuruI SIudIes: The Seu, MurIIIme
CuIIure, und LurIy Modern LngIIsh LIIeruIure," i~ `~ 6
(2009): 10011002 9971013.
SIeven MenIz, "AIIer SusIuInubIIIIy," mji^ 127.3 (2012): b86b92.
JeIIrey Jerome Cohen, und LoweII DuckerI, "HowI," ~W
~ ~ ~ ~ 4.1 (2013): 4 1b.
In un InIeresIIng pussuge oI reIevunce Io humunIsIs, un urIIcIe In
q _~ descrIbes Ihe now-vunIshed dreum oI IerIIury educuIIon
us "Ihe Iour-yeur Iuxury cruIse IhuI wIII IrunsporI us genIIy ucross Ihe
guII oI cIuss." As Ihe shIp oI unIversIIy goes down, ucudemIcs In pur-
IIcuIur musI Ieurn Io swIm unew, Ior good or III. See Thomus Irunk,
"Acudemy IIghI Song," q _~ 23 (2013): hIIp:IIIhebuIIIer.

ure embroIIed In u IruughI IIuId socIo-poIIIIcuI ecoIogy, In
whuI ZygmunI Buumun hus IumousIy Iermed IIquId moder-
nIIy, u worId In whIch Ihe "new pIeIy" Is Io beIIeve IhuI "II Is
preIerubIe Io sIIp, shIII or IIouI Ihun Io know, sIop or sIuy" us
Adum PhIIIIps puI II.
And yeI, we need noI be IosI: II Is pos-
sIbIe Io IoIIow IIow Io new und wondrous desIInuIIons.
IngoId eIoquenIIy cupIures IhIs spIrII when he urgues IhuI
Ihe "oceun oI muIerIuIIIy" humunIIy InhubIIs "Is noI Ihe
bIund homogeneIIy oI dIIIerenI shudes oI muIIer buI u IIux In
whIch muIerIuIs oI Ihe mosI dIverse kInds, Ihrough processes
oI udmIxIure und dIsIIIIuIIon, oI couguIuIIon und dIspersuI,
und oI evuporuIIon und precIpIIuIIon, undergo conIInuuI
generuIIon und IrunsIormuIIon."
We cun Ieurn, we cun
udupI, und us IngoId cIuIms, we cun IoIIow Ihe Inhumun res-
onunces oI becomIng Io our udvunIuge:

. . . huecceIIIes seIs oI reIuIIons ure noI ~ we per-
ceIve, sInce In Ihe worId oI uId spuce Ihere ure no ob-
|ecIs oI percepIIon. They ure ruIher whuI we perceIve .
In shorI, Io perceIve Ihe envIronmenI Is noI Io Iuke sIock
oI IIs conIenIs buI Io ~ , IrucIng Ihe
puIhs oI Ihe worId`s becomIng, wherever Ihey muy Ieud

IIow Is boIh our greuIesI dIsIrucIIon, und our mosI vIbrunI

Adum PhIIIIps, l c~W m~~ b~ rJ
i (London: Hurvurd UnIversIIy Press, 1994), 124.
There ure muny socIoIogIcuI IexIs In uddIIIon Io Ihe uIreudy men-
IIoned corpus oI ZygmunI Buumun und Ihe IIuId reIuIIons oI IngoId
udvocuIIng u IIuId negoIIuIIon. Ior Iwo oI Ihe mosI semInuI, see Ihe
repubIIshed copy oI John Urry, "MobIIe SocIoIogy," q _ gJ
~ p 61, SuppIemenI 1 (2010): 347366, und MunueI Cus-
IeIIs, q f~~ `W f~ qI b !J
I ~ r~ !~ m (London: WIIey-BIuck-
weII, 1989).
TIm IngoId, _ ^W b~ jI hI ~
a (London: #ouIIedge, 2011), 24.
NoIe IhuI u huecceIIy Is u "IhIsness," Irom Ihe LuIIn ~~, buI
IhuI IngoId hus used Ihe word Io expIIcIIIy reIer Io reIuIIonuIIIy bused
on u DeIeuzo-GuuIIurIun IormuIuIIon Iuken Irom GIIIes DeIeuze und
IeIIz GuuIIurI, ^ q~ m~~W `~~ ~ p~,
Iruns. BrIun MussumI (MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press,
1987). See IngoId, "PoInI, LIne und CounIerpoInI," 1b4.
opporIunIIy. AIcuIn wus Iorced Io Ieuve hIs ceII und enguge
wIIh Ihe worId, und yeI Ihe memory oI hIs sweeI ubode (hIs
~~ ) remuIned. The heurI oI our IIuId worId, IIs
, IIes uI Ihe cenIer oI endIess moIIon, und yeI we musI
cuIIIvuIe Ihe IIIIIe spuce oI sIow IIme, Ihe conIempIuIIve
heurI, wIIhIn us. Perhups, In ImIIuIIon oI our medIevuI Iore-
beurs, we cun InvesI ourseIves In cuIIIvuIIng our observer
posIIIon In Ihe heurI oI ecoIogy so IhuI we Ioo mIghI seek
IhuI whIch Is worIhy oI IusIIng uIIecIIve engugemenI. Our
response IIuId. II, us MIcheI Serres hus suggesIed, "order
exIsIs noI Ihrough resIsIunce Io chunge, buI Ihrough Ihe
Iemporury muInIenunce oI sIrucIured chunge," Ihen Ihe se-
creI Io IIndIng our musI uIso be u sIrucIured Iorm oI
The uIIernuIIve Is u reucIIve, uncrIIIcuI punIc und
puruIysIs whIch Is, Io my mInd, Ihe very unIIIhesIs oI humun-
IsIIc IhoughI. ZygmunI Buumun churucIerIzes IhIs probIem

Ieur prompIs us Io Iuke deIensIve ucIIon. When II Is Iuk-
en, deIensIve ucIIon gIves ImmedIucy und IungIbIIIIy Io
Ieur. II Is our responses IhuI recusI Ihe sombre premonI-
IIons us duIIy reuIIIy, mukIng Ihe worId IIesh. . . . Among
Ihe mechunIsms vyIng Io upproxImuIe Io Ihe dreum
modeI oI , Ihe seII-reproducIIon oI Ihe
IungIe oI Ieur und Ieur-InspIred ucIIons comes cIosesI Io
cIuImIng prIde oI pIuce.

To succumb Io IhIs Ieur, Io IncorporuIe u modeI oI endIess
heudIong IIIghI InIo duIIy IIIe, Is Io mIsIuke precuuIIon Ior
ucIIon. The ennuI IhuI resuIIs Irom IhIs prucIIce over Ihe Iong
Ierm, u sympIom oI IIquId modernIIy IIvIng, Is Ihe 'IIquId
modern bIues` oI Ihe subIIIIe ubove. TIm IngoId hus suggesI-
ed IhuI our new spuce Is one oI IIows, und yeI we cun cuIII-
vuIe u pIurIpoIency oI udupIIve responses Io unIoreseen
chunges. We cun IoIIow Ihe puIhs oI becomIng ruIher Ihun
sIruggIIng Ior sIusIs.
ThIs Is noI un unswer Io Ihe eIIecIs oI u
IIuId ecoIogy oI Ihe Inhumun, buI II Is u sIurI In Ihe cuIIIvu-
IIon oI our own InIernuI prucIIces, u modern equIvuIenI Io
MIcheI Serres, q _ l mI Iruns. Juck Huwkes (Munches-
Ier: CIInumen, 2000), xI.
ZygmunI Buumun, i qW i ~ ^ r~
(CumbrIdge: PoIIIy Press, 2007), 9.
See IngoId, "PoInI, LIne, und CounIerpoInI," 1411bb.

Ihe medIevuI nuvIguIIon oI Ihe ~ . UnIIke medIevuI
peopIe, our onIoIogIcuI conceIIs do noI uIIow Ior Ihe deIerruI
oI sIubIIIIy beyond IIme. We musI overcome Ieur und seek
opporIunIIy In ecoIogy.
JusI us Hugh oI SuInI-VIcIor counseIIed Ihe cuIIIvuIIon oI
skIII und dIscIpIIne In Ihe Iuce oI Ihe IIquId medIevuI, so Ioo
muy we use our seII-upprehensIon Io grow In Ihe worId us II
grows In us. JusI us TImoIhy MorIon udvocuIed Ihe embruc-
Ing oI ecoIogy, even Ihe ugIy, Ihe ub|ecI und Ihe dungerous,
so Ioo musI we embruce IhIs dunger. We ure surrounded by
sIrunge sIrungers, us MorIon puIs II, eIernuIIy sIrungers und
eIernuIIy sIrunge by vIrIue oI IheIr sIrungeness.
II IhIs dun-
ger Is ever presenI und IIs cuusuIIIy Is endIessIy dIsIrIbuIed
ucross un Inhumun web, how do we IInd Ihe spuce Io grow II
we humunIsIs ure sIow recordIng devIces InvesIed In recep-
IIveness Io Ihe sound oI IhIngs, us LIIeen Joy hus suggesIed In
^~I s~I j~, Ihe IIrsI voIume In IhIs serIes,
Ihen how und IhIs Is un open quesIIon Io Ihe reuder do we
enguge whIIe mukIng spuce Ior conIempIuIIon
We, IIke u
gesIuIIon process, need IIme und nourIshmenI Io come Io
our poIenIIuI. How ure we Io grow when Ihe pusI hurIIes InIo
Ihe IuIure wIIh remorseIess ubundon The unswer, InspIred
by Ihe medIevuI wrungIIng descrIbed ubove, Is noI Io IorIIIy
our mInds und IIves. We cun synIhesIze, we cun buIId und we
cun sIrengIhen, buI we musI uIIow ourseIves Ihe IIexIbIIIIy Io
IIow wIIh Ihe Iorces IhuI work ubouI und wIIhIn us.

See MorIon, q b~ qK The noIIon oI Ihe sIrunge
sIrunger uppeurs ~ In Ihe book, buI Is InIroduced In chupIer
Iwo (b997).
LIIeen A. Joy, "You ure Here: A MunIIesIo," In JeIIrey J. Cohen, ed.,
^~I s~I j~W b ~ l (WushIngIon, DC:
OIIphuunI Books, 2012), 169 1b3172.


Ian Bogost

The BeusI. ThuI`s whuI my IrIend CIIII BIeszInskI cuIIs hIs new
LumborghInI AvenIudor, u Iour-hundred Ihousund doIIur,
scIssor-doored, IweIve-cyIInder, one und u huII-Ion muss oI
IIuIIun bruvudo IhuI ucceIeruIes Irom 060 In Iess Ihun Ihree
seconds. The nume Is upI, und noI |usI becuuse oI IIs prowess
on Ihe roud or ruceIruck. LumborghInI IrudIIIon dIcIuIes IhuI
IIs modeIs Iuke IheIr numes Irom SpunIsh IIghIIng buIIs.
AvenIudor`s predecessor MurcIeIugo Iukes IIs nume Irom
such u buII, numed uIIer u buI, whIch survIved IwenIy-Iour
ImpuIemenIs In un 1879 IIghI uguInsI !uIueI MoIInu Snchez,
u muIudor known us "LI LugurII|o," Ihe LIzurd. The buII sur-
vIved, und Ihe LIzurd spured IIs IIIe. Legend suys IhuI Mur-
cIeIugo wus presenIed Io Ihe breeder Don AnIonIo MIuru
(unoIher LumborghInI numesuke), where II served us sIud Ior
generuIIons oI uncusIruIed bovIne beusIs.
Ior euch puIr oI sword sIrokes wroughI by Ihe LIzurd, Iwo
cyIInders wouId IuIer grow Irom MurcIeIugo`s corpse. Among
IIs bovIne progeny, some mIghI huve mude IheIr wuy InIo Ihe
sIubIes oI Don CeIesIIno CuudrI VIdes, whose sons bred
AvenIudor u cenIury IuIer. Ior hIs couruge In u 1993 corrIdu
In Zurugozu, AvenIudor wus uwurded Ihe TroIeo de Iu Peu
Lu Mudroeru, Ihe mosI presIIgIous uwurd oI couruge
uwurded In Ihe PIuzu de Toros de Iu MIserIcordIu. An uvenIu-
dor Is u IIume-Iun, u beIIows, IIke Ihe sIrokIng pIsIons IhuI
pressurIze und IgnIIe IueI und uIr In IIs uuIomobIIe nume-
suke. The buII, Ihe buI, Ihe IIzurd, Ihe IIre, Ihe engIne, Ihe
sporIs cur. The BeusI. In hIsIory und myIh und IIcIIon, Ihe
beusI Is noI |usI Ihe unImuI, buI Ihe unImuI ~
~. The beusI Is dungerous, crueI, vIoIenI, ~.
BuI us MurcIeIugo und AvenIudor remInd us, IhIngs In-
humun uIso huve Ihe cupucIIy Io overheuI und IIIp InIo IheIr
opposIIes. When pushed Io IIs IImIIs, AvenIudor Ihe buII`s
wIId IerocIIy becomes vuIIunI couruge. When Ihe IIumes In IIs
cyIInders ure Iunned Ioo Iur, AvenIudor Ihe uuIomobIIe`s rev
IImIIer sIuunches Ihem InIo IeveIheudedness. The overheuI-
ed buII becomes more humun In IIs vIrIue# Ihe overheuIed
uuIo becomes more humun In IIs IncupucIIy. BoIh ure
Ihun humun InsoIur us some oI IheIr powers exceed us
enough Io IhreuIen crueIIy und burburIsm. YeI Ihey ure
Ihun humun InsoIur us Ihose very powers oI excess cun push
Ihem buck InIo Ihe reuIm oI cIvIIIIy. Such u conIrudIcIIon Is
possIbIe becuuse InhumunIsm Is Iwo-Iuced. LuckIng Ihe hu-
mun quuIIIIes oI compussIon, IhuI Is, beIng Ihun humun
on Ihe one hund, buI on Ihe oIher hund possessIng greuIer
prowess Ihun humuns, beIng Ihun humun. The IIghIIng
buII und Ihe sporIs cur ure bruIuI und mercIIess In IheIr
sIrengIh und power und speed, becuuse such properIIes so
Iur exceed humun ubIIIIy. The Inhumun Is boIh subhumun
und superhumun uII uI once. II numes u IrIcIIon poInI be-
Iween Ihese Iwo poIes, where Ihe meIuphorIcuI geurs oI
IhIngs grInd us Ihey mesh.
Once you sIurI IookIng cIoseIy uI menIIons oI IhIngs "In-
humun," you see IhIs rhyIhmIc Iwo-Iuced versIon oI II more
Ihun Ihe sIundurd deroguIory, degrudIng versIon. In 196b,
Juck KIrby und SIun Lee InIroduced u group oI superheroes
cuIIed Ihe Inhumuns In Ihe c~~ c comIc book. HuII-
Ing Irom AIIIIun, Ihe Inhumuns shure Ihe IumIIIur comIc
Irope oI geneIIc muIuIIon: Ihey were conceIved by Ihe uIIen
Kree peopIe us u powerIuI, muIunI ruce oI soIdIers Ior use
uguInsI un uIIen empIre cuIIed Ihe SkruII. BuI Ihe Kree ubun-
doned IheIr eIIorIs uIIer u prophecy IoreIoId Ihe IIkeIy IuII oI
IheIr empIre uI Ihe hunds oI Ihe muIunIs Ihey hud Ihem-
seIves IushIoned. Some Inhumuns ure InspIred by Greek my-
IhoIogy und phIIosophyMedusu, who cun unImuIe und
conIroI her Iong, red huIr Io move, IIII, und whIp her huIr#

Gorgon, whose buII`s Iegs cun sIomp Io muke shockwuves#
TrIIon, who cun breuIhe underwuIer und wIIhsIund deep seu
pressure# CrysIuI, who cun munIpuIuIe Ihe LmpedocIeun
eIemenIs oI eurIh, uIr, IIre, und wuIer. OIhers huve more sec-
uIur InspIruIIons: Kurnuk Ihe phIIosopher, who cun dIvIne
weukness# MuxImus Ihe IeIepuIh# und BIuck BoII, Ihe Ieuder
oI Ihe Inhumuns, whose "quusI-sonIc screum" does such
dumuge IhuI Ihe hero musI uvoId uIIerIng uII sound.
LIke Ihe X-men, who huve been mude more IumIIIur Io
uudIences unIumIIIur wIIh comIcs Ihunks Io u recenI serIes oI
successIuI IIIms, Ihe Inhumuns Iorm u secIuded socIeIy,
where Ihey perIecI IheIr ubIIIIy Io deveIop powers Ihrough
muIuIIon. BuI oI course, Ihose powers uIso cuuse deIormIIIes
und perversIons. The connecIIon Io Greek myIh evokes
!"#$%", Ihe IrugIc IIuw, Ihe unwIIIIng mIsIuke IhuI prevenIs
Ihe hero Irom reuIIzIng un ob|ecIIve und InsIeud beIng sud-
dIed wIIh IIs opposIIe. OedIpus`s husIIness, OIheIIo`s |euI-
ousy, und so on.
BuI Ihe muIuIIons oI Ihe Inhumuns (or Ihe X-men) ure
noI reuIIy Ihe sume us u IrugIc IIuw. II`s noI error IhuI Ieuds
Ihem Io u IInuI und deIInIIIve unruveIIng, buI u consIunI, on-
goIng sIuIe oI uIIuIrs. The InhumunIIy oI Ihe Inhumuns Isn`I
IheIr downIuII, buI IheIr duIIy IIIe, IheIr mundune, ordInury
prucIIce. And Ihe dIIIerence beIween u IrugIc IIuw und un
ongoIng rIII Is repeIIIIon, u repeIIIIon IhuI chunges Ihe nuIure
oI Ihe sepuruIIon beIween In- und -humun. WhIIe !"#$%"
neguIes Ihe purporIed IeuIures oI u hero, InhumunIIy oscII-
IuIes Ihem uI hIgh-speed, unIII Ihey seIIIe InIo Ihe rhyIhmIc
hum. InhumunIIy Is un engIne runnIng weII, ruIher Ihun one
ground Io u huII when u wrench Is Ihrown In II. BuI IIke un
engIne, InhumunIIy burns und expIodes, II wuges wur wIIh
IIseII on Ihe InsIde. WhIIe OedIpus und OIheIIo ure IgnorunI
oI und IuIer undone by IheIr IIuws, BIuck BoII knows hIs pow-
er uII Ioo weII, Ior II medIuIes hIs every momenI.


InhumunIIy Ihrobs wIIh IrIcIIon. BuI Ioduy, we sIrIve Io re-
duce or remove IhIs IrIcIIon ruIher Ihun Io embruce II. Lven
Ihe LumborghInI`s geurs cun no Ionger be ground, Ior Ihe
drIver need noI boIher coupIIng Ihem. InsIeud, u semI-
~~ ~ -
~ chunges In one IwenIIeIh oI u second. The sensuIIon oI
IeeIIng Ihe coIIur dIsenguge und reenguge wIIh Ihe ucIIon oI

Ihe geur seIecIor Is repIuced by Ihe unseen operuIIon oI eIec-
IronIc sensors und pneumuIIc ucIuuIors, IhemseIves hIdden
by buIIon-press.
BuI IhIngs ure mosI IhemseIves (und IhereIore mosI In-
IeresIIng) when Ihey don`I quIIe IIne up, when Ihe geurs
grInd u bII ruIher Ihun coupIIng smooIhIy. When II comes Io
muIIers Inhumun, Ihe mIsIuke we muke mosI Is IuIIIng Io
Iocus on und umpIIIy Ihe IrIcIIon poInI beIween Ihe IumIIIur
und Ihe uIIen, Io repIuce Ihem wIIh expIunuIIon or Ignorunce.
IIuI onIoIogy Is Ihe premIse, suggesIed by MunueI DeIundu
und reIIned by LevI BryunI und oIhers, IhuI beIng Is non-
As I huve gIossed II beIore, ~ ~
I ~.
I huve suggesIed IurIher
revIsIng IIuI onIoIogy Io remove noI onIy IIs IhIrd buI uIso IIs
second dImensIon, compressIng Ihe pIune InIo Ihe poInI.
ThIs , us I`ve been cuIIIng II, Is u sInguIurIIy, IIke
u bIuck hoIe. II possesses Iwo sIdes oI Iwo correspondIng
sIzes: one InIInIIeIy dense und smuIIIhe IucI und unIque-
ness oI beIng us such or oI u purIIcuIur beIngund Ihe oIher
InIInIIeIy ubundunI und IurgeIhe possIbIIIIIes IIs cupucIIIes
represenI when ucIuuIed. Those IumIIIur wIIh Gruhum Hur-
mun`s meIuphysIcs mIghI IrunsIuIe Ihese Iwo sIdes InIo hIs
concepIs oI Ihe ~ und Ihe ~, Ihe IucI oI wIIhdruwuI
servIng us Ihe IuIcrum, IIke Ihe nurrow IhrouI beIween Ihe
Iwo umpuIes oI un hourgIuss.

When II comes Io Ihe Inhumun, we Iend Io Iocus on Ihe
sIuIe oI sub- or superhumun ruIher Ihun on Ihe wrIIh-
Ing, shIIIIng IrIcIIon poInI beIween IhemIhe meeIIng Ihe
reuI und Ihe sensuuI. ConsIder un exumpIe Irom medIevuI
IIIeruIure. In MurIe de Irunce`s IweIIIh cenIury ~ "BIscIu-
vreI," Ihe IIIuIur Iord spIIIs hIs IIme beIween beIng u respecI-
ed knIghI und u IeruI werewoII. HIs onIy suIvuIIon Irom hIs
besIIuI sIuIe come Irom Ihe humun udornmenIs IhuI uIIow
hIm Io IrunsII beIween Ihe IoresI und vIIIuge, beIween Ihe
unImuI und humun worIds. BuI hIs Iudy beIruys hIm by sIeuI-
Ing Ihese vesImenIs, und Ihe knIghI Is Irupped In IupIne
Iorm. When Ihe kIng dIscovers Ihe woII, BIscIuvreI humbIes

MunueI DeLundu, f p C s~ m (London:
ConIInuum, 200b), b8# LevI BryunI, q a~ l (Ann
Arbor: Open HumunIIIes PressIMPubIIshIng, 2011), 1920.
Iun BogosI, ^ mI t~ f i _ ~ q
(MInneupoIIs: UnIversIIy oI MInnesoIu Press, 2011), 11.
Ior Ihe mosI concIse expIunuIIon, see Gruhum Hurmun, q n~J
l (HunIs, UK: Zero Books, 2011), 20b0.

hImseII, und Ihe courIIers concIude IhuI some humunIIy
musI resIde In hIm, even Ihough Ihey do noI yeI know IhuI
Ihe woII Is "reuIIy" u mun. LuIer In courI, BIscIuvreI uIIucks
Ihe new Iord oI hIs Iormer Iudy, und Ihen Ihe Iudy herseII,
severIng her nose Irom her Iuce. The Iudy conIesses, und Ihe
knIghI`s humun Iorm Is resIored, whIIe Ihe Iudy becomes u
new Iype oI dIsIIgured beusI: noI u woII wIIh IIs promInenI
snouI buI u IIvIng humun wIIh deuIh`s Iuce: u noseIess skuII.
MurIe de Irunce Ihus prescIenIIy unIIcIpuIes modern pop
cuIIure by oIIerIng us knIghIs, werewoIves, und zombIes In
Ihe sume sIory.
There`s been much debuIe over Ihe noun become u
proper nume ~, purIIcuIurIy sInce MurIe`s IexI sug-
gesIs IhuI Ihere Is some dIsIIncIIon beIween Ihe ordInury
werewoII und Ihe ~, u word IhuI Is eIymoIogIcuIIy

"Dume, |eo devIenc bIscIuvreI:
Ln ceIe grunI IoresI me meI,
AI pIus espes de Iu guudIne,
S`I vII de preIe e de ruvIne."

II you sIop Io IhInk ubouI II, Ihe remurkubIe IhIng ubouI be-
Ing u respecIed knIghI Ior huII Ihe week und u sIIvun woII Ior
Ihe oIher Is noI so much beIng u woII or u knIghI, buI oI be-
comIng u woII or u knIghI: In Ihe IrunsIormuIIon IIseII.
And despIIe Ihe domInunI InIerpreIuIIon oI Ihe ~, BIscIu-
vreI`s wIIe does noI ubscond wIIh her Iord`s ~, buI
ruIher wIIh Ihe hInge beIween hIs humunIIy und hIs unImuII-
Iy. Lven Ihough "bIscIuvreI" Is generuIIy consIdered Io reIer
Io Ihe mun In hIs IupIne sIuIe, Ihe Ierm Is beIIer seen us u
meuns Io druw our uIIenIIon Io Ihe ~~ beIween
mun und beusI, ruIher Ihun Io Ihe woII IndIvIduuIIy. Tuke IhIs
pussuge us u sIurIIng poInI:

"kur sI |es e$sse perduz
e de ceo Ieusse upurce$z,
bIscIuvreI sereIe u Iuz |urs#
|umes n`uvreIe mes sucurs" (7376)

LInes 6366. !oughIy IrunsIuIed: "My Iudy, I become u BIscIuvreI
werewoII. I enIer Ihe IoresI und IIve on prey und on rooIs wIIhIn Ihe
IhIck oI Ihe woods." OId Irench cIIed Irom MurIe de Irunce, i~, ed.
AIIred LwerI (London: BrIsIoI CIussIcs Press, 199b).
!oughIy IrunsIuIed: "Ior II I ever were Io Iose my vesImenIs, or

The buron wurns hIs Iudy IhuI II he were Io Iose hIs vesI-
menIs, he wouId be u bIscIuvreI Iorever, wIIhouI uny com-
IorI. There`s no doubI IhuI Ihe IIIeruI meunIng oI "bIscIuvreI"
us "werewoII" Is Ioregrounded here# II Ihe knIghI cunnoI
IrunsIorm Irom mun Io beusI und buck uguIn, Ihen he wouId
be sIuck Iorever us werewoII. BuI someIhIng sIrunger Is uI
work In Ihe buron`s uIIIIude.
The bIscIuvreIIne sIuIe Is noI mereIy u sIuIe, nor mereIy u
synonym Ior werewoII. In IucI, MurIe de Irunce uses Ihe
Normun word "gurwuI" Io gIoss Ihe BreIon Ierm "bIscIuvreI."
BuI even more so, BIscIuvreI uIso numes Ihe IuI und Ihe bur-
on, he Is noI |usI u bIscIuvreI buI uIso, und perhups IoremosI,
Under IhIs InIerpreIuIIon, whIch cun sIund be-
sIde Ihe convenIIonuI one Ihunks Io Ihe umbIguIIy oI bIscIu-
vreI`s sIgnIIIed, Ihe buron noI onIy beseeches hIs wIIe IhuI he
shouId remuIn werewoII, buI IhuI he wouId noI be ubIe Io
exercIse Ihe reIIeI ussocIuIed IherewIIh. II`s IempIIng Io be-
IIeve IhuI Ihe buron wouId sImpIy preIer Io be humun und
cusI usIde Ihe curse oI purI-IIme werewoIIhood, buI Ihe re-
muInder oI Ihe IuI suggesIs IhuI he embruces hIs IuIe. !eIIeI Is
noI so much u muIIer oI reIurnIng Io humun sIuIe, buI oI
~ Io do so, oI exercIsIng Ihe IrIcIIon poInI beIween
humun und werewoII. The Iudy dId noI sIeuI BIscIuvreI`s hu-
munIIy when she conspIred Io ubscond wIIh hIs cIoIhIng und
Ihereby Io preserve hIm In IupIne Iorm, nor dId she IIx hIm In
u besIIuI sIuIe, us proved by Ihe woII`s genIIe dIsposIIIon Io
Ihe kIng who IuIer orchesIruIes hIs reIurn. !uIher, she sIoIe
Ihe IrunsIormuIIon IIseII, und IhIs Ioss Is greuIer Ihun IhuI oI
mereIy beIng woII.
II mukes sense: Ihe werewoII Is noI u mun who Is uIso u
woII, nor u woII who Is reuIIy u mun, buI u beIng who Iruns-
Iorms beIween humun und IupIne sIuIes. OIherwIse u were-
woII wouId sImpIy meun u woII, or eIse u mun, buI noI boIh.
II`s ruIher un obvIous muIIer, Isn`I II The IeuIure dIsIIncIIve
Io Ihe werewoII Is IIs ubIIIIy, oIIen InvoIunIury, Io shIII be-
Iween sIuIes. We Iend Io Iocus on Ihe woII Iorm, probubIy
becuuse II Is Iur eusIer Io perceIve Ihe woII Ihun Io see Ihe

even be seen cusIIng Ihem oII, I wouId wuIk us bIscIuvreI Ior uII my
duys, und never wouId I huve reIIeI."
In purIIcuIur, LesIIe SconduIo hus mude IhIs urgumenI, cIIIng Ihe
cupIIuIIzed nume und Ihe use oI Ihe deIInIIe urIIcIe us evIdence. See
SconduIo`s book j~ tW ^ i~ p
^ !~~ (JeIIerson: McIurIund, 2008),

momenI oI IrunsIormuIIon. Indeed, IhuI momenI oI Iruns-
IormuIIon Is mosI oIIen hIdden or obscured In IIcIIonuI uc-
counIs oI werewoIves, purIIcuIurIy In IeIevIsIon und IIIm
where Ihe IrunsIormuIIon beIween humun und woII, woII
und humun boIh InvoIves requIres specIuI eIIecIs or compuI-
er gruphIcs Io represenI vIsuuIIy, und ImpIIes or requIres nu-
dIIy Io show dIrecIIy. Lven In sIIuuIIons when Ihe budgeIs
und scrupIes ure IIned up Io supporI such requIremenIs
such us In Ihe HBO serIes q _Ihe werewoII`s Iruns-
IormuIIon Is sIIII condensed, ubrIdged InIo u sInguIur mo-
menI occupyIng buI u Iew Irumes. Over IIme, we huve InvoI-
unIurIIy IruIned ourseIves Io Ignore Ihese messy momenIs oI
IrunsIormuIIon In Iuvor oI Ihe sIubIe sIuIes on eIIher sIde.
We cun generuIIze IhIs Iesson. "Inhumun" Isn`I u churuc-
IerIsIIc oI humuns or creuIures, buI one oI Ihe muny numes
Ior Ihe meeIIng poInI beIween IhIngs, oI Ihe pussugewuys
beIween enIIIIes` wIIhdruwn, reuI beIng und IheIr sensuuI
encounIer wIIh oIhers. II Is u membrune ruIher Ihun u prop-
erIy. The IrIcIIon poInI, noI where smooIh DeIeuzeun geI
oozes beIween cogs, buI where geurs grInd, where spurks IIy.
Such IrIcIIon poInIs ure common, buI Ihey ure hurd Io see II
we Iocus on Ihe humun or humunoId ucIors IhuI so IrequenI-
Iy curry Ihem ouI.
Tuke my LumborghInI-drIvIng IrIend CIIII BIeszInskI
uguIn. He Is known Ior desIgnIng d~ t~, u durk, grue-
some shooIer wIIh huIkIng, squure-|uwed proIugonIsIs
numed Murcus IenIx und Dom SunIIugo who wIeId huge
guns wIIh chuInsuw-buyoneIs. II rIsks druwIng gumes` usuuI
re|oInder, IhuI oI doIng IIIIIe more suIIsIyIng Ihe bruIIsh
power IunIusy oI udoIescenI boys. BuI underneuIh IIs dude-
bro exIerIor, d~ t~ Is buIII uround Ihe mechunIcs oI
cover, oI movIng beIween ureus oI exposure Io sIowIy, deIIb-
eruIeIy udvunce upon Ihe gume`s besIIuI LocusI Horde ene-
my. II Is noI so much u shooIer us u how-do-I-geI-Io-shooIer,
u gume whose sub|ecI Is exposure more Ihun II Is combuI.
NoI exposed, buI Ihe momenI beIween suIeIy und huz-
urd. LIke Ihe gesIuII oI un opIIcuI IIIusIon or Ihe shupeshIII oI
u werewoII, IhIs IopIc Is u IhIng no Iess Ihun u chuInsuw or u
IIzurd or u IIre Is u IhIng. II`s |usI hurd Io see becuuse we Iend
noI Io Iook Ior II. We Iook Ior processes In beIngs ruIher Ihun
hoIdIng IhuI uII processes ure beIngs Ioo.
Cun u woII yIeId us II II were u knIghI Cun u buII huve
couruge us II II were u mun Cun un uuIomobIIe IgnIIe u drIv-
er us II II he were un InIerno These ure meIuphors, buI Ihey
ure uIso reuI.

LumborghInI numed Ihe IInIsh coIor IhuI couIs CIIII`s
vehIcIe AruncIo BoreuIIs, un IIuIo-IuIInuIe pIdgIn phruse IhuI
renders InIo LngIIsh us Ihe prosuIc "norIhern orunge." To hIs
credII, CIIII uses Ihe correcI vuIgur IrunsIuIIon: usshoIe or-
unge. ThuI`s noI u bousI# II`s un udmIssIon, u kInd oI dude-
bro nume Ior Ihe sume InhumunIsm MurIe de Irunce cuIIs
bIscIuvreI. II`s un udmIssIon IhuI Ihe coupIIng beIween drIver
und LumborghInI Is noI prImurIIy ubouI ucceIeruIIng Irom 0
60 In 2.9 seconds. !uIher, II`s ubouI IrunsIIIonIng beIween
Ihe mundune und Ihe exIruordInury, IIndIng IhuI membrune
beIween Ihe sub- und Ihe superhumun. OpenIng or cIosIng u
scIssor door, or sIowIng u Ioud oI grocerIes In Ihe IIny booI,
IhIs Is Ihe meunIng oI LumborghInI ownershIp, IIke IuncIng
Murcus IenIx over u crumbIed wuII Is Ihe meunIng oI d~
t~, IIke BIscIuvreI hIdIng hIs cIoIhes In Ihe hoIIow oI u rock,
IIke wIIIIng couruge ouI oI u IIghIIng buII |usI by numIng II


SIIII, superheroes und supercurs ure overIy drumuIIc exum-
pIes. The encounIers beIween more mundune ob|ecIs ure
uIwuys |usI us IeruI us MurcIeIugo Ihe buII or AvenIudor Ihe
coupe. NormuIIy we don`I noIIce Ihem. UsuuIIy, II Iukes
someIhIng excepIIonuI, IIke u medIevuI werewoII or un ex-
pensIve sporIs cur Io expose Ihese chusms beIween IhIngs.
InsIeud, we mIghI do beIIer Io Iook pusI Ihe specIucIe oI Ihe
sporIs cur und Ihe supernuIuruI beusI.
As BIuck BoII und hIs AIIIIuns prove, Ihere`s u sIrong IInk
beIween InhumunIIy und uIIenness. AIIens ure Ihe IIIpsIde oI
Ihe Inhumun, Ihe deep-spuce bIuck-hoIe source oI Inhumun-
IIy. We usuuIIy undersIund Ihe uIIen eIIher In u poIIIIcuI or u
cosmoIogIcuI sense: u IerresIrIuI uIIen Is u IoreIgner Irom un-
oIher counIry, und un exIruIerresIrIuI uIIen Is u IoreIgner
Irom unoIher pIuneI. Lven when used phIIosophIcuIIy Io re-
Ier Io oIherness more generuIIy, uIIennness Is ussumed Io be
u humun-IegIbIe InIersub|ecIIvIIy. WheIher Irom unoIher
nuIIon or unoIher guIuxy, Ihe oIher Is someone we cun rec-
ognIze us enough IIke ourseIves Io wurrunI IdenIIIIcuIIon, |usI
us un Inhumun ucI Is one we cun recognIze us conIru-humun
versus u-humun. The Iormer suggesIs Ihe InIenIIon Io ucI
uguInsI humun InIeresI, whIIe Ihe IuIIer mereIy suggesIs huv-
Ing u sIuIe oI no purIIcuIur concern Ior or ubouI humuns.
BuI why shouId we be so seIecIIve, so seII-cenIered us Io
IhInk IhuI uIIens ure Ihose beIngs whose InIeIIIgence we

mIghI recognIze us InIeIIIgence, or IhuI InhumunIIy Is u Iorce
musIered uguInsI humunIIy As Ihe phIIospoher NIchoIus
!escher hus observed, u Irue uIIen mIghI noI even huve un
InIeIIIgence ukIn Io our InIeIIIgence. !uIher Ihun wonderIng
II uIIen beIngs exIsI In Ihe cosmos, IeI`s ussume IhuI Ihey ure
uII uround us, everywhere, uI uII scuIes: noI |usI dogs und
penguIns und mugnoIIu Irees, buI uIso cornbreud und poIyes-
Ier und Ihe cIIy oI OrIundo und sIdewuIks und necIurInes. I
sIurIed uskIng one purIIcuIur quesIIon ubouI IheIr InhumunI-
Iy, u quesIIon I huve prevIousIy gIven Ihe nume ~ J
: whuI do ob|ecIs experIence WhuI Is II IIke Io be
u IhIng
I cume Io IhIs quesIIon by uccIdenI, In much Ihe sume
wuy IhuI BIscIuvreI musI huve been mude gurwuI, or IhuI Ihe
Inhumuns decocIed IheIr powers ouI oI Ihe TerrIgen MIsI.
Yeurs ugo now, I Ieurned how Io progrum Ihe AIurI VIdeo
CompuIer SysIem, Ihe 1977 consoIe IhuI mude home vIdeo-
gume pIuy popuIur. My coIIeugue NIck MonIIorI und I were
workIng on u book ubouI Ihe reIuIIonshIp beIween Ihe hurd-
wure desIgn oI Ihe AIurI und Ihe creuIIve prucIIces IIs desIgn-
ers und progrummers InvenIed In Ihose eurIy duys oI Ihe vId-
To undersIund IhIs sIrunge devIce, we hud Io seek
ouI IIs InIersIIces, Io IInd IIs IrIcIIon poInIs. In order Io pro-
duce IeIevIsIon gruphIcs und sound on Ihe cheup, AIurI de-
sIgned u cusIom chIp cuIIed Ihe TeIevIsIon InIerIuce AdupIer
(TIA). II wus cupubIe oI renderIng IIve movIng ob|ecIs. Ior
beIIer or worse, Ihunks Io Ihe AIurI movemenI und coIIIsIon
becume Ihe grummur oI vIdeogumes. The TIA mude bIzurre
demunds: InsIeud oI prepurIng u screen`s worIh oI IeIevIsIon
pIcIure uII uI once, Ihe progrummer hud Io uIIer duIu Ihe TIA
IrunsmIIIed In Iundem wIIh Ihe scunIIne-by-scunIIne move-
menI oI Ihe IeIevIsIon`s eIecIron beum. ProgrummIng Ihe
AIurI IeeIs more IIke pIowIng u IIeId Ihun IIke puInIIng u pIc-
As crIIIcs und engIneers, NIck und I were InIeresIed In Ihe
AIurI`s roIe In humun creuIIvIIy und cuIIure: how compuIer
hurdwure InIIuenced gume desIgn und uesIheIIcs. You cun
see Ihe eIIecIs oI Ihe TIA`s IIne-by-IIne IogIc In AIurI gumes:
In Ihe rows oI IurgeIs In ^Jp~ _~ or Ihe horIzonIuI burs
oI horIzon In _~. MeIhodIcuIIy, we poInIed ouI
Ihese coupIIngs beIween muchIne und expressIon In Ihe

NIck MonIIorI und Iun BogosI, !~ _~W q ^~ s
` p (CumbrIdge: M.I.T. Press, 2009).

popuIur gumes oI Ihe eru, Irom `~ Io ^ Io mJ
~> Io v~ !. How, why, und by whuI uccIdenI Ihese
gumes were mude. The AIurI wus mude by peopIe In order Io
enIerIuIn oIher peopIe, und In IhuI sense II`s |usI u muchIne,
u muchIne Ior humuns, un urIIIucI oI humunIsm, even. BuI u
muchIne und IIs componenIs ure uIso someIhIng more,
someIhIng uIIve, uImosI. I couIdn`I heIp buI IeeI enchunIed
by Ihe sysIem`s purIs us much us IIs ouIpuI. I Iound myseII
uskIng, whuI Is II IIke Io be un AIurI, or u TeIevIsIon InIerIuce
AdupIer, or u cuIhode ruy Iube IeIevIsIon These coupIIngs
und reIuIIons enIer Ihe domuIn oI InhumunIsm, one possIbIe
nume Ior Ihe powerIuI und unseen coupIIngs beIween
How do we IruIn ourseIves Io see Ihem We`d need Io
chunge our uIIenIIon, Io see u worId In whIch we nurIure
more Ihun |usI our own progress or proIII, buI one IhuI uIso
rubs up uguInsI Ihe weIrd IuIe oI everyIhIng eIse. ThIs Is noI
sImpIy u worId oI "InIerconnecIIon," oI unonymous ussem-
bIuge, oI unyIhIng-goes, dIsIIncIIon-Iree phIIosophIes oI
murk. To ucknowIedge und uIIend Io unyIhIng Is precIseIy
Ihe opposIIe oI uIIendIng Io , Ior everyIhIng Is |usI
u sIund-In Ior noIhIng.
When we IuIk ubouI beIng "broughI up," we usuuIIy reIer
Io cuIIurIng u wuy oI reIuIIng Io oIher IIvIng beIngshumun
beIngs oI course, buI uIso unImuIs, und perhups even Ihe
nuIuruI envIronmenI. ThIs process InvoIves eIhIcuI Imperu-
IIves, dIrecIIves ubouI whuI Io beIIeve ubouI und how Io ucI
upon Ihe worId. We gIve compuruIIveIy IIIIIe IhoughI Io our
~ reurIng, Ihe muIIer oI how we orIenI Iowurd IhIngs
(und how IhIngs orIenI Iowurd one unoIher) ruIher Ihun whuI
we do Io Ihem.
I suppose II mukes sense IhuI Ihe LumborghInI or Ihe
werewoII ure necessury pIques. They rupIure Ihe ordInury
worId. The werewoII Is u Iess IIkeIy sIghI In ordInury IIIe, so
consIder Ihe supercur us un InsIrucIIve reuI-worId exumpIe
InsIeud. You puII up Io u IIghI or InIo u purkIng spuce Io IInd
Ihe LumborghInI or Porsche or MuseruII or even Ihe TesIu. II
sIunds ouI# someIImes vIu usshoIe orunge pomposIIy, some-
IImes vIu sImpIe pecuIIurIIy. Those oI us In possessIon oI Ihe
memory oI chIIdhoodor even uduIIIuscInuIIons wIIh
supercurs mIghI muke uppeuIs Io desIre: Ior power, Ior
weuIIh, Ior speed, Ior possessIon. BuI when conIronIed wIIh
Ihe reuIIIy oI such vehIcIes, Ihose IunIusIes quIckIy meII InIo
Iur Iess drumuIIc reuIIIIes. The surprIsIngIy wIde wheeIbuse oI
Ihe IerrurI TesIurossu IhuI, InexpIIcubIy, Is drIvIng down Ihe

sIde sIreeI behInd your hIgh schooI or workpIuce. The unIu-
mIIIur ornumenI or embIem IhuI mukes you reuIIze, ucIuuIIy,
I`m noI even sure oI Ihe Iogo or moIIo or symboI Ior IhIs ob-
|ecI oI purporIed IunIusy. Somehow, even |usI seeIng un ub-
surdIy expensIve uuIomobIIe In Ihe IIesh hus Ihe power Io
sIphon ouI u sIeudy sIreum oI pedesIrIun reIuIIons IhuI geI
covered over on gIossy muguzInes. The ImprucIIcuIIIy oI
IwenIy-Inch IIres uguInsI Ihe under-muInIuIned usphuII oI
your cIIy`s rouds# Ihe sureIy-ouIIundIsh Insurunce premIums#
und even Ihen, Ihe ImpossIbIIIIy oI purkIng wIIhouI worry,
eIIher rIskIng u nIck or u key, or becomIng IhuI dIck who
purks ouI In Ihe corner oI Ihe IoI, ucross Ihree spuces, Ihe
usshoIe eurnIng hIs puInI`s numesuke.
BuI we need noI Iocus on such superhumun ob|ecIs Io
Ieuse ouI IheIr ordInurIness. II unyIhIng Is IruIy excepIIonuI,
perhups II Is unexcepIIonuIIsm, Ior Ihe mundune surrounds
us so compIeIeIy IhuI we IuII Io noIIce II. The ruIn`s conden-
suIIon on Ihe wIndowpunes, or Ihe cuI oI u wooI skIrI uguInsI
Ihe coId, bIue duwn, or Ihe IupIocu peurI uguInsI Ihe wuIIs oI
Ihe doubIewIde bobu sIruwIhese meeIIngs ure |usI us IurId.
We huve humunIsm und posIhumunIsm In phIIosophy
und crIIIcIsm uIreudy. WhuI wouId un InhumunIsm Iook IIke
II wouIdn`I meun un ubundonmenI oI humunIIy, nor un en-
dorsemenI oI vIoIence or reprouch uguInsI humunIIy. !uIher,
II wouId InverI Ihe pIgmenIs oI our usuuI onIoIogIcuI uIIen-
IIon, IIke u IIIm neguIIve reIIecIs ureus oI hIgh exposure wIIh
hIgh coIorIzuIIon InsIeud oI Iow. II BIscIuvreI Ieuches us IhuI
Ihe IrIcIIon poInIs beIween mun und woII ure where Ihe uc-
IIon`s uI, ucIIon we`ve been mIssIng whIIe uIIendIng obses-
sIveIy wIIh Ihe mun-woII und Ihe woII-mun on eIIher sIde,
Ihen un InversIon oI IhIs overI humunIsm wouId Iocus on Ihe
InIersIIces oI such enIIIIes, Ihe IrIcIIon-IIIIed coupIIngs be-
Iween Ihem. Or, Io use unoIher unuIogy, InhumunIsm Is ukIn
Io IIIIIng In uII Ihe spuce In u sIrucIure wIIh pIusIer, IeIIIng II
hurden, und breukIng upurI Ihe resuIIIng moId In order Io
observe whuI Iukes pIuce In Ihe spuces oIherwIse unoccupIed
wIIh our uIIenIIon.
The Inhumun Isn`I uguInsI us so much us II Is uIIen Io us#
II recedes InIermInubIy even us II surrounds us compIeIeIy. II
Is noI hIdden In Ihe durkness oI Ihe ouIer cosmos or In Ihe
deep-seu sheII buI In pIuIn sIghI, everywhere, In everyIhIng.
We ure wunderers In un exoIIc worId oI uIIerIy Incomprehen-
sIbIe ob|ecIs, IhuI neverIheIess we mIghI Iry Io comprehend.
You und me, uII oI us, |usI unoIher IhIng. InhumunIsm Is noI
posIhumun nor unII-humun. II`s Iur Iess InIeresIed In hu-
munIIy Ihun such Ierms cuII Ior. II numes un uIIenIIon Io Ihe
InIInIIeIy deep und numerous chusms beIween IhIngs, Ihe
IIny poInIs where Ihe reuI meeIs Ihe sensuuI, over und over.
II`s Ihe domesIIcuIed sIudy oI uIIens und beusIs, Ihe uIIen us
~J~ ruIher Ihun exIru-IerresIrIuI, Ihe beusI us
commodIIy vurmInI ruIher Ihun monsIer. LIke uIIens, beusIs
ure |usI numes Ior IhIngs. The beusI In Ihe cubIneI, Ihe beusI
on Ihe supermurkeI endcup, Ihe beusI on Ihe powerIInes und
IIowerIng oII Ihe grusses, Ihe beusIs beIween Ihe covers oI
IhIs book. Tupperwure IIds und vIdeogume consoIes us much
us IIghIIng buIIs und eIecIron-IocusIng superheroes.
Perhups some duy we wIII pore over Ihem wIIh Ihe uIIen-
IIon und serIousness we huve hourded Ior poeIry or Ior Iden-
IIIy poIIIIcs. ThuI wouId be u reuI InhumunIsm Indeed. I
wonder II we ure bruve enough Io Iuce II, Io Iuce Ihe purkIng
bIocks und Ihe screen phosphor IIke Ihe muIudor Iuces Ihe
buII, IIke Ihe werewoII Iuces Ihe IoresI.

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