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300-600 Words (2-3 pages)

God/dess Myth
Mi ss Bel l
Engl i sh 11
Your myth must:
Feature the Olympian you
Demonstrate your under-
standing of that Olympian
Include other characters
from mythology associated
with your Olympian
Tell a complete story that
explains the origin of a natu-
ral feature or occurrence
Have a beginning, middle,
and an end
Have a clear purpose with
clear character motivation
Gods and goddesses are
central characters

Gods and goddesses use
their special powers

A natural phenomenon is
explained by the myth

A lesson is taught or a moral
value is explained

Gods and goddesses interact
with mortals

Gods and goddesses display
their human qualities and

Gods and goddesses often
play tricks on one another
or humans

Elements of Greek
One of the many lasting
gifts from Ancient Greece
is the myths from mythol-
ogy. In a time before sci-
entific advances, the
Greeks tried to make
sense of their world. They
did not understand what
caused wind, storms, or
the power of the tides. In
an attempt to explain
these natural phenome-
na, they told stories.
These stories told of the
actions and adventures of
mortals interacting with
the gods. Because the
gods are portrayed as
flawed and prone to the
emotion of humans, these
stories are entertaining to
In this assignment, you
will write a myth starring
the Olympian god you
have been researching.
In this myth, you
will use your
knowledge from
the research to
write a story that
not only shows
what you know in
a creative way, but
also convincingly
attributes a natu-
ral phenomenon to
the god.
How can I make
my gods inten-
tions known?
What is the mo-
tivation of the god in
my myth?
What will it make
sense for my god to
create based on what I
know about him/her?
Be sure you have read
other myths
Know where your story
is going
In this assignment you will write a myth
about your god or goddess
Narrative Writing
Your Task
Write an original na-
ture myth that explains
a natural phenomenon.
The phenomenon select-
ed does not need to be
one from your research,
but it must be some-
thing that makes sense
to associate with your
300-600 words
Point of view is your
Your myth must in-
clude an accurate depic-
tion of the personality
of your god based on the
Be sure your myth re-
flects the powers or the
weaknesses (or both) of
your god
Good copies must have
an original title, be
typed, and double
spaced for hand-in
300-600 Words (2-3 pages)

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