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What is an Encoder?
An encoder is a sensor of mechanical motion that generates digital
signals in response to motion. As an electro-mechanical deice! an
encoder is a"le to proide motion control s#stem $sers %ith information
concerning position! elocit# and direction. There are t%o di&erent t#pes
of encoders' linear and rotar#. A linear encoder responds to motion along
a path! %hile a rotar# encoder responds to rotational motion. An encoder
is generall# categori(ed "# the means of its o$tp$t. An incremental
encoder generates a train of p$lses %hich can "e $sed to determine
position and speed. An a"sol$te encoder generates $ni)$e "it
con*g$rations to trac+ positions directl#.
,loc+ Diagram for
Basic Types of Encoders
-inear and rotar# encoders are "ro+en do%n into t%o main t#pes' the
a"sol$te encoder and the incremental encoder. The constr$ction of these
t%o t#pes of encoders is )$ite similar. ho%eer the# di&er in ph#sical
properties and the interpretation of moement.
2 Basic Types of encoders:
/ncremental T#pe and A"sol$te T#pe
Abso!te Type
0roides speci*c location information.
Can "e either single t$rn or m$lti-t$rn
Single-t$rn encoders s$ited for short trael applications
1$lti-t$rn encoders "etter for comple2 or length# positioning
An a"sol$te encoder contains components also fo$nd in incremental
encoders. The# implement a photodetector and -ED light so$rce "$t
instead of a dis+ %ith eenl# spaced lines on a disc! an a"sol$te encoder
$ses a dis+ %ith concentric circle patterns.
"o# do Abso!te Encoders Wor$?
A"sol$te encoders $tili(e stationar# mas+ in "et%een the photodetector
and the encoder dis+ as sho%n "elo%. The o$tp$t signal generated from
an a"sol$te encoder is in digital "its %hich correspond to a $ni)$e
position. The "it con*g$ration is prod$ced "# the light %hich is receied
"# the photodetector %hen the dis+ rotates. The light con*g$ration
receied is translated into gra# code. As a res$lt! each position has its
o%n $ni)$e "it con*g$ration.
Non-olatile memor#! so tr$e position is not lost in case of po%er
0rogramming 3e2i"ilit#
No homing f$nction needed. each position is $ni)$e
/ncreased safet#. a$tomatic position eri*cation $pon po%er $p
4ood electrical noise imm$nit#
Synchrono!s Seria Interface 'SSI( is a %idel# $sed serial interface standard for
ind$strial applications "et%een a master 5e.g. controller6 and a slae 5e.g. sensor6. SS/
is "ased on RS-788 standards and has a high protocol e9cienc# in addition to its
implementation oer ario$s hard%are platforms! ma+ing it er# pop$lar among
sensor man$fact$rers. SS/ %as originall# deeloped "# 1a2 Stegmann 41,H in :;<7
for transmitting the position data of abso!te encoders = for this reason! some
sero>drie e)$ipment man$fact$rers refer to their SS/ port as a ?Stegmann
/nterface?. /t %as formerl# coered "# the 4erman patent DE @7 7A B:C %hich e2pired
in :;;D. /t is er# s$ita"le for applications demanding relia"ilit# and ro"$stness in
meas$rements $nder ar#ing ind$strial enironments.
Incre)enta Type
0roides distance traelled and direction information. 1achine needs to
"e referenced or EhomedF.
An /ncremental rotar# encoder is also referred to as a )$adrat$re
encoder. This t#pe of encoder $tili(es sensors that $se optical!
mechanical or magnetic inde2 co$nting for ang$lar meas$rement.
/ncremental rotar# encoders $tili(e a transparent dis+ %hich contains
opa)$e sections that are e)$all# spaced to determine moement. A light
emitting diode is $sed to pass thro$gh the glass dis+ and is detected "# a
photo detector. This ca$ses the encoder to generate a train of e)$all#
spaced p$lses as it rotates. The o$tp$t of incremental rotar# encoders is
meas$red in p$lses per reol$tion %hich is $sed to +eep trac+ of position
or determine speed.
0$lse Train 0rod$ced from /ncremental Encoder
A single-channel o$tp$t is commonl# implemented in applications in
%hich direction of moement is not signi*cant. /nstances in %hich
direction sensing is important! a 8-channel! )$adrat$re! o$tp$t is $sed.
The t%o channels! A and ,! are commonl# ;D electrical degrees o$t of
phase and the electronic components determine the direction "ased o&
the phase relationship "et%een the t%o channels. The position of an
incremental encoder is done "# adding $p all the p$lses "# a co$nter.
A set"ac+ of the incremental encoder is co$nt loss %hich occ$rs d$ring
po%er loss. Ghen restarting! the e)$ipment m$st "e referenced to a
home position to reinitiali(e the co$nter. Ho%eer! there are some
incremental encoders! li+e those sold at Anaheim A$tomation! %hich
come e)$ipped %ith a third channel called the inde2 channel. The inde2
channel prod$ces a single signal p$lse per reol$tion of the encoder shaft
and is often $sed as a reference mar+er. The reference mar+er is then
denoted as a starting position %hich can res$me co$nting or position
NOTE' /ncremental rotar# encoders are not as acc$rate as a"sol$te rotar#
encoders d$e to the possi"ilit# of interference or a misread.
Ad%anta&es and disad%anta&es of Incre)enta encoder type:
O$tp$t signals hae information on relatie position! not a"sol$te
Needs to perform a homing f$nction to a *2ed reference position
0$lse co$nts can "e lost if there is interr$ption in po%er s$ppl#
*inear Encoder
A linear encoder is a sensor! transd$cer or reading-head lin+ed to a scale
that encodes position. The sensor reads the scale and conerts position
into an analog or digital signal that is transformed into a digital reado$t.
1oement is determined from changes in position %ith time. ,oth optical
and magnetic linear encoder t#pes f$nction $sing this t#pe of method.
Ho%eer! it is their ph#sical properties %hich ma+e them di&erent.
"o# do Optica *inear Encoders Wor$?
The light so$rce and lens prod$ce a parallel "eam of light %hich pass
thro$gh fo$r %indo%s of the scanning reticle. The fo$r scanning %indo%s
are shifted ;D degrees apart. The light then passes thro$gh the glass
scale and is detected "# photosensors. The scale then transforms the
detected light "eam %hen the scanning $nit moes. The detection of the
light "# the photosensor prod$ces sin$soidal %ae o$tp$ts. The linear
encoder s#stem then com"ines the shifted signals to create t%o
sin$soidal o$tp$ts %hich are s#mmetrical "$t ;D degrees o$t of phase
from each other. A reference signal is created %hen a *fth pattern on the
scanning reticle "ecomes aligned %ith an identical pattern on the scale.
-inear Encoder
"o# does a *inear Encoder Wor$?
A -inear Encoder s#stem $ses a magnetic sensor readhead and a
magnetic scale to prod$ce TT- or analog o$tp$t for Channel A and ,. As
the magnetic sensor passes along the magnetic scale! the sensor detects
the change in magnetic *eld and o$tp$ts a signal. This o$tp$t signal
fre)$enc# is proportional to the meas$ring speed and the displacement
of the sensor. Since a linear encoder
detects change in the magnetic
*eld! the interference of light! oil!
d$st! and de"ris hae no e&ect on
this t#pe of s#stem. therefore the#
o&er high relia"ilit# in harsh
Ma&netic +otary Encoder
A magnetic encoder
consists of t%o parts'
a rotor and a sensor.
The rotor t$rns %ith
the shaft and
contains alternating
eenl# spaced north and so$th poles aro$nd its circ$mference. The
sensor detects these small shifts in the position NHHS and SHHN. There
man# methods of detecting magnetic *eld changes! "$t the t%o primar#
t#pes $sed in encoders are' Hall E&ect and 1agneto resistie. Hall E&ect
sensors %or+ "# detecting a change in oltage "# magnetic de3ection of
electrons. 1agneto resistie sensors detect a change in resistance
ca$sed "# a magnetic *eld.
Rotor %ith north and so$th poles
"a,E-ect sensin&
The Sensor prod$ces and processes Hall-E&ect signals prod$cing a
)$adrat$re signal as is common %ith optical encoders. The o$tp$t is
generated "# meas$ring magnetic 3$2 distri"$tions across the s$rface of
the chip. The o$tp$t acc$rac# is dependent on the radial placement of
the /C %ith respect to the target magnet. The chip face sho$ld "e parallel
to the magnet so the magnet to sensor air gap is consistent across the
sensor face.
1agnetic encoders aoid the three $lnera"ilities that optical encoders
I Seal fail$res %hich permit the entr# of contaminents
I The optical dis+ ma# shatter d$ring i"ration or impact
I ,earing fail$res
1agnetic deices designed e&ectiel# eliminate the *rst t%o fail$re
modes and o&er an opport$nit# to red$ce "earing fail$res as %ell.
1agnetic encoders do not ma+e errors d$e to contamination "eca$se
their sensors detect ariations in magnetic *elds im"edded in the rotor
and oil! dirt and %ater do not a&ect these magnetic *elds.
%ith magnet
Hall-E&ect sensors generall# hae lo%er cost and are less precise than
magnetic resistie sensors. This means that Hall-E&ect sensors! %hen
$sed in an encoder prod$ce more ?Jitter?! or error in the signal ca$sed "#
sensor ariations.
Co))!tation Encoders
A comm$tation encoder contains the same
f$ndamental components as incremental
encoders "$t %ith the addition of comm$tation
trac+s alongside the o$ter edge of the dis+ for
K>L>G o$tp$t.
"o# do Co))!tation Encoders Wor$?
Co))!tation encoders $tili(e a transparent dis+ %hich incl$des
opa)$e sections that are e)$all# spaced to determine moement. A light
emitting diode is $sed to pass thro$gh the glass dis+ and is detected "# a
photo detector. This ca$ses the encoder to generate a train of e)$all#
spaced p$lses as it rotates. The o$tp$t of incremental rotar# encoders is
meas$red in p$lses per reol$tion %hich is $sed to +eep trac+ of position
or determine speed.
The o$ter part of the encoder dis+ incl$des comm$tation trac+s %hich
proide a controller %ith information on the e2act position of the motor
poles! so that the proper controller inp$t can "e s$pplied to the motor.
The comm$tation trac+s of the encoder read the motor position and
instr$ct the controller as to ho% to proide e9cient and proper c$rrent to
the motor to ca$se rotation. Comm$tation o$tp$t for K>L>G can "e in the
form of di&erential o$tp$t or open-collector 5man$fact$rer dependent6.
"o# are Encoders Controed?
Encoders are controlled thro$gh the rotation the shaft it is mo$nted to.
The shaft comes into contact %ith a h$" %hich is in internal to the
encoder. As the shaft rotates! it ca$ses the disc! %ith "oth transparent
and solid lines! to rotate across the circ$itr# of the encoder. The circ$itr#
of the encoder contains an -ED %hich is capt$red "# a photoelectric
diode and o$tp$ts p$lses to the $ser. The speed at %hich the disc rotates
%ill "e dependent on the speed of the shaft the encoder is connected to.
Anaheim A$tomationMs optical and magnetic encoder lines are po%ered
from a single NALDC po%er so$rce! and is a"le to sing and so$rce <mA
.hysica .roperties
*inear Encoders
The +e# components of a linear encoder are a scanning $nit! sensor!
transd$cer or readhead! paired %ith a transmissie or re3ectie scale!
%hich encodes position. The scale of a linear encoder is generall# made
of glass and mo$nted to a s$pport and the scanning $nit contains a light
so$rce! photocells! and a second glass piece called the scanning reticle.
Collectiel#! the linear encoder is a"le to conert motion into digital or
analog signals to determine the change in position oer time.
+otary Encoders
The +e# components of a rotar# encoder are the dis+! light so$rces and
detectors! and electronics. The dis+ contains a $ni)$e pattern of
concentric etched circles and alternates "et%een opa)$e and transparent
segments. This pattern proides $ni)$e "it con*g$rations and is $sed to
assign speci*c positions. For eer# concentric ring in a rotar# encoder!
there is a light so$rce and light detector %hich identif# lines etched on
the dis+. The electronics consist of an o$tp$t deice %hich ta+es the
signal o"tained from the sensor 5light>detector so$rce6 to proide
feed"ac+ of position and>or elocit#. All of these components are enclosed
in a single ho$sing $nit.
Di&erential-T#pe Encoder
The +e# components of an incre)enta encoder are a glass dis+! -ED
5light emitting diode6! and a photo detector. The transparent dis+ contains
opa)$e sections %hich are e)$all# spaced to de3ect light %hile the
transparent sections allo% light to "e passed thro$gh sho%n in Fig$re 8
"elo%. An optical encoder $tili(es a light emitting diode %hich shines light
thro$gh the transparent portions of the dis+. The light that shines thro$gh
is receied "# the photo detector %hich prod$ces an electrical signal
Where are Encoders /sed?
Encoders hae "ecome a ital so$rce for man# applications re)$iring
feed"ac+ information. Ghether an application is concerned %ith speed!
direction or distance! an encoders ast capa"ilit# allo% $sers to $tili(e
this information for precise control. Gith the emergence of higher
resol$tions! r$ggedness! and lo%er costs! encoders hae "ecome the
preferred technolog# in more and more areas. Toda#! encoder
applications are all aro$nd $s. The# are $tili(ed in printers! a$tomation!
medical scanners! and scienti*c e)$ipment.
Anaheim A$tomationOs cost-e&ectie encoder prod$ct line is a %ise
choice for applications re)$iring feed"ac+ control. Anaheim A$tomationOs
c$stomers for the encoder prod$ct line is dierse' ind$strial companies
operating or designing a$tomated machiner# inoling food processing!
la"eling! c$t-to-length applications! cone#or! material handling! ro"otics!
medical diagnostics! and CNC machiner#.
Encoders are $sed in 1an# /nd$stries
Encoders hae "ecome an essential component to applications in man#
di&erent ind$stries. The follo%ing is a partial list of ind$stries ma+ing $se
of encoders'
I A$tomotie = The a$tomotie ind$str# $tili(e encoders as sensors of
mechanical motion ma# "e applied to controlling speed.
I Cons$mer Electronics and O9ce E)$ipment = /n the cons$mer
electronics ind$str#! encoders are %idel# $sed o9ce e)$ipment s$ch as
0C-"ased scanning e)$ipment! printers! and scanners.
I /nd$strial = /n the ind$strial ind$str#! encoders are $sed in la"eling
machines! pac+aging and machine tooling %ith single and m$lti-a2is
motor controllers. Encoders can also "e fo$nd in CNC machine control.
I 1edical = /n the medical ind$str#! encoders are $tili(ed in medical
scanners! microscopic or nanoscopic motion control of a$tomated deices
and dispensing p$mps.
I 1ilitar# - The militar# also $tili(es encoders in their application of
positioning antennas.
I Scienti*c /nstr$ments = Scienti*c e)$ipment implement encoders in the
positioning of an o"serator# telescope.
Appications for Encoders
An encoder can "e $sed in applications re)$iring feed"ac+ of position!
elocit#! distance! etc. The e2amples listed "elo% ill$strate the ast
capa"ilities and implementations of an encoder'
I Ro"otics
I -a"eling 1achines
I 1edical E)$ipment
I Te2tiles
I Drilling 1achines
I 1otor Feed"ac+
I Assem"l# 1achines
I 0ac+aging
I P and Y /ndication S#stems
I 0rinters
I Testing 1achines
I CNC 1achines
"o# to Seect an Encoder
There are seeral important criteria inoled in selecting the proper
:. O$tp$t
8. Desired Resol$tion 5C0R6
@. Noise and Ca"le -ength
7. /nde2 Channel
A. Coer>,ase
The o$tp$t is dependent on %hat is re)$ired "# the application. There are
t%o o$tp$t forms %hich are incremental and a"sol$te. /ncremental o$tp$t
forms ta+e form of s)$are%ae o$tp$ts. For an application re)$iring an
incremental encoder! the o$tp$t signal is either (ero or the s$ppl#
oltage. The o$tp$t of an incremental encoder is al%a#s a s)$are%ae
d$e to the s%itching of high 5inp$t oltage al$e6 and lo% 5(ero6 signal
al$e. A"sol$te encoders operate in the same manner as incremental
encoders! "$t hae di&erent o$tp$t methods. The resol$tion of an
a"sol$te encoder is descri"ed in "its. The o$tp$t of a"sol$te encoders is
relatie to its position in a form of a digital %ord. /nstead of a contin$o$s
3o% of p$lses as seen "# incremental encoders! a"sol$te encoders o$tp$t
a $ni)$e %ord for each position in form of "its. E)$ialent to :!D87 p$lses
per reol$tion! an a"sol$te encoder is descri"ed to hae :D "its 58:D Q
Desired +eso!tion 'C.+(
The resol$tion of incremental encoders is fre)$entl# descri"ed in terms of
c#cles per reol$tion 5C0R6. C#cles per reol$tion are the n$m"er of
o$tp$t p$lses per complete reol$tion of the encoder dis+. For e2ample!
an encoder %ith a resol$tion of :!DDD means that there are :!DDD p$lses
generated per complete reol$tion of the encoder.
Noise and Cabe *en&th
Ghen selecting the proper encoder for an# application! the $ser m$st
also ta+e into acco$nt noise and ca"le length. -onger ca"le lengths are
more s$scepti"le to noise. /t is cr$cial to $se proper ca"le lengths to
ens$re the s#stem f$nctions correctl#. /t is recommended to $se shielded!
t%isted-pair ca"les %ith prefera"l# lo% capacitance al$e. The rating for
capacitance al$e is normall# in capacitance per foot. The importance of
this rating is for %ell de*ned s)$are%ae p$lse o$tp$ts from the encoder
rather than EJaggedF or Esa%-toothedF li+e p$lses d$e to the interference
of noise.
Inde0 Channe
The inde2 channel is an optional o$tp$t channel %hich proides a once
per reol$tion o$tp$t p$lse. This p$lse allo%s for the $ser to +eep trac+ of
position and esta"lishes a reference point. This o$tp$t channel is
e2tremel# al$a"le for incremental encoders %hen an interr$ption of
po%er occ$rs. /n instances %ith a po%er fail$re! the last s$stained inde2
channel can "e $sed as a reference mar+er for a restarting point.
Therefore! %hen s$ch an occ$rrence ta+es place! an inde2 channel can
proe to "e )$ite al$a"le in applications $tili(ing incremental encoders.
A"sol$te encoders do not hae an iss$e %ith losing trac+ of position in
po%er loss sit$ations! "eca$se eer# position is assigned a $ni)$e "it
Coer and "ase options are considerations for speci*c application
re)$irements. Enclosed coer options help protect the encoder from d$st
particles. ,ase options pla# a signi*cant role in large i"ration
enironments. S$ch mo$nting options are transfer adhesies %hich stic+
directl# on the "ac+ of the encoder to the mo$nting s$rface! molded ears
for direct mo$nting. Anaheim A$tomation also o&ers ario$s "ase options
for mo$nting p$rposes.
Anaheim A$tomation o&ers a selection of coer and "ase options to meet
#o$r application needs.
Co%er Options:
Encosed co%er"oe Dia)eter
E-Option' Enclosed Coer H-Option' Hole Diameter -
Base Options:
A 2%e "oe dia)eters beco)e 3425Adds Ai&n)ent
@-Option' All *e Hole diameters "ecome .:8A A-Option' Adds
Alignment Sho$lder
Moded Earssot Adapter .ateTransfer Adhesi%e
4-Option' 1olded Ears R-Option' @-slot Adapter 0late T-Option'
Transfer Adhesie
"o# to Insta an Encoder
After selecting the appropriate motor! it is important to +no% ho% to
properl# install it. The installation of each encoder is dependent $pon its
mo$nting or "ase option. /f an encoder is to "e mo$nted to a motor shaft!
then a centering tool can "e $sed to align the hole of the encoder to the
shaft. The di&erent mo$nting options hae ar#ing f$nctionalities. An R-
option allo%s for a N>- :A degree pla# of motion in %hich the encoder can
rotate "ac+ and forth. A T-Option ho%eer! $ses adhesie to stic+ to the
"ac+ of a motor.
For step "# step instr$ctions on installing an Anaheim A$tomation
encoder! %atch o$r ideo t$torials here. Anaheim A$tomation also
proides the option of an encoder adder! %here %e mo$nt the encoder for
#o$! hassle freeR
Ad%anta&es of an Encoder
- Highl# relia"le and acc$rate
- -o%-cost feed"ac+
- High resol$tion
- /ntegrated electronics
- F$ses optical and digital technolog#
- Can "e incorporated into e2isting applications
- Compact si(e
Disad%anta&es of an Encoder
- S$"Ject to magnetic or radio interference 51agnetic Encoders6
- Direct light so$rce interference 5Optical Encoders6
- S$scepti"le to dirt! oil and d$st contaminates
0-EASE NOTE' Technical assistance regarding its Encoder line! as %ell as
all the prod$cts man$fact$red or distri"$ted "# Anaheim A$tomation! is
aaila"le at no charge. This assistance is o&ered to help the c$stomer in
choosing Anaheim A$tomation prod$cts for a speci*c application.
Ho%eer! an# selection! )$otation! or application s$ggestion for an
Encoder! or an# other prod$ct! o&ered from Anaheim A$tomationOs sta&!
itsM representaties or distri"$tors! are onl# to assist the c$stomer. /n all
cases! determination of *tness of the c$stom Encoder in a speci*c
s#stem design is solel# the c$stomersM responsi"ilit#. Ghile eer# e&ort is
made to o&er solid adice regarding the Encoder prod$ct line! as %ell as
other motion control prod$cts! and to prod$ce technical data and
ill$strations acc$ratel#! s$ch adice and doc$ments are for reference
onl#! and s$"Ject to change %itho$t notice.
.robe): No o!tp!t
Sol$tion' No o$tp$t ma# "e a res$lt of ario$s factors. Steps can "e ta+en
to ens$re the proper f$nctionalit# of the encoder. No mechanical
moement res$lts in an# signal "eing o$tp$t from the encoder. To correct
this iss$e! o"sere if the encoder is rotating. Lerif# all %ring "et%een the
encoder and the drier>controller is correct and the appropriate oltage
s$ppl# is $sed. Haing loose connections or improper oltage s$ppl# ma#
not allo% the encoder to f$nction properl#. Finall#! ens$re the correct
signal t#pe 5e.g. open collector! p$ll-$p! line drier or p$sh-p$ll6 is "eing
$sed for #o$r application. /f the pro"lem persists! s%ap encoders! if
possi"le! to determine if the encoder is the iss$e.
.robe): /nabe to 2nd inde0 p!se
Sol$tion' The inde2 p$lse! or reference mar+er! is a once per reol$tion
o$tp$t of an encoder and is "est fo$nd $sing an oscilloscope. Lerif# all
the %iring "et%een the encoder and the drier>controller is correct and
the appropriate oltage s$ppl# is $sed. /f that does not sole the iss$e!
tr# lo%ering the R01 of the motor! as the drier>controller ma# not "e
a"le to identif# the inde2 p$lse at er# high R01 al$es.
.robe): Co!nt o!tp!t indicates incorrect direction
Sol$tion' /f the co$nt o$tp$t indicates an incorrect direction then chec+
for the %ire con*g$ration. See if an# %ires are reersed. /f the# are
reersed! simpl# s%ap %ires.
NOTE' /f #o$r application is $sing inde2! reersing the %ire con*g$ration
ca$ses the reference alignment to also change. /f so! please ma+e the
appropriate changes to #o$r application.
.robe): Encoder is not rotatin&
Sol$tion' Ghen encoders are e2posed in open enironments! d$st and
de"ris particles ma# acc$m$late aro$nd the shaft. Simpl# clean the
e2posed area and ens$re that there are not o"Jects o"str$cting the
encoder from rotating.
.robe): Noise Interference
Sol$tion' To improe the noise imm$nit# of encoders it is strongl# adised
that no other electrical e)$ipment "e near"# or "e +ept at a fair distance.
Encoder ca"les sho$ld also "e shielded and proper %ires sho$ld "e
gro$nded to minimi(e electrical noise.
.robe): Distorted or incorrect o!tp!t
Sol$tion' Distorted or incorrect o$tp$t can "e an# com"ination of loose
%iring connections! encoder o$tp$t not compati"le %ith drier>controller!
electrical noise or improper alignment. Chec+ for %ire connections!
compati"ilit# iss$es %ith the encoder and the drier>controller! alignment
of the encoder and the shaft to sole this iss$e.
The relationship "et%een the encoder C0R fre)$enc# and the speed of
the motor 5R016 is gien "# the follo%ing e)$ation'
f Q 5c#cles>re6S5re>sec6>:DDD Q +H(
R01 Q Reol$tion per 1in$te
C0R Q C#cles per Reol$tion
Distance Con%ersion:
500R6 > 58SpiSradi$s of shaft6 Q p$lses per inch
50$lses per inch6T-: Q inch per p$lse
Abso!te Encoder - proides the shaft position in a "it con*g$ration and
is a"le to maintain or proide a"sol$te position een after instances of
po%er loss>fail$re.
Acc!racy 8 di&erence in distance "et%een the theoretical and the act$al
Cyces .er +e%o!tion 5C0R6 - C#cles per reol$tion are the n$m"er of
o$tp$t p$lses per complete reol$tion of the encoder dis+
Encoder - is a sensor of mechanical motion that generates digital signals
in response to motion.
Incre)enta Encoder - deice that proides a train of p$lses d$e in
response to mechanical motion. The o$tp$t of this encoder is in form of a
Inde0 - a separate o$tp$t channel %hich proides a single p$lse per shaft
reol$tion. /t can "e $sed to esta"lish a reference or mar+er for a starting
Interpoation - is the method of increasing the resol$tion of an encoder.
This method allo%s for the encoder to prod$ce a higher resol$tion o$tp$t
%itho$t increasing the oerall si(e of the dis+ and encoder.
*ine Dri%er - is a so$rcing o$tp$t. This means that %hen in UONO state
the line drier %ill s$ppl# Lcc and in the UOFFO state the drier %ill 3oat. A
sin+ing inp$t is re)$ired for line drier applications.
Open Coector - is a sin+ing o$tp$t. /n the UOFFO state! an open collector
%ill "e gro$nded and in the UONO state! the open collector %ill 3oat. A
so$rcing inp$t is re)$ired for open collector applications.
.!ses .er +e%o!tion 500R6 - the total n$m"er of p$lses prod$ced per
f$ll reol$tion of the encoder shaft.
.!sh,p! - is a com"ination "et%een a line drier and an open collector.
/n the UOFFO state it %ill "e gro$nded and in the on UONO state it %ill s$ppl#
9!adrat!re Encoder - t%o o$tp$t channels %hich are o$t of phase "#
;D electrical degrees. From the phase di&erence! the direction of rotation
can also "e determined.
+eso!tion = n$m"er of line increments on a dis+. Resol$tion for
incremental encoders is often referred to as c#cles per resol$tion and for
a"sol$te encoders it is in terms of "its.
Sin&e Channe Encoder = has onl# one o$tp$t channel and is $sed in
speed applications.
S:!are#a%e - a repetitie %aeform corresponding to high and lo%
Encoder 9!i;
:. Ghat are single o$tp$t channel incremental encoders $sed forV
A. Sense Direction
,. Sense Speed 5Tachometers6
C. 0osition Feed"ac+
8. Ghich of the follo%ing is a NOT di&erence "et%een a"sol$te and an
incremental encoderV
A. A"sol$te encoders proide a $ni)$e position.
,. A"sol$te $tili(e concentric circles on a transparent disc %hile
incremental encoders $tili(e eenl# spaced opa)$e sections to determine
C. ,oth a"sol$te encoders and incremental encoders lose position d$e to
po%er loss>fail$re.
@. Ghich of the follo%ing applies to an /nde2 ChannelV
A. 0osition Trac+er
,. Reference> Homing 0oint
C. Determining Distance
D. All of the A"oe
7. Ghat does an Encoder doV
A. Senses mechanical motion.
,. 0roides information concerning position! elocit# and direction.
C. Conerts analog into digital information.
D. None of the a"oe.
E. All of the a"oe.
A. Ghat does C0R stand forV
A. C#cles per Reol$tion
,. Co$nts per Reol$tion
C. ,oth A and ,
D. None of the a"oe.
B. Descri"e the di&erent t#pes of encoder o$tp$ts "elo%.
TT- - are logic gate circ$its designed to inp$t and o$tp$t t%o t#pes of
signal states' high 5:6 and lo% 5D6. The transition "et%een high and lo%
signals generates TT- s)$are%ae o$tp$ts.
Open Coector - is a sin+ing o$tp$t. /n the UOFFO state! an open collector
%ill "e gro$nded and in the UONO state! the open collector %ill 3oat. A
so$rcing inp$t is re)$ired for open collector applications.
*ine Dri%er - is a so$rcing o$tp$t. This means that %hen in UONO state
the line drier %ill s$ppl# Lcc and in the UOFFO state the drier %ill 3oat. A
sin+ing inp$t is re)$ired for line drier applications.
.!sh,.! - is a com"ination "et%een a line drier and an open collector.
/n the UOFFO state it %ill "e gro$nded and in the on UONO state it %ill s$ppl#
C. Ghich of the follo%ing are encoder adantagesV
A. -o% cost
,. High resol$tion
C. High relia"ilit# and acc$rac#
D. Compact si(e
E. /ntegration "et%een optical and digital technolog#
F. All of the A"oe
<. W$adrat$re channels are o$t of phase "# ho% man# electrical degreesV
A. 7A
,. :8D
D. ;D
;. -ist the criteria for selecting an encoder'
:. O$tp$t
8. Desired Resol$tion 5C0R6
@. Noise and Ca"le -ength
7. /nde2 Channel
A. Coer>,ase
:D. Calc$lation' /f an encoder has a resol$tion of :D87 and is mo$nted to
a shaft of diameter :F! %hat %ill "e the p$lses per inch and inch per p$lse
%ith this com"inationV
5:D87S76>58SpiS.A6 Q :@D@.C; p$lses per inch
5:@D@6T-: Q .DDDCBC inch per p$lse
Encoder FAWs
W' Ghat is an encoderV
A' An encoder is a sensor of mechanical motion that generates digital
signals in response to motion.
W' Ho% do #o$ install an EncoderV
A' For step "# step t$torials on ho% to install Anaheim A$tomationOs
encoders! clic+ here.
W' Ghat is the di&erence "et%een a"sol$te and incremental encodersV
A' A"sol$te and incremental encoders are di&erent in t%o %a#s'
- Eer# position of an a"sol$te encoder is $ni)$e
- An a"sol$te encoder neer loses its position d$e to po%er loss or
fail$re. /ncremental encoders lose trac+ of position $pon po%er loss or
W' Ghat is a channelV
A' A channel is an electrical o$tp$t signal from an encoder.
W' Ghat is a )$adrat$reV
A' A )$adrat$re has t%o o$tp$t channels! %ith repeating s)$are%aes!
%hich are o$t of phase "# ;D electrical degrees. From the phase
di&erence! the direction of rotation can also "e determined.
W' Ghat is an
inde2 p$lseV
A' The inde2 p$lse! also referred to as a reference or mar+er p$lse! is a
single o$tp$t p$lse prod$ced once per reol$tion.
W' Ghat other t#pes of encoder technologies are thereV
A' There are t%o t#pes of encoder technologies.
- Optical' This t#pe of technolog# $ses a light shining into a
photodiode thro$gh slits in a metal>glass dis+.
- 1agnetic' Strips of magneti(ed material are placed on rotating discs
and are sensed "# Hall-E&ect Sensors or magneto-resistie sensors.
W' Ghat t#pes of applications are encoders implemented inV
A' The# are fre)$entl# $tili(ed in stepper motors! a$tomation! ro"otics!
medical deices! motion control and man# other applications re)$iring
position feed"ac+.
W' Does an# encoder dis+ 5code%heel6 %or+ %ith an# encoder mod$leV
A' No! each resol$tion and each dis+ diameter %or+s %ith a di&erent
encoder mod$le.
W' Ghat is 00RV
A' 00R stands for p$lse per reol$tion in rotational motion for rotational
motion and p$lse per inch or millimeter for linear motion.
W' Ghen can a single o$tp$t channel "e $sed in an incremental encoderV
A' A single o$tp$t channel for an incremental encoder can "e $sed %hen
it is not important to sense direction. S$ch applications ma+e $se of
W' Gill Anaheim A$tomation mo$nt an encoder to motorsV
A' Yes! a special part n$m"er %o$ld "e created for incl$ding the encoder
attached to a motor.
+e:!ired Maintenance
Encoders re)$ire er# little maintenance d$e to their r$ggedness and
relia"ilit#. Ho%eer! it is recommended to minimi(e an encoders e2pos$re
to d$st particles or de"ris and also! $nless designed for e2pos$re to %ater
or moist$re. Also! $nder d$ress of shoc+ and i"rations! encoder discs
ma# "ecome scratched res$lting in encoder fail$re. /f s$ch an eent
occ$rs! the disc ma# need to "e replaced to proide acc$rate readings.
En%iron)enta Considerations for an Encoder
The follo%ing enironmental and safet# considerations m$st "e o"sered
d$ring all phases of operation! serice and repair of an encoder. Fail$re to
compl# %ith these preca$tions iolates safet# standards of design!
man$fact$re and intended $se of an encoder. 0lease note that een %ith
a %ellX"$ilt encoder! prod$cts operated and installed improperl# can "e
ha(ardo$s. 0reca$tion m$st "e o"sered "# the $ser %ith respect to the
load and operating enironment. The c$stomer is $ltimatel# responsi"le
for the proper selection! installation! and operation of the encoder.
The atmosphere in %hich an encoder is $sed m$st "e cond$cie to good
general practices of electrical>electronic e)$ipment. Do not operate the
encoder in the presence of 3amma"le gases! d$st! oil! apor or moist$re.
For o$tdoor $se! the encoder m$st "e protected from the elements "# an
ade)$ate coer! %hile still proiding ade)$ate air 3o% and cooling.
1oist$re ma# ca$se an electrical shoc+ ha(ard and>or ind$ce s#stem
"rea+do%n. D$e consideration sho$ld "e gien to the aoidance of li)$ids
and apors of an# +ind. Contact the factor# sho$ld #o$r application
re)$ire speci*c /0 ratings. /t is %ise to install the encoder in an
enironment %hich is free from condensation! d$st! electrical noise!
i"ration and shoc+.
Additionall#! it is prefera"le to %or+ %ith encoders in a nonXstatic!
protectie enironment. E2posed circ$itr# sho$ld al%a#s "e properl#
g$arded and>or enclosed to preent $na$thori(ed h$man contact %ith
lie circ$itr#. No %or+ sho$ld "e performed %hile po%er is applied. DonOt
pl$g in or $npl$g the connectors %hen po%er is ON. Gait for at least A
min$tes "efore doing inspection %or+ on the encoder after t$rning po%er
OFF! "eca$se een after the po%er is t$rned o&! there %ill still "e some
electrical energ# remaining in the internal circ$it of the encoder circ$itr#.
0lan the installation of the encoder in a s#stem design that is free from
de"ris! s$ch as metal de"ris from c$tting! drilling! tapping! and %elding!
or an# other foreign material that co$ld come in contact %ith the circ$itr#.
Fail$re to preent de"ris from entering the encoder can res$lt in damage
and>or shoc+.
*ifeti)e of an Encoder
The lifetime of an encoder is dependent on ario$s factors s$ch as
enironmental e2pos$re and application $se. ,# limiting the e2pos$re of
the encoder to electrical e)$ipment! temperat$res a"oe recommended
al$es! condensation! and i"ration and shoc+! and $sing the encoder as
directed "# the man$fact$rer can e2tend the lifetime of an encoder.
Along %ith the encoder line! Anaheim A$tomation carries a
comprehensie line of single-ended and di&erential encoder ca"les %ith
fo$r! si2! and eight leads! ca"le lengths $p to :B feet! and encoder
centering tools. Additionall#! Anaheim A$tomation o&ers an e2tended line
of stepper! "r$shless! and sero motors %hich can implement encoders
for #o$r application needs.
, See )ore at:

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