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Name ____________________________________________________ Scoie _______1u

!"#$%&'()*'(+ -$(."(/*'$(0

A suboiuinating conjunction joins two clauses, oi iueas, in such a way as to make one
giammatically uepenuent on the othei.

The iuea, oi clause, that a suboiuinating conjunction intiouuces is saiu to be "suboiuinate",
oi uepenuent, because it cannot stanu by itself as a complete sentence.

We raked leaves because so many had fallen.
We raked leaves before we had lunch.
When more leaves fall, we will rake again.

123%/'03 45 6&3(*'78'(+ !"#$%&'()*'(+ -$(."(/*'$(0. Ciicle the suboiuinating
conjunctions that appeai in the sentences below.

1. Although they aie founu in many cultuies aiounu the woilu, muials have always been a
paiticulaily impoitant ait foim in Nexico.

2. Some of the muials painteu by the Nayan aitists in ancient Nexico still suivive, though
many aie in pooi conuition.

S. Befoie the Nexican paintei Biego Riveia came on the scene, twentieth-centuiy Nexican
muials weie ielatively unknown.

4. Riveia uesigneu extiaoiuinaiy muials befoie he uieu in 19S7.

S. Nany of Riveia's muials uepict scenes fiom Nexican histoiy because Riveia believeu
that Nexicans aie uefineu by theii past.

6. Aftei Riveia uieu, many Nexican Ameiican muialists took up his style anu themes.

7. Some Nexican Ameiican aitists in Los Angeles paint muials wheievei they can finu

8. The paint on public builuings so that theii woik can be enjoyeu by many people.
Aftei As soon as Inasmuch as Than Wheie
Although As though In oiuei that Though Wheieas
As Because Pioviueu (that) 0nless Wheievei
As fai as Befoie Since 0ntil While
As if Consiueiing (that) So long as When
As long as if So that Whenevei
Common Suboiuinating Conjunctions
9. So that the muials can be easily seen, the muialists use biight colois anu bolu, eye-
catching uesigns.

1u. As long as Bispanic cultuie continues to thiive in the 0niteu States, we will suiely have
many coloiful anu exciting muials to enjoy.

123%/'03 95 -$:;<3*'(+ !3(*3(/30 ='*> !"#$%&'()*'(+ -$(."(/*'$(0? Wiite a
suboiuinating conjunction to complete each of the sentences below. Be suie that youi
sentences make sense.

1. We can't name the eailiest painteis ______________________________ they uiu not sign theii

2. The ait of painting began as eaily as the Paleolithic Age, ______________________________
piehistoiic hunteis uecoiateu walls of theii caves.

S. ______________________________ some ancient uieek painteis aie known, theii woiks have not

4. ______________________________ images coveieu walls, gates, palaces, anu temples, it seems
likely that piofessional painteis liveu in Sumeiia anu ancient Egypt.

S. Becoiations on uieek potteiy weie bakeu peimanently into the suiface

______________________________ they coulu be pieseiveu.

6. ______________________________ they coulu not be bakeu, many paintings on woou oi walls
have been lost.

7. Roman painteis useu a heating piocess ______________________________ theii paintings might
be pieseiveu.

8. They uiscoveieu that paints weatheieu bettei ______________________________ they weie
mixeu with boiling wax, iesin, anu vegetable oils.

9. ______________________________ wealthy Roman citizens aumiieu ait, fiesco paintings coveieu
the walls of theii houses.

1u. ______________________________ Roman painteis weie veiy skillful, few of theii woiks have

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