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Informalion Research SeciaIisl
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Informalion Research SeciaIisl
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Informalion Research SeciaIisl
Selember 25, 2014
102#,"%%$02'& +"%"',-. 3",)$-"
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-&
This report is one oI a series oI reports on legislative process and research; it is intended to serve
as a Iinding aid to sources oI inIormation, such as documents, news articles, analysis, contacts
and services, used in legislative research. It does not deIine or describe the purpose oI various
government documents; that inIormation can be Iound in companion CRS Report R41865,
Legislative Historv Research. A Guide to Resources for Congressional Staff, and CRS Report
RL33895, Researching Current Federal Legislation and Regulations. A Guide to Resources for
Congressional Staff. This report is not intended to be a deIinitive list oI all resources, but rather a
guide to pertinent subscriptions available in the House and Senate in addition to select resources
Ireely available to the public. This report is intended Ior use by Members and congressional oIIice
staII and will be updated annually.

Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-&
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Legislative Research: Documents and Resources ............................................................................ 1
News and Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 6
Training and Services ...................................................................................................................... 9

Figure A-1. The Course oI Legislation in Congress ...................................................................... 15

Table 1. Legislative and Executive Branch Documents .................................................................. 2
Table 2. Selected Resources Ior News and Analysis and Relevant Legislative Research ............... 7
Table 3. Finding Experts and Contacts ............................................................................................ 7
Table 4. Training and Services ......................................................................................................... 9
Table A-1. Legislative Research Resources ................................................................................... 11
Table A-2. Related CRS Products .................................................................................................. 14

Appendix. Additional Resources ................................................................................................... 11

Author Contact InIormation........................................................................................................... 16

Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 1
During the legislative process, many documents are prepared by Congress and its committees.
Governmental and non-governmental entities track and record congressional activities, and many
more entities chronicle and analyze the development oI public policy. The wide availability oI
such inIormation can be overwhelming to those involved in legislative research. The purpose oI
this report is to assist Members and congressional staII in identiIying and accessing key resources
used during legislative research.
The report does not deIine or describe the purpose oI the various inIormation resources and
documents; that inIormation can be Iound in companion CRS Report R41865, Legislative Historv
Research. A Guide to Resources for Congressional Staff, and CRS Report RL33895, Researching
Current Federal Legislation and Regulations. A Guide to Resources for Congressional Staff.
This report is not a comprehensive catalog oI resources Ior conducting legislative research;
instead it provides a selection oI widely used resources. Some oI the resources mentioned are
only available with a paid subscription while others are Iree: this availability is noted in the report
along with the access points Ior Members and congressional staII. The inclusion oI resources in
this report does not imply endorsement by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) oI the
content or the products listed. In addition, CRS does not acquire or manage congressional oIIices`
access to subscription resources.
CRS is available Ior consultation on legislative research or to perIorm legislative research upon
request. CRS can also advise Members and congressional staII on the use oI the resources listed
in this report, including advice on how to select the best resource to use, how to search Ior
inIormation within a resource, or how to develop the most eIIective research methodology. This
report is one oI a series oI reports on legislative process and research; see !"#$% '() Ior other
reports in the series.
!"#$%&'($)" +"%"',-.4 90-:;"2(% '28 +"%0:,-"%
The resource titles and access points are presented in Iour tables. The tables provide inIormation
on how to Iind congressional and other government documents relevant to the legislative process
(!"#$% *); inIormation Irom congressional news sources and legislative support agencies (!"#$%
)); experts and contacts Irom think tanks, academia, executive branch agencies, and CRS (!"#$%
+); and research-related training and services Ior Members and congressional staII (!"#$% ,).
!"#$% * serves as a reIerence guide Ior locating legislative and executive branch documents using
Iree, subscription, and restricted access resources. The Iirst column oI the table contains
documents commonly used in legislative research. The second column lists where these
documents can be Iound. The third column contains typical citations Ior the documents listed in
the Iirst column. The Iourth column contains explanatory notes and reIerences to other
Italici:ed entries in the second column indicate a subscription-based resource available in most
House and Senate oIIices and also at CRS reIerence centers (whose locations and hours oI
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 2
operation are available in !"#$% ,). Unless otherwise indicated, all other resources listed are
Ireely available to all congressional oIIices.
!"#$% '(* provides additional inIormation on the items contained in !"#$% *, including more
detailed descriptions and URLs linking directly to the resources (when available).
!"#$% '( )%*+,$"-+.% "/0 12%34-+.% 56"/37 8934:%/-,
8934:%/- ;33%,, <9+/-,
12":=$% >+-"-+9/,
5+$$, "/0 ;:%/0:%/-,
8llls ano Resolutlons
1993 to present
L| or
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12
H.R. 123, S.Res. 200 See CRS reports on 8llls
ano Resolutlons: Orlglns
ano |ntroouctlon.

For a baslc eplanatlon ot
bow a blll becomes law,
see @+*46% ;A'.
8llls ano Resolutlons
betore 1993
Law Llbrary ot Congress
(or call CRS: 7-5700)
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12
S. 236, H.Con.Res. 728 Tbe Law Llbrary Reaolng
Room contalns mlcrotlcbe,
mlcrotllm, ano ultratlcbe
materlals, lncluolng teoeral
bllls ano resolutlons oatlng
back to tbe 1

CRS bas access to ()%"*+,-
!%./)+,,0%.12, wblcb otters
blll ano resolutlon tet
golng back to 1789. Years
ot coverage ln House ano
Senate subscrlptlons to
ProQuest Congresslonal
may oltter.
Floor Amenoments L| or
Senate Amenoment
Tracklng System
S.Amot. 15, H.Amot. 75 Publlsbeo ln tbe
!%./)+,,0%.12 3+$%)4.
On L|, amenoments
can be touno unoer 8lll
Status wltb Amenoments
or Amenoments on tbe
8lll Summary & Status page.
amenoments can be touno
unoer tbe Amenoments
tab or tbe Actlons tab,
cllcklng All Actlons,
lncluolng Floor
Amenoments on a blll
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 3
8934:%/- ;33%,, <9+/-,
12":=$% >+-"-+9/,
Statutes (laws) L| or
(1995 present)
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12
P.L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119 L| llnks to GPO
FDsys, ano
bosts tbe GPO PDF ot tbe
law. For oloer laws, reter
to ProQuest Congresslonal
or call CRS at 7-5700.
U.S. Cooe
Cornell L||
42 USC 543, 35 U.S.C.
Tbe maln eoltlon ot tbe
U.S. Cooe ls publlsbeo
every sl years by tbe
Ottlce ot tbe Law Revlslon
Counsel ot tbe House ot
Representatlves, wltb
annual cumulatlve
supplements. Tbe current
eoltlon ot tbe Cooe was
publlsbeo ln 2006.
@$996 8%#"-%
!%./)+,,0%.12 3+$%)4
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12 142 !%./# 3+$# 15466 Tbe !%./)+,,0%.12 3+$%)4
bouno eoltlon ls tbe
permanent verslon. |ts tet
ls somewbat eolteo,
revlseo, ano rearrangeo ln
comparlson to tbe oally
verslon. Tbe paglnatlon ls
contlnuous tor eacb
sesslon, but tbere ls no H,
S, or L (tor Ltenslons ot
Remarks) betore eacb page
number. Tbere ls a volume
number tor eacb sesslon
ano numerous parts to
eacb volume. Tbe tlnal two
volumes ot tbe permanent
3+$%)4 ot eacb sesslon are
an lnoe contalnlng a
blstory ot bllls ano
resolutlons ano a
compllatlon ot Dally
Dlgests tor tbe sesslon.
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 4
8934:%/- ;33%,, <9+/-,
12":=$% >+-"-+9/,
!%./)+,,0%.12 3+$%)4
L| or
(1989 present)
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12
158 !%./# 3+$# H5618 Tbe !%./)+,,0%.12 3+$%)4
oally eoltlon reports eacb
oay's proceeolngs ln
Congress ano ls publlsbeo
on tbe succeeolng oay.
Paglnatlon ls preceoeo by
an H, S, or L, to lnolcate
wbetber tbe recoroeo tet
took place ln tbe House,
tbe Senate, or was an
Ltenslon ot Remarks.
Perloolcally, tbrougbout a
sesslon, lnolces to tbe oally
3+$%)4 are publlsbeo.
Floor votes !"#$%&
L| or
(1990 present)
!" 52&1.1$ (tor votes pre-
Roll no. 30, Recoro vote
Number: 11
votes are publlsbeo ln
!%./)+,,0%.12 3+$%)4. On
L|, votes can be touno
unoer Major Actlons
wblle vlewlng 8lll Summary
& Status. On, see tbe
Actlons tab unoer Major
Actlons. To tlno votes on
specltlc lssues, over a tlme
perloo, or otber crlterla,
call CRS at 7-5700.
>9::+--%% ;3-+9/,
Commlttee Scbeoules !"#$%&
L| or
See CQ Scbeoules.
Commlttee Hearlngs
Commlttee websltes
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12
S. Hrg. 106-67
Commlttee Hearlng
Transcrlpts ano
Webcasts (unottlclal)
Commlttee websltes
Consloer contactlng tbe
commlttee statt tor bearlng
transcrlpts unavallable
tbrougb tbese sources.
Commlttee Reports L| or
(1995 present)
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12
H.Rept. 112-14, S.Rept.

Commlttee Markup !"#$%&
Commlttee websltes

Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 5
8934:%/- ;33%,, <9+/-,
12":=$% >+-"-+9/,
Commlttee Rosters !"#$%&
Congresslonal Dlrectory
Commlttee websltes
Tbe !%./)+,,0%.12 60)+$-%)7
ls avallable on GPO FDsys
back to tbe 105

Commlttee Prlnts GPO FDsys
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12
S. Prt. 109-88
Dratt Leglslatlon Commlttee websltes

Sponsor's webslte
For, see tbe CQ
Hot Docs page.
Rules, Proposeo Rules,
ano Notlces
59 8+4+)12 3+/0,-+) 4233 Publlsbeo ln tbe 8+4+)12
3+/0,-+). See corresponolng
entry ln !"#$% ;A' tor
aooltlonal lntormatlon.
General ano Permanent
Rules (cooltleo)
GPO FDsys 15 C.F.R. 254 Publlsbeo ln tbe !%4+ %9
8+4+)12 3+/*21-0%., (CFR).
12%34-+.% 56"/37 D/E96:"-+9/
Lecutlve Oroers Natlonal Arcblves
L.O. 12893 Publlsbeo ln tbe 8+4+)12
3+/0,-+), Compllatlon ot
Presloentlal Documents,
ano tltle 3 ot tbe !%4+ %9
8+4+)12 3+/*21-0%.,.
Grants Catalog ot Feoeral
Domestlc Asslstance
See CRS Report RL34035,
:)1.-, ;%)< 0. 1
!%./)+,,0%.12 =990$+, CRS
Report RL34012, 3+,%*)$+,
9%) :)1.-,++<+),, ano CRS
Report RL32159, >%? -%
6+@+2%A 1.4 ;)0-+ 1 :)1.-
Presloentlal Slgnlng
GPO FDsys Publlsbeo ln tbe 8+4+)12
3+/0,-+), Compllatlon ot
Presloentlal Documents.
See CRS Reports on
Presloentlal Actlon on
Tbe Presloent's Flscal
Year 8uoget Proposal
See CRS Report 98-721,
B.-)%4*$-0%. -% -C+ 8+4+)12
D*4/+- ()%$+,, ano CRS
Report R42384, 8EFGHI
D*4/+- 6%$*&+.-,J B.-+).+-
1.4 :(= 5@1021K020-7.
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 6
8934:%/- ;33%,, <9+/-,
12":=$% >+-"-+9/,
F+,3%$$"/%94, D/E96:"-+9/
Approprlatlons 8llls CRS Approprlatlons Status
Avallable trom FY1999-
Present on
See also CRS Report
R42388, LC+ !%./)+,,0%.12
5AA)%A)01-0%., ()%$+,,J 5.
Cost Lstlmates ot
Current 8llls
C8O Publlsbeo unoer tbe Cost
Lstlmates sectlon ot tbe
Leglslatlve Hlstorles
()%"*+,- !%./)+,,0%.12 See CRS Report R41865,
M+/0,21-0@+ >0,-%)7 3+,+1)$CJ
5 :*04+ -% 3+,%*)$+, 9%)
!%./)+,,0%.12 N-199.
State Laws ano
LLSDC: State Leglslatures,
Laws, ano Regulatlons
For asslstance on
loentltylng state laws ano
regulatlons, call CRS at 7-
Treatles L|
Law Llbrary ot Congress
(or call CRS: 7-5700)
See CRS Report 98-384,
N+.1-+ !%.,04+)1-0%. %9
G9463%H Complleo by tbe Congresslonal Researcb Servlce (CRS).
?9-%,H Plaln tet lnolcates tbe resource llsteo ls treely avallableI B-120$, lnolcate a subscrlptlon-baseo resource
avallable ln most House ano Senate ottlces, ano also at CRS researcb centers.
a. More oetalleo oescrlptlons ano olrect llnks to tbese resources are avallable ln !"#$% ;A'.
b. For ottlclal legal cltatlon style, reter to: LC+ D2*+K%%<J 5 O.09%)& N7,-+& %9 !0-1-0%.
(bttps:// Tbe Government Prlntlng Ottlce Style Manual ls anotber guloe tor ottlclal
cltatlon tormats ano ls avallable onllne at bttp://|o=&
c. Reter to tbe Congresslonal Operatlons sectlon ot tbe CRS webslte tor a llst ot reports provlolng analysls,
resources, ano lntormatlon on key leglslatlve ano aomlnlstratlve processes ano proceoures ot tbe Congress.
o. For turtber lntormatlon, reter to tbe Law Llbrary's page on mlcrotet collectlons at bttp://
G"6% '28 =2'&A%$%
!"#$% ) serves as a Iinding aide Ior resources covering current events related to Congress and the
legislative process. Resources in this table may contain editorial content and discussion. Inclusion
oI these resources does not imply endorsement oI the views held by the publications listed.
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 7
!"#$% J( G%$%3-%0 C%,9463%, E96 ?%B, "/0 ;/"$K,+, "/0 C%$%."/- )%*+,$"-+.% C%,%"637
C%,9463% ;33%,, <9+/-,
Congresslonal News & Analysls !" bttp://
Tbe Hlll bttp://
P1-0%.12 Q%*).12 bttp://
Polltlco bttp://
Roll Call bttp://
D2%%&K+)/ :%@+).&+.- (8GOv) bttp://
D2%%&K+)/ DP5 bttp://
Polltlcal blogs bttp://
[ournal artlcles & blstorlcal news
tbrougb Llbrary ot Congress
Databases sucb as ()%"*+,-,
M+R0,P+R0,, 81$-0@1, QNL=3, ano
SDN!=C%,-, along wltb numerous
otbers are avallable tor use onslte at
CRS researcb centers ano tbe publlc
reaolng rooms at tbe Llbrary ot
Congress. See a llst ot all oatabases
at bttp://
Leglslatlve Support Agency Analysls
& Resources
Congresslonal Researcb Servlce
Congresslonal 8uoget Ottlce (C8O) bttp://
Government Accountablllty Ottlce
G9463%H Complleo by CRS.
?9-%,H Plaln tet lnolcates tbe resource llsteo ls treely avallable, 0-120$, lnolcate a subscrlptlon-baseo resource
avallable ln most House ano Senate ottlces, ano also at CRS researcb centers.

!"#$% + provides sources and tools to identiIy experts and contacts outside Congress Irom the
legislative support agencies, executive branch, academia, non-proIits, and think tanks. The
resources below include directories, databases, and lists available through House and Senate
libraries, reIerence centers, and online. Contacts Irom these sources may provide partisan views
or analysis. Inclusion oI these sources does not imply endorsement oI the views held by contacts
Iound using these tools.
!"#$% L( @+/0+/* 12=%6-, "/0 >9/-"3-,
?":% M<4#$+,7%6N ;33%,, ?9-%,
Tbe Leaoersblp Llbrary
(Leaoersblp Dlrectorles, |nc.)
CRS Reterence Centersonllne
access onllne access vla klosk PCs,
see !"#$% O tor locatlons
Senate Llbraryonllne access,
also avallable ln all Senate ottlces.
House Llbraryprlnt verslon only
Formerly known as tbe Yellow 8ooks.
Contact lntormatlon tor over 500,000
leaoers ot 40,000 Unlteo States
government, buslness, protesslonal, ano
nonprotlt organlzatlons.
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 8
?":% M<4#$+,7%6N ;33%,, ?9-%,
Lncyclopeola ot Assoclatlons
CRS Reterence Centersonllne
access onllne access vla klosk PCs,
see !"#$% O tor locatlons
Senate Llbraryonllne access
Detalleo lntormatlon concernlng 23,000+
nonprotlt Amerlcan membersblp
organlzatlons ot natlonal scope.
Natlonal Dlrectory ot Nonprotlt
Organlzatlons (Gale)
CRS Reterence Centersonllne
access onllne access vla klosk PCs,
see !"#$% O tor locatlons
Contact ano baslc tactual lntormatlon on
tbe largest nonprotlt organlzatlons ln tbe
Unlteo States.
Natlonal Traoe ano Protesslonal
Assoclatlons ot tbe Unlteo States
(Columbla 8ooks)
CRS Reterence Centersprlnt
verslon (LCRR ano RRC, see
!"#$% O tor locatlons)
House Llbraryprlnt verslon
Llsts more tban 7,500 traoe assoclatlons,
labor unlons, protesslonal socletles, ano
slmllar natlonal groups.
Wasblngton |ntormatlon
Dlrectory (CQ)
CRS Reterence Centersprlnt
verslon (LCRR ano RRC, see
!"#$% O tor locatlon)
House Llbraryprlnt verslon
Senate Llbraryprlnt verslon
Guloe to Wasblngton, DC, area
governmental ano prlvate organlzatlons ls
arrangeo ln 20 broao subject areas. Unoer
eacb area, pertlnent teoeral oepartments
ano agencles, ano prlvate nonprotlt
organlzatlons are llsteo.
Wasblngton Representatlves
(Columbla 8ooks)
CRS Reterence Centersprlnt
verslon (LCRR ano RRC, see
!"#$% O tor locatlon)
House Llbraryprlnt verslon
Senate Llbraryprlnt verslon
Tbls ls a llst ot 17,000 Wasblngton
contacts ot U.S. traoe assoclatlons,
protesslonal socletles, labor unlons,
corporatlons, ano varlous speclal lnterest
ano publlc lnterest groups.
CRS Report 98-446, !%./)+,,0%.12
M010,%. =990$+, %9 N+2+$-+4 8+4+)12
CRS webslte: bttp://
Tbls llst ot about 200 congresslonal llalson
ottlces ls lntenoeo to belp congresslonal
ottlces ln contactlng government agencles.
(For congresslonal use only.)
Soclal Sclences Cltatlon |noe
(Web ot Knowleoge/Tbompson
CRS Reterence Centersonllne
access (use Congresslonal
8ookmarks see !"#$% O tor
Covers 2,700 ot tbe most lmportant
journals ln tbe soclal sclences ano allows
users to loentlty subject area eperts.
8+4+)12 3+/0,-+) Tbls slte ls jolntly aomlnlstereo by tbe
Natlonal Arcblves ano Recoros
Aomlnlstratlon ano tbe U.S. Government
Prlntlng Ottlce (GPO) to provloe an
unottlclal, HTML eoltlon ot tbe oally
Feoeral Reglster to make lt easler tor
cltlzens ano communltles to unoerstano
tbe regulatory process ano to partlclpate
ln government oeclslon-maklng. Notlces
ano proposeo rules lncluoe contact
lntormatlon tor tbe relevant agency
Congresslonal Researcb Servlce bttp:// For contloentlal, autborltatlve, ano
objectlve researcb ano analysls on lssues
betore Congress. Contact analysts
tbrougb Flno an Analyst on,
trom autbor contact lntormatlon reports,
or by calllng CRS at 7-5700.
G9463%H Complleo by CRS.
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 9
B,'$2$2# '28 3",)$-"%
!"#$% , contains a list oI locations where congressional staII can obtain training and other
services on Capitol Hill.
!"#$% O( !6"+/+/* "/0 G%6.+3%,
?":% )93"-+9/ "/0 >9/-"3- P946, G%6.+3%,
>9/*6%,,+9/"$ C%,%"637 G%6.+3% M>CGN
CRS bttp://
Call CRS 7-5700 (202-707-
5700) ano press 1, 5
M-Tb 8a-8p
F 8a-6p
(Sat 10a-5p wben
Congress ls ln
Researcb ano analysls relateo to leglslatlve lssues.
Personallzeo ottlce brletlngs.
Tralnlng ln tbe tollowlng toplcs:
-Approprlatlons ano 8uoget
-Feoeral Legal Researcb
-Leglslatlve Process
-Pollcy ano Legal Semlnars
-Programs tor Dlstrlct Ottlces
For tralnlng ano program oescrlptlons ano
current scbeoules, vlslt bttp://
!"# "%&%'%()% !%(*%'+
La Follette Congresslonal
Reaolng Room (LCRR)
Llbrary ot Congress,
Maolson 8ullolng: LM-202
Pbone: 7-7100
M-Tb 10a-8p
F 10a-6p
Sat 10a-5p wben
Congress ls ln
Database access, reterence ano researcb
Rayburn Reterence
Center (RRC)
House, Rayburn 807
Pbone: 5-6958
M-F 10a-4p Database access, reterence ano researcb
CRS Senate Center Senate, Russell 8335
Pbone: 7-5978
M-F 10a-4p Database access, meetlng space tor CRS tralnlng
ano prlvate brletlngs.
)+#6"6K 9E >9/*6%,, M/9/A>CGN
Congresslonal Relatlons
Ottlce (CRO)
(202) 707-6577
8:30a-6p 8ook loans, tours ot tbe Llbrary ot Congress,
constltuent servlces, eoucatlonal resources.
Law Llbrary Llbrary ot Congress,
Maolson 8ullolng: LM-201
M-F 8:30a-9:30p
Sat 8:30a-5p, ano
Congress ls ln
Asslsts Congress wltb lntormatlon ano analysls
on U.S., torelgn, comparatlve, ano lnternatlonal
Tralnlng ln tbe tollowlng toplcs:
-Leglslatlve researcb
-Statutory researcb
-Orlentatlon to Law Llbrary collectlons
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 1:
?":% )93"-+9/ "/0 >9/-"3- P946, G%6.+3%,
P94,% 9E C%=6%,%/-"-+.%,
House Learnlng Center 82498/C Longwortb HO8
M-F 8:30a-5:30p Leglslatlve tralnlng toplcs lncluoe:
-Leglslatlve Concepts (taugbt by CRS)
-Leglslatlve |ntormatlon System (L| ano
-Natlonal [ournal
-GAO: An |ntroouctlon to tbe Congresslonal
Otber toplcs sucb as Constltuent
Corresponoence, etblcs, ano many more are also
avallable tor onllne ano ln-person tralnlng.
House Llbrary 263 Cannon
M-F 9a-6p Researcb asslstance, subject guloes, oatabase
access, ano tralnlng.
Senate Llbrary Russell 815
M-F 9a-6p (ano
wbenever tbe
Senate ls ln
Researcb asslstance ano tralnlng.
Tralnlng lncluoes
-News resources
-!%./)+,,0%.12 3+$%)4
-Desktop researcb tools
-L| ano
-Otber classes ano custom tralnlng ls avallable
G9463%H Complleo by CRS.

Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 11
=DD"28$E> =88$($02'& +"%0:,-"%
!"#$% ;A'( )%*+,$"-+.% C%,%"637 C%,9463%,
(Provloes aooltlonal oetalls on lntormatlon eploreo ln !"#$% ')
8%,36+=-+9/ QC) ls tbe ottlclal source tor teoeral
leglslatlve lntormatlon. |t wlll eventually
replace L|, tbougb botb sltes are
currently up to oate ano ln use. Tbe new provloes (1) a slngle searcb
across all avallable lntormatlon ano all oates,
(2) meanlngtul, permanent URLs, (3) taceteo
searcb, (4) Member protlles, ano (5) leglslatlve
blstorles. Tbe new slte permlts leglslatlve
brancb oevlces to access CRS reports ano
prooucts trom blll recoros, tbe bomepage, ano
belp pages. |t currently lncluoes all oata sets
avallable on L| ano THOMAS, wltb tbe
eceptlon ot treatles ano communlcatlons,
wblcb wlll be aooeo ln 2015. For now,
treatles ano communlcatlons can be accesseo
on L|
C8O Tbe Congresslonal 8uoget Ottlce (C8O)
proouces lnoepenoent analyses ot buogetary
ano economlc lssues to support tbe
congresslonal buoget process. C8O ooes not
make pollcy recommenoatlons.
CQ Tbls subscrlptlon oatabase provloes blll tets,
summarles, tracklng, ano analysls. Also
lncluoes (but not llmlteo to) roll-call votes,
leglslatlve blstorles, tloor ano commlttee
scbeoules, oetalleo commlttee coverage,
bearlng transcrlpts. Coverage varles by
lntormatlon category. ls avallable ln
all Senate ano ln most House ottlces.
Catalog ot Feoeral
Domestlc Asslstance
Tbe CFDA ls tbe prlmary source ot
lntormatlon on teoeral grants ano nontlnanclal
asslstance programs, actual tunolng oepenos
upon annual buoget approprlatlons. Atter
grantseekers loentlty teoeral programs ln
CFDA ano contact state agency
representatlves, tbey may reglster ano apply at
websltes sucb as
(bttp:// or FeoConnect
Cornell L|| Tbe Cornell Legal |ntormatlon |nstltute
provloes an unottlclal but treely avallable,
searcbable, ano easy to navlgate verslon ot tbe
O#N# !%4+.
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 12
8%,36+=-+9/ QC)
C-SPAN C-SPAN ls a prlvate, nonprotlt company tbat
provloes publlc access to tbe polltlcal process.
|ncluoes a searcbable vloeo llbrary ot bearlngs,
tloor oebate, press conterences, speecbes, ano
otber types ot news programs ano events.
bttp:// Tbls slte ls jolntly aomlnlstereo by tbe
Natlonal Arcblves ano Recoros Aomlnlstratlon
ano tbe U.S. Government Prlntlng Ottlce
(GPO) to provloe an unottlclal, HTML eoltlon
ot tbe oally Feoeral Reglster to make lt easler
tor cltlzens ano communltles to unoerstano
tbe regulatory process ano to partlclpate ln
government oeclslon-maklng.
GPO's FDsys Tbe Government Prlntlng Ottlce Feoeral
Dlgltal System provloes tree onllne access to
ottlclal publlcatlons trom all tbree brancbes ot
tbe teoeral government.
Law Llbrarlans' Soclety ot
Wasblngton, DC
LLSDC provloes a treely avallable llst ot state
leglslatures, laws, ano regulatlons websltes ano
contact lntormatlon. |n aooltlon, tbe LLSDC
provloes a set ot leglslatlve researcb guloes
calleo tbe Leglslatlve Source 8ook
L| Tbe purpose ot tbe Leglslatlve |ntormatlon
System (L|S) ls to provloe Members ot
Congress ano tbelr statt wltb access to
leglslatlve lntormatlon tbat ls accurate, tlmely,
ano complete. L|S ls not avallable to tbe
publlc. L|S wlll be replaceo by
sometlme atter tbe close ot 2014.
Natlonal Arcblves ano
Recoros Aomlnlstratlon
Dlsposltlon Tables contaln lntormatlon about
Lecutlve Oroers beglnnlng wltb tbose slgneo
by Presloent Franklln D. Roosevelt ano are
arrangeo accorolng to presloentlal
aomlnlstratlon ano year ot slgnature. Tbe
tables are complleo ano malntalneo by tbe
Ottlce ot tbe Feoeral Reglster eoltors.
Ottlce ot Management ano
Tbe OM8 webslte provloes tbe Presloent's
8uoget, lncluolng, tor eample: 5.127-0$12
(+),A+$-0@+, (bttp://
buoget/Analytlcal_Perspectlves), tbe 5AA+.40R
Appenol), ano >0,-%)0$12 L1K2+,
Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 13
8%,36+=-+9/ QC)
ProQuest Congresslonal Tbls subscrlptlon oatabase contalns oetalleo
abstracts ano llnks to tbe tull tet ot many
congresslonal ano teoeral oocuments, sucb as
tbe !%./)+,,0%.12 3+$%)4, congresslonal bearlng
transcrlpts, commlttee prlnts, ano leglslatlve
blstorles. Lengtb ot coverage varles oepenolng
on tbe category ot lntormatlon, altbougb most
categorles are covereo startlng ln 1789 or at
some polnt ln tbe 1800s. ()%"*+,-
!%./)+,,0%.12 ls avallable to all House ano
Senate ottlces.
bttp:// Tbls slte provloes lntormatlon about tbe
status ot agency oocuments unoergolng Ottlce
ot |ntormatlon ano Regulatory Attalrs (O|RA)
bttp:// Tbls slte provloes a government-wloe portal
tor tbe publlc to revlew ano comment on
publlsbeo regulatory actlons ano to vlew any
supportlng materlals provloeo by tbe agency.
Senate Amenoment
Tracklng System
Tbe Amenoment Tracklng System (ATS) ls a
web appllcatlon tbat olsplays lmages ot
submltteo ano proposeo amenoments to
leglslatlon penolng betore tbe U.S. Senate.
Amenoments are avallable on ATS
approlmately tltteen mlnutes atter tbe 8lll
Clerk recelves tbem.
G9463%H Complleo by CRS.

Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 14
!"#$% ;AJ( C%$"-%0 >CG <69043-,
CRS Report 98-169, >%*,+ !%&&0--++ 3+A%)-,J 3+T*0)+4 !%.-+.-,, by [uoy Scbneloer
CRS Report 98-305, N+.1-+ !%&&0--++ 3+A%)-,J 3+T*0)+4 !%.-+.-,, by Lllzabetb Ryblckl
CRS Report 98-429, LC+ N+.1-+U, !12+.41) %9 D*,0.+,,, coorolnateo by Lllzabetb Ryblckl
CRS Report 98-437, !12+.41), %9 -C+ >%*,+ %9 3+A)+,+.-1-0@+,, by Cbrlstopber M. Davls
CRS Report 98-438, LC+ N+.1-+U, SR+$*-0@+ !12+.41), coorolnateo by Lllzabetb Ryblckl
CRS Report 98-446, !%./)+,,0%.12 M010,%. =990$+, %9 N+2+$-+4 8+4+)12 5/+.$0+,, by Auorey Celeste Crane-Hlrscb
CRS Report 98-706, D022, 1.4 3+,%2*-0%.,J SR1&A2+, %9 >%? S1$C V0.4 B, O,+4, by Rlcbaro S. 8etb
CRS Report 98-728, D022,W 3+,%2*-0%.,W P%&0.1-0%.,W 1.4 L)+1-0+,J !C1)1$-+)0,-0$,W 3+T*0)+&+.-,W 1.4 O,+,, by Rlcbaro S.
CRS Report R40897, !%./)+,,0%.12 ()0.-0./J D1$</)%*.4 1.4 B,,*+, 9%) !%./)+,,, by R. Lrlc Petersen ano Amber Hope
CRS Report R41865, M+/0,21-0@+ >0,-%)7 3+,+1)$CJ 5 :*04+ -% 3+,%*)$+, 9%) !%./)+,,0%.12 N-199, by [ulla Taylor
CRS Report R43075, 8EFGHX D*4/+- 6%$*&+.-,J B.-+).+- 1.4 :(= 5@1021K020-7, by [areo C. Nagel
CRS Report R42638, 5AA)%A)01-0%.,J !3N SRA+)-,, by [ennlter L. Lake ano [ustln Murray
CRS Report RL30787, (1)201&+.-1)7 3+9+)+.$+ N%*)$+,J >%*,+ %9 3+A)+,+.-1-0@+,, by Rlcbaro S. 8etb ano Megan S. Lyncb
CRS Report RL30788, (1)201&+.-1)7 3+9+)+.$+ N%*)$+,J N+.1-+, by Megan S. Lyncb ano Rlcbaro S. 8etb
CRS Report RL30812, 8+4+)12 N-1-*-+,J ;C1- LC+7 5)+ 1.4 ;C+)+ -% 80.4 LC+&, by Cassanora L. Foley
CRS Report RL33895, 3+,+1)$C0./ !*))+.- 8+4+)12 M+/0,21-0%. 1.4 3+/*21-0%.,J 5 :*04+ -% 3+,%*)$+, 9%) !%./)+,,0%.12 N-199,
by [erry W. Manstlelo
CRS Report RL34012, 3+,%*)$+, 9%) :)1.-,++<+),, by Merete F. Gerll
CRS Report RS20120, M+/0,21-0@+ N*AA%)- 3+,%*)$+,J =990$+, 1.4 ;+K,0-+, 9%) !%./)+,,0%.12 N-199, by [ennlter L. Mannlng
ano Mlcbael Greene
CRS Report RS20991, M+/0,21-0@+ (21..0./J !%.,04+)1-0%., 9%) !%./)+,,0%.12 N-199, by [uoy Scbneloer
CRS Report RS21363, M+/0,21-0@+ ()%$+4*)+ 0. !%./)+,,J D1,0$ N%*)$+, 9%) !%./)+,,0%.12 N-199, by [ennlter L. Mannlng ano
Mlcbael Greene

Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 15
@+*46% ;A'( !7% >946,% 9E )%*+,$"-+9/ +/ >9/*6%,,

G9463%H Createo by CRS. |mage ls avallable tor copyrlgbt-tree use bere:
?9-%H See CRS Report R42843, B.-)%4*$-0%. -% -C+ M+/0,21-0@+ ()%$+,, 0. -C+ O#N# !%./)+,,, by valerle Heltsbusen,
tor more lntormatlon on leglslatlve process.

Legislative Research for Congressional Staff

!"#$%&''("#)* ,&'&)%-. /&%0(-& 16
=:(.0, 102('-( F2/0,;'($02

Ada S. Cornell
InIormation Research Specialist, 7-3742

Laura A. Hanson
InIormation Research Specialist, 7-7072
Michael Greene
InIormation Research Specialist, 7-9188

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