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Format II : For an Individual seeking registration as sole proprietor


I ., son of ., aged about ., residing at
.do hereby declare and confirm that I am an authorized
representative of .., which is a sole proprietorship concern seeking
registration in Govt of Karnatakas e!rocurement platform
i% &o submit proposal and participate in all tenders published and handled in the
unified e!rocurement platform "http#$$ of
Government of Karnataka on behalf of the company.
ii% &o authorize any other individual as 'nominated user to submit a bid, and
subse(uently negotiate and sign the )ontract with any entity, agency or
department of the Government of Karnataka "hereinafter referred to as '*wner%
for which tenders are floated in the unified e!rocurement platform of
Government of Karnataka
iii% &o negotiate with the *wner the terms and conditions including price for award
of the contract pursuant to the aforesaid +id and to sign the contract with the
*wner for and on behalf of the )ompany.
iv% &o receive, accept and e,ecute the contract for and on behalf of the )ompany
v% &o do any other act or submit any document related to the above.
vi% -and over site to the .uthorities after e,ecution and obtain completion
certificate "as applicable%/
vii% &o make estimation of the work done from time to time "as applicable%/
viii% &o make measurements of the work done from time to time"as applicable%/
i,% &o draw bills in the name of the )ompany/
,% &o receive payments in favour of the )ompany against the aforesaid bills from
the authorities concerned/
,i% &o make correspondence with the said authorities/
,ii% &o submit any e,tra claims before the authorities relating to the work/
,iii% &o appear and represent on behalf of the )ompany with all other authorities
such as 0tate government, )entral Government, 1lectricity board, &elephone
2epartment, 3&* office, Income &a,, 0ales ta,, 4abour 2epartments and such
other departments connected to the pro5ect and to carry on correspondence with
the above in respect of the contract.
,iv% &o submit any bank guarantee, indemnities, earnest money deposits, etc., as the
*wner may re(uire.6
It is e,pressly understood that the .ffidavit shall remain valid, binding and irrevocable
till submission of the )ontract performance guarantee in terms of all the )ontracts for
which tender is floated in the unified e!rocurement platform of Government of
Karnataka. I and the firm hereby agrees and undertakes to ratify and confirm whatsoever
the said 7.uthorized 3epresentative7 (uotes in the +id, negotiates and signs the contract
with the 7*wner7 and $ or purports to act on behalf of the 78irm7 by virtue of this
.ffidavit and the same shall bind the 8irm as if done by itself.
9I: ;I&:100 ;-131*8, I, have signed these presents on this the ....
day of ., .

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