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Marek Mark J.

St. Ann's Parishioner
Zabrze, Poland
To: The Holy Father Pope Francis
People of Faith
Celibacy Abolishing
(Zniesienie Celibatu)
As a man of faith and as a man, who ra!ti!es a!ti"el# religio$s rit$als, as a man, who is the
rod$!t of tradition, as well as modern realit#, % !ame to the !on!l$sion, that !eliba!#, at least in some instan!es,
!ontradi!t h$man nat$re, and the "er# a!t of the !reation. &$man, b# the a!t of the !reation manifest $nit# of
sirit and matter. As long as we li"e, matter and so$l, 'i"ine arti!le within, is irre"ersibl# blended together.
M# intention is not to interfere with religio$s ra!ti!es and norms, in this instan!e, !eliba!#, #et, this toi!
needs to be ree(amine, % belie"e.
)ne of the most imortant *$alities of man, in m# oinion, the most imortant, is the emotional shere,
whi!h defines man in e"er# ase!t of e(isten!e, from religio$s, sirit$al, er!et$al, to the "er# materialisti!,
e(istential, in!l$ding s!ientifi!. Most, if not all, de!isions we make, ha"e its so$r!e in emotions. Witho$t
emotions h$man wo$ld reresent a different state of e(isten!e.
+motions, ese!iall# lo"e, !omassion, is rofo$ndl# embedded in ea!h and e"er# man. %n e"er# man, in
e"er# age, in e"er# man and in e"er# woman, dwells desire to lo"e and be lo"ed, to e(ress !omassion toward
another erson, to be a!!eted, and to share o$r deeest emotional desires, as well as life, da# after da#.
,o"e manifests desire to make someone ha#, #et, at the same time, this "er# erson does f$lfill his own
desire to f$lfill emotional sa!e within fabri!, whi!h is resent within e"er# h$man being, emotional sa!e
reser"ed for lo"e and f$lfillment.
-# the "er# a!t of f$lfillment, h$man being be!omes whole, sirit$all#, emotionall#, h#si!all#. -# the
"er# a!t of emotional f$lfillment, man is aroa!hing the state of hainess, whi!h makes man a better man.
'i"ine is the so$r!e of s!ien!e of lo"e, we shall not forget . .
'i"ine designed and !reated a man and a woman, in s$!h a wa#, emotionall# and h#si!all#, that both
!omlement ea!h other. Man as well as woman, in relationshi be!omes a whole, thro$gh emotional and h#si!al
'i"ine ha"e !reated man e*$ied with emotions, the most owerf$l tool against e"il. +"il !an not be
!on*$ered and defeated b# an# means, b$t lo"e, intelligen!e of !omassion, intelle!t of ositi"e f$lfillment.
Man, alone, in most instan!es, is in!omlete emotionall#. /et, the destin# of man, is the whole man,
f$lfilled with lo"e and desire to be lo"ed, witho$t it, man has a rofo$nd roblem to relate to 0od, who state, time
after time, sin!e the beginning of time, that the bridge to &im is "ia lo"e toward another man. 1here is no other
wa#, and the wa# is lo"e, toward another man, man !reated b# the 'i"ine, the "er# so$r!e and in"entor of
+ntire World, 2ni"erse was !reated b# the s!ien!e of lo"e and the desire to f$lfill this desire. Jes$s !ame
to the world to f$lfill destin# of man, destin# of eternal hainess, hea"en.
Man re!ognizes different kinds of lo"e, #et, 'i"ine, man and lo"e are irre"ersibl# blended together. %f we
will s$btra!t lo"e from the e*$ation, the entire bl$erint of the !reations wo$ld look odd, and $nnat$ral.
%f deta!hment from lo"e and !omassion, wo$ld res$lt in a moral !omromise, than the onl# res!rition
wo$ld be the moral f$lfilment of lo"e, !omassion toward another man, as is re*$ired b# the di"ine . .
% wo$ld not imose on an#one a re*$irement to get married, #et, % wo$ld imose a law whi!h wo$ld allow
to marr#.
As a erson of faith, 3hristian, % wo$ld imose law, the law, whi!h wo$ld allow a religio$s man, in this
instan!e a riest, who falls in lo"e with a woman, to be granted with the ri"ilege to get married, to start a famil#,
to ha"e !hildren, and a normal life, at the same time, to f$lfill his desire to ser"e the 'i"ine, da# after da#, b# the
Altar, and in e"er# obligation he shall to !arr#, to be tr$e, fa!ing 'i"ine anti!iation toward erfe!tion.
,o"e, b# the "er# nat$re, manifests erfe!tion . .
Marek Mark J. Wagner
4)!tober 5, 67589

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