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The Ranks and Categories of Principal Devils and Chief Demons

By Carl L. Johnson
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Englishman, Francis Barrett, published a book
called he !agus." #Although his $ritings $ere gi%en credence by many researchers and he $as
regarded as a proficient demonologist, as an author, Es&uire F. Barrett $as ob%iously influenced
by the codes of moral conduct $hich pre%ailed in his country during his lifetime. But then, in all
fairness to his $ork, the sources upon $hich he dre$ $ere &uite anti&uated'( )n that $ork he
proposed the follo$ing classification, di%iding all e%il spirits #$hich ) suppose should all be
construed as demonic( into nine *degrees.+ hey are as follo$s.
,. he False -ods or .emons" $ho $ish to be $orshipped like -od.
/. he 0pirits of Lies" $ho elude men by di%inations and predictions.
1. he 2essels of )ni&uity" or 2essels of 3rath"4 in%entors of e%il things such as cards and dice.
5. he 6e%engers of E%il" $hose prince is Asmodeus.
7. he .eluders" $ho imitate miracles and ser%e con8urors and $itches9 their prince in 0atan.
:. he Aerial ;o$ers" $ho offer themsel%es and 8oin themsel%es to thunder and lightning, cusing
pestilence9 thie prince is called !eririm.
<. he Furies" $ho are po$ers of e%il discord, $ar and de%astation, led by Abaddon.
=. he Accusers" or )n&usitors" $hose prince is Astaroth9 in -reek he is called .iabolus" $hich
means accuser" or calumniator."
>. he emplars" and Ensnarers," one of $hich is present in e%ery man,? $hich $e call the e%il
genius9 their prince is !ammon $hose name means intrepid co%etness."
?#@ere the author neglects to include both seAes, $hich apparently $as not considered a rele%ant
o%ersight during the era since *man+ generally $as taken to mean *mankind.+(
)n this book the author#s( ha%e attempted to describe as many different types of demons as
possible. he classifications is at least as arbitrary as that of a great number of earlier
demonologists and, instead of basing it on some magical system, it has been anchored in
geography. his manner does not necessarily include repitition. Bo matter ho$ different any gi%en
cultures might be, the %ery eAistence of malign, supernatural spirits $hich ha%e to be held in
check by all of the cultures in%estigated, sho$s the similarity of certain deeply rooted human
concerns and collecti%e fears.
#6eference note4 !uch of the abo%e teAt $as taken from he Book of .emons" by 2ictoria @yatt
and Joseph 3. Charles.(
The Hierarchy of the Infernal Regions
#)t $ill be apparent that the demonologist $ho originally compiled this roster of the chief demonic
echelons $as predisposed to 3estern European military assignation'(
@ere are the names of the principal infernal spirits4 Lucifer, Emperor. BeelCebub, ;rime !inister.
Astaroth, -rand .uke. hen come the superior spirits that are sub8ect to the abo%eDmentioned
Lucifuge, ;rime !inister
0atanachia, -rand -eneral
Agaliarept, -rand -eneral
Fleuretty, Lieutenant -eneral
0argatanas, Brigadier
Bebiros, Field !arshal
hese siA demons 8ust mentioned direct, by their po$er, the entire infernal might granted to the
other demons.
he ha%e at their ser%ice eighteen other spirits subordinate to them, as follo$s4
And, although there are still millions of demons sub8ect to the abo%eDmentioned ones, it is &uite
useless to name them, since they are deployed only at the discretion of the superior demons $ho
may compel them to operate in their stead, because they use all these lo$er spirits as their
$orkers or sla%es.
Demons Who Rule The Earth:
Eriens, ruler of the spirits of the East.
Amemon, ruler of the spirits of the 0outh.
EltCen, ruler of the spirits of the Borth.
Boul, ruler of the spirits of the 3est.
D From a medie%al grimoire, the title of $hich $as not gi%en.
#6eference note4 !uch of the abo%e teAt is contained in the book A reasury of 3ithcraft" by @arry E. 3edeck.(

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