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Midterm Review Week

Day 1: Scientific Notation, Dimensional Analysis, Manipulating Equations,

Problem Solving Strategies

Name: _____________________ Date:______________ Period:_______

Key Terms- You can look these up! Make sure you have all of these typed up so
its easier for you to read on exam day!
Key Ideas- Go through your tests (you had two tests on these topics) and
rewrite all questions and the correct answers. If you dont understand a
question please ask this week!

Practice Problems

I. Scientific Notation

Convert to standard scientific notation
1. 37,205
2. 200
3. 3.00
4. 5,000,000
5. 0.0012
Convert to decimal form
1. 4.95 X 10
2. 2.5 X 10
3. 3.0 X 10
4. 4.75 X 10
5. 1 X 10

II. Dimensional Analysis:

Use your conversion factor sheet, and our fence strategy to convert the
1. 1540,000 decimeters to megameters
2. 13 gallons to cm
3. 340 km/hr to m/s
4. 1000 m to in
5. 0.6 liters to cm

III. Manipulating Equations:

In the following problems, solve for v (Solve for v means get v by itself).
1. Pt=v

2. P=v/R

3. 2v + 5=Y

4. Pv=nrt

5. (2v/R) + 5=Y

IV. Problem Solving Strategies:

Use our problem solving strategies to solve the following problems
1. If the formula for momentum is p=mv where p is the variable for
momentum, m is mass and v is velocity, what will the momentum be for
1500kg body if its moving at a speed of 30 m/s? (Answer: 45,000 kg* m/s)

2. Using the same formula as you did in problem 1, what will the momentum
be for a 1000kg body if its moving at a speed of 25m/s? (Answer: 25,000

Midterm Review Week
Day 2: Graphical Analysis and Motion

Name: _____________________ Date:______________ Period:_______

Key Terms- You can look these up! Make sure you have all of these typed up so
its easier for you to read on exam day!
Key Ideas- Go through your tests and rewrite all questions and the correct
answers. If you dont understand a question please ask this week!

Practice Problems:

I. Graphical Analysis

Use the following graphs to answer the questions

1. What modification must occur to t in order produce the second graph?
2. What is the equation for this relationship, given slope and b in the box above
3. What is the slope of the function? ____________
4. What is the modification that was made to d? _____________
5. What type of graph is the first graph? _________________

II. Motion
1. The skier travels from point A (0 minutes) to point B (1 minute) to C (2
minutes) to D after 3 minutes. What is her distance and displacement at
each point?

Analyze the following graph and answer questions 2 and 3.

2. Roughly, how long did it take this object to travel 30 meters?
3. About how far did this object travel between 2 seconds from its start and 5
seconds from its start?

Use the steps for acceleration problems and free fall to solve the following word
4. Ima Hurryin is approaching a stoplight moving with a velocity of +30.0 m/s.
The light turns yellow, and Ima applies the brakes and skids to a stop. If Ima's
acceleration is -8.00 m/s
, then determine the displacement of the car during
the skidding process. (Answer: 56.3m)
5. Ben Rushin is waiting at a stoplight. When it finally turns green, Ben
accelerated from rest at a rate of a 6.00 m/s
for a time of 4.10 seconds.
Determine the displacement of Ben's car during this time period. (Answer:
6. Luke Autbeloe drops a pile of roof shingles from the top of a roof located 8.52
meters above the ground. Determine the time required for the shingles to
reach the ground. (Answer: 1.32s)
7. Rex Things throws his mother's crystal vase vertically upwards with an initial
velocity of 26.2 m/s. Determine the height to which the vase will rise above its
initial height. (Answer: 35 m)
8. A car is going 40 m/s and accelerates at 6.5 m/s for 3 s. How fast is the car
going at the end of that time? (Answer: 59.5 m/s)

Midterm Review Week
Day 3: Forces, Forces and Friction, Forces at Angles, Forces and Acceleration.

Name: _____________________ Date:______________ Period:_______

Key Terms- You can look these up! Make sure you have all of these typed up so
its easier for you to read on exam day!
Key Ideas- Go through your tests and rewrite all questions and the correct
answers. If you dont understand a question please ask this week!

Practice Problems:

I. Forces
1. The mass of an elevator and its occupants is 900kg. Whats the
acceleration of the cab if the tension in the cable is 100,000N?
(Answer: 101.3 m/s)
2. An object with a weight of 78.4N is pushed along a surface with a
force of 50N. Two people are pushing against the object, one with a
force of 35N and the other with a force of 35N, totaling 70N against.
Whats the net force? Whats the mass? Whats the acceleration?
(Answer: Fnet= -20N left, m= 8kg, a= -2.5 m/s left)

II. Forces and Friction
1. Eduardo applies a 4.25N rightward force to a 0.765kg book to
accelerate it across a table top. The coefficient of friction between
the book and the tabletop is 0.410. Determine the acceleration.
(Answer: 1.54 m/s)

III. Forces at Angles
1. A 30 kg box is pulled at a constant speed across a frictionless surface with a
force of 90N at an angle of 45. What is the normal force?
(Answer: 230.36N)
2. A 20 kg box is pulled at a constant speed across a frictional surface with a
force of 80 N at an angle of 45. Find the coefficient of friction.
(Answer: 0.41)

IV. Forces and Acceleration Problems Combined
1. If a net force of 35N accelerates an object from rest to 35 m/s in 10
seconds, what is the mass of the object? Ignore Weight and normal
force. (Answer: 10 kg).
2. If a net force of 40N accelerates an object from 5m/s to 35m/s in 10
seconds, what is the mass of the object? (Answer: 13.33kg)

Midterm Review Week
Day 4: Projectile Motion and Uniform Circular Motion

Name: _____________________ Date:______________ Period:_______

Key Terms- You can look these up! Make sure you have all of these typed up so
its easier for you to read on exam day!
Key Ideas- Go through your tests and rewrite all questions and the correct
answers. If you dont understand a question please ask this week!

Practice Problems

I. Projectile Motion

1. A bouncy ball rolls off of a 0.5m high desk and strikes the floor 0.5m
away from the base of the desk. How fast was it rolling to begin
with? (Answer: 1.56 m/s)
2. A soccer ball is kicked horizontally off a 22.0-meter high hill and
lands a distance of 35.0 meters from the edge of the hill. Determine
the initial horizontal velocity of the soccer ball. (Answer: 16.51m/s)

II. Uniform Circular Motion

1. A 13kg rubber stopper is attached to a 0.98m string. The stopper is
swung in a horizontal circle, making one revolution in 1.25s. Find
the net force exert by the string on the stopper.
(Answer: 321.79N).
2. A boy swings a yo-yo in a circle in front of his body so that the yo-
yo has a centripetal acceleration of 275 m/s. If the yo-yo takes 15
seconds to complete one cycle around the circle, and the velocity
of the yo-yo is 15m/s, what is the length of the string?
(Answer: 0.82m)

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