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Nama : Ahmad Sibli

NPM : 1102014007
Kelompok : A2
Jono 33 tahun, datang ke sebuah rumah sakit. Dengan keluhan demam naik turun, beberapa
hari yang lalu pasien pergi ke kalimantan. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik dan
diagnostic. Dokter curiga pasien menderita malaria. Dokter memberikan obat chloroquine,
namun pasien bertanya efektifitas obat tersebut. Karena pasien mengetahui pyrimethamine
juga dapat mengobati.
Apakah pemberian chloroquine lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pyrimethamine untuk
mengobati penyakit malaria Jono ?
Patient/Population/Problem : Jono demam naik turun
Intervention/Indicator : chloroquine
Comparison/Control : pyrimethamine
Outome : menyembuhkan malaria
Type of question : threatment
Type of study : systematic review
Malaria AND chloroquine AND pyrimethamine
Free full text, publication date from 2012/01/01 to 2014/09/09, humans
35 articles
Changes in malaria parasite drug resistance in an endemic population over a 25-year
period with resulting genomic evidence of selection.
Trends in chloroquine resistance marker, Pfcrt-K76T mutation ten years
afterchloroquine withdrawal in Tanzania.
Low prevalence of the molecular markers of Plasmodium falciparum resistance
tochloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine in asymptomatic children in Northern
Surveillance of travellers: an additional tool for tracking antimalarial drug resistance
in endemic countries.
Mass drug administration for the control and elimination of Plasmodium
vivax malaria: an ecological study from Jiangsu province, China.
Trends in antimalarial drug use in Africa.
Prevalence and patterns of antifolate and chloroquine drug resistance markers in
Plasmodium vivax across Pakistan.
A comprehensive survey of polymorphisms conferring anti-malarial resistance in
Plasmodium falciparum across Pakistan.
The use of non-prescribed anti-malarial drugs for the treatment of malaria in the
Bolgatanga municipality, northern Ghana
Changes in the burden of malaria following scale up of malaria control interventions
in Mutasa District, Zimbabwe.
Identification and functional analysis of the primary pantothenate transporter, PfPAT,
of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.
Availability and prescription practice of anti-malaria drugs in the private health sector
in Yemen.
A novel flow cytometric hemozoin detection assay for real-time sensitivity testing of
Plasmodium falciparum.
Prevalence of the molecular marker of Plasmodium falciparum resistance
tochloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine in Benin seven years after the change
ofmalaria treatment policy.
Genetic diversity and signatures of selection of drug resistance in Plasmodium
populations from both human and mosquito hosts in continental Equatorial Guinea.
Prevalence of antifolate resistance mutations in Plasmodium falciparum isolates in
Monitoring antimalarial drug resistance in India via sentinel sites: outcomes and risk
factors for treatment failure, 2009-2010.
Plasmodium falciparum Na+/H+ exchanger (pfnhe-1) genetic polymorphism in Indian
Ocean malaria-endemic areas.
Evolution of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance: implications for the
development and containment of artemisinin resistance.
Modeling the evolution of drug resistance in malaria.
Do health workers' preferences influence their practices? Assessment of providers'
attitude and personal use of new treatment recommendations for management of
uncomplicated malaria, Tanzania.
Mitigating the threat of artemisinin resistance in Africa: improvement of drug-
resistance surveillance and response systems.
Are patent medicine vendors effective agents in malaria control? Using lot quality
assurance sampling to assess quality of practice in Jigawa, Nigeria.
Assessment of the molecular marker of Plasmodium
falciparum chloroquine resistance (Pfcrt) in Senegal after several years
of chloroquine withdrawal.
Evaluation of dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthetase genotypes that
confer resistance to sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in Plasmodium falciparum in Haiti.
Molecular epidemiology of drug resistance markers of Plasmodium falciparum in
Yunnan Province, China.
Prevalence of molecular markers of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance in Dakar,
Patterns of case management and chemoprevention for malaria-in-pregnancy by
public and private sector health providers in Enugu state, Nigeria.
Antibodies to malaria vaccine candidates are associated with chloroquine or
sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine treatment efficacy in children in an endemic area of
Burkina Faso.
Mosquito infection studies with Aotus monkeys and humans infected with the
Chesson strain of Plasmodiun vivax.
Comparative efficacies of artemisinin combination therapies in Plasmodium
falciparummalaria and polymorphism of pfATPase6, pfcrt, pfdhfr, and pfdhps genes
in tea gardens of Jalpaiguri District, India.
Defining Plasmodium falciparum treatment in South West Asia: a randomized trial
comparing artesunate or primaquine combined with chloroquine or SP.
Progress towards implementation of ACT malaria case-management in public health
facilities in the Republic of Sudan: a cluster-sample survey.
Clindamycin plus quinine for treating uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a systematic
review and meta-analysis.
Structural studies of vacuolar plasmepsins.

Mishra N, Jai PNS, Bina S, Usha A, Naman KS, Ghosh SK et al. Monitoring antimalarial
drug resistance in India via sentinel sites: outcomes and risk factors for treatment failure,
2009-2010. Bull world health organ 2012:90:895-905.

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