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Interactive and Integrative Lesson Plan

Caring for the Skeletal and Muscular System

I. Objectives
Cognitive : Infer that neuromuscular acuity is an essential adaptation of the human body for care and protection.
State that the efficient coordination between the nerves,
muscles and bones makes the body cope with any kind of physical stress and injury.
Identify injuries that can harm the skeletal system.
Explain why first aid is important.
Psychomotor : Test ones neuromuscular acuity.
!emonstrate first aid treatment for sprains, cramps, and simple fractures.
Affective : "ractice self#control and proper care of the skeletal and muscular system.
Show concern and ri$ht attitude towards handicapped persons.
II. Integration
A. alue! Self#control
". Makabayan: "hysical education
III. Subject Matter
1. #nit : %uman Skeletal and &uscular System
$o%ic : 'arin$ for the skeletal and muscular system.
Sub&to%ics : (euromuscular acuity and first aid.
'eference : iTextbook ), Science and %ealth ) by *essie +. ,ille$as, pa$es -)#-.
Materials : neuromuscular acuity tester, first aid kit
2. Conce%ts('elated Ideas
/. 0ones are moved by muscles and muscles are moved by nerves. 1hen a nerve is stimulated, it sends a
messa$e to the brain and the brain sends a messa$e to the muscles, which in turn pull the bones and brin$ the
body to motion. This very efficient coordination between the bones and muscles and muscles and nerves $ives
the body a certain de$ree of neuromuscular acuity or sharpness to cope with any kind of stress and injury.
-. 2irst aid is defined by the 3ed 'ross as the immediate, temporary treatment $iven in the case of accident or
sudden illness before the services of a physician can be secured. +s a rule, accident victims should not be
moved, since movement can worsen the injury. +t the same time, the victim cannot just be left without any
immediate medical attention. %ere is when a $ood workin$ knowled$e of first aid treatments can be useful.
4. +mon$ youn$ kids, fractures, dislocations, and sprains are the most common accidents involvin$ the skeletal
and muscular system.
a5 +n injury is a fracture if it involves a break in the continuous line of the bone or cartila$e. There is swellin$,
pain and tenderness in the affected area. The bone moves at some point where it should not. These
symptoms are similar to a dislocation injury.
b5 + dislocation occurs when the bones at a joint are pulled out of place. 6sually, muscles and other tissues
are injured, too. In both cases, the patient must not be moved until a physician has advised it, unless
absolutely essential, and only by a trained first aider.
). &any muscle injuries come from accidents or as a result of liftin$ heavy objects. There is a ri$ht way and there
is a wron$ way to pick up a heavy object. The wron$ way can result in serious muscle injury, such as a sprain
and overstrained muscle.
a5 + sprain occurs when the muscles at a joint are stretched too much. 0lood vessels may be injured, too.
There is usually swellin$ and pain.
b5 'ramps are forms of muscle ailments. + cramp is a sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle, or of a
$roup of muscles. 'ramps in the le$ are fre7uent at ni$ht durin$ sleep. They may be relieved by forcibly
bendin$ the knee as far as it will $o, so that the muscular contraction can be released.
8. Some diseases that affect bones are rickets, arthritis, scoliosis, and osteoporosis.
a5 3ickets is caused by ,itamin ! deficiency and lack of exposure to sunli$ht. It causes bone deformation.
b5 +rthritis is due to the $radual erosion of the cartila$e between bones causin$ bodily pain and discomfort
usually amon$ the elderly.
c5 Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine causin$ pain in the backbone when it is moved.
d5 9steoporosis is also called calcium cannibalism because the calcium is used by the body for somethin$
else other than the bones. This is a response of the body to a condition when the bones are no lon$er
active or exercised, as when a person $rows older: the brain assumes that the bones do not need the
calcium anymore, so it is diverted to some other parts of the body. This condition can also happen to
youn$ inactive children.
3. Process Skills
9bservin$, inferrin$, testin$
I. Procedure
A. Pre%aratory Activities
'heckin$ of attendance
'heckin$ of assi$nments
1. 'evie)
1. What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles?
2. What are reflexes?
3. How do involuntary actions help the body?
2. Motivation
(Pretend to be very anry and out of mood! then call a pupil to come to you. "hen! without any warnin! raise arm
pretendin to slap the pupil#.
His reaction is called a reflex. $ reflex is a behavioral adaptation of the body to protect itself from any harm. ("hen as% the
pupil how he felt and than% him&her for the demonstration#.
3. Presentation
'esterday! you tested your reflexes the way doctors do. (f you have a ood reflex! it means that there is an efficient
coordination between your muscles! bones! and nerves. )ones are moved by muscles and muscles are moved by nerves. *ormally
all actions of the s%eletal muscles are dictated by the brain. When a nerve is stimulated! it sends a messae to the brain and the
brain sends a messae to the muscles! which in turn pull the bones and brin the body to motion. "his very efficient coordination
between the bones and muscles and muscles and nerves ives the body a certain deree of neuromuscular acuity or sharpness to
cope with any %ind of stress and in+ury.
"his device is called a neuromuscular acuity tester. (t can test how steady are your nerves and muscles. (,xplain how the
device wor%s and call for a few volunteers to test their neuromuscular acuity#
4. Conce%t *ormation
1. (f you have very sharp nerves and muscles! you have a very ood chance of protectin yourself aainst in+uries of the
bones and muscles. However! accidents do happen even when we are very careful. $nd when they do! a ood %nowlede of
first aid is useful. How is first aid defined by the -ed .ross?
2. What is the eneral rule with accident victims?
3. $mon youn %ids! fractures! dislocations! and sprains are the most common accidents involvin the s%eletal and muscular
/. What is a fracture and what are its symptoms?
0. "hese symptoms are similar to a dislocation in+ury. When does a dislocation occur?
1. (n both cases! the patient must not be moved until a physician has advised it! unless absolutely essential! and only by a
trained first aider.
2. 3any muscle in+uries come from accidents or as a result of liftin heavy ob+ects. "here is a riht way and there is a wron
way to pic% up a heavy ob+ect. "he wron way can result in serious muscle in+ury! such as a sprain and overstrained
muscle. When does a sprain occur?
4. What are the symptoms of sprain?
5. .ramps are forms of muscle ailments. 6escribe a cramp.
17. .ramps in the le are fre8uent at niht durin sleep. How can they be relieved?
11. .ramps are more danerous durin swimmin. (f unattended! the victim may drown.
12. 9ome diseases of the bones and muscles are best left to doctors than first aiders. "hose that affect bones are ric%ets!
arthritis! scoliosis! and osteoporosis.
13. What is the cause and symptom of ric%ets?
1/. $rthritis occurs usually amon the elderly. *ame the cause and symptoms of arthritis.
10. What is scoliosis?
11. What is osteoporosis and why is it called calcium cannibalism?
12. *ame desirable health practices that can prevent osteoporosis.
14. :or our activity 13! ( have invited a -ed .ross first aider to show to the different methods of administerin first aid.
5. +nhancement Activities
How do bones! muscles and nerves wor% toether? paes 2/;20
Why is first aid important? pae 21
6. ,enerali-ations( +valuation
What is neuromuscular acuity?
How are s%eletal muscles moved by the brain?
*ame the causes and symptoms of the different muscle and bone in+uries.
Why is first aid important?
7. A%%lication(Integration
Different people have different reactions to stimuli. Under the same conditions, some become excited hile others remain
cool. !hen people are excitable, they readily lose their temper and become angry. Anger causes a lot of problems. "o try to
control your temper all the time.
8. Assignment
Prepare for a chapter test.

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