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Seminar Report Seminar Report

On On
Smart grid
Dept. of Electrical &Electronics Engineering Dept. of Electrical &Electronics Engineering

Submitted By: - Under the guidance of:
-Name: Rasmita Behera
Er.Dilli !umar !hamari
Regd. No: "##"$$%#&'
(ssistant )rofessor in EEE
Semester: %th

Session: '#"$-"*
+i!ash ,ollege of Engineering for +i!ash ,ollege of Engineering for
-omen -omen
Bargarh Bargarh


I, Rasmita Behera bearing Regd. No.1001337043 hereby declare
that the seminar topic entitled SMART GRID presented by me is
original and this has not been submitted to anywhere else or the award
o any other degree.

Student name-Rasmita Behera
Regd. No: 1001337052
Semester: 7th
Branch: EEE
Session: 2013-14


I am e!tremely gratiied to Er.Dillip kumar khamari, "sst.
#ro. In $lectrical % $lectronics $ngineering &epartment, 'i(ash
)ollege o engineering or women, *argarh or his constant
super+ision, inspiration % encouragement right rom beginning to the
completion o my seminar.
I would li(e to e!tend my sincere than(s to all my classmates
and the entire aculty members and other sta who ha+e rendered their
+aluable help directly or indirectly or completion o my seminar.
name-Rasmita Behera
Bargarh Regd. No.-
Date: %thSem5 EEE
,his is to certiy that Rasmita Behera, student o 7th
semester, $lectrical % $lectronics $ngineering &epartment o 'i(ash
)ollege o engineering or women, *argarh bearing
Regd.No.10013370-. has presented a seminar on the topic entitled
SMART GRID or the partial ulillment o *achelor/s o
,echnology degree in $lectrical % $lectronics $ngineering under *i0u
#atnai( 1ni+ersity 2 ,echnology 3*#1,4.
5urther it is certiied that the matter presented here has
not been submitted anywhere else or the award o any other degree.

Er.subash Ranjan Kabat Dr.Manohar Panda
Seminar guide Head of the
A grid is something which is in a pattern of straight
lines that cross oer each other ! forming s"uares! on map the
grid is used to help #ou find a particular thing or place. $rid is a
network of wires and ca%les %# which sources of power! such
as electricit# ! are distri%uted throughout a countr# or area.
$oernments are promoting smart grid network to address energ#
independence! glo%al warming and preent potential large
scale failures. &ithout smart grid ! a utilit# sometimes ma# not
discoer local su%station %reakdown until customers call to
complain 'or smart grid we are using certain soft ware(s it
easil# hack and struck the total s#stems which are connected to it.
&)A* +, $-+D...
An eectrica grid is an interconnected net!or" #or dei$ering eectricit%
#rom su&&iers to consumers.
't consists o# three main com&onents:-
1. (o!er stations that &roduce eectricit% #rom com)usti)e #ues or
non-com)usti)e #ues.
2. *ransmission ines that carr% eectricit% #rom &o!er &ants to
demand centers.
3. *rans#ormers that reduce $otage so distri)ution ines carr% &o!er #or
#ina dei$er%
*he smart grid is de#ined as the s%stem that dei$ers eectricit%
#rom su&&iers to +&roducer , consumer- using digita
technoog% to sa$e energ%. reduce cost. and increase reia)iit%
and trans&arenc%.
1 .Ad$anced /etering 'n#rastructure +A/'-: (ro$ide inter#ace )et!een
the utiit% and its customer: Bi-direction contro ad$anced #unctionait%.
+a-Rea time eectricit% &ricing
+)-Accurate ode characteri0ation
+c-1utage detection2restoration
2. 3eath monitor: (hase measurement unit: /easure the eectrica
!a$es and determine the heath o# the s%stem.
3. 4istri)uted !eather sensing: 5ide% distri)uted soar irradiance. !ind
s&eed. tem&erature measurement s%stems to im&ro$e the &redicta)iit%
o# rene!a)e energ%
S/AR* 6R'4 73ARA7*ER'S*'7S
1. Ena)es acti$e &artici&ation )% consumers: 7onsumer choice and increased
interaction !ith the grid )ring tangi)e )ene#its to )oth the grid and the
en$ironment. !hie reducing the cost o# dei$ered eectricit%.
2. accommodates a generation and storage o&tions: 4i$erse resources !ith8 &ug-
to-&ug8 communication muti&% the o&tion #or eectrica generation and storage.
incuding ne! o&&ortunities #or more e##icient. &o!er &roduction.
3. Ena)es ne! &roducts. ser$ices. and mar"ets: *he grid o&en access mar"et
re$eas !aste and ine##icienc% and he&s dri$e them out o# the s%stem !hie
o##ering ne! customer choices such as green &o!er &roducts and ne! generation
congestion aso eads to mo$e e##icient eectricit% mar"ets.
4. (ro$ides &o!er 9uait% #or the digita econom%: 4igita-grade &o!er 9uait% #or
those !ho need it a$oids &roduction and &roducti$it%. osses. es&ecia% in digita-
de$ice en$ironments.
5. 1&timi0es asset utii0ation and o&erates e##icient%: 4esired #unctionait% at
minimum cost guides o&eration and ao! #uer utii0ation o# assets .more targeted
and e##icient grid maintenance &rograms resut in #e!er e9ui&ment #aiures and
sa#er o&erations.
:. Antici&ates and res&onds to s%stem distur)ances: *he smart grid !i &er#orm
continuous se#-assessments to detect. ana%0e. res&ond to. and as needed. restore
grid com&onents or net!or" sections.
7. 1&erates resiient% against attac" and natura disaster: *he grid !ithstands
&h%sica or c%)er attac" and im&ro$es &u)ic sa#et%.

1. Reia)iit%: B% reducing the cost o# interru&tions and &o!er 9uait% distur)ances
and reducing the &ro)a)iit% and conse9uences o# !ind s&read )ac"outs.
2. Economics: B% "ee&ing do!n !ord &rices on eectricit% &rices. reducing the
amount &aid )% consumers as com&ared to the )usiness as usua grid. creating ne!
;o). and stimuating the <. S gross domestic &roduct.
3. E##icienc%: B% reducing the cost to &roduce. dei$er and consume eectricit%.
4. En$ironmenta: B% reducing emissions !hen com&ared to BA< )% ena)ing a
onger &enetration o# rene!a)e and im&ro$ing e##icienc% o# generation. dei$er%
and consum&tion
5. Securit%: B% reducing the &ro)a)iit% and conse9uences o# manmade attac" and
natura disasters.
:. Sa#et%: B% reducing in;uries and oss o# i#e #rom grid-reated e$ents.
1.6o$ernments are &romoting smart grid net!or"s to address energ%
inde&endence. go)a !arming and to
2. (re$ent &otentia arge scae #aiures.
/ore reia)e dei$er% o# eectricit% #orm su&&ier to consumer.

1. (ri$ac%: (ri$ac% is a hidden #rom the &u)ic &ace.
2. 7ontro and trust: <tiities can )e sure that &ersona in#ormation is handed !ith
res&ect. *his &rogram &ro$ides the o$ersight and assurance that is needed to
assure consumer trust.

1. Eectricit% su&&iers ha$e the o&&ortunit% to enter ne! mar"ets.
2. 7onsumers ha$e the o&&ortunit% to reduce their eectricit% )is.
3. *he incrementa cost to societ% is essentia% 0ero.
4. (ast smart grid studies suggest that the $aue &ro&osition #or the smart grid
is &ositi$e !hen $ie!ed #rom an o$era &ers&ecti$e.
5. *he 5est $agina Smart 6rid 'm&ementation (an identi#ied that costs o#
?1.@ )iion o$er the neAt 20 %ears coud %ied )ene#its o# ?12.: )iion.
*he )ene#it to cost ratio is :.7 to 1.
:. Smart-grids must he& 'ndia mo$e a!a% #rom coa and oi to rene!a)e
resources as its econom% gro!s.
<S 4e&t. o# Energ% /C(( 2010-2014
5ord *rade 'nstitute D /aharashtra Eectricit% Reguator% 7ommission
2010 <S Smart 6rid S%stem Re&ort A&&endiA A

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