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1. Introduction 2
1.1 Background Problem 2
2. S!tem Anal!i! "
2.# E$i!ting S!tem "
2.2 Pro%o!ed S!tem &
2." Ob'ecti(e! o) t*e Pro%o!ed S!tem &
2.& Fea!ibilit Stud &
". So)t+are ,e-uirement S%eci)ication .
".# S%eci)ic ,e-uirement! .
".2 E$ternal Inter)ace ,e-uirement! /
"." 0ard+are ,e-uirement! #1
".& So)t+are ,e-uirement! #1
".2 Per)ormance ,e-uirement! #1
&. S!tem 3e!ign ##
&.# 3ata 3e!ign ##
&.2 Arc*itectural and com%onent4le(el 3e!ign #2
&." So)t+are Inter)ace 3e!cri%tion #2
&.& 5!er Inter)ace 3e!ign #6

5. Te!ting #.
6. Im%lementation #7
.. Conclu!ion 8 Sco%e )or )urt*er de(elo%ment 21
/. Bibliogra%* 2#
7. A%%endice!
A. Arc*itectural diagram!93ata Flo+ 3iagram95:L9 22
B. Table! 22
C. Form! 2/
This 'Online Banking' Project is a model Internet Banking Site.This site
enables the customers to er!orm the basic banking transactions b" sitting
at their o!!ice or at homes through P# or lato. The customers can
access the banks $ebsite !or %ie$ing their &ccount details and er!orm
the transactions on account as er their re'uirements. (ith Internet
Banking) the brick and mortar structure o! the traditional banking gets
con%erted into a click and ortal model) thereb" gi%ing a concet o!
%irtual banking a real shae. Thus toda"'s banking is no longer con!ined
to branches. *+banking !acilitates banking transactions b" customers
round the clock globall".
The rimar" aim o! this so!t$are is to ro%ide an imro%ed design
methodolog") $hich en%isages the !uture e,ansion) and modi!ication)
$hich is necessar" !or a core sector like banking. This necessitates the
design to be e,andable and modi!iable and so a modular aroach is
used in de%eloing the so!t$are. &n"bod" $ho is an &ccount holder in
this bank can become a member o! online banking. -e has to !ill a !orm
$ith his ersonal details and &ccount .umber.
&ll transactions are carried out online b" trans!erring !rom accounts in
the same Bank. The so!t$are is meant to o%ercome the dra$backs o! the
manual s"stem. The so!t$are has been de%eloed using the most
o$er!ul and secure backend S/0 Ser%er 2115 and the most $idel"
acceted $eb oriented as $ell as alication oriented Plat!orm 2115.
The e,isting s"stem in%ol%es the !ollo$ing acti%ities4
> The resent s"stem consists o! net$orking en%ironment $herein
regular acti%ities are automated.
> -o$e%er acti%ities like 5emand 5ra!t issues) Pa" Order issues are
done manuall" and corresonding registers udated manuall".
> 6urther the status o! a a" order $hether the same has been honored
or not cannot be accessed) in case) i! re'uired.
> &bo%e all in manual s"stem) onl" the man resonsible !or 557Pa"
issue is a$are o! the %arious records to be udated on each transaction.
> 8eadabilit" o! the records) $hich are maintained manuall") is also
constrained in the resent s"stem.
> Since record are ket on a aer registers) again is also a roblem.
> 6urther retrie%ing in!ormation !rom such records !or a eriod is
tedious) as the storage lace restricts) old records $ill be ket o!! the
> &lso reort generation o! the %arious areas is done manuall" using
great amount o! mano$er and time.
> *rroneous records ma" lead to misleading in!ormation) $hich is more
likel" in manual s"stem.
> The great limitation to the e,isting s"stem is that the ser%ice to the
customers is limited to the bank hours onl". The online banking !acilit"
ro%ides 23 hours ser%ice to the customer.
Limitation! o) t*e e$i!ting !!tem
> 0eads to tedious manual $ork.
> *normous amount o! time consumtion !or recording all transactions
9 *rror can occur during the maniulation o! se%eral records.
9' *conomic justi!ication is not ob%ious.
> The techni'ue adoted in this s"stem is more comlicated.
> 0ack o! technical background to$ards the s"stem
In order to o%ercome the dra$backs in the e,isting s"stem database is created $hich is4
> Integrated
> &ccessibilit"
> 8eliable
> #onsistent
> 6le,ible
> Secure
T*e %re!ent databa!e
> -els in seed" in!ormation retrie%al
> *,tract in!ormation !rom tables using menus
9 O!!ers otions o! the online udation and in main ting u to date
in!ormation. T*e %ro%o!ed !!tem i!
> :enu dri%en and user !riendl"
> It assists in 'uick deletion o! errors b" issuing aroriate error
> ;alidit" o! inut data is automaticall" checked and error $ill be
immediatel" signaled
> *!!icient utili<ation o! resources.
The roosed s"stems ha%e4
> =reater e!!icient and better data securit"
> Better in!ormation retrie%al
> #onsumtion o! time $hile generating reort is less
> 8eorts can be %ie$ed as and $hen needed
2.& Fea!ibilit !tud
6easibilit" is a measure o! ho$ bene!icial the
de%eloment o! the in!ormation s"stem $ill be to an organi<ation. This is
done b" in%estigating the e,isting s"stem in the area under in%estigation
or generall" ideas about a ne$ s"stem. It is a test o! a s"stem roosal
according to its $orkabilit") imact on the organi<ation) abilit" to meet
user needs) and e!!ecti%e use o! resources.
Three ke" considerations are in%ol%ed in the !easibilit" anal"sis4
economic) technical) and legal.
Economic )ea!ibilit
*conomic anal"sis is the most !re'uentl" used method
!or e%aluating the e!!ecti%eness o! a roosed s"stem. It is more
commonl" kno$n as cost bene!it anal"sis) the rocedure to determine the
bene!its and sa%ing that are e,ected !rom a candidate s"stem and
comare them $ith costs. I! the bene!its out$eigh costs then a decision is
made to design and imlement the s"stem. Other$ise make alterations in
the roosed s"stem.
The inno%ation o! the ne$ s"stem has much in!luence
on the economical side o! the coman". :anuel s"stem is highl" cost
dri%en due to the high labor costs. So i! a coman" registers $ith the
Online?*,amination site) the" can automate their da"+to+da" acti%ities.
Thus the s"stem is economicall" !easible.
Tec*nical )ea!ibilit
In e,amining Technical !easibilit" o! the s"stem) more
imortance is gi%en to the hard$are interaction art o! the s"stem. The
assessments o! technical !easibilit" centers on the e,isting s"stem and to
$hat e,tent it can suort the roosed addition. This $as based on an
outline design o! s"stem re'uirements in turns o! inuts) !iles) rograms)
rocedures) and sta!!. It in%ol%es !inancial considerations to
accommodate technical enhancements. Online?*,amination being a $eb
based alication) it uses !rame$ork) @11:-A comuter) 21 =B
-ard disk.
Legal )ea!ibilit
Peole are inherentl" resistant to change) and
comuters ha%e been kno$n to !acilitate change. &n estimate should be
made about the reaction o! the user sta!! to$ards the de%eloment o! a
comuteri<ed s"stem. #omuter installations ha%e something to do $ith
turno%er) trans!ers and changes in job status. The introduction o! a
candidate s"stem re'uires secial e!!ort to educate) sell and train the sta!!
!or conducting the business.
The s"stem is designed such that e%en a comuter
ignorant erson can interact $ith the s"stem !reel". So the s"stem
re'uires not much e!!ort to train and educate eole) the s"stem is that
much legall" !easible.
0ard+are Inter)ace!?4
Ser(er !ide *ard+are
-ard$are recommended b" all the so!t$are needed.
#ommunication hard$are to ser%e client re'uests
Client !ide *ard+are
-ard$are recommended b" resecti%e clientCs oerating s"stem and
$eb bro$ser.
#ommunication hard$are to communicate the ser%er.
So)t+are Inter)ace!?4
Ser(er !ide !o)t+are
(eb ser%er so!t$are) IIS
Ser%er side scriting tools4 #D
5atabase tools4 S/0 ser%er 2115.
#omatible oerating s"stem4 (indo$s EP
Client !ide !o)t+are
(eb bro$ser suorting Fa%aScrit) re!er Bro$ser #omatibilit"
Communication! Inter)ace!?4
htt 4 -"erte,t Trans!er Protocol is a transaction oriented client7ser%er
rotocol bet$een $eb bro$ser G a (eb Ser%er.
tc7i: Transmission #ontrol Protocol7Internet Protocol) the suite o!
communication rotocols used to connect hosts on the Internet. T#P7IP
uses se%eral rotocols) the t$o main ones being T#P and IP.
"." 0ard+are ,e-uirement!
Processor 4 Pentium i%
8am 4 256 mb
-dd 4 2 gb
:onitor 4 s%ga color
He" board 4 normal
:ouse 4 normal
".& So)t+are ,e-uirement!
Oerating S"stem 4 (indo$s EP
6ront *nd 4 #D) & 2115I!rame $ork 2.1J) -T:0
Back *nd 4 S/0 ser%er 2115
(eb ser%er 4 IIS
Bro$ser 4 Internet *,lorer
".2 Per)ormance ,e-uirement!
S"stem should be able handle multile users
5atabase udating should !ollo$ transaction rocessing to a%oid data
&.# 3ata 3e!ign
5ata design creates a model o! data and or in!ormation that is
reresented at a high le%el o! abstraction. The structure o! data has
al$a"s been an imortant art o! so!t$are design. The data design
acti%it" translates these elements o! re'uirement model into data structure
at the so!t$are comonent le%el. In actualit") the design o! data begins
during the creation o! the anal"sis model.
The database modeling in%ol%es .ormali<ation o! the database
structure so as to a%oid data redundanc". The di!!erent le%els o!
normali<ation are !irst le%el) second le%el and third le%el. .ormall"
normali<ation u to 2rd le%el is !ollo$ed. But in certain cases $e
normali<e u to !ourth le%el is called Bo"ce code normal !orm. In this
roject $e ha%e normali<ed u to second le%el. &lso $e ha%e added a bit
o! renormali<ation into the databases !or eas" generation o! reorts in the
3ata !tructure 3e!cri%tion?4
5ata structures that are assed among comonents) 5ata structured
that are a%ailable to major ortions o! the architecture) 6iles
created !or interim use are described.
3ataba!e de!cri%tion
S>L Ser(er
S/0 Ser%er is a relational database management s"stem I85B:SJ that
uses Transact S/0 to send re'uest bet$een a client and S/0 Ser%er.S/0
Ser%er is designed to be a client7ser%er s"stem. #lient7Ser%er s"stems are
constructed so that the database can reside on a central comuter) kno$n
as ser%er) and be shared among se%eral users. (hen users $ant to access
data on the S/0 Ser%er) the" run an alication on their local comuter)
kno$n as a client that connects o%er a net$ork to the ser%er running S/0
The !ollo$ing are the !actors !or $hich I ha%e chosen S/0 Ser%er as the
back end tool4
Ad(antage! o) u!ing S>L Ser(er?
1. :ulti+user database
2. Suorts 85B:S
2. ItCs %er" !ast.
3. ItCs relati%el" eas" to use.
5. ItCs $idel" used
6. :ore secure
&.2 Arc*itectural and com%onent4le(el 3e!ign
5esign is the !irst ste in the de%eloment hase
!or an" engineered roduct or s"stem. The design is the transition !orm
the user oriented %ie$ to the rogrammer %ie$. 5esign hase act as an
edge bet$een the so!t$are seci!ication hase and the so!t$are
de%eloment hase $hich satis!ies the re'uirements. The s"stem
trans!orms a logical reresentation o! $hat a gi%en s"stem is re'uired
to be) into the h"sical seci!ication. 5esign starts $ith the re'uirement
seci!ication and con%erts it into h"sical seci!ication.
.S"stem design is a creati%e art o! in%enting and de%eloing inuts)
databases) o!!line !iles) methods and rocedures) !or rocessing data to
get meaning!ul outut that satis!" the organi<ation objecti%es. Through
the design hase consideration to the human !actors) i.e.) the inuts to the
users $ill ha%e on the s"stem.
Some o! the main !actors that ha%e to be noted using the design o! the
s"stem are4
S"stem must be caable o! being oerated o%er a long eriod o! time and
must ha%e ease o! use.
Should make better use o! resources a%ailable. *!!icienc" in%ol%es
&ccurac") timeliness and comrehensi%eness o! s"stem outut.
#ost 4 &im o! minimum cost and better results
Securit" 4 Ph"sical securit" o! data

Program Structure
To+do$n rogramming is the oosite o! bottom+u rogramming. It
re!ers to a st"le o! rogramming $here an alication is constructed
starting $ith a high+le%el descrition o! $hat it is suosed to do) and
breaking the seci!ication do$n into simler and simler ieces) until a
le%el has been reached that corresonds to the rimiti%es o! the
rogramming language to be used. To+do$n rogramming tends to
generate modules that are based on !unctionalit") usuall" in the !orm o!
!unctions or rocedures. T"icall") the high+le%el seci!ication o! the
s"stem states !unctionalit". This high+le%el descrition is then re!ined to
be a se'uence or a loo o! simler !unctions or rocedures) that are then
themsel%es re!ined) etc. In this st"le o! rogramming)
there is a great risk that imlementation details o! man" data structures
ha%e to be shared bet$een modules) and thus globall" e,osed. This in
turn makes it temting !or other modules to use these imlementation
details) thereb" creating un$anted deendencies .
3e!cri%tion )or Com%onent!
There are !our t"es o! the modules
14 Student :odule
24 #ourse :odule
24 *,am :odule
34 &dministrator module
1. Student :odule4 + The student module contain another module
1.1 8egistration :odule4 + *ach o! the students must !irst register $ith
the so!t$are. 6or the registration art o! the student $ill ha%e to enter his
details like name) address etc. and get a Kser Id !rom the so!t$are. Once
the student register $ith so!t$are the" are able to gi%e the e,am.
2. #ourse :odule4 + The course module contain another three module
2.1.#ourse 8egistration4 +This modules contain all the in!ormation about
di!!erent courses.
2.2./uestion *ntr"4 + This module contains all the 'uestion o! di!!erent
subjects. The 'uestions are multile t"es.
2.2.:ark *ntr"4 + This module contains the mark details o! di!!erent
2. *,am :odule4 + This module is used !or er!orming e,amination
rocess. Time slot is allotted !or e,am. T$o hour !or each e,am. #o"
$riting not ossible in the e,am. 8esult generation is also the art o!
this module. &s the art o! the result generation make the mark list. The
mark list contains 8egister number) name) course) subject) semester)
mark) etc.
3. &dministrators :odule4 + The module rotected b" user id and
ass$ord.This is encr"ted !ormat. So Ordinar" users o! the so!t$are
$ill not be ermitted to enter this area o! the so!t$are. The module $ill
be !ocusing on the maintenance like :aster 5ata entr" oeration.
&." So)t+are Inter)ace 3e!cri%tion
&SP..*T has man" ad%antages o%er other
lat!orms $hen it comes to creating (eb alications. Probabl" the
most signi!icant ad%antage is its integration $ith the (indo$s ser%er
and rogramming tools. (eb alications created $ith &SP..*T are
easier to create) debug) and delo" because those tasks can all be
er!ormed $ithin a single de%eloment en%ironmentLcD ..*T.
&.& 5!er Inter)ace 3e!ign
S"stem needs mainl" !ollo$ing !orms4 a login !orm $ith securit"
!eatures) registration !orm !or membershi


S"stem testing is the stage o! imlementation) $hich is aimed
at ensuring that the s"stem $orks accuratel" and e!!icientl" be!ore
li%e oeration commences. Testing is %ital to the success o! the
s"stem. Testing is the rocess o! e,ecuting a rogram $ith the e,licit
intention o! !inding errors that is making the rogram !ail. The tester
ma" anal"sts) rogrammer or a secialist trained !or so!t$are testing)
is actuall" tr"ing to make the rogram !ail. &nal"sts kno$ that an
e!!ecti%e testing rogram does not guarantee s"stem reliabilit".
There!ore reliabilit" must be designed into the s"stem.
5nit Te!ting
In unit testing $e ha%e to test the rograms making u the
s"stem. 6or this reason unit testing is sometimes called as the Program
testing. The so!t$are units in a s"stem are modules and routines that
are assembled and integrated to er!orm a seci!ic !unction.
Knit testing !ocuses !irst on modules) indeendentl" o! one another)
to locate errors. This enables) to detect errors in coding and logic that
are contained $ith in the module alone. Knit testing can be
er!ormed !rom the bottom u) starting $ith the lo$est le%el modules
and roceeding one at a time. Knit testing is done !or each module in
Online?*,amination. This ensures that the %alue $e enter match $ith
the data t"e and $ithin the seci!ied limits.
Integration Te!ting
5ata can be lost across an" inter!ace) one module can ha%e an
ad%erse e!!ect on another) sub !unctions $hen combined) ma" not
roduce the desired major !unctions. Integration testing is a s"stematic
testing !or conducting tests to unco%er errors associated $ithin the
inter!ace. The objecti%e is to take unit tested modules and build a
rogram structure. &ll the modules are combined and tested as a
$hole. -ere correction is di!!icult because the %ast e,enses o! the
entire rogram comlicate the isolation o! causes. Thus in the
integration testing ste) all the errors are corrected !or the ne,t testing
stes. In Online?*,amination each module is integrated and tested.
This testing ro%ides the assurance that the alication is $ell
integrated !unctional unit $ith smooth transition o! data.
@alidation Te!ting
&t the culmination o! integration testing) so!t$are is comletel"
assembled as a ackageM inter!acing errors ha%e been reco%ered and
corrected and a !inal series o! a so!t$are tests+%alidation tests begin.
;alidation testing can be de!ined in man" $a"s but a simle de!inition is
that %alidation succeeds $hen the so!t$are !unctions in a manner that can
be reasonabl" e,ected b" the customer.
In %alidation testing i! user $ants to enter the numeric %alue he
can onl" enter the numeric %alue not the te,t %alue. 6or e.g.4 in hone
number !ield user can onl" enter numeric %alue to it. The s"stem is user
!riendl" $ith user guide and messages to e,lain !urther rocedures. &n
attemt has been made to er!ect the rocess b" incororating %alidation
at each le%el.

Imlementation is the stage in the roject $here the
theoretical design is turned into a $orking s"stem and is gi%ing
con!idence on the ne$ s"stem !or the users that it $ill $ork e!!icientl"
and e!!ecti%el". It in%ol%es care!ul lanning) in%estigation o! the current
s"stem and its constraints on imlementation) design o! methods to
achie%e the change o%er) an e%aluation) o! change o%er methods. &art
!rom lanning major task o! rearing the imlementation are education
and training o! users. The more comle, s"stem being imlemented) the
more in%ol%ed $ill be the s"stem anal"sis and the design e!!ort re'uired
just !or imlementation.
&n imlementation co+ordination committee based on olicies
o! indi%idual organi<ation has been aointed. The imlementation
rocess begins $ith rearing a lan !or the imlementation o! the
s"stem. &ccording to this lan) the acti%ities are to be carried out)
discussions are made regarding the e'uiment and resources and the
additional e'uiment has to be ac'uired to imlement the ne$ s"stem.
Imlementation is the !inal and imortant hase. This is the
most critical stage in achie%ing a success!ul ne$ s"stem and in gi%ing the
users con!idence that the ne$ s"stem $ill $ork is e!!ecti%e. The s"stem
can be imlemented onl" a!ter thorough testing. This method also o!!ers
the greatest securit" since the old s"stem can take o%er i! the errors are
!ound or inabilit" to handle certain t"e o! transactions $hile using the
ne$ s"stem.

The main aim o! de%eloing so!t$are is to ro%ide all in!ormation
that is re'uired b" the users. Kser !riendliness is a must that is the user
must get the details $ithout comlicated searching rocedures. Other
imortant re'uirements o! so!t$are are data securit") e,tensibilit" and
maintainabilit". &ll these !eatures are included in this $eb alication.
The roject greatl" heled in understanding the %arious hases in
$ebsite de%eloment and e,osure to a ne$ de%eloer lat!orm MS
Visual Studio .Net and database MS SQL Server.

1J S"stem &nal"sis and 5esign
*lias. :.&$ard) =algotia
Publication P%t.0td)1BB1
2J Programming &
=ar" #ornell Fonathan :orrison)
Pares Publishers)1BB2

2J So!t$are *ngineering
8oger.S.Pressman) :c=ra$+-ill
International *ditions)1BB1

A. Arc*itectural diagram!93ata Flo+ 3iagram95:L9
5!e ca!e diagram?
Se-uence diagram?4
Cla!! diagram?4
B. Table!
1J.:ember regi!tration
Name Data type Length
8egnoIPHJ int B
!name n%archar 51
lname n%archar 51
currentaddress n%archar 51
ermaddress n%archar 51
contactno n%archar B
age int B
gender n%archar 51
emailid n%archar 51
username n%archr 51
ass$ord n%archar 51
con!rmass$ord n%archar 51
2Aadd cour!e
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
#ourseidIPHJ int B
coursename n%archar 51
courseduration int B
course!ee int B
"Aadd !eme!ter
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
SemidIPHJ int B
courseid int B
semname n%archar 51
&Aadd !ub'ect
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
SubidIPHJ int B
courseid int B
semid int B
subjname n%archar 51
2Aadd -ue!tion
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
'uestionidIPHJ int B
courseid n%archar 51
semid int B
subid int B
'uestion n%archar 51
Otion1 n%archar 51
Otion2 n%archar 51
Otion2 n%archar 51
Otion3 n%archar 51
ans$er n%archar 51
mark int B
6Alogin table
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
username n%archar 51
ass$ord n%archar 51
.Aenroll !tudent
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
8egnoIPHJ int B
course int B
amountaid int B
/A%ubli!* date
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
e,amidIPHJ int B
courseid int B
semid int B
e,amdate 5atetime 11
7Atem% mark table
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
'uestionid int B
username n%archar 51
NselectO n%archar 51
noo!right'uestion int B
noo!$rong'uestion int B
totalmark int B
Name 3ata t%e Lengt*
slnoIPHJ int B
username n%archar 51
totalmark int B
ercentage int B
noo!right int B
noo!$rong int B
status n%archar 51
date datetime 11

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