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This contract made and entered into this ____ day of _______________ !y and
!et"een #aE$pose% Artist/Speaker ____________________ and
_______________________ a representati&e name _____________________ and
herein after referred to as 'Rep() Rep here!y en*a*es artist and
artist/speaker here!y a*rees to perform/speak at the en*a*ement herein
after referred to "ithin the terms and conditions contained herein)
Name of e&ent+ __________________________________________________
Name of &en,e+ _________________________________________________
-en,e address+ __________________________________________________
Representati&e+ __________________________________________________
.ontact n,m!er/s0/emai#+ __________________________________________
1ate of performance+ _____________________________________________
2o,rs of operation+ ______________________________________________
The artist/speaker is to !e !i##ed as ___________________________________
And on#y as on any and a## p,!#ications ad&ertisin* the en*a*ement
contained herein)
Specia# e3,ipment re3,ired ______________________
_______________________________________) Artist B,d*et_____________________
4romoter/ Representati&e sha## pro&ide artist/speaker "ith+
A) G,aranteed Attendance5_____
B) Ro,ndtrip Airfare 2ote# no #ess than 6star Refreshments and
.) -I4 access area "ith access pass
7) The artist8s/speaker performance fee for this e&ent is
9____________ of "hich a deposit of min:;< 9____________ is re3,ired ,pon
si*nin* contract) 1eposit sho,#d !e made paya!#e to ____________________ in
the form of certi=ed check money order or !ank "ire "ithin /70 !,siness
day of si*nin* the contract) No persona# checks "i## !e accepted) The
!a#ance of 9______________ sha## !e paid to the artist/speaker > "eeks prior to
arri&a# prior to e&ent) Transportation from and to airport inc#,din* &en,e
hote# accommodations and ro,ndtrip ?i*ht tickets con=rmed /@;0 days !efore
>) A minim,m of thirty /6;0 days cance##ation is re3,ired to recei&e a ref,nd
of deposit) If ade3,ate notice is not *i&en the deposit "i## !e forfeited)
Bookin*s are not con=rmed ,nti# deposit and contracts are recei&ed) Artist8s
name sha## not !e ,sed on p,!#ications /?yers0 or any other promotiona#
materia#s ,nti# receipt of !ookin* con=rmation)
6) A,dio recordin* in any "ay is prohi!ited ,n#ess appro&ed !y the artist)
A) 4romoter/Representati&e a*rees to pro&ide a #a"f,# sec,re &en,e "ith a##
necessary permits to cond,ct the e&ent)
:) Bhen app#ica!#e promoter sha## pro&ide transportation in the "ay of p#ane
ticket #en*thy internationa# ?i*hts consider ,p*raded seatin* or =rst c#ass
tickets) A## tra&e# arran*ements m,st !e appro&ed "ithin /@;0 days prior the
@) Bhen app#ica!#e promoter sha## pro&ide one s,ita!#e hote# room "ith #ate
checko,t if needed)
C) It is a*reed and ,nderstood that for if any reasons other than the fai#,re of
the promoters to prod,ce these e&ents accordin* to the standards a*reed
,pon herein an act of God .i&i# "ar se&ere emer*ency or any other nat,ra#
disaster of "hich the artist has no contro# the artist/speaker "i## !e ready
and a!#e to perform as per the a*reement) If the artist fai#s to appear for any
reasons other than those stated a!o&e it is a*reed that the deposit "i## !e
ret,rned to the promoter/representati&e f,##y and prompt#y)
D) The promoter !y si*nin* this a*reement "arrants he/she is ei*hteen /7D0
years of a*e or o#der and is a,thoriEed to enter into a #e*a##y !indin*
contract) Sponsor responsi!#e for a## #icenses ins,rances and permits of
e&ent) Terms and 2onorari,m is .on=dentia# and a !reach of contract
ne*#i*ent or intentiona#) In e&ent either party sha## !e responsi!#e of #ia!i#ity
for dama*es arisin* o,t of its intentiona# fra,d or *ross ne*#i*ence or third
party indemni=cation o!#i*ations)
F) This a*reement may not !e chan*ed modi=ed or a#tered in any "ay
e$cept ,nder f,## a*reement !y an a,thoriEed a*ent of !oth the
promoter/representati&e and a*ent of the artist)
7;) This contract sha## !e interpreted ,nder the #a"s of the state or co,ntry
co,rts of performance sha## ha&e f,## G,risdiction o&er disp,tes arisin* here
RI1ER/s0+ or Specia# Re3,est
_________________________ ___________________________
A,thoriEed representati&e of 'promoter( Representati&e on !eha#f of the artist
___________________________ ___________________________
Si*nat,re Si*nat,re
___________________________ ___________________________
1ate /4romoter0 1ate /Artist/A,thor0

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