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Power = Force X Velocity = Torque X Angular Velocity

Velocity = Distance / Time Measurement of speed

Angular Velocity = Rotation / Time Measurement of rotational speed
Torque = Force X Distance Measurement of rotational force
Power electric! = Voltage X "urrent #lectric power of motor power source!

$ift a % l&s &ig &all 'ft in t(e air on top of t(e goal wit(in ) seconds* and you decide to
use a +,% ft long -. l&s arm &y rotating it /0. degrees, 1ow muc( power is needed2
STEP 1: Calculate Power Requirement
Power needed3
Power = Torque X Angular Velocity
T(ere4re two torque in t(is de5ice3 torque from t(e &all* and torque from t(e arm itself
Torque of &all = % l&s (ow (ea5y! X +,% ft (ow far from center of rotation!
Torque of arm = -. l&s (ow (ea5y! X /,'% ft (ow far is t(e arm4s center of mass
from center of rotation!
Total torque = torque of &all 6 torque of arm = % l&s X +,% ft 6 -. l&s X /,'% ft!
= )+. in7l&s = )8 97m
::T(is is t(e worst case w(en arm is parallel wit( t(e ground; <t ta=e less torque to
rotate arm w(en it is point toward t(e ground or upward::
Angular Velocity = /0. degrees / ) sec, = % RPM = .,% Rad/sec
Power = )8 97m X .,% Rad/sec = +>,% ?att
STEP 2: Choosin the riht motors
T(is can &e done wit( t(e Fis(er Price Motor w/gear&o@ />.?!* Aliding Door Motor
)8?!* and Blo&e Motor w/ gear&o@ %.?!,
Try using Blo&e motor w/ gear&o@,
STEP !: Calculatin wor"in torque an# a$$l%in ear ratio
Ma@imum Torque required for t(is tas= = % l&s X +,% ft 6 -. l&s X /,'% ft!
= )+. in7l&
Cest to design a gear ratio suc( t(at t(e load reflected &ac= to motor is around -.DE%.D
stall torque w(en motors are most (appy, Blo&e motor w/ gear&o@ (as a stall torque3 /'.
-.DE%.D A,T, = +> in7l&E0% in7l&
Ma@, torque / wor=ing torque = )+. in7l& / +>in7l& E )+. in7l& / 0% in7l&
Bear ratio requires to increase torque up to Ma@, torque= /0,%3/ E /-,)3/
?e will run motor at >%D of stall torque wit( a little room &efore ma@imum motor
?or=ing Torque = /'. in7l& : ,>% = '' in7l&
Bear ratio = )+. in7l& / '' in7l& = 0,-3/
STEP &: Choosin the ears's$roc"ets
Many com&inations &etween gears or sproc=ets can &e used to o&tain a certain ratio,
Two of many options3 Casically* t(e less gears* t(e more efficient!
Fne stage of /.3/ gear ratio wit( .,8 efficiency* or
Two stages of +,+3/ wit( .,8 efficiency per stage,
#ffecti5e gear ratio = +,+ : ,8 : +,+ : ,8 = 0,0-3/
STEP (: E))ecti*e Power
"alculate effecti5e power to dou&le c(ec= if motor really (as enoug( power for tas=*
since no gear/sproc=et system (as /..D efficiency, /..D efficiency only w(en direct
dri5e from motor,
Blo&e motor wit( gear&o@ G >%? E %.?
#ffecti5e power = motor power : total component efficiency; ?e will Hust consider t(e
gears4 efficiency for t(is purpose
#ffecti5e power = >%? E %.? : ,8 : ,8!
= +),% ? E >.,% ?
<t ta=e +>,% ? to complete t(e tas=* and t(e way we set up t(is motor* we will &e getting
at least +),% ? out of t(e glo&e motor w/ gear &o@, Ao we =now t(is motor is good
enoug( for t(is component,
%.? only true at near pea= power range wit( perfect gearing, Isually power loses cause
&y (eat and friction,!
T(is wor=s(eet was ta=en from ?RRF4s A Part of Motor mounts/Drive train/Motors selection
workshop Lecture Notes by Mark Dunn, Charlie Steele !en Leun"

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