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Development of a Lost Articles and Letters Reconciliation System
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Title of the Project
Development of a Lost Articles and Letters Reconciliation System
Abstract of the project
A Post Office wants to improve its efficiency by delivering the lost letters and lost articles
(which are sent in parcels) in a short period of time. !rrently it ta"es abo!t # months for
a lost letter or a lost article to reach the correct destination. A machine reads addresses on
letters. $he ones% which co!ld not be read by machine% are sorted by h!man intervention.
&ven after this% the address is not readable% it becomes a lost letter. Articles that fall o!t of
the parcel become lost articles. 'hen the sender(receiver calls !p or contacts the post
office for their letter(article% a man!al note is made and then this note is sent to the
wareho!se where lost articles and lost letters are "ept. $he reconciliation process of
finding the lost letter(article is man!al and sometimes wrong letter(article(s) is sent.
)o! have to develop a system% which capt!res the above f!nctionality and red!ce the
t!rnaro!nd time from # months to *+ wor"ing days. $his is an ,ntranet application.
Generic Keywords
Databases% -iddleware% Programming
Specific Technology Keywords
-S.S/L server% Oracle Stored Proced!res% 0ava Applets% 0AO1% 2$-L
Project Type keywords
Analysis% Design% ,mplementation% $esting% 3raphical 4ser ,nterface
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Functional components of the project
5ollowing is a list of f!nctionality of the system. -ore f!nctionality that yo! find
appropriate can be added to this list. And% in places where the description of f!nctionality
is not ade6!ate% yo! can ma"e appropriate ass!mptions and proceed.
sers of the system 7 &mployees of the Post Office. $here are vario!s gro!ps for the
system. 5or e8ample% gro!ps which have rights to enter master data% gro!ps having rights
!pdate only articles or only letters% gro!ps having rights to enter(!pdate(delete data for
complaints by c!stomers% gro!ps having the rights to reconcile etc..
4ser will start with the login page in which !sername and password are entered. $his
screen sho!ld also provide a f!nctionality to change the password. $o change the
password% it sho!ld as" for the old password% new password and confirm new password.
9Please :ote 7 )o! can additionally add the f!nctionality of generating letters in the word
format from the application. $hese letters will be sent to the c!stomer and these will
describe abo!t their complaint stat!s and appro8imately when will they receive their lost
item. $here can be types of letters li"e omplaint Stat!s $ype% Additional ,nformation
Re6!ired $ype% Lost Article $ype% etc. $he omplainants Address sho!ld be filled
a!tomatically in the letter from the database. A separate mod!le for printing will be
1ased on the gro!p% to which the !ser belongs% relevant mod!les are shown.
-od!les are
4ser and 3ro!p -aster < which capt!res the master data for the !sers and
gro!ps and the rights for that gro!p
Lost Articles -aster <ategori=e the articles and assign "eywords to the
article. &ach article will have set of attrib!tes (-a"e% -an!fact!red by% olor%
etc). $hese attrib!tes will defer based on the category of article. &ntry will be
done for each of the lost article and a !ni6!e alpha n!meric n!mber is
generated for that article.
Lost Letter -aster < Different "inds of letters li"e Postcard% $elegram% etc can
be categori=ed and entry is done for each of the lost letter type. 3enerate a
!ni6!e alpha n!meric n!mber for each type of letter.
omplaints 2andling< $his mod!le will capt!re data abo!t the sender or
receiver% media type. phone% fa8% mail% Lost Letter(Article description. 'hile
capt!ring the lost article% the category is decided and attrib!tes are filled. Once
the data is entered abo!t this% a !ni6!e alfa n!meric n!mber is generated for
the complaint and shown to the !ser of the system. After the 4ni6!e
omplaint :!mber generation data for the c!stomer letter (omplaint
Ac"nowledgement $ype 'ord 5ormat) is fed in to the system.
omplaint Reconciliation < 2ere for each complaint a reconciliation is done%
where in the lost letters are matched with the Pinodes% Street% :ame of the
master letter records and lost articles are matched with the attrib!tes of the
master article attrib!te records. A man!al search is done on some Pinode and
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Street and if the system has these records% it will be shown to the !ser. On
selecting one of the correct records% stat!s of the complaint is changed to
fo!nd. Similarly for lost articles stat!s is changed to fo!nd. After this% data for
the c!stomer letter(Letter(Article 5o!nd $ype 'ord 5ormat) is fed into the
Printing -od!le < 2ere system !ser can see all the different types of letters to
be generated and corresponding to the letter type% all the !ni6!e complaint
n!mbers are seen. Selecting any one complaint and on print it will generate a
letter in word format ($emplates need to be p!t on the server side) which will
fetch the appropriate data from the database.
2elp < Describing operation of the whole application
,n addition to this % we can have a help lin" on each of the mod!les.
Steps to start!off the project"
#a$a platform" $he system sho!ld be developed !sing 0ava Applets as the front end and
Oracle(S/L Server(D1> as the bac" end. 0AO1(0ava om 1ridge) is re6!ried to
generate -S 'ord letters from Applets.
$he following steps will be helpf!l to start off the pro?ect
*. 3et a firm grasp on the above technology.
>. Decide on the n!mber of gro!ps% n!mber of articles% n!mber of categories% n!mber of
lost letter types% n!mber of c!stomer letter types% b!siness r!les.
#. Decide on the vario!s details of the !ser and their gro!ps that wo!ld be stored in the
database (li"e employee(registeration.n!mber% name% grade% location% system.login%
password in cryptic form% etc)
@. -a"e a s!per !ser who will be able to assign !sers to gro!ps and will be able to
assign rights to a gro!p.
A. 4, sho!ld incl!de good images and have a constant loo" and feel thro!gho!t the
'ardware re&uirements
(umber )escription Alternati$es *+f a$ailable,
* P with A 31 hard.dis"
and A*> -1 RA-
Software re&uirements
(umber )escription Alternati$es *+f a$ailable,
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* 'indows BA(BC(DP with
:ot Applicable
> -S.S/L server(Oracle -S.Access
# Lin!8 :ot Applicable
@ Apache
-anpower re&uirements
# to E st!dents can complete this in @ < E months if they wor" f!lltime on it.
-ilestones and Timelines
(umber -ilestone
'ee" no.
from the
of the
* Re6!irements
specification of the
system (with
constit!tes this
milestone. A
doc!ment detailing
the same sho!ld be
written and a
presentation on that be
>.# Attempt sho!ld be made to
add some more relevant
f!nctionalities other than
those that are listed in this
> $echnology
4nderstanding of the
technology needed to
implement the pro?ect.
@.A $he presentation sho!ld be
from the point of view of
being able to apply it to the
pro?ect% rather than from a
theoretical perspective.
# Database
A database of atleast
*++ entries of !sers%
#++.@++ articles%
>A.#+ categories in a
year sho!ld be
A.F ,t is important to finali=e on
the database at this stage
itself so that development
and testing can proceed with
the act!al database itself.
@ 2igh.level and
Listing down all
possible scenarios
(li"e Lost Letter
F.B $he scenarios sho!ld map to
the re6!irement specification
(ie% for each re6!irement that
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Reconciliation% Lost
Article Reconciliation
etc) and then coming
!p with flow.charts or
pse!docode to handle
the scenario.
is specified% a corresponding
scenario sho!ld be there).
A ,mplementation
of the front.end
of the system
,mplementation of the
main screen giving the
login% screen that
follows the login
giving vario!s
options% screens for
each of the options
(vario!s master
*+.*> D!ring this milestone period%
it wo!ld be a good idea for
the team (or one person from
the team) to start wor"ing on
a test.plan for the entire
system. $his test.plan can be
!pdated as and when new
scenarios come to mind.
E ,ntegrating the
front.end with
the database
$he front.end
developed in the
earlier milestone will
now be able to !pdate
the database. Other
feat!res li"e. ,n short%
the system sho!ld be
ready for integration
F ,ntegration
$he system sho!ld be
thoro!ghly tested by
r!nning all the
testcases written for
the system (from
milestone A).
*@.*A Another > wee"s sho!ld be
there to handle any iss!es
fo!nd d!ring testing of the
system. After that% the final
demo can be arranged.
C 5inal Review ,ss!es fo!nd d!ring
the previo!s milestone
are fi8ed and the
system is ready for the
final review.
*E.*C D!ring the final review of
the pro?ect% it sho!ld be
chec"ed that all the
re6!irements specified
d!ring milestone n!mber *
are f!lfilled (or appropriate
reasons given for not
f!lfilling the same)
Guidelines and %eferences
Any good ?ava concept!al boo".
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