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SECTION [26 24 19] [16443]


A. The requirements of the contract, Division [26] [16] applies to work in this section. otor
Control Centers as specifie! an! as shown on the contract !rawin"s shall #e furnishe! an!
installe! #$ the contractor.
A. [Related sections include the following:
1. Section [26 29 23] [16269] Variable!re"uenc# $otor %ontrollers
%. Section [26 29 13&16] [1642'] Reduced Voltage $otor %ontrollers
*. Section [26 36 23] [1641(] )uto*atic +ransfer Switches
+. Section [26 43 13] [162,9] +ransient Voltage Su--ression for .owVoltage
/lectrical 0ower %ircuits]
,. Section [26 '9 13&11&11] [1629'] /lectrical 0ower $onitoring and %ontrol
-. Section [2622 19 ] [16461] %ontrol and Signal +ransfor*ers
.. Section [26 24 16] [16442] 0anelboards
/. Section [262, 16] [1641'] /nclosed Switches and %ircuit 2rea3ers
1.* S(01TTA'S
A. Pro!uct Data2 Su#mit manufacturer3s printe! pro!uct !ata.
0. Drawin"s2 Su#mit shop !rawin"s for approval. Drawin"s shall inclu!e all !imensions, wei"hts,
electrical ratin"s, wirin" !ia"rams an! require! clearances.
A. The otor Control Center shall #e manufacture! an! teste! accor!in" to the latest applica#le
stan!ar!s of the followin" a"encies2
1. (' /+, 4 otor Control Centers
%. (' +/5 4 ol!e! Case Circuit 0reakers
*. )EA 1CS 1/6%771 4 otor Control Centers
+. )EA 1CS %6*%%
,. )EA 1CS 16%771 4 1n!ustrial Control an! S$stems2 8eneral &equirements
-. )9PA .7
.. )ational Electrical Co!e
0. [$anufacturer Seis*ic 4ualification: +he low 5oltage *otor control center6s7 shall *eet
and be certified to seis*ic re"uire*ents s-ecified in the [82% 2''9 8nternational 2uilding
%ode] [%2% 2'1' %alifornia 2uilding %ode] [)S%/ )*erican Societ# of %i5il /ngineers 9
1. +he low 5oltage *otor control center6s7 shall be co*-laint with 82% 2''9
a. 2uilding :ccu-anc# %ategor# 6as defined in +able 1&1 fro* )S%/ 2'1'7: [8]
[88] [888] [8V]
#. Seis*ic ;esign %ategor#: [)] [2] [%] [;] [/] [!]
c. Site %lass: [) <ard Roc3] [2 Roc3] [% Ver# dense soil and soft roc3] [;
Stiff soil -rofile] [/ Soft Soil 0rofile] [! Soil 5ulnerable to -otential
failure or colla-se under seis*ic loading] as defined in 82% 2''6 +able
1613&(&2 Site %lass ;efinitions
!. 8- 8*-ortance !actor: [1&( %o*-onents *ust function after an
earth"ua3e for life safet# -ur-oses 62uilding :ccu-anc# %ode 8V7] [1&2(
2uildings and structures that re-resent a substantial ha=ard to hu*an life in
Septem#er %,, %71+ [0ro>ect ?a*e]
otor Control Centers [26 24 19] [16443]61
the e5ent of failure or that can cause substantial econo*ic i*-act or *ass
disru-tion of da#toda# ci5ilian life 62uilding :ccu-anc# %ode 8887] [1&'
?onessential buildings& !unction not life critical& 62uilding :ccu-anc#
%ode 8 and 887]
e. Ss $a--ed S-ectral )ccelerations for Short 0eriods at '&2 seconds
f. Sds (@ ;a*-ed ;esign S-ectral Res-onse )ccelerations for Short
0eriods at '&2 seconds 2&'
". =Ah <eight factor ratio: [BBB] ?ote: Ratio is a calculated 5alue e"ual to the
floor the gear is installed on di5ided b# 12& ) 6th floor installation is a '&(
5alue& ) base*ent or ground floor installation is a '&' 5alue&
%. /"ui-*ent shall be designed to be located in a concrete and steelC *o*ent
resisting fra*e building not e1ceeding 12 stories in height with a *ini*u* stor#
height of 1' feet&]
1., :(A'1T; ASS(&A)CE
A. anufacturer2 9or equipment require! for the work of this section, provi!e pro!ucts which are
the responsi#ilit$ of one manufacturer.
0. anufacturer shall have ha! pro!uce! similar electrical equipment for a minimum of , $ears.
C. anufacturer shall #e 1SO 5771 certifie!.
1.- DE'1<E&;, STO&A8E A)D =A)D'1)8
A. =an!le an! store equipment in accor!ance with manufacturer3s 1nstallation an! aintenance
anual. One >1? cop$ of this !ocument shall #e provi!e! with the equipment at the time of
%.1 A)(9ACT(&E&S
A. [+he *otor control centers shall be +8)S+)R b# Sie*ens or -rea--ro5ed e"ual&
)--ro5ed *anufacturers are as follows:
1. Sie*ens
%. &]
%.% 8E)E&A' &E:(1&EE)TS
1. [+he enclosure shall be ?/$) +#-e [1]C [1with gas3eted doors]C [2]C [12]C [3R non
wal3in]& Vertical sections shall be constructed with steel di5ider sheet asse*blies
for*ed or otherwise fabricated to eli*inate o-en fra*ewor3 between ad>acent
sections or fulllength boltedon side sheet asse*blies at the ends of the $%%6s7&]
%. [Vertical sections shall be 9'D high e1cluding *ounting sillsC 2'D wide and [1(D]
[2'D] dee- for front *ounting of units& Ehere indicated that arrange*ent is to
acco**odate front F rear *ounting of unitsC the structure de-th shall not e1ceed
21D& +he width of the 5ertical section *a# be increased for s-ecial o5ersi=e units
that cannot be acco**odated in the standard 2'D side structure& ]
*. <ertical structures shall #e !ivi!e! into si@ >-? 1%A space factors an! shall accommo!ate
si@ >-? full siBe )EA siBe 1 or % 9ull <olta"e )on &eversin" 9<)& com#ination starters.
CC unit siBes shall #e multiples of 1C% space factor >-A?. The vertical structures shall
accommo!ate -A hi"h !ensit$ an! !ual mounte! units.
+. 0ack6to6#ack, front an! rear unit mountin", structures shall #e %1A !eep ma@imum an!
shall accommo!ate 1% full siBe )EA siBe 1 or % 9ull <olta"e )on &eversin" 9<)&
com#ination starters per section.
,. Each stan!ar! %7A an! %+A wi!e structure shall #e supplie! with a vertical wirewa$. +A
wi!e wirewa$s shall #e installe! on %7A wi!e structures an! /A wi!e wirewa$s on %+A wi!e
Septem#er %,, %71+ [0ro>ect ?a*e]
otor Control Centers [26 24 19] [16443]62
structures. Direwa$s shall #e completel$ isolate! from all power #usses. The rear
surface of the vertical wirewa$ shall #e painte! white. A minimum of three >*? forme!
wire ca#le supports, e@ten!in" the full !epth of the vertical wirewa$ shall #e supplie! in
each vertical section. A separate hin"e! !oor shall cover the vertical wirewa$.
-. Each stan!ar! structure shall #e supplie! with a 1% inch top an! si@ >-? inch #ottom
horiBontal wirewa$ that are continuous for the entire len"th of the CC. The minimum
horiBontal wirewa$ openin" #etween sections is +7 square inches for the top an! *7
square inches for the #ottom horiBontal wirewa$. A hin"e! !oor shall #e supplie! to cover
the top horiBontal wirewa$.
.. Doors are to #e hin"e! in a manner that allows for the removal of in!ivi!ual !oors without
the removal of an$ !oor a#ove or #elow. (nit !oors shall #e hin"e! on the left an!
vertical wirewa$ !oors on the ri"ht for uno#structe! access to the units an! associate!
vertical wirewa$. All !oors shall #e mounte! on remova#le pin6t$pe hin"es an! secure!
with steel quarter6turn, in!icatin" t$pe fasteners.
/. Direwa$s shall #e completel$ isolate! from #us compartments #$ suita#le #arriers.
Sli!in" #arriers #etween the horiBontal #us an! top horiBontal wirewa$ are not
5. &emova#le top cover plates shall #e provi!e! for con!uit entr$ to the top horiBontal
wirewa$ an! shall provi!e a minimum of 11- square inches of area for con!uit location.
Top cover plates shall #e fa#ricate! from 1* "au"e steel.
17. All CC structures shall #e supplie! with 161C/A hi"h E *A wi!e #ase channel sills that are
continuous for the entire len"th of the shippin" split. The #ase channel sills shall #e
fa#ricate! of . "au"e steel an! shall #e suita#le for "routin" the #ase channel sills in
place, wel!in" to levelin" plates or securin" to the floor with 1C%A anchor #olts. CC
structures shall #e supplie! with reversi#le #ottom en! cover plates to cover the #ottom
horiBontal wirewa$ an! en!s of the #ase channel sills. The #ottom en! cover plates shall
#e factor$ installe! to cover the en!s of the #ase channel sills to prevent entrance of !irt
an! ro!ents into the CC when installe! flush on the floor an! shall #e remova#le to
e@pose the en!s of the #ase channel sills if the$ are to #e "route! into the floor.
11. A remova#le, full len"th liftin" an"le shall #e provi!e! for each shippin" split of each
CC. The liftin" an"le shall #e #olte! to each si!e sheet or !ivi!er sheet of the shippin"
split to evenl$ !istri#ute the wei"ht of the CC !urin" liftin".
1%. CC3s shall #e assem#le! in such a manner that it is not necessar$ to have rear
accessi#ilit$ to remove an$ internal !evices or components.
0. 0(SS1)8
1. +he *ain hori=ontal bus shall be (Pick a. or b.)
a. [[+in] [Sil5er] -lated co--er rated at [6''] [,''] [12''] [16''] [2'''] a*-eres
with a conducti5it# rating of 1''@ )8%S& +he hori=ontal bus bars shall be
full# si=ed to carr# 1''@ of the rated current the entire length of the $%%&
<ori=ontal bus bars shall be *ounted edge wise and located at the to- of the
$%%& +a-ered hori=ontal bus is not acce-table&] )ll -ower bus shall be
braced to withstand a fault current of [42C'''] [6(C'''] [1''C'''] R$S
s#**etrical a*-eres&]
#. [+in -lated alu*inu* rated at [6''] [,''] [12''] a*-eres& )ll -ower bus
shall be braced to withstand a fault current of [42C'''] [6(C'''] R$S
s#**etrical a*-eres&]
c. The entire horiBontal #us assem#l$ must #e locate! #ehin! the top horiBontal
wirewa$ at an$ ampera"e. =oriBontal #us #ars locate! #ehin! usa#le unit space
are not accepta#le.
!. The horiBontal #us shall #e isolate! from the top horiBontal wirewa$ #$ a clear,
fle@i#le, pol$car#onate, 'e@anF, #arrier allowin" visual inspection of the horiBontal
#us without removin" an$ har!ware.
%. +he 5ertical bus:
a. Shall be rated [3''] [6''] a*-eres& Vertical bus bars shall be fabricated of
[tin] [sil5er] -lated solid co--er bars with a conducti5it# rating of 1''@ )8%S&
Septem#er %,, %71+ [0ro>ect ?a*e]
otor Control Centers [26 24 19] [16443]6
#. [0ic3 one of the following 4G delete the other 3&] [+he 5ertical bus asse*bl#
shall be isolated fro* the unit *ounting s-ace b# *eans of a full height
steel barrier& 0ro5isions shall be *ade to close off unused unit stab
o-enings in the 5ertical bus barrier with re*o5able co5ers&]
c. [+he 5ertical bus asse*bl# shall be isolated fro* the unit *ounting s-ace
b# *eans of a full height steel barrier& )uto*atic shutter *echanis*s shall
be -ro5ided to close off all unused stab o-enings when a -lugin unit is
*o5ed to the H+/S+D -osition or re*o5ed fro* the structure& Inused stab
o-enings shall be co5ered with sna-in co5ers&]
!. [+he 5ertical bus barrier su--ort shall be designed as to effecti5el# enclose
each 5ertical bus bar& 0ro5isions shall be *ade to close off unused unit stab
o-enings in the 5ertical bus barrier with re*o5able co5ers&]
e. [+he 5ertical bus barrier su--ort shall be designed as to effecti5el# enclose
each 5ertical bus bar& )uto*atic shutter *echanis*s shall be -ro5ided to
close off all unused stab o-enings when a -lugin unit is *o5ed to the
H+/S+D -osition or re*o5ed fro* the structure& Inused stab o-enings shall
be co5ered with sna-in co5ers&]
*. All #us ratin"s are to #e #ase! on a ma@imum temperature rise of [('J%] [6(J%] over a
+7GC am#ient temperature.
+. =oriBontal to vertical #us an! horiBontal #us splice connections shall #e ma!e with two
>%? *C/A "ra!e , #olts an! 0elleville6t$pe conical washers at each connection point. All
connectin" har!ware shall #e !esi"ne! to #e ti"htene! from the front of the CC without
appl$in" an$ tools to the rear of the connection.
,. The horiBontal "roun! #us shall #e rate! [3'' a*- co--er] [6'' a*- co--er] [6''
a*- alu*inu*].
C. ()1TS
1. Plu"6in units shall connect to the vertical #us #$ means of self6ali"nin", tin plate! copper
sta#6on connectors provi!e! with sprin" steel #ack6up sprin"s to insure positive
connection to the vertical #us.
%. Dhen vertical "roun! #us is specifie!, plu"6in units shall inclu!e a "roun! sta# which
en"a"es the vertical "roun! #us #efore the power sta#s en"a"e the vertical #us when
the unit is inserte! into the structure. Dhen the plu"6in unit is with!rawn from the vertical
#us, the vertical "roun! sta# shall release after the power sta#s.
*. The interior of all CC units shall #e painte! white, inclu!in" unit top an! #ottom plates
or isolation #arriers.
+. All plu"6in units 1%A tall an! lar"er will inclu!e two >%? au@iliar$ han!les to ai! in
installation, removal an! transportin" plu"6in units.
,. All plu"6in units will inclu!e a rackin" mechanism to assure full en"a"ement with the
sta#6on connectors with the vertical #us.
-. Plu"6in units shall #e provi!e! with interference t$pe !raw6out to prevent complete
removal of the plu"6in unit from the structure in one motion. The interference mechanism
shall also provi!e clear in!ication when the plu"6in unit has #een with!rawn to the
HTESTA position.
.. A mechanical interlock shall #e supplie! on all plu"6in units to prevent insertion of
removal of a unit from the structure when the unit operator han!le is in the O) position.
This interlock ma$ not #e !efeate!.
/. Each 1%A tall an! lar"er plu"6in unit shall #e secure! in the structure #$ two >%? rea!il$
accessi#le !evices, one of which is tool operate!. These !evices shall #e locate! at the
front of the unit.
5. Plu"6in units with )EA T$pe 0 or C wirin" shall #e supplie! with unit terminal #lock
mounte! on the ri"ht han! si!e of the unit, a!Iacent to the vertical wirewa$. The terminal
#locks shall #e mounte! on a mova#le #racket that maintains the terminals insi!e the unit
structure for normal operation an! pivots into the vertical wirewa$ e@posin" the terminals
for wirin", test an! maintenance.
Septem#er %,, %71+ [0ro>ect ?a*e]
otor Control Centers [26 24 19] [16443]6!
17. All plu"6in units shall inclu!e a positive means of "roun!in" the unit to the structure at all
11. The CC unit !isconnect operator for -77 ampere ma@imum units shall operate in a
vertical, up6!own, plane. =i"h !ensit$ units shall have horiBontal motion. All unit
!isconnects shall remain en"a"e! with the !isconnect !evice at all times, re"ar!less of
the unit !oor position. The operatin" han!les shall #e interlocke! with the unit !oor so
that the !oor can neither #e opene! with the !isconnect !evice in the O) position, nor
can the !isconnect !evice #e turne! O) with the unit !oor open e@cept #$ operation of a
!efeater mechanism. 1n!ication of the !isconnect !evice shall #e clearl$ in!icate! #$ the
position of the operatin" han!le. Dhen applie! with circuit #reaker !evices, the han!le
shall also provi!e clear in!ication of a circuit #reaker trip.
1%. Dhen pilot li"hts, push #uttons or sector switches are specifie!. The !evices shall #e
mounte! in a forme! metal !evice panel that is capa#le of acceptin" four >+? such
!evices in an$ com#ination. The !evice panel shall #e secure! to the unit !oor for
normal operation, or mounte! on the plu"6in unit as require! for unit removal an! #ench
1*. 0ilot de5ices [shall be 22 ** in dia*eterC rated for ?/$) 4 680 697 a--lications&
%onnections to 22 ** -ilot de5ices shall be *ade to touch resistant screw t#-e
ter*inations& 0ilot de5ice contacts shall be rated at 1')C 6'' V)% 6?/$) )6''7&]
[0ilot de5ices shall be hea5# dut#C oil tight 3'** de5ices with a ?/$) 4 rating&
0ilot de5ice contacts shall be rated at 1')C 6'' V)% 6?/$) )6''7& +he -ilot de5ice
bodies shall be fabricated fro* *etal&]
1+. (nit i!entification nameplate shall #e provi!e! for each unit. )ameplates shall #e a #lack
surface with white core. En"ravin" shall cut throu"h the "ra$ surface e@posin" white
letterin" of the unit !esi"nation. )ameplates shall #e 1A tall #$ * 1C%A wi!e. A!hesives or
"lues are not an accepta#le means of mountin" unit nameplates.
D. D1&1)8
1. The wirin" shall #e )EA Class [1] [2], T$pe [)] [2] [%].
1. The com#ination starters shall #e full volta"e, non6reversin" an! provi!e! with a Siemens
[*agnetic onl# circuit brea3er] [fused disconnect], unless note! otherwise on the
a. Starters an! !isconnects shall #e rate! equal to or "reater than the A1C ratin" of
the "ear.
%. Overloa! Protection
a. The overloa! protection shall #e2
1.? [2i$etal )*bient co*-ensated o5erload&]
%.? [Self -ower /S0 solid state o5erload rela# with ?/$) %lass [1'] [2']
[3'] tri- cur5e&]
*. Control Power
a. Each starter unit shall #e provi!e! with an encapsulate! control power transformer
of sufficient siBe to accommo!ate the contactor coil #ur!en plus all specifie!
au@iliar$ !evices.
9. 9EEDE&S
1. 9ee!er !isconnects shall #e Siemens [ther*al*agnetic circuit brea3er] [fused
8. [)R% !.)S<
a. [)--l# in the fieldC the factor# su--lied arc flash warning label to all *otor
control centers that are in other than dwelling occu-ancies and are li3el# to
re"uire e1a*inationC ad>ust*entC ser5icingC or *aintenance while energi=ed
to warn "ualified -ersons of -otential electrical arc flash ha=ards&]
#. [0ro5ide a co*-lete arc flash stud# of the entire electrical s#ste* fro* the
-oint of inco*ing ser5ice to all -anelboards& .abels shall include the arc
flash boundar# in feetC ha=ard categor# and a list of a--ro-riate 00/& Ehen
Septem#er %,, %71+ [0ro>ect ?a*e]
otor Control Centers [26 24 19] [16443]6(
d#na*ic arc flash sentr# is -ro5ided 6see below7C then -erfor* the stud#
with both the d#na*ic arc flash sentr# on and off& .abel the gear for both
%. [;#na*ic )rc !lash Sentr# "OPTIONAL'
a. +he +8)S+)R *otor control center shall co*e with ;#na*ic )rc !lash
Sentr# to reduce the duration of an arc flash e5ent& +he *ain circuit brea3er
shall be a Sie*ens E. e"ui-ed with an /+I996 tri- unitC -rogra**ed with
two tri- cur5es& :ne cur5e shall be set to the le5els deter*ined b# a
coordination stud#& +he second setting shall be set with instantaneous set
down to a *ini*u* acce-table le5el to tri- the *ain ra-idl# on an arc flash
#. +he settings shall be ad>usted 5ia:
1.? [) S8KI)R; *otion sensor& +he sensor shall be *ounted
a--ro1i*atel# 3 feet off of the ground to sense *otion in the roo* and
auto*aticall# turn on and off the ;#na*ic )rc !lash Sentr#& ) blue
light will illu*inate on the front of the $%% to denote ;#an*ic )rc
!lash Sentr# is on&]
%.? [) 2 -osition selector switch& ) blue light will illu*inate on the front of
the $%% to denote ;#an*ic )rc !lash Sentr# is on&]]
A. otor starter units shall inclu!e a microprocessor #ase! protective an! control !evice that
provi!es )EA class ,,17,1,, %7, %,, *7, *, or +7 thermal overloa! trip characteristics, phase
as$mmetr$ >phase im#alance J phase loss? protection, stalle! rotor protection, instantaneous
over current >Iam? an! un!er current protection an! provisions for connectin" one thermister.
(pper an! lower current limits are a!Iusta#le for trippin" an! monitorin"..
0. The !evice shoul! provi!e an option of volta"e an! power monitorin" as well as monitorin" of
power factor >cos6phi or loss of loa!? protection. Device shall have internal an! e@ternal "roun!
fault monitorin" capa#ilities to an e@actin" 7.* amp equipment protection. A!!itionall$ the
!evice shall have an option of monitorin" three &TD3s >PT177 or PT1777? temperature sensors
or three )TC thermister sensors. [+he de5ice shall ha5e two analog in-uts and one analog
out-ut with a [' to 2'* a*-] [4 to 2'* a*-] signal&]
C. All protective functions shall #e pro"ramma#le to initiate a fault >trip? or warnin". The !evice
shall have the a#ilit$ to !esi"nate its inputs as e@ternal fault inputs for har!wirin" into upstream
or !ownstream parts of the application. &unnin" status of the connecte! loa! shall #e
!etermine! #$ monitorin" motor current to "ive a true in!ication of runnin" status. The !evice
shall provi!e monitorin" of operatin" hours, !owntime hours, num#er of starts, overloa! trips
an! have permissi#le startin" capa#ilities.
D. The !evice shall contain four !i"ital inputs an! three rela$ output points for use in controllin" the
motor starter. [+here shall be two additional digital *odules with 48A2:C and the# shall
ha5e [bistable] [*onostable] out-ut contacts&] Output rela$s shall #e pro"ramma#le to
either turn off or retain their status in the event of a control volta"e loss or network failure.
E. The !evice shall also inclu!e on #oar! lo"ic elements inclu!in" up to a total of si@ *1C1O truth
ta#les, two %1C1O truth ta#les, an! one ,1C%O truth ta#le.
9. The !evice shall have up to four si"nal con!itioners an! four non6volatile elements with
a!Iusta#le >e!"e risin" with memor$, e!"e fallin" with memor$, invertin" an! non6invertin"?
con!itions. A!!itional elements shall inclu!e up to four timers with a!Iusta#le >with closin"
!ela$, closin" !ela$ with memor$, with off !ela$, with fleetin" closin"? con!itions an! four limit
monitors for overshoots an! un!ershoots of an$ of its analo" si"nals.
8. The !evice shall communicate via P&O910(S6DP to a central master controller an! provi!e
motor current, in percent of the motor full loa! amps, input an! output !ata, status messa"es
O), O99, un!er an! over current warnin" an! trip on a continuous c$clical #asis.
Septem#er %,, %71+ [0ro>ect ?a*e]
otor Control Centers [26 24 19] [16443]6)
=. The user shall have the a#ilit$ to remotel$ monitor an! pro"ram all pro"ramma#le parameters,
!ia"nostic !ata an! operatin" !ata.
1. The !evice shall communicate at a ma@imum of 1.,#it Profi#us communication spee!, an!
shall #e auto #au! rate sensin". The !evice shall #e a#le to sen! %++ #$tes per tele"ram an!
-+ #$tes of !ia"nostics.
K. 1n the event of a communication network failure or P'C failure, the !evice shall operate as a
stan!6alone !evice. (pon restoration of the P&O910(S network, the !evice shall resume
communication with the network.
%.+ )ETDO&L
A. [+he Sie*ens 8ntelligent $otor %ontrol %enter shall be connected to the custo*erLs
e1isting s#ste* 5ia the 0rofibus networ3 scanner located in the custo*erLs 0.%& +hese
networ3 scanners shall -ro5ide full 0rofibus networ3 connecti5it#&] [+he Sie*ens
8ntelligent $otor %ontrol %enter shall be connected to the custo*erLs e1isting s#ste*
5ia a ?etwor3 Katewa#& +he networ3 gatewa# shall -ro5ide restricted 0rofibus networ3
connecti5it#&] [+he Sie*ens 8ntelligent $otor %ontrol %enter shall be a stand alone
0. Siemens T1ASTA& 1ntelli"ent otor Control Center is supplie! with [0rofibus ;0] [)S
8nterface]& These networks shall #e installe! at the factor$ to provi!e simplif$ commissionin"
on site. "S*+*c, *i,-*r 2.!.#.1 or 2.!.#.2. D*+*,* ,-* o,-*r .*c,io/'
1. [)S8nterface
a. )S8nterface networ3ing shall be used for the -assing of low le5el binar#
infor*ation to and fro* +8)S+)R 8ntelligent $otor %ontrol %enter de5ices&
$a1i*u* electrical cable length is 1''* with a (*s c#cle ti*e&
#. /ach )S8nterface networ3 *ust consist of 1 )S8nterface $aster Init and
*a# connect u- to 31 )S8nterface *odule sla5es located within the
+8)S+)R 8ntelligent $otor %ontrol %enter units& +here *a# be as *an# )S
8nterface networ3s as the higher le5el o-erating s#ste* can control&
c. +he )S8nterface networ3 is connected throughout the +8)S+)R 8ntelligent
$%% 5ia a co--er two wire twisted -air dais# chained fro* the *aster unit to
each subse"uent unit& +hese wires ter*inate into -ulla-art ter*inals at
each unit to 3ee- networ3 integrit# if the unit is withdrawn fro* the 5ertical
!. +he )S8nterface $aster -ro5ides all )S8 networ3 su--ort functions and
also the data transfer to 0rofibus ;0& +he )S8nterface 0ower Su--l#
generates the )Sinterface sla5e control -ower as well as the data
decou-ling feature to send both -ower and data o5er the sa*e two wires&
+he )S8nterface $aster Init *ust contain both the $aster and 0ower
Su--l#& /ach )S8nterface $aster Init and its connected networ3 de5ices
shall be considered a single 0rofibus ;0 sla5e within a +8)S+)R 8ntelligent
$otor %ontrol %enter&]
%. [0rofibus ;0
a. 0rofibus ;0 networ3ing shall be used for the -assing of binar# and analog
data to and fro* +8)S+)R 8ntelligent $otor %ontrol %enter de5ices&
$a1i*u* electrical cable length 4''* at (''3b-sG 2''* at 1&($b-s&
;istances of 3'''* are -ossible with the use of fiber o-tic cable&
#. /ach 0rofibus ;0 networ3 shall connect to u- to 126 nodes& +he 0rofibus
;0 networ3 *a# ha5e u- to 1' seg*ents with u- to 3' nodes in each&
0rofibus seg*ents are connected 5ia the 0rofibus Re-eater& +here shall be
as *an# 0rofibus ;0 networ3s as the higher le5el o-erating s#ste* can
c. +he 0rofibus ;0 networ3 shall connect throughout the +8)S+)R 8ntelligent
$%% 5ia co--er RS4,( shielded twisted two wire 0rofibus cable dais#
Septem#er %,, %71+ [0ro>ect ?a*e]
otor Control Centers [26 24 19] [16443]60
chained fro* unit to unit& +hese cables ter*inate into 0rofibus %onnectors
at each unit with a 0rofibus co**unication -ort& %ables ter*inated within
the 0rofibus %onnector shall *aintain networ3 connecti5it# when the unit is
withdrawn fro* the 5ertical section&
!. 0rofibus Re-eater units shall -ro5ide data signal a*-lification and bus
seg*ent connection& Standard acti5e ter*ination shall be -ro5ided through
the 0rofibus %onnector with +er*ination Resistor& /ach connector shall
ha5e a switch located on its s-ine that turns the ter*inating resistor on and
off& [:0+8:?). )cti5e 0rofibus +er*inator units shall -ro5ide consistent
0rofibus ;0 networ3 ter*ination that does not rel# on node control -ower or
connector switch -osition]&]
%., $/+/R8?K
A. $ultifunction ;igital$etering $onitors shall be I.listed or recogni=edC
*icro-rocessorbased unit suitable for three or four wire s#ste*s& Inits shall
co**unicate 5ia:
1. [0rofibus ;0 *odule] (SIEMENS Pr*1*r*2 3*,-o2)
%. [$od2us +%0 -ort]
*. [$od2us R+I e1-ansion *odule]&
0. +he *eter shall *ounted on the door and shall *eter [at the $ain .ugs] [at the $ain
2rea3er] [as shown on the drawings]&
C. [$etering /"ui-*ent
1. 0ro5ide a *ultifunctionC high accurac# digital -ower *etering instru*entation
*odule e"ui--ed with .%; dis-la#& +he -ower *etering *odule shall -ro5ide
si*ultaneous *easure*ents for currentC 5oltage and -ower -ara*eters& 0ower
*eter shall be Sie*ens t#-e [0)% 31''] [0)% 32''] [0)%42''] [934'] [936']
e"ui--ed with a co**unications -ort for standard RS4,( connection&
*.1 1)STA''AT1O)
A. 1nstall per manufacturer3s recommen!ations an! contract !ocuments. Coor!inate installation
with a!Iacent work to ensure proper sequence of construction, clearances an! support.
*.% ADK(STE)TS A)D C'EA)1)8
A. "I/.*r, 4o5r 1ir3. r*65ir*3*/,.'
*.* TEST1)8
A. Perform factor$ an! installation tests in accor!ance with applica#le )EC, )EA an! ('
*.+ DA&&A)T;
A. Equipment manufacturer warrants that all "oo!s supplie! are free of non6conformities in
workmanship an! materials for one $ear from !ate of initial operation, #ut not more than
ei"hteen months from !ate of shipment.
*., 91E'D TESTS
A. Check ti"htness of all accessi#le mechanical an! electrical connections to assure the$ are
torque! to the minimum accepta#le manufacturer3s recommen!ations.
Septem#er %,, %71+ [0ro>ect ?a*e]
otor Control Centers [26 24 19] [16443]67

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