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Senior Arielle Mueller, Stu-

dent Federation president, in-

troduced an amendment to the
Student Federation Constitution
this week, which would allow a
representative Irom the VanAn-
del Graduate School oI States-
manship on the Iederation.
There are many things that
must happen Ior this amendment
to be adopted. The
proposed amend-
ment must appear
in two consecutive
issues oI the Col-
legian. Then, there
will be a voting
process, and the
amendment must
be adopted by at
least two-thirds
oI the student
body. Details are
still being worked
out over how ex-
actly students
will vote. Finally,
the amendment
will be brought to
President Larry
Arnn. He will then have rights
to either approve or deny the
The idea oI having a gradu-
ate school representative was
Iormulated last year due to the
Iact that graduate students pay
student Iees, yet have no repre-
sentation on Student Fed.
'Well, it`s important that since
we have a graduate school that
the graduate school be represent-
ed, because their student Iees go
to our student Iees, so it`s nec-
essary that they have a vote as
well, Mueller said.
For the graduate students, a
large part oI the reason Ior this
change stems Irom a desire to
help integrate the graduate pro-
gram with the undergraduate
'There`s a sense oI a division
or a space between the graduate
school and the rest oI the col-
lege, said CliIIord Humphrey, a
frst-year graduate student. 'We
wanted to try and integrate the
graduate school and the rest oI
the college.
II the amend-
ment passes,
Zachary Reyn-
olds, a frst-year
graduate student,
has been pro-
posed as the rep-
Reynolds did
his undergradu-
ate work at Aqui-
nas College in
Grand Rapids,
Michigan, where
he earned a de-
gree in the lib-
eral arts.
The graduates
also expressed a
desire to be more
involved with student activities.
'A number oI students were
interested because the student
dues we pay do go to Student
Federation, and we have no in-
tention whatsoever to interIere
with anything the undergrads are
doing, Reynolds said. 'In Iact,
a lot oI us are just interested in
what`s going on, and would just
like to be more involved in some
oI the things, not like leader-
Oakdale vs. Hillsdale
Sister charter schools share ide-
ology and a soccer match. A3
Socialist savior
Kate Patrick talks about why
socialists are important to Hill-
sdale and why we need more oI
them. A5
Campus beautifcation crew
College horticulturist beautifes
campus with plants and land-
scape design. B1
1866 president forbids female
participation in clubs
President Fairfeld banned
Iemale admission in literary
groups. B3
"## $%&' ()

Vol. 138 Issue + 25 $ept. 201+ Michian's oldest collee newspaper
City News................................A6
!"#$%&' )*+%$,+-./++%0*,#1 !"#$%&' )*+%$,+-./++%0*,#1
from the
School of
shall be
- Proposed
Council appoints police and fre
City council votes to eliminate
director oI public saIety positions
and appoint department chieIs.
Football wins home opener
against Northern Michigan
University 13-10. A8
!"##$%&#'( *+,-.' +/ 01' &".
Thousands oI radio listeners
tune in each week to a conser-
vative talk show recorded in the
apartment oI a Hillsdale student
whose guests have included Her-
man Cain in a segment called
'The View From Hillsdale.
Junior Richard Caster in
2009 was serving as the head oI
the Ozark Tea Party in Arkan-
sas when he was approached by
Scott Gray, the owner oI Arkan-
sas 97.1 Mountain Talk Radio
and asked to create a program
that would broadcast conserva-
tive and tea party views to a wide
radio audience in Arkansas and a
national audience online.
Caster achieved that goal,
broadcasting a weekly show to
50,000 listeners that achieved
so much popularity that he even
broadcasted Irom the Iowa Presi-
dential Debate, Washington D.C,
and the Republican National
Convention in Tampa, Florida.
Caster believes in educating
people on Iounding principles
and conservative belieIs.
'We`re in trouble now, Cast-
er said. 'Many people do not
know why we believe what we
He transIerred Irom Arkansas
State University to Hillsdale Col-
lege in 2013 and inspired by the
college`s mission
and teachings,
he changed the
name oI his ra-
dio show, 'The
Blessings oI
Liberty to 'The
View From Hill-
sdale and began
Ieaturing classmates and proIes-
His show has Ieatured discus-
sions with prominent guests in-
cluding political commentators
Dick Morris and Michelle Mal-
kin, and columnist Herman Cain.
In 2013, Caster began recording
interviews Ior the show in Hill-
ProIessor Gary WolIram was
his frst campus guest, discuss-
ing his book, 'A Capitalist Mani-
Iesto. Other guests include Ian
Swanson `14, various proIessors,
and most recently, sophomore
Paul Mittermeier.
'I was on between fve and
ten times, Swanson said. 'Usu-
ally when |Caster| was writing
a paper or studying Ior an exam
because he knew
I could fll the
Swanson said
they debated,
talked about
books they read,
and current
events. He said
more students who are moderate
in tone should get into talk ra-
dio and treat their audiences like
Mittermeier, a proud libertar-
ian and avid Tea Partier, was Iea-
tured on the show to discuss the
Common Core State Standards
Initiative, a subject he is well
versed in Irom his own state oI
'I love the show, Mittermei-
er said. 'I`m glad it is a product
oI the Tea Party. It is a testament
to the education oI the movement
and it is an example oI how it is
Iar Irom being dead. The diver-
sity oI the audience that listens
shows how inclusive the Tea
Party is.
Caster records the show in his
Hillsdale apartment and sends
the audio to the radio station in
Calico Rock, Arkansas. Since
broadcasting Irom Hillsdale, the
viewership has expanded signif-
'The majority oI the listeners
are obviously Irom Arkansas, but
we also have signifcant view-
ership Irom Canada, and even
France, he said.
Caster is not stopping there.
He said he hopes to expand the
show to an even larger audience
in Arkansas and hopes to one
day even Ieature President Larry
Arnn on the show.
'The goal is to get him on the
show beIore I graduate, Caster
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Construction workers caused
a water main to break Monday
morning on West Street near
Simpson Residence leaving
campus buildings without water.
ChieI Administrative OIf-
cer Rich Pewe said the workers
were insulating the water main
in preparation Ior the cold win-
ter. Usually, the mains need to
be buried deeper underground
to avoid Ireezing, but Pewe said
insulating the pipe is much less
In the process, a cap on the
water main was nudged by con-
struction equipment, Nate Rusk
with the Hillsdale Board oI
Public Utilities said. These caps
are placed on the main to make
it easier Ior residential housing
to plumb their houses, iI new
homes are ever built. Pewe said,
in this case, there used to be a
house near the location oI the
The main broke around 9:30
a.m. according to Pewe, but was
repaired by noon. Nearby build-
ings, including the Dow Science
Center, Dow Leadership and
ConIerence Center, and Simp-
son Residence, were without
water during those three hours.
Senior Matt O`Sullivan,
head resident assistant oI Simp-
son, said he had fnished eating
breakIast when he went to wash
out his teacup.
'Hardly any water trickled
out oI the Iaucet. I looked out
my window and noticed a stream
oI water rushing down the south
side parking lot, O`Sullivan
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With 11 nominations, Encore
Michigan ranked Tibbits Theatre
oI Coldwater in the top Iour the-
aters in the state Ior the 2013-14
theater season.
Although the theater didn`t
receive an award, executive di-
rector Christine Delaney who
attended the ceremony said the
attention Irom the nominations
has helped business.
'There was a lot oI great com-
petition, Delaney said. 'We
were still honored to receive the
The nominations excited the-
ater members.
'What the Tony`s are Ior
Broadway, that is what the Wilde
Awards are to Michigan, volun-
teer liaison Pam Kasprzyk said.
'These nominations are great
word oI mouth advertising. The
community is very proud oI us.
We`ve received all kinds oI con-
Tibbits` most nominated show
was 'The Producers, which re-
ceived Iour nominations, plac-
ing the show in a Iour-way tie
Ior most nominated production
with '10:53 and 'Cymbeline
oI Williamstown Theater in Wil-
liamstown and the Michigan
Shakespeare Festival`s 'The Im-
portance oI Being Earnest. On
Monday night, 'The Importance
oI Being Earnest won the Best
Encore Michigan, a theater re-
view publication, distributes the
awards annually to every theater
that is a member oI the publica-
Eligibility Ior an award is de-
termined a show running length
requirement oI Iour consecutive
days or two weekends. This sea-
son, Encore Michigan reviewed
225 productions oI 49 partici-
pating companies. More than 80
shows were granted a nomina-
Every year, 10-12 Encore
Michigan critics gather to dis-
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Walking around the quad last
Friday, students may have no-
ticed an odd sight: Assistant Dean
oI Men JeIIery Rogers riding on
a Segway.
As part oI a Iundraiser that
brought in more than $600, the
psychology honorary Psi Chi
gave Segway campus tours to
31 students and Iaculty. Psi Chi
will receive a percentage oI the
proceeds, which will be used Ior
Iuture Psi Chi events.
'We are really grateIul Ior all
oI those who came out to support
us today, Psi Chi president se-
nior Katie Norton said. 'We had a
lot oI Iun, and it was great to see
so many Iaculty and staII getting
involved, too.
Deans Diane Philipp, Aaron
Petersen, Rebecca Dell, and JeI-
Iery Rogers all took rides, along
with 10 other proIessors. The
remaining 21 slots were taken by
students, leaving only one empty
'I mean, I did it because, you
know, Segways. They are awe-
some, senior Antoni Germano
said. 'I did it Ior Psi Chi, not
just because oI the people in it,
but also because there is a lot to
be learned Irom psychology. I
thought it was cool that to spread
awareness oI psychology and
what it can do, they brought in a
machine that operates purely on
the slight body movements oI a
Senior Bridget Surmont has
wanted to ride a Segway Ior years
aIter seeing an early prototype at
a museum. She jumped at the op-
portunity to support Psi Chi and
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Benedict Whalen, son oI Pro-
vost David Whalen, is spending
a year on campus as a visiting
assistant proIessor oI English.
Whalen is flling in Ior
ProIessor oI English Stephen
Smith, who is on sabbatical
Ior a Iull year. This semester,
he is teaching two sections oI
English 105, Great Books in
the British and American Tra-
ditions, as well as English 320,
Renaissance British Literature:
15501660. He hopes to teach a
400-level survey oI Renaissance
lyric poetry in the spring semes-
ter. Michael Jordan, department
chair and proIessor oI English,
said Whalen`s background in
the great books, Renaissance
literature specialty, and great
recommendations made him an
ideal match.
Whalen, who has not lived
in Hillsdale since childhood,
said he`s happy to be back in the
place he remembers Irom years
ago, but that there are subtle diI-
'It`s interesting to return to a
place that you remember with a
child`s imagination but not with
an adult`s knowledge, Whalen
said. 'It`s Iunny, not even hav-
ing driven here much, I don`t
know the street names. I have
to re-learn basic things like
that. I do have visual memories
that are quite strong, oI diIIer-
ent locals and where I`d wander
around as a kid.
The Whalen Iamily moved
to Hillsdale when Benedict was
around 9 years old. He leIt town
to attend boarding school Ior
his secondary education, Iol-
lowed by the University oI Dal-
las Ior an undergraduate degree
in English. He graduated Irom
Dallas in 2008 and went on to
University oI Nevada, Las Ve-
gas, earning a doctorate in Eng-
lish in August 2013 with a dis-
sertation on Renaissance drama
and ReIormation debates.
Whalen was frst attracted
to the Renaissance while at the
University oI Dallas. He took
several classes and chose to de-
vote his graduate study to the
topic, going to UNLV to study
under Richard Harp.
He recently spent a year as
a visiting proIessor at Texas
A&M University-Corpus Chris-
ti, and said he is excited to en-
gage with students at a school
like Hillsdale.
'I`ve long desired to teach in
a liberal arts school, and A&M-
Corpus Christi was not a lib-
eral arts school, he said. 'So
the draw oI the students and a
small liberal arts environment
were the primary reason I came
here. So Iar, it`s been a delight
to teach these students. I`m very
excited by what the students
bring to the classroom. We`re
able to make some leaps and
bounds that I`m very proud oI.
Sophomore Andrew Eg-
ger described Whalen as 'su-
per awesome, super chill, super
genial. He said he enjoys how
Whalen presents material dur-
ing class and appreciates the
unique way he approaches lit-
'One oI the awesome things
about him is that he has a much
greater emphasis on the oral
learning oI poetry than I`ve had
in previous English classes,
Egger said. 'So we spend about
10 minutes at the beginning in
class doing oral recitation oI po-
Outside oI the classroom,
Whalen enjoys spending time
with two young boys and his
wiIe oI seven years, Lisa, a Dal-
las native who he says is unac-
customed to the harsh Michigan
winters. He said he also enjoys
playing guitar, camping, and
training his dog.
On working with his Iather,
Benedict said it oIIers a diIIer-
ent perspective than the Iamiliar
relationship he knows.
'I have loved talking with
dad when I sort oI casually visit
on vacations. It`s a Iunny diIIer-
ent thing to see him in meetings
as the provost and whatnot, he
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A new Iace joined the Hills-
dale Iaculty Monday as Lecturer
in German Magelone Bollen
took over Ior ProIessor oI Ger-
man Eberhard Geyer.
Geyer will no longer be
teaching Ior the rest oI the se-
mester due to a 'serious health
concern. He was scheduled to
have heart surgery this week.
Although Bollen will be
teaching Geyer`s classes, Geyer
said he will be available Ior on-
line consultation starting Oct. 5
via email. As chairman and di-
rector oI the German study pro-
grams, Geyer will be working in
his oIfce doing administrative
work starting early November,
but plans to return to Iull-time
teaching next semester.
According to Associate Pro-
Iessor oI German Fred Yaniga,
Bollen is a native speaker oI
German. She has experience in
teaching beginning-level, up-
per-level, and classical German
coursework, not just in the Unit-
ed States, but in Germany and
Switzerland as well. She came
to the states in 2000 and gradu-
ated with her doctorate in Ger-
man Literature and Language
Irom Michigan State University
in 2013, where she did teaching
and was a research assistant.
'Dr. Bollen comes highly rec-
ommended to us Irom her pro-
Iessors and colleagues and our
own Dr. Naumann, who knows
her personally, Yaniga said.
'Dr. Bollen has visited our Hill-
sdale campus and is excited to
begin working in the classroom
and even in some oI our extra-
curricular programs. She has re-
marked to me how Iriendly her
welcome has been thus Iar.
'I Ieel very welcome here.
It`s a warm atmosphere, Bollen
said about Hillsdale.
Bollen said she is also ex-
cited to be able to teach both
traditional and modern topics in
German texts.
'Teaching the German litera-
ture course was a great opportu-
nity. I am really looking Iorward
to it, Bollen said.
According to Mark Maier, as-
sistant to the provost, long-term
substitute positions like this are
usually diIfcult to fll.
'It`s a hard thing to fnd
somebody who can just drop in,
particularly with classes like Dr.
Geyer`s classes, Maier said.
'Like the 201 class, some meet
Iour times a week. A lot oI the
time when we have visiting Iac-
ulty come in, they teach a night
class or they teach a class that
only meets two times a week.
We`re really Iortunate we could
fnd someone to fll these shoes.
Due to Bollen`s aIfliation
with Visiting Assistant ProIessor
oI German Stephen Naumann,
whom she met in graduate
school, she was invited to come
to campus and meet with the
German department and Provost
David Whalen, Maier said.
Geyer said he is willing to oI-
Ier assistance, iI needed, to the
visiting proIessor.
'I am confdent that Dr. Bol-
len will do a fne job, Geyer
Even so, students lamented
the news that their proIessor
would not return to the class-
room until next semester.
'It`s sad, Ireshman Michael
Lucchese said. 'I`ve enjoyed
having him as a teacher; he`s re-
ally Iunny. I hope to have him as
a teacher next semester too.
'I cried, said Amelia Stie-
ren, a sophomore in Geyer`s
class. 'It`s tough because he is
really incredible and inspiring,
and challenges us to learn and
think on our toes, but at the same
time, he is gracious and does
such a great job at explaining. I
was really excited to have him,
but I`m looking Iorward to see-
ing him next semester.
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Charles Cooke to talk about
clinging to the second amendment
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experience the machines.
'Riding the Segway was a lot
oI Iun, Surmont said. 'When
you frst got on, it was a chal-
lenge to navigate, but within
the frst fve minutes, you had
the hang oI it. The campus tour
was Iun, although going down
the hills was a little scary. Go-
ing uphill was great because you
Ielt like you were going really
Iast but were still completely in
Students and Iaculty had the
chance to experiment operat-
ing the machines on an agil-
ity course in which participants
were asked to weave in and out
oI a set oI cones.
Germano said they frst had to
do the weaving exercise with a
hat with a pingpong ball on top
that 'could not slide oII or get
blown oII by the speed oI our
Segways or by our carelessness.
Wind made this task diIfcult,
so participants switched to hav-
ing a pile oI cones on their heads.
'Then we tried to play soccer
with the Segways, but that didn`t
turn out too well, Germano
Psi Chi hopes to do more
events like this in the Iuture,
with the possibility oI bringing
the Segways back to campus.
'II students liked this event
and would be interested in us
bringing the Segways in again,
we would love their Ieedback,
Norton said.
Norton was also sure to ac-
knowledge the help oI mem-
bers oI Psi Chi in putting this
event on. She also noted special
thanks Ior Associate ProIessor oI
Psychology Kari McArthur, Psi
Chi adviser.
'We really appreciate every-
thing |McArthur| has done Ior us
this year Ior both the department
and our honorary, Norton said.
'We are especially grateIul Ior
the amount oI work she put into
this event solely to see students
and Iaculty smile today.
Steve Mitchell of Mitchell Re-
search and Communications is
one of the top pollsters in Michi-
gan, working on campaigns for
governors, U.S. Senators, and
the 1984 Regan-Bush election.
!"# %&% '"( )*+ &,+" -"../
I started out as a political sci-
ence and history major. I started
teaching American history and
government at the high school
level and at the junior college.
When I was 28, I thought it
would be Iun to own a bar. So
I got into the bar business. Al-
though I worked Ior a congress-
man when I was 21, who won a
seat in Congress, I had to fnish
my college education during the
Vietnam War, so I wouldn`t get
draIted. So I didn`t go to work in
I Iailed in the bar business. In
1979 I was hired by Dick Post-
humus, head oI House constitu-
ent relation staII Ior the Repub-
lican caucus in Lansing. Part oI
my job at lunch time and on the
weekends was working on can-
didate elections. He went on to
become a senator, the longest-
serving Senate majority leader
in Michigan history. Most can-
didates did not have proIessional
paid polls like they do now. Polls
were done by volunteers. The
woman next to me in the oIfce
taught me how to poll samples. I
did that successIully and helped
elect Iour Republicans. In 1982
I managed a U.S. Senate Repub-
lican campaign. He ran Ior U.S.
Senate and lost so once again so
I was out oI a job. So I decided,
'Gee I could do this job. So I
became a pollster.
I started working Ior candi-
dates around the country. In `84
I worked Ior Reagan-Bush in
Washington state. AIter that I
came back, bought a computer
Ior $5 (in today`s dollars that is
$1,000) I created a phone bank
with 20 phones in East Lan-
sing because I was going to hire
Michigan State students. And I
launched my career.
123+ &4 +2* .35)*4+ 6&4+37*
5*-"5+*54 637* #2*, +2*' 5*3%
3 -"..0
I think the biggest mistake
reporters make when they look
at polls is they don`t ask enough
questions. What methodology
was used, the number oI people
that were interviewed, whether
people were registered voters
or likely voters, and what ques-
tions were asked on surveys pri-
or to asking the ballot questions
Who`s ahead and who`s be-
hind? And asking to see a ques-
tionnaire that may have biased a
response. The news media has a
responsibility to make sure that a
poll is unbiased.
123+ &4 3 8"66", 6'+2
39"(+ -"..&,)0
Somehow people are going
to vote Ior the candidate that`s
ahead. That people want to get on
the bandwagon. I started polling
this issue 25 years ago in Mis-
souri and Illinois and we Iound
that people frmly believe that
one candidate was going to win
but they were going to vote Ior
the other candidate anyway be-
cause they didn`t care that he was
going to lose. He supported what
that candidate stood Ior. That`s a
great myth that somehow polling
moves the public to go one way
or the other.
123+ &4 +2* 6"4+ &,+*5*4+&,)
538* +23+ -*"-.* 42"(.% 7**-
+2*&5 *'* ",0
I think two gubernatorial rac-
es that are going to be Iascinat-
ing are Wisconsin and Michigan.
Because Democrats have really
poured enormous amounts oI
money into both Michigan and
Wisconsin trying to beat Rick
Snyder and Scott Walker be-
cause oI their votes in support
oI passage in legislation on right
to work. In terms oI U.S. Senate,
we all know the big races. It`s
that pack oI eight or nine U.S.
Senate races that will be interest-
ing to watch.
3 4 56 7&,$, 82&/),++
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National Review StaII Writ-
er Charles Cooke is speaking
on the Second Amendment in a
talk titled, 'Why We Cling: The
case Ior the right to bear arms in
a Iree republic. The talk is tak-
ing place today in Dow A&B.
'Charlie cook is one oI the
great young conservative writ-
ers at work today, said Dow
Journalism Program Director
John J. Miller. 'I`ve enjoyed
his work at National Review
over the last Iew years, and I`m
delighted he can come to our
campus and meet our students.
Cooke is a graduate oI the
University oI OxIord, where
he studied modern history and
politics. In addition to his writ-
ing on the Second Amendment,
Cooke has written on Anglo-
American history, Iree speech,
and American exceptionalism.
He is the co-host oI the 'Mad
Dogs and Englishmen pod-
cast and has broadcast Ior the
BBC, MSNBC, Fox News, The
Blaze, and CBS, among others.
His writing has appeared in Na-
tional Interest, the Washington
Times, and the New York Post.
Naval battle returns
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The annual Naval Battle will
be held this Saturday in Lake
Simpson, Galloway, and
NiedIeldt Residences will be
representing the British, Span-
ish, and French naval Iorces at
1805`s Battle oI TraIalgar, re-
The annual event, held by the
Cravats and Bluestockings club
devoted to British regency-era
literature, culture, and history,
was cancelled last year because
the original location in the Slay-
ton Arboretum pond became
unusable aIter new, expensive
submerged aeration mechanisms
were installed and the grassy ar-
eas were reseeded.
Lake Winona, which was
recently cleared oI brush and
weeds, is now saIe as the new
location. According to senior
Anna Talcott, who is organizing
the event, students should walk
past the IM felds on Barber
Street and fnd the lake on the
right side oI the road.
Students Irom all oI campus,
not just the three main residence
halls, may participate in games
oI aquatic capture the fag, and
cardboard boats are permitted.
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Hillsdale Academy beat Oak-
dale Academy in a soccer game
on Friday.
This wasn`t just another game
in the team`s Iall season, but rep-
resentative oI a mentorship Hill-
sdale Academy Iosters with the
newer Oakdale Academy in Ann
Arbor, Michigan.
Oakdale was Iounded under
the guidance oI Hillsdale Acad-
emy, which establishes schools
across the nation that resemble
the values and curriculum Hill-
sdale embodies.
The soccer match was Oak-
dales` frst year felding a soccer
program, and represented the
frst time the two sister schools
Iaced oII against each other on
the soccer feld.
The schools share a similar
philosophy oI education. In May
2011, a group oI Iuture Oakdale
parents visited Hillsdale with a
simple goal: To meet with ad-
ministrators and learn about
Hillsdale`s model. Oakdale
uses Hillsdale`s curriculum, and
claims that it wants to produce
graduates that are 'intelligent,
articulate, well-read, and had
great character.
Oakdale was a brand-new
concept Ior Mike Sias, the head
oI the board and Rachel Grebb,
the head oI school at Oakdale.
Grebb graduated Irom Hillsdale
College in 1995, and roomed
with Deanna Ducher, who was
instrumental in orchestrating the
initial conversations between the
parents and Hillsdale Academy
Head Master Kenneth Calvert
that laid the groundwork Ior
Oakdale to come to Iruition. The
roots between the schools go
back to a rather comical event.
Calvert met with Mike Sias,
the head oI the board at Oak-
dale, and a Iew others to dis-
cuss a timeline Ior the opening
oI Oakdale Academy. While all
involved were a bit hesitant and
skeptical about Oakdale getting
up and running quickly, Calvert
said he got the ball rolling when
he surprised Mike by saying
'Well, what`s wrong with this
September? Oakdale Academy
was born out oI this spirit on
Sept. 7, 2011.
'God`s hand is all over this,
Sias said, 'Let`s go.
Oakdale is now in it`s Iourth
year and has 98 Iull time stu-
dents, with and a staII at 85
percent capacity. They look to
instill the three pillars oI char-
acter, truth, and wisdom in their
students. The pillars were Ior-
mulated with inspiration Irom
Hillsdale College and Hillsdale
Academy. Oakdale currently
employs a number oI Hillsdale
College graduates, who continue
to uphold the Oakdale mission in
compliance with Hillsdale`s own
'We now have eight or nine
Hillsdale alumni on our staII,
Grebb said.
Grebb`s daughter graduated
Irom Oakdale last year and is
now a Ireshman at Hillsdale Col-
lege. The next step Ior Oakdale
is solidiIying Iacilities and fgur-
ing out how the next fve to ten
years will look Ior the institu-
tion. The vision Ior Oakdale con-
tinues to evolve and develop as
success radiates through its stu-
dents, academic programs, and
sports teams. Hillsdale and Oak-
dale academies fnished oII the
soccer match with a cookout in
Hillsdale. Competitors gathered
as Iriends to enjoy Iood aIter a
hard Iought game, reveling in
their shared education ideology.

"# 25 $ept. 201+
Lewis Emery Park Community Building
2121 State Rd., Hillsdale
Hillsdale College senior Matt
Drogowski, along with Associ-
ate ProIessor oI Chemistry Chris
Hamilton, Iound a way to brew
gluten-Iree beer during his sum-
mer chemistry research.
With more and more people
deciding to go gluten-Iree, the
science community has been
searching Ior ways to take glu-
ten out oI more Ioods. People are
able to enjoy gluten-Iree pizza,
cookies, and even beer.
Drogowski took over the re-
search Irom past students and
carried on with the experiment.
The research involved brewing
a Sierra Nevada Stout Clone,
an American stout, and a Bell`s
Oberon Clone, an American
wheat ale.
'Dr. Hamilton had begun the
research with other students and
wanted to take the project Iur-
ther, Drogowski said.
In order Ior a product to be
sold as gluten-Iree, it must be
less than 20 parts per million.
Drogowski`s beers are less than
fve parts per million, making
them well under the Food and
Drug Administration`s required
limit. There are many breweries
in Michigan with 'low-gluten
beers that have not been able to
get the gluten levels below the
FDA limit. The success oI his ex-
periment has Drogowski getting
some phone calls Irom Michigan
'Michigan is great Ior brew-
ing and a lot oI the breweries
here want to have a gluten-Iree
product Drogowski said.
Many Michigan breweries
have an interest in gluten-Iree
beer. According to the Short`s
Brewing Company website, the
Bellaire, Michigan, brewery
has made low-gluten pale ales
and lagers but none with a low
enough gluten level to be con-
sidered gluten-Iree. Companies
like Short`s and their customers
could beneft Irom fndings like
One oI the concerns about
gluten-Iree products is taste. AI-
ter the beer was ready, Drogows-
ki conducted a triangle taste test
involving his beer with two oth-
ers. A triangle test involves two
similar products and one diIIer-
ent and the person tasting has to
identiIy the diIIerent one. In the
tests, more than halI the tasters
could not identiIy which one was
'The response was pretty pos-
itive overall, Drogowski said.
'Most oI the people couldn`t tell
which beer was gluten-Iree.
The tasters were asked to
compare the aroma oI the three
beers, the taste, and how the car-
bonation Ielt in their mouths.
'I really couldn`t tell the diI-
Ierence, senior Rachel Warner,
a taster, said. 'All three oI them
were so similar in all three things
that it was hard to tell them
apart, I could not fnd a diIIer-
Even some oI the people
who could tell the diIIerence in
the taste test actually preIerred
Drogowski`s brew to the other
'MyselI and several oth-
ers preIerred Matt`s gluten-Iree
Oberon Clone to the gluten-
containing one he made. II I had
the chance to buy it in a store, I
wouldn`t hesitate to pick up a six
pack or two, senior Wyatt Mc-
Donnell said.
Instead oI pursuing brewing
Iull-time, Drogowski has elected
to Iulfll his dream oI going to
medical school Ior the time be-
ing. He hopes to continue brew-
ing on the side.
'I will be going to medical
school next year but I will al-
ways be interested in brewing,
Drogowski said.
II medical school doesn`t
work out, Drogowski has a bright
Iuture in the brewing industry.
Student perfects gluten-free beer
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The Roche Sports Complex`s
rock climbing wall is projected
to be fnished on Wednesday,
with a Iew minor details still not
completed. The operating hours
are projected to be similar to
those oI the swimming pool and
other Iacilities, but nothing has
been fnalized yet.
The new rock climbing wall
adds to a state-oI-the-art Iacil-
ity that also includes a brand-
new arena, weight room, dance
studio, Iuture golI simulator
room, and basketball courts. As
the wall`s completion date ap-
proaches, anticipation has been
'When I sent the email out
about those interested in being
climbing instructors, I had about
100 emails in return expressing
their interest, Director oI Rec-
reational Sports Brad Kocher
said. 'About 50 out oI the 100
had experience, and oI those
50, only eight were selected. I
was really impressed with the
number oI those who wanted to
work here.
Requirements Ior the in-
structors include knowledge in
belaying - the support system to
ensure saIety Ior the climber - as
well as basic saIety guidelines,
and instruction.
Sophomore Cecily Parell,
one oI the selected instructors,
expressed her enthusiasm.
'Rock climbing was a huge
part oI my liIe in high school,
Parell said. 'I am so excited to
be able to work with students
who maybe aren`t involved
with other sports on campus,
and hopeIully get them to Iall
in love with something that has
become my passion.
The number oI students in-
terested in working the rock
climbing wall has given Kocher
a good idea oI how high the in-
terest is Ior students wanting to
use it.
'It`s a little bittersweet be-
cause, iI it`s wildly popular, we
will have to get creative and
think oI ways to keep it interest-
ing and hire more instructors,
Kocher said. 'But it being pop-
ular and a Iun activity Ior the
students is what we are want-
ing. The interest in how many
students wanted to be instruc-
tors is a good indicator oI how
many students I am expecting
are wanting to use it.
Sophomore Allison Duber, a
track and feld athlete at the col-
lege and an active participant in
the school`s recreational pro-
gram, said she was eager Ior the
'I am so excited Ior the rock
wall to be open because this
wall is way better than any I
have been on beIore, she said.
'It will be a Iun and diIIerent
activity to do when I`m want-
ing to do something diIIerent
than running. I know a lot oI
people have talked about trying
it and are wanting to bring their
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Climbing wall opens Wednesday

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ship position roles, but active
participation. One thing I would
really like to do is give the grad
school a greater understand-
ing oI what`s going on with the
undergrad side oI things, and I
think it will help bring the two
communities together in a way.
In addition to the proposed
amendment, senior Sam Hold-
eman was sworn in to replace
junior Dominic Restuccia, who
is at WHIP this semester. Holde-
man had the next-highest num-
ber oI votes Irom the last elec-
'I`m really happy to be on
Student Fed, because it`s such a
great organization, Holdeman
said. 'I`m looking Iorward to
all the events we have planned.
I can`t wait to help with home-
coming and being on the elec-
tions committee.
Also, two new clubs were ap-
proved. The Investment Club
will be an organization dedicated
to learning and practicing prin-
ciples oI the fnancial market;
they will be investing monies in
diIIerent stocks in order to learn
more about the stock market.
The Symposium Club will be
a group dedicated to teaching
Hillsdale students about conser-
vatism. They hope to read books
by conservative authors and
bring in guest speakers.
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Despite the view, he said he
wasn`t surprised.
'We`ve had more gags and
glitches around here than an epi-
sode oI Home Improvement,
O`Sullivan said. 'It all makes
Ior good lunch conversation.
Most importantly, though, the
Iellas have all been super patient
and grateIul Ior the work being
done to the dorm.
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33 E. College St.
Hillsdale, MI 49242
Newsroom: (517) 607-2897
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On Thursday, Australian au-
thorities claimed they thwarted a
plot by supporters oI the Islamic
State to grab random people oII
the street and then behead the cap-
tured citizens on videotape. Aus-
tralia's attorney general said that
the massive raid, the largest coun-
terterrorism operation in the na-
tion's history, involving more than
800 police oIfcers and raids oI at
least 12 properties, was necessary
because, 'II the ... police had not
acted today, there is a likelihood
that this would have happened.
Australian Prime Minister
Tony Abbott confrmed that the
raids were prompted by inter-
cepted phone calls, Irom an Aus-
tralian oI AIghan descent believed
to be Mohammad Ali Baryalei.
The Sydney Morning Herald re-
ported that he is suspected to be
the 'most senior Australian mem-
ber oI the terrorist group Islamic
State, having traveled to Syria in
April last year. A proselytizer
Ior the 'Street Dawah Move-
ment, Barylei 'was outspoken
and wouldn't shy Irom speaking
the truth regardless, a Iormer Iel-
low Dawah member told FairIax
Media. 'He wasn't pleased with
living in Australian society and
wanted to live in an Islamic soci-
ety away Irom open alcoholism,
homosexuality, Iornication, drugs
and capitalism.
Baryalei is credited with re-
cruiting at least two Iellow Aus-
tralians to the cause. One, Khaled
SharrouI, inIamously tweeted
pictures oI himselI executing
prisoners in Iraq and images oI
his 7-year-old son holding a sev-
ered head in Syria. Another Iellow
Australian, Mohamed Elomar, has
also released images oI himselI
holding the decapitated heads oI
his 'enemies.
So here's the troubling ques-
tion: Why did Baryalei bother
making the phone calls?
We've been hearing Ior months
that the Islamic State is brilliant
at social media. The terror group
can reach out to supporters, sym-
pathizers and assassins all around
the world with a single tweet,
Facebook post or YouTube video.
II the terror group wants Mus-
lims in Sydney, Australia or in
New York City, or in Topeka, Kan-
sas - to grab innocent people oII
the street and saw their heads oII,
all it needs to do is say so. The
word will get to the intended ears
quickly enough.
Now, the Iact that the Islamic
State didn't do this is a little en-
couraging. It suggests that it's
either unwilling to cross that Ru-
bicon quite yet or it has reason
to believe that Iew people would
Iollow through on the public com-
mand, making it look weak. That's
all to the good.
But there's too much potential
bad news here as well.
For starters, it's hardly as iI
such people do not exist in the
West. The Iact that, collectively,
thousands oI Europeans, Canadi-
ans and Americans have gone to
Syria and Iraq Ior 'jihadi tourism
is also an indicator that people
willing to do such things live here.
It would be nice to think they've
all leIt Ior jihad abroad, but that
seems unlikely.
Besides, there are probably
new potential recruits to be enlist-
ed as well. Just this week, Mufd
ElIgeeh, a naturalized American
Irom Yemen living in Rochester,
New York, was indicted Ior trying
to recruit radical Muslims to shoot
American soldiers returning Irom
the Middle East. He had already
been arrested in May Ior trying to
buy handguns with silencers Irom
an undercover agent.
Perhaps most disturbing about
all oI this is that the Islamic State
doesn't seem that interested in
blowing up planes. Al-Qaeda al-
ways had an odd obsession with
destroying aircraIt and commit-
ting dramatic acts oI murder. This
fxation had an advantage: Such
elaborate plots were easier to be
Ioiled by law enIorcement and
intelligence agencies. The Islamic
State has discovered that behead-
ings - which are cheap and rela-
tively easy to conduct - have a
huge impact in the West. They are
also horriIyingly empowering to
the losers who support the cult. It
takes homework to build an IED.
Beheadings require very little in-
How to stop the equivalent
oI fash-mob terrorism no doubt
keeps Western oIfcials awake at
night, particularly when there's so
much potential to respond in ways
that Iurther radicalize some Mus-
lims. So Iar, the so-called 'anti-
Muslim backlash in the U.S. has
largely been a myth. But one can
imagine many decent and peace-
Iul Muslims paying a terrible price
Ior the crimes oI others iI the Is-
lamic State decided to cut out the
middlemen handlers and recruit-
ers like, allegedly, Baryalei and
One can also imagine radi-
cals propagandizing counterter-
ror operations into evidence oI
anti-Muslim bigotry -- a sentiment
which in turn would help with the
recruitment eIIort. (Sydney saw
large Muslim protests against the
government aIter the raids Thurs-
OI course, the challenge oI
do-it-yourselI jihadism has been
with us Ior quite a while. But, like
everything else, it seems to be
changing in the era oI Twitter.
Jonah Goldberg is a fellow at
the American Enterprise Institute
and editor-at-large of National
Review Online.
Thursday was Fair Day.
No classes and 'Old Sol
shining brightly stimulated
the spirit oI the students so
that aIter dinner College
Hill looked like the 'De-
serted Village.
About 1:30 the boys got
together and a collection
was taken up to buy a rope.
The purchaser started Ior
town but evidently Iound
someone to spend the mon-
ey on Ior an old rope had to
be secured.
With a 'Hullaballoo,
the bunch started through
the mob, gathering up the
students as they went along.
The frst show that the stu-
dents were 'invited to visit
was the dog and pony show.
The bunch crowded in and
was duly appreciated and
appreciative. Rumor says
that Doc Rubley essayed to
purloin a cat Ior the 'med-
ics, but Doc says, 'T`aint
The boys next conde-
scended to visit the 'Pana-
ma Canal Exhibit. The pro-
prietor gave us an address oI
welcome and all listened to
his lecture. But John Corbett
tried to lead a yell and Iell
into one oI the Gatum locks
and sunk the miniature ship.
Oct. 8, 1914
What happened to dating? When did we begin to exchange
the nervous yet exciting conversations over coIIee Ior casual late
nights in the union together, the dinner-and-a-movie dates Ior
hookups in some dingy back room oI a party?
There`s a split within our society that`s highlighted clearly at
Hillsdale College. Instead oI giving ourselves a chance to connect
with people on an actual rather than superfcial level, we settle
Ior two easy routes that are both, ironically, extremes: hookups or
'hillsdating. Neither are the ideal, but both are popular choices
Ior hormone-driven young adults at college to test the waters with-
out committing to anything whatsoever.
However, the truth oI the matter is that most oI us at Hillsdale
will not leave this campus with the security oI knowing that a Iu-
ture husband or wiIe is waiting at the end oI the graduation stage.
In reality, we will have to pull ourselves together and learn how to
interact with others iI we want to get to know someone. We won`t
have the network oI interconnected Iriends to help us sort out con-
Iused Ieelings and emotional conficts. We need to start changing
this attitude, and we need to begin by cultivating a more open at-
titude towards rejection.
Many who reIuse to 'make it oIfcial may believe that they are
deterring the heartache and irresponsibility to be Iound in dating
beIore you`re ready. Yet the process oI discarding such an impor-
tant concern in one`s liIe as dating is simultaneously a twisted in-
terpretation oI the sexual liberation movement and a setting-back
oI years oI improvement in gender roles.
Neither party can experience the immense joy that is making
room in one`s liIe Ior an 'other, or the bittersweet yet ediIying
sorrow when you lose someone you care about. The glorifed
culture oI social purity and masked coquettishness seemingly
extolled on Hillsdale`s campus through hillsdating does nothing
to aid the Iormation oI lasting bonds between students. It merely
creates an air oI juvenile firtatiousness, mock chivalry, and most
crucially, it produces skittish young people aIraid to date until they
have Iound 'The One.
The progress made in gender relations is stunted Iurther every
time a girl and a boy reIuse to acknowledge their Ieelings and erect
between themselves a barrier oI concealed thoughts, guilty Ieel-
ings, and evasive terms like 'courting (iI they even make it that
Iar). Girls become shy about interacting with boys, and those boys
expend all their energy trying to impress those girls by making
an impressive Ping-Pong shot or taking a shot oI liquid courage
instead oI fnding the nerve to talk to them.
Dating may seem like a daunting concept to anyone; this is not
a critique oI Hillsdale students` reluctance only. Dating seems in-
timidating because it is oIten misunderstood. In our generation, it
is taken to mean something Iar more binding than it is. By choos-
ing between hookups or hillsdating, young people engage in active
rebellion against this misunderstanding. However, dating is not the
same as 'going steady, and so out oI this fawed defnition emerge
imperIect solutions. Going on dates with someone in order to get
to know him or her better is not committing to a relationship with
that person. To date means to show acknowledged interest and to
Iollow up on that interest intentionally, even iI not exclusively.
College may be the last time that you are surrounded by so
many like-minded peers. So, ask someone on a date. Ask multiple
people on dates. Doing so is not being a 'player. It is being up-
Iront and honest about your Ieelings. No relationship, whether it
is platonic or romantic, can survive in the absence oI honesty. And
when you meet someone with whom you have a genuine connec-
tion, acknowledge it both publicly and privately. In such mutual
acknowledgment is Iound the commitment oI which we are all so
aIraid; dinner or drinks is not a marriage proposal.
So, please, ask that girl iI she`d like to get coIIee at Jilly Beans.
Approach that boy about getting lunch sometime. And when you
do, be honest about it. You, our campus, and the world in general
will be a whole lot better oII because oI it.
Sophomore Rachel Solomito is studving English and philosophv.
The Irenzied media continues
to wonder why Hillary Clinton will
not announce her run Ior president.
But the answer is obvious.
The clamor erupted as the Ior-
mer frst lady went on a book tour
that looked a lot like a campaign
tour. Last week, Jon Stewart on
'The Daily Show mocked Hillary
and the media in a segment called,
'Willary or Won`tary, Iocusing on
media hype when Hillary Clinton
attended an Iowa steak Iry that had
political pundits sizzling.
They expressed Irustration that
Hillary was disingenuous Ior Iail-
ing to make her intentions clear.
But she knows exactly what she`s
doing. Hillary is waiting to see
whether the Benghazi bombshell is
a dud or iI it will sink her campaign.
The scandal, largely dismissed
by the mainstream media, was Iol-
lowed by troubling reports oI Clin-
ton aides and the State Department
known Ior protecting their own
hiding evidence and impeding
investigations. Despite the Clin-
ton camp`s eIIorts, the evidence is
Last week, the Daily Signal re-
ported that Hillary`s chieI oI staII,
Cheryl Mills, oversaw a team that
sorted through Benghazi-related
documents and removed anything
that could make Hillary look bad.
They have a State Department
source on the record saying he
helped with the undertaking. This
is only one oI a slew oI reports.
In a revealing documentary, the
Blaze uncovered documents that
showed that the same chieI oI staII
helped block investigations into
prostitution, drug use, and charges
oI pedophilia in the State Depart-
ment. That same documentary
begins by reminding viewers oI a
chilling exchange during a Beng-
hazi hearing between Former Dep-
uty ChieI in Libya Gregory Hicks
and Representative Jim Jordan (R-
Hicks: I was instructed not to al-
low the |regional security oIfcer|,
the Acting Deputy ChieI oI Mission
and myselI to be personally inter-
viewed by Congressman ChaIIetz.
Jordan: So the people at State
told you, don`t talk to the guy who
is coming to investigate?
Hicks: Yes, sir.
Jordan: Have you ever had any-
one tell you, don`t talk with the
people Irom Congress coming to
fnd out what took place?
Hicks: Never.
Clips like these, and reports Irom
the Daily Signal, will prove great
Iodder Ior conservative groups and
the Republican nominee. But Hill-
ary may have more to worry about
Irom a Democratic primary race.
The Wall Street Journal reported
at the beginning oI this month that
Democratic Iundraisers claimed
Maryland Gov. Martin O`Malley
said he would run Ior president
regardless oI Clinton`s decision. II
the bombshell explodes the Hillary
campaign, O`Malley could slide in
as the Democratic nominee. From
a long shot to the only shot Ior the
Democrats, and all in less than a
year. But that`s the nature oI scan-
dals. They have a way oI changing
careers Iorever.
When a republican accuses a
Clinton oI corruption, it doesn`t
stick. Those 'conspiracy theorists
and 'right-wingers have been do-
ing it Ior years. Those are probably
the same people who think Obama
came out oI the womb praising Al-
lah on Kenyan soil.
But when a reputable democrat
like O`Malley begins a slew oI
campaign ads, neither Hillary Clin-
ton nor the mainstream media will
be able to ignore it.
Those claims oI Hillary`s cor-
ruption are dangerously close to
sticking, partially because they`re
likely true to some degree. Also, the
Clinton Dynasty reeks oI a power-
hungry, inside-the-beltway couple
gunning Ior Iour terms as president.
That narrative fts perIectly with the
accusations against her. 'OI course
the Clintons are corrupt. They`ll do
anything to stay in power. Heck,
Bill perjured himselI to save Iace.
Worst oI all Ior the Clintons is
the Benghazi hearings will contin-
ue. Witnesses will continue to sur-
Iace. Documents will continue to
become public. This slow process
will marinate the Clinton name in
this scandal, an experience they are
all too Iamiliar with. Hillary knows
this, and she is waiting. She would
rather go out on top now with her
Iortune, reputation, and likely an-
other book deal or two, than risk
running Ior president iI it will taint
her legacy as the Iailed presidential
candidate brought down by scan-
That`s what is in the back oI
Hillary`s mind when she sits at the
Iowa Steak Fry. She`s haunted by it.
Senior Casev Harper is a WHIP
program member studving political
A 20-year-old student
weighed down by a backpack
Iull oI Latin homework versus a
2,000-pound car cruising at 40
miles per hour. Does that sound
like a Iair fght?
This is a daily occurrence
students Iace on the streets sur-
rounding Hillsdale`s campus
and needs to be remedied. A stu-
dent is hard-pressed to cross the
road without engaging in Irenet-
ic calculation about the speed oI
oncoming cars in hopes to reach
the opposite curb unscathed.
Although it is the law that
cars and even bicycles must
yield to pedestrians, Hillsdale
drivers don`t seem to notice.
This increases the danger stu-
dents Iace when walking to and
Irom class every day.
The entire country instructs
budding drivers to yield to pe-
destrians. This is not to say that
pedestrians are the keenest oI
commuters. OIten times they
text or check Yik Yak as they
step into the crosswalk, disre-
garding traIfc. Still others hurl
themselves across streets at any
opening, crosswalk or no. Ei-
ther way, Michigan traIfc code
and physics acknowledge the
vulnerability oI on Ioot traveler,
Iorcing drivers to assume re-
Although jaywalkers assume
the risk oI collision, law-abid-
ing pedestrians ought to enjoy
the saIety oIIered by the cross-
Soon the seasons will turn,
and the cold will add to the
pedestrian`s weakness. Fresh-
men who trek Irom MacIntyre
or Olds deserve the polite (and
legal) right oI way to cross the
road into campus so they can
sooner fnd saIe harbor in a
heated classroom building.
Drivers must acknowledge
their walking peers in those Iran-
tic hours oI the morning when
they desperately peruse campus
Ior those Iew parking spots. As
winter approaches, recall how
much longer the morning walks
to class stretch Ior those on Ioot.
The city shouldn`t need a yield
sign to remind drivers oI their
advantage over walkers just
practice some common sense.
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Ravi Zacharias was such a bad stu-
dent he tried to kill himselI. At the age oI
17, weighed down by academic Iailures
and an inability to deal with the conse-
quences, a young Ravi guzzled packets
oI poison stolen Irom his school`s chem-
istry lab. Yet he survived.
While lying in the hospital during
his recovery, his mother read aloud the
encouraging words oI Jesus: 'Because I
live, you will also live. Deeply moved
by this verse Irom John 14:19, Ravi
gave his liIe to Christ and promised, 'I
will leave no stone unturned in my pur-
suit oI truth. His adolescence was in-
auspicious, but his liIe has become the
epitome oI the principles that inspire
Hillsdale students. ThereIore, it makes
perIect sense, and it would be a privi-
lege, to have Ravi as the next Hillsdale
College commencement speaker.
Born in Madras, India in 1946, Ravi
was the second oI fve children and
raised in a culture with high expecta-
tions Ior academic achievement. In the
evenings, Iamilies in his neighborhood
who were too poor to have electric-
ity would send their children outside
to study under the streetlamps. Limited
light and space inevitably lead to fghts
Ior access to the lamps. Those Iortunate
Iew who remained would tie a lock oI
their hair called a Bodi and spiritually
signifcant in Hinduism to the lamp
posts to keep them awake by tugging on
their heads in case they dozed oII. Later
in college, Ravi describes how students
would whisper among themselves about
committing suicide as an escape Irom
the intense pressure to perIorm well in
school. One oI Ravi`s best Iriends ended
his liIe by setting himselI on fre.
AIter Ravi recovered Irom the attempt
to poison himselI, he kept his promise to
God and vigorously pursued an educa-
tion in theology, Iocusing on compara-
tive religions and philosophy. At the age
oI 20, Ravi emigrated with his Iamily to
Canada where he earned an undergradu-
ate degree Irom Ontario Bible College.
AIter graduating in 1977, he became an
itinerant speaker Ior the Christian and
Missionary Alliance. He later earned his
Master oI Divinity Irom Trinity Inter-
national University, received numerous
honorary doctorates, and is now a vis-
iting scholar at Cambridge University.
He and his Iamily now live in Georgia
where his international apologetics min-
istry, RZIM, is celebrating its 30th anni-
He has traveled to more than 70 coun-
tries and is a highly sought-aIter speaker,
collaborator, and mentor. Pictures show
standing-room-only audiences in large
venues wherever he speaks whether
he's at the University oI Michigan cam-
pus in Ann Arbor or speaking on the
topic oI 'Truth in Turbulent Times in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Interestingly, the most hostile audi-
ences are oIten Iound in the West. For in-
stance, Ravi received a mixed welcome
when he recently spoke at an Ivy League
college. The local press was so antago-
nistic and accusatory that Ravi had to
have a bodyguard just to gain entrance
to the auditorium. The hostility is ironic
because Ravi talks about the very things
all students wrestle with and want to un-
derstand the big questions oI liIe.
In addition to giving talks and con-
ducting Q&A sessions, Ravi reaches stu-
dents through a variety oI ways. RZIM
recently launched a online academy oI-
Iering an interactive, 12-week course on
apologetics. They also host annual sum-
mer intensives in the U.S. and Canada
and have partnered with OxIord Uni-
versity in England to oIIer undergradu-
ate and master`s degrees in theologi-
cal studies. Ravi has also authored and
co-authored more than 30 books the
most recent oI which is a graphic novel
entitled 'The Lamb and the Fuhrer. In
it, Ravi depicts an imaginary conversa-
tion set in the aIterliIe among Jesus, Di-
etrich BonhoeIIer, and AdolI Hitler.
So, in the best oI ironies, Ravi`s liIe
is synonymous with education and a
Iearless pursuit oI truth. Ravi`s personal
mission and that oI RZIM to 'reach
and challenge those who shape the ideas
oI a culture harmonize perIectly
with Hillsdale and the character oI its
students. Ravi speaks to the universal
themes oI liIe, yet his ideas are Iresh,
thoughtIul, and challenging. By remem-
bering his own academic experiences
and regularly engaging students across
the nation, Ravi would relate easily to
Hillsdale students. The college has pro-
vided estimable speakers Ior commence-
ment, and Ravi would be a Iantastic ad-
dition to the list.
Samantha Straver is a second vear
masters student in the Jan Andel Grad-
uate School of Statesmanship.
Two concerned economists both
calling Ior economic reIorm, advocat-
ing the rights oI small business owners,
and decrying crony capitalism en-
gaged in a ferce debate hosted by En-
actus on Friday. Both voiced disgust Ior
Wall Street corruption. Both supported
worker`s rights, Iair working condi-
tions, and Iair wages. Both think the
current socioeconomic system is in a
bad place.
One is the director oI the Heritage
Foundation`s Center Ior Data Analysis
a capitalist and one is a member
oI the Socialist Party USA.
'Socialism tends to be misrepre-
sented, Socialist Party member John
Strinka said. 'When I say, I`m a social-
ist,` people say Oh, like Obama!` And
I say, No, that`s not what we mean.`
In the past century, America has al-
lowed an 'unholy agreement between
government and big business, Strinka
said. 'Capitalism |teaches| that humans
are commodities to be bought and sold.
At this point in American history, cor-
porations can buy government policy.
Democracy has been eaten up by cor-
porate interests.
Strinka is reacting to capitalism gone
wrong in American society. He sees the
evils oI corporatism and the corruption
oI Wall Street which are both Ios-
tered by capitalism and has turned to
socialistic reIorms as a way to divorce
big business and politics.
Without proper regula-
tion, the rich and power-
Iul do what they want,
according to Strinka.
'We see a Iree-market
system that has Iailed to
distribute the goods,
Strinka said.
At Hillsdale College,
we receive a rigorous
education that teaches
us how to evaluate the
good, the true, and the
beautiIul. But in the
politics and economics
departments, Hillsdale
tends to be one-sided in
its teaching. Contrary
to common Hillsdalian
belieI, capitalism is not
'the good. Capitalism,
just like socialism, has
its faws. 'Corporatism,
aka 'crony capitalism,
is the spawn oI capital-
ism gone wrong in the
hands oI sinIul men.
American socialists aren`t selI-as-
sured, Ireedom-hating wackos out to
destroy everything America stands Ior.
According to Strinka, socialists want
exactly what conservatives want: gov-
ernment policy Iree Irom the lobbying
oI CEOs, communities where small
businesses can succeed, and jobs that
Iulfll the individual and don`t turn the
daily eight hour grind into a miserable
chore. They just propose a diIIerent way
oI implementing much-needed reIorm
(whether or not their way is correct is
a diIIerent debate entirely). While capi-
talism doesn`t teach, as Strinka puts it,
that 'humans are com-
modities to be bought
and sold, crony capital-
ism certainly does.
Perhaps the impor-
tant thing to remember
is that there is a reason
socialists don`t adhere to
a capitalist philosophy.
They are not insane or
inherently evil, and they
are ultimately trying to
achieve the same things
as Hillsdale conserva-
tives. Since we identiIy
common problems and
share a common goal,
maybe it`s time we listen
to what socialists have
to say about the state
oI Corporate America.
AIter all, it was improp-
erly regulated capital-
ism that got us into the
ugly state we`re in now.
Movements like #Oc-
cupyWallStreet and the
recent #FloodWallStreet recognize the
dangers oI corrupted capitalism, even
iI their indignation and solutions are
somewhat naive.
II we sit in our booths in A.J.`s argu-
ing over the particulars oI anarcho-cap-
italism with Iellow students and decry-
ing the ludicrosity oI liberals, we won`t
be ready to engage smart, compassion-
ate liberals who are much more refned
and less crazy than we think.
More debates between diIIerent
schools oI thought would help students
get out oI Hillsdale`s philosophical
bubble and explore diIIerent views and
fnd common ground with economists
and philosophers who look at issues
Irom a diIIerent, but valuable angle.
Even economists who adhere to an
agrarian or Distributist philosophy
which advocate small capitalism, caps
on business size, widespread ownership
oI private property, and Iarm-centered
communities provide a much-need-
ed voice in the search Ior a healthy,
Iunctional society.
AIter all, it was Wendell Berry who
said in his Agrarian Essays, 'In a so-
ciety in which nearly everybody is
dominated by somebody else's mind
or by a disembodied mind, it becomes
increasingly diIfcult to learn the truth
about the activities oI governments and
corporations, about the quality or value
oI products, or about the health oI one's
own place and economy.
Sophomore Kate Patrick is assistant
citv news editor maforing in economics.
To the editor:
Emily Runge`s article last week
(Libertarians are wrong on ISIS, Sept.
18) on the alleged Iolly oI libertarian
'naysaying Iurther intervention in
Iraq and Syria showed a disturbing
lack oI understanding oI the situation.
As a conservative who deeply op-
poses the core tenets oI libertarian-
ism, I nonetheless believe the time
has come to say that there may be
some issues on which libertarians are
correct. Runge made repeated attacks
on libertarianism, saying its propo-
nents were unwilling to sit down and
work out a solution Ior the deIeat oI
ISIS with the other Washington p o -
litical Iactions. Nowhere in her piece
does she make an argument Ior U.S.
intervention in Syria and Iraq. The
question oI the justice or prudence oI
military action is already asked and
answered, without any sort oI discus-
Typically, the U.S. justifes send-
ing servicemen and women into
harm`s way in Ioreign countries be-
cause they are deIending national
security. Although perhaps tentative,
every war Iought in the 20th century
(barring the Balkan intervention) was
started Ior national security reasons. II
the U.S. president is willing to put sol-
diers into a situation where they will
kill and maybe also be killed, as well
as spending a lot money on the way,
and the situation is not one concern-
ing national security, then war is be-
ing made unjustly.
It is true, ISIS has already mur-
dered an American citizen. But this
certainly does not constitute an ex-
istential threat to the United States.
Perhaps the best solution would be
to send in a very small special Iorces
team to capture or kill those respon-
sible. I claim no expertise in military
operations, but it seems more prudent
to right the only injustice committed
against the United States than to jump
into yet another unwinnable war in
the Middle East based on a single in-
Runge asserts that the 2011 with-
drawal oI troops Irom Iraq was 'im-
prudent. What national security mis-
sion was the United States attempting
to accomplish aIter the end oI 2003
in Iraq? Maybe the argument is that
the United States is playing a noble
role in the destruction oI an evil en-
tity committing atrocities across the
I don`t think anyone would doubt
that ISIS is evil. However, prudence
and nobility in Ioreign policy almost
always happen to coincide. The Unit-
ed States government must prudently
work Ior the security oI its people.
This is its only noble purpose. To
do anything other would be to spend
American lives and money on an is-
sue oI no concern to the United States,
which is ignoble as well as imprudent.
The Iact is, there is no reason yet
to fght a war against ISIS. II ISIS
were to attack the United States, then
a casus belli would be established. As
oI yet, it simply seems that the Presi-
dent and everyone else in Washington
is concerned only with doing some-
thing, without spending any thought
on what the noble and prudent thing
to do would be. Runge`s piece refects
this dangerous lack oI thought.
Junior Luke Adams
Students come to Hillsdale College, in
large part, because oI the excellent liberal
arts education that the college provides.
We read about ancient Greece and medi-
eval England. We study the make-up oI a
molecule and the anatomy oI the cell. We
learn how to translate 'The Aeneid and
calculate the slope oI a tangent line to a
But what oIten is leIt by the wayside is
the education oI the body. Hillsdale keeps
her students` noses buried in books, which
oIten times keeps many
away Irom exercising
or enjoying sports on
However, laboring
at the 'gymnastic as
Plato calls it in 'The
Republic, is a vital
part oI a liberal arts
In 'The Re-
public, Plato,
through the voice
oI Socrates, ar-
gues that there
are two impor-
tant parts oI
education: the
musical and the
It is key
to note
t h a t
t h e
musical education is not limited to music.
It also includes other intellectual stud-
ies generally thought oI when discussing
what a liberal arts education consists oI,
mainly rhetoric.
The gymnastic education, on the other
hand, is simply the training and strength-
ening oI the body. Plato says clearly that
both are important, but they can only have
their true eIIect when used together. Prac-
ticing only one, he argues, is detrimental.
Plato, through the character Glaucon,
argues that, 'those who make use oI un-
mixed gymnastic turn out more savage
than they ought, while those who make
use oI music become in their turn soIter
than is fne Ior them.
Socrates goes on to say, 'Then the man
who makes the fnest mixture oI gymnas-
tic with music and brings them to his soul
in the most proper measure is the one oI
whom we would most correctly say
that he is the most perIectly musical
and well harmonized.
Plato`s statements refect an important
part oI being human. We have an intellec-
tual side, a 'soul as Socrates says, and we
have a more physical body. The musical
education trains one`s intellect, while the
gymnastic education strengthens the body.
Developing one at the expense oI the
other leaves a person incomplete. II the
point oI a liberal arts education is to be-
come a Iree human being in the classical
sense, then one must sharpen all aspects
oI what it means to be human in order to
truly be liberally educated. In this way, the
gymnastic education plays an essential
role in the liberal arts.
Last year, the Centers Ior Disease
Control and Prevention released a study
stating that 80 percent oI adults in America
don`t achieve the recommended amount
oI exercise. Whether this is a result oI a
lack oI emphasis on sports and exercise
within education can be debated. But plac-
ing an emphasis on exercise will certainly
help increase the number oI adults who
continue to take part in the gymnastic edu-
cation. However, the gymnastic education
is not just limited to one`s own exercise.
Just as it is not only benefcial to play
music but to listen to it as well, there is also
great beneft to watching others train their
bodies through sports and the like. In the
same way one appreciates good music and
fnds enjoyment Irom it, one should also
appreciate and enjoy the mastery that ath-
letes show in their sport.
Students at Hillsdale, in large part,
have no problem making it to concerts
by music honoraries and orchestra perIor-
mances on campus. On the fip side, the
student section at athletic events is oIten
sparsely populated. But aren`t both con-
certs and sporting events two sides oI the
same coin?
Attending a Iootball game and par-
ticipating in the gymnastic education in
that way is comparable to going to the
orchestra and participating in the musical
education. Both events, through sight and
sound, allow the observer to grow in his or
her understanding oI that education even
iI they are not able to perIorm the action
Music is to the musical education as
sport is to the gymnastic education. So
don`t just go listen to the orchestra. Go
watch a Iew Chargers Iootball games as
well. Both play an important part in a lib-
eral arts education.
Sophomore Nathanael Meadowcroft is
assistant sports editor studving math.
It is only the love oI others, not our
own merit or worth, that allows us to
live and learn here at Hillsdale Ior Iour
Please understand that I do not in-
tend to demean the hard work that many
students put in to pay Ior this education.
Working Ior a paycheck that you will
immediately give away isn`t ideal, but
we do it each week nevertheless. And
we do it because we know that it`s worth
For those oI us graduating in May
2015, the total cost oI our Hillsdale edu-
cation is approximately $75,950,000, or
$245,000 per student, according to Vice
President oI Institutional Advancement
John Cervini. However, none oI us has
paid anywhere near that amount. At the
most, a Iew oI us may have paid a price
akin to $130,000 in Iour years. But most
Rather, our average cost remains
around $30,000 each year. The average
aid package totals $16,700. Even aIter
our sticker price has been halved, most
oI us still receive considerable fnancial
Where does all this aid come Irom?
To be sure, Hillsdale College has several
beneIactors with the means to provide
extraordinary giIts. Others leave their
estates to the trust oI the college, with
specifc intentions guiding the monies`
uses. You need only to check the name-
plate under the nearest portrait in Lane
or Kendall to fnd such a person.
But they are in the minority. Hills-
dale donors are more oIten associated
with cheeseburgers and minivans than
caviar and helipads. Around 80 percent
oI all the donations to the college consist
oI giIts $100 or less. Our dorm lights are
kept on and our water keeps running be-
cause oI the simple love oI thousands oI
people across the country, oIten without
direct connection to this place.
That is perhaps the most absurd thing
about it: The vast majority oI these bene-
Iactors will never set Ioot on Hillsdale`s
campus. Their children or grandchildren
may never attend and their association
with the school will only ever consist
oI radio ads and Imprimis. It is unlikely
that they will ever see directly the Iruits
oI their generosity, yet they give a por-
tion oI their hard-earned money to a
small liberal arts college in the middle
oI Michigan.
And this generosity is the only reason
why many oI us are able to attend our
college. Strangers, people we will never
meet, have made it possible Ior us to
meet our best Iriends, learn the greatest
things, and spend Iour years oI our lives
in a place with people that have changed
us Iorever. And they have done this, not
because we have earned it through our
grades, our scores, or our resumes, but
because they love this place and what
we do here.
II they can give, iI strangers with-
out cause can become true Iriends oI
our college, I believe that we can give
too. And not out oI obligation, but out
oI love. Out oI love Ior this place, the
people, the experiences we had and
those we never had to have. And Ior the
education we received, participated in,
and helped make.
For the love oI what we`ve been
given, and what we hope many will be
given long aIter we are gone.
Senior Andv Reuss is senior class
president studving politics and English.
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It's Cuke {poH) Thyme: Yoong bukers tuke lessons
some extra joy out oI their Sat-
urday aIternoon during 'Who
Called Me a Cream PuII?!, a
baking class Ior children ages 6
to 13.
Marcia Cole, owner oI lo-
cal dessert shop Cake Thyme,
taught seven young cheIs the art
oI making Pate a Choux dough,
which is French Ior the versatile
pastry known as the cream puII.
For Cole, reaching out to the
Hillsdale community with her art
and attracting customers to lo-
cal businesses is important. By
sharing baking with children,
she aims to connect a younger
generation to an art that has been
pushed to the back burner in
modern education.
'BeIore we start cooking, we
want to have everything ready to
go, Cole said to begin the class.
As seven girls tied fowery
aprons and partnered up at sta-
tions around the baking counter,
Cole asked her students to read
the recipe and check their sup-
plies. The simple recipe requires
only Iour ingredients, but Cole
reminded students that baking
always Iollows a plan.
Under Cole`s careIul instruc-
tion, cheIs began pouring, stir-
ring, and mixing. Excitement
took shape along with the pas-
try dough, with shouts oI, 'Is
this halI a cup? 'Should we
wash our hands iI we get eggs
on them? 'Hey! It`s starting to
Mary Boocks watched her
three granddaughters Irom a
counter across the kitchen. She
brought them to Cake Thyme`s
frst children`s class this summer.
In the Iuture, Cole plants to oIIer
one baking class per month
with some being Ior adults.
'They love it, Boocks said
oI her students. 'They love to try
new stuII. They`re really devel-
oping their skills.
As the smell oI baking cream
puIIs waIted through the kitchen,
Cole and her students prepared
a chocolate glaze. They also
shaped Iondant into roses to dec-
orate the creations.
In describing
this staple oI
cake deco-
r a t i n g ,
C o l e
s a i d ,
' I t ` s
g r e a t ,
it`s like
P l a y -
Doh, ex-
cept you can
eat it.
An hour later, proud young
cheIs greeted their parents with
boxes oI cream puIIs and stories
oI creative, edible Iun.
'I really wanted to learn to
make cream puIIs, because I`ve
had them Irom the store and they
were really good, Ava Ruley, 7,
Her sister Erin, 11, said, 'I`d
never made dough beIore Irom
scratch. We usually buy it Irom
the store.
The joy oI making things Irom
scratch is exactly what Cole aims
to Ioster.
'I`ve always been a teacher,
Cole said. 'I`m an educator at
She described past teaching
experiences with students who,
until they made applesauce in her
class, thought that applesauce
came Irom a jar.
'I want to have Iun, Cole
said. 'Just have Iun. Create beau-
ty. That`s important to me.
Customers return to Cake
Thyme Ior Cole`s beauty trans-
Iormed into cakes and cupcakes
Ior weddings and birthdays and
oIten return to praise the product
they bought.
Cake Thyme, which opened in
October 2013, began as a popular
Ieature oI the downtown Farm-
ers` Market. When the storeIront
frst opened, Cole baked at home
and transported all her goods
to the Farmer`s Market and the
store. About Iour months ago,
the business received its bak-
ing license. Cole now bakes her
products in Cake Thyme`s spa-
cious kitchen, which is also ideal
Ior introducing children to the art
oI baking.
Aspiring cheIs and empty
stomachs agree: Cake Thyme
adds extra sweetness to educa-
tion, Iood, and Iun.
'There`s a relationship build-
ing. Those who come back come
back Ior more than a cupcake,
Cole said.
Cake Thyme is open Friday
through Saturday 10 a.m. to 3
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Aspiring bakers squeezed
Hillsdale City Council voted
to eliminate the director oI public
saIety position and replace it with
acting police chieI and fre chieI
positions Sept. 15.
Since the council is searching
Ior a new city manager, these two,
new positions will be temporary
until a city manager replacement
decides how to assign the director
oI public saIety`s responsibilities.
'Over the last 17 years we`ve
had a director oI public saIety
that was a management position
that oversaw budget operations,
acting fre chieI Kevin Pauken
said. 'Now it`s just a change in
administrative titles. For 60 days,
I`m the acting chieI, |until we|
get a new city manager and fgure
out the direction they want to go
with as Iar as management.
Pauken and acting police
chieI Scott Hephner will not see
a change in their salaries, said
councilperson Emily Davis. The
two positions are currently at
zero cost to the city.
'The public saIety committee
would like to see a police and a
fre chieI, and thinks it would be
cheaper iI we structure |the di-
rector oI public saIety position|
diIIerently, Davis said. 'We are
looking Ior a new city manager,
so it will be up to him.
Right now, the public saIety
committee doesn`t know what the
cost would be oI having perma-
nent police and fre chieI posi-
tions, or whether or not the posi-
tions would align with Pauken`s
and Hephner`s retirement plans,
Davis said.
In other business, the council
voted to notiIy the police depart-
ment to issue a civil inIraction
citation to the owner oI 55 S.
Broad St., a piece oI property in
violation oI the Property Own-
ers Maintenance Code and con-
demned in 2009 as a saIety haz-
'She (the owner) pays taxes
literally on the last day beIore be-
ing Ioreclosed. She does the bare
minimum, said Kim Thomas,
City Assessor.
'The issue Ior us is that the
property has been in the same
condition Ior fve years, Thomas
Once the city assessor`s oIfce
compiles the violations, the po-
lice department will issue a cita-
tion on the property. Right now,
the oIfce is still unsure what the
violations are.
'We`ve sent her a letter ask-
ing what her defnite plans are,
and we`ll make a decision Irom
there, Thomas said.
During public comment, Cin-
dy Bieszk addressed the council
in Irustration over the loss oI
parking spaces at the Hillsdale
Filling Station Deli on M-99.
'There has to be better com-
munication in the city between
city council members and busi-
ness owners, Bieszk told the
council. 'I`m not happy to lose
my parking spots, but I`ll accept
Director oI Public Services
Keith Richard told the council
that the parking spaces on M-99
violated Iederal regulations,
which is why he had them re-
'It`s a saIety issue that should
have been dealt with years ago,
Richard said. 'It`s a Iederal regu-
'I burned up the phone lines
last Friday, Bieszk said, describ-
ing how she called city council
members to demand what was
going on with the parking spaces.
'Thank you to everyone who
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This week, Hillsdale Dis-
trict Court Judge candidate Sara
Lisznyai received the endorse-
ment oI the two sitting judges in
Hillsdale County: Circuit Court
Judge Mike Smith and Probate
Court Judge Michelle Bianchi.
'These are the people who
have seen me and my oppo-
nent beIore them Ior the past 18
years, and they`ve endorsed me,
Lisznyai said. 'They`re a critical
part to this whole Iormula.
This week. Lisznyai has a
booth at the Hillsdale County
Fair to hand out signs and visit
with business owners and mem-
bers oI the community.
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Amidst sheets oI rain, Hill-
sdale District Court Judge can-
didate Neal Brady and his son
constructed a large campaign
sign oII oI M-99 on the way into
Hillsdale last Saturday.
Between serving as Hills-
dale`s prosecuting attorney and
coaching the Hillsdale Academy
high school soccer team, Brady
doesn`t have spare time, so
campaigning continues
weather permitting or not.
'The campaign has been rig-
orous, in the sense that you have
to fnd time to accommodate an-
other Iull-time job, Brady said.
'You have to spend all oI your
time doing meaningIul things,
and things that aren`t meaningIul
have to Iall by the wayside.
Despite the campaign`s chal-
lenges, Brady said he enjoys
the process, largely because oI
the valuable relationships he`s
'It has been time-consuming,
but it has been rewarding in a lot
oI ways, Brady said. 'Primarily,
meeting people that I have come
to appreciate and having them
come to appreciate me. Some oI
the people I don`t even know, or I
have only met them a Iew times,
but I am able to connect with the
people that I serve.
Brady has a passion Ior help-
ing people, exemplifed through
his lengthy career in public ser-
'People think that prosecutors
are in the business oI just putting
people away, but oIten lives need
mended on both sides, Brady
said. 'II you`re open to this, you
can help and assist people to get
on with their liIe in a more mean-
ingIul way.
According to Brady, the move
Irom prosecutor to judge is a
natural transition.
'Judge is the next chapter in
the world oI public service. This
is the frst time since I`ve been
here that this seat has opened
up and so |running| Ielt like the
natural thing to do, Brady said.
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Terri Lynn Land, Michigan`s
'invisible senate candidate, is
fnally stepping into the spot-
Since her Mackinac Island
gaIIe, Land has avoided open
press conIerences and public ap-
pearances, but she announced
this week that she will debate
opponent Rep. Gary Peters. Land
hired Iormer Secretary oI State
Richard McLellan as her cam-
paign`s debate negotiator, but as
oI press time, a date Ior the de-
bate hasn`t been announced.
'Terri is ready to hold Peters
accountable Ior his hypocrisy
on everything Irom immigration
and Wall Street to pet coke and
the war on women, said Heath-
er SwiIt, spokeswoman Ior the
Land Campaign. 'Gary Peters
wanted this debate let`s have

McLellan will Iocus on an in-
vitation Irom WXYZ-TV in De-
troit, MLive reports. The Land
campaign will work with Peters`
campaign to fnd a West Michi-
gan journalist to co-moderate the
debate with Chuck Stokes, edito-
rial director Ior WXYZ.
'Every election is a debate
oI ideas and Ms. Land would be
well served to remember that this
U.S. Senate race is not about her,
but about the people oI Michi-
gan, the Peters campaign told
MLive. 'In November, Michi-
ganders will be choosing be-
tween two very diIIerent visions
Ior the Iuture oI our state, our na-
tion, and our middle class.
Over the course oI their cam-
paigns, Peters has challenged
Land to fve debates, but this is
the frst time Land has agreed to
Until now, Land has taken a
diIIerent approach at winning
the people oI the Great Lakes
State, bussing across more than
1,200 miles and appearing at
28 events between Aug. 13 and
early September. The campaign
also recently ran 1,300 TV ads in
one week, according to the Cen-
ter Ior Public Integrity. Land ran
the second highest total ads oI
all senate campaigns nationally,
aIter Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell in Kentucky.
Yet, polls show Peters main-
tains his lead: the latest tally
published Sept. 21 by We Ask
America shows Peters with a
three-point lead. The republi-
can-leaning Magellan Strategies
showed Peters leading by fve
points, while democratic-leaning
Public Policy Polling reported
Peters ahead by seven points, ac-
cording to The Hill.
'The bottom line is that this
race is very close and arguably
tied with just over seven weeks
until Election Day, Land cam-
paign strategist John Yob wrote
in a memo this week. 'Republi-
cans have a good chance to win
a U.S. Senate seat in Michigan
Ior the frst time since 1994.
2014 Elections
8 North Fashion and Jewelry
Boutique, nestled in the heart oI
Hillsdale`s downtown on How-
ell Street, may close within the
year. Despite its popularity,
customers now see a 'Ior sale
sign in Iront oI the boutique
because owner Mindi Meyer
hopes to move to Florida.
'I did list the building, so I
might only be here Ior a couple
more months,
Meyer said in
August. 'I`m
moving largely
Ior personal
reasons I
would like to
move to a larg-
er community.
Meyer con-
tinues to or-
der clothes,
though, be-
cause she can`t
move until she sells the store.
'I might be here until Christ-
mas, Meyer said. 'II someone
makes me an oIIer I`ll go, but iI
not I`m here.
The store caters to college
students and the Hillsdale com-
munity with clothing and ac-
cessories Irom New York and
Los Angeles.
'I want to give Iashion at
an aIIordable price, and it`s all
new, Meyer said. 'I`m in New
York quite a bit. When I sell,
I`m defnitely in the lower price
Vern Wende `14 aIfrmed 8
North`s college-Iriendly style
and prices, saying she oIten
shopped there while attending
'I tried to go in every week
at least once to see iI there`s
anything new, Wende said.
'My mom loves to go in there
too because it`s just one oI those
places. 8 North has very classy
clothes I love their dresses,
that`s what I usually get. I`ve
used every single piece |I`ve
bought there| so Iar.
The little shop on 8 N.
Howell St. was not always a
boutique. Until three years ago,
the boutique was a fne jewelry
store called Meyer`s Diamond
Center, owned and operated by
the Meyer Iamily.
'It was more high-end, fne
jewelry, Meyer said. 'I didn`t
care to be in the fne jewelry
business anymore, and then the
jewelry business was becoming
very expensive, so I Ielt more
comIortable going into the
Iashion line.
Meyer transIormed the
store into a boutique in August
2011, and she
enjoys consis-
tent business
t h r o u g h o u t
the summer.
In January
2013, Mey-
er created
a Facebook
page Ior 8
North to ad-
vertise sales,
coupons, and
deals. Since
she joined Facebook, she`s
seen an uptick in sales.
'People see stuII coming up
|on Facebook|, so then they`ll
come in and get it, Meyer said.
Wende, who regularly com-
petes pageants, keeps up with
the 8 North Facebook page and
fnds things that she can`t fnd
anywhere else.
'It`s always neat because I
have Iound only one other store
ever that has some oI the same
brands. They`re all diIIerent
brands that I`ve never actually
heard oI myselI. I`m wearing
two pieces Ior the Miss Ohio
pageant that I bought Irom 8
North. One is Pink Owl, and
that dress is one oI my top Ia-
vorites, Wende said.
Even though the quality oI
8 North Iashion is frst-rate, its
prices are very reasonable Ior a
college student, usually around
thirty dollars.
'The prices are pretty good
in comparison, Wende said.
'II you looked Ior these dresses
elsewhere they`d be a lot more.
Knowing that this store in Hill-
sdale has cool designs, in a
small town like that it`s a
great way to get away.`
8 North owner plans to
sell boutique
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An audience oI students and
Iaculty gained ideas Ior con-
necting Hillsdale`s college and
city during a conversation be-
tween Associate ProIessor oI
English Patricia Bart and Pro-
Iessor oI Political Economy
Gary WolIram Thursday.
The unscripted dialogue,
held in the Iormal lounge, was
the second in the Honors Pro-
gram`s series 'The Conversa-
tion. The topic was Bridg-
ing the Town Gown Divide: A
Conversation about Hospitality,
Membership, and Community.
True to its philosophy, 'The
Conversation event allowed
the audience to learn by wit-
nessing loves in conversation.
Both Bart and WolIram have
a passion Ior what WolIram
called making Hillsdale 'a col-
lege town as opposed to a town
with a college.
The two believe campus
members should also be mean-
ingIul town members. Without
this integration, they believe
the academic community can-
not Iully reap the benefts oI
Hillsdale`s unique, small-town
'From just being up at the
college, you don`t realize what
a nice community you have,
WolIram said. 'You have to be
nice to people because the next
day, you might be standing in
line at the Kroger`s with them.
That`s the beauty oI Hillsdale.
WolIram also believes bridg-
ing the gap between town-and
-gown infuences the city`s eco-
nomic success.
'It`s a chicken-and-the-egg
kind oI thing, he said. 'II no-
body goes downtown, there`s no
retail downtown Ior you guys to
go to.
Bart and WolIram commend-
ed students already connecting
with the town, including cam-
pus volunteer groups. They en-
couraged students to spend time
at community businesses, get to
know local residents, and show
hospitality to townspeople.
Both proIessors inspired stu-
dents to do these things with
examples Irom their own lives.
Bart hosts dinners Ior Hills-
dale residents at her home, al-
lowing her to beIriend people
she might otherwise never meet.
'I invite some oI the neigh-
bors that do seem to be upstand-
ing, Bart said. 'And then invite
them to invite somebody else.
She stressed the simplicity
oI hospitality, saying it isn`t al-
ways a diIfcult Ieat.
'Maybe entertaining is, she
said. 'But hospitality isn`t.
'Part oI it is just getting a
group oI people that you can
say, Hey, let`s go to Broad
Street Market,` WolIram said.
'You don`t even have to do it in
your house.
He suggested inviting com-
munity members to a Hillsdale
play or musical perIormance.
'How would you like it iI
you came out onto the stage and
there was standing room only?
he asked. 'II you got 15 or 25
people to come up Irom the
town, that would happen.
Christina Lambert, Honors
Program co-president, orga-
nized the event. She believes
the question oI how to live as
members oI a community not
only pertains to students` col-
lege years, but to the rest oI
their lives.
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Under the Friday night lights
at Michigan`s St. Johns High
School, visiting teams must
have thought the student section
was stranger than most when
they started chanting: 'UN-CLE
The stars oI the small town`s
chants are now Chargers: Senior
captain Tim Moinet and redshirt
sophomore Austin Koneval. And
their hometown`s chants were
true: Moinet`s older sister is Ko-
neval`s mother, making him Ko-
neval`s uncle. However, they de-
scribe their relationship as more
like brothers, and they`re as close
as their numbers on the feld: Ko-
neval 23, Moinet 24.
'He`s like a brother, that`s just
how it is, Moinet said. 'Grow-
ing up we lived less than a mile
apart, we were together 24/7, so
I know everything about him,
everything about his personality
and vice versa. That`s huge on
the feld because I know what
he`s thinking, where he`s going
to go and what I need to do to
help him out.
The two played their frst sea-
son oI Iootball together when
Koneval entered Iourth grade
and Moinet fIth. They credit
their frst coach, Moinet`s dad
Norm, Ior teaching them Iootball
'Football`s always been a
Iamily thing Ior us, Koneval
They developed a love Ior
the same position deIensive
back and they started as saIe-
ties on the St. Johns varsity Ioot-
ball team Ior two years together.
'Both oI us loved high school
Iootball. It was an absolute blast
Ior us, Moinet said.
Andy Schmitt, the assistant
high school coach at the time,
said the Iun they had on the feld
was clear to anyone watching.
'They`re both extremely pas-
sionate about Iootball. It was ob-
vious how much they cared Ior
each other and Ior the team and
it was always exciting to watch
them. They were great guys to
coach, Schmitt said. 'Tim was
always looking out Ior Austin
and Austin was always open and
receptive to his advice.
Schmitt started coaching the
St. Johns Red Wings aIter his
three-year stint as starting quar-
terback Ior Eastern Michigan
University. He brought his expe-
rience in college Iootball recruit-
ing to the high school and made
it a point to help Moinet.
'He was a senior at the time
and I thought he was getting a bit
overlooked. He was an awesome
player, Schmitt said.
Hillsdale snatched up Moinet
and played him as a true Iresh-
man, and a year later Koneval
joined the Chargers` roster.
Senior deIensive back Dan
Pittman, Tim`s roommate all Iour
years, describes both oI the guys
as quiet, but said their personali-
ties diIIer on game day.
'Tim lets his pregame emo-
tions get the best oI him. He gets
really amped up, Pittman said.
'Austin`s always pretty quiet.
He`ll come oII a big play and just
walk oII like yeah, whatever.
Moinet, the rover, and Kone-
val, the Iree saIety, have a con-
stant fow oI communication on
the feld.
'II I mess up I get really
pissed oII and he`s always there
to say Come on, lets keep go-
ing,` and keep my head level. It`s
nice because we`re always on the
same page, Koneval said. 'I`m
not really here by myselI because
he`s got my back.
Hillsdale`s deIensive coordi-
nator Craig Blanchard said the
two are 'giIted players.
'They`re my most physical
players. They`re able to com-
municate and draw strength Irom
each other, Blanchard said.
'There`s a lot oI ups and downs
in this game, and having each
other to lean on and work togeth-
er is pretty neat.
While both oI them play on
the feld at Muddy Waters Stadi-
um, their Iamily parents, along
with Moinet`s older brother, and
two other older sisters, as well as
Austin`s two younger siblings
sit in the stands and cheer them
on. Football, however, is not the
only thing that brings the Iamily
together. Bonding time is spent
working out.
'Athletics really unite us as a
Iamily. We all love working out
together, training together, and
aIterwards we`ll go play volley-
ball, baseball, Iootball that`s
what we do all summer, and it`s
always a great time, Moinet
The two saIeties work out so
much that the Iootball team calls
them Greek gods.
Their synergy on the feld and
hard work oII the feld are paying
oII Koneval won the Big Stick
Award in the frst season game
against Findlay, a title that goes
to the player with the biggest hit
oI the day, and last season Moinet
was named the team`s deIensive
back oI the year and earned an
All-GLIAC honorable mention.
Like position, they share
similar academic interests. Both
gravitated towards Hillsdale`s
physical science major. Austin
aspires to be a chiropractor, and
aIter graduating this spring Tim
will pursue a degree in physical
You can catch the uncle and
nephew in action at the next
home game against Grand Valley
State University on Oct. 4.
!"# !%&'(&
!"#$%& ()*%#$
Hillsdale: 13
Northern Michigan: 10
!"#$%&' )*+,-
Ryan Portrykus 52 yd pass
Irom Mark LaPrairie (Steven
Mette kick)
Wade Wood 17 yd run (Mette
kick blocked)
.//0*, 1/+2/$-
Bennett Lewis 20-66
Wood 5-41
Jack Wiseman 6-24
LaPrairie 16-38-1-244
John Haley 5-93
Portrykus 1-52
Evan Bach 2-38
J. D`Agostino 5-6
Jay Rose 2-8
Hillsdale: 3
Northwood: 0
Hillsdale: 3
Lake Superior St.: 0
Hillsdale: 3
Findlay: 0
!/+-#& 1/+2/$-
Emily WolIert (72)
Haylee Booms (67)
Marissa Owen (289)
Jenalle Beaman (15)
Brittany Jandasek (109)
Jessie Kopmeyer (76)
Hillsdale: 2
Grand Valley St.: 7
Hillsdale: 2
Ferris St.: 7
The track and feld coaching
staII was fnally completed two
weeks ago with the addition oI
another assistant coach.
Nathan Miller, the newest
member oI the staII, specializes
in jumps and short sprints. He
started nearly two weeks ago, the
third new coach hired this semes-
ter. Joseph Lynn, distance coach,
and Janine Kuestner, throws
coach, were also hired over the
Miller attended Grand Val-
ley State University where he
was a high jumper. He was an
All-American his junior year,
and jumped 2.13 meters, nearly
seven Ieet.
AIter graduating in 2011, he
coached at Northwood Univer-
'When I was at Northwood,
I was coaching a whole array oI
events. I was coaching hurdles,
jumps, sprints, I even did a little
bit oI middle distance, Miller
said. 'I wanted to go back and
specialize in the jumps because
that was where my passion was.
Andrew Towne, 04, head
coach Ior the men and women`s
Hillsdale cross country and track
and feld teams, said he recog-
nized Miller Irom when he was a
high jumper at Grand Valley.
'Because he was at Grand
Valley I didn`t like him, Towne
joked. 'I really didn`t know him
at all.
But aIter interactions with
Miller at Northwood, Towne
was impressed by Miller and his
passion Ior the sport. He invited
Miller to help work at the Hills-
dale camp last summer Ior high
school students, mostly just to
observe him in action. When a
coaching position opened at Hill-
sdale, Towne knew that Miller
was the man Ior the job.
'Even though each coach
does things a little bit diIIerently,
his teaching philosophy, his day-
to-day approach is really similar
to mine, so the kids will have
a pretty seamless transition,
Towne said.
Senior Cassidy KauIman is
one oI the captains oI the men`s
team, representing the jumps.
He said that the team has already
learned so much Irom the new
'We`ve only had him Ior a
week, but a lot oI us have fxed
certain things that we`ve had
trouble with Ior a long time. We
are all pretty excited about this
season, KauIman said.
He also said that both Miller`s
youth and his experience are
helpIul in relating to the young
'He is very clear, very com-
municative in his instructions,
KauIman said. 'And at the same
time, he`s very young, so he can
show us a lot oI the movements,
which is nice. He is very fuid, he
knows his stuII, and he practices
what he preaches.
Towne said that the staII-- in
terms oI recruiting and devel-
oping athletes-- is composed oI
some oI the most talented coach-
es in the country.
'One oI the things that I
wanted to do when we started to
assemble our staII was that we
bring in the best possible peo-
ple, he said. 'We want to make
sure that we are giving our kids
every chance to be successIul,
and I think we were able to do
that across the board. That`s one
oI the reasons the kids are excit-
ed, they can tell they are working
with really good people.
Though compiling a new
coaching staII has not been easy,
Towne said that he believes Hill-
sdale oIIers more opportunities
than challenges. He said that the
goals are to get athletes to gradu-
ation, and to be a podium team,
which means fnishing in the top
Iour teams. Last year was the
Iourth time in school history that
the women`s cross country team
qualifed Ior the NCAA Champi-
'I would be very surprised iI
the year didn`t fnish even bet-
ter than it did last year, probably
by a signifcant amount, Towne
said. 'I`m excited to be here and
start my Iourth year. I`m excited
Ior our program.
Miller echoed Towne`s hopes
Ior the team this season.
'I hope that our team is not
only competing at a high con-
Ierence level, but also a national
level, he said. 'When I talked to
coach Towne when I interviewed
here, that was his goal, and that
was my goal as an athlete, and I
hope that will be the same Ior our
athletes here.
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Hillsdale College tennis Iell
to both opponents in its opening
home matches oI the season, de-
spite hard Iought contests.
On Saturday, the team lost 7-2
in a tough match against Grand
Valley State University.
'Grand Valley is always
tough, but I think we also have
potential that we haven`t Iully
realized yet, senior captain
Morgan Delp said.
The two wins Ior Hillsdale
can be attributed to strong plays
Irom the frst and second doubles
teams, putting the team 2-1 go-
ing into the singles portion oI the
Although not picking up any
more wins, Delp said many play-
ers were edged out at the end in
close matches.
'That`s the misleading thing
about tennis, you see the score
7-2 and you think it was a blow-
out, but the actual matches were
close, Delp said. 'I think that`s
something that we are defnitely
going to work on in practice this
week, the confdence in closing
our matches and knowing that
we belong on the court with ev-
ery opponent we play.
On Sunday, the team was
Iorced to move inside due to
weather. But despite the home
court advantage, Hillsdale Iell
again, 7-2, to Ferris State Uni-
'It does create a Iaster en-
vironment on the court, head
coach Nikki Walbright said. 'It
suits players that hit the ball
hard, which was tough to deal
with against Ferris State.
Despite the loss, the Chargers
had strong plays Irom individu-
als as well as doubles teams.
'(Junior) Lindsay Peirce had
an excellent day, Walbright
said. 'Her and (sophomore)
Dana Grace Buck pulled oII an
exciting win at 2nd doubles and
then Lindsay won a close match
in two tie-breakers. She played
extremely well and I was very
proud oI her.
Peirce said the riskier plays
she and Buck have been working
on in practice contributed to the
win, and she hopes they can con-
tinue the winning streak through
the remainder oI the season.
'Dana and I were extremely
proud and excited oI our play
this weekend, Peirce said. 'A
lot oI what we`ve been working
on in practice is coming together
in our matches. We`re meshing
Although disappointed with
the losses, the team looks Ior-
ward to putting lessons learned
Irom these previous matches into
'We are continuing to work
on Iootwork and mental tough-
ness and getting stronger against
heavy hitters, Walbright said.
The Chargers look Iorward
to having this weekend oII to
recover and prepare to fnish out
their season strong.
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Stormy weather and travel diI-
fculties plagued the golI team in
their two tournaments this week-
On Monday, the Chargers
competed at Plum Hollow Coun-
try Club in Southfeld, Michigan
in an out-oI-conIerence tourna-
ment hosted by Lawrence Tech.
Due to travel delays, the team
was only able to play 18 oI the 36
holes so they did not have an oI-
fcial tournament score.
Mitzner led the team with
an 18-hole score oI 78 with fve
birdies. Freshman John DuIIy
and Junior Patrick Nalepa de-
buted with scores oI 87 and 85,
Among the ten other teams in
the tournament, Nalepa fgures
the Chargers would have been
competitive had their scores been
'I was sandwiched between
the other people I was playing
with, so my scores were right in
the middle oI theirs. I think Brad
was in between his pairing, and
so were the other guys, Nalepa
Nalepa recounted the sur-
prise highlight oI his round a
par on the Iourth hole. Little did
he know, Sam Snead, the World
GolI Hall oI Famer, PGA Tour
LiIetime Achievement Award
winner, and 82 time champion,
earned a ten on the same hole in
'|It`s| Iun to play with people
you don`t know, who you don`t
normally play with. But it also
counts Ior something. There`s a
little bit on the line, said Napela,
who played in his frst competi-
tive round since high school.
The same storm that drenched
the fnal quarter oI the home Ioot-
ball game on Saturday plagued
the Charger golI team in South
Haven, Michigan all day long.
The golI team fnished 13th
oI 14 in the GLIAC North Invi-
tational, beating out Lake Erie
College. The Chargers were con-
sistent between the two rounds oI
play with team scores oI 316-316.
Senior co-captain Matt Chalberg
led the team Ior the third straight
week with scores oI 74-74 and
fnished tied Ior eighth out oI a
feld oI 91 players.
Senior co-captain Brad
Mitzner, junior Cole Benzing and
Ireshman John Burke all made
their collegiate debuts in the hor-
rible weather. Freshman Joe Tor-
res shot 77-77 Ior a 35th place
fnish and Ireshman Steve Sar-
tore fnished the weekend scoring
Torres said there was 'rain on
and oII the whole time, probably
every other hole, and said the
golIers battled 30 mile an hour
winds all day.
'|Saturday was| just the wind-
iest day worst conditions I`ve
ever played golI in. It was so cold
and rainy, Chalberg said.
Despite the conditions, Torres
played the par fves Iour-under.
He described one such birdie on
the second hole.
'It was a dog leg right, down
wind. I cut the corner really well
and had 145 yards in. I took a 54
degree wedge |Irom there| and
birdied it.
There will be more on the
line this next week as Hillsdale
golI heads to Chicago on Sunday
morning Ior the Midwest Region-
al, a three day event that serves
as the frst qualifer Ior nationals.
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Hillsdale hits the road again
on Saturday, travelling to In-
diana to Iace the University oI
The Greyhounds will pro-
vide the toughest test oI the year
yet Ior the Chargers.
'They`ve got strong play-
ers, coach Otterbein said. 'I
coached with their head coach
at Ball State so I know they`re
very Iundamentally sound, well
coached, well-disciplined in all
phases and |will provide| a very
big challenge Ior us.
The Greyhounds started oII
the season ranked in the top 25
but a tough loss a couple weeks
ago kicked them oII the rank-
Hillsdale will have to play
well in all Iacets oI the game to
steal the win on the road.
'To do what we did Saturday
and go scoreless Ior three quar-
ters, that`s not what we`re look-
ing Ior, coach Otterbein said.
'You`ve got to hold the ball but
you`ve also got to put it in the
end zone. It`s a combination oI
those two things.
A rowdy student section gave
the Chargers a true home-feld
advantage over Northern Michi-
gan on Saturday, helping Hills-
dale hold on to their 13-10 win.
'That was one oI the best stu-
dent sections I`ve seen since I`ve
been here and this is my Iourth
season on the team, redshirt ju-
nior Justice Karmie said. 'They
were loud, they were excited,
they were engaged the whole
The students stuck with the
team through a sluggish frst halI
and a downpour in the second
'The coolest thing was that
the group who was there at the
beginning was basically the same
size as the group that was there
at the end oI the game, Karmie
said. 'Having the student body
rallying around everybody re-
ally makes a big diIIerence Ior us
and when it comes down to those
clutch moments in the game, that
energy we get Irom them is huge
and it gives us the upper hand.
The students were rewarded
with an exciting fnish.
'When |Northern Michigan|
had the ball and was pushing
towards us, you could Ieel the
crowd getting more and more
nervous, said sophomore Don
McChesney about the Wildcats`
fnal drive.
McChesney was one oI many
students who painted their chests
in Charger blue Ior the game.
'We were getting louder and
louder as they went. We were
able to stop them on third down
and the whole student section
was Ireaking out. Everybody was
jumping up and down, scream-
ing, McChesney said.
Their reaction aIter Northern
Michigan`s missed feld goal was
even more boisterous.
'We were all terrifed that they
were about to tie it up, and then
he missed and the whole student
section went nuts, McChesney
said. 'I`m defnitely hoarse and
I think everybody else was com-
pletely hoarse aIter that game.
The student section sprinkled
chants oI 'De-Fense! and 'I be-
lieve that we will win! through-
out the game, exhorting their
Chargers to victory.
'I hope it`s something that
continues, Karmie said. 'I
loved it.
Hillsdale students will have
another chance to show their
spirit against Grand Valley State
University on homecoming
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I started when I was very young
probably about Iour or fve
years old.
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-5)*, ,#$$'+2
I like the aspect in college that
it`s both a team and an indi-
vidual sport. While you`re on
the court playing singles by
yourselI the whole team is there
cheering you on and depending
on you, and you`re depending
on them.

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Yes. I`ve played just about ev-
ery sport, given them all a try.
Football, basketball, baseball,
cross-country, volleyball, gym-
nastics, hockey, swimming, et
cetera. Tennis has always been
the one that stuck.
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It`s always been something that
we`ve chosen to do Ior Iun, and
obviously we love to compete
and we love to win and it`s great
exercise. But it`s been a social
thing frst oI all, and it`s been
great to meet people and to have
Iun and stay active and busy and
healthy. I`ve had the opportu-
nity to travel around Ior tourna-
ments with Iriends, and it`s been
a lot oI Iun and a great infuence
on me.

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I`m the student coach. I get
to practice with the team and
coach them at matches. I also
help string rackets, do odd jobs.
I just help any way that I can.
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My older sisters are both on
the women`s tennis team, and
when I visited last spring I came
and hit with the team and met
with Coach Walbright. She told
me she`d love to have me as a
coach and I told her I`d love to
help out.

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She`s awesome. She`s a great
motivator and very positive Ior
the girls, a great infuence Ior
them. She makes them work
hard, but she always stresses
having Iun on the court and en-
joying being out there.

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The team`s pretty small, seven
girls, so it`s nice because ev-
eryone`s very close. During
preseason it was great to get to
know everyone, and there was
a lot oI bonding that went on
at that time because there were
very Iew athletes on campus.
There`s an intramural tradition
on the last day oI preseason
called the Blue White Chal-
lenge, which was a lot oI Iun.
There`s a tennis component,
where you`re playing matches
against the other team, and
then there`s a ftness part. Then
there`s just a bunch oI Iun little
activities and competitions, and
there was a scavenger hunt. The
White team ended up coming
out on top, and that was my
team, so that was a lot oI Iun.

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This last spring, in my high
school tennis season, I made it
to the last day oI the state tour-
nament, which has always been
my goal. It was awesome to
have a bunch oI Iamily mem-
bers and Iriends come down to
Columbus to watch me play. I
lost both my matches that day,
but I played really well, and it
was tough competition.
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Huts oH to the
stodent section
It took more than three quar-
ters Ior Hillsdale to fnd the end
zone against Northern Michigan
on Saturday. But on a day the oI-
Iense struggled, the Chargers de-
Iense stepped up and made some
key stops down the stretch to
give Hillsdale the victory, 13-10.
'They all made some really
big plays, oIIensive lineman
redshirt junior Justice Karmie
said about the Chargers deIense.
'Seeing those guys step up was
really big.
The oIIense carried the load in
Hillsdale`s frst two games oI the
season, scoring a combined 86
points in those games. The de-
Iense took over on Saturday.
'It was really awesome seeing
our deIense rallying up because
I know they`ve been a little bit
upset with themselves the frst
couple oI weeks, Karmie add-
ed. 'They really did a great job
on Saturday so it`s exciting Ior
us as an oIIense but it was kind
oI a challenge to us as well. We
weren`t putting up points on the
The oIIense knows what they
need to do to improve.
'You`ve just got to play bet-
ter. That`s what it comes down to.
We just kept shooting ourselves
in the Ioot with not getting ahead
oI the chains in downs and dis-
tance, head coach Keith Otter-
bein said about his oIIense. 'We
had almost 50 plays in the frst
halI so it wasn`t like we weren`t
playing oIIense, but we just kept
getting in situations where our
drives would stop.
For much oI the frst halI, the
Chargers were able to move the
ball down the feld, but the Wild-
cats held their ground on their
side oI the feld, which resulted
in a missed 52-yard feld goal,
a Iailed Iourth down conversion
attempt, and several punts which
pinned Northern Michigan deep
in their own territory. This leIt
the Wildcats with almost the Iull
length oI the feld to go through-
out the frst halI, helping the de-
'Field position, especially
early, was key, coach Otter-
bein said. 'We were making
them drive the long feld. That
always has signifcant infuence
on the game and how the game
Northern Michigan struck
frst with a 28-yard feld goal
with 24 seconds remaining in the
third quarter. The Chargers an-
swered almost immediately.
Just 14 seconds into the
Iourth quarter, quarterback
Mark LaPrairie Iound wide re-
ceiver redshirt sophomore Ryan
Portrykus streaking down the
sideline past the deIense Ior a
52-yard touchdown and put Hill-
sdale ahead 7-3. The Chargers
stayed ahead Ior the rest oI the
'We had a great play call on
the frst touchdown, LaPrairie
said. 'It was a great route, and I
was looking at it the whole time.
Hillsdale tacked on another
touchdown with 10:34 remaining
in the contest, but kicker Steven
Mette`s extra point attempt was
blocked, making the score 13-
3. That one missed extra point
almost came back to haunt the
Northern Michigan stormed
back with a 94-yard touchdown
drive to pull within a feld goal
Iollowing an interception by their
deIense. The Wildcats deIense
then came up big again, picking
oII LaPrairie Ior a second time.
'Credit goes to Northern.
They did a great job, LaPrairie
said. 'They came aIter us, they
played really hard, they stuIIed
the run.
The two interceptions set up a
possible game-winning drive Ior
the Wildcats. But the Chargers
deIense held on.
Northern Michigan drove
down to the Hillsdale 16 yard
line, but the deIense came up
with a stop to Iorce the Wildcats
to try Ior a game-tying feld goal.
Freshman kicker Ryan Laberge
missed, allowing the Chargers to
walk oII the feld 13-10 winners.
The Chargers tallied up three
more wins this week to remain
undeIeated in the GLIAC.
AIter sweeping Northwood
and Lake Superior State Uni-
versity 3-0 over the weekend,
the team went on to deIeat the
University oI Findlay on Tues-
day night to claim frst place in
the division.
Hillsdale Ians erupted into
cheers when junior Marissa
Owen and sophomore Erin
Holsinger blocked Findlay`s
hit, scoring the fnal point oI set
three and bringing the Chargers
another 3-0 win.
The frst set was like tug-oI-
war, with both teams active at
the net and on deIense. Hillsdale
managed to pull ahead with a
modest two-point victory.
Coach Chris Gravel gave the
women a pep talk to prepare
them Ior the next set.
'They have some play-
ers that can really hit the ball
hard, Gravel said. 'It`s like get-
ting knocked down in a fght.
The team that`s going to get up
quickly is the team that`s going
to win.
That`s just what the Chargers
did. They practiced recover-
ing quickly Irom kills, whereas
Findlay oIten took Iour or fve
points to recover Irom a big play
by the Chargers. In the next two
sets, they dominated Findlay,
holding them to just 12 and 13
points, and obstructing the Oil-
ers` hitting percentage to just
.094. The Chargers, by contrast,
had a hitting percentage oI .394.
Junior Jordan Denmark had
the game-high oI 11 kills. Grav-
el noted Denmark`s precision
this season saying she`s 'been at
a whole diIIerent level.
Sophomore Erin Holsinger
trailed close behind Denmark
with nine kills.
Holsinger achieved a hitting
percentage oI .500, Iar supe-
rior to a .300, a number Gravel
considers 'worthy oI writing
about. She attributes her high
average to solid deIensive play-
'The passes were perIect in
our game against Findlay, so we
were able to run our oIIense,
Holsinger said. 'My goal was to
just go in hard every time.
Owen, the team`s setter, also
played skillIully, picking up 33
assists by game`s end and shak-
ing up Findlay.
'That`s the best thing as a
setter--to see the other team Irus-
trated, trying to fgure out what
the heck to do, Owen said.
Hillsdale came out strong
against the Lakers on Saturday
evening, gaining an immediate
lead and keeping it the entire
Sophomore Sam Siddall and
junior Jenalle Beaman enjoyed
six-point service streaks in the
frst and second sets and six
Chargers made three or more
kills during the match.
The Chargers fnished 25-15,
25-18, and 25-15, with Ireshman
Jessie Kopmeyer contributing
excellent serves and several kills
in the fnal set.
In Friday`s game against the
Northwood Timberwolves, ju-
nior Emily WolIert led the team
on oIIense with 13 kills.
The frst set got oII to a shaky
start, but on the sixth point, the
Chargers showed their superior
skill. AIter three returns Irom
the Timberwolves, Owen tipped
the ball on the second touch into
an uncovered spot on the court.
From there, the set took a turn in
the Chargers` Iavor. When Iresh-
man Brittany Jandasek came in,
she served seven consecutive
points, leading the Chargers to a
25-11 victory.
The fnal sets weren`t quite
as strong, dragging on due to the
service errors by both teams, but
Hillsdale still managed to clinch
the wins.
Senior Lindsay Kostrzewa
made fve kills and three block
assists Ior the team to wrap up
the sets. Denmark, normally one
oI the team`s top oIIensive play-
ers, demonstrated her versatility
with a team-high oI 18 digs.
The Chargers will play at
Northern Michigan University
at 7 p.m. on Friday and Michi-
gan Technological University at
3 p.m. on Saturday.
Churger volleybull yet to lose set in GLIAC mutches
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For Hannah Strickland `14,
graduation was Iar Irom the end
oI the Hillsdale experience.
From graduation until the end
oI July, Strickland, who now
works as a social media coordi-
nator at Hillsdale, took a sculp-
ture apprenticeship with ProIes-
sor oI Art Anthony Frudakis,
helping him with his projects and
honing her own artistic skills and
Art apprenticeships have been
a method Ior masters oI the craIt
to pass on their knowledge and
experience in a personal manner
since the Renaissance.
'BeIore art school was a thing,
this is what you did, Strickland
A lover oI art since
middle school, Strick-
land is relatively new
to sculpture. She took
her frst Iormal classes
with Frudakis just last
'I ended up abso-
lutely Ialling in love
with it, she said. 'It
exercised my brain in a
very diIIerent way than
the academics did.
Frudakis suggested
the apprenticeship to
Strickland because he
was impressed by her
natural talent and en-
thusiasm Ior sculpture
and art in general.
'I told her iI she
ever wanted to come
back and work with
me, either in the sum-
mer or in the Iall, she
would be very wel-
come to do that, Fru-
dakis said.
By arranging to
room with Hillsdale
Academy teacher Ellen Condict
and fnding a job at Broad Street
Market, Strickland was able to
take him up on that oIIer.
Five days a week, she walked
to Frudakis` home studio to
spend three hours immersed in
sculpture. For the frst hour and a
halI, she would work on her own
projects, with Frudakis on hand
to give directions and answer
questions, in a temporary studio
which he had prepared
in a side room oII his
'He moved all this
stuII to his garage just
so I could have that
room to myselI, Strick-
land said. 'It was just
amazingly kind oI him.
She would then
spend an hour and a
halI helping him with
his commissions and his
personal work.
'Sometimes I would
do bits and pieces oI
his sculptures: sculpt
this boot, or sculpt this
box, Strickland said.
For her personal
project, Strickland Io-
cused on an anatomical
study called an ecorche,
a human fgure sculpted
Irom the inside out.
'I sculpted the en-
tire skeleton, and then I
Making Campus Beautiful
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David Youngman demonstrates his fngerstyle Friday
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Although the transIormation
oI the trees indicates the impend-
ing cold oI winter, one group
within the college`s grounds
crew is already preparing Ior the
spring beauty oI campus.
Angie Girdham heads the
small team that is the horticul-
tural department, which works
to bring beauty to the campus
through the landscaping and gar-
'I tend to get a lot oI industry
publications. I go to trade shows;
I go to trial gardens. II something
catches my eye, I Iollow up on it,
and iI it`s something I can bud-
get, I add to it, Girdham said.
Horticulture is an art that re-
quires Iorm, balance, and color,
but depends on the fowers grow-
ing well, which adds another, diI-
fcult aspect, Girdham said.
Girdham grew up in northern
Ohio, and in her town, they had
a trade high school. There, she
said, she discovered an interest in
landscaping, and an aunt, whom
she looked up to, was also inter-
ested in gardening. AIter high
school, Girdham went to college
and received a degree in orna-
mental horticulture.
For the past 10 years, Gird-
ham has worked at Hillsdale,
making the campus a lovely
place to work and live and study.
'Obviously it`s a great col-
lege, Girdham said. 'I work in a
very niche industry. To be able to
work in my industry and have a
great career so close to home and
Iamily meant a lot to me.
Every winter, Girdham cre-
ates a spreadsheet, which in-
cludes everything she`s planning
on planting how many weeks
it takes to grow in a seed tray, in
a pot, and then when it should be
transplanted into the ground.
The transplants grow in a
greenhouse that is at Hayden
Park. There, Girdham and her
two student workers plant seeds
in little trays, to later distribute
the little plants throughout cam-
'I basically help Angie with
all the exciting things that she
does, Horticulture Assistant
junior Natalie deMacedo said.
'Right now, we spend a lot oI
time watering all the plants we`ve
planted. Soon we`ll have to start
ripping out a lot oI those things,
so we can put in evergreen plants
Ior the winter...We put the little
seeds in seed trays, and hopeIully
they grow, and then in the spring,
we plant them all over campus.
Spring is when the beauty oI
campus comes out.
Girdham said there are many
problems that she has to Iace
when working in Hillsdale`s en-
vironment. The Irost date is very
late, which means, when com-
mencement comes around, it can
be diIfcult to have all the fow-
ers Iully planted, yet not looking
like they were just placed in the
Every year, Girdham tries to
put in new varieties. She said
while she doesn`t try them out in
prominent areas, she does want
to stay cutting edge with what
they grow. II the plant works,
then she`ll move it into the gen-
eral growing pattern.
With all the deer in the area,
Girdham said the deer eating the
fowers is a consistent problem.
There are certain breeds oI fow-
ers that the deer like more than
'We always have to worry
about something the deer will
leave alone, Girdham said.
'They`re very, very Iond oI pe-
tunias, they love impatiens. For
so long, I haven`t planted them
Allen Area Historical Society Meeting
Thursday, September 25
7 p.m.

David Youngman, Guitar
Friday, September 26
7:30 p.m.
McNamara Rehearsal Hall
Winner of the 2013 Fretboard Festival Perfor-
mance Contest and runner-up at the 2013 Canadi-
an 0ui|ar Ies|ival, lccal ners|yle ui|aris| Pavia
Youngman has been sharing his instrumental mu-
sic around the country for over 15 years.
Open Mic Night
Friday, September 26
The Dawn Theater
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Half Moon
Friday, September 26
Broad Street Underground
9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Classic Rock
Randy Houser and Danielle Bradbery
Saturday, September 27
7 p.m.
Hillsdale County Fair
David Pendleton, Comedian and Ventriloquist
Saturday, September 27
7 p.m.
The Gospel Barn
$5 admission at the door.
Enduring Vision: Selections from the Perception
CLOSES Sunday, September 28
Dougherty Gallery, Sage Center for the Arts
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Strumming a guitar is too sim-
ple Ior David Youngman. This
week at Hillsdale College, he
will demonstrate how he plucks
the strings and drums the guitar
to make the instrument sing.
Youngman, a fnger guitar-
ist, will perIorm Irom his album
'Trust on Sept. 26 at McNama-
ra Rehearsal Hall.
'Trust is the Hillsdale art-
ist`s newest album. The 2014
album`s theme is trusting in the
Lord and is composed entirely
oI original songs by Youngman,
with the artist Iocusing on hym-
nal music as the genre Ior this
'Music makes me Ieel a cer-
tain way: it inspires me, Young-
man said. 'I sometimes just get
a sound into my head and I just
want to hear it. II I can`t fnd
someone else who`s made that
sound, I just make it myselI.
Youngman began playing
guitar when he was 12, aIter hear-
ing his Iather play. Throughout
middle school, the artist`s Iriends
played as well, and he continued
learning the instrument to keep
up with them.
'I loved the sound oI a guitar
and I wanted to play it myselI,
Youngman said.
The artist graduated Irom
Spring Arbor University with a
major in trumpet and a secondary
in guitar, marking his frst Iormal
musical training aIter selI-teach-
ing Ior seven years. AIter gradu-
ating Irom Spring Arbor, Young-
man began working closely with
Brian Roberts, a guitar master
class instructor out oI Ann Arbor,
Ior two years.
James Holleman, chairman
oI the music department at Hill-
sdale, said he is excited to have
Youngman perIorm next Friday.
Youngman came recommended
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When people ask Kate Nad-
olny about her new position as a
voice instructor at Hillsdale Col-
lege, she tells them it is a rather
unexpected dream come true.
Nadolny received her bache-
lor`s degree in music education at
Stetson University in Florida and
earned a master`s degree in vocal
perIormance at the University oI
Michigan in Ann Arbor. In addi-
tion to completing her bachelor`s
and master`s degrees, Nadolny
perIormed in opera roles both
at Stetson University and Uni-
versity oI Michigan. She most
recently completed an appren-
tice artists program with the Des
Moines Opera in Iowa.
AIter a voice instructor leIt Ior
Rhode Island with her husband to
support him in pursuing his new
career last year, leaving a vacant
position to be flled, Melissa Os-
mond, director oI voice studies,
didn`t hesitate. She wanted to in-
terview candidates over the sum-
mer and ideally have the position
flled by the
Iall semester.
AIter being
c o n n e c t e d
with Nadol-
ny, they met
in Ann Arbor
just beIore
Nadolny leIt
Ior the Des
Moines Met-
ro Opera.
is her pas-
sion, Os-
mond said.
Na dol ny
said that
when she
heard about
H i l l s d a l e
C o l l e g e ` s
open mezzo-
soprano position, it seemed to ft
Osmond described Nadolny
as being a 'very naturally giIted
young teacher, 'very easy go-
ing, and able to identiIy prob-
lems quickly and deal with them
Nadolny already has 22 sing-
ers in her stu-
dio: mostly
sopranos, a
Iew baritones,
and a bass.
'She was
able to take
on a larger
load |than an-
ticipated|, so
we were able
to accom-
modate more
students that
wanted les-
sons, said
James Holle-
man, chair oI
the music de-
Ac c o r d -
ing to Nad-
olny, work-
ing at Hillsdale has turned into
the dream job. She gets to teach,
connect with students, and get to
know people that she otherwise
would never have the chance to
Originally, Nadolny wanted
to do only music education in
choir and similar music felds.
But, a revelation her sophomore
year oI undergraduate study laid
out her musical career path.
Nadolny said that mid-lesson
with her voice teacher her sopho-
more year oI college she realized
she had a better voice than she
originally thought and could do
something with it. The revela-
tion: she could perIorm as well
as teach music.
Hillsdale lets Nadolny do that.
'I get to meet wonderIul stu-
dents, hopeIully impact them in
some way, and just have Iun
Nadolny said.
For Nadolny, voice lessons
are all about student develop-
ment. She isn`t looking Ior tal-
ent. She`s more Iocused on the
student`s attitude and desire to
develop as a vocalist.
'Essentially what happens is
you want to take a student Irom
point A where they`re starting to
point B, and everyone starts at a
diIIerent place, Nadolny said.
'Every semester you make a goal
Ior the student. It`s creating tiny
little goals.
Picture Mozart`s 'The Magic
Flute set in the Cold War.
That is what the music de-
partment`s Opera Workshop is
bringing to campus. On Nov. 7-9,
Hillsdale students will have the
opportunity to see this and other
selections perIormed by their
peers. Apart Irom an abbrevi-
ated version oI Mozart`s 'Magic
Flute, the workshop will be put-
ting on fve diIIerent scenes Irom
fve diIIerent operas. Both parts
oI the workshop are student di-
Junior Faith Liu and senior
Claire Ziegler are splitting the
directing responsibilities. Liu is
directing 'The Magic Flute and
Ziegler directs the fve scenes,
alongside perIorming in the op-
era and two oI the scenes.
'This is largely student di-
rected and student run which is
really, really exciting, Liu said.
Opera Workshop is an op-
portunity Ior vocal students at
Hillsdale to practice singing op-
era with live perIormance oI the
pieces they have been learning
and rehearsing as its culmination.
In years past, the class started
rehearsals in the Iall semester
and put on a perIormance in the
spring. This year, due to the Tow-
er Players` musical in the spring,
'The Drowsy Chaperone, Opera
Workshop was pushed entirely to
the Iall term so that students have
time to participate in the work-
shop and the musical, Liu said.
'It`s a little scary, said Me-
lissa Osmond, head oI Hillsdale`s
voice department. 'But it`ll get
Osmond has Iull confdence in
her two directors.
'|They are| wonderIul. Abso-
lutely wonderIul, Osmond said.
'I have no worries. It`s a weight
oII my shoulders.
Along with having an acceler-
ated timeline Ior this year`s per-
Iormance, Osmond didn`t know
what kind oI talent they would
have Ior the workshop.
'I graduated halI my studio
last year, said Osmond.
Despite this, Osmond speaks
very highly oI the cast. Osmond
is very impressed with the Iresh-
men class.
'|We have| an incredible
amount oI Ireshmen talent. It`s
one oI the strongest classes yet,
Osmond said.
Ziegler agreed.
'We as directors have been
surprised and impressed with
how Iocused and ready to go
everyone is, especially the Iresh-
men, Ziegler added.
Rehearsals started Sept. 20,
and cast members have been
practicing outside rehearsals as
'Faith told me the other day
that she saw some oI her cast
members rehearsing one oI their
scenes Irom The Magic Flute`
which she had not scheduled or
told them to do, Ziegler said.
Ziegler and Liu are excited
about the perIormance. Liu`s ad-
aptation oI 'The Magic Flute
and Ziegler`s scenes, which con-
sist oI a duet Irom 'The Merry
Widow, by Lehar, a quartet
Irom 'Rigoletto, by Verdi, a trio
Irom 'Der Rosenkavalier, by
Strauss, a duet Irom 'The Mar-
riage oI Figaro, by Mozart, and
a trio Irom 'Faust, by Gounod,
should interest a broad audience.
'I think the variety is going
to appeal to audiences. It`s much
lighter and shorter |than typical
opera|, said Ziegler.
Liu wanted to lend an air
oI accessibility to 'The Magic
Flute through language and pro-
'We`re doing it in English,
not German, said sophomore
Sydnee Heim, the opera`s lead
Mozart`s 'The Magic Flute is
usually very mystical and magic-
centered, and Liu hopes that put-
ting the opera into the Cold War
era will put the Iocus back on the
story itselI.
'I wanted to demystiIy it, Liu
said. 'This is going to be scaled
down, cut back. It`s accessible in
a way most opera isn`t. It`s trying
to bring you back to the charac-
ters and to the story that Mozart
is trying to present. It`s unique in
that senseit`s going to be a Iun
-cuss the shows oI the past
season. Throughout the year, crit-
ics submit show evaluations that
recommend nomination candi-
dates. The meetings draws upon
the memory and reports handed
in by critics to determine nomi-
nations Ior the year. Winners are
also selected at this meeting.
Jenn McKee, an entertainment
writer Ior Ann Arbor News, sat as
one oI the critics on the Encore
Michigan panel. Once a month,
McKee reviews a show Ior En-
core Michigan as a Ireelance
critic. For most
shows, Encore
Michigan crit-
ics divides the
state up into
regions so as
to avoid over-
lap and review
more shows.
'It`s a little
tricky with
what we do be-
cause we`re not
all seeing same shows, she said.
'We`re seeing diIIerent produc-
tions. Some overlap since some
oI us watch a perIormance on our
oII time oII.
Although McKee never made
it to a Tibbits production, she said
she has heard great things.
According to McKee, assign-
ing nominations creates discus-
sion among the theater going
crowd on what shows they need
to see beIore awards are handed
out weeks later.
'We see so many shows,
McKee said. 'So many more
shows than the average person
does. And oIten in quick succes-
sions. So when something stands
out it really sticks with you be-
cause you have so much to com-
pare it to. For something to have
stayed with you, then you know
there`s a reason a production
deserves a nominations. There`s
something that connected, that
worked, that was really smart.
Encore Michigan held the
Wilde Awards ceremony at the
Berman Center oI PerIorming
Arts in Bloomingfeld on Mon-
day night.
In 1882, the people oI Cold-
water, Michigan built the Tibbits
Opera House because it sat along
the Michigan Central Railroad, a
prime location Ior an entertain-
ment industry. It would only take
a day to reach Coldwater Ior the-
ater Ians who traveled Irom De-
troit or Chicago. The theater is
the second oldest opera house in
The Tibbits Theater Opera
House is a non-proft organiza-
tion run by a board oI directors.
More than 280
people volun-
teer throughout
the year. Dur-
ing the summer,
Tibbits runs its
pr oI e s s i ona l
season it calls
Summer Stock.
By the middle
oI August, Tib-
bits transitions
into a diIIerent
entertainment season by rent-
ing out its venue to community
theaters and schools Ior amateur
perIormances. In the winter time,
Tibbits runs Iour to six proIes-
sional entertainment series.
Several proIessional acts have
made an appearance at Tibbits
such as actor JeII Daniels, who
perIormed with his son`s band at
the venue in August. In upcom-
ing weeks, the theater will host
the Michigan based, Iolk-rock
band The Ragbirds.
As this year marked the year
with the most nominations the
company has ever received, Del-
aney Ioresees a strong Iuture Ior
the theater and its programs.
'The acting community can
recognize that we`re doing qual-
ity work around here, Delaney
said. 'It`s also really important
that our audiences know that
we`re right up there in the ranks
with others theaters in Michi-
gan. Sometimes its easy to Iorget
what`s in your own back yard.
The other day, I read an article
about a 21-year-old man with
a Iull ride scholarship to a law
school who developed a debili-
tating internet addiction. It was
everything parents tell their chil-
dren to scare them into going out-
side. His Iamily Iound him amid
stacks oI pizza boxes and flth,
his appearance so haggard and
ungroomed that his parents could
hardly recognize him. He would
play online video games Ior 40
hours at a time and had not leIt
his apartment in over fve weeks.
Internet rehab is the last hope Ior
his once promising Iuture as a
While certainly atypical, his
story illustrates an alarming trend
in contemporary entertainment
culture. As art and entertainment
have become more proftable
and commercialized, they have
come to rely more and more on
exploitation and addiction rather
than beauty and artistic nuance
to attract audiences and sell their
Video game developers design
their games to addict their play-
ers through strategically placed
in-game rewards. Film studios
litter their movies with meaning-
less sex scenes and explosions to
elicit an involuntary visceral at-
traction. Sound engineers lower
the quality oI pop tracks in order
to make them sound louder and
more exciting upon frst listen.
With the help oI modern psy-
chology, the corporate entertain-
ment machine has developed
elaborate creative Iormulas which
eIIectively remove the individual
intellect Irom the artistic experi-
ence. When was the last time a
piece oI mainstream entertain-
ment challenged you? Or caused
you to come back to it over and
over, but not with the animalistic
voracity that makes you acciden-
tally fnish a bag oI potato chips?
There was a time not too long
ago when signifcant percent-
ages oI the American public read
Whitman and Frost. Art which
requires rigorous mental eIIort
was a prominent part oI our cul-
tural identity. In a less violent and
sexualized artistic climate, artists
connect with their audiences on a
predominantly intellectual level.
While I can`t say Ior sure about
Whitman, there are no booties or
explosions in Frost.
The joy and appeal oI a Frost
poem, then, is diIIerent than the
sensual stimulus oI a scantily
clad woman or an exploding car.
The layers oI meaning and aes-
thetic value unIold in waves as
the reader`s mind more and more
thoroughly inhabits the world
created by the poem. The beauty
oI the meter and language, the
narrative voice and sequence oI
images combine to expand and
ennoble the human mind.
The problem with movies lit-
tered with gratuitous sex scenes or
stylized gunfghts is not the mere
presence oI sex and violence.
Cormac McCarthy`s 'Blood Me-
ridian is one oI the most violent
works I have ever encountered.
The diIIerence between the hor-
rifc violence committed by the
Glanton gang and the pile oI bod-
ies lying around an action hero
aIter the sixth slow-mo gunfght
is that the exploration oI violence
constitutes a central pillar oI Mc-
Carthy`s artistic agenda. Rather
than contributing to the meaning
oI the work, the violence and sex-
uality oI contemporary entertain-
ment culture are merely cosmetic
additions inserted to manipulate
audiences into consuming what
is an otherwise unattractive and
insubstantial product.
While there may not be an
overarching cultural solution to
this problem, we as individuals
can resist this trend towards aes-
thetic manipulation by actively
developing our ability to judge
and evaluate. II we can approach
a piece oI music or a flm with a
well developed understanding oI
what good art is, then we can rec-
ognize when contemporary enter-
tainment tries to manipulate us.
Our generation is approaching
adulthood in an artistic landscape
which values commercial success
over aesthetic excellence. II we
want the Ireedom to choose the
things which populate our minds,
then we must devote ourselves
to intellectually critical activities
like reading an arts page. Only
when we have a solid Ioundation
in a community oI people serious
about pursuing excellence in art
can we resist a multibillion dol-
lar entertainment industry that
would enslave our tastes and con-
trol our minds. There is plenty oI
good stuII out therelet`s go fnd
it together.

Aaron Schreck is a funior
studving English and math.
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because I know I can`t. They also
love moss roses, which are some-
thing that I hadn`t grown beIore.
They devoured them all to the
ground, even with deer repellent
on them.
Because they`re a small de-
partment, Girdham said she tries
to plant varieties that don`t re-
quire a lot oI attention. Each year,
there are many new varieties, so
Girdham said she works to stay
on top oI what`s happening in the
'I teasingly call us the campus
beautifcation crew, deMacedo
said. 'I think it`s vitally impor-
tant not only Ior the students
that are here, but also Ior people
who are visiting. You don`t go
to Princeton or Harvard and see
gross landscaping. You see art,
and nice beds that are weeded.
Most students don`t look at the
tall grass and say, Wow, I really
like that.` But they`d notice iI it
didn`t look nice.
Every now and then, someone
will notice, and appreciate, the
newly planted fowers.
'I really like the petunias
planted underneath the trees by
Strosacker, junior Walker Mul-
ley said. 'It`s a nice little diver-
sion, so you can say oh, beauti-
Iul fowers,` instead oI having to
think about whatever the next
thing is that you have to get
'It`s important Ior people to
respect some oI the beauty by not
walking through beds, or walk-
ing through grass especially by
the civil war statue, where the
worn grass makes it look like it`s
cut in halI deMacedo said. 'It`s
a beautiIul campus, and requires
everyone`s participation.
sculpted the muscles over it, she
said. 'I haven`t fnished it yet,
because towards the end oI the
summer I just became too busy
to continue. He currently looks
like he`s wearing pantaloons be-
cause I only did the thigh and ab
While she admitted that a
sculpture limited to skeleton
and muscle structure was oIten
'completely inIuriating, Strick-
land said that the knowledge that
ecorche provides oI the inner
workings oI the body is essential
to realistic sculpture.
Frudakis agreed, and praised
Strickland`s sober choice oI Io-
'She wanted to have a better
understanding oI how the body`s
put together, which to her credit
shows a lot oI integrity, he said.
'It shows that she`s not just sat-
isfed with surIace appearances;
that she wants to get at the truth
oI things.
In addition, the ecorche has
generated some buzz among sci-
ence students at Hillsdale.
'I`m not generally inclined to
be complimentary oI sculpture,
said senior biology major Wyatt
McDonnell, 'but Hannah has a
truly impressive knack Ior cap-
turing the beauty oI the human
Iorm. I like it a lot.
Work in a home studio came
with its own set oI challenges.
'ProIessor Frudakis has two
dogs and a cat that kept me com-
pany, Strickland laughed. 'The
cat got Iuzz all over my clay,
which was just hilarious, but also
really annoying.
On the other hand, the person-
al arrangement allowed proIessor
and apprentice to dig Iar deeper
into the meaning oI art than
mere technical instruction. Both
Strickland and Frudakis said that
they beneftted Irom the diIIer-
ent perspectives they brought to
their conversations about art and
'I would go upstairs into his
personal studio, and we would
sit and talk Ior hours sometimes
about, Is art truth? Is it an imita-
tion oI truth or does it participate
in truth in reality?` Strickland
As Strickland continues to
refne her style through graduate
school and beyond, she says she
wants to retain the roots oI classi-
cal realism that she learned Irom
'The classical creates this
sense oI peace and beauty, she
said. 'You try to illuminate the
secret beauties oI the human
by Daniel Palmer, one oI the col-
lege`s guitar teachers.
Youngman explained that in
fngerstyle guitar the perIormer
uses his fngers, instead oI picks,
on the strings. A less obvious diI-
Ierence in the playing techniques
is the fnger guitarist`s usage oI
the hands to beat the body oI the
guitar, causing the guitar to make
diIIerent sounds, or, as Young-
man puts it, to make it sound like
a Iull orchestra.
'Basically, I`m trying to make
the guitar sing, and I do whatever
it takes to make the sound come
out, Youngman said.
Youngman plans to incorpo-
rate technology in his show at
Hillsdale. He will use computers
and a projector screen to project
videos and pictures to accom-
pany the music. For Youngman,
technology allows him to create
an atmosphere that makes his
music more real.
Andrew Egger, a sophomore,
will be attending Youngman`s
concert and the master class aI-
terwards. Egger plays piano and
fngerstyle guitar as a hobby,
so he says he is excited to see
Youngman and have Youngman
critique his playing.
'I`m very excited Ior the con-
cert but I am even more excited
Ior the master class, Egger said.
'Youngman is an incredible per-
Iormer, and I can`t wait to hear
his playing.
Egger is also excited Ior
Youngman`s concert because
oI the artist`s usage oI the fn-
gerstyle technique. Youngman`s
music, Egger explained, is a
combination oI classical music
and hymnal music, which sounds
great on a guitar, especially when
played using fngerstyle.
Besides perIorming and re-
cording, Youngman is also in-
terested in photography and is
passionate about working out.
He recently won his age group
in a national body transIormation
competition, Body-Ior-LIFE, by
regularly exercising, monitoring
his health, and committing to be-
ing healthy. Youngman lives in
Hillsdale with his wiIe and three
'There was a lot oI great
competition. We were
still honored to receive
the nominations.
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!" 25 $ept. 201+
Turn out President Faireld`
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As Hillsdale College approach-
es the end oI its 170th anniversary
as an institution oI higher learning,
Iew controversies have plagued
campus like the Great Rebellion
oI 1866. Today, students complain
about visiting hours, but in 1866,
students protested the administra-
tion`s rule against the admittance
oI Iemales into student groups.
The Great Rebellion started
when Hillsdale College President
Edmund Fairfeld and the college
Iaculty Iorbade literary societies to
admit Iemale students.
At the time, these literary so-
cieties were the most popular
components oI student liIe. They
Ieatured numerous oratory events
and competitions throughout the
school year, and were regarded as
some oI the best oI their kind in
the country. One Hillsdale editor
wrote 'no star spreads a brighter
sheen over the literary frmament
oI the West than our own Iavorite
institution Hillsdale College.
When Fairfeld decided to ban
the admission oI Iemale students
into the literary societies without
his written consent, the Great Re-
bellion took Iorm.
The literary groups reIused to
comply with this new rule and
a school wide backlash ensued.
Many students sought honorable
dismissal Irom the college or
sought to transIer to other schools.
Faculty initially came to the
deIense oI the college president.
They placed an injunction on stu-
dents` property and did not allow
them to leave, only making mat-
ters worse.
One Sunday morning in May,
a banner above the pulpit in the
chapel read: 'TURN OUT PRES-
vertising material was displayed
throughout campus. Students were
upset up with the administration
and organized a response to voice
their concerns.
Franklin Bailey, a Civil War
veteran and college student Iound
himselI at odds with his peers. He
stood by the college administra-
tion through the confict and tore
down the rebel students` posters.
He also assisted the administration
by keeping watch over campus
buildings during the night.
'Last night the college steps,
doors and halls were covered with
advertisements, put up by the reb-
el students, Bailey wrote.
The response by the student
body devolved shortly aIter how-
ever, when Bailey Iound all oI
his personal belongings - clothes,
books, and bedding- thrown into
the mud because oI his allegiance
to the administration. The burglars
who trashed Bailey`s belongings
were never Iound.
'Good many oI the students
are leaving and are a bad state oI
things generally, student Way-
land Dunn said.
A proIessor also Iound himselI
at odds with the college president.
Ransom Dunn, Wayland`s Iather,
argued he could grant permission
to the Iemales in his own depart-
ment. He accepted all ladies on
campus into his Theological Soci-
ety meetings and allowed students
to sign their own permission cards.
BeIore the school year was
out, the students and the Hillsdale
College administration reached an
acceptable compromise. Over the
summer months, however, Fair-
feld reinstated the rule.
The issue was put to a vote
and resolved in the spring oI 1867
when Iaculty sided unanimously
with Dunn, Iorcing Fairfeld to
eliminate his controversial rule.
The literary societies reorganized
and admitted Iemale members
back into their groups.
The students that had leIt Hill-
sdale because oI the confict were
granted amnesty and received per-
mission to return.
On Monday morning, Hillsdale
County Fair visitors passed by two
oI Ed Moody`s squash-like grin-
ning guardians.
The pumpkins, one oI which
weighs more than 630 pounds,
greeted Iair-goers in Iront oI the
foral exhibit near the Iair`s en-
trance. Set upon bales oI hay,
they stood taller than their sculp-
tor, prompting passersby to stop,
stare, and ask questions. On multi-
ple occasions, wide-eyed children
asked, 'What`s it gonna be?
'I don`t know yet, Moody re-
plied. 'Probably a pumpkin.
Moody asked about children`s
carving experiences, posed Ior
pictures, and joked with visitors
about putting the pumpkins on a
'trick-or-treat diet. Both sculp-
tor and sculpture added personal-
ity to the Hillsdale County Fair
as Moody invited the community
into the creation oI his art.
A retired electrical contrac-
tor and inspector, Moody trav-
eled Irom his home in FrankIort,
Michigan Ior his Iourth visit to
the Hillsdale County Fair in fve
years. He carved his frst pumpkin
at 6 years-old, but did not move
past what he calls the '5-minute
jack-o-lantern until his son was
one year old, about 29 years ago.
A selI-taught carver, he allows his
inspiration to come spontaneously
Irom his medium: 'The pumpkin
dictates what it`s going to be. As
he moved past candle-lit jack-o-
lanterns, he took on larger and
more elaborate designs, including
a 590-pound model oI Cinderel-
la`s magical carriage.
Since then, he has traveled to
county Iairs and pumpkin weigh-
ins in search oI mammoth speci-
mens to carve and display.
'I travel to Iairs, to schools,
to hospitals, and to Michigan gi-
ant pumpkin grower weigh-oII
events, Moody said.
His connection with the Iair
originated Irom an encounter a
Iew years ago. Bernie Pickell, a
member oI the Board oI Directors
Ior the county Iair, met Moody at a
pumpkin weigh-in and invited him
to demonstrate his skill at the Iair.
Moody accepted, and with the ex-
ception oI an absence due to medi-
cal complications last year, he has
been a regular ever since.
'I love it. It`s one oI the great-
est Iairs in the state oI Michigan,
Moody said. 'They`ve really got
something to be proud oI here.
In addition to inviting Moody
to the Iair, Pickell provided the
raw material Ior the display. Pick-
ell`s pumpkin patch in Jerome,
Michigan produced one oI the
pumpkins that Moody carved on
The pumpkins are a magnetic
attraction Ior children. Jenna Ellis,
8, posed Ior a picture with a newly
mustachioed pumpkin, admiring
Moody`s handiwork up close.
'I`ve seen pretty big ones be-
Iore, she said. 'But not Iaces like
Though his masterpieces im-
press children and adults, Moody
Iocuses on the joy oI carving.
'I don`t do contests, he said.
'I`m into the Iun oI it Ior the kids
and adults alike.
Pickell said that Moody`s carv-
ings are more than a seasonal hob-
by. Though some exhibits at the
Iair appeal only to select groups,
Moody`s work appeals to all ages:
'Everybody, Irom little kids
to old people, like the big pump-
kins, he said. 'That`s the attrac-
'I didn`t want to lose my
Most women don`t think
about having their children tak-
en Irom them. But Ior a 27-year-
old resident oI Family Promise
oI Branch County, who will be
reIerred to as Beth, homeless-
ness made this a very real pos-
'I`m not a bad mom, she
said. 'But I Ielt like it at the time
because I couldn`t provide Ior
them. I was most aIraid oI los-
ing my children. But, because oI
Family Promise, I didn`t.
A house, a job, a car: Ior
most people, these are common-
place elements oI everyday liIe.
But Ior the homeless, they are a
hard-won passport to indepen-
dence and security.
Patty Roberts, director oI
Family Promise, went through
the program she now orches-
trates and continues to lead
other women to a home and a
'I was hurt really badly and
had to get surgery, so I couldn`t
work, Roberts said, speak-
ing oI her time spent in Fam-
ily Promise. 'I just struggled
through and I was eventually
able to fnd a good job. I worked
a lot oI hours, but I fnally got
enough money to fnd my own
AIter procuring an apartment
and establishing income, Rob-
erts has gotten progressively
higher-paying jobs, a better car,
and a scholarship all within
the past fve years. Her own
struggle with and victory over
homelessness helps her minister
to the women oI Family Prom-
'When I work with the girls,
I use a diIIerent type oI ap-
proach, Roberts said. 'I tell
them my story. I tell them I have
been through this. I give them
strength. I keep instilling it in
them: it will be okay.
And, given support, it will
be. Family Promise works with-
in an extensive network in the
Coldwater area to provide Ior
the homeless or displaced mem-
bers oI the community. Pines
Behavioral Health, located in
Coldwater, serves as the fnan-
cial hub Ior outreach eIIorts, us-
ing local churches and shelters
like Family Promise to great
'The community works to-
gether, Roberts said. 'We`re
very good at networking and
trying to fnd a place Ior some-
one to go, instead oI living in
their car or a tent. We have a lot
oI resources in the community
as Iar as getting them a hot meal
immediately or a hotel room Ior
the night until we can decide
what to do with them.
Suzanne Edmonds, who co-
directs the homeless ministry at
First Baptist in Coldwater with
her husband Terry, said that lo-
cal churches sign up Ior week-
long host periods Ior those in
the Family Promise program.
'The churches rotate, Ed-
monds explained. 'They go
back to Family Promise during
the day, so that they can get a
telephone and computer and
look Ior a job.
There is some local govern-
ment action to help the home-
less a housing project in
Coldwater, Ior example, is un-
derway but most oI their aid
comes Irom the combination oI
community and state-level f-
nancial assistance.
'We have people who spend
the night with them, Edmonds
said, 'people who Ieed them,
and some who transport them.
Richard Wunsch, the owner
oI Volume One Books in Hill-
sdale and a Iormer activist on
behalI oI the homeless, clari-
fed the distinction between the
'homeless and the 'shelter-
'The homeless have no place
to call home, Wunsch said,
'but the shelterless are worried
about staying warm at night.
Last winter, the McDonald`s
in Hillsdale kept its dining area
open overnight and some with-
out shelter spent their nights
there. There are widespread pre-
dictions oI an even more brutal
season this year.
For the most part, eIIec-
tive community action takes
place within and between local
churches. Roberts uses her posi-
tion at Family Promise to coor-
dinate religious communities in
the Coldwater area and Wunsch
believes that, ultimately, the
same must happen in Hillsdale.
When the community rallies
around those who need its help,
it changes the men and women
both giving and receiving the
aid. For Beth, one oI the biggest
realizations she had at Family
Promise was that the commu-
nity did indeed want to help.
'People are open to listen-
ing to other people, Beth said.
'They`re willing to understand
our situation and willing to help,
no matter what the situation is.
She reassured me that there is a
spot out there, even Ior people
like me.
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Good many oI the
students are leaving.
Everybody Irom
little kids to old
people like the
big pumpkins.
I didn`t want to lose
my children.
hut and promises a Iree
dozen oI donuts per shiIt
By now, many oI the vol-
unteers are veterans who
enjoy working in the sweet-
smelling store and earning a
dozen, Ireshly-made donuts,
but Zinser constantly searches
Ior younger help, too.
'The newbies are usually
tricked into running the mix-
er, Hartnagel said laughing.
'It gets really heavy and
hard to keep moving, but we
try and trade jobs. It`s a lot
oI Iun here and the best part
is all oI the new people you`ll
Ranging in age Irom nine
to 70, the volunteers enjoy
meeting new Iriends and jok-
ing around. Amidst the busy-
ness, they swap stories oI 4-H
competitions won by Iamily
members and concerns about
how little the youth know
about Iarming.
'They`re all here because
they love the Iair and what
it gives to the community,
Zinser said. 'Most oI my vol-
unteers are repeats because oI
all the Iun we have. I don`t
always remember all oI their
names, but I still know them,
and I love all the new Iriends
I`ve made.

!"#$ &'
3) 455)6 2780#92 0"(:, 98-9;+%2 4", -5$ 6&##13'#$ !"7(-8 .'&,9 ("- 4", /"(-$1-19 :7- 4", 47( 9 </%),(2 =+0,)"0>?500,:+"%@
!" 25 $ept. 201+
Describe your fashion sense.
ndie, comfy-casual, outdoorsy.

What is your most embarrassing item of cIothing?
Gaucho pants from sixth grade.
What is your biggest fashion pet peeve?
Velour jumpsuits.
What is your favorite item of cIothing?
Tibetan cotton pants.
Who inspires your wardrobe?
Whitney Port.
Photos by Hailey Morgan
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'It started with a sticker.
That was the birth oI the
whole thing.
Austin Holsinger, `11,
Iounded Great Lakes Proud,
a bumper sticker brand, in
March aIter graduating Irom
Hillsdale College.
This was not Holsinger`s
frst experience in entrepre-
neurship. While studying
business and marketing man-
agement, Holsinger ran a
golI club repair business and
started a project with three
Iriends, National Parks Tour,
that encouraged conservation
eIIorts in American nation-
al parks. AIter graduation,
Holsinger continued to pur-
sue the National Parks Tour
project. The idea launched,
but Iailed shortly aIter.
'That Iailure spurred me
on to start something new,
he said. 'The biggest moti-
vator was the Iailure.
AIter spending time in
CaliIornia and Montana,
Holsinger itched to return
to Michigan, specifcally the
Great Lakes region.
'I Ielt I had a story to tell
about Michigan community
and culture and wanted to tell
it, he said.
Holsinger bought a 1,000
stickers with the classic
blue Great Lakes logo and
pursued his business experi-
'He had an idea, and peo-
ple thought it was silly, but
he saw the big picture and
took a risk, said sophomore
Erin Holsinger, Austin`s sis-
By the end oI 2011, Hols-
inger sold not only the 1,000
original stickers, but also an
additional 4,000 stickers. In
2012, he sold over 50,000
stickers, and sales doubled
again last year. Sold in over
200 retail locations, Holsing-
er has taken the simple logo
and created brand loyalty
with character.
Josh Baker, owner oI The
Outftter sporting goods store
in Harbor Springs, Michigan,
has sold Great Lakes Proud
merchandise Ior three years.
He recognizes his customers`
Iamiliarity with the logo and
Great Lakes Proud`s envi-
ronmental practices.
'The logo is great; it`s in-
genious, Baker said. 'The
people love the colors and
are really starting to under-
stand the name. We are very
interested in that here in
Michigan: living local, buy-
ing local, shopping local.
From the beginning,
Holsinger wanted to sup-
port Great Lakes conserva-
tion eIIorts. He initially leIt
it up to his customers to
suggest where the company
should donate. But this year,
Great Lakes Proud began a
working relationship with
the Great Lakes Program at
Shedd Aquarium Center Ior
Conservation and Research
in Chicago. Great Lakes
Proud is a sponsor oI Shedd
Aquarium`s multi-million
dollar conservation initia-
tive, tackling problems like
pollution and the invasion oI
non-native species.
'I think it starts with that
he`s very caring, Erin said
oI her impressive philanthro-
py. His company has always
given at least 15 percent
oI profts back to the Great
Lakes, totaling over $50
The idea originated lo-
cally Irom a love oI the Great
Lakes, but now the logo can
be Iound globally. Great
Lakes Proud has sold stick-
ers to all 50 states, Austra-
lia, Japan, Korea, and parts
oI Europe. Hollywood ce-
lebrities like Ryan Gosling
and Kristen Bell have also
bought into the craze.
Holsinger oIten receives
pictures oI the logo Irom
loved ones all across the
country. The Holsinger Iam-
ily makes a game oI spotting
stickers on road trips and va-
'It`s an awesome remind-
er to pull up next to one, and
I`ll have a conversation with
some oI them, Holsinger
He remembers one time
when the Iamily did not real-
ize he was the Iounder, and
began telling him about the
'I said the sticker was
cool and they started telling
me the story oI Great Lakes
Proud and how it was start-
ed by a guy who grew up in
northern Michigan and want-
ed to do something good.
They said that it said in a
simple image what everyone
wanted to say in words.
Huddling beneath umbrel-
las and pulling hoodies tighter
over their heads, hundreds
thwarted drizzling rain and
chilly temperatures Sunday aI-
ternoon to buy one oI Hillsdale
County Fair`s most popular
treats: Donut Hut donuts.
Inside the hut, 10 volun-
teers swiItly mix, Iry, Irost, and
package donuts, attempting to
keep up with the demand.
'Walt has a way oI persuad-
ing people to help, volunteer
Larry Payn said, smirking as he
dipped one oI several hundred
donuts he Irosted during his
Iour-hour shiIt.
'Not long ago, I didn`t
know any oI these people,
Donut Hut Manager Walt Zin-
ser retorted while gesturing to
volunteers Irantically search-
ing Ior chocolate donuts to
fll a big order. 'Now, most oI
them probably wish they never
knew me.
AIter noticing the success
other Iairs had with donut huts,
Zinser, a member oI the Hills-
dale County Fair Board oI Di-
rectors, proposed that Hillsdale
try opening its own.
The Hillsdale Donut Hut
opened in 2010 and is run com-
pletely by volunteers, so all oI
its proceeds go to the Hillsdale
Agricultural Society to invest
in Iair improvements.
To the surprise oI many,
simply selling six diIIerent
favors oI donuts was a huge
hit, seen in Donut Hut`s line
stretching as long as 75 people
at a time and seldom slowing
down, regardless oI weather.
'Walt has made these do-
nuts a reason to come to the
Iair, volunteer Dora Hartnagel
Even local radio station
WCSR broadcaster and Donut
Hut regular Bob Flynn oIten
encourages his listeners to stop
by Ior a Ireshly-made donut.
'One time, my sister called
me just to ask Ior me to save
her six dozen so she Ireeze
them, Zinser said. 'They
Ireeze real well, and she sits on
a combine all day, so she pulls
out two each day and eats them
while she`s riding through the
To ensure the hut runs
smoothly, Zinser rarely leaves
the white building with a gi-
ant donut sign located a short
walk past the New Merchants
building. Although he misses
out on many oI the Iair events,
he enjoys making new Iriends
and contributing to the Iair by
running the store.
'It`s my way oI giving back
to the community, Zinser said.
'I love watching little kids hav-
ing a ball and remembering my
frst time at the Iair. I watched
my Iamily work at the Iair
since I was three, and my dad
would give me money Ior one
ride and a hot dog every day. It
brings back a lot oI memories,
but it doesn`t happen iI there`s
no one to help.
By dividing each day into
Iour-hour shiIts worked by 10
volunteers, Zinser enlists the
help oI Iriends, students, and
community members to run the
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It`s my way oI
giving back to the
I Ielt I had a
story to tell about
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Hillsdale Country Fair
Hillsdale County Fair
seating capacity of the frst
fair grandstand more than
100 years ago.
percent attendance
increase at the fair
between 2012 and
First year of the Hillsdale County Fair.
This year marks its 171st anniversary.
days until Tractor
Pull Thursday.
Event starts
tonight at 7 p.m.
acres the Agricultural
Society purchsed for the
recorded fair attendance in 1915.
by the numbers
8A6/)/ :/+0)$1B /7 C+1)3( @/%13(,$0;

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