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Functions in Excel:

A function is a predefined formula that is used to perform a particular operatio

There are different categories of functions are available in excel.
We can use a function in 3 ways.
1. Using Function Wizard
1. Select the cell you want to insert function
2. Select Formulas Tab
3. Select Insert Function Tool
4. Then Function Wizard Will Start
5. Select the Function Category
6. Select the function
7. Enter the values in arguments
8. Click on OK.
2. By Entering the fucntion in the cell
1. Select the cell you want to enter the function
2. Type "=" because every fucntion must begin with =
3. Enter the function name and arguments and Press ENTER
3. By Selecting the fucntion from function categories on Formulas Tab.
1. Select The Cell
2. Click on Formulas Tab
3. Select the function category
4. Select the function, Then function wizard will start.
Mathematical and Trigonometric Functions:
Abs() :
It returns the absolute value of the given number that is the value without its
Syntax: =Abs(Number)
Eg: =Abs(-80) ==> 80
Ceiling() :
It increases the given number to nearest integer or nearest multiple of the sign
Syntax: =Ceiling(Number,Significance)
Eg: =Ceiling(34.56748,1) ==> 35
=Ceiling(25,4) ==> 28
Floor() :
It decreases the given number to nearest integer or nearest multiple of the sign
Syntax: =Floor(Number,Significance)
Eg: =Floor(34.56748,1) ==> 34
=Floor(25,4) ==> 24
Fact() :
It returns the factorial of the given number i.e. equal to 1*2*3*....n
Syntax: =Fact(Number)
Eg: =Fact(5) ==> 120
GCD() :
It returns the greatest Common Divisor.
Syntax: =GCD(Num1,Num2,Num3,Num4,....)
Eg: =GCD(12,18,24) ==> 6
LCM() :
It returns the least common multiplier.
Syntax: =LCM(Num1,Num2,Num3,....)
Eg: =LCm(3,4,6) ==> 12
Log() :
It returns the logirithm value of the given number.
Syntax: =Log(Number,Base)
Eg: =Log(10,10) ==> 1
Mod() :
It returns the reminder after a number is divided by a divisor.
Syntax: =Mod(Number,Divisor)
Eg: =Mod(45,10) ==> 5
PI() :
It returns the PI value that is equal to 22/7.
Syntax: =PI()
Power() :
It returns the result after raising a number to its power.
Syntax: =Power(Number,Power)
Eg: =Power(4,3) ==> 64
Product() :
It returns the product after multiplying the given numbers.
Syntax: =Product(Num1,Num2,Num3,...)
Eg: =Product(2,4,6) ==> 48
Quotient() :
It returns the quotient after dividing a number with a divisor.
Syntax: =Quotient(Number,Divisor)
Eg: =Quotient(45,10) ==> 4
Roman() :
It converts the given number to roman number. The max is 3999.
Syntax: =Roman(Number)
Eg: =Roman(12) ==> XII
Round() :
It rounds the given number to the specified number of digits after decimal.
Syntax: =Round(Number,Num_Digits)
Eg: =Round(34.564743,3) ==> 34.565
Trunc() :
It truncates the given number to the specified number of digits after decimal.
Syntax: =Trunc(Number,Num_Digits)
Eg: =Trunc(34.564743,3) ==> 34.564
SQRT() :
It returns the Square Root of the given number.
Syntax: =SQRT(Number)
Eg: =SQRT(9) ==> 3
Sum() :
It returns the sum after adding all the given numbers.
Syntax: =Sum(Num1,Num2,Num3,...)
Eg: =Sum(10,20,30) ==> 60
Sumif() :
It adds the given numbers which will satisfy the given condition.
Syntax: =Sumif(Range,"Condition")
Eg: =Sumif(A1:A15,">30")

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