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The Spirit of the pink rose

Dimensions: 40x50cm
Made in: 2011
Medium: Acrylic
The spirits of those who died were always here with me,
somehow. I remember that in the day my granddad died I saw on my
window for almost one week, every morning, a pigeon. He used to come
and sit there looking at me. Sometimes he flew on one of the branches
of the tree in front of the grandmas house. I imagined that somehow
my granddad tried to talk to me and come and see what I am doing.
It is true that in my Christian-orthodox religion the spirit of a
person who dies is still here on Earth for a week or so until the path to
heaven it is open to them. There are a few steps to be climbed until the
spirit of the dead reaches the heaven. The stairway to heaven it is not
easy. In my opinion we start to climb those stairs from the moment we
are borne not only from the time we die and our body become one with
the Earth. If we think more of the Buddhist believes of reincarnation, we
understand even better that life is a cycle process and I think that if we
are facing the impossibility of reaching that final step of the stairway to
heaven than, we are sent back, once more, here on Earth to try to
climb again. We must be dressed with more virtues this time and have a
deeper understanding of the real purpose for which we are here.
Roses mean love. The same this painting try to suggest to you in a
way not so direct because of those spirits that surround it and some of
us have fear of this word. But Love is stronger than fear.
Gabriela Romaria
Dancing through the Universe
Dimensions: 40x50cm
Made in: 2011
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Julia, the main hero of my book called TRUE LOVE, is with her
head in the clouds. There she has been for more than three years now
from, when she first met Will. She met this writer, Will, online and he
became her best friend. Than she met another friend, Luminita, a
wonderful lady, also a writer, with who she talked through Internet in
the same way as she did with Will. Both Will and Luminita loved her
unconditionally and this gave her wings to fly. She is free and happy
again! But who is really hiding under Luminitas profile?...
Humans are made to can resist without food for a while, without
water too and without the comfort of a home. But they are not made to
survive without a friend. What do you get from your friend? The most
important thing that we need... do you know how it is called? Love.
When you dance like Julia, with the man that you love deep, deep,
from all your heart, the world around you is transformed into something
magic. Julia doesnt feel anything apart from the beats of her lovers
heart and the whole earth is spinning and spinning round and round
like they were on a bright carousel.
Gabriela Romaria

I love you
Dimensions: 40x50cm
Made in: 2011
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

This painting I have created in 2011, in December, just before the
New Years Eve! It is a one of the paintings that Julia, the hero of my
True Love book, painted special for Daniel, the man she met and fell in
love with, three years ago. Julia had so much love in her heart for this
man who did not love her but she was so happy because she had a
friend, one that talked to her everyday and always gave her the best
advice. She met him on MySpace and for more then three years now, he
was the only best friend she had. Yes, Julia loved two men, William and
Daniel and had the impression that they were one and the same person.
She could not find out the truth, though, because William, the man she
met online, refused to talk to her on video cam or to call her. He wanted
to remain anonymous pretending that he was married and could not call
Julie because his wife will become very upset.
However, a new year was approaching and Julia still felt so much
love for both of these men. How could she express it better then
through colours?
This painting illustrates all of her feelings for her best friend and
lover. Maybe the same man, the one she met three years ago, in real
life? Maybe
Gabriela Romaria

Violet flowers
Dimensions: 40x50cm
Made in: 2011
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

My Violet flower is a beautiful flower that Julia, the hero of my
True Love book, envisioned in her dreams She was so overwhelmed
by the love of her best friend, William. He didnt know that she was
painting so many flowers for him. She wanted to give him one of her
paintings, Red poppies for Will but he refused to take it. Now she
made another one, but kept it all secrete this time.
The colours I used in this painting are: orange, green, violet, black
and white; they are my favourite colours.
The violet flower is an original painting that you will never find
somewhere else! Thats why I am so pleased to offer to you this painting
to display it on your room. May it bring you relaxation and peace when
you will look at it! May it give you the impression that you are constantly
in a garden full of all sorts of flowers, one more beautiful than the
other May it speak to you about your own dreams from when you
where a child or about the love you once found. One love you once own
it is never lost even if it is not present into your life right now. The
feelings, the emotions, can not be taken away, as we can not take away
the beauty of this painting it will always remain, over the years, to
remind us that life is without end, when you love.
There is a song I love very much called Bitter sweet by Gary B.
This is a flower that is dancing on Garys song and it takes you too, to
float and get lost in the multitude of his emotion. The song can be found
on YouTube.
Thank you for buying my painting, Gabriela Romaria
Abstract red flower
Dimensions: 40x50cm
Made in: 2011
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

This is one of my favourite paintings because of the beautiful red
colours I used when I painted the petals of the flowers. I have done a
few sketches for this painting before I started to paint it. The methods I
used are common in aboriginal paintings and in those of abstract
paintings and silk paintings.
I always paint in layers and I wont stop until I am happy with the
final look of my painting. I have already painted six or seven layers of
acrylic paint on this painting; some come in splashes of colours other are
applied with a great precision.
Painting flowers is one of the most enjoyable hobbies I had from
when I was a child. If I didnt paint or draw them, I was staring at them
for hours This is because during my childhood time I was surrounded
by a multitude of flowers from my grannys garden and so now I feel as I
have so many sources of inspirations in my head.
Flowers are like children, when they luck love they are not
growing properly. When they are treated right, they have so much to
offer! Just looking at this painting, I feel brighter and more energetic,
ready to go for what I believe in! I hope you feel the same!
Never abandon your dreams, as they are the only ones dear, the
ones that your heart lives on!
Gabriela Romaria

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