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Integrated Unit of Work: Bush Rangers- Who are they? What is their influence in Australia?

Year Level: Year 5 - 4 week program

Achievement Standard:
Year 5 (Working towards this achieement standard throughout Year 5!
Receptive modes (listening, reading and vieing!
By the end of Year 5, students explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. They understand how language features, images and vocabulary influence interpretations of characters, settings and events.
They analyse and explain literal and implied information from a variety of texts. They describe how events, characters and settings in texts are depicted and explain their own responses to them. They listen and ask questions to clarify content.
"rod#ctive modes (speaking, riting and creating!
tudents use language features to show how ideas can be extended. They develop and explain a point of view about a text, selecting information, ideas and images from a range of resources.
tudents create a variety of sequenced texts for different purposes and audiences. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, taking into account other perspectives. !hen writing, they demonstrate understanding of grammar, select specific vocabulary and use
accurate spelling and punctuation, editing their work to provide structure and meaning.
$nglish "rogram:
Language Literature Literacy General capabilities and cross-curriculum
Understands that the pronunciation, spelling and meanings
of words have histories and change over time
Understand how tets var! in purpose, structure and topic
as well as the degree of formalit! (ACELA150")
Understand how the grammatical categor! of possessives
is signalled through apostrophes and how to use
apostrophes with common and proper nouns (ACELA150#)
Understand that the starting point of a sentence gives
prominence to the message in the tet and allows for
prediction of how the tet will unfold (ACELA1505)
$dentif! aspects of literar! tets that conve! details or
information a%out particular social, cultural and
historical contets (ACEL&1#0')
(resent a point of view a%out particular literar! tets
using appropriate metalanguage, and re)ecting on the
viewpoints of others (ACEL&1#0*)
+ecognise that ideas in literar! tets can %e conve!ed
from di,erent viewpoints, which can lead to di,erent
-inds of interpretations and responses (ACEL&1#10)
Create literar! tets using realistic and fantas! settings
and characters that draw on the worlds represented in
tets students have eperienced (ACEL&1#1.)
/how how ideas and points of view in tets are conve!ed
through the use of voca%ular!, including idiomatic
epressions, o%0ective and su%0ective language, and that
these can change according to contet (ACEL11#*')
/how how ideas and points of view in tets are
conve!ed through the use of voca%ular!,
includingidiomatic epressions, o%0ective and su%0ective
language, and that these can change according
tocontet (ACEL11#*')
Use comprehension strategies to anal!se information,
integrating and lin-ing ideas from a variet! of print and
digital sources (ACEL11203)
+eread and edit student4s own and others5 wor- using
agreed criteria for tet structures and language
features (ACEL11205)
Use a range of software including word processing
programs with )uenc! to construct, edit and pu%lish
written tet, and select, edit and place visual, print and
audio elements "#$%&Y'()(*
6oca%ular! -nowledge
7evelop the idea of 8point of view9
Engage in historical narrative writing through various
$C& capa%ilit!
Use a range of resources to eplore the topic of 8;ushrangers9
+epresent -nowledge:ideas through a range of $C&
Critical and creative thin-ing
7evelop s-ills in criti<uing a range of points of view on the
issues eplored
Prior Knowledge Exemplar Texts
/tudents have accomplished narrative writing in previous lessons and the! are familiar with the structure
of narrative writing=
/tudents have slight -nowledge of a num%er of famous %ush rangers in Australia
/tudents have learnt to write auto%iograph! in previous lessons
&he legend of >oond!ne ?oe %! >ar- @reenwood (Aovel)
Aed Bell! and the @reen /ash %! >ar- @reenwood (Aovel)
&he ;ushrangers %! Edward Carrington ((oem)
Bell!5s ;!rne and Cart (;allad)
;ushranger %! ?ill= ; ;ruce
Links to other learning areas
&his unit lin-s English to /ociet! and Environment (Cistor!) and Arts
Unit %vervie (&orard "lanning 'oc#ment!
Context/ntent !eep Knowledge and "nderstandings #kills Processes/$alues/%ttitudes
ntegrating Theme
Understand who %ushrangers are and what the! did (12*0D1'#0s)
&he role of the famous %ushrangers in shaping the colonial societ! in
;ushrangers are distinctl! from Australia= &he harsh %ush conditions of
Australia were the %ase in which the! organised and conducted their
Aed Bell! was one of the most famous %ushrangers of Australian histor!=
&here were two periods in Australian histor! when the %ush ranging was
/e<uence signiEcant events and people for %ushranging
7eveloping historical tet (particularl! narratives) which incorporate source
Learning that information can %e manipulated through media
#ociety and En&ironment '(istory) English 'Literacy) %rts
6isual arts
>edia Arts
>a-ing comparison with familiar %ushranger stories (+o%in hood : 7ic-
7iscuss:+esearchF GhoH Gh!H GhatH GhereH GhenH
$nteresting facts a%out the %ushrangers
BGL (Bnow I Gant I Learn) to %e Elled throughout four wee-s
Listen to famous %allads:poems of %ushrangers and identif! the common
features of %allads:poems
Create a timeline of Australian %ushranging (12*0sD1'#0s) and put
signiEcant events and people in di,erent dates (Jocusing on two ma0or
*iography 'Pro+ect)
+esearch a %iograph! on a %ushranger to %e presented in media form
DKutline of their life, their characteristics, personal thoughts on the
%ushranger etc
Ghat aspects of colonial societ! helped cause the rise in %ush rangingH
-ed Kelly
Aed Bell! timelineF $mportant events in his life
?erilderie Letter I Aed Bell! victims
Cistor! in<uir! throughF
D(oems:%allads of Aed Bell!
DAewspaper articles
DAed Bell! and the @reen /ash
7iscuss the role of Aed Bell! in development of the earl! colon!
$mage stud! of historical photographs of Aed Bell!
7evelop standpoint a%out the Bell! stor! (was he a heroH)
.oondyne /oe
+ead the legend of >oond!ne ?oe
Ecursion to Jremantle prisonF
Ddiscovering life of >oond!ne ?oe
D%ac-ground of the %ushranging period I historical facts
Collect and discuss newspaper articles related to %ushranging
;allads:poems on %ushrangers
Jinding main ideas: summarising the articles
*allad poem +eading %allads on %ushranging and identif!ing similarities
and di,erences=
7iscussing what %allad is and its signiEcant features ((oetic
(istorical narrati&e and discuss the structure: language features:speciEc
voca%ular! choices of writing historical narrative
-ewspaper articles and other media and criticall! eamine how media
has the power to create values and in)uence %ehaviours
%uthor study0 >ar- @reenwood
/erilderie letter examine some of the reasons why Ned Kelly wrote the Jerilderie letter
and the impact it had on the public, the police and how we understand his life
Examine *T- 'behind the news) on Aed Bell! for discussion
1atch .y Place 'only rele&ant parts) and discuss how the stor!line
was moulded to historicall! accurate events= Eamine attire:tradition ideas
for role pla! (for other activit!)
Examine lyrics discuss songs on %ushrangers and identif!
*allads 0 Griting their own %allad following the structure:rules in a group on
speciEc %ushranger
(istorical -arrati&e0 Creating their own historical narrative relating to
famous %ushranger facts=
Grammar0 6ariet! of sentence structure (/imple, compound, comple)
/entence structure e,ects for di,erent situations
/erilderie letter0 Adding correct punctuation to the letter=
Eamining the metaphors:similes in the letter= &hen
writing students5 own
description of someone:something ((refera%l!
%ushrangers) through using
metaphor and similes
1ord #tudy
/erilderie letter0 Jiguring out the meaning of the words in the letter and
learning together
1ord sticky notes0 @iven a num%er of selected words from articles:%oo-s
chosen from the teacher, writing eample sentences of the words
$ocabulary -otebook
&est children and place into spelling phases L Letter Aame Alpha%etic, Githin
Gords, /!lla%les and AMes, 7erivational +elations=
7evelop Gord /orts for each group=
.edia Presentation0 '1as -ed Kelly a hero2)
Each group of students construct &6 current a,aire st!le article where the!
must tell the stor! a%out Aed Bell!
$nclude pictures, drawings and customs in the presentation to manipulate the
7iscuss and eplain how di,erent points of view of people, places, ideas and
stories are communicated and portra!ed for a variet! of purposes, and
audiences within regulator! media
,ole Play0
Creating a short role pla! scenario in groups to descri%e the living conditions
of the %ushrangers in 1'00s
$nclude in the scenario illustrating wh! the! chose to %ecome %ushrangers
and things the! have done (%ased on real evens of the di,erent %ushrangers
and students5 own opinions)
/tudents prepare and create props and accompan!ing resources (e=g=
sounds) to ma-e the roleDpla! more interesting
1anted Poster0
$nclude a portrait of the %ushranger wanted %! the police using charcoal
(ut description of the appearance of the %ushranger, crimes the! have
committed and the reward included for catching him
.id0Program %cti&ity0 %ssessment 'End o3 week 4)
/tudents conve! a electronic presentation on %iograph! of a %ushranger (using ((&, video, audio etc) eplaining who
the! are and their
$n)uence in Australia5s colonial histor!=
End o3 Program/Culminating %cti&ity0 %ssessment '1eek 5)
1= Griting a %allad on %ushranger
.= Cistorical Aarrative writing on %ushranger
Unit %#tline (Weekl(, these are not lesson plans, )U* hat (o# plan to cover thro#gho#t the eek taken from (o#r Unit %vervie!:
KE60 1hole Class 7 #mall Group 8 ndi&idual 9
'C; or %C)
Teaching and Learning %cti&ities Group
Literacy ;ocus ,esources
1 (ACCCB0*5 )
*egin reading the no&el0 -ed Kelly and the Green #ash by mark
7 #hared reading
(redictionsF Ghat is the %oo- going to
%e a%outH
7iscuss purpose of the tet
As- inferential:inD%etween <uestions
while reading the tet
7iscuss the language features of the
ntroduce the topic0
Eamine di,erent pictures and shortDclips of famous %ushrangers (+o%in
hood :7ic- &urpin)
Listen to few %ushranger songs:poems:%allads
7iscuss the characteristics of the %ushrangers and see if the students
can identif! an! famous %ushrangers
7iscuss what new things the! have learnt from the fol- songs:%allads
7 89 Listening and &iewing
+ecording 8Bnow9 part of the BGL chart of
<uestions includingF
Gho are the %ush rangersH
Gh! did the! %ecome %ushrangersH
Ghat was their lifest!le li-eH
Ghen was the ma0or %ushranging
Ghat happened if the! were caughtH
Ghat did the! doH Ghat crimes did
the! commitH
D;ushranger %!
Edward Carrington
DBell!5s ;!rne and
#tudent<s current
knowledge on
,eading newspaper articles on *ushrangers0
7iscussing wh! the societ! would support these criminals
Caving deeper -nowledge of the topic
7 8 9 ,eading and 1riting
+eading di,erent newspaper articles on
the eploits of the %ushrangers
#ummarising Paragraph = structure o3 the
&opic sentence
/upporting details
Concluding sentence
Children to use no more than 35 words
to summarise the main idea of the tet>
/hare with the other group mem%ers
and compare their choice of main
Create 3 +ight &here <uestions, 3 &hin-
and /earch <uestions and 3 Kn 1our
Kwn <uestions to share with di,erent
groups in the class=
%rticles on
#ummarising paragraph to
be dra3ted and re&iewed
in the ntegrated
Conduct pre-tests using the spelling in&entories 3rom 1ords
their 1ay>
:rganise the #pelling 1orkbooks 3or this unit o3 work>
;ocus on0
Eploring Gord Jamilies L rain, hailO groundO steam, sleet=
/emantic >aps
;uild a Gord &ree
8 #pelling0
LetterDAame Alpha%etic
Githin Gord (atterns
/!lla%les and AMes
7erivational +elations
Gor-%oo-s L
organise the &A to
compile these for
the children=
Create Gord /orts
for each group=
Elementary and "pper
le&el spelling in&entories>
1eekly spelling test>
,esearch ' in groups )
Aspects of colonial societ! that caused the rise of %ushrangers
/tudents5 own thoughts on reasons wh! people %ecame %ushrangers
>a-e list of $nteresting %ushranger I facts a%out them
Collect song %allad:poem a%out the %ushranger
7 8 ,eading and #peaking
Aote ta-ing from various
articles:we%sites (&o %e used for role
pla! in the following wee-)
DGhat was life li-e for themH
DGhat choices did the! haveH
DGhat were the ris-s involvedH
Useful we%sites for
/haring the chosen song:%allad with
the other groups in the class
+esearch is to %e
put into their
group Eles on
$ocabulary notebook
Collect voca%ular! words that students found diMcult to read or
understand from articles:%oo-s:poems and write deEnitions using
8 9 $ocabulary de&elopment0
;egin %uilding voca%ular! note%oo- for
di,erent target groups
/tudents write deEnitions and eample
sentences for the words
/tudents eamine di,erent parts of the
wordsO preEes, suMes and the root words
%! using dictionaries and thin- a%out the
(istorical -arrati&e 1riting
+eading short historical Ection 8Cannah and the @olden thread9
Anal!se the speciEc features of historical narrative
7 89 ,eading Comprehension
Eploiting the tet
As-ing literal I inferential <uestions
a%out the tet
%nalysing the structure/3eatures
/etting (Nreal place)
>ade up characters
/peciEc language features (words,
speech and actions)
Use of >etaphors:similes
Using the tet
steps %e!ond the
student #
(pp=22) for
Creating Timeline0
&imeline on the class wall with important dates of %ushranging
Each group gets speciEc dates and is instructed to eplore what
signiEcant events happened for the given date=
7 8
Creating *ushranger *iography 'ntroduction)
/tudents are epected to prepare a %iograph! on a famous
%ushranger to %e presented in wee- " in oral presentation, video,
audio or (ower(oint slideshow
&he focus of the report for this wee- includes outline of the speciEc
%ushranger life, signiEcant events, his last da!s
79 !iscussing
;rainstorm on ideas on wh! people
write %iograph! and what should %e
$mportance of %iograph! in histor!
,eading and 1riting
+eading eamples of %iograph! and
eamining the criteria of writing
personal %iograph!
DKpening statement
DCorrect se<uence of events
D&hird person writing
DUsing (ast tense
hence create ru%rics together with the
;egin creating life map (timeline) of
speciEc %ushranger and research the
signiEcant events of his life
(ACCCB0*5 )
Continue reading class no&el = -ed Kelly and the Green #ash Listening and $iewing
Creating *ushranger *iography 'Continued 3rom week A)
/tudents continue researching on their %iograph! report=
&he focus of the report for this wee- includes his personalit! traits,
songs I legends a%out him and other interesting facts that mar-s
the di,erence from other %ushrangers
789 ,eading and 1riting
+eviewing the features of %iograph! reports
Aote ta-ing from research
Cand out the ru%rics (modiEed %! the
teacher) for guidance
#amples o3
reports 3or
students to use
as models>
ntroducing writing ballads0
'"sing ballads students ha&e collected 3rom the pre&ious week)

Listening to three %allads from the previous wee- and identif!ing
features and purposed of the %allads
Jocusing on its poetic devices, have discussion on its rh!thm
schemes and rh!thm pairs=
Using the %ushranger facts I research from previous wee-, start
writing a %allad telling a stor! of the %ushranger in a group=
(/tudents are given criteria:ru%rics of writing %allad to inform what is
epected of them)
7 8 ,eading Comprehension
;inding similarities and di,erences
%etween three di,erent %allads
1hat are ballads2
%nalysing 3eatures o3 the ballads
D& he traditional %allad stanQa consists
of four lines, rh!med a%c% (or
sometimes a%a%DDthe -e!
D &ell stories rather than emotions
D&hird person o%0ective narration
-ed Kelly<s /erilderie letter 'acti&ity A)
Jinding and discussing metaphor and similes used in the letter %!
Aed Bell!
After reading Aed Bell!5s ?erilderie letter, class is divided in to two
teams and each team has to Egure out the meanings of the chosen
words in the letter=
/tudents get $ndividual cop! of pg=1*D.0 of the Bell!5s letter and tr!
to add appropriate punctuation in the letter in order to ma-e sense of
the letter=
7 8 9 ,eading Comprehension
+eading di,erent sections of the letter
and identif!ing:solving the metaphor
and similes in the letter
Learning how ideas can %e conve!ed
through used of su%missive
language:idiomatic epressions
;rainstorming di,erent characters of
the stor! (recentl! learned) and
descri%ing through using
metaphors:similes in pairs=
$ndividual wo- on putting punctuation
of the given section of the letter and
discussing the signiEcance of
punctuation in writing=
Extracts o3 the
letter and
acti&ity sheet
3or punctuation0
Jocus on topic words and those that have %een recorded in
6oca%ular! Aote%oo-s=
7 8 #pelling ,otations0
LetterDAame Alpha%etic
Eploring Gord Jamilies L
Githin Gord (atterns
&eacher directed word sorts=
/!lla%les and AMes
7erivational +elations
Add new words to 6oca%ular! Aote%oo-s=
1ord #orts
1eekly spelling test>
(istory narrati&e writing ' Continued )
+evisit the %oo- Aed Bell! and the @reen /ash and compare with
other factual resources including internet sites, news articles and
7 89 $ocabulary !e&elopment0
Gord Lists and 6oca%ular! wor-=
nonDEction %oo-s on Aed Bell!= Understand that >ar- @reenwood
(the author) has written his narrative %ased on the real facts=
Learning language 3eatures to support narrati&e writing
Using picture %oo-s to help %uild -nowledge
a%out di,erent regions of the world=
Using noun groups in a variet! of wa!s to
provide a fuller description
D(re modiEers
(ost modiEers
,e&iew o3 the *ush rangers
!iscuss who %ush rangers are and what a,ected their eistence= Also tal-
a%out wh! %ushrangers are distinctivel! Australian and their in)uence on
colonial societ!
-ame eamples of famous %ush rangers and their signiEcance in the
7 8 #peaking and 1riting
- Continuing to record the 8Ghat9 and 8Learnt9
part of the BGL chart %ased on what the! have
learnt last two wee-s and what the! are
curious to End out=
$ocabulary !e&elopment0
/u%0ect speciEc words
Eploring preEesL tri,bi
Collect ntegrated
#tudies 1orkbooks to
mark and ensure all
work is up-to-date>
(ACCCB0*5 )
.oondyne /oe
/tart reading &he legend of >oond!ne ?oe ;! >ar- @reenwood
/tudents creating wanted poster of >oond!ne ?one (/tudents can
pic- other %ushrangers if the! have got suMcient information)
using charcoal=
/tudents discuss their choice of the descriptions of the wanted
poster and share with the other students
79 Listening and $iewing
!escription o3 the poster0
&!pe of language the! ma! haveused
on wanted posters %ac- then, that we
do not use toda!
&!pe of reward might have %een o,ered
for ?oe5s captureH Gh!H
Cow might the! descri%e ?oe and his
personalit!H Ghat words might the!
-ed Kelly<s /erilderie letter 'acti&ity @)
;rief discussion with the class a%out what the! alread! -now a%out
Aed Bell!= As- them where the!4ve heard a%out him and his life, what
the! thin- of him D was he a hero or a common criminalH (/ome
students will %e a%le to share their thoughts %ased on the class
novel, research on Aed Bell! as their %iograph!)
/tudents investigate the primar!:secondar! resource of the ?erilderie
letter and discuss in a group what the letter is a%out
7 9 ,eading B #ource analysis
DEach group of students get di,erent sections
of the letter and evaluate the source using the
given template=
!iscussion on the letters 'To be written
in their +ournal)
DGhat was the purpose of the letterH
DGh! did Aed Bell! dictate the letter to ?o
;!rneH Ghat does this tell us a%out Bell!
DCow does Bell! use language to ma-e the
reader feel more s!mpathetic towards himH
Ghat -inds of words in)uence how we see him
and his actionsH
DCow do criminals ma-e their version of events
pu%lic toda!H ;oo- dealsH Aews coverageH
Ghat does this tell us a%out how societ!4s
views of crime have changedH
/erilderie letter0
,eading /1riting
(a&ing suCcient
knowledge to answer the
gi&en discussion Duestions
in suitable &ocabulary
D Understand the purpose of
the letter in depth
D A%le to incorporate personal
opinion:thoughts in the
DGord choices: /entence
Ecursion to Kld Jremantle (rison museum
Learning a%out the Australian Convicts : &heir lifest!le in the prison:
Jamous %ushranger >oond!ne ?oe5s @reat Escape
7 8 -ote taking0
7igital Cameras
Aotes to %e used for short historical
letter writing activit! later as part of
historical narrative writing
Each student
ha&e a copy o3
the booklet
page # on
>oond!ne ?oe
1riting *allads (Continuing from previous wee-)
/tudents choose speciEc rh!thm from the given %allads to %e
implemented in their own %allads after the! have chosen their
$n a group, continue wor-ing on their %ushranger %allads on word
processor pa!ing careful attention on the stanQas :rh!me pairs
/tudents ta-e turns to research for relevant information needed to
write the %allad
/tudent create a clima, a resolution and a creative dialogues and
ending emplo!ing devices such as ad0ectives, adver%s, s!non!ms,
similes and action words
8 ,eading and 1riting
Aote ta-ing on research of the
%ushranger life
Creating appropriate stor! structure
following the ru%rics
$ocabulary de&elopment
/tudents wor- on famil! rh!me,
rh!ming puQQle activities for stimulation
in writing their %allads
(istorical -arrati&e 1riting 'continuing)
Using the pictures: drawings: Aote ta-ing from the ecursion,
students write a short historical narrative letter to their famil!
pretending that the! were one of the convicts $n the Jremantle
prison= /tudents need to eplain their dail! life as a convict
descri%ing signiEcant events that the! saw or eperienced=
/tudents ma-e the letter papers using tea %ags and oven from the
coo-ing area to give an authentic loo- to the letter=
7 8 1riting
TechniDue B #tyle0
D &hree paragraphs
D ;ased on +eal historical facts ( dates,
D >iture of made up and real
D Choice of words ( &al-ing li-e the
people from
that time)
D Candwriting
,e3er to
/erilderie letter
3or handwriting
Creating *ushranger biography 'Continued)
&he focus of the report for this wee- includes the students5 thoughts
a%out wh! the! might have %ecome %ushrangers, eplain how and
wh! this person stood out in Australian colonial histor! and his
contri%ution to the development of Australia
Gatch ;&A news on Aed Bell! to help students form their media
presentation on their chosen %ushrangers=
Jinish up the presentation %! end of this wee-
7 9 Listening and $iewing
Aote ta-ing
*ehind the
'#).edia presentation on
bush ranger0 'biography)
D/tudent has correct
D/tudent writing shows
suMcient research
DAppropriate word choicesF
&ime connectives to se<uence
events, past tense
DEvents are in order
DCon0unction to lin- students5
own ideas
DCovers signiEcant events of
the %ushranger5s life
mage study o3 -ed Kelly
/tudents are given # di,erent historical pictures of Aed Bell!= &hen
students eamine the images detailed in small groups or as
individuals and discussF
DGho has heard of Aed Bell!H
DGhat do !ou -now a%out himH
DCow did !ou hear a%out himH
DGhat -ind of person do !ou thin- he isH
DCow is Aed portra!ed in these imagesH 7oes he seem li-e a hero or
a criminalH Cow can !ou tellH Loo- at poses, positioning in the image,
and other features that might indicate this=
$iewing and #peaking
/tudents eamines the wa! Aed Bell!
was presented, %oth in the media and
in the %roader culture through detailed
image stud!
Arranging the photos in chronological
Construct three <uestions %ased on the
material the! have
viewed:read:listened so far that the!
would want to -now the answer to and
record in BGL chart
Different historical
pictures of Ned Kelly:
/tudents learn that it is common now for images to %e digitall!
altered and the pro%lems this create for people stud!ing the past=
Conduct pre-tests using the spelling in&entories 3rom 1ords
their 1ay>
:rganise the #pelling 1orkbooks 3or this unit o3 work>
Gord sorts
Latin and @ree- ?eopard!
Ge &hin- activities
8 #pelling0
LetterDAame Alpha%etic
Githin Gord (atterns
/!lla%les and AMes
7erivational +elations
/pelling Gor-%oo-s L organise
the &A to compile these for
the children=
Create Gord /orts for each
*egin reading *ushrangers by /ill>* *ruce
7 8 Listening and $iewing
1riting *allads
/tudents Enish their %allads and design their %allads with pictures and
di,erent font colours:siQes on >icrosoft word=
&wo groups are paired together and peerDevaluate each groups5 %allad using
the given ru%ric
/hare with other groups in circle
7 8 ,eading
>ar-ing another group5s %allad using
the mar-ing ru%ric
D $dea:content
D +eferences
D Gord choice
D /tanQa structure
/elf re)ectionF
DGhat do $ need to improveH
DGhat was most diMcultH
DGhat did $ do the %estH CowH
Listening and speaking
/haring %allads with other groups and
discussing what students thin- a%out
the %allads
.arking rubric
3or writing
1riting *allad on
7esign the print on
>icrosoft word to
ma-e the %allad stand
Correct (eerD
>eeting criteria for
each categor! of
,ole play ' :ngoing )
Creating a short role pla! scenario in groups to descri%e the living conditions of
the %ushrangers in 1'00s
$nclude in the scenario illustrating wh! the! chose to %ecome %ushrangers and
things the! have done (%ased on real evens of the di,erent %ushrangers and
students5 own opinions)
/tudents prepare and create props and accompan!ing resources (e=g= sounds) to
ma-e the roleDpla! more interesting
7 8 ,ole play
#peaking and listening
1as -ed Kelly a hero or &illain2
6iew ecerpts of current a,airs st!le &6 programme, read magaQines and
newspaper articles with an o%vious %ias and have a discussion
/tudents de%ate whether the! thin- Aed Bell! was a hero or villain using
appropriate evidence and statements= /tudents are grouped according to
their position on the topic
Each group construct a &6 current a,airs st!le article where the! must tell
stor! a%out Aed Bell! %! researching di,erent resources on Aed Bell!
7 89 ,eading and $iewing
D Cow can !ou 0udge if a piece of information is
%iased or o%0ectiveH
DGhat proportion of the article do !ou thin-
was fact:opinionH
DGh! do !ou thin- the media portra!s a certain
view sometimesH
n3ormation 3or
the students to
research 3or
Collect ntegrated
#tudies 1orkbooks to
mark and ensure all
work is up-to-date>
(istorical -arrati&e 1riting 'continuing)
Eamining more historical narrative Ections
Using the %iograph! report from the presentation, students create their own
historical narrative writing
7 8 ,eading and 1riting ntegrated
1riting a historical
-/tudents have written a
more comple:narrative
structure including more than
one complication and ending
lin-ed to %eginning
D/tudents have clear lin-s
seen %etween an within
DUse of simile:metaphors
DAccurate spelling and
DAccurate historical facts
#pelling de&elopment0
/how eamples of words with unstressed vowels and invite the children to
wor- out what these words have in common and wh! the! ma! present
diMculties for spelling= (e=g= Wednesday, poisonous, interested)=
;eat the s!lla%les= ;rea- words down= +evise from 1ear 3, counting the
s!lla%les= $nvite the children to lead with other eamples=
/ight word studies
97 1ord #orts

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