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... through Bertha Dudde

Deposing the earthly power ....
The spirit of anyone giving the world reason to live under
onstant threat does not de!onstrate the love he should har"our
within hi!self. Rather# it is the tri"ute of evil paid "y the person
spreading disord and ontroversy a!ongst hu!anity.
$eople are supposed to ultivate love and peae and all should "e
li%e "rothers to eah other .... &n its plae "itter en!ity is ta%en
into ho!es whih ought to shelter peaeful people' and a whole
nation will "e unworthy if the iti(en of a ountry lives in spiritual
"ondage ....
)nslaving those who should "e treated li%e "rothers is not
santioned aording to God*s will.
Those who arrogantly dare to put laws into plae whih restrit
personal freedo! .... and this purely to push through a
preoneived idea# will soon disover that they went to too far
and that destiny will reverse itself for those who "elieve
the!selves to "e in harge of it.
+d!ittedly# at first it will appear as if the worldly power is
suessful "ut not for long# for all signs of the ti!e point towards
the end of the period when fore o!es "efore !ery.
+nd even so# if it re!ains unfeasi"le that the wea% gain respet
on earth# then it is per!itted "y God*s wisdo! so that God*s
righteousness# ,is love and ,is O!nipotene will learly !anifest
itself one day .... for ,e will intervene when the ti!e is right ....
-ou !ust let Him rule alone and ,e will arrange everyone*s fate
suh that it will "e "eara"le for the individual and with God*s
"lessing and help "ring his life to the right onlusion.
+nd now get ready to reeive a revelation# the !eaning of whih
you will not "e a"le to understand today# and yet it shall "e
e.plained to you/
,ene the 0ord will have to fori"ly intervene in the spiritual
haos# and the world will already an.iously evaluate the sale of
the eternal Deity*s intervention. +nd therefore it is it is
per!issi"le that a trou"led nation*s ruler will first have to taste
the !iseries hi!self "efore he gets severely affeted "y world
+s yet he will still en1oy the height of his fa!e# as hu!anity
ontinues to heer hi! on# "ut one he has fallen no one will
spea% to hi! or on his "ehalf# for in ti!es of hardship and !ost
"itter adversity hu!anity forgets that it also owes hi! ertain
advantages# and thus it will o!e to pass that in the fortho!ing
ti!e of hardship on earth a general uprising will "e planned and
i!ple!ented against the authorities# whih will ause !any a
person*s downfall# who saw hi!self in a leading position ....
+nd the soul will !a%e a deision .... it will let itself "e guided "y
its sense of righteousness# it will reognise the !ista%es and
shorto!ings "ut also the intention of those who long for an
i!prove!ent of the whole situation and will ontent itself with
less power in order to protet hu!anity fro! further
ala!ities ....
For the inredi"ly e!"ittered people will de!and their rights and
re2uest the re!oval of the one who "rought suh indesri"a"le
!isery over hu!anity.
+nd the hour will o!e when rih and poor# young and old# high
and low will reognise how !uh power this ruler had e.erised
and how level3!inded those had "een who had not let
the!selves "e deeived "y appearanes ....
+nd one this hange of diretion has ta%en plae the earth will
only re!ain as it is for a little longer# in order to then reeive a
o!pletely new appearane as a result of a huge disaster#
ad!ittedly not everywhere "ut notiea"ly in all ountries whih
were united "y the world onflagration and whih onte!plate
!utual destrution.
+nd this will "e a dreadful day followed "y a dreadful night# for
the 0ord waits with ut!ost patiene# "ut if it is ignored events
will ta%e plae on earth and affet everyone .... aording to
!erit .... For God*s 1ustie will not leave anyone on a throne who
does not warrant his status .... and li%ewise elevate those who
have always "een faithful to ,i!# not for the sa%e of earthly
reward "ut for love of the divine 4reator ....
)veryone*s fate has "een deter!ined sine eternity# and the 0ord
is !erely i!ple!enting what is prolai!ed in Word and
5ripture# so that hu!anity !ay reognise the truth of these
preditions and ta%e the! to heart ....
$u"lished "y friends of new revelations of God 6 &nfor!ation#
download of all translated revelations# the!e3"oo%lets at/

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