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A 3D Finite Element model of the human face for

simulation in plastic and maxillo-facial surgery.

M. Chabanas and Y. Payan
TIMC Laboratory , University oI Grenoble, France


This paper introduces a new Finite Element biomechanical model oI the human Iace,
which has been developed to be integrated into a simulator Ior plastic and maxillo-Iacial
surgery. The idea is to be able to predict, Irom an aesthetic and Iunctional point oI view,
the deIormations oI a patient Iace, resulting Irom repositioning oI the maxillary and
mandibular bone structures. This work will complete the simulator Ior bone-repositioning
diagnosis that has been developed by the laboratory. AIter a description oI our research
project context, each step oI the modeling is precisely described: the continuous and
elastic structure oI the skin tissues, the orthotropic muscular Iibers and their insertions
points, and the Iunctional model oI Iorce generation. First results oI Iace deIormations
due to muscles activations are presented. They are qualitatively compared to the
Iunctional studies provided by the literature on Iace muscles roles and actions.


Orthognathic surgery addresses skeletal deIormities oI the cranioIacial region in the
sagittal, coronal and transverse Iacial planes. The correction oI these deIormities requires
the repositioning oI Iacial bones and their dental structures. In this Iramework, detailed
pre-surgical planning has to be carried out to accurately determine the exact amount oI
movement Ior the jawbones and teeth. Moreover, considerations about the aesthetics oI
the Iace and the Iunctionality oI the Iacial muscles have to be taken into account, to try to
predict the external aspect oI the patient Iace, Iollowing the repositioning oI the bone
structures. This point is crucial Irom the patient point oI view, but unIortunately lacks in
the simulations that are driven nowadays.
This paper addresses this last point, with the introduction oI a new 3D biomechanical
model oI the human Iace and its coupling with a simulator Ior the repositioning oI cranio-
Iacial bone structures.


In the course oI the European Image Guided Orthopaedic Surgery (IGOS) project, the
CAMI group (Computer Assisted Medical Intervention) oI TIMC Laboratory developed a
prototype Ior a 3D simulator Ior bone-repositioning diagnosis during maxillo-Iacial
surgery (Bettega et al., 2000 (a); Bettega et al., 2000 (b)). The main idea was to provide
the surgeon with a tool that oIIers the possibility, Irom patient CT scans, to plan the
maxillary and mandibular osteotomies, taking into account cephalometric and orthodontic
constraints. For this, a 3D virtual model oI the patient skull is reconstructed and
interactively used as a basis Ior the deIinition oI a new 3D cephalometry and Ior the
simulation oI osteotomies. First tests were carried out on a dry skull and issues in the
eIIiciency oI this simulator were discussed (Bettega et al., 2000 (a)).
The aim oI this paper is to introduce a new biomechanical model oI the human Iace
that would be coupled to the soItware developed in the IGOS project Iramework, in order
to oIIer a complete simulator Ior plastic and maxillo-Iacial surgery. To do this, our
strategy will be divided into three steps:

(1) A 'standard 3D model oI the human Iace will be developed, with Iocuses on its
anatomical, Iunctional and physical realism. This step is the main topic oI this
(2) Starting Irom patient data (CT scans and MRI), our 'Mesh-Matching algorithm
(Couteau et al., 2000) will be used to adapt the 'standard model to the patient
morphology, thus generating a Finite Element model oI the patient Iace.
(3) This 3D model oI the patient Iace will be attached to the virtual reconstruction oI
the patient skull and used to predict Iacial aesthetics and behavior, aIter bone
repositioning. This step will not be described in this paper and concerns current


3.1 Face anatomy

Facial skin has a layered structure composed oI the epidermis (a superIicial 0.1 mm
thick layer oI dead cells), dermis (0.5 - 3.5 mm thick) and hypodermis (Iatty tissues
connected to the skull). Many Iacial muscles are inserted between those skin layers and
the underlying bone structure. In the case oI maxillo-Iacial surgery, the great majority oI
interventions act on the upper and lower maxilla. This is the reason why our main Iocus
Ior skin Iace modeling was dedicated to the lower part oI the Iace, with a special
emphasis on soIt tissues surrounding human lips.
More than ten muscles act on lips shape, the great majority oI them being pair muscles
along the sagittal plane. Most oI them are dilators (with a distended action like skeletal
muscles), and are gathered around the lips. They all have the same kind oI insertions: one
into skull bone, and the other one inside the lips, onto a constrictor muscle which Iibers
run around the lips: the orbicularis oris (Iigure 1).

Figure 1 : Face anatomy (Irom Bouchet & Cuilleret, 1972)
Levalor |ao|| super|or|s
a|aeque ras|
Zygoral|cus r|ror
Zygoral|cus rajor
Levalor |ao|| super|or|s
Vusc|e p|alysra
0epressor argu|| or|s
0ro|cu|ar|s or|s
0epressor |ao|| |rler|or|s
Levalor argu|| or|s

3.2 Face modeling

The Iirst developed models oI the human Iace Iocused on computer animation and
were motivated by a need Ior external realism, Irom a behavioral point oI view. Their
modeling was mainly based on discrete mass-spring structures, regularly assembled inside
Iacial tissue. In a Iirst step, those kind oI discrete models were introduced in the
Iramework oI computer assisted maxillo-Iacial surgery (Waters, 1996, Keeve et al., 1996
(a)). Then, arguing that a precise modeling oI soIt tissues deIormation needs a continuous
description, Finite Element (FE) models were developed (Keeve et al., 1996 (b); Keeve et
al., 1998; Koch et al., 1998). Those models were based on an automatic 3D meshing oI
the FE structure, on an isotropic description oI tissues mechanics, and proposed, Ior some
oI them, principles Ior the modeling oI muscular actions (Koch et al., 1998).
As we stated earlier, our strategy was to build a 3D Iace model that speciIically
addresses the simulation in the domain oI plastic and maxillo-Iacial surgery, with a
modeling Iramework that oIIers the possibility:

(1) to passively predict the Iace aesthetics aIter bone repositioning,
(2) to estimate the Iunctional deIormations oI the Iace under muscles actions.

This last point is particularly important to ensure Ior example a symmetrical smiling or to
guaranty no perturbation Ior speech production.

The Iirst objective will induce a continuous modeling oI Iacial tissues. For this, the
partial diIIerential equations oI the linear elasticity theory were discretized through the
Finite Element Method. A particular attention will be given to the deIinition oI the 3D FE
mesh, that will have to be suIIiciently adapted to Iace anatomy: symmetry along the
sagittal plane, precisions near crucial anatomical structures (nose and lips), and possibility
to include muscular structures.
The second objective will need a precise modeling oI muscular Iibers, with a
description oI their course and insertion points, and with speciIic mechanical properties.
From this point oI view, and as a consequence oI the complex interweaving oI Iace
muscles, we have chosen to limit the description oI the deIormations to the linear
elasticity modeling. However, we oIIer the possibility to model the anatomical speciIicity
oI the muscles, i.e. their orthotropic structure (i.e. muscles reinIorced by Iibers).

3.2.1. 3D Finite Element Mesh

We started Irom a 3D mesh surIace oI Iace skin (Guiard-Marigny et al., 1996). This
mesh was slightly modiIied and used to build two other surIaces, in order to model a
volumetric mesh (Iigures 2). The Iirst one is just scaled Irom the skin mesh, while the
other one corresponds to its projection onto a standard skull. Points oI this third surIace
are rigidly Iixed, except those located around the mouth and inside the cheeks which are
not Iixed to the skull. A volumetric mesh, composed oI two layers oI material, was thus
built, modeling the collagen and Iatty tissues oI the skin structure.

Figure 2 : Finite Element mesh (leIt) and rendered views (middle and right)

Muscles were deIined by making some "holes" inside this global 3D mesh, and by
inserting other FE meshes with elements representing the body oI the muscles. The Iour
main muscles acting on lips were inserted, with elements running in the superIicial
thickness oI the mesh in the case oI the orbicularis oris, or elements running Irom the
extremity oI the muscle, attached to the skull, to the other insertion points, Iixed onto the
orbicularis muscle (in the case oI the zygomaticus, risorius and depressor labii muscles).
Figures 4 (leIt panels) plot the Iinal 3D mesh, with the areas (dashed elements) associated
to FE models oI the muscles.

3.2.2. Mechanical characteristics

As a starting point, the global Iace mesh, mainly describing passive collagen and Iatty
tissues, was modeled as an isotropic linear FE structure. The biomechanical
characteristics oI this structure were chosen in order to model skin tissues quasi-
incompressibility and to replicate mechanical measurements made on skin. Tissues
incompressibility was modeled with a Poisson's ratio value close to 0,5. Young's modulus
value was chosen to match the measurements reported by Fung (1993). Those
measurements were made on rabbit skin, but are, Irom our knowledge, the only reIerence
about skin mechanical characteristics (they are, Irom this point oI view, used by other
authors in FE modeling (Keeve et al., 1998)). The value that was retained in our
simulations corresponds to the small-deIormation slope oI the skin stress-strain
relationship reported by Fung, i.e. 15 kPa.
Concerning muscles mechanical characteristics, we took the values reported by Duck
(1990): 6.2 kPa Ior a human muscle in its rest position, and 110 kPa Ior the same muscle
when it is contracted. Those values are coherent with measurements reported by Ohayon
et al. (1999) on cardiac muscles, considered as dense muscles: 30 kPa at rest and 300 kPa
when activated. Moreover, due to the orthotropy oI muscular Iibers, we raised the Young
modulus value to 110 kPa only Ior the modulus corresponding to the principal direction
oI the muscle. The Young modulus corresponding to the two orthogonal directions were
maintained at the 6.2 kPa value, even when muscle is activated. Finally, as Ior the passive
elements associated to the rest oI the Iace, Poisson`s ratio value was chosen close to 0,5,
considering that muscles are mainly composed oI water and thus quasi-incompressible.


First simulations were carried out on the standard model to validate the deIormations
oI the Iace under muscles actions, according to Iunctional studies (Hardcastle, 1976).
Each muscle was activated through a Iorce applied in the direction oI the Iibers, with a
level close to the measurements reported by Bunton and Weismer (1994) on human
tongue and lips (some Newtons in general). The Young modulus value associated to the
main direction oI the Iiber was linearly raised with Iorce activation, between 6.2 kPa (no
activation) and 110 kPa (maximal activation). The orientations oI each muscle Iibers are
not straight but on the contrary show a more or less important curvature among muscles.
ThereIore, a Iunctional model oI distributed Iorce was adopted to simulate activation: the
Iorce is distributed on each node oI the muscle FE structure, with a value proportional to
the curvature. Figure 3 (leIt panel) shows this distribution Ior the zygomaticus muscle: the
global Iorce is applied to the extremity oI the muscle, but residual Iorces, due to the
distribution as a Iunction oI the curvature, are applied to nodes belonging to the body oI
the muscle, with a resulting action that will try to re-align body muscles elements. The
right panel oI Iigure 3 plots Iorce distribution Ior the orbicularis muscle. This model is
particular as it was considered as a sphincter muscle, without any extremity. Anyway, our
Iunctional distributed model allows the generation oI Iorces on each node oI the muscle,
with an amplitude Iunction oI the curvature: thereIore the idea is that an equilibrium can
be reached iI the sphincter muscle shape is close to a circle, with a curvature constant
among nodes.

Figure 3 : Forces repartition on mesh nodes
Zygomaticus major (leIt) and Orbicularis oris (right)

Figures 4 plot the Iace deIormations induced by muscles. For each muscle activation,
computation time is about 5 minutes on a 450Mhz PC (resolution oI the FE partial
diIIerential elasticity equations provided by the Castem 2000 package). As the model was
deIined in the scope oI linear elasticity, those Iigures can be reduced thanks to pre-
calculus (Cotin et al., 1996).


Risorius muscle

Depressor labii

oris muscle

Figure 4 : Muscles modeling : geometry and actions
LeIt panel : muscle FE mesh (dashed elements)
Middle panel : induced deIormations (Iace)
Right panel : induced deIormations (proIile)

Those simulations qualitatively validate the modeling, as the Iace deIormations
induced by each muscle activation are coherent with the Iunctional studies provided on
Iace muscles roles and actions (Hardcastle, 1976). The zygomaticus major muscle pulls
the lip corners upwards, the risorius muscle stretches the lips, while the depressor labii
muscle lows lip corners. Concerning the activation oI the orbicularis muscle, a lip closure
gesture can be observed, while a slight backward movement oI the upper lip can be seen
on the proIile view. This movement should not be observed once a geometric model oI
the teeth (with no penetration constraints Ior the lips) will be added to the Iace model.

As a perspective, the next step oI our research project will consist in adding layers to
complete the model, in order to include other Iace muscles (both superIicial and deeper
ones: levators and depressors, masseter, etc.) and skin epidermis. Then, quantitative
validation oI the modeling will have to be carried out, on a 'normal subject. The idea
will be Iirst, to measure mechanical properties oI the patient (with indentation
experiments Ior example) as well as physiological muscle properties (electromyography),
and second, to conIront deIormations simulated by the model, with skin deIormations
observed on the subject. Finally, the global Iace model will be integrated into the
simulator Ior bone structures repositioning, and quantitatively validated on patients
(conIrontations between aesthetics and Iunctionality predicted by the model, and
observations made on the patient, aIter surgery).


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Bunton K. & Weismer G. (1994). Evaluation of a Reiterant Force-Impulse Task in the
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