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NMAHS-Mental Health

Hand Hygiene Staff Survey

Your honest and valuable feedback will assist the NMAHS-MH Service to determine
environment and staff training needs to facilitate adequate hand hygiene ractices!
"nce comleted lease deosit in the enveloe titled# $Hand Hygiene Survey%& located
in the Nurses Station!
'e would areciate you feedback by((((((((((((((
Please mark appropriate answer with a cross or tick
Yes No
1. Is an Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) available in your work area?
2. o you use soap ! water as pre"erred method o" hand hy#iene?
%. oes usin# the ABHR save time when per"ormin# hand hy#iene?
&. o you "eel ABHR ade'uately cleans your hands?
(. I" your hands are visibly soiled do you cleanse your hands with
). o you have alcohol*deter#ent impre#nated wipes in your area "or all
non+critical shared e'uipment, e#. stethoscopes, keyboards, etc.?
-. o you re#ularly use alcohol*deter#ent impre#nated wipes to wipe
over your e'uipment?
.. o you have access to a hospital+supplied moisturiser?
/. Is the placement o" the moisturiser easily accessible?
I" no, where would it best be placed? ...........................................
10. o you re#ularly use the hospital+supplied moisturiser?
I" no, please #o to 'uestion 12
11. How o"ten do you use the hospital supplied moisturiser?
1nce per shi"t, % times a shi"t, ( times a shi"t, 2ore
12. I" not, why not?
1%. Have you attended an in+service on hand hy#iene in the last
12 months?
Pa#e 1 o" 2
3es 4o
1&. Have you completed the on+line 5www.hha.or#.au6 learnin# packa#e
in the last 12 months?
1(. o you per"orm Hand Hy#iene, on a re#ular bases "or the "ollowin#
a6 Be"ore donnin# #loves?
b6 A"ter removin# #loves
c6 Be"ore touchin# a patient
e#. to assist with A8s 5washin#, "eedin#, dressin#, mobilisin#6, #ivin#
physio, applyin# o9y#en masks, checkin# vital si#ns, administerin# oral
meds, abdominal palpation.
d6 A"ter touchin# a patient
e6 Be"ore a procedure
e#. instillin# eye drops, wound dressin#s, openin# sterile material,
I2*:; medication administration.
"6 A"ter a procedure or bodily "luid e9posure risk
e#. a"ter instillin# eye drops, wound dressin#, I2 *:; medication pre+
#6 A"ter bodily "luid e9posure risk
e#. a"ter contact with used urinal bottle, bed pan, catheter, used
specimen <ars * patholo#y samples, a"ter cleanin# up bodily "luids
h6 A"ter touchin# patient surroundin#s
e#. chan#in# bed linen, mobility aids, cleanin# dinin# table * bedside
1). o you have any su##estions on how we can promote Hand Hy#iene?
)HAN* Y"+ ,"- Y"+- .A/+A0/1 )2M1 2N 3"M4/1)2N5 )H2S S+-.1Y!
;ompiled by7 42AH:+2ental Health, :a"ety, =uality ! Per"ormance >nit, in collaboration with the ?raylands In"ection
;ontrol 4urse ;onsultant and ;asson $ard Pilot Hand Hy#iene sta"", with re"erence to the Hand Hy#iene Australia
5www.hha.or#.au6 tools. Issued7 2ay 2010, Revised7 :eptember @10
Pa#e 2 o" 2

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