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Vancouver Chinese Alliance Church

Fall Retreat
August 30 September 1, 2014 ~ The Firs

His Voice:
Jesus With Us

Mark C. Anderson
Spiritual Director, Whole Life Coach, and Pastor

Name: ______________________________

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his masters business.
Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I
have made known to you.
John 15:15

Name: ______________________________

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A Prayer as We Begin

Lord, Elohim, You are Creator and Sustainer of all we see around us.
You spoke everything into being. You are God For Us.
Lord Jesus, Emmanuel, You came that we might know You.
You are the Living Word. You are God With Us.
Lord, Holy Spirit, You are the Presence of the Almighty saturating our world.
You are the voice, the breath of God. You are God Within Us.
We know You love us and want to reveal Yourself.
We want to encounter You this weekend and be changed.
Help us to listen. Help us to receive all You have for us. Amen.

The God Who Speaks
Jesus certainly worked long, hard days of proclaiming the Kingdom of God in word and
deed. His days were full. He was faithful. But He was never rushed.
According to Him, the key to moving from busy days to a full life is complete trust
in the Father for everything we need:
I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself;
he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does.
John 5:19-20
So hearing God is not a technique to be mastered, but rather the intentional
cultivation of a relationship a relationship we were created for with a
Heavenly Father Who is always Present, Active, and Loving.
In fact, the main thing is not even hearing a voice, but rather having a deep sense that:
God is here with us and loves us
He is stretching and growing us
He is calling and gifting and guiding us as His friends and co-labourers in
redeeming the world
This is the interactive or conversational relationship that we long for indeed that we
were created to enjoy!

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Ways People Like Us Heard God in the Bible
(adapted from Chapter 5 of Willards Hearing God)

Abraham hears the voice of God telling him not to kill his son, Isaac (Gen 22)
Samuel hears God calling to him as a little boy (1 Sam 3)
Elijah and the still, small voice (or gentle whisper) as the Lord passes by (1 Ki 19)

sometimes God adds a visible phenomenon to the voice ...
Moses receives the call to Egypt from God at the burning bush (Ex 3)
Dove along with Gods affirmation of His Son, Jesus at His baptism (Mt 3)
Blinding light along with the voice accosting Saul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9)

think of all the people who heard God speaking to them through angels ...
Abraham and the 3 visitors (Gen 18)
Joshua and the Commander of the Army of the Lord outside of Jericho (Josh 5)
Zechariah in the Temple, Mary and Gabriel, the Shepherds in the fields (Luke 1,2)
Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb
Peter let out of jail (Acts 5 and 12)
Cornelius the Roman God-fearer being told to send for Peter (Acts 10)
Paul in the storm before the shipwreck (Acts 27)

or dreams and visions ...
Jacob and his vision of the heavenly ladder at Bethel (Gen 28)
Joseph and Daniel interpreting dreams
Isaiahs vision of heaven at his commissioning (Is 6) ... Johns visions of heaven in Revelation
Joseph being told to marry Mary, and then flee to Egypt (Mt 1)
Ananias being told to go and heal Paul (Acts 9)
Paul and the man from Macedonia (Acts 16), encouraged to keep speaking in Corinth (Acts 18), and
his visions of heaven with the thorn in his flesh (2 Cor 12)

and of course, the most common way, through another human voice ...
Moses speaking Gods words to Pharaoh
all the OT Prophets speaking to Israel, her Kings, and the other nations
Jesus teaching and praying

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Consider these promises:
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.
Psalm 143:10
The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame. Isaiah 58:11
Jesus answered, It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from
the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you
another Counselor to be with you forever the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it
neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not
leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will
see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you
are in me, and I am in you. John 14:15-20

our personal experiences not withstanding

The God Who Speaks
God speaks from Genesis 1:3 onwards
God speaks to Moses I AM
God speaks to the Judges
God speaks to the Kings
God speaks to and through the Prophets
God speaks to and through Jesus
God speaks to and through the Disciples
God speaks to and through His Church
God speaks through His Spirit and the Word

We conclude then, that according to the Bible, the most natural thing we should
expect is that our relationship with God as friends and co-labourers would include
hearing His voice in some way.
Often with words (conversational), but sometimes without (interactive), He
guides us, nudges us, is telling us what we should do.

God is far more interested in speaking to us, than we are willing to listen.
If we are not hearing Him, if He seems absent or distant, the problem is probably
on our end!

Convinced? _______________________________________________

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Hearing God within the Transforming Friendship

Its a relationship we are longing for, not a technique!

God is: Present

God longs to:
Know Us have a close, loving,
two-way, interactive relationship
Grow Us foster our growth,
maturing, transformation to
Show Us send us as a light to the
nations; to be His Presence;
co-labourers in the Kingdom

Our Identity from Scripture were not just sinners in need of repentance:
Old Testament: Servants with elements of Friendship and even the intimacy of
Lovers (e.g. in the Song of Solomon and God wooing wayward Israel in Hosea)
New Testament: Servants Friends Children / Co-Heirs (Rom 8:17,29) Bride

The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Exodus 33:11
But you, O Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend, I
took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, You are my servant;
I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for
I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:8-10
You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does
not know his masters business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my
Father I have made known to you. John 15:14-15

We conclude then, that according to the Bible, we have been created by God for an
intimate relationship with Him as His Children, Friends, and Co-labourers.

The Angelus, by Jean-Francois Millet, 1857-9, Oil on canvas.

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Exercise: Attentive and Receptive
Being Here with the God Who is Present, Active, and Loving

Find a comfortable place to sit quietly, either inside or outside.
Take a few minutes to simply sit still. Feel the ground supporting you. In silence, close
your eyes and intentionally take 5 deep, long, slow breaths. Focus all your thoughts
on your breathing. Be here.
Now open your eyes and take in the view.
Outside: Pay attention now to what you can see.
Keep paying attention. What can you notice that you didnt see before?
Inside: Now pay attention to your feelings.
How does what you are seeing on the outside make you feel on the
inside? Can you name that feeling?
God: Choose to believe that I AM, Immanuel God is present with you.
He loves you. He wants to speak with you.
If you had to connect this seeing-feeling experience to God
somehow, what might He be saying? wanting you to hear?
e.g. I am with you. I am here. Dont be afraid.
or He is reminding me of His awesome power
He is whispering, I love you in my heart

Close your eyes and listen.
Outside: How many different things can you hear?
Inside: How do these sounds make you feel?
God: If Jesus were saying something to you right now, what would that be?

Close your eyes and feel with your skin.
How does the warmth of the sun , or the breeze in your hair , or the
solid ground under you make you feel?
What do you think God is feeling towards you right now?


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Hearing God Today
OK, if Im honest I Have Some Doubts!

Given that many of us have had experiences of an invisible and seemingly distant, silent
God and all the apparently unanswered prayers that we really dont like to
talk about is it reasonable and realistic to expect God to speak with us today?

Maybe its just answering machine prayers for most of us most of the time.
Those other stories and experiences of God told me to
must be for other peoplethe spiritually elite.

Lets talk about that

Ways People Like Us Hear God Today (adapted from Chapter 1 of Jersaks Can You Hear Me?)

Hearing God speak and responding to Him can happen in many ways which we might
easily overlook:
coming to faith in the first place (No one can come to Me unless the Father Who
sent Me draws them --John 6:44)
hearing God speak through Scripture: words jump out at you; you know what
you must do after reading a passage
feeling convicted by a preachers sermon, or words from a friend that seem to
carry a particular weight this may lead to repenting from something wrong or
confidently stepping forward towards something good
a deep sense of longing for God or desire to serve Him stirred by a time of worship
the urge to pray for someone, to go and encourage someone, or a deeply burdened
sense of compassion for a group of suffering people
Notice how gentle, how subtle yet real, these interactions with God usually are.

The LORD said [to Elijah standing in the cave in Mount Horeb], Go out and stand on the
mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the
LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the
earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire.
And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his
face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
Then a voice said to him, What are you doing here, Elijah? 1 Ki 19:11-13

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But Why Does He Make It So Difficult?!
Why Doesnt He Send Me a Goodyear Blimp Each Day?!
Because Small is Beautiful!
In His grace, God desires a real, full relationship with us.
In His love, this is a friendship in which our growth and maturity is more important to
Him than our comfort.
God is stretching us towards maturity which includes autonomy (making our own
decisions rather than being told what to do each moment like puppets or robots)
and Christlikeness (our true selves emerging).
God longs for adult children who freely choose to regather at His banquet table and join
in His work.. He wants to hear their ideas, longings, and passion.
While a child or new employee needs to be told: Do this!, a grown up or experienced
professional can bring the delight of demonstrating their own way of doing things
completely consistent with the Fathers heart. God usually asks them, What do
you want?
God is scandalously for us: He longs to engage our faculties as free, intelligent beings
made in His image.
So His preference is to use quiet, gentle, subtle (i.e. easily overlooked or dismissed)
ways of speaking to us because He wants to interact with us, not overrule us.
The goal, of course, is to grow toward an adult religion
that includes both reason and faith and inner experience that you can trust.
A mature God creates mature people.
A big God creates big people.
Richard Rohr
Jesus Listening Example: Confident and Humble

Following Jesus, we join the Father in His Kingdom Work:
CONFIDENT - we cling to the promise and expectation that God will both
equip and guide us.
ANY WAY - we are open to Him speaking in any way He wishes (Scripture,
other people, the still small voice, subtle nudge or conviction, miraculous
signs, angels, dreams, visions, etc.)
ANYTIME - we are open to Him speaking in His time not insisting that
He speak when we command (e.g. Bible Verse Bingo)
ANYTHING - we do not limit Him to words about our own safety, security,
comfort and success (the idols of our age) . but listen with the motives of
glorifying Him and caring for others

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Communication for Transformation (not Comfort!)

Jesus said that He was the Light of the World (John 9:5) and then told us to go and
be the same (Matthew 5:14)!
By His Spirit in us, we are now His Presence in the world until He comes again.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect
will. Romans 12:2
God has revealed His secret wisdom to us by His Spirit ... in fact, we have the mind of Christ!
from 1 Cor 2:7,10, 17
Jesus watched His
Father, learned to do
His Fathers work, and
became like His Father.
For you were once darkness,
but now you are light in the
Lord. Live as children of
light (for the fruit of the
light consists in all goodness,
righteousness and truth) and
find out what pleases the
Lord. Have nothing to do
with the fruitless deeds of
darkness, but rather expose
them. It is shameful even to
mention what the disobedient
do in secret. But everything
exposed by the light becomes
visibleand everything
that is illuminated becomes
a light. Ephesians 5:8-13
(NIV used to be for it is light that
makes everything visible)
We all, who with unveiled
faces contemplate (or reflect;
lit. behold in a mirror) the
Lords glory, are being
transformed into his image
with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord,
who is the Spirit. 2 Cor 3:18

St. Joseph the Carpenter by Georges de la Tour, 1645

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Exercise: Subtle Attraction and Aversion

John 13:3-6
Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power,
and that he had come from God and was returning to God;
so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing,
and wrapped a towel around his waist.
fter that, he poured water into a !asin and !egan to wash his disciples" feet,
dr#ing them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
$e came to %imon &eter, who said to him, '(ord, are #ou going to wash m# feet)'

Take a few minutes to consider each of the following artists interpretations of this
poignant moment.
What do you like about each one?
What do you not like about each one?
Notice the things you are attracted to ... the things that repel you.

Which Jesus do you feel most comfortable with?

Consider the body posture (torso) of Peter in each picture.
What does that tell you about Peters inner response?
What are his hands saying in each picture?
What are his feet saying?

How open is each of these Peters
to Jesus washing away the dirt in his life?

How open are you to Jesus?

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Picture Credits (from top):
Artist: Unknown (Illustrator of Vie de Jesus
Jesus Washing the Disciples Feet, Copper
Etching by Caspar Luiken, 1712.
Artist: Hermine F. Schaefer from Anne de Vries'
Childrens Bible
Jesus Washing Peters Feet, Ford Madox Brown,

Open to Jesus?

604-266-7446 p.12
Encountering God in Scripture
Following Jesus doesnt mean setting out to do the things He said in the Sermon on the Mount,
but rather becoming the sort of Christlike person who does these things naturally.
--Dallas Willard

We long to have our quiet times with God be about more than information ... we are made for
relationship with God and yearn to grow into our true, Christlike selves. The goal of the Christian life is
union with God.
Communication Communion Union
We can know His thoughts, feelings, plans, longings, love, peace, power ...
He is longing to speak to us, share all these things with us ... the only question is whether we will take
the time to open the door, welcome Him in, and receive what He is longing to give us.

In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength --from Isaiah 30:15

No good spiritual fruit is borne outside a relationship with the Father ... this is the giveaway error of
New Age thinking, magic, superstition, witchcraft, and even legalistic or works-based Christianity which
all seek to harness or manipulate divine power without surrendering to His loving Lordship. i.e. If I
believe these things or do these things, then God has to act. See Acts 19:13-16 and hear this warning
from Jesus to the Scripture experts of His day:
The Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard his voice nor seen
his form, nor does his word dwell in you, for you do not believe the one he sent. You diligently study the
Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify
about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. John 15:37-40

We conclude then that it is necessary read the Bible, AND also essential to be open to the Holy Spirit
bringing this Word to life in us. He helps us to meet and know Jesus as a Person and thus be transformed
into His likeness. Know the Scriptures AND know Him.

"God has revealed His secret wisdom to us by His Spirit ...
in fact, we have the mind of Christ!" -- from 1 Cor 2:7,10,16.

How can we read our Bibles for transformation, not just information?
Use Matthew 8:5-13 - The Faith of the Centurion, as an example

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Level 1 Knowledge (Facts) Lord, help me to understand this passage
When and Where does this story take place?
early in Jesus ministry in Galilee, just after the Sermon on the Mount
Who are the major characters and what does each of them do?
Roman Centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant Jesus does so remotely
What makes this story remarkable?
Jesus is astonished at this non-Jews example of extraordinary faith

Level 2 Wisdom (Truth) Lord, help me to learn and grow from this passage
What do we learn from this story in terms of truth (doctrine or belief)?
Jesus was willing to talk to and help God-fearing Gentiles ... in fact, He underscores that because of
their response to Him, they will make it into the Kingdom of Heaven while many Jews will find
themselves on the outside
Words have power. They dont just state truth, but words are expression of His Mind, spiritual
forces which create, heal, and change things
The Centurion understood how authority works and that Jesus has ultimate authority over all creation
What do we learn about this story in terms of how we should live (practice)?
We should have faith in Jesus like the Centurion ... although we might feel like churchy insiders,
unlikely others may be far closer to the Kingdom because of their simple faith
We should expect Gods Word ... or words ... to have life-changing power in our world today.

Level 3 Meeting (Experience, Knowing) & Transformation (Christlikeness)
Lord, help me to know You as the Light of the World (Jn 8:12) ... and to become Your Light in
this world (Mt 5:14).
How does my personal knowing of God or Jesus change through this encounter?
What do you notice, especially about Jesus, as you enter this story imaginatively .... taking the
time to engage this story emotionally?
1) I Notice: Jesus is compassionate, sensitive, understanding, willing to help
I Ask: Do I believe that He really cares about my needs or the things that are important to me?
I Pray: Lord Jesus, I choose to believe that you love me, that my needs are Your personal concern, that
You ache for things that I ache for, and that You want to do something about them
Lord, help me to live todaytouch me and change meas someone who expects Your compassion
and goodwill in every moment

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2) I Notice: The Centurion is remarkably caring and compassionate about his servant ... he humbles and
inconveniences Himself to seek Jesus help
I Ask: Do I care about others that deeply?
I Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to care this earnestly for others in my life.
Open my heart to feel your love for the people around me.

3) I Notice: Jesus has a remarkably strong and positive reaction to this mans matter-of-fact expression of
faith ... there is a childlike innocence in the Centurions trust that Jesus really appreciates
I Ask: Do I believe that Jesus could do, would do something like this for me?
I Pray: Lord Jesus, if I am honest, as I look at my heart I have all kinds of reasons, excuses, and
rationalizations for why I shouldnt expect a miracle like this. I feel I am unworthy, a failure, a
disappointment to You, undeserving, etc.
I choose today to believe that You love me, that You want me to be honest about my struggles, to believe
that You can do ... that You love to do ... these kinds of miracles today ... for people like me.
Lord, I also know that Your ways are higher than my ways and that I am joining You in something much
bigger than I can understand ... so maybe in Your Sovereign Will, the healing I am longing for
________________is not what You are doing, but I still long to feel what You feel in this situation, and
to know whatever aspect of Your business You can share with me ... Lord, what are You doing here?

4) I Notice: Jesus has a deep loving longing for people to find their way into the banquet of the Kingdom of
Heaven ...He wants everyone (including me?!) me to join Him there!
I Ask: Do I believe that Jesus has a room in His Fathers House for me? ... a place at His banquet
table where I am welcomed and honoured as His Bride?
I Pray: Lord, I confess that I struggle to believe that I am actually this lovable, desirable, valuable to You.
Lord, I do want my motives, attitudes, and desires to be conformed to Yours, including this attitude towards
myself: please help me to see myself (and others) through Your eyes
Please help me to not argue with You today when You say You love me ... and keep me from the arrogance
that comes from pushing myself up in the eyes of others

5) I Notice: ____________________________________________________________________________

I Ask: ____________________________________________________________________________

I Pray: _______________________________________________________________________________

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Guidelines for Encountering God in Scripture
a great way for most Evangelicals to take first steps in hearing Jesus Voice

1. Decide again today that, as a follower of Jesus, your deepest desires are to know Him, to know His will for
your life, and to be like Him
2. Enter this time with the expectation that He wants to meet with you, reveal something of Himself to you.
3. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you be attentive to His Presence and receptive to what He is longing to give you.
4. Begin with passages that are familiar to you. And dont try to cover a lot ... a few verses will usually do.
5. Dont hurry or just dabble in this sacred process. Stretch yourself to remain present to the passage until you
have met God or Jesus and prayed a prayer asking for transformation.

Great stories to begin:
John 2 Jesus changes the water into wine at the wedding in Cana
John 4 Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well
John 5 Jesus heals the man at the pool
John 6 Jesus feeds the 5000 ... etc.

You can also pay attention to Gods thoughts and feelings in OT passages like Jacobs vision of
the ladder (Gen 28:10-22) or Samuels anointing of David (1 Sam 16).
... or even the Psalms, e.g. Psalm 23, Psalm 51

Level 1 Knowledge (Facts) Lord, help me to understand this passage
When and Where does this story take place?
Who are the major characters and what does each of them do?
What makes this story remarkable?

Level 2 Wisdom (Truth) Lord, help me to learn and grow from this passage
What do we learn from this story in terms of truth (doctrine or belief)?
What do we learn about this story in terms of how we should live (practice)?

Level 3 Meeting (Experience, Knowing) & Transformation (Christlikeness)
Lord, help me to know You as the Light of the World (Jn 8:12) ... and to become Your Light in
this world (Mt 5:14).
How does my personal knowing of God or Jesus change through this encounter?
What do you notice about Jesus as you enter this story imaginatively .... taking the time to engage
this story emotionally? Reflect Feel Notice Ask Pray for transformation
(See example on pp.13,14)

604-266-7446 p.16
Going Deeper ~ God Present, Active, and Loving
A good way to cultivate ongoing awareness of Gods Presence with us is to be attentive to situations
which have already happened, but are still present in our thoughts and emotions.
Take some time to pay attention to your life allow Jesus to reveal how He is walking with you.
Notice the ways in which He is Present, Active, and Loving (PAL). Hear His Voice.
This exercise is designed to take you deeper into your life and develop a deeper awareness of His
active, loving Presence. Be sure to pause and turn to Him when you come to the lines in blue.

Think of a situation in which you found yourself this week particularly one connected to
strong emotions. Perhaps something really good and life-giving that brought you joy or
perhaps a darker time that brought frustration, sadness, or anger.

Consider these Questions: Date: ________________________

Facts: What happened? Briefly name or describe the situation.

Choices: What did you like / dislike about the situation? How did you respond?

Pause to remind yourself that this situation occurred in Gods sight. Praise and thank Him if you can.
Thoughts: What ideas, assumptions, strategies, etc. came to mind? Memories or associations?

Feelings: What emotions did you experience? Name the ones that are still with you now.

How do you feel about having these feelings? e.g. ashamed that I felt pleasure, angry that I was sad

Pay attention to deeper attraction and aversion: what draws you to this situation? What repels?

Pause to ask the Holy Spirit to help you see clearly.
Core Values: Using the strong emotions you are experiencing as signs, what can you learn about the
things that are important to you? What does this reveal about the way God has wired you?

What values (e.g. integrity, competence, caring, justice, etc.) connect to this situation for you?

What do you expect of yourself in situations like this? What do you expect from others?

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Motivations & Longings, Fears &Guilt: How does this situation connect to things you do well?

things you struggle with? or are deeply afraid of? Is there some guilt here?

What moved you to action? or freezes you in paralysis?

Is there something here that stirs a deep longing in you?

Choose to believe that everything about this situation is part of His Purpose to build the trust
relationship between you and mature you to be the Christlike person you were created to be.

Your Identity in Jesus Ultimate Meaning:

What might Jesus be doing in this situation?

What part of your True Self is Jesus longing to develop or stretch? What might He be calling you to do?

Where is Jesus in this situation? Near or far? Is He with you or do you feel alone?

How does Jesus feel about the situation?

How do you think Jesus is feeling towards you?

Pause to remind yourself of Jesus great love and gentle compassion for His followers.
What might He be saying to you?

Does Jesus want something from you?

What might Jesus be wanting to give you? or longing for you to receive?

What would being open and trusting look like? a deeper surrender? Perhaps accepting a part of
yourself that He loves with which you still struggle?

What do you need Jesus to do for you today?

Share this need with Him. Praise Him and thank Him if you can.

604-266-7446 p.18
Recognizing the Voice of God
(adapted from Chapter 8 of Willards Hearing God)

How do we know that the message we are hearing is from God?
Obviously if the content is counter to Scripture, then it isnt from Him ... but even if its a direct quote,
it could be a satanic misuse of Gods Word, completely contrary to His purposes, e.g. the
temptation of Christ
The closest that Scripture comes to this topic are the instructions to discern the spirits: they must
confess Christ as Lord (1 Cor 12:3) or as the Son of God (1 Jn 4:2-3) ... but actually thats not that
helpful if we are wrestling with topics of vocation or relationships.
If we remember that we are trying to cultivate a relationship rather than master a technique, then the
only answer is by experience ... how do we recognize the other voices in our lives?

The three factors in the voice:
a) quality: tone, pitch, pace
b) spirit or mood: the attitudes conveyed in the voice
c) content

Gods voice has a certain calm, steady, impact on our soul, innermost being ... we notice that we have
already given assent, acknowledgement as we perceive it
We sense the power and His authority
On the other hand, the voice of our own subconscious tries to argue, convince, plead with us
The Voice of God calmly commands or invites us to move toward something good or receive
something good (no arguing, convincing ... it just speaks and it is self-authenticating)
The voice of the enemy tries to badger, threaten, shame, guilt, or fear us away from something bad

Spirit or Mood
Gods voice is typified by a spirit of peacefulness, confidence, joy, freedom, reasonableness and
goodwill ... sometimes tough, but always loving
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the
humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts,
do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come down from heaven but is
earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find
disorder and every evil practice.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,
submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

James 3:13-17

Words spoken by God will always be consistent with Gods nature and kingdom as clearly expressed in
the Bible ... deep principles such as: God is holy, powerful, loving, gracious, dignifying,
empowering, and freeingHe stands for humanity and justice; God is light; God is love; God is
to be exalted, honoured, glorified; God is humble, sacrificing, serving, laying-down-his-life, etc.
Our safety, security, comfort and success may not be guaranteed ... so beware of any voice that
promises you exemption from suffering

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But what if were mistaken?
We can still trust Gods love for us: He is the loving Shepherd that comes out looking for lost sheep;
the Father who stands at the edge of the field longing for his lost prodigal son. His standards of
loving care for His children are at least as high as the best human parents you know!
Dont freeze, just seek to do His will and keep moving forward ... we dont have to be infallible, just
open, desiring to hear, and not resisting.
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without
fault and with great joy to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through
Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. Jude 24,25

The Sorts of Situations God Longs to Address
Brokenness, Bondage, or Obstruction which God might be longing to expose and heal:
o fear, anxiety
o hatred, revenge
o feeling alone or rejected
o feeling guilty or the need to justify
o victimization
o achievement / performance / perfection
o strengths gone wrong: compulsive peace-making, serving others, controlling

The Help God Longs to Give
The Healing and Redemption which God hopes will be received:
o reassurance, hope
o sympathy, compassion
o grace, forgiveness. freedom
o healing, restoration of wholeness and dignity
o growth, expansion, empowering, embracing new things
o deeper intimacy, trust
o sense of being loved and ability to love
o truth, correction, instruction
o Himself
Theology (thinking the right things) and Morality (doing the right things)
are both really important but they are not the MOST IMPORTANT
thing, which is knowing Gods heart, and being one with Him.

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Things God Says
gathered from years of walking with people in their relationship with God
As we listen for His voice, these are the things we are really likely to hear!!
Remember, He is passionate about 3 things: KNOW GROW - SHOW (from p.5)
KNOW Being in Relationship With Us - knowing us ... as friends, sons and daughters (not
hired servants)
o I AM here = I AM with you (Presence)
I hear you
I see you
I AM with you in this situation ... I know what you are feeling, struggling with
You are doing OK ... Keep Going
This is what I am feeling for you ... compassion, acceptance, and also a desire to
see you grow, do the healthy thing, etc.
o I know your needs (Provision)
o I will not test you beyond what you can bear (Protection)
o There is meaning in this (Purpose)
Consequence, Dependence, Empathy, Himself

GROW - Maturity - stretching and growing us towards our true, perfect, Christlike selves
o I want you to receive ...
o I want you to see ...
o I am inviting or commanding you to ...
hold on to, embrace ...
lay down, let go of ...
give away, pass on ...
o This is what I am longing for you ...

SHOW - Partnership inviting us into His Kingdom work
o Go out! Come with Me out into the world
o Have Faith, Believe, Trust in Me!
o Say this to so-and-so ...
o This is what I ! "eeling towards so#and#so in this situation ...
o This is what I ! longing "or the$ ...
o This is what I ! going to do ... or what is going to happen ... and this is what I want
you to do ... your part is ...

604-266-7446 p.21
Exercise: Praying Beyond Petitions
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even
greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so
that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Matt 7:7 and John 14:12-14 (repeated twice more in John 15:16 and 16:23,24)
When we face situations of need, we know we should turn to God for help. For instance, when
someone is having surgery, we ask God for it to go well. If a marriage is in trouble, we ask God to heal
it. If someone is out of work, we ask God to give them a job. If the teachers are on strike, we ask God
to end the strike.
These are all good and appropriate prayers. But God doesnt want to be an arms length vending
machine He wants relationship He wants to stretch us to maturity He wants to redeem the
world and glorify His Name. Adult faith is the invitation to union with Him:
a) to see a situation from Gods perspective
b) to feel what Jesus is feeling
c) to pray the prayers in Jesus Name that the Holy Spirit wants prayed and of course these
are answered because they are perfectly aligned with His will.
1) Think of a situation you are currently praying for.
Name the situation. ________________________________________________________
2) What is the good and obvious petition you have been offering to God: ____________________
3) Take a moment to ask what God is feeling towards this situation. Ask to feel this with Him.
It may be enough that you are willing to do this!!
Perhaps, after decades of walking with Him, you can trust that your feelings and His feelings
toward a situation might be the same?
Can you sense Him asking you what you feel about the situation?
4) Ask Him to share with you anything He wants you to know about the situation from His
What is the bigger picture He may be seeing?
If we think in terms of transformation, growth, redemption, rather than comfort and success,
what might He be doing?
What might He be asking you to pray for in Jesus Name?
Remember my story of Praying for Maureen: Once I stopped telling God to heal her, and opened
myself to feeling His aching love for her. He showed me the large circle of people around this
beautiful young woman and how His life would shine through her, like a torch being consumed.
The cancer took her body, but with her faith and joy, she defeated the disease in her spirit and
changed the life of everyone who knew her.
God will share these spirit eyes with us if we are open to drawing near to Him!

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Cultivating the Daily Habit of Hearing:
Attentive Before, During and After

The ultimate goal is to follow Jesus example of a relationship of faithful, loving trust in Godliving
each day being equipped and guided by Him.
Simultaneously being attentive to both the Spirits nudges and other people around us aware of our
own inner state, but not overly self-focused.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

To help us live this life, we can be intentionally about doing 2 things each day: prepare beforehand
and reflect afterwards.
Athletes who want to improve their game practice beforehand and watch videotapes afterwards.
Good musicians practice their scales and listen to recordings of their performances.

Prepare Attentive at the beginning of the day
daily quiet time with God is not optional for believers
reading Scripture to see Him, meet with Him, know Him better
praying and listening
longing to have our motives, attitudes, and longings conformed to His
recommitting ourselves to a relationship with Him that makes a
difference in everyday moments of our life, e.g. the groceries of the
stranger standing beside us spill out onto the floor

Live attentive to God throughout the day
cultivating the ability to hear in the midst of the busyness

Reflect attentive to God in hindsight
recognizing when you have been guided and stopping to give praise
and thanksgiving in the midst of life
reflecting at the end of the day on where He was (the Examen)

Prepare ~ Live ~ Reflect

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Appendix: Spiritual Health ~ Consolation and Desolation

Quite distinct from our exterior circumstances and inner life of our thoughts and emotions, we also
have a spiritual life: our soul, our innermost being. Over the centuries, Spiritual Directors have
gathered some language which helps us to understand the holy ground of our inner walk with God, and
what is happening there. This is a way to be attentive to the sacred space of our spiritual beingwho
is calling us? what is pushing us? what is God doing? As always, our goal is to paying attention to
what the Lord is doing there, in order that we can respond to Him, trust Him, and choose His ways.
We want to get beyond thoughts & theological propositions, beyond feelings & emotions, to those
inner movements, remaking, or nudgings of the Spirit: clear and noticeable; significant yet subtle;
arising organically within us, not manufactured by us noticed, not created; discovered, not invented.
Im noticing that this is now true within me Something has changed This has shifted
In this season of life, would you say you are closer to (mark with an X on the scale)

A sense of either being blocked and crushed
or driven, chased and pressured
Feeling hemmed in, not free; vision
obstructed or clouded; we forget Gods
perspective or that He even exists
Stuck in a rut drained of energy
Focus is turned in on ourselves; sense of
being alone and separated from others
A sense of confusion, being upset and
contentious hope, joy, and love seem to
be slipping away more than just our own
circumstances not going well, we seem
disconnected from God; He seems absent,
Tears of despair and frustration struggle
to keep going
Sense of guilt, blamed, accused
hopelessly stuck in Im a bad person
Metaphor: falling water splattering off a
Response in a season of Desolation:
Though uncomfortable for us, God has good purposes in these
times. Practice patience as you continue to trust in the
Lords love and ask for His provision
Intentionally resist the enemys accusations
Defend the weak points of your life that lead to desolation
Not a good time to make big decisions. Seek companionship
in community for discernment
Avoid secretiveness and dealing with this on your own
find someone able and trustworthy to speak with, e.g. a
Pastor or Spiritual Director known in your community
A sense of being drawn, invited, or moving
Feeling free and spacious with broad
horizons; seeing new possibilities and
sharing Gods perspective
New ideas, inspiration, and energy well up
Able to focus outside, beyond yourself and
being connected to others in community
A sense of peace, joy, hope, connectedness
to God not so much happiness that
things are going well in your little world,
but something deeper being a part of
something bigger

Tears of deep appreciation for Gods
activity in your life
Sorrow for sin, remorse & repentance; I am
falling short, but want to do better!
Metaphor: water surrounding a sponge and
gently saturating it

Response in a season of Consolation:
Celebrate with gratitude
Practice humility, not self exaltation
Turn to long term planning or large decisions
Reflect on patterns in your life which might lead to
desolation and develop strategies to recognize and
counter them.
Again, consider working with a Spiritual Director
Source: Silf, M. Inner Compass. Loyola Press, 1999

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Stopping, Turning, and Drawing Near to Him Where Are You?

Created in His image, even in our fallenness we long
to meet Him face to face, and know His Thoughts
to be accepted for who we are
opening our lives to be guided by our Good Shepherd
and be transformed into the likeness of our beloved Jesus

Our Goal in the Journey of Listening is not to arrive at the right destination,
but to stay close to our Companion Who Knows Best.

A Prayer for Approaching God

O God, You are my Beloved,
and in You alone
does my soul find rest

You are my rock,
my salvation,
my fortress

My soul thirsts for You,
Let me never be shaken

Because Your steadfast love is life to me,
my lips will praise You,
and I come seeking You now

Longing to be like You,
I will radiate Your love
as long as I live

Becoming a blessing to others,
in gratitude to You.

Based on Psalm 62 and adapted
from Nan C. Merril.
Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness.

Where are you in this picture?
where is God?

Psalm 62 by Anneke Kai; Acrylic on Plexiglas
The Psalms, An Artists Impression; Piquant, 1999

604-266-7446 p.25

Helpful Books:

Biblical Spirituality An Intimate Relationship with God
Barton, Ruth Haley. Invitation to Solitude and Silence Experiencing Gods Transforming Presence.
IVP Books, 2004.
Barton, Ruth Haley. Sacred Rhythms Arranging Our Lives For Spiritual Transformation. IVP Books,
Curtis, Brent & John Eldridge. The Sacred Romance Drawing Closer to the Heart of God. Thomas
Nelson Publishers, 1997.
deCaussade, Jean Pierre. The Sacrament of the Present Moment. Harper Collins, 1966.
Jersak, Brad. Can You Hear Me? Tuning in to the God Who Speaks. Kregel Publishing, 2009.
Lawrence, Brother. Practicing the Presence of God. Whitaker House, 1982.
Manning, Brennan. The Furious Longing of God. David C. Cook Publishing, 2010.
Nouwen, Henri J.M.. The Way of the Heart. Ballentine Books, 1981.
Nouwen, Henri J.M.. The Only Necessary Thing Living a Prayerful Life. The Crossroad Publishing
Company, 1999.
Rohr, Richard. Things Hidden Scripture as Spirituality. St Anthony Messenger Press, 2007.
Rohr, Richard. Falling Upward A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life. Jossey-Bass, 2011.
Roy, Denise. My Monastery is My Minivan Where the Daily is Divine and the Routine Becomes
Prayer. Loyola Press, 2001.
Willard, Dallas. Hearing God Developing a Conversational Relationship With God. IVP Books,
Willard, Dallas. Renovation of the Heart Putting On The Character of Christ. NavPress, 2002.
Discernment Knowing the Will of God
deYoung, Kevin. Just Do Something A Liberating Approach to Finding Gods Will. Moody, 2009.
Smith, Gordon T. The Voice of Jesus Discernment, Prayer and the Witness of the Spirit. InterVarsity
Press, 2003.

Are you hungry for change in your life?
I would love to discuss a continuing relationship with you in either:
Spiritual Direction (joining you in paying attention to your walk with God) or
Whole Life Coaching (facilitating your steps towards positive change with God at the center).

You can reach me at 604-266-7446 or

604-266-7446 p.26

Examen Exercises
For Paying Attention to Gods Presence at the End of a Day
The Consciousness Examen adapted from SoulStream
Dont make up answers. Let them emerge, even if only one thing seems significant.
What was life-giving today? For what things am I most grateful?
Where did I experience love, beauty, truth, peace, honesty, courage, etc.?
When did I feel close to You? Notice Your love towards me?
Honesty About My Choices
What was life-draining today?
Were there times when I was closed to You? Avoiding You? Resisting You?
What choices or habits have been keeping me from living in the full freedom of Your love?
Trust in Gods Loving Initiative
Gracious Spirit, I believe You are here with me and that You love me.
I open my heart to You. Help me to trust You.
Please lead me into greater freedom and dependence on You as You live in me tomorrow.

The Jesuit Examination of Conscience
adapted from Through All the Days of Life, by Fr. Nick Schiro, S.J.
Lord, I realize that, even myself, is a gift from You.
Today, for what things am I most grateful?
Lord, open my eyes and ears to be more honest with myself.
Today, what do I really want for myself?
Lord, show me what has been happening to me and in me this day.
Today, in what ways have I experienced Your love?
Lord, I am still learning to grow in Your love.
Today, what choices have been inadequate responses to Your love?
Lord, let me look with longing to the future.
Today, how will I let You lead me to a brighter tomorrow?

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