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1he followlng lnformaLlon ls belng provlded Lo asslsL wlLh lnqulrles LhaL you may recelve ln Lhe fleld
regardlng Lhe noLed sub[ecL maLLer.


8CM 4118 - 2011 - 2014 I|esta] 2012 - 2014 Iocus - 1ransm|ss|on Cver neat Message
Some 2011 - 2014 llesLa and 2012 - 2014 locus vehlcles may dlsplay Lhe Lransmlsslon over heaL message wlLh any
of Lhe followlng ulagnosLlc 1rouble Codes (u1CS) 0706, 0707, 0708, 2801, 2802, 2803, 0882, 0702,
u0100, or u0294. 1hese codes may cause an overheaL message Lo dlsplay wlLhouL Lhe Lransmlsslon overheaLlng.
ulagnose Lhe codes prlor Lo dlagnoslng Lhe overheaL message. 8efer Lo Lhe work shop manual 307-01 for locus
and 2014 llesLa Models and 307-11 for 2011 - 2013 llesLa models.

1S8 13-09-12 2010 - 2012 Lscape, 2010 - 2011 Mar|ner - L|ftgate Latch nand|e Gasket ee||ng Cr nang|ng Loose
Some 2010 - 2012 Lscape and 2010 - 2011 Marlner vehlcles may exhlblL a condlLlon wlLh Lhe llfLgaLe laLch handle
gaskeL peellng or hanglng loose. lollow Lhe servlce procedure ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon

1S8 13-09-13 - 2013 C-Max, Ius|on - Lnerg| - Lack Cf 120V] 240V Charg|ng And D1CS 0D08 And ] Cr 0D0I
Some 2013 C-Max and luslon Lnergl vehlcles may fall Lo charge uslng elLher 120 volL Level-1 LlecLrlc vehlcle
Servlce LqulpmenL (LvSL) or 240v Level-2 LvSL. ulagnosLlc 1rouble Codes (u1C) 0u08 and/ or 0u0l wlll be
presenL ln Lhe 8aLLery Lnergy ConLrol Module (8LCM). 8eprogram Lhe 8LCM Lo Lhe laLesL callbraLlon uslng
lnLegraLed ulagnosLlc SysLem (luS) release 86.03 and hlgher.

1S8 13-09-09 - 2013 C-Max, 2013 - 2014 Iocus, Lscape - C|unk] katt|e No|se Irom Iront Lnd Dur|ng ark|ng
Maneuvers And] Cr Cver kough Surfaces At Low Speeds 8etween 8-32 kM]n (S-20 Mn)
Some 2012 - 2014 locus, 2013 - 2014 Lscape and C-Max vehlcles my exhlblL a clunk and/ or raLLle-Lype nolse from
Lhe lefL and/ or rlghL fronL sLruL area aL speeds beLween 8-32 kM/P (3-20 MP) over mlnor road surface
lmperfecLlons. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-09-08 2013 - 2014 1aurus, 2012 - 2014 Ldge, Lxp|orer, 2013 - 2014 L|nco|n - 2.0L G1DI Lng|ne -
Dr|veab|||ty Concerns - D1CS 0128] 010 Cr 0236
Some 2012 - 2014 Ldge, Lxplorer, 2013 - 2014 Mk1 and 1aurus vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 2.0L Casollne
1urbocharged ulrecL ln[ecLlon (C1ul) may exhlblL dlfflculL Lo sLarL, runs rough, crank-no sLarL, lack of power, loss of
ldle 8M or heslLaLlon concerns wlLh dlagnosLlc Lrouble codes (u1CS) 0106, 0236, or a repeaL 0128. 1hese
condlLlons may be caused by a wlrlng concern ln Lhe slgnal reLurn spllce. lollow Lhe servlce procedure ln Lhls 1S8
Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-09-06 - 2013 Lscape - S|ng|e op 1ype No|se Irom Under Veh|c|e After Co|d Start - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore
Some 2013 Lscape vehlcles bullL on or before 3/6/2013 may exhlblL a slngle pop-Lype nolse from Lhe exhausL
sysLem when sLarLlng Lhe englne afLer vehlcle ls parked for several hours. nolse Lyplcally occurs wlLhln 1 Lo 3
seconds afLer englne sLarLs. 1hls may be due Lo a baffle ln Lhe fronL muffler assembly. lollow Lhe servlce
procedure sLeps ln Lhe 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-09-04 - 2011 - 2014 I|esta, 2012 - 2014 Iocus - Interm|ttent 1ransm|ss|on C|utch Shudder DS6
1ransm|ss|on And] Cr 1ransm|ss|on I|u|d Leak
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-04-03, 12-04-06 and 11-12-13 Lo consulaLe prevlously released lnformaLlon, updaLe
Lhe model years, Servlce rocedure and arL LlsL.
Some 2011 - 2014 llesLa and 2012 - 2014 locus vehlcles equlpped wlLh a uS6 auLomaLlc Lransmlsslon may
exhlblL an lnLermlLLenL Lransmlsslon cluLch shudder on llghL acceleraLlon from a sLop. Some vehlcles may or may
noL exhlblL Lransmlsslon fluld leaklng from Lhe cluLch houslng. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo
correcL Lhe concern.

8CM 6SS4 - 2013 Lxp|orer Iue| ump Inoperat|ve Connector C30S3 - Loose] Damaged Iema|e 1erm|na|
Some 2013 Lxplorer may exhlblL lnoperaLlve fuel pump due Lo loose/ damaged female Lermlnal ln cavlLles A and P
of connecLor C3033. Make an ln-llne connecLor by pass by cuLLlng Lhe wlres for Lhese clrculLs Lwo lnches back from
connecLor and seal boLh cuL wlre ends wlLh heaL shrlnk Lubes and plnch off Lhe empLy end of Lhe shrlnk Lubes Lo
seal. Spllce a 12 gauge wlre Lo Lhe 10 gauge wlre on Lhe 14A003 harness wlLh a 10-12 gauge buLL spllce. Spllce Lhe
12 gauge wlre Lo Lhe 14 gauge wlre on Lhe 14407 harness wlLh a 12-16 gauge buLL spllce. Seal boLh spllces wlLh
heaL shrlnk Lubes. use spllce klL: 3u2Z-14A088-CA Wlre Spllce/ Shrlnk 1ube klL 10-12 gauge and 3u2Z-14A088-8A
Wlre Spllce/ Shrlnk 1ube klL 12-16 gauge. We are releaslng Lhe plgLall klLs Lo have compleLe repalr capablllLy.

8CM 6S32 - 2012 - 2013 Iocus - V|brat|on In keverse After 1ransm|ss|on kemova| And Insta||at|on - Serv|ce 1|p
Some 2012 - 2013 locus vehlcles equlpped wlLh a uS6 Lransmlsslon may exhlblL a vlbraLlon ln reverse afLer a
Lransmlsslon removal and lnsLallaLlon. rlor Lo followlng normal dlagnosLlcs, flrsL ensure Lhe Lwo roll resLrlcLor
bolLs are correcLly lnsLalled. 1he roll resLrlcLor Lo englne bolL ls longer Lhan Lhe roll resLrlcLor Lo frame bolL whlch
could Louch Lhe sLeerlng rack and ground ouL. lf no lssues are found, follow normal dlagnosLlcs.

8CM 6S31 - 2011 - 2014 I|esta] 2012 - 2014 Iocus - I|u|d Leak 8etween 1he Lng|ne And 1ransm|ss|on
Some 2011 - 2014 llesLa and 2012 - 2014 locus vehlcles equlpped wlLh a uS6 Lransmlsslon may experlence a
fluld leak beLween Lhe englne and Lransmlsslon. 8e aware LhaL Lhe englne oll and uS6 Lransmlsslon fluld are
slmllar color and LexLure. A Lransmlsslon fluld leak aL Lhe lnpuL shafL seal can cause a bulldup of fluld ln Lhe bell
houslng, creaLlng Lhe appearance of a rear maln seal leak. 1he rear maln seal should only be replaced afLer a rear
maln seal fallure ls conflrmed Lhrough approprlaLe dlagnosLlcs ouLllned ln Lhe onllne Workshop Manual (WSM)
SecLlon 303-00/ ulagnosls and 1esLlng

8CM 6S3S - 2011 - 2013 Ldge] Mkk] Lxp|orer "Sh|ft 1o ark" Message Wh||e In ark
2011 - 2013 Ldge/ Mkx/ Lxplorer ShlfL 1o ark" message may be dlsplayed wlLh Lhe shlfLer ln ark lf Lhe shlfL
cable ls noL correcLly ad[usLed. lollow Lhe shlfL cable ad[usLmenL procedure ln Lhe work shop manual secLlon 307-
03 Lo correcL Lhls condlLlon. 8emember LhaL Lhe shlfL cable ad[usLmenL ls always done wlLh boLh Lhe shlfLer and
Lransmlsslon ln urlve.

8CM 64S8 - 2014 Lscape - Lng|ne Stays kunn|ng After 1he Ign|t|on Is Shut Cff
Some 2014 Lscape vehlcles bullL on or before 7/13/13 may exhlblL a concern wlLh Lhe englne sLlll runnlng afLer Lhe
lgnlLlon ls shuL off. 1hls may be due Lo a solder shorL beLween plns 18 and 19 ln Lhe 8CM (8ody ConLrol Module)
for connecLor C2280l. lf a vehlcle comes ln for Lhls concern, access Lhe 8CM and remove connecLor C2280l.
Check for conLlnulLy beLween plns 18 and 19. lf conLlnulLy ls presenL, replace Lhe 8CM per WSM SecLlon 419-10. lf
Lhere ls no conLlnulLy beLween plns 18 and 19 ln C2280l, lnspecL connecLor C311 for any benL plns and repalr as

1S8 13-07-10 - 2013 C-Max - 12-Vo|t 8attery D|scharged - W||| Not no|d Charge - kad|o W|th 4.2-Inch D|sp|ay
Cn|y - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore 6]21]2013
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-04-13 Lo updaLe Lhe arL LlsL/ Servlce procedure and vehlcle bulld daLe.
Some 2013 C-Max vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 4.2 lnch dlsplay radlo only and bullL on or before 6/21/2013, may
exhlblL a 12-volL baLLery LhaL ls unable Lo malnLaln a charge or becomes dlscharged. lollow Lhe servlce procedure
ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-07-11 - 2013 C-Max, Ius|on - Lnerg| - n|gh Vo|tage 8attery Charg|ng Message - Is Veh|c|e |ugged-In? -
D1C U0198 And] Cr 0CI7 - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore 4]1S]2013
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-06-23 Lo updaLe Lhe Servlce rocedure.
Some 2013 C-Max Lnergl and luslon Lnergl vehlcles bullL on or before 4/13/2013 may exhlblL dlagnosLlc Lrouble
codes (u1C) wlLh - ls vehlcle lugged-ln? ?/n - Message relaLed Lo charglng of Lhe hlgh volLage baLLery. lollow
Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6390 - 2013 Lscape - S|ng|e op - 1ype No|se Irom Veh|c|e After Co|d Start - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore S]6]2013
Some 2013 Lscape vehlcles bullL on or before 3/6/2013 may exhlblL a slngle pop-Lype nolse from Lhe exhausL
sysLem when sLarLlng Lhe englne afLer vehlcle ls parked for several hours. nolse Lyplcally occurs wlLhln 1-3 seconds
afLer englne sLarLs. 1hls may be due Lo a baffle ln Lhe fronL muffler assembly. lf a vehlcle comes ln for Lhls
condlLlon, leL lL slL for a mlnlmum of 4 hours. SLarL Lhe vehlcle wlLh Lhe drlver's door open. lf Lhe vehlcle exhlblLs
Lhe pop nolse from Lhe exhausL, replace Lhe fronL muffler assembly (Cv6Z-3230-C) and 2 exhausL clamps (Cv6Z-
3A231-u). 8efer Lo Workshop Manual (WSM), SecLlon 309-00 and use avallable servlce labor Llmes. lf Lhe vehlcle
does noL dlsplay Lhe slngle pop nolse from Lhe exhausL sysLem, Lhls arLlcle does noL apply. 8efer Lo WSM, SecLlon
100-04 for normal dlagnosLlcs.

1S8 13-0S-2S - 2013 1aurus - o||ce Interceptor - A|r 8ag Warn|ng Lamp - D|agnost|c 1roub|e Codes (D1CS)
800S0:11 Cr 800S0:13
Some 2013 1aurus ollce lnLercepLor sedan vehlcles may exhlblL an lllumlnaLed alr bag warnlng lamp wlLh u1CS
80030:11 or 80030:13. lollow Lhe servlce procedure ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon by replaclng Lhe fronL
safeLy seaL belL buckle. 8efer Lo Workshop Manual, SecLlon 301-20.

8CM 6361 - 2012 - 2013 Iocus - Var|ous Dr|vab|||ty, 1ransm|ss|on Sh|ft] Lngagement Concerns And] Cr D1CS -
Serv|ce 1|p
Some 2012 - 2013 locus vehlcles may exhlblL englne sLarL concerns no crank, no auLomaLlc Lransmlsslon concerns
ln urlve or 8everse when shlfLlng from ark lncludlng no engagemenL, delayed or lnLermlLLenL engagemenL. WlLh
or wlLhouL a powerLraln dlagnosLlc Lrouble codes (u1C) 0688, 0803, 0809, 0830, 087A, 087L, 0884, 283A,
2831, 2832, 2833, 2836, 2837 and may also seL u1C 0700 wlLhouL any accompanylng faulL codes. rlor Lo
followlng normal dlagnosLlcs, flrsL check C-104 for good body Lo ground conLacL. lf ground eyeleL can be roLaLed
by hand, Lorque fasLener Lo 12 nm and verlfy eyeleL cannoL be roLaLed. lf no lssues are found, follow normal

8CM 631S - 2013 Ius|on] Mk2 - Gurg|e] S|osh] erco|at|ng] 1app|ng No|se Irom Iue| 1ank Area
Some 2013 luslon and MkZ vehlcles may exhlblL a gurgle, slosh, percolaLlng, Lapplng nolse from Lhe fuel Lank area.
1he condlLlon ls only presenL wlLh Lhe fuel level 7/8 or above. lor any vehlcle noL addressed ln 1S8 13-07-13,
englneerlng ls aware of Lhe condlLlon. no repalrs are recommended aL Lhls Llme. lease submlL Clobal Concern
8eporLs and monlLor CASlS for updaLes.

1S8 13-07-03 - 2013 Ius|on - 1.6L G1DI - Gurg|e] S|osh] erco|at|ng] 1app|ng No|se Irom Iue| 1ank Area
Some 2013 luslon vehlcles equlpped wlLh Lhe 1.6L Casollne 1urbo ulrecL ln[ecLlon (C1ul) englne may exhlblL a
gurgllng, sloshlng, percolaLlng or Lapplng nolse from Lhe fuel Lank area whlle ldllng, sLopplng, or durlng slow
parklng loL Lype maneuvers. 1he condlLlon ls only presenL wlLh Lhe fuel level 7/8 or above. lollow Lhe servlce
procedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6311 - 2012 - 2013 Iocus - 2013 Lscape - Inoperat|ve Cru|se Contro| Iunct|on W|th D|agnost|c 1roub|e
Code (D1C) 81128:07 - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore 8]1S]2012
Some 2012 - 2013 locus and 2013 Lscape vehlcles equlpped wlLh crulse conLrol and bullL on or before 8/13/2012
may have an lnoperaLlve crulse conLrol wlLh u1C 81128:07. lf dlagnosLlcs leads Lo Lhe sLeerlng wheel wlrlng
harness as Lhe cause of Lhe concern, lL ls now a separaLely servlced parL, base number 14A320. 1he Workshop
Manual and Servlce arLs CaLalog have been correcLed.

2013 C-Max, Ius|on - Lnerg| - n|gh Vo|tage 8attery Charg|ng Message - Is Veh|c|e |ugged-In? - D1C U0198
And] Cr 0CI7 - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore 4]1S]2013
Some 2013 C-Max Lnergl and luslon Lnergl vehlcles bullL on or before 4/13/2013 may exhlblL dlagnosLlc Lrouble
codes (u1C) wlLh - ls vehlcle plug-ln? ?/n - message relaLed Lo charglng of Lhe hlgh volLage baLLery. lollow Lhe
servlce procedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6241 - 2013 o||ce Ut|||ty 1|re ressure Mon|tor|ng System (1MS) Lamp Cn
Some 2013 - 2014 ollce uLlllLy unlLs may exhlblL a 1lre ressure MonlLor SysLem (1MS) lamp on and/ or one or
more Llre sensors LhaL won'L program. 1hls may be due Lo elecLrlcal lnLerference caused by Lhe add-on pollce
radlos and equlpmenL. 1he 1MS module ls locaLed aL Lhe base of Lhe cenLer sLack on unlLs wlLh Lhe sLeel console
mounLlng plaLe, and under Lhe cenLer console on unlLs wlLh Lhe lnLerlor upgrade package. lease refer Lo ollce
lnLercepLor Modlfler 8ulleLln 018 whlch can be found under Lhe 2013 ollce Modlflers Culde selecLlon on Lhe
lord lleeL webslLe for lnformaLlon regardlng relocaLlng and shleldlng Lhe module Lo reduce slgnal lnLerference.
Changes Lo Lhe vehlcle Lo reduce lnLerference caused by add-on equlpmenL are noL warranLable.

1S8 13-06-23 - 2013 C-Max] Ius|on] Mk2 - nybr|d And Lnerg| - Co|d Weather Charg|ng Improvements
1he arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-03-01 Lo updaLe Lhe 1lLle, lssue SLaLemenL and Servlce rocedures
Some 2013 C-Max Pybrld/ Lnergl vehlcles bullL on or before 4/9/2013 and luslon Pybrld/ Lnergl and MkZ Pybrld
vehlcles bullL on or before 6/12/2013 may exhlblL a 12-volL baLLery whlch ls unable Lo malnLaln a charge or
becomes dlscharged when Lhe vehlcle ls operaLed wlLh maxlmum elecLrlcal loads for shorL drlve cycles and Lhen
lefL unaLLended for several hours durlng cold weaLher LemperaLures, less Lhan 0 degrees Celslus (32 degrees
lahrenhelL). er Lhls 1S8, follow Lhe servlce procedures Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-06-01 - 2013 Ius|on, L|nco|n Mk2 - Iue| I|||er Nozz|e Shutt|ng Cff 8efore Add|ng 3.8L (1 Ga||on) - 8u||t Cn
Cr 8efore 4]8]2013
Some 2013 luslon and MkZ vehlcles bullL on or before 4/8/2013 may exhlblL a cusLomer concern of Lhe fuel flller
nozzle shuLLlng off before addlng 3.8L (1 gallon). lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe
condlLlon by replaclng Lhe fuel Lank flller plpe. 8efer Lo workshop manual secLlon 310-01.

1S8 13-06-03 - 2013 Ius|on, L|nco|n Mk2 - keduced Iue| 1ank Capac|ty - Lmpty kef||| 38 to 4S L|ters (10 1o 12
Ga||ons) 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore 4]2]2013
Some 2013 luslon and MkZ lronL Wheel urlve (lWu) vehlcle equlpped wlLh a 1.6L Casollne 1urbocharged ulrecL
ln[ecLlon (C1ul) englne and lederal emlsslons, or a 2.0L C1ul englne and bullL on or before 4/2/2013 may exhlblL a
concern where Lhe fuel Lank wlll only accepL 38 Lo 43 llLers (10 Lo 12 gallons) when refuellng wlLh Lhe gauge
lndlcaLlng empLy and/ or Lhe dlsLance Lo empLy below 36 kllomeLers (33 mlles). lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure ln
Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon by replaclng Lhe fuel Lank and reprogramlng Lhe lnsLrumenL panel clusLer Lo Lhe
laLesL callbraLlon uslng luS release 83.01 and hlgher.

1S8 13-0S-32 - 2013 Ius|on, 2013 L|nco|n Mk2 - No Start - No key Detected - kemote key|ess Lntry (kkL)
Iunct|ons Inoperat|ve
Some 2013 luslon and MkZ vehlcles equlpped wlLh push buLLon sLarL may exhlblL a no crank/ no sLarL wlLh a no
key ueLecLed message and all 8kL funcLlons lnoperaLlve from boLh remoLe conLrols. 8eprogram Lhe 8adlo
1ranscelver Module (81M) Lo Lhe laLesL callbraLlon uslng lnLegraLed ulagnosLlc SysLem (luS) release 83.01 and

1S8 13-0S-31 - 2013 Lxp|orer - 3.SL Gaso||ne 1urbocharged D|rect In[ect|on (G1DI) - Lxtended Crank 1|me And
De|ayed Upsh|fts - 1S8 13-0S-31
Some 2013 Lxplorer vehlcles equlpped wlLh 3.3L C1ul englnes may exhlblL long crank-Lo-sLarL Llmes and delayed/
harsh downshlfL when commanded ln Lhe mlddle of a 4-3 or 3-3 upshlfL and delayed upshlfLs from 3
, 4
or 3

gear when Lransmlsslon fluld LemperaLure ls below 21 degrees Celslus (70 degrees lahrenhelL). lollow Lhls 1S8
and reprogram Lhe powerLraln conLrol module (CM) Lo Lhe laLesL callbraLlon uslng lnLegraLed dlagnosLlc sysLem
(luS) release 83.01 and hlgher.

8CM 6110 - 2012 - 2013 Iocus W|th My1ouch - 1ouchscreen Ca||brat|on rocess
2012 - 2013 locus vehlcles equlpped wlLh My1ouch, Louchscreen callbraLlon musL be performed afLer any AlM
programmlng, replacemenL or dlsconnecL from lronL ulsplay lnLerface Module (lulM). 1he Louchscreen
callbraLlon ls accompllshed Lhrough elLher scan Lool dlrecLlons or Lhrough Audlo ConLrol Module (ACM) 8ezel
ulagnosLlc selecLlons. 8efer Lo WSM secLlon 413-00C, Ceneral rocedures, 1ouchscreen CallbraLlon. Workshop
Manuals are belng updaLed Lo reflecL callbraLlon needs for lulM durlng removal/ replacemenL.

8CM 6S37 - Mu|t| Veh|c|e L|ne - Iront D|sp|ay Interface Modu|e (IDIM) D|sp|ay D|stort|on
Some 2011 locus, Marlner, 2011 - 2012 Lscape, 2012 llex, luslon, 1aurus, 2012 - 2013 l-130, 2012 - 2014
MusLang vehlcles may have a dlsLorLed lulM dlsplay ofLen descrlbed as belng delamlnaLed, frosLed, cloudy, hazy,
faded, and/ or foggy. lulM servlce parLs have been lmproved and are now avallable. lease use avallable labor
Llmes Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6109 - 2011 - 2013 Mu|t|p|e Veh|c|e L|nes W|th My1ouch - 1ouchscreen Ca||brat|on rocess
lor vehlcle llnes equlpped wlLh My1ouch, Louchscreen callbraLlon musL be performed afLer any AlM
programmlng, replacemenL or dlsconnecL from lronL ulsplay lnLerface Module (lulM). 1he Louchscreen
callbraLlon ls accompllshed Lhrough elLher scan Lool dlrecLlons or WSM secLlon 413-00, Ceneral rocedures for
AlM programmlng and uslng Lhe second Lo lasL sLep or from Ceneral rocedures, 1ouchscreen CallbraLlon.
Workshop Manuals are belng updaLed Lo reflecL callbraLlon needs for lulM durlng removal/ replacemenL.

1S8 13-0S-24 - 2013 Ius|on - 1|ng] op] C||ck - 1ype No|se - Iront na|fshaft
Some 2013 luslon, luslon Pybrld and luslon Lnergl vehlcles may exhlblL a nolse LhaL could be descrlbed as a Llng,
pop, or cllck-Lype nolse from Lhe fronL wheel area when acceleraLlng from a sLop or when shlfLlng beLween drlve/
reverse and reverse/ drlve. lollow Lhe servlce procedure ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.
1S8 13-0S-2S - 2013 1aurus - o||ce Interceptor - A|r 8ag Warn|ng Lamp - D|agnost|c 1roub|e Codes (D1CS)
800S0:11 Cr 800S0:13
Some 2013 1aurus ollce lnLercepLor sedan vehlcles may exhlblL an lllumlnaLed alr bag warnlng lamp u1CS
80030:11 or 80030:13. lollow Lhe servlce procedure sLep Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon by replaclng Lhe fronL safeLy
seaL belL buckle. 8efer Lo Lhe workshop manual, secLlon 301-20.

8CM 6081 - 2013 Ius|on] Mk2 - No Start W|th No key Detected Message
Some 2013 MkZ vehlcles and luslon vehlcles equlpped wlLh lnLelllgenL Access may exhlblL a no crank/ no sLarL wlLh
a no key ueLecLed message. 1o sLarL Lhe vehlcle, advlse Lhe cusLomer Lo place Lhe key ln Lhe backup sloL. 1he
backup sloL for MkZ ls locaLed under Lhe rubber llner ln Lhe cup holder. 1he backup sloL for Lhe luslon ls ln Lhe
cenLer console. 1o avold Lhls condlLlon, Lhe cusLomer should press Lhe unlock buLLon on Lhe key fob, even lf Lhe
vehlcle ls already unlocked, and open Lhe drlver's door wlLhln flve seconds. MonlLor CASlS for updaLes.
Lnglneerlng ls aware of Lhls condlLlon and no repalrs are recommended.

1S8 13-0S-21 - 2013 C-Max, Ius|on, L|nco|n Mk2 - Cver|y Sens|t|ve 8rakes Cr erce|ved De|ayed 1ransm|ss|on
keverse Lngagement
Some 2013 C-Max Pybrld/ Lnergl vehlcles bullL on or before 10/2/2012, and luslon Pybrld/ Lnergl and MkZ Pybrld
vehlcles bullL on or before 11/01/2012, may exhlblL an overly senslLlve brake pedal feel ofLen descrlbed as grabby
brakes, or a percelved 2-3 second delayed Lransmlsslon engagemenL ln reverse due Lo Lhe hlll sLarL asslsL feaLure
acLlvaLlng brlefly afLer sLarLlng Lhe vehlcle. lollow Lhe servlce procedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon
by reprogramlng Lhe AnLl-Lock 8rake SysLem (A8S) module Lo Lhe laLesL callbraLlon uslng lnLegraLed ulagnosLlc
SysLem (luS) release 84.02 and hlgher.

1S8 13-06-01 - 2013 1aurus, Lxp|orer - o||ce Interceptor Ut|||ty And Sedan - Iront Door W|ndow G|ass St|ck|ng
Cr 8|nd|ng - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore 3]26]13
Some 2013 ollce lnLercepLor uLlllLy and Sedan vehlcles equlpped wlLh balllsLlc door panels bullL on or before
3/26/2013 may exhlblL a sLlcklng or blndlng door wlndow glass on Lhe lefL or rlghL fronL door. lollow Lhe Servlce
rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-09-18 - 2012 - 2013 Lxp|orer - 3.SL 1I-VC1 - Iou| Cdor Irom Coo||ng System - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore
1he arLlcle supersedes 1S8 12-08-08 Lo updaLe Lhe Servlce rocedure and arL LlsL.
Some 2012 - 2013 Lxplorer vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 3.3L 1wln lndependenL varlable Cam 1lmlng (1l-vC1) englne
and bullL on or before 7/9/2012 may exhlblL a foul, roLLen-egg Lype odor comlng from Lhe coollng sysLem or
componenLs, Lyplcally afLer comlng Lo a sLop wlLh Lhe cllmaLe conLrol reclrculaLlon door ln Lhe fresh alr mode.
lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure SLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-09-22 - Sync - Var|ous Iunct|ona||ty Concerns - 2012 - 2013 I|esta, Iocus, Ius|on, L-Ser|es, Ldge,
Lxped|t|on, Lxp|orer, I-1S0, I-Super Duty, 2012 - 2014 Mustang, 2013 C-Max, 1aurus, Lscape, 2013 - 2014 I|ex,
2012 Mk2, 2012 - 2013 Nav|gator
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-06-17 Lo updaLe Lhe vehlcle model years and add producLlon flx daLes
varlous vehlcles equlpped wlLh S?nC may exhlblL concerns relaLed Lo S?nC feaLures. 8efer Lo Lhe vehlcle llsL ln Lhls
1S8 Lo deLermlne appllcable vehlcle llnes and bulld daLes locaLed ln Lhe Servlce rocedure SecLlon along wlLh
compleLe sympLom deLalls. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure SLeps Lo lmprove Lhe condlLlon.
1hls procedure excludes vehlcles equlpped wlLh Mylord 1ouch or MyLlncoln 1ouch.


8CM 4101 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty Lqu|pped W|th A|r Cond|t|on|ng - D|rt Cr Dust Com|ng Cut Cf Vents
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh alr condlLlonlng and operaLed ln exLremely dusLy
envlronmenLs and/ or exLended ldle Llme may exhlblL dlrL/ dusL comlng ouL of Lhe lnsLrumenL panel venLs. Advlse
operaLor Lo puL Lhe PeaLlng, venLllaLlng Alr CondlLlonlng (PvAC) conLrols ln Lhe reclrculaLed alr mode when
operaLlng under Lhese condlLlons, Lhls helps prevenL Lhe lngesLlon of dusL/ dlrL Lhrough Lhe cowl and lnLo Lhe
PvAC sysLem. noLe: lf a funcLlonal condlLlon does exlsL, proceed wlLh normal dlagnosLlcs ln workshop manual
secLlon 412-00.

8CM 4100 - 2009 - 2013 - I6S0] I7S0 Veh|c|es W|th nydrau||c 8rakes - Inva||d D1C (D|agnost|c 1roub|e Code)
Set In 1he GLM (Gener|c L|ectron|c Modu|e)
uurlng dlagnosLlcs a C1268 (Pydromax MoLor 8elay # 1 ClrculL lallure) u1C may be encounLered from Lhe CLM
when pulllng codes or afLer conflgurlng a new CLM. 8ecause Pydromax ls no longer used Lhls u1C should be
lgnored. 1here ls currenLly no meLhod Lo conflgure Lhe CLM Lo noL seL Lhls u1C.

8CM 406S - Some 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty Veh|c|es May Lxh|b|t An Cpt|ca| I||us|on Cf 1he kear Suspens|on
Dog 1rack|ng Cr Ax|e Not Square 1o 1he Irame
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy 4x4 vehlcles may exhlblL a cusLomer complalnL LhaL Lhelr l-Super uuLy appears Lo
dog-Lrack. 1he fronL axle Lrack wldLh ls wlder Lhan Lhe rear axle Lrack wldLh. 1hls dlfference ln Lrack wldLh can
cause an opLlcal llluslon LhaL glves Lhe lmpresslon LhaL Lhe vehlcle ls dog-Lracklng. lf Lhe vehlcle ls dog-Lracklng and
lL ls noL an opLlcal llluslon caused by Lhe Lrack wldLh dlfference, refer Lo workshop manual secLlon 204-00 for
updaLed dlagnosLlcs and repalr.

8CM 4072 - 2011 - 2013 I-1S0 - 1ra||er 8rake Contro||er Insta||at|on
2011 - 2013 l-130 lnsLallaLlon of lacLory 1raller 8rake ConLroller (18C) may be performed aL Lhe dealershlp lf
vehlcle ls equlpped wlLh lacLory 1raller 1ow opLlon ( 4 and 7 pln Lraller connecLors presenL and equlpped wlLh
recelver hlLch). lnsLallaLlon lnsLrucLlons are noLed ln Lhe Work Shop Manual 206-10 SecLlon under 8emoval and
lnsLallaLlon of 18C Module or off of lord Accessorles WebslLe. Cnce 18C ls lnsLalled, use luS 70.02 or laLer Lo
conflgure Lhe lnsLrumenL ClusLer for 18C. rogrammlng selecLlon ls avallable under rogrammable arameLers,
ersonallLy, Lhen by enabllng 18C/ lC Message CenLer Caln ulsplay. 1hen, selecL 1raller Sway under ersonallLy
Menu and Lnable Lhls parameLer Lo allow for lacLory 18C CperaLlon. noLe: lacLory 18C connecLor C2142 ls
locaLed under Lhe sLeerlng column near Lhe uaLa Llnk ConnecLor or plugged lnLo Lhe backslde of Lhe l coln holder.

1S8 13-09-17 - 2010 - 2013 1rans|t Connect - neated kear W|ndow G|ass 8reak|ng
Some 2010 - 2013 1ranslL ConnecL vehlcles equlpped wlLh heaLed rear wlndow glass only may exhlblL a concern of
Lhe LP or 8P rear wlndow glass breaklng afLer Lurnlng on Lhe sysLem. 1hls concern may also occur wlLhouL Lhe
heaLed funcLlon energlzed, buL only durlng amblenL LemperaLures of 11 degrees Celslus ( 32 degrees lahrenhelL)
and below. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6SSS - 2011 - 2013 I-1S0 3.SL G1DI - Ident|fy|ng Latest Leve| Charge A|r Coo|er (CAC) 8y Serv|ce]
Lng|neer|ng art Numbers
2011 - 2013 l-130 3.3L Cas 1urbo ulrecL ln[ecLed (C1ul) laLesL level CAC can be ldenLlfled by lnspecLlng Lhe whlLe
parL number label locaLed on Lhe drlver slde end Lank of Lhe CAC. Servlce parL 8L3Z-6k773-8 (Lnglneerlng parL
8L34-9L440-AL) ls appllcable Lo 2011 - 2012 model years only and Servlce parL uL3Z-6k773-8 (Lnglneerlng parL
uL34-9L440-AC/Au) ls appllcable Lo 2013 model year only.

1S8 13-09-01 - 2011 I-S9 Commerc|a| Str|pped Chass|s] I-S3 Motorhome Chass|s - Loss Cf ower 1o Upf|tter
Insta||ed Systems And Accessor|es
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-08-06 Lo updaLe Lhe Servlce rocedure lllusLraLlon
Some 2011 l-39 Commerclal Chassls and l-33 MoLorhome Chassls may exhlblL a loss of power Lo upflLLer lnsLalled
sysLems and accessorles. 1hls may be due Lo Lhe accessory dlode ln Lhe CenLral !uncLlon 8ox (C!8). lollow Lhe
servlce procedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-08-01 - 2011 - 2012 I-1S0 - 3.SL G1DI - Interm|ttent Stumb|e] M|sf|re Cn Acce|erat|on Irom n|ghway
Cru|se In num|d Cr Damp Cond|t|ons W|th oss|b|e D1C 0304, 030S, 0306, Cr 0430
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-03-03 Lo updaLe Lhe Servlce rocedure and arL LlsL
Some 2011 - 2012 l-130 equlpped wlLh a 3.3L gasollne Lurbocharged dlrecL ln[ecLlon (C1ul) LcoboosL englne may
exhlblL an lnLermlLLenL sLumble and/ or mlsflre on hard acceleraLlon afLer an exLended drlve aL hlghway speeds
durlng hlgh humldlLy or damp condlLlons. 1hls may resulL ln elLher a sLeady or flashlng malfuncLlon lndlcaLor lamp
(MlL). ulagnosLlc Lrouble codes (u1CS) 0304, 0303, 0306, or 0430 may also be presenL. Lvldence of mlsflre
may be avallable ln Mlsflre lreeze lrame uaLa even wlLh no acLlve u1CS. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps ln
Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-08-04 - 2013 I-6S0 - 6.8L Lng|ne - Accessory Dr|ve 8e|t Concerns - 8u||t Cn 12]1]2013 And 1hrough
Some 2013 l-Super uuLy 630 vehlcles equlpped wlLh 6.8L englne and bullL on 12/1/2012 and Lhrough 3/21/2013
may exhlblL fronL end accessory drlve (lLAu) belL concerns. 1hls may be due Lo mls-poslLlonlng of Lhe power
sLeerlng pump pulley. lollow Lhe servlce procedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-07-07 - 2012 - 2013 I-1S0 - 4k4 W|th 14S Inch Whee|base - C||ck] Snap No|se Cn In|t|a| Acce|erat|on
Irom A Stop
1he arLlcle supersedes 1S8 12-11-17 Lo updaLe Lhe vehlcle model years. arL LlsL and Servlce rocedure.
Some 2012 - 2013 l-130 4x4 vehlcles wlLh a 143-lnch wheelbase may exhlblL an lnLermlLLenL cllck or snap-Lype
nolse from Lhe rear axle on lnlLlal llghL acceleraLlon from a sLop ln elLher drlve or reverse. 1he nolse may also
occur on llghL acceleraLlon afLer changlng dlrecLlon from drlve Lo reverse, or reverse Lo drlve. lollow Lhe Servlce
rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

1S8 13-07-06 - 2009 - 2011 I-1S0 - 9.7S kear Ax|e Chatter - Shudder - V|brat|on Cn S|ow 1urns
1he arLlcle supersedes 1S8 11-11-06 Lo updaLe Lhe vehlcle model years.
Some 2009 - 2011 l-130 vehlcles equlpped 9.73 rear axle assembly may exhlblL a shudder, chaLLer and/or
vlbraLlon durlng slow, LlghL Lurns more and noLlceable afLer cold sLarLup. Concern maybe less noLlceable once rear
axle fluld warms up. lollow Lhe servlce procedure ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6338 - 2013 Lcono||ne - Interm|ttent No Crank - kear Camera Inoperat|ve
Some 2013 L-Serles vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 4873L Lransmlsslon may exhlblL lnLermlLLenL no crank/ no sLarL
condlLlon. vehlcles equlpped wlLh rear vlew camera may exhlblL lnLermlLLenL loss of camera dlsplay funcLlon.
1hese condlLlons may be caused by poor pln flL aL 1ransmlsslon 8ange Sensor C167. lollow procedures ln Wlrlng
ulagram, SecLlon 3-1 Lo dlagnosls and repalr Lermlnals or plgLall as requlred and use publlshed servlce labor Llme

8CM 6134 - 2011 - 2013 I-Super Duty - 1orqsh|ft 6 Automat|c 1ransm|ss|on - 8and 1 So|eno|d k|ts - Now
2011 - 2013 l-Super uuLy vehlcles when normal dlagnosLlcs lead Lo Lransmlsslon solenold replacemenL where a
8and 1 solenold ls used, replacemenL of Lhe (7A100) maln conLrol assembly ls no longer necessary. 8and 1
solenold klLs have been released for servlce and Lhe parL caLalog has been updaLed.

1S8 13-06-26 - 2013 I-2S0, I-3S0 - 6.2L Lng|ne - ked 8rake Warn|ng Ind|cator - D1C C101A:62 - 8u||t Cn Cr
8efore 2]21]2013
Some 2013 l-Super uuLy 230/330 vehlcles equlpped wlLh 6.2L englne and bullL on or before 2/21/2013 may exhlblL
lllumlnaLed red brake warnlng lndlcaLor wlLh dlagnosLlc Lrouble code (u1C) C101:62 - vacuum pressure sensor
slgnal error ln Lhe anLl-lock brake (A8S) module. lollow Lhe servlce procedures ln Lhls 1S8 Lo reprogram Lhe A8S
module Lo Lhe laLesL callbraLlon uslng luS release 83.03 and hlgher.

8CM 6307 - 2013 I-Super Duty Lqu|pped W|th 6.2L Gas Cr 6.7L D|ese| Lng|ne W|th 6k140 1ransm|ss|on - 1C
No|se Norma| Character|st|c
Some 2013 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.2L or 6.7L englne and 68140 Lransmlsslon may exhlblL a nolse
upon lnsLallaLlon of a power Lake off (1C). 1he nolse (raLLle, chaLLer, eLc.) only occurs when Lhe 1C ls noL
engaged and goes away wlLh lncreased englne speed. 1he nolse does noL lndlcaLe a problem wlLh Lhe 1C or Lhe
Lransmlsslon. lL ls Lhe resulL of Lhe englne flrlng pulses belng Lransferred lnLo Lhe 1C gear Lraln. 1he nolse wlll
vary beLween Lruck chassls, englnes, Lransmlsslons and 1C manufacLurers due Lo Lhe sLlffness of Lhe sysLem's as
well as Lhe varlaLlon ln Lhe componenLs. lL does noL affecL Lhe performance or durablllLy of Lhe Lruck or Lhe 1C.
1hls ls a normal 1C characLerlsLlc and repalrs should noL be aLLempLed.

8CM 6299 - 2012 - 2013 I-1S0 4k4 - 3.SL - 1ransm|ss|on I|u|d Leak - 8u||t Cn S]23]2012 And 1hrough 6]3]2013
Some 2012 - 2013 l-130 4x4 wlLh 3.3L bullL on 3/23/2012 and Lhrough 6/3/2013 may exhlblL a Lransmlsslon fluld
leak from Lhe bell houslng. lor vlslble leaks clean Lhe locaLlon on Lhe Lransmlsslon and add uye-LlLe A1l/ ower
SLeerlng lluld Leak ueLecLlon uye Lo Lhe Lransmlsslon fluld. 8efer Lo Lhe Workshop Manual (WSM), SecLlon 307-01
Leakage lnspecLlon. lor vehlcles bullL wlLhln Lhe bulld daLes menLloned please look closely Lo approxlmaLely Lhe 4
o'clock Lo 6 o'clock area of Lhe case rlbs ln Lhe bell houslng lf Lhe leak ls comlng ouL from Lhls area, replacemenL of
Lhe Lransmlsslon case wlll be requlred. 8efer Lo WSM 307-01 1ransmlsslon ulsassembly and use avallable servlce
labor Llmes. lor vehlcles LhaL are noL leaklng ln LhaL speclflc case area please follow Lhe approprlaLe WSM
procedure based on locaLlon of Lhe leak.

8CM 6177 - 2011 I-1S0 Interm|ttent 8rake C|unk In keverse - Un|ts 8u||t 8efore S]21]2011
Some 2011 l-130 vehlcles bullL before 3/21/2011 may exhlblL an lnLermlLLenL clunk nolse from Lhe rear brakes on
Lhe flrsL few brake appllcaLlons whlle backlng up. 1hls concern may be more prevalenL ln cool/ humld condlLlons.
lf Lhls concern occurs apply a Lhln fllm of grease 8u7Z-19A306-A Lo boLh rear brake callper plsLon faces where Lhey
conLacL Lhe lnner rear brake pad backlng plaLes. 8efer Lo WSM SecLlon 206-04 for Lhe rear brake pad removal and
lnsLallaLlon procedure and use appllcable labor operaLlons. lf Lhe concern sLlll occurs refer Lo workshop manual
SecLlon 206-00 for furLher dlagnosLlcs.

1S8 13-06-09 - 2011 - 2013 L-Ser|es - S.4L 2V and 6.8L 2V Lng|ne - Lxcess|ve Lng|ne C|| Consumpt|on
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-03-04 Lo updaLe Lhe warranLy causal parL number and Lhe vehlcle llne appllcaLlon.
Some 2011 - 2013 L-Serles vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 3.4L 2v or 6.8L 2v englne and bullL on or before 11/12/2012
may exhlblL excesslve oll consumpLlon deLermlned as less Lhan 4,800 kM (3,000 Mlles) drlven per 0.93L (1 qL)
englne oll consumed. lollow Lhe servlce procedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6062 - 2011 - 2013 I-1S0 - 3.SL G1DI - Interm|ttent Stumb|e] M|sf|re Cn Acce|erat|on Irom n|ghway
Cru|se In num|d Cr Damp Cond|t|ons W|th oss|b|e D1C
Some 2011 - 2013 l-130 equlpped wlLh 3.3L gasollne Lurbocharged dlrecL ln[ecLlon (C1ul) englnes may exhlblL an
lnLermlLLenL sLumble and/ or mlsflre on hard acceleraLlon afLer exLended drlve aL hlghway speeds durlng exLreme
humld or damp condlLlons. vehlcle may also exhlblL sLeady or flashlng malfuncLlon lndlcaLor lamp wlLh ulagnosLlc
1rouble Codes 0304, 0303, 0306 and Lhe CM. 8efore aLLempLlng repalr, lnspecL Lhe vehlcle Lo see lf Lhe
updaLed Charge Alr Cooler (CAC) (Lnglneerlng arL 8L34-9L440-AL for 2011 - 2012 Model ?ear and uL34-9L440-
AC/Au for 2013 Model ?ear) and CAC ueflecLor CL34-19L672-8A are lnsLalled. lf Lhe laLesL CAC ls noL lnsLalled,
refer Lo appllcable 1S8 13-03-03, and 1S8 12-11-13. lf Lhe laLesL CAC ls lnsLalled, replaclng Lhe CAC agaln wlll noL
correcL Lhls condlLlon. Lnglneerlng ls lnvesLlgaLlng, conLlnue Lo monlLor CASlS for furLher updaLes.

1S8 13-0S-04 - 2011 - 2013 L-3S0, L-4S0 - S.4L 2V And 6.8L 2V Lng|ne - Lxcess|ve Lng|ne C|| Consumpt|on
Some 2011 - 2013 L-330 and L-430 vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 3.4L 2v or 6.8L 2v englne and bullL on or before
11/12/2012 may exhlblL excesslve oll consumpLlon deLermlned as less Lhan 4,800 km (3,000) mlles drlven per .93L
(1 qL.) englne oll consumed. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6062 - 2011 - 2013 I-1S0 - 3.SL G1DI - Interm|ttent Stumb|e] M|sf|re Cn Acce|erat|on Irom n|ghway
Cru|se In num|d Cr Damp Cond|t|ons W|th oss|b|e D1C
Some 2011 - 2013 l-130 equlpped wlLh 3.3L gasollne Lurbocharged dlrecL ln[ecLlon (C1ul) englnes may exhlblL an
lnLermlLLenL sLumble and/ or mlsflre on hard acceleraLlon afLer exLended drlve aL hlghway speeds durlng exLreme
humld or damp condlLlons. vehlcle may also exhlblL sLeady or flashlng malfuncLlon lndlcaLor lamp wlLh ulagnosLlc
1rouble Codes 0304, 0303, 0306 and Lhe CM. 8efore aLLempLlng repalr, lnspecL Lhe vehlcle Lo see lf Lhe
updaLed Charge Alr Cooler (CAC) (Lnglneerlng arL 8L34-9L440-AL for 2011 - 2012 Model ?ear and uL34-9L440-
AC/Au for 2013 Model ?ear) and CAC ueflecLor CL34-19L672-8A are lnsLalled. lf Lhe laLesL CAC ls noL lnsLalled,
refer Lo appllcable 1S8 13-03-03, and 1S8 12-11-13. lf Lhe laLesL CAC ls lnsLalled, replaclng Lhe CAC agaln wlll noL
correcL Lhls condlLlon. Lnglneerlng ls lnvesLlgaLlng.

1S8 13-06-07 - 2008 - 2012 I-Super Duty - C|unk Cr op-1ype No|se And] Cr 8ump Ie|t Irom I|oor an Wh||e
1urn|ng Left Cr k|ght - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore S]1]2012
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 10-23-03 Lo updaLe Lhe model years, producLlon flx daLe and Servlce rocedure.
Some 2008 - 2012 l-Super uuLy vehlcles bullL on or before 3/1/2012 may exhlblL a pop or clunk nolse heard/ felL
under Lhe floor pan when Lurnlng, and maybe more noLlceable when cold. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure ln Lhls
1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6076 - 2012 - 2013 I6S0 And I7S0 1C Insta||at|on And Cperat|on
lnformaLlon regardlng 2012 - 2013 l630 and l730 ower-1ake-Cff (1C) lnsLallaLlon and operaLlon can be found ln
8ulleLln C-213 on Lhe lord lleeL webslLe. 8efer Lo under Showroom, 1ruck 8ody 8ullders/
upflLLers 8ulleLln C-2138.

8CM 6S10 - 2010 - 2013 I-1S0] 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty Lqu|pped W|th 6.2L - ower 8a|ance Loss Cf kM
Contr|but|on Cn Cy||nders 4 And 7
Some 2010 - 2013 l-130 and 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy equlpped wlLh 6.2L may show a loss of rpm conLrlbuLlon
on boLh cyllnder number 4 and 7 whlle performlng Lhe lnLegraLed dlagnosLlc sysLem (luS) power balance LesL. lf no
mlsflre are felL and no dlagnosLlc Lrouble codes (u1C) or mode 6 mlsflre counLs are presenL Lo supporL a mlsflre on
Lhese 2 cyllnders, Lhe condlLlon ls normal of englne dynamlcs and how power balance lnLerpreLs Lhls lnformaLlon.
1hls condlLlon does noL affecL Lhe funcLlon or durablllLy of Lhe vehlcle, conLlnue wlLh normal powerLraln conLrol/
emlsslons dlagnosls (C/Lu) dlagnosLlcs and LesLlng.
1S8 13-08-10 - 2011 - 2013 I-1S0 - 3.SL G1DI - S||ght 8uck] Ierk At Steady Cru|se In 6
Gear W|th Lng|ne
Lugg|ng Up Grades At 1S00-2000 kM - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore 7]29]2013
Some 2011 - 2013 l-130 equlpped wlLh 3.3L Casollne 1urbocharged ulrecL ln[ecLlon (C1ul) englne and bullL on or
before 7/29/2013 may exhlblL a sllghL buck/ [erk aL sLeady crulse wlLh Lhe Lransmlsslon ln 6
gear and englne
lugglng up grades aL 1300-2000 8M. lollow Servlce rocedure ln Lhls 1S8 Lo reprogram Lhe owerLraln ConLrol
Module (CM) Lo Lhe laLesL callbraLlon uslng luS release 86.02 and hlgher.

1S8 13-09-02 - 2010 - 2013 1rans|t Connect - Iront 1urn S|gna| Lamp Inoperat|ve - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 12-11-13 Lo updaLe Lhe vehlcle model years and add a producLlon flx daLe.
Some 2010 - 2013 1ranslL ConnecL vehlcles bullL on or before 11/17/2012 may exhlblL looseness, dlsLorLlon, or
damage Lo Lhe lamp sockeL where Lhe lamp and sockeL conLacL for Lhe fronL Lurn slgnal. lollow Lhe Servlce
rocedure SLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 4097 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - Under nood Lng|ne Sh|e|d (8ase 16A238) - D|fferences 8etween 6.7L
D|ese| And 6.8L] 6.2L Gas Lng|ne App||cat|ons
2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy may exhlblL a cusLomer complalnL LhaL one of Lhe under hood alr deflecLor shleld
(16A238) ls mlsslng on Lhe hood. 1he 6.7L dlesel appllcaLlon requlres only one shleld, 8C3Z-16A238-A Lo be
lnsLalled on Lhe underslde of Lhe hood on Lhe passenger slde. 1he 6.2L and 6.8L gas appllcaLlon requlres only on
shleld, 8C3Z-16A238-C Lo be lnsLalled on Lhe underslde of Lhe hood drlver slde. no vehlcle was deslgned wlLh boLh
shlelds and may have an adverse effecL on vehlcle performance lf added. lollow normal lord caLalog advanLage or
uoes ll arL(s) sysLems for correcL parL appllcaLlon and avallablllLy.

8CM 409S - 2013 - 2014 I-2S0] I-3S0 - St|ck|ng] 8|nd|ng Iront Cr kear 8rake Ca||pers
lf a sLlcklng/ blndlng fronL or rear brake callper ls dlagnosed on a 2013 or 2014 l-230/ l-330, replace Lhe compleLe
callper assembly (lncludlng Lhe callper brackeL, brake pads and cllps) by unbolLlng Lhe callper brackeL assembly
from Lhe fronL knuckle/ splndle assembly or rear callper supporL. uon'L remove Lhe brake pads from Lhe callper
brackeL assembly. use servlce labor Llmes sLandard (SL1S) operaLlons. Lnglneerlng ls lnvesLlgaLlng and needs Lhe
parLs back as an assembly.


8CM 6SS9 - Now Ava||ab|e Cn IDS - 1he New DS6 Adapt|ve Learn rocedure
lord MoLor Company has lnLroduced a new luS generaLed 1ransmlsslon ConLrol Module adapLlve learn procedure
LhaL allows for flner Lunlng of Lhe cluLch apply Louch polnLs on vehlcles equlpped wlLh uS6 Lransmlsslon. 1hls
ellmlnaLes Lhe need for physlcal drlve and wlll allow you Lo accompllsh a beLLer quallLy repalr ln a conslsLenL manor
- wlLhouL leavlng Lhe servlce bay. Check ouL Lhls new luS feaLure Loday.

8CM 6S19 - 2011 - 2013 I-1S0 - 2012 - 2013 Mustang - No Commun|cat|on W|th ower Steer|ng Contro|
Modu|e (SCM) - Serv|ce 1|p
Some 2011 - 2013 l-130 and 2012 - 2013 MusLang vehlcles equlpped wlLh LAS sLeerlng may exhlblL no
communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe SCM. rlor Lo followlng normal dlagnosLlcs, flrsL check for an open 123 amp mega fuse.
lf lssues are found, check Lhe wlrlng for shorLs or chafflng damage. AddlLlonal reasons for blown fuses lnclude a
baLLery [ump from Lhe eyeleL/ posL on Lhe fuse ouLpuL, afLermarkeL accessorles aLLached Lo Lhls eyeleL posL and
accldenLal conLacL Lo ground aL Lhls locaLlon. lf no lssues are found, follow normal dlagnosLlcs.
8CM 6S4S - 2013 C-Max] 2013 - 2014 Ius|on] L|nco|n Mk2 nybr|d] Lnerg| - u|| Dur|ng 8rak|ng
Some 2013 C-Max, 2013 - 2014 Llncoln MkZ Pybrld and 2013 - 2014 luslon Pybrld vehlcles may exhlblL a pull
durlng normal braklng. 1esL drlve vehlcle Lo deLermlne lf Lhe condlLlon ls presenL wlLh Lhe Lransmlsslon ln Lhe
neuLral poslLlon. lf Lhe condlLlon ls noL presenL ln neuLral, Lhls should be consldered a normal vehlcle
characLerlsLlc due Lo Lhe regeneraLlve braklng sysLem funcLlon. uo noL aLLempL repalrs Lo change Lhls
characLerlsLlc. 1hls condlLlon ls presenL durlng barklng ln neuLral, follow normal dlagnosLlcs ln workshop manual,
secLlon 206-00.

8CM 6326 - Mu|t| Veh|c|e - Gaso||ne Lng|ne Ia||ure Ana|ys|s And 1|ps - Iob A|d ke|ease
A [ob ald LlLled Lnglne lallure Analysls and 1lps" ls now avallable on Lhe 1S web slLe under Servlce 1lps Lab for
1997-2013 vehlcles equlpped wlLh a gasollne englne. 1he lnformaLlon provlded ln Lhls [ob ald can asslsL ln
ldenLlfylng Lhe rooL cause for dlfflculL Lo dlagnose gasollne englne fallures and drlveablllLy concerns. When used ln
con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe work shop manual, C/Lu, and proper dlagnosLlc procedures Lhls [ob ald can asslsL ln
prevenLlng repeaL englne fallures. ldenLlfylng Lhe rooL cause of an englne fallure ls crlLlcal ln prevenLlng
subsequenL fallure of Lhe newly lnsLalled assembly.

8CM 6316 - Mu|t|p|e Veh|c|e L|nes - Workshop Manua| Update - New 4k7SL 1orque Converter
2009 - 2010 l-130, 2009 - 2011 1own Car/ Crand Marquls/ Crown vlcLorla, 2009 - 2013 L-Serles vehlcles
equlpped wlLh 4873L auLomaLlc Lransmlsslon, Lhe Lorque converLer conLamlnaLlon procedure ln Lhe Workshop
Manual (WSM) has been updaLed. 8efer Lo WSM, SecLlon 307-01 for addlLlonal deLalls.

8CM 62S7 - 2013 I-Super Duty And C-Max Lqu|pped W|th MyIord 1ouch kad|o Lock Up] Inoperab|e
Some 2013 l-Super uuLy and C-Max vehlcles equlpped wlLh Mylord 1ouch may exhlblL a concern where Lhe radlo
wlll noL Lurn on, message saylng Sl8uS updaLe sLuck aL 0 sLaLus, Cu wlll noL e[ecL wlLh message saylng - no ulsk.
1o Lemporarlly correcL Lhls condlLlon, remove fuse 29 from Lhe 8ody ConLrol Module (8CM) on l-Super uuLy and
boLh fuse 67 and 69 on Lhe C-Max for a mlnlmum of 30 seconds Lo reseL Lhe Audlo ConLrol Module (ACM). A
permanenL sofLware flx ls belng developed.

8CM 6232 - 2011 - 2013 Veh|c|es - My1ouch Iunct|ona| Issues Due 1o honebook Content - Contact Vo|ume
Some My1ouch equlpped vehlcles may experlence mulLlple funcLlonal lssues such as slow navlgaLlon calculaLlons,
dlsplayed Llme [ump or audlo popplng durlng lnlLlal lgnlLlon on cycle. 1hese condlLlons can be creaLed by Lhe slze
of Lhe conLacL llsL wlLhln Lhe cusLomer's phone book. 1he amounL of daLa wlLhln Lhe conLacL llsL can creaLe a
processlng problem for Lhe module durlng a key on cycle. 1hls can be resolved by llmlLlng Lhe number and/ or
conLenL wlLhln Lhe conLacL llsL. ln addlLlon, Lhe auLomaLlc phonebook download feaLures can be seL Lo off by
selecLlng phone, seLLlngs, manage phone book, Lurn auLo phone book off. AddlLlonal phone conLacLs can be added
by manually re-downloadlng phone book ln LhaL same menu. 8ecommend followlng Workshop Manual secLlon
413-00 for addlLlonal dlagnosLlcs and ensure a masLer reseL ls performed.

8CM 6229 - My1ouch 8|ank] 8|ack Screen, App||cat|on Desktop.exe Lrror Message, Cr System keboot W|th
D|sp|ay Message erform|ng System Ma|ntenance
Some My1ouch equlpped vehlcles may exhlblL a blank/ black screen, AppllcaLlon ueskLop.exe error message, or a
sysLem rebooL wlLh a screen dlsplay of erformlng SysLem MalnLenance LhaL occurs frequenLly. unlque characLers
sLored ln phonebook enLrles, or Lhe phone's name, may be creaLlng Lhese condlLlons. 1o resLore sysLem funcLlon,
Lhe cusLomer's phone musL have all speclal characLers/ smlley face emoLlcons removed. Cnce all speclal
characLers/ smlley face emoLlcons are removed from Lhe phonebook and/ or phone name, perform a MasLer 8eseL
on Lhe Accessory roLocol lnLerface Module (AlM), Lhen repalr Lhe phone Lo Lhe sysLem. Lnglneerlng ls currenLly
lnvesLlgaLlng Lhls condlLlon.

1S8 13-06-17 - 2012 - 2013 Iocus, Ius|on, 2012 - 2014 I|esta, Mustang, 2013 C-Max, 1aurus, 2012 - 2013 L-
Ser|es, Ldge, Lxped|t|on, Lxp|orer, I-1S0, I-2S0, 2013 Lscape, 2013-2014 I|ex, L|nco|n 2012 Mk2, 2012-203
Nav|gator - SNC - Var|ous Iunct|ona||ty Concerns
Some vehlcles equlpped wlLh S?nC may exhlblL varlous concerns relaLed Lo S?nC feaLures. 8efer Lo Lhls Servlce
rocedure for compleLe deLalls and follow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps Lo lmprove Lhe condlLlon. 1hls procedure
excludes vehlcles equlpped wlLh Mylord 1ouch or MyLlncoln 1ouch.

8CM 61SS - My1ouch 8|ank] 8|ack Screen, App||cat|on Desktop.exe Lrror Message, Cr System keboot W|th
D|sp|ay Message erform|ng System Ma|ntenance
Some My1ouch equlpped vehlcles may exhlblL a blank/ black screen, AppllcaLlon ueskLop.exe error message, or a
sysLem rebooL wlLh a screen dlsplay of erformlng SysLem MalnLenance LhaL occurs frequenLly. unlque characLers
sLored ln phonebook enLrles, or Lhe phone's name, may be creaLlng Lhese condlLlons. 1o resLore sysLem funcLlon,
Lhe cusLomer's phone musL have all speclal characLers/ smlley face emoLlcons removed. Cnce all speclal
characLers/ smlley face emoLlcons are removed from Lhe phonebook and/ or phone name, perform a MasLer 8eseL
on Lhe Accessory roLocol lnLerface Module (AlM), Lhen repalr Lhe phone Lo Lhe sysLem. Lnglneerlng ls currenLly
lnvesLlgaLlng Lhls condlLlon. MonlLor CASlS for updaLes.

1S8 13-06-04 - 2013 Mustang, 2012 I-1S0 - 3.7L Lng|ne And 6k80 1ransm|ss|on - Wh|ne No|se Cn Acce|erat|on -
8u||t Cn 4]1]2012 And 1hrough 7]1]2012
Some 2013 MusLang and 2012 l-130 vehlcles bullL on 4/1/2012 and Lhrough 7/1/2012 equlpped wlLh a 3.7L englne
and 6880 Lransmlsslon may exhlblL a whlnlng nolse from Lhe Lransmlsslon Lorque converLer houslng area durlng
acceleraLlon. 1he nolse wlll go away afLer converLer cluLch locks up. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8

8CM 61S3 - 2012 - 2013 Mu|t| Veh|c|e L|ne - Interm|ttent] Inoperat|ve Integrated keyhead 1ransm|tter (Ik1)
Some 2012 - 2013 l-130/ Super uuLy/ LxpedlLlon/ navlgaLor/ llex/ Ldge/ Lxplorer/ 1aurus/ MusLang vehlcles bullL
beLween 9/1/2011 and 12/1/2012 wlLhouL lnLelllgenL Access or push buLLon sLarL may have an lnLermlLLenL/
lnoperaLlve lk1 wlLh sympLoms slmllar Lo a dlscharged lk1 baLLery. 1hls concern ls under lnvesLlgaLlon and repalrs
should noL be performed aL Lhls Llme.


8CM 6461 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - Lng|ne I|u|d Leak D|agnost|c Serv|ce 1|p
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy 6.7L dlesel englne equlpped vehlcles may exhlblL fluld leaks LhaL appear Lo be
comlng from Lhe fronL cover and/ or from Lhe Lransmlsslon bell houslng area. 1he leaks may be due Lo oll, coolanL
or oLher valley draln porL or ouL of Lhe rear englne valley. rlor Lo performlng normal fluld leak dlagnosLlcs lL ls
recommended Lo lnspecL Lhe englne valley Lo ensure LhaL no flulds have collecLed ln Lhls area. lf coolanL or oll ls
found ln Lhe englne valley, closely lnspecL Lhe Lurbocharger coolanL llnes, Lhe Lurbocharger pedesLal and Lhe
englne block plugs aL Lhe rear of Lhe valley for Lhe source of Lhe leak.

8CM 6436 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - Ma|funct|on Ind|cator L|ght (MIL) Cn W|th Var|ous GCM,
Lxhaust keductant System Cr Nox Contro| Modu|e D1CS
Some 2011 - 2014 6.7L dlesel equlpped vehlcles may exhlblL varlous MlL u1CS relaLed Lo Lhe glow plug conLrol
module (CCM), Lhe exhausL reducLanL sysLem or Lhe nox conLrol module due Lo a loose, mlsslng, modlfled or
damaged ground C400. uurlng vehlcle modlflcaLlons, C400 may be relocaLed by Lhe body bullders/ ouLflLLers from
lLs orlglnal locaLlon. lnspecL C400 Lo ensure lL ls presenL, properly secured, and LhaL Lhe bolL head has noL broken
off prlor Lo performlng normal dlagnosLlcs. C400 should be locaLed on a maln frame rall and noL on a cross-
member or welded exLenslon. 8epalrs performed due Lo vehlcle modlflcaLlons are noL covered under normal
vehlcle manufacLurer's warranLy.
8CM 643S - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - D|agnost|c 1roub|e Codes (D1CS) 20L8, 202D And] Cr
207I - D|ese| Lxhaust I|u|d (DLI) 1est|ng Ior etro|eum Contam|nat|on
Some 6.7L ulesel equlpped vehlcles may exhlblL Lhe MalfuncLlon lndlcaLor LlghL (MlL) on wlLh u1CS 20L8, 202u
and/ or 207l. 1hese u1CS may be caused by conLamlnaLlon of Lhe uLl from a peLroleum based producL such as
dlesel fuel. vlsual lnspecLlons can be a good lndlcaLor as peLroleum based producLs wlll cause Lhe rubber seals and
C-rlngs ln Lhe sysLem Lo swell and/ or leak. lf Lhe uLl ls suspecLed of conLamlnaLlon, use Lhe 8oLunda uLl LesL
sLrlps (parL number 328-00012 or 328-44-863) Lo check for Lhe presence of peLroleum. uLl sysLem fallures LhaL
are caused by peLroleum based conLamlnaLlon requlre LhaL Lhe enLlre uLl sysLem be replaced lncludlng Lhe pump,
heaLer assembly, Lank, ln[ecLor and all uLl llnes. Cleanlng and reuslng conLamlnaLed uLl sysLem componenLs wlll
resulL ln repeaL fallures.

8CM 6149 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - 1urbo erformance Character|st|c D|fferences 8etween
I2S0] I3S0 and I4S0] ISS0 Veh|c|es
Some cusLomers wlLh mulLlple 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy vehlcles may reporL Lhe 6.7L ulesel equlpped l430/ l330
chassls cabs may exhlblL a characLerlsLlc Lurbo lag when acceleraLlng from a sLop compared Lo a 6.7L ulesel
equlpped l230/ l330 plckup Lruck. 1hls ls prlmarlly due Lo Lhe deslgn dlfferences of Lhe Lurbocharger and alr
lnLake sysLems. Chassls cab vehlcles use sLandard varlable geomeLry Lurbocharger whlle plckup Lrucks use a duel
boosL Lurbocharger and have dlfferenL P and Lorque curves. 8efer Lo Lhe l-Serles Super uuLy 6.7L ower SLroke
ulesel Coffee 1able 8ook" locaLed on Lhe 1S webslLe under Lhe servlce Llps Lab for addlLlonal englne speclflc

8CM 6418 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - 1urbo No|se Character|st|cs
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy 6.7L dlesel equlpped vehlcles may experlence a characLerlsLlc Lurbo spool-down
(hooL) nolse on LhroLLle Llp-ouL when Lhe englne oll LemperaLure (LC1) ls below 130l (63C) and/ or an osclllaLlng
Lurbo whlne aL ldle when Lhe LC1 ls below 30l (10C). 6.7L dlesel englnes lnclude lmprovemenLs deslgned Lo
reduce overall lnherenL dlesel englne nolses. Sound reducLlon lmprovemenLs enable cerLaln characLerlsLlc nolses
Lo be more easlly heard. uslng lncorrecL englne olls for Lhe vehlcles operaLlng condlLlons can negaLlvely lmpacL Lhe
level of nolse experlenced. 8efer Lo Lhe vehlcles owner/ malnLenance guldes for proper englne oll usage
lnformaLlon. CusLomers should be lnformed LhaL Lhese nolses do noL affecL englne durablllLy and should be
consldered characLerlsLlc and no repalrs are necessary.

8CM 6417 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - 1|ck] 1ap No|se At Id|e
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy 6.7L dlesel equlpped vehlcles may exhlblL a Llcklng nolse aL ldle afLer an englne oll
change. lL ls ofLen referred Lo as a 1ypewrlLer nolse because of lLs slmllarlLy Lo Lhe sound of a mechanlcal
LypewrlLer. When englne LemperaLures reach 130 degrees l (63C) or hlgher, (from englne ldle up Lo approxlmaLely
1700 8M'S), Lhls nolse can Lyplcally be heard aL Lhe fronL wheel well and ls ofLen lsolaLed Lo Lhe Lransmlsslon bell
houslng or oll pan area. 1ypewrlLer nolse ls noL deLrlmenLal Lo englne funcLlon or durablllLy and has no shorL or
long Lerm effecLs on Lhe englne. uo noL aLLempL repalrs Lo ellmlnaLe Lhls nolse. 1hls nolse ls characLerlsLlc of Lhe
6.7L dlesel englne and wlll Lyplcally cease or dlmlnlsh slgnlflcanLly wlLhln oll change malnLenance lnLerval.

8CM 6416 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - Check Coo|ant Add|t|ve Warn|ng Message - Serv|ce 1|p
2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L dlesel englne requlre perlodlc coollng sysLem malnLenance
aL lnLervals around 13,000 mlles (24,000 kM) or 600 englne hours, whlchever occurs flrsL. vehlcles equlpped wlLh
Lhe opLlonal message cenLer wlll dlsplay Check CoolanL AddlLlve" when servlce ls requlred. 1hls message ls
lndlcaLlng Lhe coollng sysLem should be LesLed and ls noL a dlrecL lndlcaLor Lhe coollng sysLem should be LesLed and
ls noL a dlrecL lndlcaLor LhaL Lhe coolanL needs Lo be replaced or LhaL Lhe sysLem needs Lo be flushed. use 8oLunda
LesL klL # 328-00001 and 328-00008 or equlvalenL Lo properly LesL for nlLraLe conLamlnaLlon and corroslon
lnhlblLor level. 8efer WSM secLlon 303-038 for deLalls on LesLlng Lhe coolanL and secLlon 413-01 for reseLLlng Lhe
malnLenance remlnder. Cwners can refer Lo Lhe dlesel owner gulde supplemenL for addlLlonal lnformaLlon.
8CM 641S - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - D|ese| Iue| Cond|t|on|ng Modu|e (DICM) - V|brat|on]
8uzz|ng] Grow| - At Cr 8e|ow x 1ank Cf Iue|
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L dlesel englne may exhlblL a vlbraLlon/ buzz/ growl
nolse from Lhe ulCM and/ or low pressure fuel llnes when operaLlng Lhe vehlcle wlLh Lhe fuel Lank aL x level or
below. 1hls should be consldered a normal characLerlsLlc and ls due Lo sllghL amounLs of alr enLerlng Lhe fuel
sysLem durlng lower fuel level condlLlons. no repalrs should be aLLempLed. luel sysLem and vehlcle durablllLy as
well as vehlcle drlveablllLy and dlsLance Lo empLy (u1L) are noL affecLed.

1S8 13-07-12 - 2013 I-Super Duty - 6.7L - Ma|funct|on Ind|cator L|ght (MIL) Cn - D1CS 2002, 208L, 06LA,
06L8 - Lxhaust I|u|d System Iau|t - Iorced Id|e - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore S]13]2013
Some 2013 l-Super uuLy 6.7L dlesel equlpped vehlcles bullL on or before 3/13/2013 may exhlblL Lhe malfuncLlon
lndlcaLor llghL (MlL) lllumlnaLed wlLh any of Lhe followlng dlagnosLlc Lrouble codes (u1CS): 2002, 208L, 06LA,
06L8. A callbraLlon ls avallable Lo lmprove Lhe monlLors for Lhe llsLed u1CS. AddlLlonally, Lhls callbraLlon lncludes
conLenL Lo slmpllfy Lhe process for exlLlng Lhe ulesel LxhausL lluld (uLl) anLl-Lamperlng sLraLegy forced-ldle mode.
1hls mode ls lndlcaLed by Lhe message cenLer dlsplaylng LxhausL lluld SysLem laulL. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure
sLeps Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6280 - 2011 - 2013 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - Water In Iue| (WII) Ind|cator - D|agnost|c 1roub|e Code
(D1C) 2269 And] Cr 1140
Some 2011 - 2013 l-Super uuLy 6.7L ulesel equlpped vehlcles may exhlblL Lhe WaLer ln luel (Wll) lndlcaLor on
wlLh or wlLhouL u1CS 2269 and/ or 1140 afLer verlfylng clean fuel ls ln Lhe sysLem, dralnlng and cleanlng Lhe
ulCM due Lo a fuel conLamlnaLlon concern and clearlng any Wll relaLed u1CS. 1hls may be due Lo Lhe Wll counLs
noL geLLlng cleared from Lhe CM afLer repalrs have been made. AfLer followlng normal C/Lu dlagnosls and
repalr for u1C 2269 and/or 1140, Lhe Wll counLs need Lo be cleared Lo reseL Lhe CM Wll monlLor. 1he Wll
lndlcaLor can be cleared uslng luS by selecLlng 1oolbox > owerLraln>Servlce luncLlons> 8eseL/ Clear Speclfled
luncLlon Menu> WaLer ln luel CounLer.

1S8 13-06-24 - 2011 - 2012 I-Super Duty - 6.7L - MIL Cn - D1CS 207I, 20LL, 2200, 2201, 2209, 164A,
2A00 And] Cr 0133 - 8u||t Cn Cr 8efore 10]11]2011
Some 2011 - 2012 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L englne and bullL on or before 10/11/2011 may
exhlblL a malfuncLlon lndlcaLor lamp (MlL) on wlLh dlagnosLlc Lrouble codes (u1CS) 207l, 20LL, 2200, 2201,
2209, 164A, 2A00 and/ or 0133. lollow Lhe servlce procedure ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon

1S8 13-06-14 - 2013 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - 1C D|sengagement W|th Veh|c|e 8ody Movement - 8u||t Cn
Cr 8efore S]14]2013
Some 2013 l-Super vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L dlesel englne and bullL on or before 3/14/2013 may exhlblL
power Lake off (1C) dlsengagemenL and/ or loss of sLaLlonary elevaLed ldle conLrol (SLlC) durlng operaLlon. 1hls
may occur when Lhe vehlcle exhlblLs any movemenL, body roll or rocklng. lor example: openlng a door, sLandlng
on Lhe bumper, Lurnlng Lhe sLeerlng wheel or operaLlng an aerlal boom. When Lhls occurs, SLlC ls dlsengaged and
Lhe englne 8M reLurns Lo base ldle. lollow Lhe Servlce rocedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8 Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon by
reprogramlng Lhe powerLraln conLrol module (CM) Lo Lhe laLesL callbraLlon uslng luS release 84.03 or hlgher.

1S8 13-0S-09 - 2011 - 2013 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| Lng|ne - kuns kough] M|sf|re Dur|ng Lxhaust
kegenerat|on rocess
Some 2011 - 2013 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L dlesel englne may exhlblL a runs rough/ mlsflre
condlLlon only durlng Lhe exhausL regeneraLlon process. 1hls condlLlon Lyplcally occurs on llghL LhroLLle Llp ln
beLween 64-113 km/h (40-70 MP) and wlll noL seL dlagnosLlc Lrouble codes (u1CS). 1he concern may be
lnLermlLLenL and a knocklng nolse may be presenL durlng Lhe concern. lollow Lhe servlce procedure ln Lhls 1S8 Lo
correcL Lhe condlLlon.
8CM 6S09 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - Ma|funct|on Ind|cator L|ght (MIL) Cn W|th D|agnost|c
1roub|e Codes (D1C) 208C, 20C0, 204C, 208A, 2088, 220L
Some 2011 - 2014 6.7L ulesel equlpped vehlcles may have Lhe MlL on wlLh any comblnaLlon of Lhe u1C'S 208C,
20C0, 204C, 208A, 2088 and/ or 220L. 1hese u1C'S Lyplcally seL due Lo a loose, mlsslng, modlfled or
damaged ground C400. uurlng vehlcle modlflcaLlons, C400 may be relocaLed by Lhe body bullders/ ouLflLLers from
lLs orlglnal locaLlon. lnspecL C400 Lo ensure lL ls presenL, properly secured, clean, and LhaL Lhe bolL head has noL
broken off prlor Lo performlng normal dlagnosLlcs. C400 should be locaLed on a maln frame rall and noL on a
cross-member or welded exLenslon. 8epalrs performed due Lo vehlcle modlflcaLlons are noL covered under
normal vehlcle manufacLurer's warranLy.

8CM 6S44 - 2008 - 2010 I-Super Duty - 6.4L D|ese| - Iront Crankshaft Sea| Serv|ce rocedure
lor 2008 - 2010 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.4L dlesel englne, WSM secLlon 303-01C, ln-vehlcle 8epalr
has been updaLed wlLh Lhe correcLed servlce procedure for replacemenL fronL crankshafL seals equlpped wlLh
flanged wear sleeves. lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL Lhls new procedure be used when lnsLalllng Lhe laLesL crankshafL fronL
noLe: lL ls necessary Lo uLlllze Lhe plasLlc spacer rlng (packaged wlLh each servlce seal klL) Lo ensure Lhe wear sleeve
flange does noL conLacL Lhe seal afLer lnsLallaLlon. lallure Lo follow Lhls servlce procedure wlll resulL ln premaLure
fallure of Lhe seal.

8CM 6S33 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - kuns kough W|th Ma|funct|on Ind|cator Lamp (MIL) Cn
And D|agnost|c 1roub|e Code (D1C) 0087
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy 6.7L dlesel equlpped vehlcles may exhlblL an lllumlnaLed MlL and u1C 0087
assoclaLed wlLh a rough ldle condlLlon. lf Lhls condlLlon ls presenL, lnspecL fuse 33 ln Lhe 8aLLery !uncLlon 8ox (8!8)
for an open condlLlon. lf Lhe fuse ls open, replace Lhe fuse and re-evaluaLe Lhe concern. lf Lhe fuse ls noL open or
any u1C'S oLher Lhan 0087 are presenL, follow normal C/Lu dlagnosLlcs.

8CM 6SS6 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - Updated Serv|ce rocedure Ior keductant ump Assemb|y
When replaclng a 8educLanL ump Assembly on 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L dlesel
englne, use Lhe laLesL on-llne verslon of Lhe Workshop Manual, secLlon 303-08. 1hls procedure has been revlsed Lo
lnclude speclflc cleanlng lnsLrucLlons Lo prevenL dlrL from enLerlng Lhe dlesel exhausL fluld (uLl) sysLem whlle
servlclng Lhe reducLanL pump.

8CM 6S78 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - D|ese| Lxhaust I|u|d (DLI) 1est|ng Ior etro|eum
2011-2014 l-Super uuLy wlLh 6.7L ulesel Lhe uLl LesL sLrlps are now avallable from 8oLunda under parL number
328-44-863 or 328-00012. 1hese LesL sLrlps can be used Lo deLecL peLroleum based conLamlnaLlon of Lhe uLl fluld
when dlagnoslng uLl relaLed sysLem u1CS where fluld quallLy concerns are suspecLed. uLl sysLem fallures LhaL
are caused by peLroleum based conLamlnaLlon requlre LhaL Lhe enLlre uLl sysLem be replaced lncludlng Lhe pump,
heaLer assembly, Lank, ln[ecLor & all uLl llnes. Cleanlng and reuslng conLamlnaLed uLl sysLem componenLs wlll
resulL ln repeaL repalrs. uamage resulLlng from Lhe use of conLamlnaLed or lmproper flulds ls noL covered under

1S8 13-09-14 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - Ma|funct|on Ind|cator Lamp (MIL) And D|agnost|c
1roub|e Code (D1C) 2043
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L dlesel englne may exhlblL an lllumlnaLed MlL and
u1C 2043. 1hls u1C seLs due Lo a faulL ln Lhe reducLanL assembly. lollow Lhe servlce procedure sLeps ln Lhls 1S8
Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 6S94 2011-2012 I6S0] I7S0 W|th D|ese| Lng|ne-D|ese| Lxhaust I|u|d (DLI) Leve| Gauge-Improper Leve| Ind|cat|on
An lmproperly fllled uLl Lank can resulL ln erroneous uLl gauge lndlcaLlon lf Lhe uLl Lank ls fllled pasL Lhe
recommended flll level. When Lhls occurs Lhe gauge may read ln reverse lndlcaLlng a low level of uLl fluld. rlor
Lo performlng any dlagnosLlcs or servlce, Lhe uLl fluld level should be verlfled LhaL Lhe fluld level does noL exceed
Lhe recommended flll level. uslng a fuel Lype" nozzle sysLem wlLh an auLomaLlc shuLoff or conLalners LhaL uLlllze a
spouL wlLh a seal and an lnLernal venL such as MoLorcrafL uLl or equlvalenL wlll prevenL overfllllng. lL may be
necessary Lo draln Lhe uLl Lank followlng Lhe procedure ln Lhe Workshop Manual 308-08 and refllllng lL Lo verlfy
Lhe proper level. lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhe operaLor follow Lhe uLl Lank flll procedure ln Lhe Cwner Culde.

8CM 6S90 - 2011 - 2014 - I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - Ma|funct|on Ind|cator L|ght (MIL) Cn W|th D|agnost|c
1roub|e Code (D1C) 208D And] Cr 208L
Some 2011 - 2014 l-Super uuLy 6.7L ulesel equlpped vehlcles may experlence a MlL on wlLh u1C 208u and/ or
208L due Lo a damaged heaLed dlesel exhausL fluld (uLl) reducLanL Lube. lnspecL Lhe Lube for damage, LhaL may
have occurred durlng LransporLaLlon/ shlpmenL, along Lhe ouLslde of frame rall ahead of rear Llre(s). lf damage ls
found, replace Lhe uLl reducLanL Lube, base parL number (3!249), as requlred. WarranLy clalms should be clalmed
under Lhe LransporLaLlon damage guldellnes as per Lhe warranLy and pollcy manual. lf no damage ls found,
proceed wlLh normal dlagnosLlcs.

8CM 6S89 - 2011 - 2014 - 6.7L D|ese| - D|ese| Lxhaust I|u|d (DLI) - Warn|ng Cha|n Informat|on
6.7L ulesel cusLomers may lnqulre abouL Lhe ulsLance Lo LmpLy (u1L)Message for Lhe uLl sysLem. 8efllllng of Lhe
Lank wlLh Lhe proper quanLlLy of uLl ls essenLlal Lo allow Lhe vehlcle Lo clear Lhe u1L message. Addlng up Lo 2.3
gallons of uLl may be requlred for Lhe sysLem Lo deLecL a reflll evenL. Cenerally, Lhe uLl Lank should be fllled
durlng Lhe oll change lnLerval. urlvlng condlLlons LhaL lncrease fuel consumpLlon wlll also lncrease uLl
consumpLlon and wlll requlre addlLlonal fllls beLween servlce lnLervals. lf Lhe u1L message ls dlsplayed and no
codes are presenL, verlfy Lhe 8educL_1nk_Lv lu wlLh luS. lf lL reads less Lhan 100, uLl musL be added. lf Lhe
message doesn'L clear afLer Lhe lu reads 100, run Lhe luS SC8 SysLem 8eflll AcLlvaLlon rouLlne.

1S8 13-09-1S - 2011 - 2013 6.7L D|ese| Lng|ne - kuns kough] M|sf|re Dur|ng Lxhaust kegenerat|on rocess
1hls arLlcle supersedes 1S8 13-3-17 Lo updaLe Lhe Servlce Labor 1lme SLandards and arL LlsL. Some 2011 - 2013 l-
Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L dlesel englne may exhlblL a runs rough/ mlsflre condlLlon only durlng Lhe
exhausL regeneraLlon process. 1hls condlLlon Lyplcally occurs on llghL LhroLLle Llp ln beLween 64-113 km/h (40/70
MP), and wlll noL seL dlagnosLlc Lrouble codes (u1CS). 1he concern may be lnLermlLLenL and a knocklng nolse
may be presenL durlng Lhe concern. lollow Lhe servlce procedure sLeps Lo correcL Lhe condlLlon.

8CM 4116 - 2013 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - D|agnost|c 1roub|e Codes (D1C) 2201, 229L, 06LA,
06L8, 22A7, 220I - Nox Sensor And Modu|e kep|acement
Some 2013-2014 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L englne may exhlblL Lhe MalfuncLlon lndlcaLor LlghL
on wlLh (u1CS) 2201, 229L, 06LA, 06L8, 22A7, 220l. lf any of Lhese u1CS are presenL, replace Lhe corres-
pondlng nox Sensor and nox Module as a maLch seL wlLhouL dlsconnecLlng Lhe nox Module from Lhe nox Sensor.
8CM 4119 - 2011 - 2014 I-Super Duty - 6.7L D|ese| - nard Start] No Start] kough kun] Lack Cf ower]
Ma|funct|on Ind|cator L|ght - Iue| Ge|||ng In Co|der Amb|ent 1emperatures
Some 2011-2014 l-Super uuLy vehlcles equlpped wlLh a 6.7L dlesel englne may exhlblL hard sLarLlng, lack of power
and/or a runnlng rough condlLlon wlLh a MlL and ulagnosLlc 1rouble Codes (u1C) 008A, 2291 and/ or 0087 due
Lo fuel gelllng ln cold amblenL LemperaLures. lease noLe LhaL blo-dlesel blend fuels have hlgher occurrence of fuel
gelllng & should noL be used aL any raLlng above 820 (20). lf no rooL cause ls deLermlned afLer normal C/Lu
dlagnosLlcs, recommend LhaL Lhe cusLomer use a dlfferenL fuel LhaL has been seasonally ad[usLed for Lhe amblenL
LemperaLure. CusLomers may also beneflL from uslng MoLorcrafL M-23-A (uS), M-238 (Canada) dlesel fuel anL-
gel and performance lmprover. 8efer Lo Lhe vehlcles owner gulde dlesel supplemenL for addlLlonal deLalls.

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