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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the 5 types of society.

If given a choice, which society

would you like to be a part of? Why?

It is a known fact that human society did not just arrive where it is now overnight. Society
was developed for thousands of years, some would even say that society is still developing and
changing. Society keeps on changing because humans strive to become better. If we study the types
of societies, we will notice that when societies change, they become better in terms of self-
sustainability; from nomadic to sedentary, from agricultural to industrial. Although the societies do
become better, this does not mean that they do not evolve without certain disadvantages.
The hunting and gathering society is the earliest human society. They are distinguished by
the fact that they, as their name implies, hunt and gather for their food. This society has five basic
characteristics. The first is that they highly value the concept of family. It is the societys primary
institution because it is through the family that they decide how to ration food and how the children
are raised and socialized. It is also through the family that they protect one another. One other
characteristic of this society is that each group has more or less 50 members. This fact makes it
easier for them to leave one place for another when the food supply is exhausted. This is another
characteristic of this society, the fact that they are nomadic. Interdependence of members is also an
attribute of this society. The last is that the tasks and responsibilities of each member is dictated by
their sex. Men are the ones who hunt and women are the ones who gather.
Now that the characteristics of the hunting and gathering society have been identified, its
advantages and disadvantages can be distinguished. One advantage of living in this society is that
its members become close and tight-knit because family is highly important to them. Because of
how they value family and their interdependence, there is little room for disputes. Also, because
there seems to be no definite leader, and because they are so little in number, it is easier to solve
problems. A disadvantage of this society is also rooted in the fact that they are interdependent.
When a big part of the group can no longer perform their duties and responsibilities, the others
cannot immediately take over because they have to learn how to do it before they can do it. The fact
that they move around every time there is no more food supply is also a disadvantage. This is
because when the food supply is exhausted in one place, it means they can no longer go back there.
They are consuming game and edible plants without replenishing the supply.
Two societies developed almost at the same time from the hunting and gathering society.
One society is the horticultural society. In this society, the members grow crops using simple hand
tools to cultivate different fruits and vegetables. Because they can grow their own food, they can
stay in one place until they deplete the resources, such as water and soil, in that particular place.
The other society that developed is the pastoral society. This society is similar to horticultural. The
members of this society domesticate animals for food. They also stay in one place until the
resources are exhausted. Because these two societies are similar, they have the same advantages
and disadvantages. One advantage is that they create a surplus of food. Because they provide food
for themselves, they were able to store food, and because they were able to store food, they were
able to support larger populations. Also, because of the way they live, job specialization emerged.
Certain people have specific jobs that they do for the betterment of the society. However, this also
led to a disadvantage. Because there was a surplus of food, it created a difference in wealth and
After these two societies, the agricultural society developed. This society is basically a
convergence of the pastoral and the horticultural societies. In the agricultural society, crops were
cultivated and grown using animals to pull plows. Because of this, there were able to produce more
food, which enabled them to stay in one place. A system of rulers was also established. One
advantage of the agricultural society is that more jobs were created because fewer people were
needed for farming. Because of this, other skills besides farming were developed. Another
advantage is that the population increased because of the larger food supply. However, it also had
some huge disadvantages. Social stratification became more pronounced. In hunting and gathering
societies, women were equal to men because they both took part in providing food for the group. In
this society, the role of women became smaller because farming, which is hard physical labor, was
done by men. Also, because the population increased and the village expanded, they came in contact
with other groups, which paved the way for conflict.
The last society that developed after the agricultural society is the industrial society. This is
the most technologically advanced among the five societies. This society is characterized by the use
of machines to create goods. The society also became more urbanized because fewer people were
needed for farming. Plenty of advantages were brought about by the evolution in society. One is
that transportation was developed because it was used to transfer goods and products from one
place to another. Another is that a lot of people were given jobs because they were needed in
factories. The increased productivity of this society also enabled the availability of products and
goods to most of the members of the community. This also improved the health of the people in this
society. Despite these advantages, there was also a major disadvantage brought about by the
changes in this society. Inequality between social classes became bigger because people who owned
factories were much wealthier than the people who worked in them.
If given a choice, I would probably choose to live in an agricultural society. One reason is
that I would be able to stay in one place permanently. Also, the group would be big enough that I
would be able to interact with different people but small enough that people do not have to fight
over the food supply. Also, in this society, the inequality between classes is not yet so pronounced.
Although I dont like that gender inequality developed in this society, I prefer it over the
horticultural and pastoral societies because it is more technologically advanced.

Explain this statement: no man is an island.

The phrase no man is an island refers to the fact that man is social by nature. An island can
remain the same for thousands of years without any disturbance. However, this is not true for
people. This statement means that man is not self-sufficient and cannot survive by himself.
Although man himself needs to work and do his part in society, he cannot live without all the other
parts that make up the society. This notion is true everywhere. An average student can be used as
an example. For students to get good grades, they need to study. Other people cannot study for
them; they need to do they studying themselves. However, this does not mean that studying is the
only way they can survive school. They cannot survive without the teachers, who explain lessons
to them. They also cannot survive without classmates and friends, because it is with these people
that they make connections that they will carry with them throughout their lives.

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