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Scotlands Choice

Scotlands Choice
-Uday Dandavate

The referendum in Scotland has produced a clear verdict. Scotland will remain part of the United
Kingdom, along with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland was an independent country
from its foundation in the Early Middle Ages. Since 1603, Scotland and England have shared the
same monarch. The formal union of the two kingdoms took place in 1707, with the Treaty of
Union and subsequent Acts of Union, to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The No to independence vote received 55% votes compared to 45% vote received by
supporters of independence. It is noteworthy that 86.9% of Scottish people voted, making this
referendum one of worlds most inclusive and impactful democratic mandates.

In a world conflicted by politics of identity, the referendum of Scotland stands out in two ways-
First of all it is a shining example of a courageous decision taken by the government of United
Kingdom to embark on a path of giving Scottish people the opportunity for self-determination.
The Scottish people, on the other hand, weighed their options carefully, participated in the
referendum in large numbers, and ultimately made a final decision to follow the option of unity
rather than secession.

Alex Salmond, the Scottish first minister and leader of the pro-independence Scottish National
Party, resigned from his posts and announced graciously,

Today of all days, as we bring Scotland together, let us not dwell on the distance we have fallen
short. Let us dwell on the distance we have traveled and have confidence that a movement is
abroad in Scotland that will take this nation forward, and we shall go forward as one nation,"

One cannot separate brand Scotland from brand Scotch, which embodies everything that a
typical scot is known for- Hard working, polite and reserved, forthright yet honest, patriotic, social,
practical, superstitious, sentimental, spiritual, with a keen aye for the arts and crafts. Scots enjoy
their food and know how to have a good time.

While many businesses in the UK and the European Union would have heaved a sigh of relief at
not having to deal with possible flight of capital and complicated issues tied to the currency, some
of the issues that are dear to Scottish population need to be addressed in order to bring about
unity of hearts and purpose.

The referendum provides an opportunity for the champion of Scottish identity to take advantage
of the global awareness produced by the referendum to introduce rich Scottish traditions to the
world. Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament was at the core of the campaign for Scottish
independence. There will no doubt be more assertive influence on the British Parliament in re-
examining its nuclear policy. There are sensitivities in Scotland with regard to its vast reserves of
oil. An average Scott would like to exploit the financial benefits of its energy resources for the
development of the region. Scotland can also lead innovation in renewable energy solutions by
tapping into its vast resources- 25 per cent of Europes wind energy potential; 25 per cent of
Europes tidal energy potential; and 10 per cent of Europes wave energy potential are believed to
be available in Scotland. While the people of UK are excited at the prospect of the referendum
settling for integration with the UK, in their hearts Scotts are seeking a greater integration with the
rest of the world. The challenge for the British politics would be to honor the aspirations of the
Scottish people while celebrating the results of the referendum.

Scotland will definitely benefit from its decision. Hopefully the rest of the world will take some
lesson from the democratic process of trusting people to make decisions that are good for
everyone. Self-determination is the essence of democracy.

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