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-Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 9 ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2007 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

Dhaval: I saw you going into the bakery this Sravan: He is into his late forties. He was say-
morning. Buying a cake or what? ing that he was still Rs. 25000 into his
(Ñ®ÓV Öü¿ßª’ç †’´¤y bakery ™éÀ financier and that there was none to
¢Á∞¡Ÿh-†o-°æ¤púø’ îª÷¨»†’. Cake é̆ú≈-Eé¬ take care of him.
àN’öÀ?) (Åûª†’ 40´ °æúÕ™ °æúøf-¢√úË. ûªEçé¬ ûª†
Sravan: Yea. I wanted to order a birthday cake financier èπ◊ ®Ω÷. 25000 ¶«éà ÖØ√o-†F,
for my little sister. ûª††’ îª÷Ææ’èπ◊ØË ¢√∞¡Ÿx ™‰®ΩE ÅØ√oúø’.)
(Å´¤†’ ´÷ îÁ™„x-LéÀ birthday cake order Dhaval: Did he want you to drop the case
îËߪ’ú≈-EéÀ.) against him? What did you say to
(Little sister is American for younger sister.) him?
Dhaval: Isn't that the girl that narrowly escaped (ûª† O’ü¿’†o case BÊÆ-ߪ’-´’-Ø√oú≈?
an accident last week when the auto †’¢Ëy-´’-Ø√o´¤?) The auto crashed into the car = a) He is into photography in a big way =
she was in crashed into a stationary Sravan: I just said I'd look into the matter. Auto car ™éÀ ü¿÷Ææ’-Èé-RxçC/ car †’ úµŒéÌ-öÀdçC. î√™« ¶«í¬ photography ™ ÇÆæéÀh éπ†-•-®Ω’-Ææ’h-
car? (؈’ Ç N≠æߪ’ç °æJ-Q-L-≤ƒh™‰ ÅØ√o.) crash= àüÁjØ√ °ü¿l-¨¡-•lçûÓ úµŒéÌ-ôd-úøç/ éÀçü¿ Ø√oúø’, photography ØË ÅûªE ´·êu 鬮Ωu-
☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯
(Ç Å´÷tßË’ éπü∆? éÀçü¿öÀ¢√®Ωç EL* °æúøôç. éπ-™«°æç É°æ¤púø’.
Ö†o 鬮Ω’†’ úµŒé̆o auto ™ ÖçúÕ a) The plane crashed into the jungle below b) She is into software =
´’†ç éÌçûª-é¬-©çí¬ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ô’†o prepositions ™
v°æ´÷ü¿ç vûª’öÀ™ ûª°œpç--èπ◊çC?) ¶µ«í∫çí¬ 'into' Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í¬©†’ Ñ lesson ™ ûÁ©’-Ææ’- N´÷†ç éÀçü¿ Åúø-N-™éÀ °æúÕ-§Ú-®·çC. Computers ™ ¶«í¬ v¨¡ü¿l¥/ ÇÆæéÀh îª÷°œ-≤Úhç-
narrowly escaped = vûª’öÀ™ ûª°œpç--èπ◊çC. b) His bike bumped into the back of a lorry ü∆¢Á’, ü∆EéÀ Ææç•ç-Cµç-*† N≠æ-ߪ÷-©ØË áèπ◊\-
stationary = äéπ-îÓô éπü¿-©-èπ◊çú≈ Ö†o. ÅûªE bike lorry ¢Á†’é𠶵«í¬Eo úµŒéÌ-öÀdçC.
Look at the following sentences from the ´í¬ îË≤ÚhçC.
Sravan: Yea. That's the one. Lucky to be alive. conversation above. Time N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ Into †’, Åçûª-ü∆é¬ ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ c) He is no longer interested in engineering.
Otherwise we wouldn't be celebrating ¢√úøû√ç. (Sentence No 6) He is into film acting now
1) I saw you going into the bakery.
her birthday. a) He works late into the night =
2) ... when the auto she was in crashed into ÅûªEéÀ É°æ¤púø’ Engineering ™ Åçûª ÇÆæéÀh
a stationary car?
(•AéÀ Öçúøôç Åü¿%≠ædç. ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ ¢Ë’ç ®√vA ¶«í¬ §Òü¿’l-§Ú-ßË’- ™‰ü¿’. ÆœE´÷™x †öÀç-îª-ôç™ ÇÆæéÀh, v¨¡ü¿l¥
°æ¤öÀd-†-®ÓV -E®Ωy£œ«ç--èπ◊ØË¢√∞¡xç é¬ü¿’.) 3) She is well into her
ü∆é¬ °æE îË≤ƒh-úø-ûª†’ îª÷°œç* Ç v°æߪ’ûªoç O’üË ÖØ√oúø’.
Dhaval: I think she is in her 2nd year of b) She carried on her
last but one semes- Put into (Sentence No. 5)- îË®Ωaôç.
Engineering. work till late into the
(ûª†’ É°æ¤púø’ Engineering 2nd year
4) Isn't she into music?
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 355 night =
a) Put some more force into your words
when you make speeches =
îªü¿’-´¤-ûÓçC éπü∆?)
Sravan: No; How you F v°æÆæç-í¬™x F ´÷ô-

Isn't she into music?

forget things! ©èπ◊ ´’J-éÌçûª ¨¡éÀh
She is well into ñúÕç.
her last but one b) Indians have to put
semester. some more spirit into
(é¬ü¿’. Fèπ◊ their play =
´’®Ω’°æ¤ áèπ◊\´/ 5) If only she can put some more ¶µ«®Ωû˝ Çô-í¬∞¡Ÿx ¢√J Çôèπ◊ ´’J-éÌçûª
time into it
F´¤ N≠æ-ߪ÷©†’ ᙫ ´’Ja-§Ú-û√¢Ó! ûª†’ ®√vA î√™« Ç©Ææuç ÅßË’u-´-®Ωèπ◊ °æE Öû√q£æ«ç éπ©-§ƒL/ ñúÕç-î√L.
É°æ¤púø’ *´J semester ´·çü¿J semes- 6) She studies late into the night.
-îËÆæ÷hØË ÖçC.
ter ™ ÖçC.) c) He did not get married till late into Enquire into = Nî√-Jç-îªôç.
7) The police are enquiring into it.
Last but one = *´Jü∆EéÀ ´·çü¿-JC. his thirties = a) The committee is enquiring into the
8) He is into his late forties.
Semester = Nü∆u Ææç´-ûªq-®Ωç™ Ææí∫ç 鬩ç Åûª†’ ûª†èπ◊ 30 à∞¡xèπ◊ °j•úË´®Ωèπ◊ collapse of the dam =
Into èπ◊ ´÷-´‚©’ Å®Ωnç ûÁ©’-Ææ’-í∫ü∆?
Dhaval: I am sorry. Isn't she into music too? °Rx îËÆæ’-éÓ-™‰ü¿’. Dam èπÿL§Ú®·† N≠æߪ’çO’ü¿ Ç committee
Into Åçõ‰ (äéπ v°æü˨¡ç/ ã ´Ææ’h´¤)
I often see her singing in the compe- M.SURESAN 3) be well into =
titions on the TV.
™EéÀ. (In = ™; Into = ™EéÀ). ÉüË Ñ Nî√-®Ωù îË≤ÚhçC.
at an advanced stage = î√™«¶µ«í∫ç b) They have not started enquiring into the
éÀçC sentence ™ îª÷≤ƒhç.
(Sorry. matter =
1) I saw you going into the bakery =
ÆæçU-ûªç™ èπÿú≈ ®Ω’í¬_ §ƒ™Ô_ç- Å®·-§Ú-ßË’ç-ûª-´-®Ωèπ◊, v§ƒ®Ωç-¶µº-ü¿¨¡ ü∆öÀ-§Ú-´úøç.
ô’çC éπü∆? ûª®Ωîª÷ TV ™ ÆæçUûªç Bakery ™EéÀ/ Bakery ™éÀ. a) We are now well into the academic year
Ç N≠æߪ’ç O’ü¿ ¢√∞¡Ÿx Nî√-®Ωù Éçé¬ v§ƒ®Ωç-
§ÚöÙx éπE°œÆæ÷h Öçô’çC.)
a) He jumped into the river to save the child
´’†ç Nü∆u-Ææç-´-ûªq-®Ωç™ î√™« ¶µ«í∫ç Gµç-îª-™‰ü¿’.
Sravan: You can say that. She is a fine singer.
which had fallen into the river =
´·çü¿’Ø√oç. (v§ƒ®Ω綵º ü¿¨¡ ü∆öÀ-§Úߪ÷ç.) Å™«Íí look into the matter Åçõ‰ äéπ N≠æߪ’ç
If only she can put some more time b) She is well into her last but one semester
into it! Her studies are in the way.
†C™ °æúÕ† Gúøf†’ ®ΩéÀ~çîªú≈-EéÀ, Åûª†’ †C-™éÀ °æJ-Q-Lç-îªôç.
*´J semester ´·çü¿’ semester -v§ƒ®Ω綵º
(éπ*a-ûªçí¬. ´’ç* í¬-ߪ’E ûª†’. Éçé¬Ææh ü¿÷é¬úø’. c) The minister promised to look into the
b) He walked away into the dark night =
ü¿¨¡ ü∆öÀ-§Ú-®·çC.
Æ洒ߪ’ç ÆæçU-û√-EéÀ Íéö«-®·ç-îª-í∫-L-TûË 4) Isn't she into music? delay in the release of funds =
Ç <éπöÀ ®√vA-™ØË ¢ÁRx-§Ú-ߪ÷úø’ (<éπ-öxéÀ
¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC! é¬F îªü¿’´¤ Åúøfç ´≤ÚhçC.) into something = äéπ N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ ¶«í¬ ÇÆæéÀh, Eüµ¿’© Núø’-ü¿-©™ ñ«§ƒuEo °æJ-Q-L-≤ƒh-†E
Dhaval: How is she able to manage both?
†úÕ-* -¢Á-∞«xúø’/ ´÷ߪ’-´’-ߪ÷uúø’) ´’çvA ´÷öÀ-î√a®Ω’.
(È®çúÕç-öÀF ᙫ ØÁí∫’_-éÌ-≤ÚhçC?) Å™«Íí sentence No 2 îª÷úøçúÕ: v¨¡ü¿l¥ éπ†•-®Ω-îªúøç, Åçü¿’™ ®Ω’í¬_ §ƒ™Ô_-†úøç.
Sravan: Well, she studies late into the night.
She stopped practising since the acci- practice. ¶µ«≠æ áçûª practice îËÊÆh Anagram is a word formed by
changing the order of letters in
ï¢√•’: Leave for= go to. Leave
dent. She had a few injuries and has- Åçûª ¶«í¬ ´Ææ’hçC. Vocabulary ûª®√yûª for ´÷vûª¢Ë’, go ûª®√yûª
n't been totally fit. another word. äéπ ´÷ô™E Åéπ~-
°ç-éÓ-¢√-©çõ‰ List of words, their ®√© ´®Ω-Æ憒 ´÷JÊÆh à®ΩpúË È®çúÓ- ´÷vûª¢Ë’ to ´Ææ’hçC. ÉC usage
(®√vA î√™«-ÊÆ°æ-öÀ´®Ωèπ◊ îªü¿’-´¤-ûª’çC. synonyms and antonyms prac-
Accident Å®·†°æpöÀ †’ç-* ÆæçUûªç ´÷ô, -¢Á·ü¿öÀ ´÷ôèπ◊ Anagram. (¢√úø’éπ). ü∆Eo ´’†ç à Nüµ¿ç-í¬†÷
v°æ-¨¡o: ÉçTx≠ˇ
practice îËߪ’úøç ™‰ü¿’. éÌClí¬ í¬ßª÷™„j,
îËÊÆh Åçûª Ææ’©-¶µºçí¬ ®√ü¿’. ÅçûË-é¬-èπ◊çú≈ äéπ-ü∆-E-éÌ-éπöÀ anagram N´-Jç-‰ç. ûÁ©’-í∫’™ áEo F∞¡Ÿx
Idioms, vocabulary (English news
´’†ç îªü¿’-´¤-ûª’çõ‰, Å´¤-û√®·. eg: Listen, and silent Åçö«ç. áEo ÅØËC ™„éπ\-°-õ‰d-¢√-öÀéÀ
°æ‹Jhí¬ ÆæyÆænûª ™‰èπ◊çú≈ ÖçC.) develop îËÆæ’-éÓ-¢√-©çõ‰ àç papers, novels, stories, etc) are anagrams. Post and tops/ éπü∆ ¢√úøû√ç. F∞¡Ÿx, äéπ F∞¡Ÿx, È®çúø’
Dhaval: Isn't there any case about it? vocabulary, idioms -
îËߪ÷L. English usage °j É´Fo èπÿú≈ stop/ pots/ spot are all anagrams. F∞¡Ÿx ÅE ™„éÀ\çîªç í∫ü∆? Å®·Ø√
case automatic Read ¢√úø’éπ (usage) v°æ鬮Ωç, áEo F∞¡Ÿx/
(ü∆Eo í∫’Jç* àç ™‰ü∆?) ü¿%≠œd °ö«d™«? ™‰éπ idioms °j í¬ ´≤ƒh®·. 鬕öÀd ÉüÓ Çô™«í¬ Öçô’çC. Åçü¿’-éπE
Sravan: The police are enquiring into it. The as much English as you can. Vocab °çîª ’-èπ◊-ØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ éÌçûª ÉEo F∞¡Ÿx/ ÅEo F∞¡Ÿx ÅØË Åçö«ç,
Öçõ‰ î√™«? Ñ È®çúÕç-öÀéÃ
insurance people too are about it. Read, read and read- that's the
v°æ-¨¡o: I am leaving Hyd for Mumbai.
Ææç•ç-Cµç* ´’ç* °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ Ö°æßÁ÷í∫°æ-úø’-ûª’çC. áçûª/ Éçûª/ Åçûª ņ-èπ◊çú≈. Å™«Íí
(Police only way to master English in Leave for, go to èπÿú≈. Start
©’ Nî√-®Ωù îËÆæ’h-Ø√o®Ω’. Ææ÷*ç-îªí∫-©®Ω’. Anagram Åçõ‰ any aspect of it.
Insurance I am going to Mumbai. ûª®√yûª èπÿú≈ start for Åçö«ç.
¢√∞¡Ÿx èπÿú≈ °æJ-Q-L-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’.) àN’öÀ? ÉC vocabulary °ç- English
O’®Ω’ áçûª
Dhaval: The police can be bribed into putting îªC-NûË Åçûª ¶«í¬ ÅFo Mumbai destination to 鬕öÀd I am starting for college =
éÓ-´-úøç™ ᙫ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫-°æ-úø’- vocab, idioms, etc
the case into cold storage. Keep see- ´îËa-≤ƒh®·. For
ûª’çC? ¢√-úÌa éπü∆? Åçõ‰ 'éÓÆæç— Øˆ’ college éÀ •ßª’-©’-üË-®Ω’-ûª’-Ø√o†’.
ing your lawyer about it. What was the Word lists, idioms éπç®∏ΩÆænçîËÊÆh ÅØË Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC éπü∆?
use For
auto driver's age?
– áÆˇ.-J-£æ…Ø√ ¶‰í∫ç, éπ©÷x®Ω’. Å®Ωnç ûÁ©’-Ææ’hçC é¬F ûÁLߪ’ü¿’. Mumbai éÀ ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o†’ é¬F
èπ◊, éÓÆæç ÅØË é¬èπ◊çú≈, °j
example ™ ™«í¬ èπ◊/ éÀ ÅØË Å®Ωnç
ï¢√•’: äéπöÀ í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓçúÕ.
(Police ©’ case ÇÊ° Nüµ¿çí¬ ©çî√-©ûÓ – v°æ¨»çû˝, õ„éπ\L. -ÅÆæçü¿-®Ωs¥çí¬ ¢√úøôç ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’çC. Mumbai éÓÆæç é¬ü¿’ éπü∆? N´-
So read newspaper everyday for (college
≤ƒüµ¿uç. O’ lawyer †’ ûª®Ωîª÷ éπ©’-Ææ’- Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. éÀ) ÖçC.
èπ◊çô÷ Öçúø’.Çö driver ´ßª’-ÂÆqçûª?) Language is purely a matter of an hour at least. – ᙸ.-á-Æˇ.-á-Ø˛.-´‚Jh, £j«vü∆-¶«ü˛

Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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