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A moments delay

A quantum leap: enorme mejora, salto espectacular

A turn-up for the books: que no se espera
Acquisitive: materialista
Again and time/again
Agree ON
Allaying your fears
An armchair traveller
Another string for a bow: segunda baza
arguably: podra decirse
Arm in arm: cogidos del brazo
As right as rain
As though: as if (you behave as though you were)
At odds with: en desacuerdo con
At one time: en un momento del pasado
At the expenses of: a costa de
Philosophical: sereno
At the expenses of: a costa de
Philosophical: sereno
At the turn of the century: a finales de siglo
Bad omen: mal augurio
Be coming along: make good progress
Be in the lap of luxury: nadar en la abundancia
Be in the right
Bearing: comportamiento, modos /// Demeanour: conducta, comportamiento
BenefiCial (no benefitial)
MISfortune (no UNfortune)
Bliss: felicidad, gozo, dicha
Blue chips: acciones solventes
Bottle up emotions: reprimir las emociones
Bowl over: dejar atnito
Break out in a cold sweat: comenzar a tener sudores fros (miedo de repente)
Burn the midnight oil: trabajar hasta las tantas de la noche
Burn your bridges: acabar con las relaciones de algo (dejar atrs y no volver)
Burn a hole in your pocket: dinero quemando en el bolsillo (gastarlo cuanto antes)
By no means: de ninguna manera
By rights
By Word of mouth: de palabra
Carve: trinchar carne
Cautionary: cautelar
Change clothes
Change hands (cambiar de dueo)
Carry away: dejarse llevar
Change places with sb
Change ways
Change your mind
Changes subject (no topic)
Chocke back: contener las lgrimas
Clutch at straws: aferrarse a cualquier esperanza
Cold, hard cash: dinero contante y sonante
Come around: agree to an idea
Come in for something: ser criticado por algo que has hecho.
Come off: resultar (be successful)
Come out in sympathy with sb: stop working to show support for other workers on strike
Come over: expresar claramente
Come to light: salir a la luz
Come to terms: llegar a un acuerdo
Come up against: tropezar con, vrselas con (situacin difcil)
Concerted action: accin conjunta
Congratulate ON
Converge: reunirse, juntarse
Converge: reunirse, juntarse
Crucial to the success: crucial PARA el xito
Crude sense of humour.
Cut across: rebasar (lo establecido), atajar (camino)
Cut back in = cut down = hacer recortes
Cut back in = cut down = hacer recortes

Cut corners: ahorrar
Cut down to size: bajar lo humos
Cut down: reducir, cortar
Cut down: talar
Cut in: interrumpir conversacin
Cut off without a penny: desheredar a alguien
Cut off without a penny: desheredar a alguien
Cut off: cortar (circulacin, sangre)
Cut out: recortar
Cut out: recortar, cortarse (electricidad)
Cut short: suspender
Cut their teeth: ir entrando en materia
Cut through red tape: limitar la burocracia
Cut through: acortar (paseo ms corto)
Cut up into: cortar en (trozos)
Deem (view as): considerar, juzgar, estimar
Dejection: abatimiento
Dejection: abatimiento
Disclose: revelar, divulgar
Disquiet: inquietud, desasosiego
Dissatisfied: insatisfecho
Dog-eat-dog: muy competitivo
Dont know which way to turn: no saber qu hacer
Dont know which way to turn: no saber qu hacer
Down and out: no tener donde caerse muerto
Dread: pavor
Eat humble pie: tragarse el orgullo y pedir perdn
Elbow sb aside: empujar a alguien
foot the bill: pay for something:
Exploded with rage
Faced the music
Fame and fortune
Far cry from: a aos luz de; nada que ver
Fatuous remark:
Fend off the problema: esquivar el problema
Festoon with: adornado con
Fetch: ir a buscar
Few, if any
Fiddling while Rome burns
Final nail in the coffin: el ltimo clavo en el atad
Find something amiss: encontrar algo inadecuado
First and foremost: antes que nada, ante todo, primeramente
For a song: por cuatro perras
For a song: por cuatro perras
Fork out: apoquinar
Frequent traveller
Funny feeling: sensacin extraa
Get (sth) off: enviar algo (paquete). Informal.
Give off: emanar, desprender
Get across: expresar, hacer entender
Get around: se corre la voz de algo
Get by on a shoestring Budget: presupuesto muy ajustado
culture vulture: cultureta
Get cold feet: echarse atrs en el ltimo momento (tipo en el altar)
Get eff on your face: avergonzarse
Get in: conseguir meter baza (hablar), conseguir hacer algo aunque no tengas mucho tiempo,
ir a comprar algo
Get into gear: ponerse en marcha
Get my goat: poner de los nervios
Get nowhere fast: no llegar a ningn lado
Get off the beaten track: apartados del mundanal ruido
Get sb down: make someone feel unhappy
Get your fingers burnt
Give and take
Give the cold shoulder: dar la espalda
Glaring error/fault
Go according to plan: salir como estaba planeado
Go down the tubes: irse al traste
Go down with: pillar (enfermedad)
Go in for: soler gustar
Go off: estropearse
Go over: analizar
Golden hello: prima de bienvenida
Got to grips with: enfrentarse con algo
Grasp the nettle on: coger el toro por los cuernos
Green shots: brotes verdes
Hard-pushed to: ser difcil algo (me ser difcil hacer la maleta tan rpido)
Haunted by guilt
Have a nice turn of phrase: tener una forma agradable de decir las cosas
Have a nice turn of phrase: tener una forma agradable de decir las cosas
Have bigger fish to fry: tener cosas ms importantes que hacer
Have money to burn
In all likelihood
In any event: in any case
In due course: a su debido tiempo
hefty: pesado
In due course: a su debido tiempo
hefty: pesado
In no uncertain terms: sin rodeos, directamente
In the hot seat: en la picota, en el punto de mira
In tune with: en armona con
In tune with: en armona con
Independent traveller
Insist ON
Inveterate: habitual
It was a rough ride: fue un viaje bastante incmodo
Its (high/about) time she DID her homework
Its a foregone conclusin: es previsible que
Its a foregone conclusin: es previsible que
Its doubtful that
Its nowhere near as (good, much): dista mucho de ser tan ()
Keep up the pretence: mantener la mentira
Kinship: parentesco, familia
Laid-back: a la bartola
Lay rules down: establecer normas
Leave high and dry: dejar tirado
Life and soul of the party: el alma de la fiesta
Live by your wits: vivir del cuento
Live down: superar la vergenza
Live it up: disfrutar de la vida
Live on: perdurar
Live through: resistir, soportar
Loathing: odio, aversin, asco
Loathsome: asqueroso
Lofty: noble, idealista
Lore: sabidura tradicional, popular
Lose grip of: perder fuerza, agarre.
Lose track of: perder la pista de algo o alguien, perder la nocin de.
Maelstrome: vogine, torbellino
Magnum opus: obra maestra
Make inroads into sth: irrumpir
Make off with: robar, escaparse con algo
Make up for: compensar
Manys the time you have (there have been many times that)
No leanings towards: inclinacin
Not least: en particular
Not to turn a hair: no inmutarse
Omen: presagio
On an equal footing: en pie de igualdad
On the verge of: a punto de, al borde de
opinionated: terco
willfully: a propsito
arguably: podra decirse
Other than: aparte de, adems de
Outcome: resultado
Outnumber: superar en nmero (verbo)
Outset: comienzo, inicio
People aside
Play right into: dar ventaja
Powerless: incapaz, inepto, impotente
Progress up the rungs: subir en la escalera profesional
Pull a fast one: jugar una mala pasada
Pull the other one!: Venga ya!
Pull the strings: mover los hilos (control)
Pull your socks up: esforzarse, poner empeo
Pull your weight: hacer tu parte, lo que te corresponde
Put in jeopardy/put at risk: poner en peligro
Put forward: postularse
Put on a brave face: mantener la cabeza alta
Put paid to sth: marcar un objetivo como completado
Qualp: escrpulo, recelo
Qualp: escrpulo, recelo
Red ink: balance negativo
Relieve the tedium
Rely thoroghly on:
Revulsion: asco, repugnancia, repulsin
Right on time
Right under his nose
Roadworthy: coche en condiciones (ha pasado la itv)
Blurt out: soltar, largar, desembuchar (decir algo de repente)
Rough it: vivir sin lujos
Run a tight ship: ser muy eficiente
Run counter to: estar en contra de algo / ser opuesto a
Run rings around: dar mil vueltas a alguien
Run the risk of: correr el riesgo de
Scholarly: erudito, entendido
Seasoned traveller
Second sight: clarividencia
See eye to eye: agree about sth /with sb
Self-contained: independiente
Sell like hot cakes: se venden como rosquillas
Seriously underfunded: carecer de financiacin
Set a dangerous precedent: sentar un precedente peligroso
Set in stone: inamovible, definitivo, escrito a fuego
Set off: salir
Set out your stall: exponer lo que se ofrece
Set sights on sth: poner las miras en
Set the record straight: dejar las cosas claras
Set the scene: sentar las bases
Set the wheels in motion: poner las cosas en marcha
Set the world on fire: comerse el mundo
Set your heart on: querer a toda costa X
Set your sights on: echarle el ojo a
Set your teeth on edge: dar dentera/grima
Setback: contratiempo
Settle the score: ocuparse de un asunto pendiente
Shoot down accusations
shoot your bolt: quemar los ltimos cartuchos (energa)
Shorten: (long, time, text): acortar
Shoulder a burden: soportar una carga
Sink or swim: lograrlo o fracasar
Slither: reptar
Small hours: altas horas de la madrugada
Sneaking suspicion: ligera sospecha
Soak up the atmosphere: empaparse del ambiente
Someone of note: famous
Spill the beans: descubrir el pastel
Splash out: tirar la casa por la ventana
Spring up: rebelarse, alzarse
Squelch: chapotear
Staggering: impactante, asombroso
Stand out: destacar
Stepping in for someone: reemplazar a alguien
Stomach/face the idea
Strange as it MAY seem
Streak: vena
Strike a chord with: marcar (inolvidable)
Strike it lucky: tener suerte
Strike the right note: calar hondo
Submissively: sumisamente
Sure sign: clara seal
Sweeten the pill: endulzar la pldora
Take a stand: posicionarse
Take a turn for the better: start to improve
Take exception to: oponerse a algo
Take issue with: discrepar de/mostrarse en desacuerdo con
Take notice: prestar atencin
Take on: contratar
Take ones place: ocupar el lugar de uno
Take pride IN: estar orgulloso de
Take retirement: jubilarse
Take retirement: jubilarse
Take something a pinch of salt: no creerse a pies juntillas, coger con pinzas
Take the view: opinar, considerar
Tell off: echar la bronca
The chance are that
The rain trickles la lluvia cae (slow movement of water)
Theres a slim/faint chance that
Theres a slim/faint chance that
Theres every likelihood
Through thick and thin: en la salud y en la enfermedad
Time and again / time after time: una y otra vez
To a large extent: en gran medida
To all intents and purposes
To be dead set on something/ing: decidido a > Im dead set on going to Univ.
To be in awe of: fearful and respefctful of sb or sth
To be in hot water: tener el agua hasta el cuello
To be nose to tail: pegados (trfico)
To be ON cloud nine
To be suspected OF something
To call a spade a spade: llamar a las cosas por su nombre
To feel the pinch: (empezar a) pasar apuros
To gith tooth and nail: luchar con uas y dientes
To have a heart to heart: conversacin ntima
To live from hand to mouth: vivir precariamente
To set foot on: poner el pie en
To shoulder: cargar, asumir
To take it in turns: turnarse
Toe the line: acatar las normas
Toss and torn: dar vueltas en la cama
Touch and go: situacin crtica
Touch-and-go situation: situacin crtica
Try my hand at (writing): probar suerte en algo
Twist the knife: hurgar en la herida
Ubiquituous setback: ubicuo
Undertake: empezar
Unobstrusive: discreto
Unwary: incauto
Unwieldly: difcil de manejar
Up for grabs: disponible
Vent your frustration with me
Watch your step: tener ms cuidado
Weak link in the chain: punto dbil, taln de Aquiles.
Well and truly: completamente
Well into the 1980s (far into)
White godos: electrodomsticos
White knight: caballero blanco (economa)
willfully: a propsito
With that being said
Within hours: en cuestin de horas

Were she my daughter > IF SHE WERE my daughter
Should you change your mind > IF YOU SHOULD CHANGE your mind
Had I realised > IF I had realised
In case your mother should stay > Equivalente britnico al subjuntivo americano.
In case we should happen/happened to find to find a pool > Por si nos encontrbamos una

- Have no expectatioN that
- Despus de if, se suele poner ms WERE que WAS: If my mother were here
- Mid-position adverbs: cuando el verbo est formado por dos auxiliares, va detrs del
primero: She would NEVER have been promoted if she hadnt
You have definitely been
- To be about to + infinitve
To be on the brink of + noun: The government is on the brink of collapse.
To be on the point/verge of gerund/noun: She was on the verge of bursting into tears
to be likely/unlikely to + infinitive: She is likely to pass the exam.


Never before have I felt as contented as I do now
Only once in my life have I regretted taking a trip.
Scarcely had the clock struck midnight WHEN the lights went out
No sooner had I put my raincoat on THAN sun came out again
Hardly had I sat down before someone else hammered on the door
Not until last month did I feel in control of my workload
Seldom do any birds visit the garden, due to the number of cats around
Rarely will there be any opportunity for proper discussion
Had it not been for the fact that my cousil was coming to the party, I would have stayed at

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