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calling ^urfes o ^brist

We've had some encouraging developments occur in the capital city of Turkey -
Ankara - recently.
One of our workers was acquitted of all charges brought against him
by the police related to the beginning of a church.
The lawyers who were working on the case said the church is now a
registered entity. This is a "first" for modem Turkey.
An application has been filed for free water and electricity for the
Also, an application has been made for a graveyard since Christians
cannot be buried in a Muslim cemetery.
This legal registration means that the church can now apply for a plot
of land upon which to build their building.
The year 2002 was a remarkable year! The new translation Bible was launched
in Turkey with 51,000 printed. Over 3000 Bibles were provided to the churches.
More than 13,000 were exported to supply Turkish communities around the
world. At the request of Muslim Theological faculties, 746 copies were made
available to students. It is also available in pocket size and on CD Rom.
"Umut" explained to one of our workers recently that he was not a Christian or a
Muslim - just a fellow that loved his life. The thought that came to our worker
was that he would not become a Christian anytime soon, if ever! A short time
later, on the spur of the moment, Umut decided that he did want to be a
Christian and that he wanted to be baptized that very day ... in the river. That
night, around 9 PM, eight men along with Umut climbed into a van and traveled
one and one-half hours to the nearest river. After having some difficulty finding
a spot that was deep enough, and having given his testimony concerning his
faith and belief in Christ, he was baptized in the very cold water. With a deeper
awareness that God is not only at work in Turkey (as a whole) but also in
individual lives, our worker was both encouraged and blessed with the events of
that incredible night. They arrived back home at about 1:30 AM!
The history of the Christian church actually begins in Turkey. The seven
churches, spoken of in Revelation (2 and 3), are located in Turkey. The Apostle
Paul was born in Tarsus, Turkey. Antioch is where the followers of Jesus were
first called Christians. Thousands and thousands of Christians were persecuted
and/ or killed because of their faith during the Muslim conquests there. So,
Turkey has gone from being nearly 100% Christian to being over 99% Muslim.
A Baptism in the Mediterrean Sea at Sel^uk (Ephesus)
Mission organizations across the Christian world continue to be faced with the
monumental task of evangelizing Turkey - still considered to be "the world's
largest unevangelized country" - and other Turkic-populated countries. The
best estimate of the number of evangelical believers (who are from a Muslim
background) in Turkey is approximately 3000. This number does not include
Orthodox believers and the many foreign workers.
Ramadan, which occurred from part of November into December recently, is a
time when most iMuslims fast for an entire month during the daylight hours.
Some obvious exceptions are allowed: those with health problems, children and
soforth. Atypical day, as told by some of our workers during that period, might
be interesting for you know about -- hearing it from their prospective.
xvere axvakened by a dnm around 3:30 each morning. We noticed lights zvere being
turned onin the apartment building across the roadfivm us. It was the time for women
to get upand prepare the special breakfast to enjoy before daivn, zvhich is zvhen the day of
fast starts. People zvould go to their places ofzoork and school as normal, but there zoos a
heaviness and irritability in the air that is difficult to explain. Most of the restaurants
zvere empty, and it seemed that business in general was slozo at this time. At sundozon,
zvhich zvas around 5:00 PM, people ran to the restaurants or their homes to devour a
meal The month ended with the Feast of Candy zvhich zvas a time to visit, wear nezv
clothes andgiveout szveets."
One of our worker-families in Turkey has a very imaginative three-year old
child. He has his own version of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden: ''God
said,'Stop! Don't eat those apples. Theyhave snake germs on them'."
The ciirrent makeup of our workers on the field includes nineteen men and
nineteen women including sixteen married couples with twenty-seven
dependent children, three single men, and three single women. Mirustry
locations include Germany, Australia, the USA and Turkey. Focus countries
include Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Iran, Iraq, Kazakstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and other
locations where there are large nxunbers of Turkic and related peoples. Our
ministry began as Friends of Turkey in 1969 with the name being changed to
Turkish World Outreach in 1996.
Ibu pnyer letter is published sod distribmed by
Turkish World Outreach
SOS Fruitvale Ct, Grand Junction CO 81504-5768
colling ^ucfes to Christ
J^U'mcAJVJV^S JV.W^j:,.T7^
JULY 2003
S12^1 ^3165
You are probably not 'Mying" of curiosity to know what the above numbers are'
referring to! But, just in case you are. Til give a brief explanation. I will also give
you a hint. They have nothing to do with the Colorado Powerball Lottery!
Gambling is not my thing.
We have already begun our eighth year in western Colorado with the Turkish
mission. As you may remember, Turkish World Outreach began as Friends of
Turkey and continued with that name for twenty-seven years. The change took
place because we wanted our name to better reflect the global nature of our
outreach to Turks.
EIGHT ( 8 ) continued ...
Marti is preparing her classroom for her eighth year of teaching in one of the
Christian schools here in Grand Junction. Her duties this year will be teaching
the first and second graders (a combined class of course). She has finally gotten
back to her first choice of grade levels after teaching in all of the others levels of
elementary school for many years (public and private). School begins in early
We will be starting our twenty-fourth year of full-time mission service soon. In
1979, when we indicated our decision to leave home and "go", we were quite
serious about that decision; it was a permanent decision. So, here we are,
twenty-four years later. You really believed us when we said that we were
serious about this, and we believed you when you agreed to support us in our
work. Many of you have stayed with us all the way - praying for us and
supportingus financially. Forthis we areeternally grateful. Thank you.
We will be celebratingforth-three years of marriage soon - in September. If one
blinks one's eyes just so, forty or fifty years will pass. Marti and I have always
tried to put Christ first in our lives, which means that our marriage has been
blessed by Him.
It won't be long now before I (Ron) will be experiencing my sixty-fifth birthday.
"Experiencing" is the correct word I think. It is my first time to be sixty-five! It
is the "mythical age" of retirement that big business has tried to thrust upon us.
Some folks need to retire at age sixty, for many reasons that we won't go into.
Some should not retire even at age seventy. I find myself in the middle of these
ages and am convinced that the Lord is still using me effectively at Turkish
World Outreach. Obviously, this could change "in a heartbeat", but so far, so
Our last report to you concerning Zambia (in February) mentioned our concern
that the funds ($4500), for purchasing the structure that was to be used as a
church building, were being held by the bank ... saying "the check had not
cleared"! I recently heard from the Christians in Mansa telling me that the funds
were finally released and that an alternate building had been purchased. That
building has been repaired and is now occupiedby the congregation. Thank you
for praying concerning this matter. A special "thank you" to First Christian
Church of Tarpon Springs, Florida for giving the entire amount for the
building purchase. Our prayer is that many lost Zambians will come to know
Christ as a result of this generosity. We are hoping for some photographs
eventually so that we can all actually "see" this building.
The Gospel Letter program seems to be making a difference in Turkey. The new
Gospel Letter has, included with it, 15 - 20 different ways to ask for prayer,
request a free Jesus Film video and/or request a free Turkish Bible or New
Testament. Folks can call a number, send an email or write a letter to make their
requests known. These numbers and addresses have been published several
times in local newspapers (as advertisements) within Turkey, but we have been
told that the volume of contacts has risen dramatically since we have included
them with our Gospel Letter. We have nearly 400 volunteers across the U. S. A.
sending out the letters to Turkey, and we would like it if that number could be
doubled. Please contact me if you are interested. <>
This has been one of the busiest summers ever for travel for most of the
Baumanns, and it will continue into the fall. Jeff, Robbie, Stephen and Katherine
visited us the first week of June. It was a wonderful time to "get to know" our
grandchildren again; once or twicea year is not enough! Immediatelyafter their
visit ended, Marti and I spent two full weeks in Wales, Scotland and England.
Wehave visited there several times in the last fewyears and will probably do so
again when the time is right (translated: can affordit!). We do really enjoy the U.
K. Susan visited with us the middle two weeks of July. We had a great time
eating, shopping, visiting, sightseeing and eating some more. We have heard
that Andrewand Careyare hopingto come for a weekin September or October.
We can't wait! And, it is possiblethat Jeff and his family will be able to comefor
another short visit during the middle of September. Now, all we need to do is
start working on Russell to come out for a visit.
Praise that the fimds were released in Zambia making the building
purchase a reality.
Pray for the new congregation in Mansa, Zambia that their "new"
building will make a difference for the Kingdom in that small city.
Thankful praise that we have been able to see some of our family
members this summer and prayer that the rest of the family will be
able to visit soon.
Prayer for Marti as she begins her eighth year of teaching in the
Christian school here.
Pray that the Gospel Letter program will continue to reach Turks for
Pray that more Christians will volunteer to help with the Gospel
Letter mailing program.
Thankful praise for the many years of financial support from our
faithful supporters.
Uiisprayer letter ispublished anddistributed by
Turkish World
508 Fruitvale Ct, Grand Junction, CO 81504-5768

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