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Mailam Engineering College

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
& Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA, New Delhi
Mailam (Po), Villupuram (Dt). Pin: 604 304
Part ' A
*. +,at i- operation- re-ear.,/
!perations research is a st"dy of opti#i$ation techni%"es& It is applied decision theory& !'
is the application of scientific #ethods, techni%"es and tools to proble#s involvin( the
operations of syste#s so as to provide these in control of operations with opti#"# sol"tions
to the proble#&
). $i-t -ome appli.ation- o0 !R.
!pti#al assi(n#ent of vario"s )obs to different #achines and different operators&
To find the waitin( ti#e and n"#ber of c"sto#ers waitin( in the %"e"e and syste# in
%"e"in( #odel
To find the #i#i#"# transportation cost after allocatin( (oods fro# different ori(ins
to vario"s destinations in transportation #odel
Decision theory proble#s in #ar*etin(,finance and prod"ction plannin( and control&
3. +,at are t,e 1ariou- t2pe- o0 mo3el- in !R/
+odels by f"nction
i Descriptive #odel ii ,redictive #odel iii Nor#ative #odel
+odels by str"ct"re
i Iconic #odel ii Analo("e #odel iii +athe#atical #odel
+odels by nat"re of environ#ent
i Deter#inistic #odel ii ,robabilistic #odel
4. +,at are main .,ara.teri-ti.- o0 !R/
E-a#ination of f"nctional relationship fro# a syste# overview&
Utili$ation of planned approach
Adaptation of planned approach
Uncoverin( of new proble#s for st"dy
4. ame -ome .,ara.teri-ti.- o0 goo3 mo3el.
The n"#ber of ass"#ptions #ade sho"ld be as few as possible
It sho"ld be easy as possible to solve the proble#
The n"#ber of variables "sed sho"ld be as few as possible&
Prepared By
Ms.A.Subathra Devi AP / MCA
Mathematical Formulation - Graphical Solution of linear programming models Simplex method
Artificial variable Techniques- Variants of Simplex method
It sho"ld be #ore fle-ible to "pdate the chan(es over a period of ti#e witho"t
chan(e in its fra#ewor*&
6. +,at are t,e 3i00erent p,a-e- o0 !R/
.or#"lation of the proble#
Constr"ction of #athe#atical #odelin(
Derivin( the sol"tion fro# the #odel
/alidity of the #odel
Establishin( the control over the sol"tion
I#ple#entation of the final sol"tion&
5. $i-t out t,e a31antage- o0 !R/
!pti#"# "se of #ana(ers prod"ction factors
I#proved %"ality of decision
,reparation of f"t"re #ana(ers by i#provin( their *nowled(e and s*ill
+odification of #athe#atical sol"tion before its "se&
6. +,at are t,e limitation- o0 !R/
+athe#atical #odel do not ta*e into acco"nt the intan(ible factors s"ch as h"#an
relations etc& cannot be %"antified&
+athe#atical #odels are applicable to only specific cate(ories of proble#s&
'e%"ires h"(e calc"lations& All these calc"lations cannot be handled #an"ally and
re%"ire co#p"ters which bear heavy cost&
(. +,at i- linear programming/
0inear pro(ra##in( is a techni%"e "sed for deter#inin( opti#"# "tili$ation of
li#ited reso"rces to #eet o"t the (iven ob)ectives& The ob)ective is to #a-i#i$e the profit or
#ini#i$e the reso"rces (#en, #achine, #aterials and #oney
*0. +rite t,e general mat, 0ormulation o0 $PP.
1& !b)ective f"nction
+a- or +in 2 3 C1-1 4 C5-54 6&&4 Cn-n
5& 7"b)ect to the constraints
a11-14a15-5466664 a1n-n (839b1
a51-14a55-5466664 a5n-n (839b5
a#1-14a#5-5466664 a#n-n (839b#
:& Non;ne(ative constraints
-1,-5,6&-#9 <
**. +,at are t,e .,ara.teri-ti. o0 $PP/
There #"st be a well;defined ob)ective f"nction&
There #"st be alternative co"rse of action to choose&
Both the ob)ective f"nctions and the constraints #"st be linear e%"ation or
*). +,at are t,e .,ara.teri-ti. o0 -tan3ar3 0orm o0 $PP/
The ob)ective f"nction is of #a-i#i$ation type&
All the constraint e%"ation #"st be of e%"al type by addin( slac* or s"rpl"s variables
'=7 of the constraint e%"ation #"st be positive type
Prepared By
Ms.A.Subathra Devi AP / MCA
All the decision variables are of positive type
*3. +,at are t,e .,ara.teri-ti.- o0 0orm o0 $PP/ (!V 705)
In canonical for#, if the ob)ective f"nction is of #a-i#i$ation type, then all
constraints are of 8 type& 7i#ilarly if the ob)ective f"nction is of #ini#i$ation type, then all
constraints are of 9 type& B"t non;ne(ative constraints are 9type for both cases&
*4. A 0irm manu0a.ture- t8o t2pe- o0 pro3u.t- A an3 9 an3 -ell- t,em at pro0it o0
R- ) on t2pe A an3 R- 3 on t2pe 9. Ea., pro3u.t i- pro.e--e3 on t8o ma.,ine- M*
an3 M).T2pe A re:uire- * minute o0 pro.e--ing time on M* an3 ) minute- on M)
T2pe 9 re:uire- * minute o0 pro.e--ing time on M* an3 * minute on M). Ma.,ine
M* i- a1aila;le 0or not more t,an 6 ,our- 40 minute- 8,ile ma.,ine M) i-
a1aila;le 0or *0 ,our- 3uring an2 8or<ing 3a2. "ormulate t,e pro;lem a- a $PP -o
a- to ma=imi>e t,e pro0it. (MA? 705)
+a-i#i$e $ 35-1 4:-5
7"b)ect tot the constraints>
-1 4 -5 8 ?<<
5-1 4 -5 8 @<<
-1 ,-59 <
*4. A .ompan2 -ell- t8o 3i00erent pro3u.t- A an3 9 , ma<ing a pro0it o0 R-.40 an3
R-. 30 per unit on t,em,re-pe.ti1el2.T,e2 are pro3u.e3 in a .ommon pro3u.tion
pro.e-- an3 are -ol3 in t8o 3i00erent mar<et-, t,e pro3u.tion pro.e-- ,a- a total
.apa.it2 o0 30,000 man@,our-. %t ta<e- t,ree ,our- to pro3u.e a unit o0 A an3 one
,our to pro3u.e a unit o0 9. T,e mar<et ,a- ;een -ur1e2e3 an3 .ompan2 o00i.ial
0eel t,at t,e ma=imum num;er o0 unit- o0 A t,at .an ;e -ol3 i- 6,000 unit- an3
t,at o0 9 i- *),000 unit-. &u;Ae.t to t,e-e limitation-, pro3u.t- .an ;e -ol3 in an2
.om;ination. "ormulate t,e pro;lem a- a $PP -o a- to ma=imi>e t,e pro0it
+a-i#i$e $ 3?<-1 4:<-5
7"b)ect tot the constraints>
:-1 4 -5 8 :<,<<<
-1 8 A<<<
-5 8 15<<<
-1 ,-59 <
*6. +,at i- 0ea-i;ilit2 region/ (MA? 706)
Collections of all feasible sol"tions are called a feasible set or re(ion of an
opti#i$ation #odel& !r A re(ion in which all the constraints are satisfied is called feasible
*5. +,at i- 0ea-i;ilit2 region in an $P pro;lem/ %- ti ne.e--ar2 t,at it -,oul3
al8a2- ;e a .on1e= -et/
A re(ion in which all the constraints are satisfied is called feasible re(ion& The
feasible re(ion of an 0,, is always conve- set&
*6. De0ine -olution
A set of variables -1,-56&-n which satisfies the constraints of 0,, is called a sol"tion&
*(. De0ine 0ea-i;le -olution/ (MA? 705)
Any sol"tion to a 0,, which satisfies the non;ne(ativity restrictions of 0,,Bs called the
feasible sol"tion
Prepared By
Ms.A.Subathra Devi AP / MCA
)0. De0ine optimal -olution o0 $PP. (MA? 70()
Any feasible sol"tion which opti#i$es the ob)ective f"nction of the 0,,Bs called the
opti#al sol"tion
)*. &tate t,e appli.ation- o0 linear programming
Cor* sched"lin(
,rod"ction plannin( & prod"ction process
Capital b"d(etin(
.inancial plannin(
.ar# plannin(
+"lti;period decision proble#
Inventory #odel
.inancial #odel
Cor* sched"lin(
)). &tate t,e $imitation- o0 $P.
0, treats all f"nctional relations as linear
0, does not ta*e into acco"nt the effect of ti#e and "ncertainty
No ("arantee for inte(er sol"tion& 'o"ndin( off #ay not feasible or opti#al sol"tion&
Deals with sin(le ob)ective, while in real life the sit"ation #ay be diffic"lt&
)3. +,at 3o 2ou un3er-tan3 ;2 re3un3ant .on-traint-/
In a (iven 0,, any constraint does not affect the feasible re(ion or sol"tion space
then the constraint is said to be a red"ndant constraint&
)4. De0ine #n;oun3e3 -olution/
If the feasible sol"tion re(ion does not have a bo"nded area the #a-i#"# val"e of 2
occ"rs at infinity& =ence the 0,, is said to have "nbo"nded sol"tion&

)4. De0ine Multiple !ptimal -olution/
A 0,, havin( #ore than one opti#al sol"tion is said to have alternative or #"ltiple
opti#al sol"tions&
)6& +,at i- -la.< 1aria;le/
If the constraint as (eneral 0,, be D3 type then a non ne(ative variable is
introd"ced to convert the ine%"alities into e%"alities are called slac* variables& The val"es
of these variables are interpretedas the a#o"nt of "n"sed reso"rces&
)5. +,at are -urplu- 1aria;le-/
If the constraint as (eneral 0,, be E3 type then a non ne(ative
is introd"ced to convert the ine%"alities into e%"alities are called the s"rpl"s variables&

)6. De0ine 9a-i. -olution/
Fiven a syste# of # linear e%"ations with n variables(#Dn&The sol"tion obtained by
settin( (n;# variables e%"al to $ero and solvin( for the re#ainin( # variables is called a
basic sol"tion&
)(& De0ine non Degenerate 9a-i. 0ea-i;le -olution/
Prepared By
Ms.A.Subathra Devi AP / MCA
The basic sol"tion is said to be a non de(enerate basic sol"tion if None of the basic
variables is $ero&
30. De0ine 3egenerate ;a-i. -olution/
A basic sol"tion is said to be a de(enerate basic sol"tion if one or #ore of the basic
variables are $ero&
3*. +,at i- t,e 0un.tion o0 minimum ratioG
To deter#ine the basic variable to leave
To deter#ine the #a-i#"# increase in basic variable
To #aintain the feasibility of followin( sol"tion
3). "rom t,e optimum -imple= ta;le ,o8 3o 2ou i3enti02 t,at $PP ,a- un;oun3e3
To find the leavin( variables the ratio is co#p"ted& The ratio is D3<
then there is an "nbo"nded sol"tion to the (iven 0,,&
33. "rom t,e optimum -imple= ta;le ,o8 3o 2ou i3enti02 t,at t,e $PP ,a- no
If atleast one artificial variable appears in the basis at $ero level with a 4ve val"e in
the Hb col"#n and the opti#ality condition is satisfied
then the ori(inal proble# has no feasible sol"tion&
34. Bo8 3o 2ou i3enti02 t,at $PP ,a- no -olution in a t8o p,a-e met,o3/
If all 2) I C) 8 < & then atleast one artificial variable appears in the opti#"# basis at
non $ero level the 0,, does not possess any sol"tion&
34& +,at 3o 2ou un3er-tan3 ;2 3egenera.2/
The concept of obtainin( a de(enerate basic feasible sol"tion in 0,, is *nown as
de(eneracy& This #ay occ"r in the initial sta(e when atleast one basic variable is $ero in the
initial basic feasible sol"tion&
36. +rite t,e -tan3ar3 0orm o0 $PP in t,e matri= notation/
In #atri- notation the canonical for# of 0,, can be e-pressed as
+a-i#i$e 2 3 CH(ob) fn&
7"b to AH D3 b(constraints and H E3 < (non ne(ative restrictions
Chere C 3 (C1,C5,6&&Cn,

A 3 a11 a15 6&& a1n H 3 -1 b 3 b1
a51 a556&& a5n , -5 , b5
& & &
& & &
a#1 a#56& a#n -n bn
35. De0ine ;a-i. 1aria;le an3 non@;a-i. 1aria;le in linear programming.
A basic sol"tion to the set of constraints is a sol"tion obtained by settin( any n
variables e%"al to $ero and solvin( for re#ainin( # variables not e%"al to $ero& 7"ch #
variables are called basic variables and re#ainin( n $ero variables are called non;basic
36.&ol1e t,e 0ollo8ing $P pro;lem ;2 grap, met,o3. (MA? 706)
Ma=imi>e > C6=* D4=) &u;Ae.t tot t,e .on-traint-:
Prepared By
Ms.A.Subathra Devi AP / MCA
=* D =) E 4
=)F 6
=* ,=)F 0
3(. De0ine unre-tri.te3 1aria;le an3 arti0i.ial 1aria;le. (!V 705)
Unrestricted /ariable >A variable is "nrestricted if it is allowed to ta*e on positive,
ne(ative or $ero val"es
Artificial variable >!ne type of variable introd"ced in a linear pro(ra# #odel in order
to find an initial basic feasible sol"tionJ an artificial variable is "sed for e%"ality
constraints and for (reater;than or e%"al ine%"ality constraints
40. +,at i- t,e u-e o0 arti0i.ial 1aria;le- in $PP/ GMa2 )0**H
The "se of artificial variables is to obtain an initial basic feasible sol"tion& In addition
to these artificial variables ca"ses violation of the correspondin( constraints&
Prepared By
Ms.A.Subathra Devi AP / MCA

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