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My God My Song My Praise

JoAnn S. Fashina
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
My God My Song My Praise
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Copyright 2012 by JoAnn Schehr Fashina
All rights reserved !o part o" this boo# $ay be reprod%ced or
trans$itted in any "or$ or by any $eans electronic or $echanical
incl%ding photocopying recording or by any in"or$ation storage and
retrieval syste$ &itho%t &ritten per$ission in &riting "ro$ the
copyright o&ner.
'e"erences "ro$ this boo# are "ro$ the (ing Ja$es )ersion o" the
+his boo# &as printed in the ,nited States o" A$erica
Cover photo by JoAnn Schehr Fashina is o" the interior o" Apostolic
Fello&ship Ch%rch in *loo$"ield C+
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
By JoAnn Schehr
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ give highest honor and praise to $y 0ord and Savior Jes%s Christ
&ho has $ade this boo# possible and to all $y "a$ily and "riends
&ho have inspired $e to &rite it.
/ also give special ac#no&ledge$ents to $y loving h%sband 1l%seyi
Cle$ent Fashina &ho gave $e $oral s%pport Mother 2yAnne 3.
Mo%ltrie and Missionary Pa$ela *. Ferg%son &ho has revie&ed this
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ 'e$e$ber the 2ay 5hen the 0ord Saved $e
Part 1 the Family in Profile
2ear Grand$a
My Father 5as Mine
My Mother
My S&eetie
*e 5hat God 2esires
+o A )ery Special Mother
Mother 'ollins
+o *rother 'ichard 2e)irgilio
+o *rother :ol$an
5e Are Children o" the (ing
1%r 5edding 2ay
A *irthday Poe$ to My :%sband
+o a S&eet Sister and Friend in the 0ord
;o% Are a *ea%ti"%lly Saved Person
Sent to Sister Ma<ine 5est o" 3ngland
Poe$ 2edicated to Apostle 5illia$ 0. *onner
+he Man 1" God / 0ove and Ad$ire
A 5o$an 5ith a Mother=s 0ove "or So%ls
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
2edicated to Sister Cheryl 3. :airston
+o a Sacri"icial 5o$an
A 5o$an Precio%s in God=s Sight
+o A *rother Pac#ed F%ll o" the :oly Ghost
+o A 'oc# Steady 0ady
+o *rother 2aniel :enderson
5e=re Pressing 1n
A 2a%ghter 2evoted to the (ing
Jes%s Christ 1%r 0ord and (ing
5e M%st 0ive the Songs 5e Sing
A God Given ,nion
Jes%s :e 5eeps 5ith ,s
*lessed Are +hey +hat Mo%rn
Part Poem Songs
*orn o" the 5ater and 1" the Spirit
A *ible Salvation
5a#e Me ,p /n the Morning 0ord
/ 5ant Jes%s as My 0ove
*eca%se 1" 5ho ;o% Are / A$
5hat A$ / +hat / Might *e Mind"%l 1" +hee
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
God :as !ever Seen the 'ighteo%s Forsa#en
Stand Fast in the 0ord
/=$ Able to Ma#e +his Jo%rney
+he Joy o" the 0ord
God is 0ove
/ A$ 3ternally Grate"%l
God :as !ot Given ,s the Spirit o" Fear
0ove 1%r 0ord and (ing
Jes%s is 0i#e a Strea$ in My So%l
Allel%ia Praise :is !a$e
5e Call :i$ 1%r Ma>esty
/ :ope For and / 0ong to *e
Jes%s the 2e"ender
0ord 0et Me Stay 5ith ;o%
+he Cross
:elp Me to Stay 0ord
+he 0ight +hat Shineth /n 2ar#ness
All +hings 5or# For Good to +he$ +hat 0ove God
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah 5as *orn
+han# ;o% Jes%s "or 'e$ission o" Sins
My )o& to ;o% 1h 0ord
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Jes%s / 0ove ;o% 0ove ;o% 0ord
+han# God Jes%s /s Co$ing *ac#
/ 0ove ;o% ;o%=re +he Man
Part ! Poems of Edification
+he Po%ring o" ;o%r Spirit 0ord
+he *read and 5ine
Co$$%nion Service
A Gli$pse o" :eaven
+han# the 0ord God ?
+he 2ay *egins
At +he 3nd o" 2a&n
/ :ave !o !eed to *e :eavy *%rdened
So 3asy to Forget
'e>oicing in the Glory o" the 0ord
0ord :elp
Get *ac# Satan
A Snare to My So%l
+o *e Carnally Minded /s 2eath
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+he Children 5ho S%rvive
+he Father Son and :oly Ghost
A )isit Fro$ 1n :igh
*lotches o" Clo%ds
+i$e is '%nning 1%t
0istening to a 2i""erent Silence
+he 3nd +i$e
0et Me 0ive to See the 'apt%re
A 0etter o" 'e"lection@+he *irth o" Christ
Christ$as 3vening
Christ=s *irth
Mathe& 2A18
Mary the Mother o" Jes%s Spea#s
+r%e Freedo$
+he Parado<
God is Creator
5e Are Co$plete /n :i$
Sancti"ication ,shered /nto the 5orld
0ord / Appreciate ;o%r 0ove
A :eavenly 2esire
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+he Silent Cycle
+he *right and Morning Star
5al#ing +hro%gh the Stor$
0ove 0etter to Jes%s
*y My Spirit Saith the 0ord
/ 0ove ;o% 0ord
2o /B
Freedo$ in God=s 0ove
:old on to $e +he 0ord ;o%r God
/ A$ Pers%aded by the Gospel o" Christ
2ra& Closer to $e 0ord
Jes%s Sa& *eyond the Cross
1%r :o$e /s 5here 1%r :earts Are@+he Ch%rch
/n +he Garden o" Gethse$ane
+hat +hey May be 1ne in ,s
+o (no& +he 0ove o" Christ
:o& Shall 5e 0ove +heeB
5e Are *etroth to Christ
Jes%s the 0iberator
SeiCe +he )ictory
/n :is (ingdo$
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:is *lood Giving 0ove
+hat +r%e !e& 2ay
Alpha And 1$ega
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ 'e$e$ber 5hen the 0ord Saved Me
*y JoAnn Schehr Fashina
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ re$e$ber the day &hen the 0ord saved $e. :e "illed $e
&ith the precio%s gi"t o" the :oly Ghost by the sign o" spea#ing o%t
in other tong%es on A%g%st 14 1976. / had been baptiCed t&o
$onths earlier the "irst Friday in J%ne.
/t all started &hen / ran into a "riend / had not seen "or abo%t
three years na$ed
*rother 1&a#i. 5e ran into each other on the :%ntington Green
0ine trolley and / &as s%pposed to get o"" at *righa$ Circle yet /
$issed $y stop &atching hi$. +he last ti$e / had seen hi$ he &as
into Far 3astern religions. :e dabbled into Con"%cianis$ (%ng F%
and the ancient Gree# practice o" reading oracles. :e &ore an
earring in one ear and o"ten &ore long braids in his hair b%t no&
everything abo%t hi$ &as di""erent. :is hair &as short and shaved
neatly and he &ore a s%it and tie. :e loo#ed very cleanDc%t and
bright. / re$e$ber trying to "ig%re o%t &hat had happened to hi$
and &here $%st he be co$ing "ro$ no&. / &anted to as# hi$ b%t "elt
too %ncertain &hether / sho%ld or not.
:e got o"" at the ne<t stop a"ter *righa$ Circle and $e &ith
hi$. :e e<plained he &as going to noonday prayer service at a
ch%rch / had seen be"ore "or / had lived in that neighborhood. /
&anted to as# hi$ i" / co%ld co$e &ith hi$ one day to ch%rch b%t
again / "elt too e$barrassed and %ncertain to as# hi$. :e &ent his
&ay to prayer service and / &ent $y &ay in the opposite direction to
+he *righa$ Circle Co""ee Shop. / later "o%nd o%t &hen he &ent on
his #nees to pray the spirit o" the 0ord told hi$ to get o"" his #nees
and go loo# "or that girlE :e le"t the ch%rch i$$ediately to loo# "or
$e and altho%gh he had no &ay o" #no&ing e<actly &here / had
gone F/ had not told hi$ &here / &as headed nor that / had even
$issed $y stopG.
5hile he &as loo#ing "or $e / &as in the *righa$ Circle
Co""ee ShopH / had $ade a "r%strating call &hich did not help $e at
allH trying to trace a soDcalled "riend &ho had done $e in. / &as to
leave right a"ter the phone call b%t "or so$e reason %n#no&n to $e
at that ti$e / &o%ld not $ove. My "eet see$ed planted in the "loor
as / stood in the $iddle o" the co""ee shop trying to "ig%re o%t &hat
to do ne<t. +here &as t%r$oil in $y $ind at that ti$e and / &as
depressed. / had helped to save $y roo$$ate=s li"e several &ee#s
ago. She had atte$pted s%icide and too# an overdose o" so$e
tranI%iliCers. / helped to #eep her a&a#e to ens%re she &o%ld not
sleep "orever. !o& / discovered she had deceived $e and had ta#en
$y share o" the rent $oney &hich she stored "or three $onths to help
her $ove o%t. She had been $y baby sitter "or $y t&entyDt&o
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
$onth old da%ghter at the ti$e and no& this sit%ation had le"t $e
&itho%t a sitter or certain d&elling place F"or / I%ic#ly evac%ated $y
apart$ent to a te$porary abode &hen / realiCed ho& $%ch bac# rent
&as o&edG. +here &as only t&o $ore &ee#s to "inish school and
&ith "inals and pro>ects d%e / &as "orced as a single parent to send
$y da%ghter o%t o" to&n to $y a%nt=s ho%se in Connectic%t. +hese
&ere the things bo$barding $y $ind as / stood in the $iddle o" the
co""ee shop.
As / contin%ed to as# $ysel" &hat / sho%ld do ne<t there
ca$e $y "riend *rother 1&a#i and invited $e to a ch%rch service.
:e handed $e a ch%rch trac# invitation to +he Mission Ch%rch o"
+he Apostolic Faith /nc. on :%ntington Ave at the ti$e. /n $y $ind
that one s$all act opened %p a gli$$er o" hope "or $e. / said to
$ysel" that=s &hat to do / can go to God "or $y proble$s. :e &ill
deliver $e o%t o" this. +hat=s ho& / got started. /t &as the beginning
o" a ne& &ay o" thin#ing "or $e. 0ittle did / #no& then that / &o%ld
be baptiCed in the na$e o" Jes%s Christ on $y "irst visit.
5hen / "irst ca$e it &as a Friday night service called J'each
1ne *ring 1neK. +here &ere abo%t eighty people and everything &as
a ne& pheno$enon to $e. 5o$en
&ore s#irts or dresses &ith vario%s di""erent hats or headscarves and
$en &ore s%its and ties. People popped %p and &aited to give their
testi$onies and everyone clapped their hands to the $%sic Fincl%ding
$e "or / al&ays loved $%sicG. So$e had ta$bo%rines and so$eone
played the organ &hile so$eone else played the g%itar. /
re$e$bered "eeling con"%sed yet asto%nded at the &ay the po&er o"
God &as "alling.
Soon a"ter all this the choir sang and the preacher ca$e "orth
to preach the &ord o" God. :e &as Minister :enry Mo%ltrie and /
re$e$ber $y "irst i$pressions o" hi$. :e &as a $an o" short stat%re
yet strong b%ilt. 5hen he spo#e / co%ld not %nderstand &hat $ade
hi$ di""erent. :e spo#e &ith poise a%thority and a so%l"%l Ceal that
/ had not heard in other preachers. ;et &hy &o%ld that $a#e hi$
see$ so %n%s%al to $eB /t &as $ore than >%st being a &ellDspo#en
orator. So$e things he said see$ to go over $y head b%t one thing
ba""led $e L the replies to $y tho%ghts and "eelings / personally had
#ept co$ing o%t o" the $o%th o" this preacher as he delivered the
$essage. / had not told the brother &ho invited $e any o" $y
personal proble$s so ho& &as it that he co%ld preach li#e thisBK /
pondered. Many "eelings &ere deep "eeling no "riend or relative
#ne& things popping %p in $y $ind even d%ring service &hich no
one co%ld #no& e<cept God hi$sel". / concl%ded in $y $ind that
this $%st be the 0ord &or#ing thro%gh this $an.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+he $an o" God preached on "or abo%t an ho%r or so and
then he posed the I%estion J/s there one &ho &o%ld li#e to be
J*aptiCedBK / tho%ght J5hat is thatBK / beca$e nervo%s.
5hat &as itB / &anted to #no&. +here stood an %sher a "e& yards
"ro$ $e &ho / later "o%nd o%t to be Sister Shelia :eggie. / bec#oned
to her and she ca$e over to $e. J/s this the sa$e thing as a
ChristeningB / as#ed her.
She gently said no and &ith a loving s$ile held her ar$ o%t
pointing to the altar. J5o%ld yo% li#e to go %p to the altarBK she
/ nodded yes and &ent %p not "%lly %nderstanding yet "eeling
the po&er o" God Fnot #no&ing it then to be the :oly GhostG dra&ing
$e to the altar. / had a s%re and con"ident "eeling the $o$ent /
&al#ed %p to the altar that God &anted $e there at that point.
5hen / &ent to the altar / re$e$ber the preacher &hispering
in $y ear J5o%ld yo% li#e to be baptiCedBK
/ nodded yes and Sister 0isa *rothers escorted $e to a s$all
lo%nge enclosed at the bac# o" the sanct%ary to get dressed into a
baptis$al robe. A"ter dressing &e &ent to the baptis$al pool &here
t&o or three other visitors &ere in line ahead o" $e to be baptiCed.
As / &aited "or baptis$ there &as a green board a "e& yards
a&ay "ro$ the baptis$al pool. So$eone had &ritten in chal# J:ave
yo% received the :oly Ghost since ye believeBK FActs 19A2G / said to
$ysel" &hat in the &orld is this :oly Ghost a ghostB +hen the sa$e
sister &ho had helped $e into $y baptis$al robe said J5hen he
as#s J2o yo% believe in the death b%rial and res%rrection o" Jes%s
ChristB Say yes.K
+hen / panic#ed. My i$p%lse &as to t%rn aro%nd and r%n yet
there see$ no t%rning bac#. / co%ld not. Maybe / #ne& deep do&n
inside that a part o" $e &o%ld be dyingA / don=t #no& b%t the 0ord=s
hands &ere on $e and / co%ld not t%rn aro%nd or say no. 3very ti$e /
tried to ta#e a step bac# instead / too# a step "or&ard.
And so a deacon had baptiCed the other so%ls and it &as no&
$y t%rn. /nto the cold pool o" &ater / &ent. 2eacon Patric# Arne%d
as#ed $e that I%estion and / said yes. +hen he pl%nged $e %nder
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
the &ater in the na$e o" +he 0ord Jes%s Christ. /n seconds / ca$e
%p o%t o" the &ater and i$$ediately "elt very clean and di""erent. All
the "ear that / had &as $irac%lo%sly gone.
/ had I%ite a "e& I%estions in $y $ind b%t at the "inish o"
service &hen / &al#ed over to the pastor to greet hi$ the only
I%estion that ca$e to $ind &as J2o yo% believe Jes%s Christ is God
$ani"ested in the "lesh and &hyBK
+o ans&er this I%estion the pastor t%rned to the Gospel o"
Saint John the "irst chapter. :e read alo%d J/n the beginning &as the
&ord and the &ord &as &ith God and the &ord &as GodK he
contin%ed %p %ntil the 1.
verse JAnd the &ord &as $ade "lesh and
d&elt a$ong %sMK so on and so "orth. As / read along &ith hi$
Jes%s Christ "it this description.
/ accepted &hat he had said beca%se it &as in the *ible. / had
al&aysDval%ed script%re very highly and had already heard that Jes%s
Christ is the Son o" God b%t no& accepted this additional perspective
o" Jes%s Christ being God $ani"ested in the "lesh.
/ had no& repented F$eaning / had t%rned a&ay "ro$ $y
sinsG and had been baptiCed in the na$e o" Jes%s Christ according to
Acts 2A-8 in the *ible. +he third step to salvation &as to receive the
gi"t o" the :oly Ghost by the sign o" spea#ing o%t in other tong%es. /t
&as here $y "aith and desire "or salvation &avered.
/ &as invited to co$e on 5ednesday nights to tarry "or the
gi"t o" the :oly Ghost. +arrying $eans to &ait. ;o% pray on the altar
or in a prayer roo$ calling on the na$e o"
Jes%s. ;o% $editate on hi$ and hi$ alone envisioning hi$ hanging
on the cross bleeding dying "or yo%. As yo% call on the na$e o" the
0ord God ta#es control o" yo%r tong%e and yo% spea# o%t in other
tong%es as the spirit o" God gives %tterance. +hese tong%es are the
initial sign that yo% have received the :oly Ghost in the sa$e &ay
that the apostles "irst received the :oly Spirit in the second chapter o"
Acts and the Gentiles in the tenth chapter o" Acts. +his :oly Ghost
or :oly Spirit gives yo% po&er to live a li"e acceptable and pleasing
to God. /t can trans"or$ yo% as yo% live yo%r li"e yielding to God.
Altho%gh at "irst / had not $ade a co$$it$ent to receive the
:oly Ghost God grad%ally began to change $y o%tloo# on the idea.
+he 0ord began to open %p spirit%al and nat%ral blessings "or $e.
+he *aptis$ in Jes%s !a$e had given $e an %n%s%al thirst "or prayer
and *ible reading. /t &as thro%gh this that / co$$%nicated &ith God
and God &ith $e. / had very little #no&ledge o" script%re %p %ntil
this point and altho%gh / had been diligently see#ing tr%th all other
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
religions / had previo%sly enco%ntered had not honestly delved into
script%re. / co%ld hardly believe ho& God &as g%iding $e thro%gh
script%res. / &o%ld as# God a I%estion sh%t $y eyes open the *ible
let $y hand "all to a page and read. God &o%ld ans&er the I%estion.
/t beca$e li#e a $agical ga$e to $e. 0ight see$ to co$e o%t o" the
*ibleH &hereas be"ore / &o%ld I%ic#ly get bored &ith it and leave it
sh%t "or a year or so. As "or $y I%estion on the :oly Ghost
God contin%o%sly led $e to the boo# o" Acts. +he boo# o" Acts in
the *ible reveals the history o" the early ch%rch. /t &as then /
realiCed that the ch%rch / no& attended &as the closest thing / had
ever e<perienced to the original doctrine o" the early ch%rch.
My nat%ral blessings opened %p to $e &ithin a "e& &ee#s
a"ter $y initial invitation to ch%rch. Mirac%lo%sly God had helped
$e to "ind a ho%se in &al#ing distance o" the ch%rch &hich / &as to
share co$$%nally &ith "o%r other people. My da%ghter &as able to
co$e ho$e to $e "or / had no& received a s%bsidiCed slot "or "a$ily
day care / had co$pleted $y co%rses and passed the$ "or that school
year and on top o" that received a s%$$er >ob that &o%ld help $e "or
$oney / needed to ret%rn to college in the "all.
Abo%t t&o $onths a"ter $y baptis$ / very cas%ally had
called %p $y sister 0ynn in *roo#lyn !.;. /t &as a +h%rsday night
and she e<plained to $e that she co%ld not tal# long beca%se she had
to go to ch%rch. / &as s%rprised. !either one o" %s &o%ld ever go to
ch%rch on a $id&ee# nightH &e &o%ld hardly ever go on a S%nday.
!o& she &as going to ch%rch and so &as /. As / I%estioned her
"%rther / discovered that she had been baptiCed t&o $onths earlier
than / had in April in the sa$e $anner as /. !either one o" %s
planned to tell the other beca%se &e "eared &hat #ind o" reaction &e
&o%ld get "ro$ one another. 5e had a strong in"l%ence on each other
and co%ld pers%ade o%rselves to do >%st abo%t anything incl%ding
giving %p on o%r search "or God. 5e &ere so happy that &e did not
have to hide o%r ne&"o%nd "aith "ro$ each other. 1%r hearts re>oiced
She &as on s%$$er vacation "ro$ high school so / invited
her %p to *oston to tarry &ith $e "or the gi"t o" the :oly Ghost and
so / ca$e to visit her ch%rch in *roo#lyn that &ee#end. +he $essage
that S%nday scared $e so $%ch. :er pastor &as *ishop :%ey 'ogers
and he preached li#e a &ild $an that S%nday abo%t the 0ord soon to
co$e and the signs o" the ti$es. :e preached "ro$ the boo# o"
2aniel. / said to $ysel" J+his is st%pid. +here is no &ay he can
#no& &hen the 0ord is to ret%rn b%t then again he did say no one
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
#no&s. :e co%ld co$e bac# to$orro& and / #no& /=$ not ready to
$eet :i$K.
/ +hessalonians .A1- D18 e<plains that those in Christ shall be
ca%ght %p to $eet the 0ord in the air. +his &as the calling and
election that / &anted to $a#e s%re / had. / &anted to $a#e s%re / &as
rapt%re ready.
+o&ards the $iddle o" his $essage her pastor bec#oned to all
those &ho had been baptiCed and no& &ished to receive the Gi"t o"
the :oly Ghost to go %p to the %pper roo$. My sister and /
i$$ediately "ollo&ed the tarry &or#ers. +he %pper roo$ &as on the
top "loor above the sanct%ary. /t &as a prayer roo$ &ith
appro<i$ately t&entyD"ive so%ls see#ing the :oly Ghost calling on
Jes%s or sho%ting Allel%ia than# yo% Jes%sE / don=t re$e$ber the
length o" ti$e &e &ere there an ho%r $aybe $ore. 5e &ere on o%r
#nees praying and every ti$e / loo#ed %p to loo# aro%nd "e&er and
"e&er people &ere there calling on the 0ord.
/ had "reedo$ to $ove aro%nd the roo$ or change $y
position and / re$e$ber near the end getting &ith so$e older saved
&o$en Ftarry &or#ersG abo%t in their late "orties. +he "o%r &o$en
$ade a circle aro%nd $e holding hands. 1ne o" the$ loo#ed at $e
straight into $y eyes and said serio%sly J/ &ant yo% to call on Jes%s
as i" yo%r li"e depended %pon it.K
/t &as then that so$ething clic#ed in $y $ind. My
everlasting li"e did depend on it. / a$ lost &itho%t :i$H / a$
da$ned / reasoned. 5ith all earnestness / began to call on Jes%s
over and over again. / called &ith desperation "orgetting all else
e<cept J0ord please save $eEK / reached %p&ard as i" / &ere
dro&ning and as / closed $y eyes / sa& $ysel" sin#ing and a hand
reaching do&n to save $e.
S%ddenly the circle bro#e hands and / "ell over on the
carpeted "loor. / began to sing "l%ently in a lang%age &hich so%nded
to $e li#e :ebre&. /t "elt so &onder"%l. / rolled on the "loor and got
%p and danced aro%nd the prayer roo$. !ever had / "elt anything so
ecstatic be"ore. My tong%e contin%ed to praise God "l%ently in a
lang%age / had no %nderstanding o". My spirit had >oined &ith God
A"ter the tong%es ceased / "elt a peace and >oy that &as so
indescribableH it see$ed / &o%ld b%rst. /t see$ed as i" $y body &as
"loating as it &al#ed. +he &o$an &ho told $e to call on Jes%s as i"
$y li"e depended on it no& as#ed $e J2o yo% #no& &hat happened
to yo%BK
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ declared &ith >oy b%bbling over J/ have received the :oly
Ghost and a greater %nderstanding o" the *ibleK.
:er s$ile bea$ed and $y s$ile bea$ed.
1n $y &ay ho$e / &anted to r%n %p to a roo"top and sho%t
JJes%s savesEK yet / #ne& the &orld &o%ld only see this as being
craCy. / &al#ed to the s%b&ay constraining $y >oy. My sister &as
&ith $e all the ti$e. She &al#ed &ith $e sadly beca%se she had not
received the gi"t o" the :oly Ghost that day. :er &orry and dis$ay
&ere "or na%ght ho&ever "or she received the gi"t o" the :oly Ghost
on Septe$ber 1
si<teen days laterH &hen she visited $y ch%rch in
+he years have rolled by and /=$ still saved "illed &ith the
:oly Ghost. / have never had a serio%s interest to &rite poetry be"ore
salvation b%t ever since / received the :oly Ghost God has inspired
$e thro%gh so $any di""erent e<periences in the &riting o" this boo#
o" poetry. ;es the years have rolled by and / still have that >oy deep
do&n in $y so%l. / do not regret $y choice to live the apostolic &ay
and /=ll al&ays re$e$ber the day &hen the 0ord saved $e.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Part 1
The Family In Profile
"ear #randma
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
$Sent to $y grand$other 0illian Gertr%de 'attary *rang$an the
&inter o" =72 be"ore $y salvationG
2ear Grand$a
So$eho& / co%ld never tell yo% that / love yo% b%t tr%ly / do.
Maybe beca%se &henever / as a child &anted to #iss yo%
i$p%lsively it &o%ld rep%lse yo%. ;o% &o%ld thin# / &anted
so$ething o%t o" yo% s%ch as a di$e "or candy or s%ch li#e.
/t &o%ld al&ays h%rt $e that yo% never see$ed to tr%st $eH
tho%gh / can %nderstand that the hard li"e yo%=ve led has $ade yo%
s#eptical to&ards everyone and everything. / al&ays "elt at that ti$e
yo% had to tr%st the ones yo% loved &ith $ostly everything other&ise
the love &asn=t real.
/ re$e$ber ho& /=d beg Mo$$y to ta#e $e to yo%r ho%se. /
lived there $ore than hal" o" $y childhood. ;o% %sed to love to ba#e
coo#ies and / %sed to love to eat the$.
/ re$e$ber once yo% le"t $e alone in the ho%se one evening.
+hin#ing yo% &o%ldn=t catch $e / &ent o%tside to sit on the steps in
"ront o" the ho%se &ith $y pa>a$as on. 5hen / sa& yo% co$ing
"ro$ a"ar / dashed %pstairs and >%$ped into bed. ;o% said nothing
abo%t the &hole thing %ntil the ne<t $orning. +hen yo% only yelled
at $e b%t / &as overDsensitive and "elt very $%ch asha$ed.
;es yo% had a #nac# at yelling and co$plaining. ;o% al&ays
scared $e &hen yo% &ere angry &ith $e. ;o%r voice beca$e shrill
yo%r eyes &o%ld close and yo%=d hit blindly &ith the clothes that
&o%ld happen to be in yo%r hands. /=d nearly al&ays got hit &ith the
Cipper or b%tton part o" the$. / created all #inds o" little proble$s
&hen / &as seven. / o"ten bro#e dishes too# spices and $i<ed
strange concoctions in &ater F"or $y dolls o" co%rseG and $ess %p the
#itchen or so$ething o" the li#e. +hese things &o%ld >%st boil yo%
%p. ;o% al&ays &anted the ho%se spic and span.
;o% &o%ld "%ss over $e &hich is so$ething / still can=t
stand. 5hen / &as in high school &e &o%ld arg%e in the $orning
be"ore /=d go to school. ;o%=d co$plain that / co%ld not ta#e care o"
$y hairH / &as so sloppy that / loo#ed >%st li#e Meth%selah Fthe
oldest living person in the *ibleG or other %pli"ting co$$ents. / &as
into $y a"roDhippy loo# and &o%ld r%dely snap bac# at yo%. 5e=d
arg%e a good part o" the $orning %ntil "inally /=d r%sh o"" to school in
a h%"". 5e &o%ld al&ays arg%e in the $orning and then la%gh &ith
each other at dinnerti$e. At least &e ended the day right.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ loved to hear yo% tal# abo%t the good old days bac# in
*er$%da. ;o%=d have a story to tell abo%t everyone &ho &as a l%sh
&ho &as respectable or &ho had the nervo%s brea#do&n. ;o% &ere
right in the grapevine. Mada$ nosy body yo% &ere and al&ays &ill
be. /t al&ays a$%sed $e the &ay other people=s b%siness e<cited
yo% yo%r hands &aving in the air or holding yo%r head as yo% spo#e.
+hat=s &hat $a#es yo% so loveable.
;o%=re a go getting= Grand$aE
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
%y Father &as %ine
Peter 2ionys%s Schehr
FA testi$ony &ritten in $onolog%e "or$ in honor o" Father=s day
Step"atherE !oE My "ather &as $ine. FPa%seG :o& / loved hi$.
Mo$ 2ad 0ynn and / &e=d go o%t to the beach or picnic on
S%ndays. 5e=d al&ays had to have so$e&here to go on S%ndays
e<pensive resta%rants li#e in Chinato&n or $idto&n Manhattan and
$%se%$s. :e al&ays loved to spend lots o" $oney on %s and
S%ndays &ere the days. :e=d even coo# in the $orning be"ore &e=d
go o%t. Crepe s%Cettes antipastos and all that go%r$et st%"". ;es
happiness in li"e &as the good things in li"e. :e ta%ght $e $any
things. :e loved to lect%re abo%t history and philosophy Fi$itating
"ather=s pro"essor li#e airG J5hat is 0i"eBK FCh%c#lesG +hat &as his
&ay abo%t hi$. Any I%estions / had / co%ld al&ays r%n to 2ad "or
the ans&ers. :e=d try to ans&er the$ the best he co%ld. F0oo#s over
to the pianoG / re$e$ber the evenings &hen the "a$ily &o%ld sing
together. Mo$ &o%ld be on the piano. 0ynn and / &o%ld get so$e
pots and pans and 2addy &o%ld sing. Mo$ and 2ad &o%ld $a#e %p
their o&n songs and &e &o%ld also re&ord "ol# songs to "it &hat &e
"elt. 1ne o" the songs &as J+he 'oc# Mo%nt Candy *l%esK. / don=t
re$e$ber the original &ords to the song b%t &e changed the lyrics
"or the "a$ily.
*oredo$ boredo$ boredo$ is the death o" $e.
*oredo$ boredo$ boredo$ is the death o" $e.
1thers li#e to sho%t.
1thers li#e to sing.
/=ve got $oneyH /=ve got candy yet can=t stand a thing
/ got the 'oc# Mo%nt Candy *l%es.
/ got the 'oc# Mo%nt Candy *l%es.
*oredo$ boredo$ boredo$ is the death o" $e.
*oredo$ boredo$ boredo$ is the death o" $e.
/ eat candy bars.
/ eat candy stars.
;et so$ething=s $issing so$ething=s lost that God >%st see$s so "ar.
/ got the 'oc# Mo%nt Candy *l%es.
/ got the 'oc# Mo%nt Candy *l%es.
;es / loved $y 2ad. +here &ere ti$es / &anted to be >%st li#e hi$. /
declared $ysel" a Je& beca%se he &as a Je&. 5hen he said J+here is no
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
GodK at that ti$e / believed there &as no God. Altho%gh others gossiped it
$ade no di""erence to $e that he &as &hite and / &as blac#. My "ather &as
$ine. :e loved $e. :e reared $eA %ntil the devil too# charge o" his li"e.
5hen / &as abo%t t&elve his te$pera$ent began to changeDit got &orse. :e
terri"ied %s. :e &o%ld co$e ho$e "ro$ &or# and Mo$ &o%ld get beatings
"or trivial little things. 5e co%ldn=t %nderstand &hy he=d "lair %p so easily
b%t &e &ere relieved i" and &hen he didn=t co$e ho$e "or the night. / really
$issed those ti$es &hen &e co%ld have "%n altogether Mo$ 2ad 0ynn and
/. FPa%seG A year later &e split %p. 2ad &ent his &ay to live in the )illage in
Manhattan and &e stayed &ith Grand$a in *roo#lyn. :e al&ays hated the
idea o" %s splitting and believed &e=d be a "a$ily once again so$eday. /t
&as at this ti$e he beca$e so depressed. :e began to ta#e dr%gsH speed he
said it &as and he see$ed so con"%sed. F/$itating his $adnessG J5here is
GodB A$ / GodB FPonders as i" searching &ithin sel"G ;esE / a$ GodE
FSho%ts as i" to the $assesGK / a$ Jes%sEK he declared in the streets o"
*roo#lyn. :e tr%ly convinced hi$sel" that he &as Jes%s FPa%seG. 5ell he
&as co$$itted to the $ental &ard o" Pilgri$ State :ospital and &hen he
ca$e o%t things >%st never &ere the sa$e. 1nce he got o%t / &anted to visit
hi$ b%t / >%st co%ldn=t sha#e $y "ears o" hi$. ;ears rolled by and / began
to "eel an %rgency to go see hi$. / had a repeated drea$ o" hi$ dying alone
in bed gasping "or air and / heard a voice &ithin $y $ind tell $e $ore than
once J;o% $%st go see hi$ JoAnn be"ore it=s too lateK. / re"%sed to obey
even tho%gh / believed it &as God telling $e to go. / did not &ant to "ace
death. / let $ysel" stay in denial that he &o%ld not die. / >%st didn=t #no&
ho& to deal &ith it. Abo%t ten $onths a"ter the third and last repetition o"
that drea$ $y "ather did die o" a heart attac# alone in bed. /t &as in the
year o" 197. and / did not #no& the 0ord at that ti$eH yet God had &anted to
prepare $e "or his deathH and yo% #no& / never again co%ld deny that God
&as real. God is real. Jes%s is real the essence o" li"e and i" 2ad &ere alive
today /=d tell hi$ that :e saved $y so%l.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
%' %OT(E)
0enore G&endolyn *rang$an Schehr
F5ritten "or her birthday 7@21@82G
As a child &hat has $y $other doneB
:er so%l has given "or her "a$ilyH
Served her "a$ily.
My $other has &or#ed hard to clothe %s and co$"ort %s.
She has s%ng l%llabies that l%lled %s to sleep.
She has played the l%llabies &ith her piano so grace"%lly and soothingly
She has $ade %s a part o" her &orld.
She helped %s.
She #ept %s.
She sheltered %s.
/n ti$es o" tro%ble she stood by.
She listened to %s &hen &e tal#ed la%ghed or cried.
She &as a con"idant
5e &ere "ree and content to be &hat &e &anted to be
/n the privacy o" o%rselves.
:er tender loving care and sel"Dsacri"ice &as the root to $y beginnings.
5hat &as $y $otherB
She &as a "%n $a#er in $%sic.
5e sang and ate together.
F/ re$e$ber o%r potato chips and pretCelsG
She &as h%$ble $ee# and #ind.
She &as a co$"orter
1ne &ho has co$"orted $e in ti$es o" pain and stress.
She &as an organiCer a secretary.
She &as a servant
And $y teacher o" &o$anhood.
My $other &as patient and bea%ti"%l.
:er longs%""ering end%red as the rose in a s%$$er rainstor$.
My $other &as a $other.
She is $y e<a$ple that / can loo# bac# %pon
My $other &ho has ta%ght $e the actions o" 01)3.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
TO SISTE) *AS(TI %A%A&A( %ASSA+,OI %' "A,#(TE)
M; S533+/3
She is $y s&eetie beca%se / love $y precio%s little :oly Ghost "illed girl.
/ 01)3 ;1,
And no& that yo%=re saved
5e can go deeper in Christ together.
As Mother and child "ighting the good "ight o" "aith
5e are &aiting "or the co$ing o" the 0ord.
Praying together
St%dying together
0earning $ore and $ore
Sharing together
Gro&ing together
,nderstanding $ore and $ore
'eaching the $o%ntain tops in >oy
5al#ing thr% the valley in sorro&
5e are learning to tr%st Christ together
And together &e can $a#e it thro%gh :i$.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
-E &(AT #O" "ESI)ES
F"edicated to my ne.hew %inister Toure /amal PaytonG
*e &hat God desires.
2on=t &orry
God &ill %se yo%.
2on=t "ret
J%st contin%e in the &ord.
*e "illed &ith :is Spirit
And the anointing o" God.
Stay prayed %pE
0et go and let God
2o &hatever :e &ills
/n yo%r li"e.
/ &ant yo% to be
5hat yo%=re $eant to be
S1 ;1, CA! S:/!3E
*y the Grace o" God
And the Po&er o" the :oly GhostA
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
In memory of "olores %cClemmons
5hat shall / sayB
She &as a "riend.
5hat do / #no&B
She has shared her &isdo$.
5hat do / re$e$berB
:er s&eet love and co$"ort
/n $y ti$e o" need.
5hat do / prayB
+hat / can be a so%rce o" strength to yo%nger &o$an in Christ as she &as to
5hat do / doB
Cherish the $e$ory o" her li"e
*y perpet%ating the love o" Christ.
Mother McCle$$onsH
Precio%s in the sight o" God is the death o" this saint.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
In %emory of a *ery S.ecial %other
%other )uth )ollins
Mother 'ollinsD
5as a s&eet Mother in Christ
/ sa& the love and &ar$th in her.
Mother 'ollinsD
5as a #ind Mother in Christ
/ sa& the giving and caring in her.
Mother 'ollinsD
5as a $ee# Mother in Christ
/ sa& the h%$bleness and obedience in her
And Mother 'ollinsD
5as a dear Mother in Christ
/ loved her dearly "or the childli#e Christ li#eness in her
3ven as an older &o$an o" God.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
;o% are a brother &ho sees the need in others and caresH
;o% are caring eno%gh to %pli"t o%r hearts &ith a s$ile
A &ord that sho&s yo% love %s.
Serving the 0ord by serving the saints
/n $ee#ness
And in
;o% are a brother &ho praises the 0ord &ith a "iery testi$ony
2ra&ing "ro$ the &ells o" salvation
(eeping :is ho%se Fthe Ch%rchG
;o%r ho%se Fyo%rsel"G
/n sacri"ice to the 0ord.
*eing yo%rsel" L
'eal and :oly L
;o% are letting yo%r light so shineH
/n love
/n peace
/n gentleness
/n Jes%s
Pray al&ays $y brother L P'A; 1!E
TO0 -)OT(E) (O1%AN
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
&ritten to (im for (is -irthday
Septe$ber 20
Prayer"%l $an o" God
Praising in prayer
0aboring in prayer
0oving in prayer
;o% are con"iding in o%r 0ord and Savior.
;o%r s&eet odor o" prayer reaches to the throne o" God
So%nding and 'eso%nding.
Jes%s Christ is in yo% aro%nd yo% and by yo%
(eeping yo% g%iding yo% protecting yo% and loving yo%.
N%iet $an o" God
;o%r stillness seeping penetrating
/s cal$ly co$$%ning &ith the Spirit o" God
'e"lecting $editating yo% are thin#ing in tho%ght
Minding yo% o&n b%siness and cherishing the 0ord.
A I%iet >oy
A I%iet peace
A I%iet love "or God
/s never clattering b%t ever present
2eep do&n in yo%r so%l.
Strong and constant $an o" God
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
;o% are ta#ing a stand.
*eing a $an &ith no nonsense
Girded &ith tr%th
And &illing to s%""er
5illing to pay the price
;o% re$e$ber the hope &hich is set be"ore %s
And yo% ta#e the pain.
My so%l is strengthened by yo%r so%l
And yo%r prayers revive $y heart.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
&E A)E C(I1")EN OF T(E 2IN#
5e are :is childrenH yes &e areE
5e have been >oined into his holy holy priesthood.
5e are :is chosenH yes &e areE
5e have a &or# and a very special p%rpose.
5e are :is cherished onesH yes &e areE
:e paid the price &hen he shed :is blood "or %s.
5e are Christ=s children
And :e is o%r Father
And that=s &hy &e love :i$
5e love :i$ so.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Our &edding "ay
The ,nion of Oluseyi Clement Fashina and /oAnn Tracey Schehr
+his is the dayH
My day
My &edding dayH
+he day &hen the t&o o" %s beco$e oneH
+he day &hen God &ill ans&er
1%t prayers that &e prayedH
/n the &ee
:o%rs o" the night.
+hat &e cried o%t "or
/n the dar#
:o%rs o" o%r lives.
+his is o%r dayA
+he day &here &e no& cry
+ears o" >oy.
+he day &here &e realiCe
/n a stronger &ay
God=s 0ove
And :is provisions.
+his is o%r dayH
A day &here &e &ill #no&
3ach otherH
And cherish every $o$ent.
5e &ill $a#e love
Feel loved
*e as love.
To The One I 1o3e
A -irthday Poem for my hus4and Oluseyi Clement Fashina
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+o My dear :%bbie
/ love yo% $y belovedH
And as ti$e goes on / love yo% $ore and $ore.
:ere yo% are laying by $y sideH asleep.
;o%r s#in is so deep dar# and chocolaty bro&n
/t=s as s$ooth to the to%ch as the "inest sil#.
;o%r nose "ir$ and &ide
;o%r lips thic# and "ir$
;o%r ar$s are as slee# and as strong as a stallion.
My beloved &a#e hi$ notH
:e is resting &ith $e.
/ belong to hi$ and he belongs to $e.
/ belong to hi$ asA
Sister in Christ
Mother in n%rt%ring
And "riend in con"idence.
:e belongs to $e as
Prayer partner
A co$"orter to lean on
A co%nselor
And g%ide.
/ love hi$ and he loves $e.
Co$e $y love
:old $e in yo%r ar$s
Caress $e
And lay yo%r head bet&een $y breasts.
5e are one.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ than# God "or yo%r s$ileH
5hen yo% s$ile / #no& that everything is gonna be all right.
;o%r s$ile re"reshes $e L revives $e.
/ can "eel >oy &hen / loo# into yo%r eyes
And / can "eel love.
;es love that is &hat $a#es $e "eel >oy"%l.
/ "eel
the &ells
o" salvationH
:10; G:1S+ 01)3
And "ro$ that love to%ching $e thro%gh yo%
/ s
the lightE
/ "
the "ireE
And / than# God "or a "riend in yo%.
01)3 ;AE
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
'ou Are A -eautifully Sa3ed Person
Giving loving sharing &itho%t loo#ing "or anything in ret%rn
Storing %p treas%res in heaven
God=s chosen vessel
;o% are a bea%ti"%l sister to behold.
S&eet and h%$ble
/ can see Jes%s clearly in yo%.
(ind and gentle
/ can pray Jes%s abide in yo% al&ays
As :e is even no&.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
(eep pressing on belovedH
(eep pressing onE
(eep striving high &e $%st
(eep striving :ighE
(eep loving God &e need toM.
(eep loving GodE
Ma#e a >oy"%l noise %nto the 0ordE
Ma#e a >oy"%l noise %nto the (ingE
Praise :i$E Praise :i$E
!ever stop praising :i$E
2esire :i$E 2esire :i$E
!ever stop &anting :i$E
Jes%s is too endless too o$nipotent
+hat &e sho%ld ever stopH
0oving :i$E Praising :i$E
Giving :i$ the glory in o%r lives.
Presiding chie" Apostle o" the Ch%rch o" 1%r 0ord and Savior Jes%s Christ o"
the Apostolic Faith 9@-@82
/ see yo% as a $an
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5ith the longs%""ering o" a prophet
And as a lover o"
$en=s so%ls.
;o% are tr%e
And brilliant.
;o%r love so consistently deep
So$eti$es etherealH
!ot o" this &orld.
;et h%$an as a "ather being li"ted %p by God.
Jes%s Christ e$beds the very "iber o" yo%r li"e.
S30F03SS!3SS /S
+:'1,G: ;1,H
+1 +:3
P31P03 1F G12H
Giving So F%ll So F%ll
+hat God gives yo% $ore to give.
/ love ;o%
God=s /n ;o%
And / (no&
;o% 0ove Me
FPastor o" the Mission Ch%rch o" 1%r 0ord Jes%s Christ o" the Apostolic
Faith /nc. So$erville MA .@-@8-G
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+:3 MA! 1F G12 / 01)3 A!2 A2M/'3
;o% are $y leader being led by o%r 0ord and (ing Jes%s Christ.
0oving yo%r "loc# &holeheartedly
crying lo%d and sparing not
yo% give yo%rsel" to %s.
;o% are o%r "ather
in #indness
h%$ility and loveH
5ho seiCes the victory and c%ts do&n the seeds o" sin.
;o% are a general
"ighting and
loving to "ight
the po&ers o" dar#ness.
0oving the 0ord and living "or :i$
;o% are daily daily pressing to&ards the $ar#M.
*earing the b%rden and "orsa#ing sin
;1, A'3 G12=S C:1S3! L A MA! 1F /!+3G'/+;.
First 0ady o" the Mission Ch%rch o" 1%r 0ord Jes%s Christ o" the
Apostolic Faith /nc. /n
So$erville MA F5ritten 4@7@8- "or Mother=s 2ayG
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
A 51MA! 5/+: A M1+:3'=S 01)3 F1' S1,0S
So"tness li#e a dove
S&eetness li#e a dar# red cherry
,nderstanding as a &ise one o" God
digging deep into the
$eas%reless &ays o" God
;o% are a lady loving so%ls
and a Mother o" $%ch "r%it.
God=s 5isdo$ /s
Serving God
(eeping So%ls
+hro%gh ;o%
And as yo%=re to%ching God by yo%rsel"
and &ith yo%rsel"D
;o%=re reaching
reaching to&ards per"ection.
Jes%s Christ has bro%ght yo% thro%gh
And Jes%s Christ abides &ith yo%.
Jes%s Christ has bro%ght yo% o%t
And he has also le"t yo% no do%bt
+hat yo% &ill see :is "ace one day.
For$er Missionary President o" the Mission Ch%rch o" 1%r 0ord Jes%s
Christ o" the Apostolic Faith /nc. So$erville MA F1@29@8-G
/t is $ore blessed to give than to receiveH
and yo% have learned the blessing o" givingH
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
giving thysel"H
loving others as thysel".
;o% are laboring and s%pporting the $an o" God.
As a bac#bone yo% s%""er "or the 0ord.
;o% bleed inside so$eti$es.
;o%r tears are so so precio%sH
G12 (!15S
And thro%gh Christ &e can do all things.
/ 01)3 ;1,
M; S/S+3'.
Priceless >e&el Priceless
;o% have been bo%ght &ith the blood o"
5onder"%l 5ondro%s
A &o$an o" God D F&ith "railtiesG
God has $olded yo% L
/s $olding yo%.
/ 01)3 ;1,
M; S/S+3'
And beca%se o" yo%r &o$anhood
And devotion to Christ
/ :1!1' ;1,
M; S/S+3'H
*eca%se honor is d%e %nto yo%.
:102 1!E :102 1!E
:102 1!E :102
53 S:A00 MA(3 /+ +1 +:3 P'1M/S32 0A!2 MM.
Missionary President Mother Clarissa *ro&n o" the Mission Ch%rch o" 1%r
0ord Jes%s Christ o" the Apostolic Faith /nc. F8@-@09G
;o% are ready and &illing to $a#e the sacri"ices "or God=s %se
And al&ays loo#ing "or a better &ay to serve.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
;o% are a laborer in God=s vineyard &ho %pli"ts the ch%rch
&ith "asting prayers and praises.
As yo% see &hat needs to be done
;o% are not too pro%d to help to $a#e the ho%se o" God
a clean and sancti"ied
;o% see# o%t &ays to please the 0ord and s%pport the $inistry by
enco%raging so%ls to be saved.
As yo% teach o%r girls and prepare the$ to be $issionaries
;o% are a living e<a$ple &hich others can e$%late.
;o% are a $issionary standing on a s%re "o%ndation
a $other n%rt%ring and strengthening
a grand$other passing on a legacy o" love
a sister "ir$ly g%iding and caring
a child o" God loo#ing %p to o%r heavenly Father.
;es yo% are a $issionary standing on a s%re "o%ndation Jes%s Christ 1%r
As yo% Serve :i$ and 1bey :i$
God &ill ever increase yo%r &orth in the (ingdo$ o" :eaven.
;e are precio%s in the sight o" the 0ord.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
;e are the priceless >e&el $ore precio%s than
or dia$onds.
;o%r bea%ty is the inner bea%ty o" h%$ility
and s%b$issiveness.
/t is inner bea%ty e$anating o%t
&hich cannot be reached by the po&ers o" dar#ness.
;o% are being $olded and shaped by the po&er o" God.
;o% have :oly Ghost loveliness
And :oly Ghost love
:oly Ghost holiness
/n yo%
Go deeper in the 0ord.
*e not a"raid.
;o% have already been bo%ght by the precio%s blood o" the 0a$b.
Go higher in the 0ord.
*e not a"raid.
+r%st in the 0ordH :is ar$s are opened &ide.
G1 +1E G1 +:'1,G:E
A -)OT(E) PAC2E" F,11 OF (O1' #(OST

Soldier soldier
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
A brother &ith Ceal
A &arrior "or Christ &ho is &orth a great deal
Strong$an strong$an
5ho has labored his part
+o #eep the po&er o" God in his heart.
Servant servant
5ith no g%ile or stri"e
;o% have sho&n that yo% love God by living the li"e.
*rother $an brother $an
For the 0ord yo% testi"y.
As yo% give God the glory it is Satan yo% de"y.
/=$ glad that yo%=re yo%
And not so$eone else.
/ thin# that it=s nice
For the 0ord has paid the price.
5e=re "ree &e=re "ree &e=re "ree so "reeD
For the 0ord set %s "ree
5hen he died on Calvary.
So soldier soldier
Jes%s needs yo% today
Contin%e to labor and to stay in this &ay.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
A )OC2 STEA"' 1A"'
+o a roc# steady lady
Steady leaning on the roc# o" o%r salvation
+o a soldieress o" a lady
Steady "ighting to #eep the God o" yo%r salvationH
+o a s%nshiny lady
Steady $a#ing Jes%s the >oy o" yo%r salvationH
;o% are a &o$an o" God / loo# %pon to be steadyA
Praising the 0ord
Pleasing the 0ord
And %sing the po&er o" God
/n yo%r li"e.
Dby the &ill o" God.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Dby the po&er o" God.
Dby the 0ord Jes%s Christ.
D&itho%t do%bt or ceasing.
;1, A'3 1! +:3 M1,!+A/! +1PE
(eep serving GodE
Deven &hen it h%rts.
And see God &rap yo% &rap yo% &ith :is love.
(eep pressing onE
Deven &hen it h%rts
And see God po%r :is blessings all %pon yo%.
(eep loo#ing %pE
Din yo%r dar#est ho%r
And see God see Christ
Sitting on then throne.
(eep holding onE
Din yo%r &ea#est $o$ent
And &ait on the 0ord God to pic# yo% %p again.
(eep believing GodE
Deven "or the pro$ise
For :e &ill one day catch %s %p to Glory.
(33P S3')/!G G12E
5e=re pressing on to a heavenly ho$e
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
A heavenly ho$e &here the 0a$b o" God is sitting on the throne
5here the crystal clear river proceeds o%t o" the throne o" God
And +he 0a$b +he 0a$b Jes%s Christ.
+hat &onder"%l $ighty co%nselor
1""ering the &ater o" li"e
5hosoever &ill let hi$ co$e. F'evelation 22A17G
5e=re pressing onH this is not o%r ho$e.
5e are in the &orld yet not o" the &orld.
5e are the children o" Christ $arching to o%r heavenly ho$e
+o a ne& heaven and a ne& earth.
+he "irst earth &ill pass a&ay and the !e& Jer%sale$ &ill abo%nd.
F'evelation 21A1G
+here &ill be no $ore tears
!o $ore sorro&
!o $ore pain
!o $ore death. F'evelation 21A.G
1%r goal is &ell &orth &aiting "or even thro%gh this li"e.
1%r goal is &ell &orth &aiting "or even %nto death.
1%r goal is &ell &orth &aiting "or.
"edicated to the men of #od who .reach the &ord
5ritten at the J%ly 2008 Convocation C110JC
/t is tr%ly &onder"%l &hat the 0ord has done.
3ach $an here today has been cleansed "ro$ a &orld o" sin
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Saved by the po&er o" the :oly Ghost
And trans"or$ed to be a priest a
+hey $%st cry lo%d and spare not.
+hey $%st o%treach %nto the ends o" the earth
+o spread the gospel o" Jes%s Christ.
+hey $%st bring do&n the strongholds that are %pon the saints o"
'eprove and 'eb%#e
+ear do&n
0i"t %p
*e a Shepherd and a g%ide to the people o" God.
+hey are in the "ront lines "ighting the po&ers o" dar#nessH
5ith so%ls in the pal$s o" their hands
3ntr%sting the$ to lead the$ to the Pro$ised 0and.

Satan=s &rath increases &ith every so%l they gain "or the #ingdo$ o"
As God=s angels increasingly re>oice "or every so%l that has a $ind to
be saved
And obedient to the &ord thro%gh the$.
And in the endM
A cro&n o" re>oicing
A cro&n o" glory
5ill be besto&ed to these &ho are laboring in God=s vineyard.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
A "E*OTE" "A,#(TE) TO T(E 2IN#
She has a love that stands strong
Serving the 0ord
Pleasing the 0ord
And praising the 0ord.
She is a da%ghter consecrated to God
Praying &itho%t ceasing
Striving to be &hat God &o%ld have her to be.
:%$ble 1bedient
She is a &o$an in s%b>ectionH
Jes%s Christ being the apple o" her eye.
She is a royal "ollo&er o" the (ing o" #ings
+o spea# Jes%s
+o &al# Jes%s
+o thin# Jes%s
+o love Jes%s
/n deeds.
Jes%s is the so%rce "ro$ &hich
:er li"e@1%r lives
M%st "lo&.
/ES,S C()IST O,) 1O)" AN" 2IN#
Jes%s Christ Jes%s Christ
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
1%r 0ord 1%r 0ord
+o &hich &e sing &e sing
For his glory and praise
5e sing &e sing
/n these last and evil days.
5e sing praise to :i$
1%r 0ord 1%r 0ord
+he *right and Morning Star.
For he hears o%r cries
1%r cries o" prayer
!o $atter &here &e are.
1%r 0ord 1%r 0ord
/s a "aith"%l (ing.
:e is "aith"%l
1h so "aith"%l
+o love %s and to #eep %s.
:e is "aith"%l
1h so "aith"%l
+o &atch %s and to shield %s.
:e is holy.
:e is holy.
God is holy holy holy.
5hat a loving God &e serve.
:e is $ighty
1h so $ighty.
God is $ighty $ighty $ighty.
5hat a God o" gods &e serve.
Jes%s Christ Jes%s Christ
1%r 0ord 1%r (ing
Jes%s Christ is 1%r 0ord and (ing.

&E %,ST 1I*E T(E SON#S &E SIN#
"edicated to Sister %elanie )amsey
5e $%st live the songs &e sing
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
For in this &e &ill #no& &hat &e sing abo%t.
5e $%st live the songs &e sing
For it=s then the anointing "alls on %s.
5e $%st live the songs &e sing
For a testi$ony to those that are lost.
5e $%st live the songs &e sing
+o li"t praises to o%r (ing.
5e &illA
+han# :i$
Praise :i$
Adore :i$
/$plore :i$
5e &ill &orship Christ o%r (ing
As &e live the songs &e sing.
TO0 %OT(E) *E)ONICA AN" E1"E) &I11IA% S%IT(
+he bride has $ade hersel" ready.
Ma>estic and in &hite
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
)irt%o%s and bright
+he bride is ready "or hi$.
+he bridegroo$ a&aits the bride.
:appy to $eet her
:e re>oices to see herH
And as Christ doth love the Ch%rch
+he bridegroo$ $%st love the bride.
Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father,
and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall
be one fesh.(Ge. 2:24
+hey t&o shall be one "lesh.
+hey t&o a $arriage in Christ shall inter&eave their lives.
+hey t&o a $arriage in Christ shall end%re li"e=s hard trials.
+hey t&o a $arriage in Christ shall serve each other.
+hey t&o a $arriage in Christ $%st love one another.
+hey t&o a $arriage in Christ $%st stretch to learn the depth
+he breadth the depth the breadth the heightH o" God=s love.
/ES,S (E &EEPS &IT( ,S
"edicated to Sister %a4el Farris u.on the death of her hus4and
F/dea "ro$ John 11A--D-4
5hen Jes%s sa& Mary &ept
For the death o" her brother 0aCar%s
Jes%s &ept.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:e &eeps &ith %s.
1%r sorro&s he #no&s.
1%r pain :e %nderstands.
1%r grie" :e bears.
:e places o%r in"ir$ities %pon :i$sel"H
And :e=s there
Al&ays there to co$"ort %s.
As o%r e$pathiCer
Jes%s #no&s the pain o" re>ection and ab%se
And &hile &e &orship :i$
:e &ill li"t %s %p o%t o" despair
And heal o%r bro#en heartsE
5hile &e praise :i$
:e &ill give %s the strength to end%re
And grant %nto %s >oy %nspea#able.
5hile &e st%dy :is 5ord
:e gives %s co$"ort and &isdo$
+hat enters into o%r hearts.
5hile &e tr%st in :i$
+he $iracles o" God do %n"old
As he &ipes a&ay o%r tearsH
5hile &e con"ess o%r sins
:e "orgives %s.
+han# God Jes%s &eeps &ith %s.
-lessed Are They That %ourn
*lessed are they that $o%rn "or they shall be co$"orted.
+hat $o%rn +hat $o%rn
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
For they shall be co$"orted.
+hey shall #no& that &e love the$H care "or the$.
5e the children o" ChristH &e love yo%.
G12 /S 01)3. G12 /S 0/G:+.
5e the children o" lightH &e love yo%.
*lessed are they that $o%rn.
*lessed are the poor in spirit "or theirs is the #ingdo$ o" heavenH
Poor in spirit Poor in spirit
;et having the riches o" salvation.
+hat :10; G:1S+ "ire
*%rning &ithinE
+hat :10; G:1S+ light
*%rning &ithinE
+hat :10; G:1S+ love
*%rning &ithinE
5e the children o" God &e love.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
FSong &ritten "or g%itar 10@14@78G
:e never cared abo%t a thing
:is son his &i"e his li"e.
:is &orld &as &rapped %p in all sinH
:is &orld &as "%ll o" stri"e.
So he traveled hitchin= so%th to northH
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
0oo#in= "or a di""erent co%rse
A co%rse to give hi$ satis"action
Fro$ this tied do&n b%rdened &orld.
!o hangs %ps no oppression
!o hatred no depression
5here else co%ld / "ind peace o" $indB
;o% $%st be born again.
;o% $%st be born againH
*orn o" the &ater and born o" the spirit
*orn o" the &ater and born o" the spirit.
1nly the 0ord co%ld #no& his "ate.
5o%ld he ret%rn to ho$eB
1nly a $atter o" ti$e
5hen he &o%ld cease to roa$.
Jes%s called hi$ bac# to ho$eH
Made hi$ content not to roa$.
Chastised hi$ and baptiCed hi$ and
Filled hi$ &ith the :oly Ghost.
!o hangs %ps no oppression
!o hatred no depression.
5here else co%ld / "ind peace o" $indB
F'epeat Chor%sG
Jes%s is the #ey the bread o" li"e.
/ need the bread o" li"e.
Jes%s is the bright and $orning starH
+he &ord that ca$e in "lesh
+he &ord that ca$e in "lesh
+he 0ord the ChristE
+he &ord that ca$e in "lesh
+he 0ord the ChristE
F'epeat Chor%sG
F5ritten appro<i$ately 1980G
:o& s&eet it is.
:o& s&eet it is to be born againH
*aptiCed in the holy precio%s na$e o" Jes%s Christ
0iving to the Glory o" GodH
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
As the *ible says As the *ible says.
:o& s&eet it is to be born againH
+r%ly born o" the &ater and o" the spiritH
Spea#ing o%t in other tong%es
As the *ible says As the *ible says.
:o& s&eet it is.
:o& s&eet it is to be born again. F'epeat 2O or $oreG
2ying daily
Christ $%st reign in in o%r $ortal bodiesH
/n ne&ness o" li"e. F'epeat stanCa 2O or $oreG
:o& s&eet it is.
:o& s&eet it is to be serving GodH
5al#ing in the spirit "or the 0ord
Casting do&n o%r sin"%l tho%ghtsH
As the *ible says As the *ible says.
:o& s&eet it is.
:o& s&eet it is to be serving God.
5e have learned to love "or God is love.
5e are bold at the throne o" grace.
As the *ible says as the *ible says.
:o& s&eet it is.
:o& s&eet it is to be serving God FrepeatG
2ra& nigh to God.
5e have learned to love "or God is love.
/n Jes%s Christ. F'epeatG
&A2E %E ,P IN T(E %O)NIN#
5a#e $e %p in the $orning to see# thy "ace.
5a#e $e %p in the $orning to r%n this race.
5a#e $e %p in the $orning to %nderstand
5a#e $e %p in the $orning to #no&
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+hy &ay thy &ord thy tr%th thy tho%ghts oh 0ordE
5a#e $e %p in the $orning &ith >oy o" heart.
5a#e $e %p in the $orning &ith a brand ne& start.
5a#e $e %p in the $orning &ith the :oly Ghost.
5a#e $e %p &a#e $e %p &a#e $e %p oh 0ordE
5a#e $e %p in the $orning &ith peace o" $ind.
5a#e $e %p in the $orning &ith Christ 2ivine.
5a#e $e %p in the $orning &ith the love o" God.
5a#e $e %p in the $orning 0ordE
5a#e $e %p in the $orning.
5a#e $e %p.
I &ANT /ES,S AS %' 1O*E
/ &ant Jes%s as $y love
:e $%st be $y love.
My love g%ides $e
My love $olds $e
:e $%st be $y love.
My love loves $e beca%se / #no&
/ #no& :e died "or $e.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
My love loves $e beca%se / #no&
/ #no& :e cares "or $e.
/ &ant Jes%s as $y love
:e $%st be $y love.
:e $%st be $y love.
/ &ant Jes%s as $y love
+hat=s the $an "or $e.
:e is &isdo$.
:e is po&er.
+hat=s the $an "or $e.
+his $an Jes%s never "ails.
/ "ail :e never "ails.
+his $an Jes%s never "ails.
:e cannot &ill not "ail.
+his $an Jes%s never "ails
:e=s sinless never "ails.
/ &ant Jes%s as $y love.
:e $%st be $y love.
:e $%st be $y love.
/ &ant Jes%s as $y love.
:e=s been good to $e.
:e=s so $ee# and :e=s so #ind.
;es :e=s been good to $e.
Jes%s is $y $ighty Savior.
:e &atches over $e.
Jes%s is $y $ighty Savior.
:e listens to $y pleas.
Jes%s is $y $ighty Savior.
:e=s standing standing right by $e.
F3nd &ith chor%sG
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
-ECA,SE OF &(O 'O, A)E I A%
*eca%se o" &ho yo% are / live.
*eca%se o" &ho yo% are / die to sel".
*eca%se o" &ho yo% are / a$.
/ a$ a pec%liar so%l.
/ a$ a royal priesthood / a$.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ a$ yo%rs and yo% are $ine.
/ belong to yo%.
/ love yo%.
/ desire yo% to $old $e into yo%r i$age
/ &ant to be li#e yo% 1 0ordH
And altho%gh the devil "ights $e day and night
*eca%se o" &ho yo% are
My victory has already been &on.
*eca%se o" &ho yo% areA
+he 'ose o" Sharon
+he *right and Morning Star
+he (ing o" #ings and 0ord o" lords
1%r high priest and o%r i$$%table God &e #no&
+he 0ord Jes%s Christ.
*eca%se o" &ho yo% are
/ live / love and / a$ a Child o" God.

&(AT A% I T(AT I %I#(T -E %IN"F,1 OF T(EE9
5hat a$ / that / $ight be $ind"%l o" theeB
A so"t ball o" ra& cotton that ent&ines into threadB
A$ / *illo&y clo%ds dri"ting dri"ting closer to thee
;et too "ar "ro$ theeB
;et too "arB
/ have scaled the $o%ntaintops
1nly to "ind $ysel" right bac# do&n to &here / started "ro$
*%t / $%st strive to cli$b
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Can=t stop no&.
Jes%s Jes%s Jes%s Jes%s Jes%sE
0et $e be $ind"%l o" thee
Mind"%l o" thee $ind"%l o" thee.
5hat a$ / that / $ight be $ind"%l o" theeB
/ have "allen short
;et have / not "allen bac# to the &orld.
/ have not al&ays been close to thee
;et do / no& cherish theeH
Cherish thee.
/ have #no&n the &ays o" the &orld
;et do / no& despise the$ despise the$.
/ a$ not everything yo% &o%ld have $e to be
;et have / the hope o" ;o% and eternity.
Jes%s Jes%s Jes%s Jes%sE
0et $e be $ind"%l o" thee
Mind"%l o" thee $ind"%l o" thee.
God has not "orsa#en %s.
God has not "orsa#en %s.
God has never seen the righteo%s "orsa#en
!or :is seed begging "or bread.
God has not "orgotten
:as not "orgotten $e.
:e has not "orgotten
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:as not "orgotten $e.
:e has not le"t $e &itho%t a "riend.
:e has st%c# by $e %nto the end.
God has not re>ected $e.
God has not re>ected $e.
:e has li"ted $e %p &hen $y "aith &as do&nH
:e has given $e >oy &hen the stor$s abo%nd.
God has not "orsa#en %s.
God has not "orsa#en %s.
:e has never seen the righteo%s "orsa#en
!or :is seed begging "or bread.
Stand "ast in the 0ord
For yo% #no& all saints $%st "ight the good "ight o" "aith.
Stand "ast in the 0ord
For yo% #no& the devil see#eth as a roaring lion &ho$ he $ay devo%r.
*e&are there"ore and stand to obtain the pro$ise
5hich God has provided.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
2on=t give %p b%t standE
2on=t let do&n b%t standE
2on=t t%rn aro%nd b%t standE
Stand "ast to the &ord o" God.
Stand "ast to the gospel creed.
Stand "ast to o%r 0ord and (ing.
Stand "ast to Jes%s Christ.
Stand "astE
Stand "astE
Stand "astE
Stand "astE
I7% A-1E TO %A2E T(IS /O,)NE'
/ can $a#e this >o%rney.
/ can $a#e this >o%rney.
/=$ able to $a#e it this >o%rney
/=$ able to $a#e it this >o%rney.
/ can do all things this >o%rney.
/ can do all things this >o%rney.
+hr% Jes%s Christ
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+hr% Jes%s Christ
Jes%s is $y strong ar$.
My strong ar$E
Jes%s is $y strong ar$.
My strong ar$E
:e=s a roc# Jes%s Christ.
:e=s a strong to&erE
Jes%s is $ine.
:e=s a roc#E
:e is $y strength.
:e=s a to&erE
Jes%s Christ.
/=$ loo#ing bac# "or no one.
!o neverE
/=$ not loo#ing bac#.
!o neverE
/=$ not going bac#.
Gonna r%n this race.
/=$ deter$ined / a$.
/=$ deter$inedE
/=$ deter$ined / a$.
/=$ deter$inedE
/=$ r%nning this race.
/=$ saved and /=$ sancti"ied.
/=$ saved and /=$ sancti"ied.
*y :is grace
/=ll stay saved and sancti"ied.
/=ll stay saved and sancti"ied.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
T(E /O' OF T(E 1O)"
+he >oy o" the 0ord is that %nspea#able thing
+hat $a#es yo% &ant to sho%t.
+he >oy o" the 0ord is that po&er"%l thing
+hat re$oves o%r "ears and do%bts.
+he >oy o" the lord is that $eas%reless thing
;o% can reach &hen yo% praise God &ith all yo%r $ight.
+he >oy o" the 0ord is that %pli"ting thing
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+hat $a#es o%r b%rdens ever so light.
+he >oy o" the 0ord is that pleasing thing
+hat I%ic#ens o%r hearts and so%ls.
+he >oy o" the 0ord is that peace"%l thing
+hat helps to $a#e %s &hole.
+he >oy o" the 0ord is o%r strength
/n &hich &e do p%t o%r tr%st.
For the >oy o" the 0ord is that &onder"%l thing
5hich Jes%s has given to %s.
#O" IS 1O*E
God is love love love lovely
0ovelier than a tho%sand saints in prayers
0oving &ith a love o" great great care
0ovelier that the stars %p in the s#y
0oving $ore "aith"%lly that yo% or /.
God is love says "irst John .A8.
!ot li#e love or as love
*%t God is tr%ly love.
God is love stronger than death.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:is love reaches "ro$ everlasting to everlasting.
J%st as :is $ercy end%reth "orever
God is tr%ly love.
God is love &ith longs%""ering
5ith a love that lays do&n :is li"e.
2id yo% #no& &hat love :e isB
:e=s a love that &ill love yo% i" yo%=re hate"%l
A love that &ill love yo% i" yo%=re scorn"%l
A love that &ill love yo% &hen yo% cannot "ind a "riend
A love that &ill love yo% beyond the bitter end.
God is love yes tr%ly love.
God is love
A po&er that $oves $o%ntains
A love that=s deeper than deepest.
So deep as to be and endless endless $eansM.
For yo% and $e to get bac# to :i$.
:is love is so deep it brings %s bac# to :i$.
:is love is deeper than deepest.
God is love
+here is po&er in :is love.
/n :is love there is peace in :is love.
2id yo% #no& &hat :is love shall doB
+hey &ith God=s love shall see# :i$.
+hey &ith God=s love shall #no& :i$.
+hey &ith God=s love shall #eep :is co$$and$ents.
+hey &ith God=s love shall #no& that God is love.
God is love.
I A% ETE)NA11' #)ATEF,1
/ a$ saved thro%gh yo%r blood 1 0ord.
;o% died in $ay stead.
/ &as &orthy o" death
And %n&orthy o" li"e.
*%t yo% sacri"iced yo%r li"e
+o bring $e li"e everlasting
And / a$ eternally grate"%l.
;o%=re so :oly $y 0ord
And / / a$ so %n&orthy.
;et yo% love $e eno%gh to
Po%r yo%r spirit %pon $e.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
;o% love $e &ith yo%r tender spirit
Saved $e
!o& yo% #eep $e
And protect $e
3ach and every day
And / a$ eternally grate"%l.
;o% are so :oly and P%re
And 'ighteo%s yo% are.
+here is no one li#e yo%.
!o &ords can describe e<actly &hat yo% do "or $e.
;o%r love is so pro"o%nd
And so %nspea#able.
/ $%st "orever be eternally grate"%l.
JGod has not given us the sirit o! !ear"
But o! o#er and o! $ove and o! a sound %ind&' F()i%othy
:e has not given %s "ear no no no
:e has given %s po&er and love love love.
:e has given %s po&er and love.
:e hasA
Peace love >oy to give yo%
+r%th grace &isdo$ to share &ith yo%.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:e hasA
Peace love >oy to give yo%
+r%th grace &isdo$ to share &ith yo%.
+o get yo% $%st give %nto God yo%rsel"
See#ing "or the 0ord.
+o get yo% $%st give %nto God yo%rsel"
See#ing "or the 0ord.
F'epeat "irst stanCaG
1O*E O,) 1O)" AN" 2IN#
5e sho%ld love o%r (ing
More than anyone or anything.
5ho else co%ld be &orthy eno%ghB
+o love so $%ch b%t
1%r 0ord and Savior Jes%s Christ
+here is no one else.
:e is the (ing.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:e is +he (ing.
/ES,S IS 1I2E A ST)EA% IN %' SO,1
F5ritten "or (ali$ba 11@12@80G
5ater peace li#e &ater
Jes%s is li#e a strea$ in $y so%l.
5ater peace li#e &ater
Jes%s is li#e a strea$ in $y so%l.
/n $y so%l
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/n $y so%l
/n $y so%l
/n $y so%l
/n $y so%l
/n $y so%l
:e is peace
:e is >oyH
/n $y so%l.
:e=s the peace
:e=s the >oy
:e=s the peace
:e=s the >oy o" $y salvationH
My salvation.
:e is peace
:e is >oy
/n $y so%l.
F'epeat Chor%sG
Allel%ia praise :is na$e. F'epeat .OG
+o :i$ be all the praise and the honor.
+o :i$ be all the glory "orever and ever.
+o :i$ be all the praise and the honor.
Allel%iaE Allel%iaE Praise :is holy na$e.
Fro$ o" the :oly hills praise :i$ all ye hills and lands.
Praise :i$ &ith the po&er o" praise o" praise.
Praise :i$ &ith the po&er o" praise o" praise.
5ith the strength o" M
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Strength o" praise.
5ith the >oy o"M.
Joy o" praise.
5ith the glory o" M
Glory o" praise.
5ith the love o" M
0ove o" praise.
Praise :is holyM
:oly na$e.
Praise :is holyM
:oly na$e.
Allel%iaE Allel%iaE Praise :is holy na$e.
Allel%iaE Allel%iaE Praise :is holy na$e.
Allel%ia Allel%ia Allel%ia Allel%ia
A0030, F'epeat 2OG
A0030,/A A0030,/AM
Allel%ia allel%ia allel%ia allel%ia
Allel%iaE Allel%iaE Praise :is holy na$e. F'epeat 2OG
&E CA11 (I% O,) %A/EST' FO) (E IS O,) 2IN#
5e call :i$ o%r Ma>esty "or he is o%r (ing.
5e call :i$ Messiah to o%r Savior &e sing.
5e call :i$ the MasterH great &isdo$ has he.
5e call :i$ the living &ordH :is tr%th sets %s "ree.
5e call hi$
+he Savior
+he Son
+he Prince o" Peace.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5e call :i$
+he Mighty Co%nselor
1%r prayers to :i$
2o reachM
:is throne :is ears
And co$passionate heart.
5e call hi$ so $any &onder"%l and honorable things.
5e call hi$ Jes%s o%r Savior
Allel%ia to o%r (ing.
5e sho%t Jes%s o%r savior Allel%ia as &e singE
Allel%ia Allel%ia Allel%ia &e singE
5e call :i$ o%r Ma>esty "or :e is o%r (ingE
/ hope "or and / long to be in the presence o" the 0ord "orever.
'esting in his peace every lasting
Abiding in :is love endlessly
Forever grasping &ithin :is being eternal salvation
+hr% :is blood
+he blood o" Jes%s Christ
+he blood &hich redee$s %s "orever.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ hope "or and / long to be in the presence o" the 0ord "orever.
5here all ti$e has see$ed to cease
5here all pain has been stopped %p
Forever &here sorro& is sh%t do&nH
'e$aining in the $ansion provided "or $e
Provided "or $e
/ &ill rest in :is peace everlasting "orever.
ForeverE ForeverE
0ord yo% are $y shield and $y la&yer
My 2eliverer and "ortress
My de"ender in the ti$e o" need.
;o% 1h 0ord &ill ta#e $e thro%gh.
;o% 1h 0ord &ill ta#e $e thro%gh.
;o% are a co%nselor a $ighty God.
5hat need / "ear o" $y ene$iesB
;o% are an everDpresent God.
;o% 1h 0ord &ill ta#e $e thro%gh.
;o% 1h 0ord &ill ta#e $e thro%gh.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
God o" godsE
+he $a#er o" the heavens
God o" godsE
Creator o" the %niverse
0ord o" lordsE
+he lover o" $y so%l
0ord o" lordsE
+he lover #eeper and $y g%ide
(ing o" #ingsE
Provider and the Father
(ing o" #ingsE
5ho &ill provide all $y needs.
;o% 1h 0ord &ill ta#e $e thro%gh.
;o% 1h 0ord &ill ta#e $e thro%gh.
Jes%s / love yo%.
;o% are $y shield and $y g%ide.
;o% are $y strong to&er.
;o% are $y shield and $y g%ide.
Grant %nto $e yo%r peace in the ti$e &hen / $%st "ace $y ene$ies.
Grant %nto $e yo%r love in the ti$e &hen / $%st love $y ene$ies.
Grant %nto $e protection in the ti$e o" persec%tion.
Jes%s is $y 2e"ender $y 2e"ender $y 2e"ender.
1h 0ord 1h 0ord / &ill be ever thineE
0ord 1h 0ord 1h 0ord / &ill be "orever thineE
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
1O)" 1ET %E STA' &IT( 'O,
F5ritten appro<i$ately 198-G
0ord let $e stay &ith yo%.
+here is no t%rning bac# "or $e.
+here is no t%rning bac# "or $e.
For in t%rning bac# / can only die
2ie to see yo% no $ore.
*%t in staying &ith yo%
/ shall receive that cro&n o" Glory GloryE
/=ve been &aiting "or.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
0ord let $e stay &ith yo%.
+here is no t%rning bac# "or $e.
+here is no t%rning bac# "or $e.
For the s%""erings o" $y present li"e
Cannot be co$paredH
;es the s%""ering o" $y present li"e
Cannot be co$pared to $y li"e in heaven &ith yo%.
0ord let $e stay &ith yo%.
+here is no t%rning bac# "or $e.
My li"e is b%t a passing $o$ent co$pared to eternity.
+here is no t%rning bac# to the &orld "or $e.
*ac# "or $eE
Jes%s on the Cross
1n the cross
1n the cross
:e shed :is blood
:is blood
:is blood
For %s :e died
:e died
:e died
For %s to live &ith Christ
/n Christ
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5ith Christ
Christ the cr%ci"ied
+he Savior
+he Messiah Messiah Messiah D 2eliverer
+he Messiah Messiah Messiah D 2eliverer
/n :i$ doth all the "%llness o" the Godhead body d&ell
/n :i$ doth all the "%llness o" the Godhead body d&ell
/n :i$ doth all the "%llness o" the Godhead body d&ell.
/n :i$ doth o%r rede$ption dra&eth nigh.
2ra& nighE
2ra& nigh to the cross the cross the cross
Calvary=s Cross.
+he cross
+he cross
/s the beginning o" o%r &al# &ith Christ.
5e &al# as soldiers soldiers soldiers
5e &al# as "ighting "ighting "ighting
+he po&ers o" dar#ness dar#ness dar#ness
As children o" 0ight
As children o" God.
5e &al# as soldiers soldiers soldiers.
5e &al# as "ighting "ighting "ighting.
+he po&ers o" dar#ness dar#ness dar#ness.
5ith Christ &ho &as cr%ci"ied.
5e ever &ill $eet yo% thereE
5e ever &ill $eet yo% thereE
5e ever &illM FGo bac# to "irst stanCaG
(E1P %E TO STA' 1O)"
+here is so$ething s&eet abo%t this &ay.
:elp $e to stay 0ordE
:elp $e to stay.
+here is so$ething s&eet abo%t this &ay.
:elp $e to pray 0ordE
:elp $e to pray.
5hen / thin# o" Christ &ho bro%ght $e o%t
/ $%st as# :i$ L
0ord help $e to stay.
Stay and pray.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Stay in the spirit 0ord.
Stay and pray.
Stay in the &ord o" God.
Stay and pray.
Stay in the gospel &ay.
Stay and pray.
Stay in the peace o" God.
Stay and pray.
Stay stay
And and
Al&ays praying "or the &ay
Al&ays praying "or the light
Al&ays praying "or the tr%th
Al&ays praying "or to ever ever shine.
ShineE ShineE ShineE ShineE ShineE
+he cross the cross the cross
1n the cross is the star is the light
+hat shineth in dar#ness %nto everlasting li"e.
F'epeat above 2OG
Jes%s Christ Jes%s Christ Jes%s Christ
+he light that shineth in dar#ness.
+he &ord $ade "lesh.
/n the beginning &as the &ord
And the &ord &as &ith God and the &ord &as God.
/n the beginning &as God.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/n the beginning :e $ade the heavens and the earth
And the &ord &as $ade "lesh and d&elt a$ongst %s.
+he &ord the &ord the &ord
A la$p %nto $y eyes.
+he &ord the &ord the &ord
A la$p %nto $y eyes.
+he light the light the light
A la$p %nto $y eyes.
Jes%s Christ Jes%s Christ Jes%s Christ
All things &ere created by :i$.
All things &ere created by :i$.
/n heaven and earth invisible and visible
/n heaven and earth invisible and visible
F'epeat 2OG
+o :i$ &ho has delivered %s "ro$ dar#ness
+o :i$ &ho has redee$ed %s thr% :is blood
+o :i$ &ho is the i$age o" the invisible God
+o :i$ do &e give all the praiseE
+o :i$ do &e give all the praiseE
+o :i$ do &e give all the glory and hono%rE
Forever and ever ever and everM
Forever and ever ever and everM
A11 T(IN#S &O)2 FO) #OO" TO T(E% T(AT 1O*E #O"
$)omans :0:8
/ re"%se to let negative i$ages per$eate $y $ind
1nly the positive things in the trials / have already "aced.
Christ has bro%ght $e thro%gh the$ all
+a%ght $e $olded $e sho&s $e ho& to love and e$pathiCe
F/ need to learn to help othersG.
All things &or# "or good to the$ that love God F'epeatG
And thro%gh it all Christ has sho&n $e :is >oy
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:is peace :is loveH
+hro%gh the pain and re>ection o" lonely past days.
:e has sho&n $e that :e=ll never "ail $eH never "ail $e nor "orsa#e $e.
:e has sho&n $e that :e=ll never "ail $eH never "ail $e nor "orsa#e $e.
!ever "ail $e nor "orsa#e $eE
3ven &hen / have no $ore strength to hold onE F'epeat 2OG
+o hold hold on
:e s%stains $e and he #eeps $e M
,ntil / regain the strength / once had.
Jes%s Jes%s Jes%s
Jes%s Jes%s Jes%s
1h Jes%s yo%=re too &onder"%l
For anyone
+o co$prehend all o" yo%
*%t /=ll strive strive strive strive strive
Strive strive strive
For yo%.
For Jes%s
0ord Jes%s
/ love thee / do.
/ do.
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
:e ca$e in the "lesh the beginning and end
:e ca$e to live as a $an a$ong $en.
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
5as born to sho& %s the tr%th and the light
5as born to help %s to strive to live right.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
+hro%gh :is love "or all $an he s%""ered the cost.
+hro%gh :is love "or all $an he died on the cross.
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
'e>oice Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
!o& $an has a &ay "or rede$ption "ro$ sins.
!o& $an has a &ay to live thro%gh :i$.
Jes%s Christ the Messiah &as bornE
*orn born born :e &as born born bornM
+han# yo% Jes%s than# yo%
For saving saving $y so%l.
+han# yo% Jes%s than# yo%
For $a#ing $a#ing $e &hole.
+han# yo% Jes%s than# yo%
For yo%r death %pon the cross.
+han# yo% Jes%s
Jes%s than# yo% Jes%s
For all the blood yo%=ve lost.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+han# yo% Jes%s than# yo%
For re$ission o" $y sins.
+han# yo% Jes%s than# yo%.
For re$ission o" all o%r sins.
+han# yo% Jes%s than# yo%.
For yo%r death %pon the cross.
+han# yo% Jes%s
Jes%s +han# yo% Jes%s
For paying %p the cost.
+han# yo%E
/ &ant to than# yo% Jes%s
+han# yo%E
/ &ant to than# yo% Jes%s. F2<G
FGo %p a scaleG
+han# yo%
/ &ant to than# yo% Jes%s F.OG
FGo do&n a scaleG
+han# yo%E
/ &ant to than# yo% Jes%s F.OG
+han# yo% Jes%s
Jes%s than# yo% Jes%s
For paying %p the cost.
%' *O& TO 'O, O( 1O)"
/ have vo&ed to tr%st in yo%
+o let yo% do &hat yo% need to do.
/ have vo&ed to tr%st in yo%
/n $olding $e and #eeping $e
+hat / $ight be pleasing to thee.
/ love yo% 0ord and have vo&ed to stay
/ love yo% 0ord and have vo&ed to stay
*y yo%r side by yo%r side.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
For as long as / live /=ll stay by yo%r side.
For as long as / live in yo% /=ll abide.
/ love yo% 0ord.
/ES,S I 1O*E 'O, 1O*E 'O, 1O)"
F5ritten appro<i$ately 1980G
Jes%s / love yo% love yo% 0ordE
/ adore yo% adore yo% 0ordE
/ than# God "or yo%r grace.
/ than# God "or yo%r po&er goodness and love.
/ than# yo% dear 0ord "or loving $e so $%ch
+hat $y &ords can never say ho&.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
T(AN2 #O" /ES,S IS CO%IN# -AC2
1ne day than# God Jes%s is co$ing bac#.
Co$ing bac#E
Jes%s is co$ing bac#E
Co$ing bac#E
1ne day than# God :e=ll crac# the s#yE
:e=ll crac# the s#yE
Jes%s is co$ing bac#E
*y and byE
Jes%s is co$ing bac#E
+han# GodE
+han# GodE
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5e shall &ait %ntil that &orthy dayE
5e shall &ait %ntil that &orthy dayE
5e shall &ait %ntil that &orthy dayE
Jes%s is co$ing bac#E
Co$ing bac#E
Jes%s is co$ing bac#E
Co$ing bac#E
:e=ll co$e to catch %s %p.
,p %p %p %p %p %p %p into glory glory glory gloryE
,p %p %p %p %p %p %p into glory glory glory gloryE
5e=ll %nderstand the story by and by.
5e=ll %nderstand the story by and by.
Story o" saints o" God &ho &ent thro%ghD
Story o" saints o" God &ho &ent thro%ghD
Great great great
+riDb%Dlation L &ho &ent thro%gh.
+riDb%Dlation L &ho &ent thro%gh.
5e shall &ait on the 0ord o" lords.
5e shall &ait on the 0ord o" lords.
Jes%s is co$ing bac#E
Get readyE
Jes%s is co$ing bac#E
Stay readyE
ChildrenE ChildrenE
ChildrenE ChildrenE
5atch &atch and prayE
Pray pray and &atchE
Pray and &atchE
+hat &e $ight ever be readyE
+hat &e $ight ever be readyE
+hat &e $ight $a#e it into the (ingdo$ (ingdo$ (ingdo$ (ingdo$.
+hat &e $ight $a#e it into the (ingdo$ (ingdo$ (ingdo$ (ingdo$.
Jes%s is co$ing bac#E
Co$ing bac#E
Jes%s is co$ing bac# bac# bac# bac#E
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
I 1O*E 'O, 'O,7)E T(E %AN
5ritten appro<i$ately 4@84
/ 0ove ;1, D ;o%=re the $an &ho is an %nderstanding $an.
/ 0ove ;1, D ;o%=re the $an &ho saves yo%=re a healer. ;3S ;1,
/ 0ove ;1, D ;o%=re the son o" God and the Prince o" Peace yo% are
/ 0ove ;1, D ;o%=re the one &ho died "or $y sins on Calvary.
;o% are the $an &ho saves and heals
;o% are the 0ord the Son o" Man
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
;o% are Messiah and God in "leshE
God le"t :is throne
:is heavenly ho$eE
;o% are the 0ordE ;o% are Jes%s Jes%s.
;o%=re the one &ho set $e "ree
;o% are the ChristE ;o% are Jes%s Jes%s.
;o%=re the / A$ o" / a$s.
F'epeat aboveG
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
T(E PO,)IN# OF 'O,) SPI)IT 1O)"
F/nspired by a visit to !e& *orn Ch%rch o" Christ and +r%e :oliness 12@8@79
!e& *ritain Connectic%tG
+he spirit o" the 0ord rose "%ll "orce.
)ery grad%ally &e &ent over the $o%ntaintop.
Jes%s &as thereH
Po%ring o%t the &ater o" li"e and spreading ab%ndance o" >oy
3nrapt%ring %s into one body one spirit.
+he God &e serve is a $ighty God and there is none else beside :i$E
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:o& s&eetly the :oly Ghost po%red %pon %s.
JMIn the $ast days" saith God" I sha$$ our out %y sirit uon
a$$ -esh.' /Acts(+*,0
And so it &as "or %s that night.
Al$ost too $%ch >oy to contain in o%r "lesh.
+i$e had see$ed to cease.
And ab%ndant li"e over "lo&ed.
1ne day it &ill be this &ay "oreverH
5orshipping o%r (ing
:oliest o" holiest +he 0a$b o" God.
1%r na$es have been &ritten in the boo# o" li"e.
T(E -)EA" AN" T(E &INE
/ $editate and &ait "or the parta#ing o" the co$$%nion
*read and &ine.
+he bread represents Christ=s body and the &ine his
Precio%s blood.
For $e he died
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
And "or :i$ / live.
5hether or not / "all / rise
+hro%gh the po&er o" his blood.
5hether or not / s%""er / &ill s%rviveH
As Christ shall bear $e %p.
5hether / die or live / &ill see :i$
1nce again.
For one day Christ &ill raise the dead in Christ
And catch %p those &ho are alive and re$ain.
So / &ill patiently &ait
For the parta#ing o" the very last s%pperH
/t &ill be the "inal dinner in the heavensH
5hen &e shall re>oice at the $arriage s%pper o" the la$b.
+hat &ill be o%r day o" cons%$$ationH
5hen the Ch%rch is to be "orever &ith the 0ord.
+hin# on the blood.
+hin# on the bro#en body o" Jes%s.
2rin# o" :is blood
3at o" :is "lesh
And live live live to the Glory o" God.
Can / e<plain ho& the spiritD
+o%ched $e
Moved $e
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
P%rged $e
'evived $eB
/t is too hard to "atho$ it all
*%t &ith :is stripes &e A'3 healedE
/ &ill "ly beyond the stars to God=s abode
And soar &ith a heavenly hostH
/n a $o$ent in a t&in#ling o" an eye
0eaving this &orld
And >oining $y so%l &ith the everlasting "ather.
/ &ill have >oy %nspea#able in :is glorio%s boso$H
And bo& be"ore the thro&n crying
:oly holy holyE
;o% are $y God al$ightyE
;o% are $y (ing.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ "eel his e$inent co$ing.
/ &ait "or that ti$e o" the rapt%reH
5hen / shall "ly
/ pray 0ord don=t let $e slide
*%t let $e glide "ly soar
+o the heavenlies o" heavenE
T(AN2 T(E 1O)" #O"
F2edicated to the elderly 11@22@78G
5e have so $%ch to be than#"%l "or.
God $ade the heavens and the earth
+he great and the s$all
+he lion and the deer.
5e have God=s eternal grace
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5hen &e are yo%ng and &hen &e are old.
5e can than# the 0ord God "or letting %s see one $ore dayH
For the light that shines in a s$iling "ace
For s&eet $e$ories and &isdo$ that b%ilds along li"e=s road
For God=s loveH
+',3 01)3.
T(E "A' -E#INS
+he day is beginning.
0ight seeps thro%gh the c%rtains.
Speedily the s%n has risen.
+here is so $%ch to do
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
For li"e passes as "ast
As the s%n arises.
0ord g%ide $e thro%gh this day o" li"e.
7@16@02 4A-0a$
At the end o" da&n there are still bl%e clo%ds
5ith a pin# lining grad%ally beco$ing &hite.
/ a$ tired so tiredH >%st co%ldn=t sleep.
+he visions o" $y $ind presented "orebodings
+hat / hope are only a drea$ and not a reality o" things to co$e.
/ choose rather not to accept the negative
!evertheless i" it co$es to pass
+hen / shall #no& a"ter the "act
+hat this is another season &here God is
And &as trying to prepare $y $ind and e$otions.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Maybe / sho%ld accept the negative possibilities and tr%st God to ta#e
%s thro%gh even i" s%ch things $%st co$e to pass
*e"ore the da&n is over and li"e &ith all its trials $oves into "%ll
I (A*E NO NEE" TO -E (EA*' -,)"ENE"
/ $%st cast all $y cares %pon yo% beca%se yo% care "or $e.
/ $%st give yo% $y b%rdens beca%se / #no& / can=t $a#e this >o%rney
&itho%t yo%.
/ $%st re$e$ber al&ays to #eep yo% close to $y heart "or one day
;o%=re co$ing bac# "or all those &ho are in Christ.
/n Christ
5rapped %p
+ied %p
Abiding in yo%
0oving yo%.
0oving as love
Stronger that death.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
2ying daily so that yo%
;es yo%E
Abo%nd in $y li"e.
/ $%st press to learn the depth and height o" yo%r love.
+here is no end to yo%r loveE
1h 0ordE
My (ingE
My SaviorE
And so / cry and &eep in the $iddle o" the nightH
So $any things are on $y $ind.
My "a$ily see$s to be "alling apart &hile each o" %s dies one by one.
/=ve yet to reach to &here God &ants $e to be.
/ "eel stagnantH r%nning ro%nd and ro%nd the sa$e obstacles
;et never see$ing to overco$e.
/ only "ind $ysel" right bac# to &here / started.
A deep sense o" loneliness envelopes $eH
Feeling no one really %nderstands &ho / really a$
And the person / love the $ost is %nattainable.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:o& do / brea# this vicio%s cycle 0ordB
Fast pray see# God=s &ill
And love :i$ &ith the 0ove o" Christ.
/ h%rt so $%chH /=d rather be in heaven than on earthE
*%t listenMMMM.E
+he robin is singing again at .A-0 AM
:ope a&a#esE
Sooth $y so%l 1 0ordE
+hro%gh the cares o" this &orld it is L
So easy to "orget &hat the 0ord has done "or $e
So easy to "orget that &e &ere not al&ays "ree.
:e has given %s po&erH
Po&er to live right
Po&er to stay right.
:e has given %s peaceH
A peace that is so deeply cal$.
:e has given %s >oyE
,nspea#able >oy
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
For as long as &e can re$e$ber to hold on to it.
:102 1! +1 /+E
:olding on to it L
5e &ill never "orget the po&er o" God.
)E/OICIN# IN T(E #1O)' OF T(E 1O)"
&ritten To Organist %inister %ark Cognata
+he $an o" God preaches and the glory o" the 0ord begins to shine.
+he glory o" the 0ord begins to shine and the brightness covers the
+he presence o" the 0ord is nigh and the organ plays li#e a &heel in the
$iddle o" a &heel.
Joy bells po%r "ro$ saint to saint.
1%r :oly Ghost "ire rises higher and higher
And &e dance a dance %nto the 0ord &ith praise and adoration.
5e sing praises %nto the 0ord and the organ plays li#e a &heel in the $iddle
o" a &heel.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
3Ce#iel=s &heel in the $iddle o" a &heel L
+he glory o" God and the po&er o" :is $ight "all %pon %s.
/t t%rns ro%nd and ro%nd and ro%nd and ro%nd.
+he 0ord is nighE
+he 0ord is nighE
As the organ plays li#e that &heel in the $iddle o" a &heel.
1O)" (E1P;
0ord helpE
5e need yo%r helpH
+o get right and to stay right.
5e need yo%r help 0ord.
As children in the &ilderness &ho=ve "orgotten yo%r covenant
5e $%st be restored &e can=t $a#e it li#e this.
As /srael &ho $%r$%red and "orgot yo% are able
5e $%st be restored &e can=t $a#e it li#e this.
As he &ho "orgot yo% have split the 'ed Sea.
5e $%st be restored &e cannot &e $a#e it li#e this.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/nto the "%llness o" the #no&ledge o" tr%th.
,nto righteo%sness living "or yo%.
/nto saints &ho are no longer babes.
0ord helpE
0ord helpE
0ord helpE
0ord helpE
5e have "orgotten o%r "irst love.
Spe& %s not o%t o" ;o%r $o%th.
*%t lighten %sE
*righten %sE
P%rge %s 1h 0ordE
0et the "ire o" the :oly Ghost L
23S+'1; 1,' ,!G120/!3SS
/ reb%#e yo% Satan in the na$e o" Jes%s ChristE
S%icide is not a &ay o%t b%t a &ay in D into hellE
/ have lost the battle L yesE
*%t Christ has already &on the &ar.
/ have "allen "ro$ stead"astness L yesE
*%t Christ has already $ade a&ay "or $y ret%rn.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ have disobeyed and transgressed L yesE
*%t /=$ &illing to get things right.
So get behind $e Satan in the na$e o" Jes%s ChristE
Get bac# "or the blood o" Jes%s is against yo%E
And re$e$ber / a$ a child o" GodE
A SNA)E TO %' SO,1
/nordinate a""ection and evil conc%piscence tastes so good
*%t digests so deadly.
2eath to $y so%l s&eet and potent
2eath to $y so%l hidden and deceptive
2eath to $y so%l bea%ti"%l to behold yet sharper that arro&sH
A snare to $y peace
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
A snare to $y salvation
A snare to $y very so%l.
FSatan as a spider &aits "or %s here JCo$e inE Co$e in yo% &ill not leave
1.2ust #hen it is conceived 3ringeth !orth sin and sin #hen
it is 4nished 3ringeth !orth death&
DO NO) ERR MY BE2O5E)6 BRE)6REN' /Ja%es *+*78*90
*ea%ty is not &ith >%st sight taste and to%ch
*%t bea%ty is &ith God.
Co$e to Jes%s be not ensnared.
Co$e to Jes%s yo% &on=t dieE
5al# &ith Jes%s and live "orever.
Co$e to Jes%s.
Co$e to :i$.
My heart is on "ire.
:ell is hotH
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5hy have / transgressed thy &ordB
/ don=t &ant to go to hell.
!o not $eE
Forgive $e 0ord
Please do
*rea# $y chains that / have p%t bac# on.
2eliver $e oh 0ordE
'estore $y heart to peace love >oy
3verlasting lasting >oy.
0et $e "lee "ornication and r%n r%n r%n.
0et $e p%t on righteo%sness and r%n r%n r%n.
0et $e not loo# bac# b%t r%n r%n and r%n.
0et $e hide in Christ and r%n r%n r%n.
For i" $y heart conde$ns $e God is greater than $y heart.
TO -E CA)NA11' %IN"E" IS "EAT(
For to 3e carna$$y %inded is death:
But to 3e siritua$$y %inded is 2i!e and Peace&/Ro%ans ;+90
0ord help $e "or / need to be spirit%ally $inded.
Satan is in "or the attac#E
S&i"tly visions o" l%st"%l tho%ghts bo$bard $y $ind.
'est and peace are no&here to be "o%ndH
As / str%ggle to gain bac# a spirit%al "ra$e o" $ind.
+hen / re$e$berE
+hro%gh the &ord o" God
/ can do all things thro%gh Christ Jes%s.
And the evil tho%ghts &arring in $y $ind against
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+he po&ers o" light are bro%ght into captivity by the &ord o" God.
Jes%s Christ :is blood shed on Calvary L
Against that old sle& "oot Satan
Ca%ses Satan to r%n and ca%ses $e to hold onH
For / #no& Christ died "or $e and / #no&
:e lives &ith $eE
T(E C(I1")EN &(O S,)*I*E
5e the children &ho s%rvive
1%t roots are in Christ.
Planted by o%r 0ord and Savior
As a tender plant &e gro&.
!%rt%red and loved
Pr%ned and chastened
5e gro& as an olive branch.
5e learn to love
5e learn the &isdo$
And &e learn as one.
5atered and "ed the &ord o" God
0i#e a tree planted by the rivers o" living &aters
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5e are rooted in Christ and can lean on that solid roc#
1%r 0ord and Savior Jes%s Christ.
8@22@08 F/ John 2A22D26G
/" yo% have not the Son yo% have not the Father.
+he son and the "ather are one.
As a &heel in the $iddle o" a &heel is one &heel
+he son and the "ather are one.
+he Son Jes%s Christ the 0a$b that &as slain
5as present even "ro$ the beginning.
M2et us %a<e %an. /Genesis *+(90
+he Father creator o" the entire %niverse
:is spirit $oved thro%gho%t all the earth.
.2et us %a<e %an in our i%age. /Genesis *+(90
+he Son a $ani"estation o" God in the "lesh
Mthe i%age o! the invisi3$e God... F=o$ossians *+*70
Mthese three are one... F*John 7+,0
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
1ne as the &ater &e drin#
+he vapor &e breathe
And the ice &e eat
1ne as a cl%ster o" stars in the s#y
:olding billions o" stars yet being one gala<y
1ne as the sands on a shore
:olding billions o" grains yet being one beach.
All that is &ithin $an body so%l and spirit
All that is &ithin God the Father Son and :oly Ghost
Are one.
+hree $ani"estations
;et one God.
+hree eI%aling one.
+his is the $ystery o" oneness
And the one God &e serve.
A *ISIT F)O% ON (I#(
1cc%rring 4@22@8- appro<i$ately 9p$ d%ring evening service at the Mission
Ch%rch o" 1%r 0ord
and Savior Jes%s Christ o" the Apostolic Faith /nc. So$erville MAG
+he :oly 1ne is visiting %s.
+he Spirit is po%ring on %s
Po%ring as on one spirit%al body
1n the people o" God.
/ see and "eel one Spirit
Feel one God
1ne 0ord
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
My Savior Jes%s Christ.
:3 /S 3OC3003!+E
:3 /S *3A,+/F,0E
:3=S 1M/P1+3!+E
:3 /S J3S,SE
:3 /S J3S,SE
:3 /S J3S,SE
:3 /S J3S,SE
:3 /S 01'2E
Allel%iaE My Savior Allel%ia 1h $y so%lE
Allel%iaE My Savior / adore yo% 1h $y so%lE
5e are dr%n#en &ith :is spirit.
5e are dr%n#en &ith :is >oy.
5e go higher and &e go higher
5e go higher and &e go highE
:e &ill catch %s %p to gloryE
+aste the rapt%re &hich is to co$eE
:e &ill catch %s %p to gloryE
+aste the rapt%re it=s soon to co$eE
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
*lotches o" clo%ds
3<tend across the s#y
As a spiral %niverse is be"ore $e.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ sit and ponder &hen &ill Christ crac# the s#yB
:o& $%ch longer shall this &ic#ed &orld e<istB
Gray L *l%e
+he night is closing inE
As / rise "ro$ sleep
A "e& robins are scattered to $y le"t
*ranch hopping then perching
Moving to the &est

+hey are singing their $elodyH
As the $orning dove >oins the$.
/t is $isty
So $isty.
+he pine trees "ro$ several yards a&ay can hardly be seen
And the street la$ps "ro$ across the street are as blotches on a
+he da&n arises only to greet $e &ith a haCy gray s#y
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
For it is covered &ith stea$ li#e "og.
/ &onder &hat this day &ill bring.
And / e<a$ine &hat / $%st do.
+here see$s to be not eno%gh ti$e le"t
3ven be"ore $y day has beg%n.
+i$e $oves so I%ic#ly
Faster than the robins
+hat has >%st "lo&n a&ay.
;et in this $ove$ent o" ti$e
+here is a destiny "or everyone and everything.
+he earth races to "%l"ill its o&n destiny
And nat%re s%stained &ithin it
/s s%rging on&ard too.
God has a separate destiny "or %s.
'egardless o" o%r rebellio%sness
And o%r "ilthy righteo%sness
God &ill bring %s to his desired end.
+i$e created by $an is r%nning short
Fro$ its very e<istence.
/ $%st &itness "or the 0ord
5hile it is still day.
+/M3 /S ',!!/!G 1,+
F1' ,S A00E
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
As &e listen to a di""erent silence
Still yet present God stands.
:e is listening to o%r prayers
G%iding o%r lives
And stirring %p o%r so%ls.
:e is ill%$inating o%r $inds thro%gh the &ord o" God
And $oving %s in a di""erent direction
A brighter hopeH
+o a p%rpose o" :is design.
As &e listen to a di""erent silence
5e are &atching and praying
discerning and learning
As &e listen to that still s$all voice "ro$ &ithin.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Silently and ever present God spea#s to %s.
+he beginnings o" May are cold and da$pH
Sno&stor$ and 'ain
0ightning and :ail.
+he bloo$ing b%ds die "ro$ the %nnat%ral &ays o" Mother !at%re
And the redDbreasted robin regrets its spring "light to the north.
3arthI%a#es are I%a#ing in &ays least predictedH
As the setting "or the stage o" the trib%lation a&a#es.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
1%r ti$es are &ic#ed and treachero%s.
Cri$e is rising
Children are $%rdering
5e are living in the last days.
Men are hate"%l and love the$selves
5e are living in the last days.
God=s city Jer%sale$ is a ti$e bo$b tic#ing.
5atch the ti$e tic#ing tic#ing tic#ingE
5e have so little ti$e in &hich to get right.
;et and still God=s grace has not yet le"t in "light.
Fro$ the d%st ca$e Man.
+he 0ord God breathed the breath o" li"e and $ade Man $ale and "e$ale L
)essels toA
Serve God
Please God
'e>oice &ith God.
+hen ca$e Sin L disobedience to God.
And the children o" God :is bea%ti"%l vessels Ada$ P 3ve &ere bro#en
+o pieces
*ro#en L vessels %nto dishonor
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Striving hard to ret%rn to the
5ith God.
;et there &as no ret%rn only death.
5here &as their "ello&ship &ith GodB
5ho shall deliver the$ %s ManB
Jes%s ChristE
+he 'ighteo%s 1ne
+he :oly 1ne
:e has $ade %s &hole
)essels o" honor.
5hereas thro%gh one $an ca$e inherited sin and death
+hro%gh one $an Jes%s Christ ca$e li"e again eternal.
1%r vessels have been p%t bac# together again.
1h 0ord Jes%s help %s to re$ain chaste.
:elp %s to re$ain vessels to be %sed by ;o%
)essels o" honor.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/" there sho%ld be a rapt%re in $y possible li"eti$e
0ord let $e live to &itness it.
/ #no& it=s to happen in a $o$ent
/n a t&in#ling o" an eye.
*%t let $e >%st happen to be loo#ing %p at the s#y.
0et $e >%st happen to be in a &ideDopen space.
0et $e see those "ello& soldiers &ho have r%n this race
*eing ca%ght %p &ith $e into o%ter space.
0et $e see the dead in Christ rise "ro$ the dead
And hear the Angel=s tr%$pet so%nding in $y head.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/" the rapt%re is to happen in $y c%rrent generation
/ &ant to live to see it.
0et $y eyes be &ide open on that notable day
5hen &e shall all be changedE
' >e sha$$ not a$$ s$ee" 3ut #e sha$$ a$$ 3e
changed in a %o%ent in a t#in<$ing o! an eye& /I
)he dead in =hrist sha$$ rise 4rst& )hen #e" #hich are
and re%ain sha$$ 3e caught u together #ith the% in
the c$ouds
to %eet the 2ord in the air+ and so sha$$ #e ever 3e
#ith the 2ord&
>here!ore co%!ort one another #ith these #ords&' /I
2ear Jes%s
+han# yo% "or another Christ$as evening.
/ &ant to say / love yo% Jes%s again and again.
My so%l stirs to #no& yo% ca$e do&n as a $an
And s%""ered this h%$an li"e s%rro%nded by &ic#ednessH
J%st so so%ls co%ld be saved
And >%st so / &o%ld receive yo% one day.
;o% #ne& yo% &ere &illing to s%""er not only death b%t
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
A li"e o" hardship as &ellH Mortal li"e "rail and v%lnerable
0i$ited and c%rse %nder the bonds o" sin.
;o% did this "or %s
J%st so &e &o%ld have a &ay o%t thro%gh yo%
Messiah Savior o" the &orld.
+han# yo% "or allo&ing yo%rsel" to be born as the son o" God
And God incarnate.
Jes%s / love yo% and than# yo% "or yo%r 0ove.
;o%r da%ghter
/t is the evening o" Christ$as day.
+he &indo&s are covered &ith ice
Crystal and glistering %pon the &indo&pane
Silent and bea%ti"%l as an orna$ent o" nat%re.
Cold and bitter is the &inter &ind
5hich blo&s &ith "ierceness &itho%t.
;et &ar$ and >oy"%l is $y so%l
As the love o" God stirs in $y heart.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ a$ happy to see another Christ$as day
:appy to #no& that God=s $ercy end%reth "orever
And happy $ost o" all to #no& that Jes%s is still alive in spirit and in tr%th.
+han# God "or Jes%s and :is birth one dayH
For thro%gh :i$ &e have o%r being.
:e=s reaching o%t to $an.
2o yo% hear :i$B
2o yo% hear :i$B
Merry Christ$asE
Jes%s &as born not Santa Cla%seE
2o yo% hear :i$B
+he &orld $oves on in its o&n direction.
5hen God is love and Jes%s is God
For / and $y Father are one said :e.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:e &as born
As the Son o" God
+he prince o" peace
And that &onder"%l
+hat tr%e / A$ o" all / a$s
+hat greatest gi"t o" all L :i$sel".
Jes%s &as@is reaching
reaching o%t to %s still.
loving %s still.
5ill &e love :i$ bac#B
0ove :i$B
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
D "or :e=s al&ays loved %s.
0ove :i$B

D "or :e gave :is li"e "or %s.
0ove :i$B
0ove each otherB
+hat=s loving :i$.
Merry Christ$as.
Peace to all $enB
Peace to all $enB
C()IST=S -I)T(
1ver 2000 years ago
Mary as a virgin gave birth to Jes%s Christ.
+he co$plete depth o" that birth $ay not have been #no&n
+o her then b%t she #ne& she &as blessed.
J*lessed art tho% a$ong &o$enK said the Angel
And Mary received it
+he blessing o" an i$$ac%late conception.
F%lly #no&ing that a pregnancy o%t o" &edloc# &as the death
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
She &al#ed in "aith believing God &o%ld #eep the$ and bless the$
above $eas%re.
And *aby Jes%s &as born.
Joseph &ho accepted the charge o" Father and :%sband
+r%sted in God=s revelation that
+he child conceived in her &as o" the :oly Ghost.
5ith the child 3$$an%el God &ith %s
Joseph too# the charge o" protector
Provider and "ather "or an %nborn child
+hat &as not his o&n
And *aby Jes%s &as born
/nto a poor "a$ily not rich in $aterial goods
*%t rich in the spirit "%ll o" "aith and deter$ination to s%rvive
And God hi$sel" began to po%r o%t his $iracles %pon the$
!o $atter &hat sit%ation they &ere in.
5hen Mary &as ready to deliver
+hey &ere traveling to pay the ta<es decreed
And had no place to lay their heads.
God provided "or the$ a lo&ly $anger
A place &here the ani$als lived "or shelter.
'e$ote as it &as over that $anger
A star bea$ed bright and the Angels re>oicedH
As shepherds &ere dra&n to behold the Christ Child.
Str%c# &ith a&e they ret%rned to their "ields glori"ying and praising
3$bracing the $iracle o" this child=s birth and sharing their

+his little baby boy received royal gi"ts.
+hree &ise $en "ro$ the 3ast gave
Fran#incense gold and $yrrh
+he $ost e<pensive gi"ts "it "or a (ing.
+hese &ise $en #ne& the Messiah had co$e

+he Messiah
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
+he Christ
+he Savior
+he Prince o" Peace
+he Great / A$
God in the Flesh
+he 'ose o" Sharon
+he o""spring o" 2avid
+he *right and Morning Star
+he (ing o" (ings
+he son &e call Jes%sE
%AT(E& 01:
1In Ra%a #as there a voice heard"
$a%entation and #eeing"
and great %orning&
Rache$ #eeing !or her chi$dren"
and #ou$d not 3e co%!orted"
3ecause they are not&'/Mt (+*;0
(ing :erod inI%ired o" the &ise $en
to "ind the Christ Child and &as tro%bled.
J5ho is this they call (ing o" the Je&sB
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ a$ their (ingK :e tho%ght.
J1 &isest o" $en co$e bac# to let $e #no&
&here the Christ Child is that / $ight &orship :i$ also.K
:e deceit"%lly said &ith a s$ile.
+he three &ise $en traveled on
and "o%nd the Christ.
+hey &orshiped hi$ &ith gi"ts and praise
and le"t re>oicing.
As &ise as they &ere
God revealed to the$
not to ret%rn to :erod.
So they >o%rneyed ho$e thro%gh a di""erent path.
5hen :erod discovered their escape
in his &rath he &as desperate to "ind +he Messiah.
J:e $%st not live to seiCe $y throne.
!o& according to the ti$e / inI%ired o" those $en
he $%st be t&o or yo%nger.
Since &e cannot "ind hi$
/ decree &e &ill #ill the$ all o" *ethlehe$
all $ales t&o years old or yo%nger.
Joseph being &arned in a drea$
too# the $other and the yo%ng child
and "led to 3gypt
b%t there &as a great la$entation in 'a$a o" *ethlehe$
and 'achel &ept "or her children
"or she &o%ld not co%ld not be co$"orted.
J;o% have not destroyed the Christ
b%t yo% have destroyed yo%rselves
yo%r "%t%re yo%r blood.
to strive to destroy Christ
is to destroy yo%r o&n selves
and / 'achel &ill not cannot be co$"ortedEK
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
1In Ra%a #as there a voice heard"
$a%entation and #eeing"
and great %orning&
Rache$ #eeing !or her chi$dren"
and #ou$d not 3e co%!orted"
3ecause they are not&'/Mt (+*;0
/ a$ blessed a$ong &o$en to have conceived the 0ord
*y the po&er o" the :oly Ghost.
/ a$ blessed a$ong &o$en to raise %p $y Son
As the Son o" Man a$ongst $en.
/ a$ blessed a$ong &o$en as the $other o" 1%r 0ord.
My sorro&s are $anyH yet $y >oy is "%ll.
/ a$ blessed a$ong &o$en to have Joseph by $y side
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
And to #no& that God=s $iracles &ill contin%e to abide.

/ a$ Mary a da%ghter o" God
And the Mother o" 1%r 0ord.
My little baby $y cherished one
/ adore yo% 1 $y son
+he hope o" /srael
5ho &ill be (ing o" #ings.
:e is the Christ Child
And o%r Messiah &itho%t sin.
T),E F)EE"O%
J3nd the &ar and end it no&K say the people
Peace is the ans&erK.
PeaceB PeaceB
+here &ill be no peaceH
!o peace today &hen ineI%ity abo%nds.
J3nd racis$ in ,SAK say the advocates.
'acis$B 'acis$B
2o &e really believe $an &ill ever learnB
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/n Christ there is peace.
Peace li#e a river that=sA
5here there=s "a$ine
5here there=s plag%e
5here there=s racis$
5here there=s &ar
Christ is peace li#e a river in $y so%l.
J5e &ant "reedo$ and &e &ant it no&EK say the people.
Freedo$B Freedo$B
5hose "reedo$ do &e tr%ly &antB
+o &ho$ ye yield yo%rselves servants to obey ye are bo%nd.
+o &ho$ / yield $ysel" servant to obey / a$ bo%nd.
/ a$ bo%nd
*o%nd to Christ and "ree.
5o%ld yo% love to be as "ree as $eB
/ no longer "ight "or $y bread
*eca%se Christ provides "or $e.
/ no longer long "or love
*eca%se / have "o%nd o%t Christ loved $e all along.
/ no longer serve sin so / a$ "ree
Free "ro$ sin yet bo%nd to Christ.
/=$ "ighting
+o #eep it that &ay
*eca%se / love this &ayE
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
For in Christ there is peaceH
Peace li#e a river that=s "lo&ing
F5ritten &hile above the clo%dsG
P%""y cotton li#e $%shroo$ shapes
Chal# li#e and &atery &hite ani$al shapes
Strea$lined $isty and "lat li#e clo%ds
Are $oving and traveling be"ore %s no&.
/ see the clo%ds belo& %s and a pastel bl%e s#y above %s.
/ see a blinding re"lection o" the s%n bo%ncing o"" a clo%d.
/t=s bloc#ing the s%nlight to earth and sending it bac# to the s%n.
/n all it=s a&eso$e bea%ty
+he clo%ds spea# o" orchestration po&er
And the &arning o" an onco$ing stor$.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
J5e are sorry &e &ill not be able to avoid the air poc#ets.
All passengers please p%t on yo%r seatbelts.
5e &ill be landing shortlyK said the ste&ardess.
As the clo%ds $%ltiply o%r plane can no longer avoid the$.
/t p%shes thro%gh every air poc#et o" each clo%d
And "eels li#e a >eep ride on a b%$py &ilderness trailH
As $y sto$ach see$s to drop.
2espite the t%rb%lence
God=s hands o" sa"ety brings %s do&n to a s$ooth landing
And as soon as &e to%ch do&n
S%ddenly the stor$ clo%ds get heavier and heavier.
+he vapors are cooling cooler and coolerH
,ntil they are too cold to holdH
As the clo%ds brea# "orth into torrents o" rain.
+he ar$y o" clo%ds has str%c# againH
5ith th%nder and lightning that lights %p the s#y.
3ach clo%d has no& "%l"illed its destiny.
3ach clo%d created by God
Fro$ the days o" the great "lood to this present ti$e
Contin%e to &or# the $iracle o" rain.
Clo%ds created as a $eans o" >%dg$ent %pon the &hole earth
Are also a $eans "or li"e itsel"
'eplenishing the earth.
Joy &itho%t sorro& is li#e healing $elodies %nappreciated.
For &hen >oy co$es
/t li"ts a&ay all sorro&.
2eath co$es only &here there is li"eH
;et li"e is $ore precio%s than everything $oney can b%y
And the so%l &ill e<ist "orever.
+he peace o" God passes all %nderstandingH
;et so $any pass %p the opport%nity to e$brace :i$
;et :is hand is stretching o%t still.
+he leaves o" the Pal$ tree stretch to the heavens
5hile the leaves o" the 5illo& bo& do&n
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
And both have their roots in the earth.
Sin and death have &e all inheritedH
;et li"e everlasting has been proc%red.
God=s $ercy has opened a ne& door to li"e.
Christ shed every drop o" :is blood
And &as conde$n to the cross "or o%r sins
:e beca$e the sacri"iced 0a$b.
2espised and re>ected yet the (ing o" #ings
:e rose "ro$ the dead &ith the #eys to death hell and the graveH
As :e lead captivity captive.
;es &e &ere all born in sin to die.
;et Christ paved a &ay "or %s to s%rviveH
For %s to enter the #ingdo$ o" heaven.
1%r 0ord paid the price "or %s to be "ree
5e have li"e everlasting &ith peace and >oy &ithin
As &e con"ess o%r love o%r love "or :i$.
:e is o%r only Messiah.
:e is o%r 0ord and Savior.
:e is the 0a$b o" God
And o%r soon co$ing (ingE
F/nspired by a &al# do&n 5est$oreland 2r.
Pal$ Coast Florida 7@0.@04G
'inglets o" raindrops descend into s&a$py &aters
As a chor%s o" "rogs sing in the rain.
+he s#y is a clo%dy grayish bl%eH
As it re"lects rainbo& strea#s o" light
J%st be"ore the night "alls.
Strea#y and billo&y bl%e gray and &hite
+he clo%ds glisten across the heavens.
God is sho%ting :is e<istence in every
Plant bird liCard and b%g.
God /S the creator
And delights in his &or# o" love.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:e created every $an &o$an child
And every living creat%re %nder heaven.
:e created the s%n $oon and stars
And every celestial body in the heavens.
:e created his Son "ro$ the seed o" a &o$an.
God h%$bled hi$sel" and &as no& in the "lesh.
:e h%$bled hi$sel" and s%""ered %nto death.
:e created his Son "ro$ the seed o" a &o$an.
+his Son is the / AM o" the !e& +esta$ent.
:e has ascended %p to heaven
And has pro$ised to ret%rn.
God=s creation &ill not al&ays be oppressed.
Satan the prince o" this &orld &ill not al&ays reign.
1ne day &e &ill all bo& to the (ing o" #ings
And the 0ord above.
1neDday peace &ill reignH
For Christ &ill r%le.

1>e are co%$ete in 6i%' /=o$ossians (+*@0
Co$plete in :i$
Co$plete in :i$
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Created a ne& creat%re
*y the blood o" Jes%s Christ.
!eeding only to stay &ith :i$
2&ell &ith :i$
!eeding nothing else beca%se &ere in :i$.
Co$plete L *%ried &ith :i$ by the baptis$ in Jes%s na$e.
Co$plete L 'ising &ith :i$ in ne&ness o" li"e thro%gh the in d&elling o"
the :oly Ghost.
Co$pletely saved
+o the $ost that &e can be saved.
5aiting on the 0ord and :is eternal gloryE
God has co$pleted :is &or# o" salvation in %s
And &ill co$plete a greater &or# in %s as
+i$e ti$e ti$e
Goes on.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5e A'3 co$plete in :i$E
+o be holy and sancti"ied "or the Master=s %se
;o% $%st daily be &ashed by the 0ord
2aily cleansed by :is 5ord
2aily loo#ing %nto ChristH
+he A%thor and Finisher o" o%r Faith.
A00 1,' '/G:+31,S!3S /S AS F/0+:; 'AGS.
God=s son Christ ca$e to sancti"y %s
+hro%gh the &ashing a&ay o" o%r sins
*y the shedding o" :is blood.
+his cleansing blood
+his propitiative blood o" Christ
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5ashes o%r sins a&ay
And appeases the &rath o" God.
Christ &as born to die
And rose to live again.
:e lived as the Son o" Man to teach %s
And 2/32 to SA)3 %s.
For the birth o" Christ &e &orship God.
5e &orship Christ 1%r 0ordE
5ritten 1@7@06 d%ring Sisterhood Prayer
/ appreciate yo%r love "or $e 0ordH
+hat yo% love $e so $%ch.
;o%r love is so $%ch greater than $an=s love
Greater than any other #ind o" love.
Constant and ,n&avering
Faith"%l and Magni"icent
Co$"orting and Soothing
*ea%ti"%l in the Spirit.
;o%r love is so $%ch greater than anything / co%ld do.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ strive to love as yo% love
;et / co$e so "ar shortH
And yes / &ant to please yo%H
For / appreciate yo%r love 1h 0ord.
F5ritten appro<i$ately 2007G
/ >%st &ant to praise yo% 0ord
Forever P 3ver
/n the heavensH
!ever to stop
!ever to carry
+he &oes o" this &orldH
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
3ver to inhabit
/n yo%r glory
And >oyE
Forever +ogether
5ith the saints o" GodE
*irds and the h%sh o" an air conditioner
Are the only noises / hear.
1ne can see yet one $ay not notice
A silent "l%tter o" the A$erican "lag %pon a pole.
Silent gro&th
Silent old age
Silent death and dying
And Silent birth and ne& li"e.
1ne can to%ch and one can s$ell
+he silent garden o" hot pin# "lo&ers
+he green grass "reshly c%t so"t and $oist
+he s%pple do&ny chee#s o" a ne&born babe.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
1ne can=t see b%t one can "eel
A silent breeCe
A sense o" peace
5hile death passes thro%gh
And li"e "lo%rishes.
'egeneration is all aro%nd
1pening ne& beginnings and sealing "inal ends.
T(E -)I#(T AN" %O)NIN# STA)
As the night brea#s into day
1ne lone star is still standingH
+he bright and $orning star
/s gli$$ering its bright light
Against the pastel bl%e s#y.
+he day a&a#es and &aits.
+he 0ord Jes%s Christ is o%r *right Morning Star.
:e shines brighter than any star "ro$ a"ar.
:e &aits "or %s and
:e bec#ons to %s
Patiently &aiting "or each o" %s.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
*%t >%st as the day da&ns
+he night $%st also co$eH
+hen :e &ill no longer &ait.
0et %s enter the da&n
0et %s enter the day
0et %s &al# to&ards o%r light.
0et %s &al# the holiness &ay.
0et the daystar arise in o%r hearts.
0et the high praises o" God be in o%r $o%thsE
0et %s &or# "or the 0ord &hile it is day.
0et the redee$ed o" the 0ord say
*lessed be the na$e o" the 0ordE
&A12IN# T()O,#( T(E STO)%
A barren desert o" ice and sno& blo&s in the city.
+his artic stor$ blan#ets everything
*ringing do&n tree li$bs and electrical po&er lines.
Pieces o" ice hale dart in $y "ace
And the sno& dri"ts glide and s&irlH
As the &ind blo&s in sI%alls o" sno&.
5al#ing against the &ind / can hardly see
*%t / #no& to reach ho$e / can=t stop no&.
+he 0ord &ill ta#e $e thr% this nat%ral stor$
As he ta#es $e thro%gh $y spirit%al stor$s as &ell.
:e has #ept $y "eet "ro$ "alling.
:e &ill $a#e $e strong thro%gh s%""ering.
:e has hid $e "ro$ the "ace o" danger.
:e &ill deliver $e "ro$ the stor$s.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
3very stor$E
5hether the stor$ is nat%ral or spirit%al
2%ring the &orst o" stor$s
+o lose $y tr%st in God is $ore dangero%s than to press on in "aith.
+o give %p in the $ists o" the stor$ is to yield to its eng%l"ing
My goal $%st be ho$e sa"e in the ar$s o" Christ.
:iding in the &ord o" God
Pressing to&ard that heavenly ho$e.
2ear Jes%s
/ re$e$ber &hen / "irst "ell in love &ith yo%.
;o% al&ays had loved $e
*%t / had >%st discovered it
5hen yo% "illed $e &ith yo%r :oly Spirit.
/t &as so a&eso$e and
/ had so $%ch >oy
+hat yo% &o%ld "ill $e &ith yo%r :oly Ghost.
+hat tr%ly yo% died "or $e
So that / co%ld have a &ay to eternal li"e.
/t tr%ly &as li#e rivers o" living &ater
Flo&ing o%t o" $y belly.
/ "ell over singing in other tong%es
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
'olling on the "loor
And / >%st loved yo% and still love yo%.
/t &as >%st the $ost &onder"%l
:appiest day o" $y li"e
5hen / "irst "ell in love &ith yo%H
And no& the love is still there
And $y passion is still there
*eca%se o" yo%.
;o% #ept $eH
5hen at ti$es / "elt $y love &as &aning.
;o% #ept $e
And delivered $eH
So / &o%ld love yo% even $ore
+han &hen / "irst began.
+han# yo%.
-' %' SPI)IT SAIT( T(E 1O)"
1Not 3y %ight"
Nor 3y o#er"
But 3y %y sirit saith the 2ord&&&' FQechariah .A6G
!at%ral Po&er alone is not eno%gh
!at%ral Might alone cannot do
*%t yo%r spirit 0ord /S A00 P153'.
;o%r spirit 0ord /S A00 M/G:+.
;o%r spirit is yo% the essence o" li"e.
5itho%t yo% / a$ nothing.
;et by yo%r spirit / &ill overco$e.
*y yo%r spirit / have the victory.
*y yo%r spirit / &ill conI%er the &iles o" the ene$y.
/ 5/00 P'3)A/0E
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
I 1O*E 'O, /ES,S
/ love yo% Jes%s.
/ love yo%.
Pain is in $y heart
*%t / love yo% dearly
And altho%gh each one o" %s
M%st ta#e o%r t%rn to die
And death see$s so cr%el and bitter
Precio%s are the deaths o" the saints
For &e &ill go ho$e
And the Glory and Joy o" that day
Cannot be e<plained.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
"O I9
2o / see a di""erence in $eB
2o / heed the &ord a $essage
!ot being said only "eltB
2o / perceive a ne& train o" tho%ghtB
A closer &al#
5ith yo% 1 0ord &ith yo%B
2o / ac#no&ledge that yo% al&ays are thereB
2o / not "eel the peace o" GodB
/ 21E
/ &onder ho& / can "eel this great peace
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
3ven in the trials and trib%lations o" li"eB
F)EE"O% IN #O"=S 1O*E
0oosed by the spirit
Free are o%r so%ls
5hen o%r So%ls are together in %nity
Satan is bo%nd
And the spirit is "ree.
+he love o" God is
Falling "alling and "alling "ro$ heaven.
5e Are 1ne /n :is :oliness.
5e are one in the spirit
5e are oneness
0oving the 0ord together as one.
/ 01)3 ;1, 01'2E
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
(O1" ON TO %E T(E 1O)" 'O,) #O"
/" / sho%ld bless yo% to re$ain single
:old on to $eH the 0ord yo%r God.
2on=t let $e go.
/" / sho%ld bless yo% &ith a h%sband
:old on to $eH the 0ord yo%r God.
2on=t let $e go.
/" / sho%ld bless yo% to be poor
;et al&ays having eno%ghM
/" / sho%ld bless yo% to be rich
And have $ore than eno%ghM
/" / sho%ld bless yo% &ith $y &ill
/n yo%r li"e
:old on to $e yo%r God.
3ternal li"e &ill be yo%r ho$e.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
I A% PE)S,A"E" -' T(E #OSPE1 OF C()IST
FA $editation o" 'o$ans 8A-4 L -9G
/ a$ pers%aded by the gospel o" Christ.
*y the gospel o" Christ
And in the gospel o" Christ
/ have "o%nd
/ $%st praise yo% 1h 0ord
0ive in yo%
0ove yo%.
/ have "o%nd
/ &ill and / a$
Forever praising yo%E
/ have "o%nd
/ a$ pers%aded by the gospel o" Christ
+o believe that nothing shall be able to separate %s
Fro$ the 0ove o" God thro%gh
Christ Jes%s o%r 0ord.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
")A& %E C1OSE) TO 'O, O( 1O)"
/" / dra& nigh to yo%
;o% &ill dra& nigh to $e.
;o% are al&ays there >%st &aiting
For $e to dra& close to yo%.
+each $e 1h 0ord to be
Closer closer closer to yo%
!earer nearer nearer to yo%
More and $ore and $ore
0i#e yo%.
:elp $e to "ight o"" all the distractions and obstacles
+hat hinders $e
And "oc%s on yo%
1nly yo%E
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
F5ritten appro<i$ately 2@10@07G
Jes%s sa& beyond the cross
For the >oy that &as set be"ore :i$.
:e sa& %s sin"%l and on o%r &ay to sel"Ddestr%ction
needing a &ay o%t
having a &ay o%t o" hell
and into glory
:e sa& %s healed by his bloodH
delivered by his po&er
trans"or$ed into a child o" God.
:e sa& yo% and he sa& $e
As &e &o%ld be
beyond the cross.
:e sa& the hope beyond the grave that
&e &o%ld receive
+he >oy %nspea#able that reaches the heavenliest o" heaven that
&e &o%ld receive
+he peace o" God passing the %nderstanding o" $an that
&e &o%ld receive
+he victory in Christ that shac#les the plans o" Satan that
&e &o%ld receiveE
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:e sa& hi$sel" reclai$ing his eternal gloryH
Sitting high on the throne o" God
As (ing o" #ings and 0ord o" lords.
:e sa& yo% and he sa& $e as reigning &ith :i$
For &e s%""er &ith :i$

+o the glory o" the Father.
:e sa& the >oy beyond the cross o" a $%ltit%de
a n%$ber
+hat co%ld not be n%$bered cryingA
6O2Y" 6O2Y" 6O2Y"
>6I=6 >AS"
AND IS )O =OMEA /Reve$ation ?+;0
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
O,) (O%E IS &(E)E O,) (EA)TS A)E T(E C(,)C(
F5ritten appro<i$ately 7@24@06G
1%r :o$e
0i"ting %p the standard o" :oliness
1%r :earts
/n the &ord that is ta%ght and e<horted
1%r :o$e
'e>oicing in the 0ord al&ays
1%r :earts
0oving one another &ith the 0ove o" Christ
1%r :o$e
5here saints give God the glory as &e serve :i$
1%r :earts
Are &aiting on the 0ord Jes%s Christ
And 0oving :is appearing.
1%r ho$e is &here o%r heart is and o%r hearts are &ith the 0ord.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
Jes%s as yo% &al# in the Garden o" Gethse$ane
3arly in the $orning
*e"ore the crac# o" da&n
*e"ore the "irst bird so s&eetly singsA
;o% are here alone
Praying and $editating
0aboring in prayer.
;o%r s&eat is po%ring
po%ring do&n as it &ere great drops o" blood
as yo% co$$%ne &ith ;o%r Father in heaven.
+he breeCe is blo&ing
as a $other &ho so soothingly stro#es her ne& born babe
As the ang%ish stirs &ithin yo% "or the ti$es to co$e.
Jes%sE 1h Jes%sE
Forgive $e 0ord.
For so o"ten / have not &al#ed &ith yo% in the &ee ho%rs o" the $orning.
0i#e yo%r disciples in Gethse$ane
/ rested on &hen yo% &anted $e to pray.
PrayE +hat / $ight not enter into te$ptation
And / 1h / &as not ready
5hile yo% &al# &ith ang%ish and co$passion
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
#no&ing the ti$es to co$e.
PrayE PrayE PrayE
Please pray yo% say to %sE
T(AT T(E' %A' -E ONE IN ,S
1>hen #e are one in =hrist"
)he #or$d %ay 3e$ieve that God has sent us' /John *,+(*0
+o be one
As the Father is in the Son
As the son in the "ather
As the seed is in the &o$b
As the circle o" the earth
5e &al# %pon.
+o be one
5e loveH
+hey loveH
/ loveH
God is 0ove.
1ne love
God=s love
1ne $ind
God=s $ind
+he $ind o" God
+he Son o" God
+he Spirit o" tr%th
+he &ord o" God
+he Co$"orter
+he :oly Ghost
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
1ne 0ord
1ne *aptis$
1ne God and Father o" all
+o be one &ith :i$
As the eye o" an apple and the apple itsel"
53 A'3 1!3E
:is love "or $e
My love to be
As :is
/ in yo% and
;o% in $e
1%r love &ill shed "orth %nto others
And %nto everlasting li"e.
0ove is "lo&ing "ro$ the "o%ntain o" li"e
+hat never r%ns dryH
0oving in the depths and heights o" love
Cherishing yo%r &ordH this holy &ay o" li"e
And loving so%ls so that they $ight "eel yo%r love.
My love $%st be as Christ=s love is "or $e.
/ str%ggle to e<ercise yo%r love.
/ s%""er to e<ercise yo%r love
;et /=$ co$"orted by yo%r love 1 0ord.
/ &ill not I%it the "ight
*%t reach to love as yo% love 1 0ord.
:is love "or $e is
For yo%
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
And "or $e.
(O& S(A11 &E 1O*E T(EE9
F5ritten appro<i$ately 2006G
JAnd thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind,
and with all thy strength, says Mark 12:30.
0ove :i$
5ith thy heart
As the love o" a tho%sand &ells
2eeply passionatelyH
P%tting Ceal into all &e do.
0ove the 0ord thy God
5ith all thy so%lH
As a so%l a living being
;o%r essence can bring "orth the love o" God.
;o%r light can shine and abide
And say J0ord / love yo%.K
5ith the li"e yo% live.
0ove the 0ord thy God
5ith yo%r entire $ind.
Casting do&n every evil i$agination
+hat stealthily tries to steal yo%r peace
And cherish the &ord o" God.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
5hen &e $editate day and night
God=s tho%ghts seep inH
So that &e can be trans"or$ed
+o the i$age o" Christ.
0ove the 0ord thy God
5ith all thy $ight
0et everything &ithin thee say
/ love yo% 0ordE
5hen yo% can do no $ore
;o% #no& yo%r $ight is spent
And yo% #no& yo% $%st tr%st in the 0ord=s replenish$ent.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
FA $editation inspired "ro$ the Song o" Solo$onG
+he Ch%rch can say
J/ a$ $y beloved and $y beloved is $ine.K
As Solo$on loved his bride
Christ loves :is ch%rch.
Christ the bridegroo$ is dra&n to the ch%rch
And God=s Ch%rch the bride is dra&n to Christ.
+he Ch%rch is loved.
:e is dra&n toA
:er holiness as p%re as the "inest gold
:er praise as "iery as a b%rning "la$e
:er adoration as doting as a "a&n=s $other
:er love o" God that end%res thro%gho%t all ti$e
:er peace &ithin &hich has passed all %nderstanding
:er >oy %nspea#able and indescribable
/n all this :e delights in :er.
Jes%s is loved.
+he ch%rch is dra&n to :i$.
She is dra&n toA
:is stead"ast loveH loving %nder any and all circ%$stances
:is tr%e deliverance brea#ing all shac#les in the lives o" the saints
:is shelter and protection against the evil that &o%ld be"all :er
:is po&er and strength &hich is all po&er"%l and the origin o" all strength
:is salvation o""er F&hosoever &ills $ay co$eG
:is glorio%s Spirit &hich d&ells &ith %s
/t /nd&ells the Ch%rch
+he tr%e Ch%rch
+hat is &aiting "or the rapt%re and the $arriage s%pper o" the 0a$b.
/n all this She delights in :i$.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
:e has $ended the bro#en hearted.
:e has healed the sin sic# so%l.
:e has delivered the bondage o" $any
And set the captives "ree.
Captives enslaved by dr%gs "ornication
*itterness $%rdero%s hearts and "ilthy drea$s
Are released into >oy peace love and ab%ndance o" li"e
3$bracing a ne& li"eH
Appearing as a ne& being
+hey are set "ree into the ar$s o" Christ.
Set "ree %nto a living God.
Free "ro$ sin
*o%nd to Christ
And gro&ing as a pleasant vine.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
God gave the children o" /srael the Pro$ised 0and
;et they had to "ight and labor to get it.
/t &as not a gi"t >%st handed over
*%t a re&ard to be ta#en by "orce.
1)he <ingdo% o! 6eaven suBereth vio$ence&' /Mt&
5e $%st ta#e the victory by "orceE
*y "orceD praying do&n all strongholds
*y "orceD "asting and #eeping do&n the "lesh
*y "orceD clai$ing the spirit%al "r%it that is o%rsE
*y "orceD "ighting to $aintain holinessE
*; F1'C3E
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
IN (IS 2IN#"O%
5e are a part o" the #ingdo$ o" God.
:is #ingdo$ is righteo%sness peace
And the >oy o" the :oly Ghost. F'o$ans 1.A17G
/n :is #ingdo$
Jes%s has the #eys to death hell and the grave.
/n :is #ingdo$
5e have the po&er to bind the po&ers o" dar#ness
+hro%gh the blood o" Jes%s Christ.
/n :is #ingdo$
5hich is not o" this &orld b%t o" a heavenly #ingdo$
5e shall all reign.
+he $ee# shall inherit the earth
A lion shall lay do&n &ith a la$b
And a yo%ng child shall lead the$. F/saiah 11A6D9G
/n :is #ingdo$
!ot $ade &ith hands b%t created by the &ord o" GodH
Satan and his do$inion &ill be bo%nd 1000 years. F'evelation 20A2G
/n :is #ingdo$
5here God=s :oly Spirit spreads to the "o%r corners o" the earth
5here God=s o$nipotence o$niscience and o$nipresence
:as abo%nded does abo%nd and &ill al&ays abo%nd
Jes%s Christ sits on the throne even no&H FActs2A-0G
And in that heavenly city
+he !e& Jer%sale$
/n the #ingdo$ o" God
Jes%s Christ &ill "orever sit on the throne. F'evelation 22A1D1.G
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
(IS -1OO" #I*IN# 1O*E
+he blood o" Jes%s Christ
See the nails pierced in :is handsB
See the s&ord pierced thro%gh :is sideB
See the pain and the blood dripping do&nB
See :i$ tort%red by the cro&n o" thorns %pon :is head
:e s%""ered "or %sH
:e s%""ered &hile &e sinned sinned sinned
And contin%ed to sin
5hile &e tho%ght not o" :is love "or %sH
5hile &e #ne& not that :e is
+he Christ
And 2eliverer
For 1%r So%ls.
1%r rede$ption thro%gh the blood o" Jes%s &o%ld never be
Co%ld never be
5itho%t :is s%""ering love
:is bleeding love
:is tort%red love.
:e has snatched the #eys o" death hell and the grave
5hen :e died "or %s.
:e has ascended %p into heaven a"ter :e rose "ro$ the dead
And no& :e has li"ted %s.
:e has le"t %s the co$"orter the :oly Ghost.
:e has le"t %s %nspea#able >oy L
:/S salvation
:/S *0112 G/)/!G 01)3
+o strengthen %s "or the trials to co$e.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
T(AT T),E NE& "A'
+he "irst bird is singing againH
*ranch to branch
+ree to tree
Alone praising the 0ord in song.
A ne& da&n begins againA
1pening the s#y
Per$itting the day
Co$ing "orth in a painless silent &ay.
!e& horiCons they never end
For a ne& day God al&ays sends.
A brighter hope it still s%rvives
For Jes%s Christ :e=s still alive.
5e are &aiting "or that tr%e ne& day
5hen the (ing o" #ings shall reign.
1%r 0ord and Savior Jes%s Christ shall reign &ill reign shall reign.
And the night &ill no longer be any$ore.
/t &ill cease
For God=s light shall never cease.
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina
/ can al$ost see the endH
+he beginning o" the co$ing o" o%r 0ord Jes%s Christ.
:oly Ghost "ire per$eates each child o" God
And God=s in"inity to%ches $y heartH
+elling $e the ti$e is
2ra&ing nigh "or the
Co$ing o" the
Jes%s Christ is s&eet and so very very deep.
Joy covers $e &ith light
And peace t%rns in $y heart
0i#e cool strea$ &aters.
/ see (ing 2avid re>oicing and dancing &ith all his heart
And / do re>oice &ith hi$ "or
*3;1!2 M3AS,'3E
My God My Song My Praise
JoAnn S. Fashina

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