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Subject Code : 09
Subject : Management &General Knowledge
DATE: 14/08/2012
TIME: 1400 hr. to 1700 hr. Max. Marks: 100
(1) 3ITR Ij)I?-dPZ ci f !l{>G[ cB ~ ~ om CJZtc>tci f 3'fT[G{J L f ?i c; cB 0ITR f uq5 ~ sTc
i [ G [ \1 ?I[ Q5 am r:man I
(3) r[fhm~ qj[ ?i N t., E a III q cpts sttr i tc cpts ~ C5[[! CJlh?tt Cl{ art I ~ 1ICl5R
~ ri f rm ci f [!Cl5 3Qqctd CJZtcrr 8RI un . acm I
(4) CJTtf f i qj[ a:mi t cB 3tfdRctd i ter ai., f @m m3TR Rc ctSf s qj[ ~ tsu: fcfrc.rfft- d
ftt>r! CJ[[! ~ ci f 3m I crui f ci f aft art I
(7) f cp?f l aft !l{>G[ cB un a 3ITR -er?: lJi k lI~Ci f 0.25 3Tc[) PTG ~ U[[?[eJ[ 3m [!Cf5
tt !l{>G[ cB ctJt 3CCR ~ i t: 0Cf'fil Cf5l Jte"4.ZcPGt Gftl f f l:sm u-ui l cm I
(8) !l{>G[ rei am 3CCR 5Rci cpz c;tai t tt .f ttrf t8.f Ct> cP[ CfTTRl GR I c6CW: 3ITR lj)f 1-dPZ Ci f
at F{l Pzd fitcrft G [ [ lft 3tl PZ ~~cp6f ~ urri l orr I
(10) ~ ct> T t aft !l{>G[ f 9lTGt ci f CJ[erG i ttm cam .g ill 3"R !l{>G[ e t ~ qvf 3:[ C P f c;i 2
U[[i tcJt I
(11) f cp?f l aft fb;ifl e t !l{>G[ ci f 3tcJR ct> T t ?iXfCI .g illJifR ~ om ~ 3:tcllu f1 e t !l{>G[
cP[ ctm I 3~ !l{>Gt7 Cf5l fb;ifl it 3~ ttzxrr tett .g I
1 Which of the following is NOT a ma jor a ctivity of opera tions in supporting compa ny
a ) Provide products/services suited to the compa ny's ca pa bilities.
b) Produce product with consistent qua lity level.
c) Minimize cost.
d) Provide a product/service which ha s sufficient ma rket.
~ ~~mwcf ;cra:f r * '" f llh6kll ~ ~~ ~ ~ dIQf cl tu~ t?
q;) ~ * '" ~3IT 31a1cf i (>f 3(" q1~ 11 ~.m~~ .
. . : > "
~) ~JIOlck(""l1 ~~~~Cf i Tf o1J4'ol.
df ) ~ Cf i T Cf ld=f ~.
tl) QCf i '~ / -F cf T Ri 1f 1Cf lI ~ ~~, 1RJ01 CRUrr.
2 Which India n city hosted the first women's World Cup Ka ba ddi tourna ment held in Ma rch-
a ) Hydera ba d, Andhra Pra desh
b) Thiruva na ntha pura m, Kera la
c) New Delhi
d) Pa tna , Biha r
~ lHHJ)4 ~~ at ~<>T'r~ f ct~q q:;q Cf l~5!El coi 'IJ)a-C ~ 2012 ~31141GM f cl:i <:rr ~
, "
Cf l") ~C\{I~IC\, 3-Tf u~~T
~) Q{)qu1(""1Q{J4,m-
df )~~
tl) GCaIT, ~
3 The Delphi Method;
a ) Relies on the power ofwritten a rguments.
b) Requires resolution of differences via fa ce-to-fa ce deba te.
c) Is ma inly used a s a n a lterna tive to exponentia l smoothing.
d) None of the a bove.
~f ctf tt;
Cf l") f f i f f i l C1 cr41* '" ~~ q" {~ ~ ~.
~ ~- ~ ~ ~ d11't-<ni ~ ~ ~ ~ q" {~ Cf i {(=IT t.
df ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"C!Cf l" f clCf l<>=4i li ~;R- ~ ~ a J(1T t.
. . : > "
tl) ~~~ ~TT~.
4 Inwhich of the following yea rs did Right to Informa tion Act ca me into force?
a ) 2003
b) 2004
c) 2005
d) 2006
~ Cf lT~ 3rttlf o1~J4Cf ))<Ji ~ ~ ~ (>Tf dTF r3IT?
" ,,~
Cf l") 2003
~) 2004
df ) 2005
t l ) 2006
Page 1of 26
5 Which of the following is used a s a lubrica nt?
a ) Gra phite
b) Silica
c) Iron oxide
d) None of Them
f a1J:;;:r ;R- ttmm"QCf l ~ (lubrica nt) ~ ~ ;R- ~ f cF ;<rr a rc=rr ~
Cfi) ~Chl$c
(Sf ) RIf f i Cf )t
dT) 3lT<R01 3i ICf {i I$S
6 The person most responsible for popula rizing intercha ngea ble pa rts in ma nufa cturing wa s;
a ) E liWhitney
b) Whitney Houston
c) Lillia n Gilbreth
d) Frederick Winslow Ta ylor
~f a1-rl,<H 'rTTTOI ;R- ~f a1cR04 mmChT <>i 1Cf )~04 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gi J=cR~l,{ c04TCt<"l ~;
Cf i )~ yq;Ca11
(Sf ) c6J Ca11 t4 'f cCTi
dT) f f i f f i 04CTi Gilbreth
er) ~S~Cf ) Winslow rn
7 India is a secula r sta te beca use;
a ) There is no sta te religion
b) E very citizen ha s the right to a dopt a nd pra ctice a ny religion
c) No discrimina tion ca n be ma de a mong citizens on the ba sis of religion
d) No rea son sta ted a bove
~ "QCf l tlA f a1'{Cl a 1~ ~Cf 41 f ct; ;
Cf i ) ~ ~ ~ trn" a:r6T ~
(Sf ) ~ CTltd 1~Cf ) Cf i T f ctRf r a.f r trn" ChT3i qCTi tCTlt c:rm ~ ~ Cf i T~ ~
dT) m:r c):; 3-fItTR" q-{CTit aI~ Cf ll c):; tr" ir ~ ~ a:r6T f cF ;<rr ~ ~ ~
er)~ CfiT{Uf <Ti6T 3lCR CF eIT dTm ~
8 Who is the only U.S. President to invent a nd pa tent something?
a ) Theodore Roosevelt
b) Abra ha mLincoln
c) Rutherford B. Ha yes
d) Thoma s Jefferson
mVtf i m:r3i cR~c:f l) '{tl\s::q\"8 6~CI""$lcA ~ 3i tml\Cf )1{ m~f cF ;<rr tn?
Cf i ) ~ ~\jj ~(>'C
dT) ,{~{lh)g a r~
er) ~JllhH i CJOl
9 All of the following decisions fa ll within the scope of opera tions ma na gement E XCE PT for;
a ) Fina ncia l a na lysis
Pa ge 2 of 26
b) Design of products a nd processes
c) Loca tion of fa cilities
d) Fa cility Ma na gement
~ <hTlT{ Wla ~ ~ " Qq;CllT 0;) SCh{~ f a1oT<:r =ti:qI c>i Oi ~ t- c;rm- * 31Tct~;
Cf l) f ckd'lll ~~
~3,ql~1 3-f R~3IT t- ~\51I$Oi
'aT) ~3IT q;r ~
10 Which one a mong the following is not gua ra nteed by the Constitution of India ?
a ) Freedomto pra ctice a ny tra de orprofession
b) Freedomto move freely throughout the country
c) Freedomto a ssemble pea cefully without a rms
d) Freedomto own, a cquire a nd dispose of property a nywhere in the country
~<hTlfc:1ffila * ~m~~m1 t- ~ ~ dfl" ttr ~ ~ CJ1<:IT~
Ch) ~ 3f r ell IqI\( <:ITq~r<tIT 3f 3=<.Tf f i ~ t- ~ fCI t1:ta l
~) ~~~?;~r m* ~:q{OI Cf i "{i Tf f
'aT) fta :rr ~ ~1Ia-Jl qo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q;r fClI t1::4
tJ) ~r ~ q;f f i " 3f r =ti4k<i q;r fCI 1f A ,Cl ~ C1mfiTl4tlcA <tIT fCllt1:t
11 The Two tier E nergy Audit in Ordna nce a nd Ordna nce E quipment Fa ctories consists of
Audit through interna l resources every yea r a nd Audit through externa l a ccredited energy
a uditor once in a period of;
a ) Two Yea rs
b) Three Yea rs
c) FourYea rs
d) Five Yea rs
.mm.r 3-f 3QfCf){ ChIH SlIG11 ~ cJ f Crt)<r~ ~ 'i f ra=rr, 31i <""l~Ch ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
.,:) .,:)
~ 3-f R~ f{tR Ji 1a-1I <""11 ~ 3i \51T ~ W a1CF i ~ Ji Tl.<f d1 ~ ~ tR'ra=rr ------- ~ .31cfftt ~
" Qq;~~ef;
Cf i ) cJ~
df) 'TR" m<>T
tJ) ti Rr~
12 The Meeting of JCM IV Council should be held a t lea st once in;
a ) One month
b) Two months
c) Three months
d) Fourmonths
J<{:f \QJi ~~~~~~~~ ---- w:r<r~~~ 3114lfa <" " l ~~~;
Cf i )~~
Pa ge 3 of 26
13 Wha t is the unit for mea suring the a mplitude of a sound?
a ) Decibel
b) Cycles
c) Hum
d) Coulomb
"QCf l ~ et; a mplitude (3f T<m1) q:,t ~ et; f c;W ~ CRIT t?
Cf l) Decibel
~) Cycles
U) Coulomb
14 'OS' computer a bbrevia tion usua lly mea ns?
a ) Optica l Sensor
b) Open Softwa re
c) Opera ting System
d) Order of Significa nce
'OS" 'cf ;C'QC't ~ a:rTdT .3ITcl1 cf RtR smt?
Cf l) Ji If Cc::Cf l(>l m
~) Ji Tqa:r 'ff(lf Ca <ZH
dT)31lq~f bl Ul'f O-t
U" )~ 3fftn Rl(jI~f th4lo-'H
15 The ma ximumnumber of members fromboth officia l &sta ff side permitted in JCM IV
Council a re;
a ) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 13
Jl'fflQJi ~ ~ * ~~ 3fRCf ltA'tIl;f l qi r ~ ~ 'f cf JCf lI~ ~m 6" ;
Cf l) 10
~) 11
dT) 12
U") 13
16 The ABC pla nt produces 500 pa cking boxes in two 1a -hour shifts. Due to higher dema nd,
they ha ve decided to opera te three 8-hour shifts instea d. They a re now a ble to produce
600 boxes perda y. Wha t ha s ha ppened to production?
a ) It ha s increa sed by 50 sets/shift
b) It ha s increa sed by 37.5 sets/hour
c) It ha s increa sed by 20%
d) It ha s decrea sed by 8.3%
~ Wtr 10 ut Cf lT ~ t:JTf tm * 500 ~ ~ ~ Cf lIT 6" . ~ a:ITdTet; Cf lRUT, a-~
cf u;:r 8 ut ~ 'f l'tlIR>l("l ~ Cf lT ~ ~ 6" . a- .mr"Sf f i 1 ~ 600 ~ Cf i T 3,ql~01 ~ *
W f f cJ16. 3,ql~01 *CRIT qf {aa01 ~3i Tt?
Pa ge 4 of 26
Cf i ) ~~~ 50m:~~dTm~ /61C\(>Ilq
~ ~37.5 &/ti cr~~~~
UI~ 8. 3%~ ~ .
17 When Arvind compa res projected sa les to a ctua l sa les in her depa rtment, she is
performing the function of ma na gement;
a ) Pla nning
b) Orga nizing
c) Lea ding
d) Controlling
~~, .3f '1Ol f ctmcrr Cf i T qlf<1RiCh ~ ~ ~ 3iCiiCHlfoi<1 ~ ~ ~ ~ m %~ ~
. : > . : >
_ _ ~ Cf i T ~~)a:r ~ ~ ~;
Cf i )~
(Sf);HdlR>ct ~
dT ) ; ; t : r c : q
UI f;)4~OI
18 The yea r inwhich Pa ncha ya t Ra j wa s introduced in India :
a ) 1959
b) 1956
c) 1962
d) 1966
----- Cf tIT ~ cl 'q 14 ct ~ 31R<1~ q~r f ct;mdTmm:
Cf i ) 1959
dT ) 1962
tf ) 1966
19 Which one does not use opera tions ma na gement?
a ) A ba nk
b) A hospita l
c) A superma rket
d) They a ll use.
~ ~ ~ cnta; ;H'ql (>ICii~ ~ Cf i T 3q4)d 1~ <RctT?
Cf i ) "Q"Cf i~
~ 'QCf i 31fq <11(>I
dT) "Q"Cf i {iq'(CH1cl'; c::
tf ) ~ mft " " '3qn-,4..n.~d" IT1 ~~.
20 The responsibilities ofthe opera tions ma na ger include;
a ) Pla nning, orga nizing, sta ffing, procuring, a nd reviewing
b) Foreca sting, designing, pla nning, orga nizing, a nd controlling
c) Foreca sting, designing, opera ting, procuring, a nd reviewing
d) Pla nning, orga nizing, sta ffing, lea ding, a nd controlling
Pa ge 5 of 26
ti ~ I <>lCTi~ ~ QF cF k,1 ~ ti t ;R- ~nffr<>l"~;
en) 1I1\51CTi I, 3'I1111\51CTi , Rf tO, ~, 3f f i " mm
([) 4a~CTi CH ICTi , fg" 1 I$CTi , ~, 3'1I 41\51CTi , 3tR ~:ti 'lOI
" . ; )
dT) 4a~CTi CH I0"1, B \51 I$CTi , ti ~I<>lCTi , ~, 3f f i " mm
" . ; )
'E T)413t<rlI, RftO, 3'l11I13t<rl, ~, 3tR ~4~ol
21 White Coa l is;
a ) Hydro electricity
b) Pa rtia lly burn coa l
c) Ash
d) None ofthe a bove
~ Cf i )lI<>l1 ~:
en)tf CT1"fill"1 <4)
([) ~ ~ ~ "\jj"(>lT ~3IT Cf i )1I <>ll
tl)~~~3f r~
22 The words 'Sa tya meva Ja ya te' inscribed belowthe ba se pla te of the emblemof India a re
ta ken from;
a ) Rigveda
b) Sa tpa th Bra hma na
c) Ra ma ya na
d) Munda k Upa nisha d
~~ ''f kllA a ~' " \51T 31RC1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3IT ~ ------ ~ TIi tmdT<IT ~;
. ; ) . ; )
tl) en34~1SIe\
23 Which of the following a re not inputs into the production process?
a ) Time
b) E nergy
c) La bour
d) Ma teria ls
f a1H :r;R- ~ mm3,41e\0"1 ~ ~ ;R-~f c11Sl)~ ~
tl) d1T(>f
24 Henry Ford is noted for his contributions to;
a ) Assembly line opera tions
b) Scientific ma na gement
c) Sta nda rdiza tion of pa rts
d) Time a nd motion studies
Pa ge 6 of 26
~~~~a tr~<ndlC\lCi1 cf ;~~6;
Cf l) 'H<HICi1sfiJ" I ~JG1
~) ~<i1IQi;fi ~
dT) 31f cli t Cf lT tA IOi c:f i I i;fi'(0I
er) 'Hd1<:r~ lFm1Cf lT m..<n:rOi "
25 Wha t is la ughing ga s?
a ) Ca rbon monoxide
b) Hydrogen peroxide
c) Nitrous oxide
d) Sulphur dioxide
~1 R=r CRn " t ?
Cf l) ~ ~3'i lCf ti I $5
~) ~1$~~clOi (h~Cf 'H I$5
<TT)0i 1$\::~'H 31ICf 'H I$5
er) ~ ~ 311Cf ti I$5
26 The moving a ssembly line wa s developed by:
a ) E lton Ma yo
b) Frederick W. Ta ylor
c) E liWhitney
d) Henry Ford
~fr<;r 'H tAlaotSf i tA ~ ------ ~ c;qro mCf lNlC'f ~ dT<IT m:
~ ,
Cf l) ~c.a rmrr
~) Q:;SRCf l ~ t<>R
27 Who is a highest La w Officer of a sta te?
a ) Attorney Genera l
b) Advoca te Genera l
c) Solicitor Genera l
d) Secreta ry Genera l
~ ~ 3vi ki tA fcrtQ ~ mt?
Cf l) .3f i f af f " cl aot'( (>i
~ QSCl)4lc clOi '>i
<TT)'H lf (>lNl<::{ clOi '>i
er) ~ ~ <:::f Icl aot'( (>i
28 The ga ses used in different types ofwelding would include;
a ) Oxygen a nd Hydrogen
b) Oxygen, Acetylene a nd Argon
c) Oxygen a nd Acetylene
d) Oxygen, Acetylene a nd Hydrogen
~ ~ ~ ~ f M$a I ~ R>l1! ------- -mrr CflT$h~Ji I(>i fcn<:rr a ra r ~;
Page 7of 26
q;) 3i 1Cf "{i ~\jj013tR $1$~)\jj01
~) QRlR:J101, 3"l1<tof f l\jj013tR ~
v" .. ~ RlR: "
df ) 3i 1<tf (1\i lO1.,..,1'<. Q ('i 101
U") QRlR:~01, 3i 1<tf j~\jj01 3tR $1$~)\jj01
29 Which of the following sta tements a bout orga niza tiona l missions is FALSE ?
a ) They reflect a compa ny's purpose.
b) They indica te wha t a compa ny intends to contribute to society.
c) They define a compa ny's rea son for existence.
d) They provide guida nce for functiona l a rea missions.
;H(j16Ci 1!<-CH Ch3t~<r cf ; iI1t ~f o1<hTi f c>1f i g(1 ~ ~ ~ m~dl(>I(1t?
Cli ) et V<fj cf ;-qaf r cf ; 3t~<rCf i T '>Ikl~.~(1 C:f i TI 6.
<Sf ) et ~ ~ 6f cti V<fj cf ;-qaf r ~ cf ; ~ q:m <4)Cl 1C;ICi 1 ~ ~ 6.
df ) et cf ;t:raf r Cf i T3"1~<"kq cf ; Cf i RUT Cf lT m~ C:f i TI 6.
U") et mmcf ; m<r cf ; ~ ~~1a1 ~ CRCTI ~
30 Very sma ll time interva ls a re a ccura tely mea sure by;
a ) White dwa rfs
b) Pulsa rs
c) Atomic clocks
d) Qua rtz clocks
~ rnt ~ cf ; 3ffim;r eN------ cf ; C\3RT ~ ~ ~ d1msna r6;
Cli ) ~dwa rfs
~) trRR
df ) Q{CH IOI ~
U" ) <tq 1~\iI ~
31 The person who developed the economic order qua ntity model wa s:
a ) Wa iter Shewha rt
b) Henry Ga ntt
c) Ford Ha rris
d) Henry Fa yol
qc; c<4R(1 Gllr$1IA E OQ ~ f clCf l~(1 f cR:rr m:
q;) ~ Shewha rt
df ) q;Tg f;frn
U") tonT~
32 One Joule is equa l to;
a ) 10
b) 10
c) 10
d) 10
V<fj ~ ------ cf ; ~ 6;
qi ) 105 ergs
Pa ge 8 of 26
~) 103ergs
err) 1011ergs
tr) 107 ergs
33 Bird ma n of India is;
a ) Pa ndit Ja wa ha rla l Nehru
b) Sa limAli
c) Ra viSha nka r
d) Minister for E nvironment a nd Forests
3n1 <f; qat ~ <f; ~ ~ ~~ c'4Rct ------ t;
Cf 1)t:@(:r "l ClI iH ~ ~
dT) {f ct ~lcR"
tr) 44i Cl,{OI 31R qa :r~
34 Wa ter is a good solvent of ionic sa lts beca use;
a ) It ha s a high specific hea t
b) It ha s a high boiling point
c) It ha s a high dipole moment
d) It ha s no colour
qra :ft" 3i I'4 f u:1Ch (>f CI"Uf Cf i T~ fa (>t I '4 Cf ) t~ ;
Cf 1)~ lJql3Ur ~ ~ t
dT) ~ 3Ur ~ JmrOT t
. : ) "
u" ) ~ ~ tdT ~ e.-
35 ABC compa ny produces ca st bronze va lves on a n a ssembly line, currently producing
1600 va lves ea ch during 8-hour shift. Ifthe productivity is increa sed by 10%, it would then
a ) 1760va lves/hr
b) 880 va lves/hr
c) 220 va lves/hr
d) 200 va lves/hr
~ ~ lJql f i lA ICTi Sf )lA tR Cf i TR' ~ ~ Cf i T 3,4 Ie\Oi ~ ~ t. Cl AlA ICTi ~ 8titcf t'r f W :f c ~
~ 1600cm;::q Cf i T3,41e\Oi eR' f W :F c~ ~ ~ e.-. ~ 3,4 Ie\ChctI ~ 10%cf t'r ~ Me.- i ll ~
Cf i T~ ~~;
Cf 1)1760 cm;::q I ti er
~) 880 cm;:qI ti er
dT) 220 cm;:qI ti er
tr) 200 va lvesl ti er
36 The Ga s used for a rtificia l ripening of green fruits?
a ) Nitrogen
b) Ca rbon dioxide
c) Acetylene
d) Argon
Pa ge 9 of 26
Cf i ) CI1I$~)a Cl1
-g) ~ST$'3ilct'HI$5
dT) Q ~ R:<>1CI1
37 Which of the following is a n exa mple of being a n efficient compa ny?
a ) Opera ting a t the lowest possible cost while yielding a higher output
b) Crea ting the highest customer sa tisfa ction ra tings
c) Meeting the production schedule
d) Obta ining the highest ma rket sha re
f ai J:;;:r 'R~ m'I:!Cf i ~Rif ~ CfiT'I:!Cf i 3e\1tH 0 I 6?
Cf i ) IrZOICI1 CiJOl ~ tR {i ill CiOfCl1 ~ ~ ~ j(" q Ie\CI1CR01T
~ . ; )
df) 3,qle\CI1 ~~cnT~~
'E T)~ 'R3vilCiJOl ~~e\I:fl ~ CI1{01f
38 Which of the following is not a key wa y in which business orga niza tions compete with one
a nother?
a ) Production cost
b) Product duplica tion
c) Qua lity
d) Time to performcerta in a ctivities
f ai J:;;:r 'R ~ mm Q Cfi JOl tk-q '!.~ crtTCfiT ~ 6" ~ c~IqFt {i dloCl1'I:!Cf i ~ $mtr !>I RI fq tIT
Cf i ) j,q Ie\CI1c;rr;rrc:r
(Sf )~~)${Iq
df) dlOlqn'1l
'E T)q;u; dlRlfa Rtm cnT{iqle\CI1 ~ CfiT~
39 Which ca me la st in the development of ma nufa cturing techniques?
a ) Lea n production
b) Division of la bour
c) Ma ss production
d) Cra ft production
~.mOI CiCficr1'iCfi cf ; fa CfiI'H 'R~ ~ CRIT~
Cf i ) ~ j,qle\CI1
(Sf )~~
df) ~m>f 3,QIe\CI1
'E T)~ j,QIe\CI1
40 IS IISO 9001 Qua lity Ma nua l need not include informa tion on;
a ) E xclusions ifa ny, with justifica tion
b) Documented procedures or reference to them
Page 10 of 26
c) Intera ction between processes
d) Record of Ma na gement Committee Meetings
~.m 9001 Cl I 01 ck('t I ~ dl ~ \51li 11ChIf ! ChT~~ Cf i "{crIT ~ a :r8i" ~ .;
.:> .:>
Cf i ) ~ ~ 3tlf i l,4 t_ ~ ~~lkf I{OI,
(Y ) !Jf ~f f i )cl ~JITm~~
df) ~JIT t_ ti 'tr 4I{f4 f {Ch f i l;<:rr
U) ~ 'H f J:1R1 q;r itoCf; * '" ~
41 " Gra pevine" is a termused in rela tion to:
a ) Forma l communica tion
b) Informa l communica tion
c) Both (a ) a nd (b)
d) This termis not used in rela tion to communica tion
" ~ 11 ~~ t_ ~ dl ~ ~~~:
Ch" )3tl4ill f {Ch ~
(Y ) 31<1114:qI f{Ch m:m:
df) cJo:rr (Ch" )3tR (" {g)
U) ~~~m:m:t-~*34OQ~ClI ~~~~
42 Which one is not genera lly considered to be a n a dva nta ge of using models for decision
ma king?
a ) Providing a systema tic a pproa ch to problemsolving
b) E mpha sizing qua ntita tive informa tion
c) Providing a n exa ct representa tion of rea lity
d) E na bling ma na gers to a nswer " wha t if' questions
31T11c=fRtR ~ AA ~ 1mr f atH :r * ~~'H T ~ 34:mdl ~ ~ lhI4?\JOi c::; ~m;:rr ~
Ch" )'H,I" Ff41 q:;f 'H(4 $'fleA ~ 1mr lJCf i c4 Cl~ ccf i Sc:Cf i ) 0I ~ ~
(Sf ) CH I ~ "CH Ch" \511Ci 1ChI ~ "Cf l1" !JfCH 'l5I cll
df) ClIf C1mChcl I ctlT lJCf i ~ Cf UTuT ~
U) ~ Cf i T '3f c1T{ CRJr' -sr~o:rctlT ~ a a T * ~ ~
43 A service orga niza tion;
a ) Is relieved of workforc~decisions by ma rketing function
b) Fa lls a t the extreme end of the goods-services continuum
c) Is fa ced with a highly perisha ble product tha t ca n't be stored in inventory
d) All ofthese
.~ ~ =tldI6Ci 1;
Cf i ) m40 1Ci 1f i l;<:rr c::;;.cmr Chi ~ ~ (4 f a1oT<:r ~ ~ ~ ~
(Y) 'H lcl,4 mM OOJITt_ tRd1~ * ~t
df) ~~ fmr~ cm>r ~ CfIm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ srr ~ ~ ctlT 'H TCH "CI1Tq;rcrr ~
U) 34{)Cf cl m.ft
44 The Chief E lection Commissioner of India holds office for a period of;
a ) Six yea rs
b) Forsix yea rs orthe a ge of 65 yea rs, whichever is ea rlier
Page 11 of 26
c) During plea sure of the President
d) For five yea rs or the a ge of 60 yea rs, whichever is ea rlier
mw ~ ~ t:JQ1TCr~ ------ ~ ~ ft;nr ~ tfRUT ~ 6"
.:>.:> .:> '
Cf i ) ~m<>r
~) ~ m<>rm65 q* ~ 3WT, ~ 3f t" ~ tJ
dT) 'll~~qffi ~ $~0IIo" H11{
tT) tri "'tT ~ m 60 ~ ~ 3WT, ~ at~ tJ
Na me the nuclea r subma rine which joined India n Na vy:
a ) INS Vira a t
b) INS Vikra nt
c) INS Ariha nt
d) INS Cha kra
~~~ ~~~~ q{tAlOI q<li5~~~~<IiTJ16
. : > . : >
Cf i ) 311~Q<liQfl f cmc
~) 311~Q<liQfl ruSf i i a
dT) 3i1~Q<liQfl ~
U) 3iI~ Q<IiQfl "i :ISf l
Wa shing soda is the common na me for;
a ) Sodium Ca rbona te
b) Ca lcium Ca rbona te
c) Sodium bi ca rbona te
d) Ca lcium bi ca rbona te
ti 1cTl ClI~ I msr ----- Cf i T 3irn <Ii TJ1f;" ;
Cf i ) tl)B<:I1H Chl~c
~) ~~ Chi mcTlc
dT) mB<:I1H ~ ChI4'f cTlc
tr) ~~~ChlmcTlc
Ya ksha ga na is the popula r folk a rt of;
a ) Kera la
b) Ka rna ta ka
c) Ta milna du
d) Andra pra desh
<la1dlla1 -------- ~~T ChT <>f lChRl<:l ~ Ch(>f f f;" ;
Cf i )~
~) ChCi i kCh
dT) a ~~<rj15
tr) .mv~~r
Opera tions a re concerned with while ma rketing is concerned
with ,
a ) Dema nd, qua lity
b) E fficiency, cost
c) Supply, dema nd
Page 12 of 26
d) Dema nd, supply
f1ill (>i CTj ~ m~mitr 6~ faq0ICTj ------- ~ ~ 6" ;
Cf i ) d1Ta T, ClI 0I ckCi I ,
(Sf ~(,~,
dT~ (, di TaT,
t.r.!W T (, ~,
49 VAT(Va lue Added Ta x) wa s first introduced in;
a ) Ca na da
b) India
c) E ngla nd
d) Fra nce
~ (~~ CR") ~ ~ ------- t~Tit q~T ~ dfmm;
Cf i ) q : ; ; ; : r @T
(Sf )~
50 Services such a s a cha rtering a bus orrepa iring a n a utomobile a re simila r to the following;
a ) Project opera tions
b) Ba tch opera tions
c) Job shop opera tions
d) Productivity
'QCf l ~ q;t ~ i T ~ <:IT 'QCf l 3"i lc1<Ali Sll$(>i q;t J4{ChH Ci CR<TITf o1J::;;:r ~ ~ 6;
Cf i ) qf{m\jj crt I -r-i -f iiI" " " I-'-'(>i" " " Tcrt
(Sf ) ~ .m-c:rt~ra:r
dT)~ ~i f tr f i 'ill(>icrt
tf) 3,QIt\Chctl
51 Illega lity orotherwise of a strike orlockout is a ma tterwithin the jurisdiction of ;
a ) Industria l Tribuna l
b) Administra tive Tribuna l
c) Civil Court
d) La bour Court
Vcf i i 5$ct I (>i <:IT ctI (>i I~~Cfifen(Chi crt af t m ~ f ct:c:rR mCfif------ ~ cli ; 3f~rcf:r~ t
Cf i ) ~C\..41fJ1Ch~
~) t;r~11f l F a1ChtTmc:"
dT)~ f cl (>i cmt
tf) ~ 3i CJ(>R1
52 Computers serve Production / Opera tions Ma na gement by;
a ) E limina ting clerica l processing
b) Reducing need for the middle ma na gers
c) Allowing use of sophistica ted ma thema tica l models
9) All of these
Page 13of 26
chC4C:;( ----- d1ft.<rnT ~ 3,41G;01 I f i i H ~01 ~ cnT ~ cn{C1T~;
Cf i ) f (>lf Clef l SOIf i f <f i ,(ol ~ Gf R"Oi T)
~) ~ ~ ~ ~ Cf i T Cf i J1 Cf i '(a:tT
dT) 4f{ISCf lCiCl If UI JI:q ~ ~ 3441 Cl I ~ Cf )f mm.rr "SOICJi i 1 Gf R"Oi T
~ ~
tT) 34'{ICf ct ~
53 Assertion (A): The top ma na gement in a n orga niza tion should be ma inly concerned with
very importa nt a nd complex problems a nd not with routine da y to da y problems.
Rea son (R): This is sta ted by the sca la r principle of orga niza tion.
a ) Both the sta tements a re correct a nd second is a correct expla na tion ofthe first.
b) Both the sta tements a re correct but second is not a correct expla na tion ofthe
c) First sta tement is correct but second is not.
d) First sta tement is incorrect but second is correct.
~(lJCf i ): ~:8C11601 ~~M~~~~~CH t>\q40~ 3tR~f ltAf <lIlm~ 01
~ ~ "
~f a1:q\11Ci ,~f lCH 'f lllmc);-~~~~.
q:;f {OT (f at): ~Cf i ~ :8<11601c);- ~~r~~~~.
Cf i ) cJa:IT~~~ 3tR~~~~cllIMI ~.
~) c;)qIT~~~~~~~~ clll~:ql ~~.
dT) ~~~~~~~o:rtr6"
f:f) ~ ~ df (>Rl~, ~ ~ ~ 6"
54 Any workmen is eligible to ca st his vote in the Works Committee election provided;
a ) He is not less tha n 18 yea rs
b) He is not less tha n 18 yea rs &ha s continues service not less tha n 1yea r
c) He is not less tha n 18 yea rs &ha s continuous service not less tha n 6 months
d) He is a bove 19 yea rs in a ge a nd ha s minimumcontinues service of 1 yea r
~ 3f r ef ll<H a"{ m{4f .A R1 ~ -:qa:rrq ~ ~ <HC1G;101~ c);-qr:f .3f JR ;
Cf i ) ~ 18 ~ ~ Cf i J1o:rtr ~
lSf ) ~ 18 ~ ~ Cf i J1o:rtr~ 31k Cf lJ1~ Cf lJ11 ~ ~ ~ 1I\11Ci W IT Cf i { 'qCf i T6"
dT) ~ 18 ~ ~ Cf i J1~ ~ 3tR Cf lJ1~ Cf lJ1Cf lJ16 ~ Cf )f f a111\11Ci W IT Cf i { 'ETCf lf~
f:f) ~ 3di f ~ 19 m<>r~ 3ltR ~ 3-tR Cf lJ1~ Cf lJ11 ~ c.f i )f a111\11Ci W IT Cf i { 'qCf i T6"
55 Job shops a re;
a ) The sa me a s ba tch.
b) Do not rela te to service opera tions.
c) Often ha ve la rge percenta ges oftheir inventory a s work in process.
d) Are genera lly set up for repea t business.
v v
~~TTtT ;
Cf i ) t:c:r c);-~T~.
lSf W IT (SOIi H ~01~ ~ o:rtr~.
Pa ge 14 of 26
dT~ ~ ~ .3i CRR ( <" llffiChI c); ~ ~~rc:r ~ ~ wmr c); ~ ~ ~ ~ .
'E TtT{ B R.3fTd1 ('1Ci H 1Cf & i ~clll qI '( c); ftin! ~ ~ ~ ~.
56 Three commonly used productivity va ria bles a re;
a ) Qua lity, externa l elements, a nd precise units of mea sure
b) Technology, ra w ma teria ls, a nd la bour
c) La bour, ca pita l a nd ma na gement
d) Qua lity ofthe student, efficiency ofthe student to work a nd money
cfr;;:rflltAlir4 ~~3q\Q~dl ~~~3\ql~Ch<" l1 ~tf;
Ch')dIOlck<" ll, ~~, 3tR W q; fA'11l~ $ChI$lIl
~) si t4.;a)f J14)), CfiW J1'IN 3tR ~
dT) ~, tt;tT 3f f i ' ~
'E T) rn::r~ dI0Ick<" lI, u;r;r~ ~ ~ 3f f i ' tro:r
57 According to Ada mSmith, which ofthe following wa s NOT a n a dva nta ge of specia lisa tion
of la bour?
a ) Ra pid development of dexterity
b) Sa ving time in ta sk shifts
c) Division of work between ma na gement a nd workers
d) Development of mecha nica l devices
'QSJ1~ c); 3f crR{R, f a1H :r ~ ~ Ch'tal ~ 1m~ CN<mf a:r6T ~
. : > .
q;; f;lqol<" ll Cf i T~ ~ fc1ChI'H
~ ~~~~Cf i T6f i mf
dT) ~ 3tR Ch<A'tlIV{4i c); ~ Ch1d1iN~
U) ~ 3qCh,{O~ q;y f clChlf l
58 The only President of India who wa s elected unopposed is:
~ S. Ra dha krishna n
b) Dr. Za kir Hussa in
c) Neela mSa njeeva Reddy
d) Fa khruddin Ali Ahma d
31m14))" ~ (I tSS;qf f i ~ f;lfch)u ~ df <T~:
Ch')lR1. UtlltIWlOi
t.T) 4'>'51{i ctJ Oi ~
59 The working of a Rocket is ba sed on the principle of?
a ) Newton's Second La w
b) Ava ga dro's La w
c) Newton's Third La w
d) Vielle's La w
tf cR: c); ~ c); Rt" i<" l ----- tT{.3f Ttnf u:r ~
Ch')~ c); ~ f a1<rcl1
<Sf ) 3" fct
lla ) ~
Page 15 of 26
U) fa Q ("(i l <t ~
60 The only Gold Meda l Winner of India in individua l events in Olympics Ga mes is _
a ) Lea nder Pa es
b) Ra jya Va rdha n Ra thore
c) Vijender Kuma r
d) Abhina v Bindra
.m<>i f ClCh~ ~ cl/~ctJlct ~ ~ a-rm=rcf ; QCf l ~ ~ qc;cF i ~ t;
en)~tf f i
" J" J) ruJiC;{ ChJ1rt
U)~f tf ?J
61 Ma na geria l decision-ma king refers to:
a ) Progra mmed decisions
b) Un-progra mmed decisions
c) Informa tion system
d) Opera tion resea rch
~ f a1uT<:r ------ q,T ~ ~ t:
en) 4l\JI0i Ii Slt:C; ~
(Y) 31'1:1)\JIOi I i s!~ f a1o'r<:r
U)~ra =r~
62 The ga s conta ined in Gober ga s is?
a ) Metha ne
b) E tha ne
c) Penta ne
d) Octa ne
~ ~ ~-------- ~ ~ t?
63 Common cha ra cteristics of opera tions do NOT include;
a ) Fixed Output Ca pa city
b) Continuous Improvement
c) Feedba ck FromThe Pool Of Customers And Potentia l Customers
d) The Need To Obta in inputs
.3fTCrt~ra =rcf ; 'HI IHIa-l / ftt~'/Isrc=rr.m~ m ~~ ~ t;
en) ~ 3,q1C;0i a;.R"ctT
~f a1i c:R(
df cf ;~~3tR~(~~Slkl~l/1
Page 16of 26
U"~f cl~~r (q;f 1;Jf C(f ~ ~ ~<rcnctT
64 'Zero Hour' in India n pa rlia menta ry systemimplies the;
a ) E xa ct time when the question hourends
b) Time between question hour a nd next itemon the a genda when the members ra ise
a ny ma tter without permission of the Cha ir
c) Time a llotted for informa l discussion between two sta ges of discussion on a bill
d) Specific time a llotted for a discussion on budget
3'l({c%)~ :HOfietll '>IOII~ ~ '~1a -4CflI(>l'~ ~ t;
q1) ~ w:r<f ~ ~~ OfiJOlI ~ em=rrt
~) ">I"~~ 3tR3tR~* ~ ~<t~<t~~OfiC;f4i 3f L <:ra1~ ~<t
~crIT f cRf r 3f t" 6f f i 1 cm30Rl t
df) llCf l ~ t:R~ <t cJ ~ <t ~ ~ 3i ai 1q illf'tCfl ~ <t f?itr 311ci R:<i ~
U" )~t:R~<t~~ 3i lci R;<i wr<:r
65 The ma scot of London Olympic Ga mes is '
a ) Stumpy
b) Wenlock a nd Ma ndeville
c) Athena a nd Phevos
d) Syd, Oily a nd Millie
~.mQfClCfl~<t~~~ t;
Cf 1) Stumpy
~) Wenlock 3tRMa ndeville
df) Athena 3tRPhevos
'ET) Syd,Olly 3tRMillie
66 The occupier of the fa ctory ha s to provide ca nteen fa cilities to its worker ifthe number of
workers ordina rily deployed;
a ) E xceeds 100
b) E xceeds 150
c) E xceeds 200
d) E xceeds 250
CflI't'WlcA<t Cfl&\JlC;I't.3f tIat ~ <t fcinr ~ ~ 1RJ01 ~ ~ ~~ t 3f ClR" ~ t:R
ct.rm=r~ ~ ~ -------- t,
Cf 1) 100~~
67 Which of the following a re the wa ys of cla ssifying services?
a ) La bour intensity
b) Customer conta ct
c) E xtent of customiza tion
d) (b) a nd (c) a bove
~* ~mm, mrr31T cmClCl"t<i ~ ~ c=rtTcnrt?
Cf 1) .I3m '>I i i I (>1<i I
Page 17 of 26
df) Cf llSCJOt I$\5l ~ra:rCf lT f c1hi F{
U) ((g) m(df) cJ;IT
68 A ma chine produces 500 components in two 8-hour shifts. The use of newtechnology ha s
ena bled themto increa se productivity by 30%. Productivity is now a pproxima tely;
a ) 32.5 components perhour
b) 40.6 components per hour
c) 62.5 components perhour
d) 81.25 components per hour
"QCf i 11~f i a1cJ 8ut~~ ~500 t:rCCf i TCf lT 3,qle\G'1CRCi T 6" . ~ (fCfluj~Cfl ~ 3Q;Q)CI! ~ 3,QIe\C'f1ctl
~ 30%~ s-mt. 3,QIe\Cflctl :mr~ -------- t;
"QCf i ) t;f f i i tit 32. 5 "Elf f i
~)~ tit40.6 UCcf i T
dT) t;f f i i tit62.5 UCcf i T
"ET) t;f f i i tit81.25 tR.Cf i T
69 India n ba tsma n who ha s a nnounced his retirement frominterna tiona l a nd domestic first-
cla ss cricket on Ma rch 9, 2012?
a ) Virender Sehwa g
b) Ra hul Dra vid
c) Robin Uta ppa
d) Suresh Ra ina
~ 61(>'~61la aT 9 Ci 1T'tl, 2012 Cf i T 31ctHI~~~.31R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3f Cf Ot :Hcr~ltI~
tW srurr ~ t,?
Cf l") ~ tle;c.tIClI
dT) ~ 3,ct1QI
U) m-~Ttrrr
70 Detergents used for clea ning clothes a nd utensils conta in;
a ) Bica rbona tes
b) Sulphona tes
c) Bismutha tes
d) Nitra tes
~ .31RmmtO ~ cf ; ~ $'f 2lCAI<4 f ch~I\5f I~ ~ ~c:Jk ~ -------~~;
Cf l") 611 ~CflI61'M c:
~) tI(>'q)~C:tI
"ET) ;j1~tC:fI
71 Which crysta l is popula rly known a s America n dia monds?
a ) Germa niumOxide
b) SodiumSilica te
c) Zirconia Crysta l
d) Germa niumSilica te
Pa ge 18 of 26
Cf 1't;:r ~ ~R(>f 3i <A~q;Ci 1 trt ~ ~~ a ra r~
4l) \jjJf f i TlllJi 3i lCf f f I$S
~) tll~4CH ~R>lcf ;G
dT) Zirconia ~f G(>f
t:r) \JIJf~4CH ~f f i cf ;G
72 Ga lva nised iron sheets ha ve a coa ting of;
a ) Lea d
b) Chromium
c) Tin
d) Zinc
Ga lva nised ~ cf;'r ~ *---- cf;'r 'QCf i tH C1 ~ ~,
q)" )~
~) Sf))fJ:)4CH
73 Infireworks, the green fla me is produced beca use of;
a ) Sodium
b) Ba rium
c) Pota ssium
d) Aluminium
.3f Tf ct~~ ~, ~ tar cf;'r <>ft ------- ~ ~ ~ ~q;(>f dT ~;
q)" ) tll~4CH
~) ~RlICH
U" ) 31<>=lI Jf J f oOlll CH
74 All of the following a re differences between ma nufa cturing a nd service opera tions
a ) Qua lity is more ea sily mea sured in service opera tions.
b) Productivity is ea sier to mea sure in ma nufa cturing opera tions
c) Conta ct with customers is more preva lent with persons working in service
opera tions.
d) Accumula tion ordecrea se in inventory offinished products is more a pplica ble to
ma nufa cturing opera tions.
~*'QCf i en)" g,)SCf l'< mt Rl~H i OI3tR~Sli l(>f Ci 1 ~~~~m=rr6;
Ch)JIOjckCi I ~~~ Sli l(i i /Ti * ~ ~~mqra T(1T~ .
~) ~ CH~ j q:;n:ff * 3,Q jClCf lCi I en)"mqa :rr3-TRi lO1 ~.
dT) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SIi l (i i 1Tl * cti f CH " CR" ~ cllf .f Ci 1l1 * ~ SIi lR>tCi ~.
t:r) ~ CH l(>f ~ \\i d,)clof t <IT tlClCf f o:lH i 01 ri ~~~~.
75 Who is known a s fa ther of scientific ma na gement?
a ) Henry Fa yol
b) Herbert Spencer
c) Hertzberg
Page 19 of 26
d) F. W. Ta ylor
q;'ta :r~~1f .Acn~ ~ ftt:rr ~ ~ ;R- ~ ~ t?
Cf l)6crrtT ~
~) ~fqcrfl{
dT) $tv-~d~
76 Ra bindra na th Ta gore's 'Ja na Ga na Ma na ' ha s been a dopted a s India 's Na tiona l Anthem.
Howma ny sta nza s of the sa id song were a dopted?
a ) Only the first sta nza
b) The whole song
c) First a nd Second sta nza
d) Third a nd Fourth sta nza
(q~cr~CrlI~b1R cl;'~ dfUT 11a1~ tf ; ~ dlf a1 cl;~ * 3-f Cf cT{T<:ITdJ<.IT6" .3a 1tfir ~ cnt=r cf i I
~ *~ ~ &c;~ 3i4Crl141dIm?
Cf l)~~ti .~
dT)~ mc\J<lc1~4 & c;
tr) (fmt m'dtt ti ;c:
77 Knot is a unit of speed ofwhich of the following?
a ) Sound wa ves
b) Light wa ves
c) Ship
d) Airpla ne
Knot f o11::;rr * ~f4:l'Hch'l dTRt ~ QCf i ~ t?
Cf l)t:crf a1 c=rtm
~) >f qi T~Tc=rtm
78 Which two India n sta tes don't ha ve ra ilwa y line?
a ) Aruna cha l Pra desh a nd Assa m
b) Hima cha l Pra desh a nd Mizora m
c) Ma nipur a nd Tripura
d) Megha la ya a nd Sikkim
~cJl}iI{Jl4 ~ *~ ~ ~ t?
Cf l)3H ;Olli l<'l ~~T m3Rf J1
~) ~<Rli l<'l ~T mf .i :l\51h<R
dT) JOi fU14 '( 3-tRftltm
.:> .:>
tr) <A~ I(>14mR1 f ctct; JOi
79 Works committee meeting should be held a t lea st once in;
a ) One month
b) Three months
Pa ge 20 of 26
c) Six months
d) One yea r
q:;nt tI~k) ~ ~ Cf i l1~ Cf i l1-----3f c:rm;r ~ "QCf i ~ 3"t1<TIFv1 ct ~ ~ ~;
<Sf )~~
U" ) ~ tfT(>f
80 Oeming's fourteen points for Qua lity Ma na gement include;
a ) Adopt the new philosophy
b) E limina te numerica l goa ls for the work force
c) Brea kdown ba rriers between depa rtments
d) All the a bove
Deming ~ JIOlckctl ~ ~ ~ 3lcnT;R- ~ ~~ 6';
q;) crro- C::~l< rrq1)- 3i q (ril ,,.iI
<Sf ) ~ 6f (>f ~ ~ 'f i '(5;41("<H Cf 1~-mCf i T~
dT)f ct3W lT ~ ~ 6f TW JIT q1)- ~
U") 3Q{)Cf ct mfr
81 Which of the following is true?
a ) Corpora te stra tegy is sha ped byfunctiona l stra tegies
b) Corpora te mission is sha ped by corpora te stra tegy
c) Functiona l stra tegies a re sha ped by corpora te stra tegy
d) Corpora te mission is sha ped by functiona l stra tegies
q;) Cf 11ci 'nc: ,{ol,,i ',k), Cf 11'!l1("<H Cf 1 (olcrj~k)41 ~ ~qlR:lct ~ t
<Sf ) ChI~C: Pi ~ra1 Cf 11~C: '{olcrj~f f i ~ ~qlR:lct ~ t
dT) Cf 114klH Cf 1 (olcrj"jf f i Cf 1Nnc (Olcrj",k) ~ ~QIR:lct tITctr t
tT) Chi ci 'n c: Pi ~T01Cf 1ll1i ("f ACf 1'{0Icrj~f f i 4i ~ ~Q If 6ct tITctr t
82 Dr. V. Kurien is fa mous in the field of?
a ) Da iry Development
b) Atomic Power
c) Poultry fa rms
d) E conomic reforms
sr. cf r. Cf 1~4Oi ----- m~~ t
q;) ~ mCf 1I'H
<Sf ) q'{<H IOI ~
U" )~~
83 The a uthorita ria n lea dership style goes with:
a ) Theory X
b) Theory Y
c) Theory Z
Pa ge 21 of 26
d) None of these
~~~1\q --------- ~q:;r q~:qla :j 6" :
en) f -A 0& ir.r 'C!Cf f f
tsT)~i 0 err$"
~) ~ ~ Ch1" $" o:r6t
84 The funda menta l purpose of a n orqa ruza non's mission sta tement is to;
a ) Define the orga niza tion's purpose in the society
b) Define the ope I a tiona : structure 01 the orqa niza tion
c) Define the functiona l a rea s required by the orqa niza tion
d) Crea te a t good huma n rela tions dit'i'1a " ie ;n the {xfja niza tion
'QCF ~i " f i r~rol~ii:f<:rri:rch' ;r~tTIi tCf i 3t:(;;q~;
'F) :n&IT~i t~;?Tci;;::r ~ 3t~ ~:etqf{'Hrf~(=" r ~f i {;:-1T
,.,.... ) :ri """':':':::>' -) . ~...f.:>. _.." " .~._., ~" r' ;r,- " ::::J'f ..,.:.... '1" ;::" " " :-~:E"-~' .:<.; ..rr ..
~ t "," Q J V-:'f l q-: Y ~'(~ ~f ~o; .~ "''J,t" . rs :"", t.f J,(c"d i ~(1 l'.l{ei i
85 LiIHa n a nd Fra nk Gilbreth a re n3sp,::m~:;it;L:;;for princrp'es of;
a ) Sociotecilnica ! systems
b) Zero inventory
c) Motion study
d) Intercha ngea ble pa rts
~~ ~ i 't': ''''''t ! ~ .. --, ..~- ~.. -:;... x, .s., H-" ,C"::" .. ,.''''r- - ''' ;i=
1I<Tj 3-h'( Xl'i f i .;Ill 'r-etl l<T1d-trj f! -_.... _..... ---i-.::II!~,:~l! q-, i(' '; 1" ,'iJ:;'J'14iT (>;
Cf )) %mmf ::;rql (12P.,:frcf~;;p:-fjm~;:(i'
zg) ~To=<.r ~~
'Jf) 'd'Tk~(i T C:f i T Jrt-::!r;.;~a =r
U') fi.ifil'1~<.f~i TdlT
86 Light emitted by sun rea ches ea rth in a bout;
a ) E ight minutes
b) Four minutes
c) Less tha n one minute
d) Thirty minutes
f!<t C';Ql'~T:3-(~'Ht~(:r >F f i lW .,,-- fj':r;;:rc' J'r lrt:tl'r(1<:hr.r~ci::r;:~rr~'
~ , ~ ~
Cf l) 31T 6 fJtr1c:'
~') .~- firiiTc
'<Tr) ZJ'Cf ) Pi ;;:rc tr :;;'TT cn",i :r
c:r) <1Tf r f .i ::r-i rc
87 The ma na gers did not like the scientific ma na gement theory beca use:
a ) They felt tha t the workers vere g!\,en undue importa nce in the theory
b) It reduced ma na geria l remunera tion
c) They felt tha t it ha d Hie effect of gi'Jing 3VHJ.Y more wa oes to tile workers
d) They felt tha t the riqid scientiflc methods took a wa y their ma na geria l freedom in
Pai 5J2 22 r,-': 26
decision-ma king
~q;T ~:;T1lf oi Cf l~ ~~~ m~:
Cf i ) ~ J1~H H "i f cn<rr f ct;" ~ q:;f 3q4Cf ("l ~ ~ 31C1"lf i l("l ~ ~ df <.1T m
~ ~ ~
~) ~~ tnft~ q:;f Cf i 11 CR" ~ m
df ) ~ J16'H ~'H f cl;<rr f ct;" ~ ~ ~ ~ q:;f 3f f Vcn ~ ~ ~m
" E r) ~ J16'H ~'H ~ f ct;" Cfi" " OR ~ :;T11 f oi Cf l ctf rq:;r ~ ~ q:;r f Ct<i 'l("l1 q:;f ~ eR'
88 UnderWorkmen's Compensa tion Act, 1923, employer is not lia ble to pa y compensa tion
a ) The disa blement ofworkmen is three da ys orless
b) Disa blement is ca used by his willful disobedience to obey sa fety rules
c) Both (a ) a nd (b) a bove
d) The employer is lia ble to pa y compensa tion ifthe disa blement is occurred a t the
work spot, wha tever the ca se ma y be
Cf lACf lI,(a"1klqrn ~ 1923~~f o1m-cf i 1T~31TCW TCf i T ~CfROt~~ 3n-H e\I'41;n6t
~ ~ ~
Cf i } Cf llJ1all '( * '" f cl Cf l(>IiCl 1("11<f ra:rf ~;Ci -P:IT3" fRT Cf i 11 ~
~) 3f Cf aT<:rr, Cf ll<H Cl 11'( q:;r Wffif oi 4 Hiq:;r JfCI" m~ ~ 'E Tft<:r S3-IT ~ .
df ) cJa:IT(Cf i ) .3i R (~) ~
U) f a)oznCf ("l I q:;f ~31TCrvlT ~ ~ ~ 3,("I'(e\1'41 ~.31dTt f clCf l<>ljal("l1Cf i TJ1"et- ~ ~ ~~, ~
at Cf ll{0lq~r
89 Identify the sta tement(s) tha t is true with the Altera tion Committee:
a ) Sha ll be responsible for identifying the a rea s where product development is
necessa ry by use of superior design, ma teria l, process
b) Cha irma n of the Altera tion Committee ma y eo-opt the members of DRDO while
ta king up items developed by DRDO
c) Should meet a t lea st once in a qua rter
d) All the a bove
q~qc=101 'H f .A~ ~aR*~~~~~m'H tr~ruf ?o:1("1 f cl;\511Q:
Cf i ) ~ 9\111$01, ~, 'H 1J1"j) ~ 3Qoznal ~ C;::cf m ~~:IT ~ 3(=qfG; f clCf lI'H 31Tcf ~<:f cf i ~ * '"
Qe>i l101~
~) gr3i TW mq:qm f clCf lUl("l ~ ~ fmm" ~ ~ q~qc=lCl"l * '" 'H f J:Ikl ~ ,m:<:ra :T
gr3i TW m~ ~ q;[ 'H f J:If <i ~ ~ ~ ~
df ) Q~q~C7"l 'H ni f f i Cfi61 ~ Cfi61 ~ GIT{~ klJ1l61 ~ ~ ~
U) 3Q{1'f i '1 ~
90 With rega rd to a regression ba sed foreca st, the sta nda rd error of the estima te gives a
mea sure of;
a ) The overa ll a ccura cy of the foreca st.
b) The time period forwhich the foreca st is va lid.
c) The time required to derive the foreca st
d) The ma ximumerror of the foreca st.
Pa ge 23 of 26
~ Slk1aICHITI ~ qclllTlCHl1TI c)1 ~~, ~ cf i l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cf i T CHlqds tc=rr
" ." ." ."
6" ;
Cf i ) 9:\Cl1CiJCHIITIc)1 ~ {it'tCh(" l1.
-g) ~ .3-1Cf t'U ~ ~ 9:\c{I<rjCHIITI ~ t.
df ) q q~Oi CH IOi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cnr .31Tcf i "<'101
" ."
'ET) 3i f cl \}~qI u~cf?r~ ;rft .
91 Nonstick cooking utensils a re coa ted with;
a ) Teflon
b) PVC
c) A type of bla ck pa int
d) POlystyrene
Oi "RlqCh~qlc>i 1 ~~~~ ------ ~~~~;
Ch') Teflon
" :5'\ "
-g) \{I ct;;1ftl
dT)mtdf q;r " QCfi'~
'ET) POlystyrene
92 Which city is known a s the 'Ca thedra l city of India '?
a ) Thiruva na ntha pura m
b) Goa
c) Puduchery
d) Bhuva neshwa r
cnto:r ~ ~~ 31TW q;r ~ ~~ ~ ~ 'i t ~ a rcrr t?
a ) Q,{;qo::j("lq{Ji
-g) dlTcrr
." ."
'ET) ~~CR
93 The na tiona l fla g wa s a dopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 22 July 1947 a nd
wa s presented to the na tion a t the midnight session of the Assembly on 14th August 1947
on beha lf of;
a ) The minorities of India
b) The Na tiona l Integra tion Council
c) The women of India
d) The people of India
{I(S:~~ ~ 22 ~ 1947 q;T 31R"ocf i l~~31T~ 3"lqOi I~1 dTm m~ ----~ 3f f i '~ 14
3f 'dT@' 1947 q;T ~ m1T~ .3mfrU'(i' m'i t~ q:;f lRJOi " f cl:>m"df <IT m;
Cf i ) 31RC1~ 3"1(>'q:H'lS~Cf i 1
-g) '{I (S:~ ~ '(!C:fi(1T ~
df ) 31TW ~ ~.m
'ET) 31TW ~ 'c>i ldIT
94 Which of the following Committees a re Committees of Pa rlia ment?
1. Public Accounts Committee
Pa ge 24 of 26
2. E stima tes Committee
3. Committee on Public Underta kings
Select the correct a nswer using the code given below:
a ) 1,2 a nd 3
b) 1a nd 2 only
c) 1a nd 3 only
d) 2 a nd 3 only
f o1;h;:r eR" ~ ~ ~ 'H ~ Rl qH f ( <lltR ere: Cf i f 'H fJ1Q ~
1. Public Accounts 'H ~Rl
2. E stima tes 'HfJ1Rl
3. Public Undeta king 'HfJ1Rl
~ ~ cmr emsq;r 3q<n;jJ ~ ~ 3"mt q;r ~ eR:
CF )1,2.3tR3
(Sf ) 1 .3tR 2
dT) 1 3tR 3
"ET) 2.3tR 3
95 Dr. M. S. Swa mina tha n ha s distinguished himself in which of the following fields?
a ) Agriculture
b) Medicine
c) Astrophysics
d) Physics
sT. i !1T.\R1. f Ql<H ~Oi I~ f cAChTlf (Ug(i a tn" A" ~Rl~Ci ~
CF) ~
(Sf ) RIfch,fll
96 Productivity ca n be improved by;
a ) Increa sing inputs while holding outputs stea dy
b) Decrea sing outputs while holding inputs stea dy
c) Increa sing inputs a nd outputs in the sa me proportion
d) Decrea sing inputs while holding outputs stea dy
3,QIC;Cf l(i 1 " A" ------- ~ c.crm ~ ~ ~ ~~.
~ ~ ,
CF )outputs q;f ffm" ~ scr ~ Cf lT ~
(Sf ) outputs ~ q:,T~ 00 rr3t1CJi i 1TCf lT t:re:Ia1T
dT) "(f Cf l~ 3f Oi 1n"(i " ~ .3-llCJa:IT JtRoutputs ~~
"ET) outputs q:,T~ ~ ~q:,T 'tRTaTI
97 Qua lita tive foreca sting methods include;
a ) Delphi
b) Pa nel of experts
c) Ma rket Survey
d) (a ) a nd (b)
dIOIl"H Cf l Qq101CH l0i ~ crf rcf ; ~ -------- ~~~.
~ " ~ ,
Pa ge 25 of 26
srr x
Cf i )~
~) f ct~NmCf i T~
dT) ~ "f f Cf a=rur
U") (Cf i ) 3tR (~)
98 Wha t is the ma in constituent of a Pea rl?
a ) Ca lcium ca rbona te a nd ma gnesium ca rbona te
b) Ca lcium sulpha te only
c) Ca lcium oxide a nd ca lcium sulpha te
d) Ca lcium ca rbona te only
'mcfr' * '" ~ t.lCcf i CRIT t?
Cfi) ~~Cfil~,':k 3tR~CfiI~crlc
~) ~~~f I(>'chc
ClT) ~n:rn- 311Cf'HI$53f R~~ ~
U" ) ~~n:rd1 CfiI61'Mc
99 The ra tio of width of our Na tiona l fla g to its length is;
a ) 2: 4
b) 3: 4
c) 2: 3
d) 3: 5
{I ~4 'tCIvr * '" ~ Cf i T~ ~ et ~ ~ --------6,
Cfi) 2: 4
~) 3: 4
dT) 2: 3
U" )3: 5
100 Light yea r is a mea surement of;
a ) Speed of a irpla nes
b) Speed of light
c) Speed of rockets
d) Stella r dista nces
~~T ~ - - - - - - - - * '" 'Q'"Cf i mq- 6;
Cfi) ~ ~.;r * '" dTf c1
~) w:fiT~T* '" df f c1
dT) Uctc * '" df f c1
U") {"l1{chI4 ~
Pa ge 26 of 26

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