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PLSI 3331


Beginning Sept. 16, you must come to class prepared to answer the questions listed below
on the designated dates. You must prepare your answer independently as stipulated by the
Academic Honor Code. For the full text visit
http:www.trinity.edudepartmentsacademic!affairshonor!code . "e will randomly
choose in each class who will orally present their answers that day. Your answers will
strongly influence your grade for class participation. During the semester you may
TWICE opt out (without penalty) of answering the questions by informing Peter OBrien
of your !esire to !o so before "lass.
Sept. 16
"hat was the #herman Act of $%&' described by (eich)
*ive examples of under privilege that the wor+ing classes of ,urope had to endure as
described by *ilbert.
Sept. 18
"hat- according to .uhnle and #ander- was the /liberal brea+)0
"hat- according to .uhnle and #ander- was the significance of the 1mperial 2ecree of
$%%$ in *ermany)
How- according to 3ane- did 4ismarc+ deal with the emerging wor+ing5class movement
in *ermany)
"hat does *ordon mean by the term /6aibatsu)0
2escribe the wor+ing and living conditions of female textile wor+ers in 7apan as limned
by *ordon.
Sept. 23
"hat was /the completely new brand of macroeconomic policy analysis that .eynes
"hat is the #alts89baden Agreement- and why does *ourevitch deem it so important)
"hat ultimately happened to F2(:s ;ational 1ndustrial (ecovery Act according to
"hat were the <atignon Accords as described by *ourevitch)
Sept. 25
"hat was /the escapade of the chimney man0 described by *ordon)
Sept. 30
"hat were "illiam 4everidge:s /Five *reat ,vils0 as discussed by Hemeri8c+)
2escribe the ;ational ,conomic 2evelopment Council established in $&=> as Hall
depicts it.
Oct. 2
"hat does Hall mean by the term #tatisme)
Oct. 7
,xplain what 3ane means by /co5determination0 in *ermany.
2escribe the Central "age bargain in #weden as discussed by #honfield.
Oct. 9
"hy- according to ?anitch- does corporatism represent a bad deal for labor)
(ecount some of the many ways outlined by *ordon that the 7apanese state aided
7apanese business after ""11 in its policy of /administrative guidance.0
2escribe the stri+e at <itsui Corporation:s <ii+e Coal <ine in $&=' as recounted by
*ordon. How did it end)
How- according to (osenbluth @ Ahies- were 7apan:s postwar welfare arrangements
disadvantageous for women)
Oct. 14
"hat- according to (eich- were the central features of American democratic capitalism
during the /;ot Buite *olden Age0 C$&DE5FEG)
"hat did ,isenhower mean by the /military5industrial complex)0
Oct. 16
Oct. 21
Hf what measures did <itterand:s $&%I austerity plan consist according to *ourevitch)
#ummari6e the neo5liberal measures Ahatcher instituted in 4ritain after $&F& as depicted
by *ourevitch.
"hat does *ourevitch mean by /right5wing military .eynesianism)0
#ummari6e the conclusions and recommendations of the O$%D &obs Stu!y C$&&DG as
described by Hemeri8c+.
How- according to *ordon- did the ;a+asone administration emulate the policies of
(eagan and Ahachter)
Oct. 23
"hy- according to 3ane- does France lag behind *ermany and 4ritain in direct foreign
investment CF21G)
,xplain the three developments- according to (eich- that hastened the demise of the mid5
century form of democratic capitalism.
"hat was the ,mployee (etirement 1ncome #ecurity Act of $&FD)
"hat does Hanc+e mean by the term /Aocquevillian liberalism0 in France)
"hat was the genre +nown as 'ihon(inron- as described by *ordon)
Oct. 28
"hat four reasons does 3ane present to explain the decline Csince the $&F'sG in the
influence en8oyed by unions)
"hat- according to "ood- did the 4ritish ,mployment Act of $&%' do)
"hat are some of the signs- according to 2ahrendorf- pointing to a /certain dissociation
of economic growth and employment)0
How- according to 4auman- do social inequality and collateral damage interrelate)
"hat does 1nda mean by /the post5social)0
Oct. 30
#ummari6e (eich:s explanation of the decline of unioni6ed wor+ers from over a third of
the wor+force in $&EE to fewer than %J in >''=.
"hy did *oogle feel forced to spend in excess of KE''-''' on lobbying 2C after going
public in >''D)
How does (ueda define /insiders0 and /outsiders)0
N!". 4
,xplain at least one of the /advantages0 Hdom and 2u8arric claim the L# economy
en8oys over 7apan and ,urope.
(elate some of the critical differences Ahurow discerns between /Communitarian vs.
1ndividualistic Capitalism.0
N!". 6
"hat- according to *reen- et al.- are the four features beyond mere institutions that
distinguish )o!ell Deuts"hlan!)
"hat are the five MmainN challenges to the *erman <odel outlined by *reen et al.)
"hat was the *irts"haftsfon!s Deuts"hlan! of >''&)
,xplain the difference- according to *reen et al.- between the /conservative-0 /social
democratic-0 and /liberal0 welfare state regimes.
"hat do *reen- et al. mean by *ermany:s /pay5as5you5go0 system of welfare financing)
"hat- according to *ordon- did the new term risutora mean in 7apan at the turn of the
N!". 11
,xplain at least one difference between 3<,s and C<,s as discussed by Hall and
N!". 13
Hutline the +ey provisions of the $&F= Co52etermination Act as discussed by Oitols.
"hat does Oitols mean by the /dual company board system0 typical in *erman firms)
"hat- according to Oitols- were the recommendations of the Cadbury and *reenbury
Committees on corporate governance in the L.)
"hat mista+e- according to Amyx- did the 7apanese government ma+e in the $&&'s
regarding the construction industry)
2escribe the difference between the classical CL#G approach to contract law and the
regulatory C*ermanG approach discussed by Casper.
N!". 18
2escribe the general difference in attitude toward unions in 3<,s and C<,s as argued
by Ahelen.
,xplain what /seniority wages0 are in 7apan as described by Ahelen and .ume.
"hat are the /three different types of company attitudes toward employment system
reform0 reported by Ahelen and .ume)
N!". 20
,xplain the +ey differences distinguishing the ;ordic- Anglophone and Continental
welfare regime types as outlined by Hemeri8c+.
"hat was the 2ispatch "or+ers ;ew Year Oillage of >''%)
N!". 25
"hat is the ,urope >'>' policy strategy summari6ed by Hemeri8c+)
"hat is the ,uropean internal mar+et pro8ect launched in $&%E as described by
"hat is the /#tability and *rowth ?act0 described by <ar6inotto)
"ho- according to #tree+ and #chmitter- were the two broad interests behind the new
momentum for ,uropean integration in the mid5$&%'s)
Dec. 2
"ho- according to <a6ey and (ichardson- are /the most powerful ,uropean lobbyists)0
"hat does Article $I' of the <aastricht Areaty C$&&$G stipulate according to Fioretos)
Dec. 4
Dec. 9
"hat- according to 4eeson- do Chinese government officials mean by the saying
/grasping the large and letting go of the small)0

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