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Competitive intelligence

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Competitive intelligence is the action of defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing intelligence
about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment needed to support
executives and managers making strategic decisions for an organization.
Competitive intelligence essentially means understanding and learning what's happening in the world
outside your business so you can be as competitive as possible. t means learning as much as
possible!as soon as possible!about your industry in general, your competitors, or even your
county's particular zoning rules. n short, it empowers you to anticipate and face challenges head on.
%ey points of this definition&
#. Competitive intelligence is an ethical and legal business practice, as opposed to industrial
espionage, which is illegal.
'. (he focus is on the external business environment
). (here is a process involved in gathering information, converting it into intelligence and then
utilizing this in business decision making. *ome C professionals erroneously emphasize that
if the intelligence gathered is not usable, or actionable, then it is not intelligence.
+ more focused definition of C regards it as the organizational function responsible for the early
identification of risks and opportunities in the market before they become obvious. ,xperts also call
this process the early signal analysis. (his definition focuses attention on the difference between
dissemination of widely available factual information -such as market statistics, financial reports,
newspaper clippings. performed by functions such as libraries and information centers, and
competitive intelligence which is a perspective on developments and events aimed at yielding a
competitive edge.
(he term C is often viewed as synonymous with competitor analysis, but competitive intelligence is
more than analyzing competitors!it is about making the organization more competitive relative to
its entire environment and stakeholders& customers, competitors, distributors, technologies, and
macroeconomic data.
# /istoric development
' 0ecent trends
) *imilar fields
1 ,thics
2 *ee also
3 0eferences
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Historic development
The literature associated with the field of competitive intelligence is best exemplified by the detailed
bibliographies that were published in the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals' refereed
academic journal called The Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management.
elements of organi'ational intelligence collection have been a part of business for many years( the
history of competitive intelligence arguably began in the ).S. in the *+%,s( although the literature on
the field pre-dates this time by at least several decades.
In *+.,( /ichael Porter published the
study Competitive-Strategy: Techniques for Analying Industries and Competitors which is widely
viewed as the foundation of modern competitive intelligence. This has since been extended most
notably by the pair of Craig 0leisher and 1abette 1ensoussan( who through several popular boo2s on
competitive analysis have added !. commonly applied competitive intelligence analysis techni3ues
to the practitioner's tool box.
In *+.#( 4eonard 0uld published his best selling boo2 dedicated to
competitor intelligence.
5owever( the institutionali'ation of CI as a formal activity among
&merican corporations can be traced to *+..( when 1en and Tamar 6ilad published the first
organi'ational model of a formal corporate CI function( which was then adopted widely by )S
The first professional certification program 7CIP8 was created in *++$ with the
establishment of The 0uld-6ilad-5erring &cademy of Competitive Intelligence in Cambridge(
In *+%9 the Society of Competitive Intelligence !rofessionals 7SCIP8 was founded in the )nited
States and grew in the late *++,s to around $(,,, members worldwide( mainly in the )nited States
and Canada( but with large numbers especially in the ): and &ustralia. ;ue to financial difficulties
in 9,,+( the organi'ation merged with 0rost < Sullivan under the 0rost < Sullivan Institute. SCIP
has since been renamed =Strategic < Competitive Intelligence Professionals= to emphasise the
strategic nature of the subject( and also to refocus the organisation's general approach( while 2eeping
the existing SCIP brandname and logo. & number of efforts have been made to discuss the field's
advances in post-secondary 7university8 education( covered by several authors including 1len2horn
< 0leisher(
and /c6onagle.
&lthough the general view would
be that competitive intelligence concepts can be readily found and taught in many business schools
around the globe( there are still relatively few dedicated academic programs( majors( or degrees in
the field( a concern to academics in the field who would li2e to see it further researched.
issues were widely discussed by over a do'en 2nowledgeable individuals in a special edition of the
Competitive Intelligence /aga'ine that was dedicated to this topic.
In 0rance( a Speciali'ed
/aster in ?conomic Intelligence and :nowledge /anagement was created in *++# within the
C?@&/ 1usiness School( now S:?/& 1usiness School 7httpABBwww.s2ema-bs.frBfaculte-
rechercheBcentre-intelligence-economi3ue-et-influence8( in Paris( with the objective of delivering a
full and professional training in ?conomic Intelligence. & Centre for 6lobal Intelligence and
Influence was created in September 9,** in the same School.
Cn the other hand( practitioners and companies regard professional accreditation as especially
important in this field.
In 9,**( SCIP recogni'ed the 0uld-6ilad-5erring &cademy of Competitive
Intelligence's CIP certification process as its global( dual-level 7CIP-I and CIP-II8 certification
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Global developments have also been uneven in competitive intelligence.
Several academic
journals, particularly the Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management in its third volume,
provided coverage of the field's global development.
"or e#ample, in 199$ the "cole de guerre
#conomique $fr% $School of economic %arfare% &as founded in !aris' (rance) It is the first *uropean
institution &hich teaches the tactics of economic &arfare &ithin a globaliing &orld) In +ermany'
competitive intelligence &as unattended until the early ,--.s) The term /competitive intelligence/
first appeared in +erman literature in ,--0) In ,--1 a +erman SCI! chapter &as founded' &hich is
no& second in terms of membership in *urope) In summer 2..3 the Institute for Competitive
Intelligence &as founded' &hich provides a postgraduate certification program for Competitive
Intelligence !rofessionals) Japan is currently the only country that officially maintains an economic
intelligence agency $J*T45%) It &as founded by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry
$MITI% in ,-16)
&ccepting the importance of competitive intelligence, major multinational corporations, such as
'##on(obil, )rocter * Gamble, and +ohnson and +ohnson, have created formal ,- units.
-mportantly, organi.ations e#ecute competitive intelligence activities not only as a safeguard to
protect against mar/et threats and changes, but also as a method for finding ne% opportunities and
0rgani.ations use competitive intelligence to compare themselves to other organi.ations
12competitive benchmar/ing23, to identify ris/s and opportunities in their mar/ets, and to pressure4
test their plans against mar/et response 1%ar gaming3, %hich enable them to ma/e informed
decisions. (ost firms today reali.e the importance of /no%ing %hat their competitors are doing and
ho% the industry is changing, and the information gathered allo%s organi.ations to understand their
strengths and %ea/nesses.
0ne of the major activities involved in corporate competitive intelligence is use of ratio analysis,
using /ey performance indicators 15)-3. 0rgani.ations compare annual reports of their competitors
on certain 5)- and ratios, %hich are intrinsic to their industry. 6his helps them trac/ their
performance, vis4a4vis their competitors.
6he actual importance of these categories of information to an organi.ation depends on the
contestability of its mar/ets, the organi.ational culture, the personality and biases of its top decision
ma/ers, and the reporting structure of competitive intelligence %ithin the company.
Strategic Intelligence 1S-3 focuses on the longer term, loo/ing at issues affecting a company's
competitiveness over the course of a couple of years. 6he actual time hori.on for S- ultimately
depends on the industry and ho% 7uic/ly it's changing. 6he general 7uestions that S- ans%ers are,
89here should %e as a company be in : years;' and '9hat are the strategic ris/s and opportunities
facing us;' 6his type of intelligence %or/ involves among others the identification of %ea/ signals
and application of methodology and process called Strategic 'arly 9arning 1S'93, first introduced
by Gilad,
follo%ed by Steven Sha/er and >ictor ?ichardson,
&lessandro ,omai and
+oa7uin 6ena,
and others. &ccording to Gilad, !B of the %or/ of competitive intelligence
practitioners should be dedicated to strategic early identification of %ea/ signals %ithin a S'9
Tactical IntelligenceC the focus is on providing information designed to improve shorter4term
decisions, most often related %ith the intent of gro%ing mar/et share or revenues. Generally, it is the
type of information that you %ould need to support the sales process in an organi.ation. -t
investigates various aspects of a productDproduct line mar/etingC
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Product what are people selling?
Price what price are they charging?
Promotion what activities are they conducting for promoting this product?
Place where are they selling this product?
Other sales force structure, clinical trial design, technical issues, etc.
With the right amount of information, organizations can avoid unpleasant surprises by anticipating
competitors' moves and decreasing response time. !amples of competitive intelligence research is
evident in daily newspapers, such as the 7all Street Journal, 8usiness 7ee9, and (ortune. "a#or
airlines change hundreds of fares daily in response to competitors' tactics. $hey use information to
plan their own mar%eting, pricing, and production strategies.
&esources, such as the 'nternet, have made gathering information on competitors easy. With a clic%
of a button, analysts can discover future trends and mar%et re(uirements. )owever competitive
intelligence is much more than this, as the ultimate aim is to lead to competitive advantage. *s the
'nternet is mostly public domain material, information gathered is less li%ely to result in insights that
will be uni(ue to the company. 'n fact there is a ris% that information gathered from the 'nternet will
be misinformation and mislead users, so competitive intelligence researchers are often wary of using
such information.
*s a result, although the 'nternet is viewed as a %ey source, most +' professionals should spend their
time and budget gathering intelligence using primary research,networ%ing with industry e!perts,
from trade shows and conferences, from their own customers and suppliers, and so on. Where the
'nternet is used, it is to gather sources for primary research as well as information on what the
company says about itself and its online presence -in the form of lin%s to other companies, its
strategy regarding search engines and online advertising, mentions in discussion forums and on
blogs, etc... *lso, important are online subscription databases and news aggregation sources which
have simplified the secondary source collection process. /ocial media sources are also becoming
important,providing potential interviewee names, as well as opinions and attitudes, and sometimes
brea%ing news -e.g., via $witter..
Organizations must be careful not to spend too much time and effort on old competitors without
realizing the e!istence of any new competitors. 0nowing more about your competitors will allow
your business to grow and succeed. $he practice of competitive intelligence is growing every year,
and most companies and business students now realize the importance of %nowing their competitors.
*ccording to *r#an /ingh and *ndrew 1eurschgens in their 2334 article in the Competitive
Intelligence 4evie&, there are four stages of development of a competitive intelligence capability
with a firm. 't starts with 5stic% fetching5, where a +' department is very reactive, up to 5world
class5, where it is completely integrated in the decision6ma%ing process.
Recent trends
$he technical advances in massive parallel processing offered by the )adoop 5big data5 architecture
has allowed the creation of multiple platforms for named6entity recognition such as the *pache
Pro#ects Open78P and *pache /tanbol. $he former includes pre6trained statistical parsers that can
discern elements %ey to establishing trends and evaluating competitive position and responding
Public information mining from S*C)gov, <ederal +ontract *wards, social media
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(Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and others), vendors, and competitor websites now permit real-time
counterintelligence as a strategy for horizontal and vertical market epansion and product
positioning! This occurs in an automated fashion on massive marketplaces such as "mazon!com and
their classification and prediction of product associations and purchase probability!
Similar fields
#ompetitive intelligence has been influenced by national strategic intelligence! "lthough national
intelligence was researched $% years ago, competitive intelligence was introduced during the &''%s!
#ompetitive-intelligence professionals can learn from national-intelligence eperts, especially in the
analysis of comple situations!
#ompetitive intelligence may be confused with (or seen to
overlap) environmental scanning, business intelligence and market research!
#raig Fleisher
,uestions the appropriateness of the term, comparing it to business intelligence, competitor
intelligence, knowledge management, market intelligence, marketing research and strategic
suggests that business intelligence has two forms! -ts narrow (contemporary) form is
more focused on information technology and internal focus than #-, while its broader (historical)
definition is more inclusive than #-! .nowledge management (./), when improperly achieved, is
seen as an information-technology driven organizational practice relying on data mining, corporate
intranets and mapping organizational assets to make it accessible to organization members for
decision-making! #- shares some aspects of ./0 they are human-intelligence- and eperience-based
for a more-sophisticated ,ualitative analysis! ./ is essential for effective change! " key effective
factor is a powerful, dedicated -T system eecuting the full intelligence cycle!
/arket intelligence (/-) is industry-targeted intelligence developed in real-time aspects of
competitive events taking place among the four 1s of the marketing mi (pricing, place, promotion
and product) in the product (or service) marketplace to better understand the market2s attractiveness!
" time-based competitive tactic, /- is used by marketing and sales managers to respond to
consumers more ,uickly in the marketplace! Fleisher suggests it is not distributed as widely as some
forms of #-, which are also distributed to non-marketing decision-makers!
/arket intelligence has
a shorter time horizon than other intelligence areas, and is measured in days, weeks, or (in slower-
moving industries) months!
/arket research is a tactical, method-driven field consisting of neutral, primary research of customer
data (beliefs and perceptions) gathered in surveys or focus groups, and is analyzed with statistical-
research techni,ues!
#- draws on a wider variety (primary and secondary) of sources from a wider
range of stakeholders (suppliers, competitors, distributors, substitutes and media) to answer eisting
,uestions, raise new ones and guide action!
4en 5ilad and 6an 7erring lay down a set of prere,uisites defining #-, distinguishing it from other
information-rich disciplines such as market research or business development! They show that a
common body of knowledge and a uni,ue set of tools (key intelligence topics, business war games
and blindspots analysis) distinguish #-0 while other sensory activities in a commercial firm focus on
one segment of the market (customers, suppliers or ac,uisition targets), #- is synthesizes data from
all high-impact players (7-1)!
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Gilad later focused his delineation of CI on the difference between information and intelligence.
According to him, the common denominator among organizational sensory functions (whether they
are called called market research, business intelligence or market intelligence) is that they deliver
information rather than intelligence. Intelligence, says Gilad, is a ersective on facts rather than the
facts themselves. !ni"ue among cororate functions, cometitive intelligence has a ersective of
risks and oortunities for a firm#s erformance$ as such, it (not information activities) is art of an
organization#s risk%management activity.
)thics has been a long%held issue of discussion among CI ractitioners.
)ssentially, the "uestions
revolve around what is and is not allowable in terms of CI ractitioners# activity. A number of very
e+cellent scholarly treatments have been generated on this toic, most rominently addressed
through ,ociety of Cometitive Intelligence -rofessionals ublications.
/he book Competitive
Intelligence Ethics: Navigating the Gray Zone rovides nearly twenty searate views about ethics in
CI, as well as another 0* codes used by various individuals or organizations.
Combining that with
the over two dozen scholarly articles or studies found within the various CI bibliograhic entries,
it is clear that no shortage of study has gone into better classifying, understanding and
addressing CI ethics.
Cometitive information may be obtained from ublic or subscrition sources, from networking with
cometitor staff or customers, disassembly of cometitor roducts or from field research interviews.
Cometitive intelligence research is distinguishable from industrial esionage, as CI ractitioners
generally abide by local legal guidelines and ethical business norms.
See also
4usiness intelligence
Commercial intelligence
Cometitor analysis
5ue diligence
)conomic and industrial esionage
Industry or market research
Information broker
6egal case management
6ocation intelligence
7arket research
7arketing analysis
8en source intelligence
-orter#s four corners model
,ociety of Cometitive Intelligence -rofessionals
-age 1 of 0* Cometitive intelligence % 9ikiedia, the free encycloedia
:;01;<*0= htt>;;;wiki;Cometitive?intelligence
Wikibooks has a book on
the topic of: Competitive
Sourcing (personnel)
SWOT analysis
Trend analysis
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4age : o! &0 Com"eii#e inelligen%e 7 Wi0i"edia, *e !ree en%y%lo"edia
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20Poic!%20A"a!sis.p#$% (P&'%. (etrie)e# 20*+,0-,2+.
(etrie)e# $rom "http://e""#e/.php0
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