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(Registration No. 521139600
Synopsis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of master of Business Administration of
Sikkim Manipal University, INDIA
INSOFT, C 2 SECTOR 10, NOIDA 201 301
Sikkim Manipal Univeri!" #$ %eal!%, Me&i'al an& !e'%n#l#(i'al 'ien'e
Di!an'e E&)'a!i#n *in(
S"n&i'a!e +#)e, Manipal ,-.10/

A Synopsis on MARKETING STRATEGIES OF COCACOLA submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Business Administration to
Sikkim Manipal University !ndia is my original "ork and not submitted for the a"ard
of any other degree diploma fello"ship or any other similar title or pri#es$
%la&e' (oida
)ate' *********

Synopsis of ,!,-. /0A()1A 21egistration (o$ 3+11456778 Synopsis on Marketing
Strategies of Coca cola is approved and is a&&eptable in quality and form$
!nternal -9aminer -9ternal -9aminers
2Mr$ *************8

A su&&essful &ompletion of a pro:e&t is like a golden feather for any &ap$ ;ruly this &annot be turned
"ithout apt guidan&e and help$ <ne must al"ays be obliged to his guide and helpers$
! so mu&h thankful to our fa&ulty guide at Insoft, Sec-10, Noida give me so mu&h help in &ompleting
this pro:e&t report and other members of the &ompany so mu&h helpful and familiar "ith their
=inally ! am very grateful to these reverent personalities "ithout "hom it "ould not have been
possible for me to put for"ard this pro:e&t in present form$

Tale of Content
%age (o$
Executive Summary 6
Introduction 7
Problems of the study 9
Objectives 11
esearch !ethodolo"y 1#
$nalysis 1%
&onclusions 17
ecommendations 1'
$((endix 19
)iblio"ra(hy #1

E!ec"ti#e S"$$ar%
A&&eptan&e of (e" &hallenge makes the path for future su&&ess
;oday &ompanies must urgently and &riti&ally rethink their business mission and marketing strategies$
!nstead of operating in a market pla&e of fi9ed and kno"n &ompetition and stable &ustomer preferen&es
today &ompanies "ork in "ar #one of rapidly &hanging &ustomer?&ompetitor te&hnologi&al advan&e ne"
la" managed trade poli&ies and diminishing &ustomer loyalty$
/ompany &onsiders the fa&t that today &ustomer fa&e a plenitude of produ&t every &ategory$ /onsider
that &ustomer e9hibit varying and diverse requirement for produ&t servi&e &ombination and pri&es$
!n the fa&e of their vast &hoi&es &ustomer "ill gravitate to the offering that best meet their individual
needs and e9pe&tation$
;herefore it is not surprising that today@s "inning &ompanies are those "ho su&&eed best in satisfying
indeed delighting their target &ustomer$ !f they &an@t bring something spe&ial to get market$ ;hey "ill
not last long$ ;hese &ompanies are market$ ;hey "ill not last long$ ;hese &ompanies are market fo&used
and &ustomer driven$
;hey pay e9treme attention to quality and servi&e to meeting and even e9&eeding &ustomer e9pe&tation$

%resent soft drink boon in !ndia "as attributed to the lega&y of /o&a /ola "hi&h "as there in !()!A till
15AA$ !n today@s market the /o&aB/ola 2/oke ;humps Up =anta Cim&a Sprite ,anilla /oke et&$8
hold a 6+D market share that appears to bear &on&entrated rush to beg a big share in the soft drink
,arious national E multinational firms are engaged in soft drink market due to in&rease in its demand
day by day$ As far as !()!A soft drink market is &on&erned there are ma:or &ompany@s engaged having a
big &ompletion to &apture the soft drink market are namely /o&aB/ola E %epsi$ Fhile /ampa /ola E
many lo&al &ola@s still noti&e in the !ndian Market$
%epsi /ola atta&ked /o&aB/ola before Forld Far !!$ /o&a /ola dominated the Ameri&an soft drink
industry %epsi &ola "as a drink less to manufa&tures E "ith a less satisfa&tory taste then /oke$ Fhere
as /o&aB/ola ma:or selling point "as more drink for the same pri&e and %epsi emphasi#ed on
)uring Forld Far !! %epsi E /oke both en:oyed in&reased sale$ After the "ar %epsi sale "as started to
fall relatively to /oke resulting the /o&aB/ola had starting to &li&k the
Market share$ A number of fa&tory &ontributed to %epsi problem "ere poor image poor taskfor&e poor
quality &ontrol et&$
At that point Alfred$($Steeler &ame to the presiden&y of %epsi &ola "ith a great reputation for
mer&handising$ 0e and his staff re&ogni#ed that the main hope lay transforming %epsi
from a &heap imitator of /oke into a &lass on soft drink manufa&turer$
By 1533 all %epsi@s ma:or "eakness had been over&ome resulting sales had &limbed substantially$ ;hese
a&tions from 1533 to 1567 led to a &onsiderable sales gro"th for %epsi$

!n !ndia another &ompany engaged in soft drink market is /o&aB/ola$ !t is one of the most "idely
kno"n a&&epted and admired trademarks of the "orld$ /o&aB/ola "as their in !ndia till 15AA "hen the
!ndian Government banned it due to strong resentment against multinational &ompany@s /o&aB/ola "as
reBlaun&hed again in !ndia in September 1554 at 0A;01AS near Agra$ ;he !ndia people "el&omed
the &ome ba&k of their most loved /ola in the &ountry "ith great enthusiasm and vigor$
/o&aB/ola marked its reBlaun&hing "ith a&quiring five %arley drinks vi#$ ;humps Up Gold Spot
Cim&a /itra Maa#a Soda$
Soft drink industry is one of the fastest gro"ing industries in !ndia$ ;he basi& idea behind the rapid
gro"th of this industry is due to follo"ing reasons'
1$ ;he great &orporate "ar bet"een /oke E %epsi "ho left no stone unturned for monopoli#ing
the !ndia Soft )rink market$
+$ ;he basi& ideology of these t"o giants is to promote soft drinks as a food item in !ndia hold$
4$ ;he long hot summers in !ndia have in&reased the &onsumption of soft drinks$
.eeping in vie" of tapping the !ndian soft drink market and also developing soft drinks as a drinking
produ&t among !ndians$ ;he /o&aB/ola in !ndia has setup an independent organi#ations "hi&h is 0$/$/
E B$/$/ "ith a &apital of 437 U$S$H ea&h by virtue of sellout de&ision of the passed managing dire&tor
Sh$ S$ /$ Aggar"al$
0industan /o&aB/ola bottling 2(BF8 %vt$ Ctd$ (a:ibabad took the &omplete possession of this plant
land ma&hinery E intelle&tuals on =ebruary 1>@ 155I and sin&e then 0$/$/ looking after all its affairs
under &ompany o"ned bottling plant to establish integrated marketing system in the area$
!n 1555 the &ompany opened up the ne" bottling plant at )AS(A in Gha#iabad )istt$ ;his plant has
more sophisti&ated equipments then the plant at (a:ibabad$

1$ ;he survey report that "as &ondu&ted had a preBdefined boundation of
intervie"ing the retail outlet o"ners$ !t@s based on simple observational analysis
"hi&h may lead to defle&tion at the time of &on&lusion arrival$
+$ ;he survey sheet being designed had a limited s&ope of primary data &overage
only$ !t did not take into &onsideration the other availability of supply and /o
ground on "hi&h it de&ided upon the provision of distribution of the promotional
4$ )uring the entire survey the retailers "illingness for a&quiring the a&&essories in
a&&ordan&e "ith the s&hemes follo"ed "ith them &ould not be noti&ed$ ;his &ould
be one of the reasons of the nonBappropriate promotional efforts in making an
among the &ustomers


> $ ;he data regarding'

0o" the a&&essories &an be a&quiredJ
Fhen the a&&essories did &ome into distribution &hannelingJ
Fere the retailers informed on the distributionJ
Fhat en&ouraged them to posses the a&&essoriesJ
Are they en:oying ba&k up from the &ompany for promotional a&tivitiesJ
3$ ;he time &onstraint "as also prevalent as there "as not abundant time for a detailed study to be
&ondu&ted among the retailers and dealers$
6$ ;he finan&ial limitations &ould also be felt as the funding regarding the survey "as not sub:e&ted
"hi&h lead to a la&k in an inBdepth study to be undertaken$

!n this study an effort has been to several fa&tors "hi&h need to be taken due &onsideration to adhere to
the advertising sales promotion and various sales influen&ing fa&tors of the soft drink market$
!n the fast &hanging &ompetitive as "ell as e&onomi& s&enario all around the "orld and the domesti&
front the main ob:e&tive of the study are'B
;o study the promotional poli&ies of the beverage &ompanies onto various high"ays$
;o Study the &omparative adds promotion by /oke in respe&t to %epsi$
;o Analysis regarding displays set up on the high"ays by the &ompanies in order to indu&e the sales$
;o Study for designing the budget requirement of the &ompany for the &oming year mainly fo&using
marketing of the produ&t$
;o Basi&ally survey on the type of promotional setba&k fa&ed by their produ&t not representing up to
mark performan&e$

1esear&h Methodology is a "ay to systemati&ally solve the problem$
!t may be understood as a s&ien&e of studying ho" resear&h is done s&ientifi&ally$ !n it "e study the
various steps that are generally adopted by the resear&her in studying his resear&h problem along "ith
logi& behind them $ it is ne&essary for the resear&her to kno" not only the resear&h methods?te&hniques
but also the methodology used$ 1esear&hers not only need to kno" ho" to develop &ertain indi&es or
tests ho" to &al&ulate mean or median or mode ho" to apply parti&ular resear&h te&hniques but must
also kno" "hi&h of these methods or te&hniques are relevant and "hat "ould they mean and indi&ate
and "hy$
1esear&h pro&ess &onsists of series of a&tions or steps ne&essary to effe&tively &arry out the resear&h$
;he fun&tion of resear&h design is to provide for &olle&tion of relevant eviden&e "ith minimal
e9penditure of time effort and money$ ! follo"ed the &ensus method as ! did daily route riding along
"ith the e9e&utives and the salesmen$ ! got opportunity to meet and intera&t "ith ea&h one of the
retailers and &losely &ame to kno" spe&ifi& need of the promotion of /o&aB/ola in the market as a
"hole$ ! &overed the distribution area under high"ays at Gha#iabad Modinagar and little area of (/1
region$ Under the supervision ! got number of relevant data from on spot inspe&tion and personal
<bservation and intera&tion "ith the retailers provided me in depth kno"ledge about the availability of
&hanges in promotional items provided by %epsi and /o&aB/ola by the distributors$ ! &olle&ted all vital
data from the outlets visits and survey during my summer training and "hi&h "ould be of high
&onsideration regarding the designing of the &oming years marketing budget by the /o&aB/ola

;he survey sheet "as instantaneously equipped of data duly observed by me and in a systemati& manner$
;he data thus in&ul&ated is through %rimary Sour&e by %ersonal !ntervie"s -nquiries and <bservation$
;he responses thus re&eived "ere also en&ouraging on my behalf and as "ell as the &ompany$
a$8 ;o undertake a market study to kno" the /o&aB/ola promotion on the
b$8 /omparative sales promotion 2a&&essories8 analysis "ith regard to %epsi and
/0 T*'E OF ST&D* - E1'LORATOR*
!n this type of data &olle&tion mode the intervie"K"ar uses the "ording and order that seems most
appropriate in the &onte9t of ea&h intervie"$ ;hese intervie"s are useful in obtaining a &learer
understanding of the problem and determining "hat areas should be investigated$
;here are several "ays of &olle&ting the information &onsiderably in the &onte9t of money &osts time
and other resour&es at the disposal of the resear&her$
! &olle&ted data for my pro:e&t "ork through the medium of Survey Sheets
!n this method ! got the prepared sheets from the &ompany &omprising of relevant questions related "ith
my pro:e&t$ ;hen ! &onta&ted respondents on their shops along "ith the sheets for &olle&ting the
Sample design is a definite plan determined before any data are a&tually &olle&ted for obtaining a sample
for a given population$ ;he sample design to be used must be de&ided by the resear&her taking into
&onsideration the nature of inquiry and other related fa&tors$

! have paid attention on the follo"ing points "hile designing the sample'
a8 ;arget population
b8 Sample Unit
&8 Sampling Si#e
d8 Sampling Method
the population of the study &onsisted of retailers and dealers$ ;arget population "as taken from the &ities
of Gha#iabad Modinagar and (oida$
1andom sampling "as &hosen that is "here any outlet of the "hole population "as likely to be sele&ted
as any other outlet that is all the outlets of the population have equal &han&es$
Shops pursuing promotional tools 2both dealers and retailers8 in Gha#iabad Modinagar and (oida &ities$
c60 SAM'LE SI3E-
A total of 37 shops "ere observed from the &ities Gha#iabad Modinagar and (oida$
:60 SAM'LING MET)OD- %urposive Sampling

An indigenous effort on the behalf of the surveyor in order to be very &autious "hile &olle&tion of
the ra" data that is of primary nature of promotion at high"ays$
;his high"ay is a part of the study undertaken on the behalf of the /o&aB/ola /o$ in order to help it
design out its ne9t &oming years marketing and advertising are performed in order to &apture the
psy&hologi&al attention of the passed by in order to refresh them$
;he study is thereby based on the primary data &olle&ted at various refreshing outlets being &overed
on the ma:or high"ays of )elhi and (/1 region$ !t is basi&ally a &omparative study bet"een the
t"o ma:or /ola GiantsB%-%S! and /oke$
;he t"o ma:or routes being &overed during my survey on the pro:e&t are'
(oida 2 Se&B4A8 ;o Sura:pur$21oute having %epsi@sB )evyani Bottling %lant8
,i:ay (agar /he&k %ost ;o Garh Ganga$21oute having /o&aB/ola@s Gha#iabad %rodu&tion %lant8
218 S0<% (AM- ' (ame of the <utlet$
2+8 A1-A ' 1oute breakB through being &overed$2Market Area Studied8
248 GSB ' Glo" Sign Board$
2>8)%S ' )ealer %rinted Sign Board$
238 /<U(;-1S ' Metalli&?Fooden /ounters Fith /ompany@s %rinting$
268 ;ABC-B/0A!1 ' Molded =urniture along Umbrella@s various restaurants$
2A8 F-CCB%A!(;!(G ' <utlet &ontaining /o$ painting on the "all for promotion$
2I8 SGA ' Sales Generating Assets$L1efrigerator$ L !&e Bo9es
258 1A/. ' ,arious types of ra&ks holding the display of the &ompany@s produ&t$

2Spe&ial Supervision !nspe&tion 1eport in M<)! (AGA1 MA1.-;8
;he resear&h approa&h being follo"ed in Modinagar Market "as regarding the supervision of various
outlets "hi&h is one of the ma:or &onsumable high"ays$ ;here "as a spe&ial inspe&tion done onto the
statisti&al need of various sales promoting a&&essories being provided to the retailers$
;he distributing unit &over@s the overall supply to the market "ith his effi&ient sales for&e in appli&ation$
;he unit here has a daily requirement of 337 &arets of +77ml E477mlof /oke ;humps Up =anta
Cim&a and Sprite$ Fhereas the pet &onsumption is &on&erned the s&enario is'B
377 ml 63 pa&ks$
+ ltr$ B 47 pa&ks$
1ltr$ B A7 pa&ks 2.inleyB )istilled Fater8
M C!M/A being the most demanded range of soft drink$

1$ ;he various retailers had an enormous demand for better GSB@s and in many &ases of )%S for a
better impressive outlet look to attra&t &onsumers$
+$ ;he endless demand of a& &oolers in order to store large quantity of sto&k as a part of marketing
and distribution promotional fun&tion of the &ompany is studied therein$
4$ ;he steady flo" of the &ompany@s promotional a&&essories &ould be felt irrespe&tive of the
&onsumption of the outlets of the produ&t$ =or e9ample' ra&ks &ounters sign boards et&$
>$ !n a &ompetitive environment the &ompany got to study the s&hemes of their &losest rivals "hi&h
they follo"ed and in return fulfilled the needs regarding their outlets set up$
3$ ;imely &he&k up of the proper usage of the /o@s assets 2SGA8 being made as "ell as their
malfun&tioning is re&tified$
6$ Misuse of the /o&aB/ola SGA@s should be brought into &onsideration as a retailers sto&k other
&ompanies sto&k and depre&iate the demand of the sour&e &ompany$
A$ ;he ar&hrivals produ&t study &an be entertained from the retailers and the privilege on their part
is kno"n "hi&h helps in formulation of better marketing promotional s&heme@s
I$ %epsi@s regular sto&kholders be tra&ed and break up by providing motivational introdu&tory offers
enhan&ing the market &apture$
5$ /o&aB/ola should try to make arrangements so that the marketing representatives "ould visit the
retail outlets regularly and try to solve the retailers as "ell as the distributors problems "hi&h
they usually fa&e during the peak season$
17$ Better effi&ient sales representatives be appointed to update the retailers about the s&hemes in
&omparison to %epsi$ ;his "ould en&ourage a &uriosity regarding the /o&aB/ola s&hemes among
11$ ;he &omplaints of the retailers be studied and paid attention of the highest degree to ensure
better market &apturing

!t is a display board or hoarding bearing the promotional advertisement of the respe&tive produ&t of the
&ompany$ ;he &ompanies for their produ&t promotion and sales enhan&ement usually provide them$
)isplay boards of the same nature "ith an additional feature of the retailer@s name or the outlet@s name
being mentioned on them in order that the sponsors bear the value addition on the behalf of the
&ompany$ Usually provided to sto&kiest "ho have large &onsumption of the produ&t$
Fooden or metalli& frame"ork provided by the &ompany to the e9&lusive outlets "hi&h either sto&k in
bulk or "hi&h are parti&ular brand outlets$ ;he &ompany in return promises a &ertain fi9ed sto&k supply
for a &ertain time period$ ;he &ounters bear the &ompany@s advertisements as a sour&e of marketing
Molded furniture of plasti& is being provided at various openBair restaurants or dhabas for the
&onvenien&e of the &ustomers "hile their visits$ !n return the &ompany a&hieves produ&t promotion as
"ell as retailers satisfa&tion$ ;hey &an also be seen at various street side &afes and :ui&e &orners$
%ainting of the brand advertisements on the "alls of the outlets "hi&h in result attra&t and remind the
&onsumers about the produ&t$ ;his makes the &onsumer a"are of the popularity and promotional effort
made on the behalf of the &ompany$
Under this &ategory "e generally head the refrigeration a& &oolers and even the old designed i&ebo9es$
<n the other hand it enables to motivate the retailers for better sales on &ompany@s behalf$

Ro"te No0 -;
Na$e of o"tlet-;
Contact =erson-
. 0 T%=e of C>annel-;
(a6 -atery (6 Gro&ery (c6 /onvenien&e (:6 !nstitute (e6 <ther
/0 Infrastr"ct"re of retail o"tlet -;
(A6 'e=si Coca;Cola
(a6 -mpty 2i8 2i8
(8 ,ision?oye 2ii8 2ii8
(c6 !&e bo9 2iii8 2iii8
(:6 Signage 2iv8 2iv8
20 'ack a#ailailit% of a :ail% a#erage sale-;
((6 %epsi /o&aB/ola
(a6 +77ml 2i8 2i8
(6 477ml 2ii8 2ii8
(c6 377ml 2iii8 2iii8
2d8 +777ml 2iv8 2iv8
2e8 Aquafina? .inley 2v8 2v8

50 Facilities =ro#i:e: % co$=an%-
( C6
=a&ilities %epsi &o&aB/ola
2a8 /ash )is&ount 2i8 2i8
2b8 /redit 2ii8 2ii8
2&8 -mpty loan 2iii8 2iii8
2d8 <ther 2iv8 2iv8

70 T%=es of Stat"s-
2a8 %epsi monopoly 2b8 /o&aB/ola monopoly 2&8 Mi9
6$ Fhi&h &ompany produ&t you sell moreJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /o&aB/ola 2&8 Both
A$ Fhy you prefer %epsi ?/oke or mi9 2please$ 1ank it8'
2a8 /onsumer demand
2b8 Servi&e
2&8 S&heme
2d8 %ersonal relationship "ith &ompany employee
2e8 =a&ility provided by the &ompany
2f8 1elation "ith root agent
2g8 /ompany staff frequently visit
I$ 1etailer satisfa&tion regarding servi&e'
2i8 Fhi&h &ompany provides better deliveryJ

a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2ii8 Fhi&h &ompany vehi&le arrives on timeJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2iii8 Fhi&h &ompany provides better servi&e in emergen&yJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2iv8 Fhi&h &ompany@s vehi&le is more regular in visitJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
5$ 1etailer satisfa&tion equipment'
2i8 Fhi&h &ompany provides better s&heme 2vision?oye8J
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2ii8 Fhi&h &ompany provides better s&heme for i&e bo9'
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
17$ 1etailer satisfa&tion s&heme'
2i8 Fhi&h &ompany &omes out "ith good s&hemesJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2ii8 Fhi&h &ompany e9e&utes his marketing s&hemeJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2iii8 Fhi&h &ompany provides better option for marketing s&hemeJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 none
2iv8 Fhi&h &ompany offers other more trade s&hemeJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2v8 Fhi&h &ompany offers more value trade s&hemeJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
11$ 1egular satisfa&tion relationship'
2i8 Fhi&h &ompany route agent behaves more supportively and professionallyJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2ii8 Fhi&h &ompany offi&ial visits more frequentlyJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
2iii8 Fhi&h &ompany offi&er provides better solutionsJ
2a8 %epsi 2b8 /oke 2&8 Both 2d8 (one
1+$ %roblem 2if any8'
14$ Suggestion 2if any8'

.othari %hilip Marketing Management %renti&e 0all !ndia (e" )elhi
.othari /$1 1esear&h Methodology Fish"a %rakashan (e" )elhi

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