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global warming & energy savings - "Saving the environment; every little steps count"

By: Muhammad Julham Hamah

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Saving energy and the overall environment is a topic that has gained public attention more
recently+ )eople are realiing that at the rate we are using earth,s valuable resources- we will .ace
serious shortage in a near .uture+
/ater is the .irst resource we have been wasting in the past+ /e have to be aware that everyday-
people worldwide are dying .rom lac( o. drin(able water+ 0et- in our "civilied" countries- we let
puri.ied water go to waste in many ways daily+
Small steps a person can ta(e to limit her consumption o. water is: only wash the dishes or do the
laundry when there is a .ull load to be done- do not let tap water run .or long periods while
brushing one,s teeth+ 1ther obvious drin(able water savings would be not to use sprin(lers on
rainy days or using a broom to sweep one,s carport instead o. the garden hose+
&nother valuable earth,s resource we have been wasting is electricity+ &gain- in many developing
countries- electricity could save hundreds o. lives+ 0et- we are openly wasting this valuable
resource in western countries+ Small steps that can be ta(en to limit the 2uantity o. electricity
consumed daily are: close all lights that are not being used- do not put the air conditioning on 3or
a heating system4 i. windows are opened- wash clothes that do not re2uire special care with cold
water instead o. hot water+
5orests and trees have also been overused by man and wasted in more ways than can be counted+
6ecycling paper is the very .irst step in limiting paper 3and trees4 waste+ 7 have personally
contacted all the magaines with which 7 am not subscribed and as(ed them to send me these
hundreds o. paper 7 did not read and wasted+ 7t too( time and patience but eventually- 7 evaluate 7
must have saved an entire small .orest by that little step alone+
/riting on both sides o. paper is also a very good way to diminish one,s consumption o. paper
and thus limiting de.orestation+
8uality air is also a resource we have wasted to the worst degree+ By overusing cars and to9ic
emissions which a..ected the oone layers- we have wasted our most valuable resource: the air
we breathe+ Small steps that can be ta(en are e9actly this: ta(ing small steps instead o. using the
car .or any small trip to the corner store+ 7n ta(ing such action as wal(ing to get to near places- a
person will also gain physical bene.its and en:oy a better health condition+
Saving o9ygen and the 2uality o. the air that we breathe also means ta(ing a strong stand and
pressuring governments in place to adopt and apply strict rules and regulations to limit pollution
and to9ic gas emissions+
&nother valuable resource that we have been shame.ully wasting is the wildli.e+ Many animals
are now on the endangered species list or- worst- have disappeared because o. man,s careless
actions+ 6eading and (eeping up to date on the most recent developments and again ta(ing action
to limit the damages caused to animals are small steps a person can ta(e to start ma(ing a

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