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DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed.

Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
Master of Environmental Education
Guidelines for Plan A Theses and Plan B Projects
Your Plan A Thesis/Plan B project serves the priar! purpose of learnin" scholarl!
in#uir! and clarit! of e$pression under the direction of "raduate facult! e%ers. &ot
onl! does it docuent !our a%ilities in s!steatic in#uir!' anal!sis' and (ritin"' %ut it
also adds to )no(led"e in the *eld of environental education and related *elds and
serves as a contri%ution to future scholars and researchers. Because it has !our nae
as (ell as the +niversit! of Minnesota Duluth,s nae' it represents the instructional
and scholarl! functions of this +niversit! and the Master of Environental Education
pro"ra to the outside (orld. Thus' this project should %e of the hi"hest #ualit!.
-hile !our chair and coittee provide "uidance throu"hout the process' the student
assues ultiate responsi%ilit! for the acadeic inte"rit! of the project.
Formatting Notes:
Use Section 1 of the University of Minnesota Graduate Schools Preparing
the Thesis/Design Project !or"atting# Su$"itting# Pu$lishing% docu"ent for
for"atting guidance &"argins# fonts# pagination# spacing# etc'(
&http//)))'grad'u"n'edu/*urrent+Students/for"s/gs1,'pdf(' !or style and
for"atting "atters not included in this docu"ent# follo) -P-# using the "ost
recent edition of the Pu$lication Manual of the -"erican Psychological
-ssociation; also see http//o)l'english'purdue'edu/o)l/resource/./0/01/ ' The
"ost i"portant aspect of using a style "anual is to $e consistent in the
approach throughout the "anuscript' 12ote Plan - Theses "ust follo) the
Graduate Schools for"atting and su$"ission guidelines3 these guidelines
are reco""ended for Plan 4 research and 5eld projects' See notes near the
end of this docu"ent for Plan 4 curriculu" projects'
!or "anuscript preparation &including title and signature pages(# there is a
for"atting te"plate availa$le at
!or )riting help# see the )riting guide at
http//)riting'u"n'edu/s)s/assets/pdf/7010s)g'pdf for readin"' research'
and (ritin" strate"ies for acadeic (ritin" at the universit! level.
8our proposal is the 5rst three chapters# )hich get revised and added to as
needed for your co"pleted "anuscript'
9egarding ver$ tense The proposal is )ritten in present and/or future tense
&proposing )hat you )ill $e doing(# )ith the e:ception of *h' 7# )hich is
)ritten in past tense &S"ith sho)ed;%( or present perfect tense
&9esearchers have sho)n;%(' The tense for the co"pleted "anuscript is
typically past# )ith the e:ception of your research <uestions# de5nition of
ter"s# and *h' .# )hich are generally in present tense' =hen in dou$t
regarding tense# $e consistent and/or consult )ith your *hair'
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
Signature Page
The /hair and /oittee e%ers ust si"n the si"nature pa"e to con*r
seein" and approvin" the *nal version of the E01 2334 project.
A teplate for the si"nature pa"e is availa%le at the (e%site noted a%ove5
!ou (ill need to update the si"nature lines to re6ect !our coittee
Title Page
+se "uidelines and teplate noted a%ove5 the nae listed on the title pa"e
ust %e the o7cial nae on record (ith the 87ce of Re"istrar.
Title is "enerall! less than .9 (ords :-il)inson' .33.;.
Title should contain )e! (ords :ajor varia%les' nature of research' tar"et
population; to "ive a clear' concise description of the topic' scope' and
nature of the stud! :<an Dalen' .3=3' in /res(ell' 9443;5
Eliinate unnecessar! (ords such as >An Approach to?@ or >A 1tud! of?@
and ost articles and prepositions :-il)inson' .33.;.
The title of the thesis ust not contain cheical or atheatical forulas'
s!%ols' superscripts' su%scripts' Gree) letters' or other nonstandard
characters5 (ords ust %e su%stituted.
Co!right Page
+se "uidelines and teplate noted a%ove. Your o7cial nae on record (ith
the 87ce of the Re"istrar' the !ear of "raduation' and a cop!ri"ht s!%ol A
or the (ord >cop!ri"ht@ are re#uired.
The cop!ri"ht pa"e' (hich is a separate pa"e fro the title pa"e' is not
nu%ered or counted5 it is re#uired to protect !our ori"inal (or).
Ac"no#ledgements Page
8ptional' %ut if included' it is nu%ered in lo(erBcase Roan nuerals and
$edication Page
8ptional' %ut if included' it is nu%ered in lo(erBcase Roan nuerals and
The a%stract provides a suar! of !our (or)' and is t!picall! a%out .24
This pa"e is nu%ered in lo(erBcase Roan nuerals and counted.
Ta%le of Contents
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
The ta%le of contents ust include correspondin" pa"e nu%er referencin"
each section.
These pa"es are nu%ered in lo(erBcase Roan nuerals and counted.
&ist of Ta%les
A pa"e (ith a list of ta%les is re#uired if ta%les are included in the anuscript.
The list ust include the ta%le nu%er' title' and correspondin" pa"e nu%er
for each ta%le.
The list of ta%les ust %e represented in the ta%le of contents.
This pa"e:s; is/are nu%ered in lo(erBcase Roan nuerals and counted.
&ist of Figures
A list of *"ures pa"e is re#uired if *"ures are included in the anuscript.
The list ust include the *"ure nu%er' title' and correspondin" pa"e
nu%er for each *"ure.
The list of *"ures ust %e represented in the ta%le of contents.
This pa"e is nu%ered in lo(erBcase Roan nuerals and counted.
Chater '
2ote *hapter 1 in the proposal is )ritten in the present tense' The tense is revised
to past for the co"pleted "anuscript'
1ets the sta"e for the entire stud!' providin" the reader (ith the %ac)"round
inforation for placin" the stud! into a conte$t of related research and
justif!in" to the reader that a stud! is needed :-iersa' .332;.
T!picall! includes :/res(ell' 9443;C
- a >hoo)@ to create interest in the stud!
- description of the pro%le or issue leadin" to the stud! :should %e
docuented' not just !our opinion that a pro%le e$ists;
- %rief discussion of the literature a%out the pro%le and/or de*ciencies
in past literature' placin" the stud! (ithin the lar"er conte$t of the
research literature or (ithin the on"oin" scholarl! dialo"ue :not as in
depth as in /h. 9 and often %! referencin" "roups of studies;
- discussion of the si"ni*cance of the stud! for a speci*c audience :noteC
this could %e a separate section at the ver! end of this chapter;
This section could include conceptual underpinnin"s' such as the conceptual
frae(or) or theoretical %ase fro (hich !our topic evolved :a
rational/theoretical/researchB%ased odel fro (hich !our topic eer"ed;.
Dependin" on the audience for future pu%lication of !our (or)' the
conceptual or theoretical frae(or) can %e ver! iportant5 revie(ers a!
loo) for and e$pect a clearl! and succinctl! identi*ed frae(or) that
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
under"irds !our stud! :Pajares' 944=;.
1ee /res(ell :9443' p. 3=B.43; for additional "uidance' particularl! for
distinctions aon" introductions in #ualitative' #uantitative and i$ed
ethods studies.
Purose Statement
-hile the Bac)"round section focuses on the pro%le leadin" to the stud!'
the purpose stateent esta%lishes the direction for the research and conve!s
the overall intent of the stud! :/res(ell' 944D;5 thus' it sets forth the purpose
of the stud!' not the pro%le or issue leadin" to the need for the stud!. Et is
also not the research #uestions' %ut instead sets the intent or ajor idea of
the stud!' as (ell as identi*es the "eneral approach to !our stud!. Thin) of
this as a %rid"e %et(een the need :the pro%le; fro the prior section and
the speci*c research #uestions that (ill follo( in the ne$t section.
1tart (ith >The purpose :or intent; of this stud! is?.@
The purpose stateent can also incorporate the rationale for the stud!'
alludin" to the si"ni*cance of !our stud!5 or this rationale can %e part of the
%ac)"round and/or si"ni*cance sections :Pajares' 944=;.
1ee /res(ell :9443' p. ..9B.92; for distinctions aon" purpose stateents in
#ualitative' #uantitative and i$ed ethods studies.
)esearch *uestions+ ,!otheses+ or -%jectives
Fuestions' o%jectives' and h!potheses clarif! the purpose stateent. Fro
the %road' "eneral purpose stateent' the researcher narro(s the focus to
speci*c #uestions to %e ans(ered' o%jectives to %e accoplished' or
predictions to %e tested %ased on the h!potheses proposed.
Fualitative studies often use research #uestions :>"rand tour@ #uestions;
rather than o%jectives or h!potheses5 often one or t(o openBended central
#uestions (ith several su% #uestions follo(in" each central #uestion5
#uestions conve! an eer"in" or open desi"n :see /res(ell' 9443' p. .D4;.
For #uantitative studies' select one :either #uestions or o%jectives or
h!potheses' %ut not a co%ination of;5 see /res(ell :9443' p. .D9B.D=; for
additional inforation.
-9esearch <uestion in#uire a%out the relationships aon" varia%les in the
for of a #uestion that is phrased as a #uestion :Grath(ohl' .3HH in
/res(ell' 9443;.
-9esearch >$jective statin" the research #uestion in declarative for
:Grath(ohl' .3HH in /res(ell' 9443;5 tend to %e used less in social
science research' %ut ore in proposals for fundin".
-?ypothesis declarative stateent of the predicted or e$pected
relationship %et(een 9 or ore varia%les :Mason I Bra%le' .3H3 in
/res(ell' 9443;5 t!picall! used in true e$periental desi"ns.
For i$ed ethods studies' see /res(ell :9443' p. .DHB.J9;.
As !ou (rite !our #uestions' chec) the usin" these criteriaC feasi%le' clear'
si"ni*cant' and ethical.
$e.nition of Terms
An introductor! sentence:s; can %e used to transition fro the prior section
to this section. For e$apleC /The follo(in" section de*nes ho( )e! ters
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
(ill %e used in this stud!. The ters are de*ned usin" the process for
speci*cation of concepts outlined in Ba%%ie :94..; and /res(ell :9443;. A
noinal de*nition for each ter is provided' and (hen relevant' an
operational de*nition that speci*es ho( the concept (ill %e easured is also
De*nitions add precision to !our stud!' helpin" !our readers )no( ho(
certain ters are %ein" used in the stud!.
De*ne ters that soeone outside the *eld a! not understand and ters
that have ultiple eanin"s5 consider de*nin" ters introduced in !our title'
introduction' purpose stateent' research #uestions.
De*nitions should %e "rounded in the literature :citation used; unless the
ter is >coonl! understood@ or if !ou have no source' %ut then reB
consider if it should %e a ter !ou de*ne :Theo%ald' .33.;.
Ters should %e de*ned in one or ore coplete sentences' not phrases
:Theo%ald' .33.;.
-hen de*nin" ters that represent constructs that !ou (ill %e easurin"'
indicate ho( !ou (ill %e >operationaliKin"@ the %! statin" the o%serva%le
easure of those constructs5 in other (ords' include an operational de*nition
(ith !our noinal de*nition. For e$apleC >/ritical thin)in" is the process
of purposeful' selfBre"ulator! jud"ent that drives pro%leBsolvin" and
decisionBa)in" :APA' .334;. For the purpose of this stud!' students, scores
on the /ornell /ritical Thin)in" Test' Level M :Ennis' Millan' I To)o' .3H2;
(ill serve as the o%serva%le easure of this construct.@
&imitations+ $elimitations+ and Assumtions
These can %e co%ined into one section' in para"raph for' or as separate
sections (ith %ulleted lists. This section can %e in /hapter . or at the end of
/hapter D.
Liitations identif! potential (ea)ness or liitations in the desi"n or
ethods :for e$aple' convenience saplin" liitin" the "eneraliKa%ilit! of
the results' threats to internal validit!' the nature of selfBreport' etc.;. En this
section' liitations are suariKed. The! a! %e descri%ed in "reater detail
and discussed further in another appropriate section :usuall! /h. 2' in the
conte$t of interpretin" the results;.
Deliitations address ho( the scope of the stud! (ill %e narro(ed. Thin) of
these as settin" %oundaries around soethin"' such as deliitin" the
population to outreach practitioners in Duluth' M&. This is (here !ou e$plain
(hat !ou are not doin"' %ut liit !our deliitations to the thin"s that a
reader i"ht reasona%l! e$pect !ou to do %ut that !ou' for clearl! e$plained
reasons' have decided not to do :Parjares' 944=;.
Assuptions are (hat !ou are ta)in" for "ranted :Theo%ald' .33.;. Ef !ou
can support !our Nassuption, throu"h !our literature revie(' then it is not an
assuption. Assuptions are propositions that !ou cannot prove' %ut are
readil! accepted %! !our readers.
This can %e included (ithin the Bac)"round section' instead of as a separate
Ai for a clear and copellin" rationale for the stud!5 ho(/(h! is !our stud!
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
si"ni*cant and iportantO
-ho :(hat individuals or "roups; can use this ne( )no(led"e or inforation
!ielded %! the research to chan"e or iprove the present situationO 0o( (ill
the stud! contri%ute to the iproveent of the professionO To future
researchO To polic! or practice iproveentsO
/an include the docuented ar"uents of others :e$pert opinion; (ho call
for an investi"ation of the pro%le.
Chater 0
)evie# of &iterature
The literature revie( is t!picall! (ritten in past tense :>1ith sho(ed?@; or
present perfect tense :>Researchers have sho(n?@;. /onsistenc! in tense
(ithin a para"raph and throu"hout the chapter is iportant. En ost cases'
use onl! last naes for persons/authors/researchers noted in !our literature
revie(5 do not use position or acadeic titles :Theo%ald' .33.;. Avoid
overuse of directl! #uoted aterial' aiin" to paraphrase and cite rather
than directl! #uote :Theo%ald' .33.;. Also ai to avoid citin" studies
referenced in other studies5 instead' *nd and and cite the direct source. For
e$aple' not >Pohnson :.333;' as cited in :1ith' 944.;5@ instead >Pohnson
:.333; found?@
This chapter often %e"ins (ith a %rief introduction to reind readers of the
%ac)"round and purpose !ou presented in /hapter .' follo(ed %! a
description of the for of this chapter in ters of purpose' scope' and
se#uence/or"aniKation :Theo%ald' .33.;. 8ften this is done throu"h an
overvie( of the sections !our literature revie( (ill contain and their
relevance to the research #uestion. /hapter 9 often concludes (ith a
suar!' s!nthesiKin" and hi"hli"htin" the )e! points of !our literature
The %od! of /hapter 9 e$pands on the Bac)"round section fro /hapter .'
further descri%in" and frain" the need for the proposed research :does this
project *ll in soe "aps in )no(led"e' test a theor!' replicate research' etc.;.
En addition' the literature revie( provides a revie( as to (hat is )no(n
re"ardin" !our topic and alternative points of vie( re"ardin" !our topic.
Thin) of the literature as accoplishin" the follo(in" thin"sC
- 1harin" results of other studies closel! related to !our stud!5
- Relatin" !our stud! to the lar"er' on"oin" dialo"ue in the literature
a%out a topic :Marshall I Rossan' .3H3;5 and
- Providin" a frae(or) for esta%lishin" the iportance of the stud!' as
(ell as a %enchar) for coparin" the results of the stud! :Pajares'
- Presents the foundational theories that support !our stud!/concept.
/hapter 9 reports on the literature' %ut ore iportantl!' is (ritten to
anal!Ke (hat is found in the literature :coparin" and contrastin" *ndin"s'
for e$aple;. Ai to counicate to the reader that !ou have a
coprehensive "rasp of the *eld and are a(are of iportant and recent
su%stantive and ethodolo"ical developents relatin" to !our topic
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
:Parjares' 944=;. Avoid stateents that ipl! little has %een done' little is
)no(n' or that (hat has %een done is too e$tensive to suariKe' as this
iplies that !ou are not reall! failiar (ith the literature :Parjares' 944=;.
Geep in ind that uch of (hat !ou *nd as !ou revie( the literature and
(rite /hapter 9 (ill %e relevant to other chapters' such as /hapter .
:Bac)"round;' /hapter D' and /hapter 2 :as coparisons are ade %et(een
!our results and those fro studies in !our literature' and as !ou interpret
(hat !ou found in the conte$t of prior research; :Theo%ald' .33.;.
1ee /res(ell :9443; for further "uidance and for distin"uishin" %et(een the
(a! literature is used in a #uantitative stud! and the (a! it is used in a
#ualitative stud!.
Chater 1
The "ethodology for the proposal is typically )ritten in future tense' =hen
descri$ing the "ethods after they have $een co"pleted for your
completed manuscript, this section is revised and written in the past
*hapter , should $e detailed enough to allo) replication &=iers"a# 1@@,('
!or studies )ith "ore than one research <uestion# "ultiple designs and/or
data collection "ethods "ay $e needed3 address each design that )ill $e
Depending on the type of study# the ordering and content of the sections in
this chapter vary' Thus# guidance for this chapter is organiAed around the
follo)ing three "ethodologies survey research3 e:peri"ental research3 and
<ualitative research' !or "i:ed "ethods research# refer to *res)ell &700@(
*hapter 10' The co"ple:ity and $readth of "i:edB"ethods procedures
re<uire detail $eyond the scope of this docu"ent' The follo)ing sections
dra) pri"arily fro" *res)ell &700@(3 you )ill 5nd it useful to use this te:t for
"ore inBdepth guidance for )riting your proposal' This te:t# ho)ever# is not
"eant to serve as a research "ethods &ho) to conduct research( te:t' 2ote
the data analysis section at the end of this chapter applies to the three
"ethodologies outlined $elo)'
Methodolog! for Surve! )esearch 2adated from Cres#ell+ 03345
/hapter D %e"ins (ith an introduction' (here !ou %rie6! reind the reader
of the purpose of the stud! and the research
#uestions/o%jectives/h!potheses. This introduction can %e used to descri%e
the overall paradi" and rationale for it :#ualitative' #uantitative' or i$ed
ethods;' as (ell as to descri%e the overarchin" research purpose
:e$plorator!' descriptive' or e$planator!;.
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
Entroduce readers to the purpose of surve! research and the rationale for its
selection for !our proposed stud!.
This section should indicate if the surve! (ill %e crossBsectional or
lon"itudinal' and should also indicate the speci*c for of data collection
:selfBadinistered #uestionnaire5 inBperson or telephone intervie(5
structured o%servation5 (e%B%ased selfBadinistered #uestionnaire5 etc.; A
rationale for the for speci*ed should %e included. 1ee /res(ell :9443' p.
.JQ; for additional inforation.
Poulation and Samle
Endicate the population :siKe' characteristics' etc.; and accessi%le population
and saplin" frae if applica%le.
Descri%e the saplin" desi"n :sin"le or ultiBsta"e; and selection process
:rando or nonBrando;' and if strati*cation (ill %e used. Endicate the
nu%er of people in the saple and ho( that nu%er (as calculated :see
applica%le research te$ts for saplin" ethods and saple siKe forulas and
After the stud! is copleted' additional descriptive inforation :soeties in
the for of ta%les; on respondents is included here' or this inforation could
%e presented in /hapter J.
Descri%e in detail the actual surve! instruent :(as it developed for this
stud!' odi*ed' or an intact instruentO;. 1ee /res(ell :9443' p. .J3; for
considerations re"ardin" odif!in" or usin" e$istin" instruents. Descri%e
the ajor sections of the instruent' includin" the instructions' ites' and
response scales. /onsider creatin" a ta%le of speci*cations to ali"n research
#uestions' constructs' diensions' and ites. /onsider includin" saple
ites so readers "et a sense of the actual ites used5 the coplete
instruent could %e included as an appendi$ if the instruent (as selfB
developed' and potentiall! included as an appendi$ dependin" upon
perission/cop!ri"ht issues for intact instruents. Endicate if the instruent
(ill %e anal!Ked at the ite level' su%scales' etc. :or include this in the Data
Anal!sis section;
Endicate ho( validit! and relia%ilit! (ill %e :or have %een;
esta%lished/deonstrated. Geep in ind that odif!in" an instruent alters
its validit!5 reesta%lishin" validit! and relia%ilit! in the data anal!sis is
Descri%e plans for pilot or *eld testin" a selfBdeveloped or odi*ed
instruent. Endicate ho( results fro this testin" (ill translate into
instruent revisions.
Descri%e steps for adinisterin" the surve! and ensurin" the desired
response rate :this could %e in a separate section Data /ollection
Procedures;. 1ee surve! research te$ts for surve! adinistration processes
desi"ned to ensure a hi"h response rate.
Methodolog! for E6erimental )esearch 2adated from Cres#ell+ 03345
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
/hapter D %e"ins (ith an introduction' (here !ou %rie6! reind the reader
of the purpose of the stud! and the research
#uestions/o%jectives/h!potheses. This introduction can %e used to descri%e
the overall paradi" and rationale for it :#ualitative' #uantitative' or i$ed
ethods;' as (ell as to descri%e the overarchin" research purpose
:e$plorator!' descriptive' or e$planator!;.
Descri%e the selection process for participants :rando v. nonBrando
selection;' as (ell as the process for assi"nin" participants to treatent and
control "roups. Ef rando assi"nent or atchin" (ill %e used' descri%e
ho( this (ill occur. Descri%e the process for deterinin" ho( an!
participants (ere selected to participate :(as a po(er anal!sis used to
identif! "roup saple siKe;.
Descri%e the participants in each "roup :treatent and control "roups; in
ters of ho( an! and in ters of other relevant deo"raphic
Edentif! the desi"n to %e used in the stud! :preBe$periental' #uasiB
e$periental' or e$periental;' and specif! the speci*c research desi"n
used :pretest posttest none#uivalent control "roup desi"n' posttest onl! (ith
none#uivalent "roups' etc.;. Edentif! the independent and dependent
varia%les in !our desi"n. Provide a rationale as to !our desi"n choice. 1ee a
research ethods te$t for desi"n options.
Edentif! and descri%e potential threats to validit!' e$plainin" (hat the
potential issue the! present to !our stud!. Discuss ho( !ou plan to address
the threats throu"h !our desi"n. :These threats can %e suariKed in
/hapter .' particularl! (hen !ou do not have a (a! to iti"ate a speci*c
threat to internal validit!. 0ere the! are descri%ed in ore detail' alon" (ith
ho( !ou plan to address these threats.;. 1ee /res(ell :9443' p. .Q9;' as
(ell as research ethods te$ts for further discussion of threats to validit!
and t!pes of validit! relatin" to research desi"n.
Edentif! and descri%e the treatent :independent varia%le; for !our stud!.
Descri%e in su7cient detail for a reader to "ain an understandin" of the
treatent involved' in ters of content' duration' se#uencin"' ethod'
activities' aterials etc.
Endicate if the treatent (as an e$istin" treatent/pro"ra/intervention' of
if the treatent (as developed for this stud!.
Descri%e in detail the instruent used to easure the dependent varia%le
:(as it developed for this stud!' odi*ed' or an intact instruentO;. 1ee
/res(ell :9443' p. .J3; for considerations re"ardin" odif!in" or usin"
e$istin" instruents. Descri%e the ajor sections of the instruent'
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
includin" the instructions' ites' and response scales. The coplete
instruent could %e included as an appendi$ if the instruent (as selfB
developed' and potentiall! included as an appendi$ dependin" upon
perission/cop!ri"ht issues if the instruent (as an intact instruent.
Endicate if the instruent (ill %e anal!Ked at the ite level' su%scales' etc.
:or include this in the Data Anal!sis section;
Endicate ho( validit! and relia%ilit! (ill %e :or have %een;
esta%lished/deonstrated. Geep in ind that odif!in" an instruent alters
its validit!5 reesta%lishin" validit! and relia%ilit! in the data anal!sis is
Descri%e plans for pilot or *eld testin" a selfBdeveloped or odi*ed
instruent. Endicate ho( results fro this testin" (ill translate into
instruent revisions.
$ata Collection Procedures
Discuss a stepB%!Bstep approach for conductin" the e$perient and
collectin" the data' includin" (ho (ill adinister the data collection
instruents and (hen.
Enclude ho( perission to conduct research (ill %e attained' and include
assent scripts and consent fors as appendices.
Methodolog! for *ualitative )esearch 2adated from Cres#ell+ 03345
/hapter D %e"ins (ith an introduction' (here !ou %rie6! reind the reader
of the purpose of the stud! and the research
#uestions/o%jectives/h!potheses. This introduction can %e used to descri%e
the overall paradi" and rationale for it :#ualitative' #uantitative' or i$ed
ethods;' as (ell as to descri%e the overarchin" research purpose
:e$plorator!' descriptive' or e$planator!;.
Strateg! of (n7uir!
Endicate (hat #ualitative strate"! !ou (ill %e usin" :such as phenoenolo"!'
ethno"raph!' case stud!' "rounded theor!' etc.;.
Provide %ac)"round re"ardin" that particular strate"! :/res(ell su""ests
ori"in of strate"!' a de*nition of it' and applications of it;.
Descri%e (h! that strate"! is appropriate for !our research stud!' and
indicate ho( it (ill shape !our overall approach to !our data collection and
)esearcher8s )ole
This section serves to provide readers insi"ht into ho( !our o(n %ac)"round'
values' and %iases a! shape !our interpretations fored durin" the stud!.
This section also identi*es ho( !ou "ained entr! into a research site and
perission to conduct research' as (ell as potential ethical issues that
i"ht arise and !our plans to address the.
1ee /res(ell :9443' p. .==; for areas to include in this section.
$ata Collection Procedures
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
Edentif! the purposefull! selected sites or individuals for !our stud!.
Endicate the data collection ethod:s; :o%servations' intervie(s' docuents'
etc.;. Enclude !our rationale for !our selection' as (ell as the stren"ths and
(ea)nesses of that data collection ethod.
Esta%lish a protocol for recordin" inforation :see /res(ell' 9443' p. .H.;.
This is siilar to a data collection instruent in other fors of research.
$ata Anal!sis 2for Surve!+ E6erimental+ *ualitative+ and Mi6ed9Methods
Tell the reader a%out the speci*c t!pe of anal!sis that (ill %e used to ans(er
!our research #uestion:s;. Enclude anal!tical tools/soft(are that !ou plan to
use. Ree%er that !our data anal!sis is %ased on !our research #uestions
and the desi"n of !our stud!.
For statistical anal!ses' descri%e the descriptive and inferential tests that (ill
%e conducted' indicated (h! these tests (ill %e eplo!ed' and as relevant'
the level of si"ni*cance selected and (h!. As needed' provide citations for
tests or procedures. 1ee /res(ell :9443' p. .2.B.29; for this section in
surve! research and /res(ell :9443' p. .QQB.Q=; for e$periental studies.
For #ualitative anal!ses' descri%e in detail' providin" citations to "round !our
anal!sis procedures. Ef codin" procedures are used' descri%e the in
reasona%le detail. Ef trian"ulatin" data or usin" i$ed ethods' e$plain ho(
!ou (ill "o a%out s!nthesiKin" the data and results fro ultiple sources
and/or ethods' citin" !our procedures/processes as appropriate. 1ee
/res(ell :9443' p. .HDB.3D; for #ualitative anal!ses and /res(ell :9443' p.
9.HB994; for i$ed ethods studies.
Chater :
This chapter is usuall! (ritten in the past tense.
This chapter a! %e"in (ith a %rief revie( of the purpose of the stud! and
research #uestions' follo(ed %! an overvie( of ho( the data (ill %e
or"aniKed and presented :%! research #uestionO B! surve! #uestionO etc.;.
8ften data re"ardin" participants :deo"raphic characteristics; is presented
*rst' follo(ed %! the results for each of the research #uestions. Ef the data
anal!sis process diRered across research #uestions' a %rief description of the
data anal!sis process conducted for each research #uestion could precede
the presentation of results for that research #uestion.
This chapter is a presentation of the results :anal!sis of !our data;. &o
conclusions or iplications should appear in this chapter' and for the ost
part' discussion of the *ndin"s is also reserved for /hapter 2. Dependin" on
the len"th and cople$it! of this chapter' !ou a! (ant to conclude
/hapter J (ith a suar! of results.
For further "uidance' see /res(ell :9443;5 note that he co%ines data
anal!sis procedures (ith presentation and interpretation of results into his
te$t' (hereas in this forat' these are three separate sections. For surve!
research' see p. .29B.2D 5 for e$periental research' see p. .QQB.Q=5 for
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
#ualitative research' see p. .3DB944 :note that strate"ies for (ritin"
#ualitative results are #uite diverse;5 and for i$ed ethods research' see p.
Chater ;
This chapter is usuall! (ritten in the present tense.
/hapter 2 often %e"ins (ith a suar! of the stud!,s purpose and results.
Et also includes a Discussion section :interpretation and discussion of results'
as (ell as a s!nthesis "uided %! the overarchin" research #uestions and
purpose;. Results are t!picall! suariKed and discussed in the sae
se#uence as in /hapter J. Discussion of !our results should connect %ac) to
!our revie( of literature' liitations' and' if applica%le' to !our theoretical
frae(or). Also discuss !our results in the conte$t of "eneraliKa%ilit!' if
applica%le. En this section' as (ell as throu"hout this chapter' %e careful to
interchan"e discussion of *ndin"s (ith conjecture5 conjecture can %e
appropriate as lon" as it is clearl! noted as such.
Follo(in" the discussion of results' /hapter 2 usuall! includes an
Eplications section. Eplications are the practical su""estions as to (hat
should %e done and ho(' in li"ht of the issues that have %een raised throu"h
!our research :iplications should 6o( fro !our literature revie( and !our
results5 the! need to %e relevant and connected to !our stud!S;. Thin) a%out
(hat the results ean to practitioners and researchers. -hat are the
iplications of !our results to pro"ras' ethods' educational interventions'
or polic! decisionsO Et a! %e useful to reBvisit !our si"ni*cance section
fro /hapter .. Fuantit! of iplications is less iportant than the #ualit! of
thou"ht %ehind the iplications :Theo%ald' .33.;.
Follo(in" the iplications' there is "enerall! a Recoendations for Future
Research section' alon" (ith a rationale for (h! the additional research
should %e done :Theo%ald' .33.;. As (ith iplications' recoendations
need to %e connected to !our stud!' not recoendations for research in
Finall!' !our chapter should end (ith a /onclusion section' %ased on the
research purpose and #uestions fro /hapter .. Your conclusion should %e
"rounded in the results of !our stud! and !our literature. This last section
%rin"s !our research full circle :Theo%ald' .33.;.
Follo( APA "uidelines re"ardin" use of references in te$t and in the reference
8nl! references cited in !our te$t are included in the reference list
:other(ise it is called a %i%lio"raph!; :Pajares' 944=;.
APA allo(s references to %e sin"leBspaced (ithin each reference I dou%le
spaced %et(een each reference for a thesis or dissertation.
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
The follo(in" are e$aples of aterials appropriate for this sectionC assent
script5 consent fors5 cover letters of perission to conduct research5 data
collection instruent :if cop!ri"hted' perission in (ritin" to reproduce the
instruent or proof of purchase of the instruent;5 intervie(
protocols/#uestion "uides5 etc.
Plan B Curriculum Projects
2ote Plan 4 curriculu" projects should follo) the for"atting guidelines referenced
in the introductory notes on page 1 of this docu"ent' The topical content sections
of the Cntroductory Matter and *hapters 1 and 7 apply to curriculu" projects# )ith
the e:ception of research <uestions in *hapter 1' *hapters ,# D# and . and the
-ppendices and 9eferences sections deviate fro" the guidelines for Plan - and 4
research projects' Guidance for these *hapters is detailed $elo)'
Chater 1
The ethodolo"! for the proposal is t!picall! (ritten in future tense. -hen
descri%in" the ethods after the! have %een copleted for !our copleted
anuscript' this section is revised and (ritten in the past tense.
Descri%e the ethods !ou (ill use to develop and pilot !our curriculu. Your
ethods should %e "rounded in literature relatin" to or e$istin" curriculu
developent odels.
Additional considerationsC (ill an advisor! "roup %e used to infor the
ethods and/or developent of the curriculuO 0o( (ill !ou "ain input
initiall! and throu"hout the developent processO -ill !ou conduct a needs
assessentO 0o( (ill !ou pilot test and/or evaluate !our curriculuO 0o(
(ill the results of the pilot test/evaluation %e used to revise !our curriculuO

Chater :
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
This chapter is usuall! (ritten in the past tense.
The results of each step of !our ethods should %e presented in this chapter.
For e$aple' if a step in !our ethods (as to conduct a needs assessent
and/or to develop a curriculu scope and se#uence' then the results of these
steps :the results of the needs assessent' the actual curriculu frae(or);
(ould %e presented in /hapter J. The *nal curriculu can %e presented in
this chapter' or dependin" on the forattin"/la!out of the curriculu and
lessons' it can %e referenced in this chapter and included as an appendi$. An
alternative accepta%le approach is to present results fro each step in
/hapter D (ithin that particular step fro /hapter D :needs assessent step
is descri%ed follo(ed %! the results of the needs assessent (ithin the sae
section;' (ith /hapter J %ein" reserved solel! for the actual
curriculu/lesson plans that (ere developed.
The curriculu should %e created as a standTalone product' (ith enou"h
inforation and content for soeone in !our *eld to use it. Et "enerall!
should include a %rief introduction' a ta%le of contents' and a series of lesson
plans (ith content and teachin" processes outlined' as (ell as the resources
needed to teach the aterial :e.".' Po(erPoint slides' handouts' detailed
descriptions of activities;. You a! li)el! (ant to include a list of additional
resources or recoended readin"s for the curriculu user. The curriculu
should consist of enou"h content for a iniu of .9 contact hours of
instruction. :This is a "uideline onl!' and (ill var! dependin" on the topic and
the audience.;. The curriculu la!out should %e as user friendl! as possi%le'
and !ou do not need to follo( APA "uidelines for the actual curriculu.
Chater ;
This chapter is usuall! (ritten in the present tense.
/hapter 2 often %e"ins (ith a suar! of the curriculu purpose and
process' as (ell as the results and the si"ni*cance of !our project. Et also
includes a Discussion section that connects !our curriculu project (ith !our
revie( of literature and' if applica%le' to !our theoretical frae(or). Also
discuss !our curriculu project in the conte$t of "eneraliKa%ilit!' if
applica%le. /hapter 2 a! include an Eplications and/or Recoendations
section' and should end (ith a /onclusion section.
Follo( APA "uidelines re"ardin" use of references in te$t and in the reference
8nl! references cited in !our chapter te$t are included in the reference list
:Pajares' 944=;. You can have a separate reference/readin"/resource list
(ithin !our curriculu that is for use %! !our curriculu users5 these
references are not listed in this section.
DRAFT Guidelines for M.E.Ed. Plan A Theses
and Plan B Projects
The follo(in" are e$aples of aterials appropriate for this sectionC needs
assessent instruent' letter to content/peda"o"! revie(ers' evaluation
for' lesson plan forat' etc. Dependin" on !our forat for /hapter J' the
*nal curriculu could %e an appendi$.
/res(ell' P. :9443;. 9esearch design Eualitative# <uantitative# and "i:ed "ethods
approaches' Los An"eles' /AC 1a"e.
Parjares' F. :944=;. Fle"ents of a proposal' Availa%le fro the author.
Theo%ald' M. :.33.;. =riting for "ethods of research' +npu%lished %oo)let for
1outheast Missouri 1tate +niversit!
-iersa' -. :.332;. 9esearch "ethods in education -n introduction' BostonC
All!n and Bacon.
-il)enson' A. :.33.;. The scientists hand$ooG for )riting papers and dissertations'
En"le(ood /liRs' &PC Prentice 0all.

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