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Friday, March 1, !"1" 1#"" $%m% & '#"" $m

INSTR)CTI*N# Se+ect the correct ans,er -or each o- the -o++o,in. /uestions% Mar0 on+y one ans,er -or each item
1y shadin. the 1ox corres$ondin. to the +etter o- your choice on the ans,er sheet $ro2ided%
STRICTL3 N* ERAS)RES ALL*4ED% )se $enci+ No% 1 on+y%
1% A 7(2o+t +ead(acid 1attery has an interna+ resistance o- "%"1 ohm% 6o, much current ,i++ -+o, i- the 1attery has a
short circuit8
a% 7"A b. 600A c% in-inity d% 9ero
!% A 1inary a++oy o- co$$er and 9inc%
a% :ron9e b. Brass c% A+nico d% Stee+
;% The resistance o- a conductor ,hen its tem$erature is increased,
a. increases 1% remain constant c% 2aries d% decreases
<% A 2o+ta.e source o- !"= is a$$+ied across the termina+s o- a !%'(ohm rheostat% Ca+cu+ate the $o,er dissi$ated in
the rheostat8
a% 160W 1% 1""4 c% 1'"4 d% 1>"4
'% )nit o- e+ectrica+ $ressure is
a% ,att 1% am$ere c% ohm d. volt
7% T,o resistors o- resistances ' ohms and ? ohms are connected in series across a 7"(2o+t source% 4hat is the
$o,er a1sor1ed in the '(ohm resistor8
a% '" ,atts 1% !' ,atts c. 1! "atts d% 1"" ,atts
?% 4hen usin. ohms +a,, E di2ided 1y I ,ou+d so+2e -or
a% ,atts 1% am$era.e c% 2o+ta.e d. resistance
>% In resistance co+or codin., red co+or is assi.ned to a 2a+ue
a% ; 1% " c. d% 1
% An e+ectric iron ta0es ; @ am$s% I- the heatin. e+ement has a resistance o- <" ohms, ,hat is its $o,er
a% "%<' 04 b. 0.#$ %W c% "%;' 04 d% "%'1 04
1"% Another name -or a secondary ce++%
a% 4et ce++ b. Stora&e cell c% Dry ce++ d% Dis$osa1+e ce++
11% T,o resistances o- > and 1" ohms res$ecti2e+y are connected in $ara++e+ and ta0e a tota+ current o- A% 4hat is
the current -+o,in. in the >(ohm resistance8
a. ! A 1% < A c% 7 A d% ; A
1!% 4hat is the resistance must 1e connected across a <(ohm resistor in order to .i2e an e/ui2a+ent resistance o- ;
a% 1" ohms 1% > ohms c. 1 o'(s d% None o- these
1;% 6o, is 2o+tmeter connected in a circuit8
a% Connect in short circuit across the +oad
1% Connect in shunt across the +oad
c. Connect in series across t'e load
d% Connect in o$en circuit ,ith the +oad
1<% Com$onent o- an atom that doesnAt ha2e any e+ectrica+ char.e%
a% E+ectron 1% 5roton c. Ne)tron d% None o- these
1'% A +ead(acid ce++ is constructed in mu+ti$+e -or the $ur$ose o- BBBBBB%
a% increasin. the em- o- the ce++
1% increasin. the ca$acity o- the ce++
c% increasin. the interna+ resistance o- the ce++
d. all o* t'ese
17% A measurin. instrument used to measure the diameter o- circu+ar ,ires in mi++s%
a% Micrometer 1% Mi++imeter c. Wire &a)&e d% Mi++iammeter
1?% The e+ectron in the +ast or1it o- an atom are ca++ed
a% 1ound e+ectrons 1% -ree e+ectrons c. valence electrons d% char.ed e+ectrons
5a.e 1
Friday, March 1, !"1" 1#"" $%m% & '#"" $m
1>% A <"" MCM ca1+e has ;? strands% 4hat is the diameter i- each strand in mi++s8
a% 1"%>1 1% 1">1 c. 10# d% 1">
1% The co$$er -ie+d coi+s o- a motor ,as measured at !1
C and -ound to ha2e a resistance o- 7> ohms% A-ter the
motor has run -or a .i2en time, the resistance is -ound to 1e " ohms% 4hat is the hot tem$erature o- the
a% 1"7%;7
C 1% 177%;"
C c% 1";%77
C d. None o* t'ese
!"% A secondary ce++ is char.ed ,ith a constant current o- 1" A -or 1" hours% 6o, much char.e is accumu+ated8
a. 100 co)lo(bs 1% ;7",""" cou+om1s c% 1"",""" cou+om1s d% 7",""" cou+om1s
!1% A ce++ ,hose em- is 1%<' = has an interna+ resistance o- < ohms% 4hat current ,i++ -+o, i- this ce++ is connected
across a 1 & ohms resistor8
a% "%< A 1% "%! A c% "%' A d. 0.+ A
!!% 4hat is the diameter o- a co$$er ,ire ha2in. a cross sectiona+ area o- ;,7 CM8
a% 1%7 mm 1% ?%> mi++s c% "%7 inch d. None o* t'ese
!;% 4hen n e/ua+ resistors are connected in series to a source o- em- E 2o+ts, each ha2in. a resistance o- R ohms,
,hich o- the -o++o,in. statements is true8
a% The 2o+ta.e dro$ across one o- the resistor is e/ua+ to ECn
1% The e/ui2a+ent resistance o- the circuit is e/ua+ to nR
c% The current throu.h each o- the resistor is the same
d. All o* t'ese
!<% Gi2e an exam$+e o- an e+ectrica+ conductor%
a. Brass 1% As1estos c% S+ate d% Latex
!'% A sma++ 1u+1 ,ith a resistance o- 1""" ohms is connected across a 1!"(= +ine% 4hat is the current throu.h
the 1u+18
a% 1%! A b. 0.1 A c% "%"1! A d% 1! A
!7% 5ractica++y a++ 1atteries ha2e a nomina+ ratin. 1ased on the BBBB hour rate o- dischar.e%
a% > b. # c% 17 d% 1!
!?% The ener.y stored in an e+ectro+ytic ce++ is
a% an e+ectrica+ 1% a ma.netic c% a mechanica+ d. a c'e(ical
!>% The most common usa.e o- resistors in e+ectronic circuits is to BBBBBBBB%
a. li(it a c)rrent 1% introduce a 2o+ta.e dro$
c% .enerate heat d% a++ o- these
!% A !""(= +am$ has a hot resistance o- <"" ohms% The $o,er ratin. in ,atts o- the +am$ is
a. 100 W 1% !"" 4 c% 7"" 4 d% !'" 4
;"% A 1attery is char.ed at 1' A -or 1" hours% I- the 2o+ta.e is 1!" =, ,hat is the cost at 1%"" $er
a% 1' $esos b. 1, -esos c% 1! $esos d% !" $esos
;1% 6o, much current is $roduced 1y a 7"(= source connected across a 1!(0 resistance8
a% ' A 1% ?%! A c% !" mA d. ! (A
;!% I- 1> resistances, each o- a 2a+ue o- ;7 ohms, are connected in $ara++e+, then the tota+ resistance is
a% ;7 ohms b. o'(s c% 7<> ohms d% '< ohms
;;% A ,ire ,hose resistance is r ohms is 1ein. cut into -our e/ua+ $arts% I- these $arts are to 1e connected in
$ara++e+, ho, much is the e/ui2a+ent resistance in ohms8
a% rC1! 1% rC17 c% rC> d. r.#
;<% The resistance o- the materia+ in in2erse+y $ro$ortiona+ to its
a% 1% tem$erature c. cross/sectional area d% a++ o- these
;'% An ammeter is connected BBBBBB%
a. across t'e load
1% in series ,ith the +oad
c% in series($ara++e+ across the +oad
d% none o- these
5a.e !
Friday, March 1, !"1" 1#"" $%m% & '#"" $m
;7% I- the num1er o- 2a+ence e+ectrons is exact+y -our, the materia+ is
a. a cond)ctor b. a se(i/cond)ctor c. an ins)lator d% a su$erconductor
;?% Commercia+ unit o- an e+ectrica+ ener.y%
a% Dou+e 1% 4att(hour c% Me.a,att d. 0ilo"att/'o)r
;>% 4hat is the resistance that must 1e connected in $ara++e+ ,ith a 1%"(ohm resistance to .i2e an e/ui2a+ent
resistance o- "%! ohm8
a% "%?' ohm 1% "%!' ohm c. 1.0 o'( d% "%'" ohm
;% 4hen a 1attery is dischar.ed in use, its 2o+ta.e is BBBBB the theoretica+ 2o+ta.e%
a% >7%?; 1% 7 c% 7;%?> d% ?;%>7
<"% A ,ater heater ta0es !%' A at !;" =% 4hat is its hot resistance8
a% !" 4 1% >" 4 c. !00 W d% !"" 4
<1% An e+ectric iron dra,s 1' A at !!" =% It is desired to reduced the current to 1! A 1y connectin. a series rheostat%
4hat is the resistance o- the rheostat8
a. +.66 o'(s 1% <%'' ohms c% '%1! ohms d% 1%>7 ohms
<!% The a1i+ity o- a conductor to a++o, current -+o,%
a% Resistance 1% Coe--icient o- resistance
c. Cond)ctance d% 5ermea1i+ity
<;% :+ue is assi.ned to ,hat 2a+ue in the resistance co+or code8
a% ' b. 6 c% ? d% <
<<% Three 1!"(ohm resistor are connected in series($ara++e+% The e/ui2a+ent resistance o- the com1ination is BBBB%
a% ;7" ohms b. ,0 o'(s c% 1>" ohms d% <" ohms
<'% A !'(4 incandescent 1u+1 rated at 1!" = and o$erated on a 1!" = +ine has 1urnt out and has to 1e re$+aced as
soon as $ossi1+e% There are se2era+ +am$s a2ai+a1+e 1ut not o- the same ratin.% 4hich o- the 1u+1s 1e+o,
shou+d 1e used to a$$roximate the $o,er consum$tion o- the 1usted 1u+18
a. 0 "atts1 110 volts 1% 1"" ,atts, !<" 2o+ts
c% '" ,atts, !<" 2o+ts d% ?' ,atts, !!" 2o+ts
<7% A resistor o- ; ohms is connected in $ara++e+ ,ith one o- !(ohm resistance% I- the com1ination is connected in
series ,ith a <(ohm resistor, ,hat is the e/ui2a+ent resistance o- the ,ho+e com1ination o- three resistors8
a% 7%< ohms 1% '%> ohms c% <%' ohms d. !. o'(s
<?% A su1stance that cannot 1e decom$osed any -urther 1y a chemica+ reaction%
a% Ion b. Ele(ent c% Mo+ecu+e d% None o- these
<>% A resistance o- < "hms is connected in series to a $ara++e+ connection o- t,o >(ohm resistance% The tota+
resistance is
a% 7 ohms 1% !" ohms c. , o'(s d% 1! ohms
<% *ne horse$o,er is e/ui2a+ent to ho, many ,atts8
a. 2#6 1% ?7< c% 7?< d% None o- these
'"% A resistor o- <(ohm resistance is connected in $ara++e+ ,ith a series com1ination o- t,o resistors, ;(ohm and 1(
ohm res$ecti2e+y% 4hat is the e/ui2a+ent resistance o- the ,ho+e com1ination8
a% > ohms 1% ; ohms c% ' ohms d. None o* t'ese
5a.e ;

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