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Name : Okvianto Putra B

Nim : 20090310012

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning ladies and gentlemen
. As we know most of people in indonesia are smoker. Maybe some of you are smoker to. This
fenomena has been become life style in our society, it like a symbol of manliness. People start
smoking for variety of defferent reasons. Some people especially teenager think it looks cool, but
some people start to smoke because influence of their friends or their family. But do you know what
can cigarette do with your body ? cigarette contains of nicotin, in pharmacology it is some of deadly
poison in lethal dosage about 60 mg, one stick of cigarette contains about 15-20 mg nicotin. It can
make obstruction inthe heart blood vessel and than it can cause heart attack, beside that cigarette is
trigger of the other desease like cancer, stroke and impotence.
Nowdays we can`t closing our eye that cigarette`s industry have big contribution for
indonesian income. In 2004 indonesia get 27 quintillion rupiah from cigarette`s industry beside that
it can decrease unemployment in indonesia. But the profit is not comparable with our soceity health
There are many disadvantages of cigarette,
- first Based on association of public healthy survei in 2007, indonesia in the third place of
mortality case because of smoking, more than 1000 people and 67 % are male died every day
because of cigarette.
- second cigarette not only damage the smokers but the people arround of smoker or we call it
pasif smoker like womans and children can get the bad effect to.
- third If smoke of cigarette breath by pregnant woman it can cause their baby born with
abnormal condition like small for getational age, diabetes melitus, and mental retardation,
WHO (World Health Organization) explain that cigarette is source of desease in the world,
cigarette just bring diseases and death.

So what must we do to surpass this fenomena ?
- first we must have awarenes about the danger of cigarette and ask the people arround us to
stop smoking,
- second the goverment must make regulation for the smokers to don`t smoke in the public
place and give the high fine,
- third the goverment must to arrange campaign to stop smoking like World No Tobacco Day.
And the last the producen of cigarette must care about society helth, with decrease the
production of cigarette and doesn`t advertise their product on the public.
Maybe we need long time to ask people in order they have awarenes about the danger of smoking,
but if the goverment and the society can work together to surpass this fenomena, it possible
indonesian people can be free from smoking.
In conclusion smoking is not good for our health because it can cause many diseases like heart
attack, cancer and impotent. But we can surpass it if we have awarenes about the danger of cigarette
and the goverment make a regulation for smoker.
Thank you

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